Java is an object-oriented programming language. Some key concepts in Java include:
1. Objects, which are instances of classes that can contain data fields and methods.
2. Classes, which can use inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Inheritance allows a subclass to extend an existing class. Polymorphism allows methods to take different forms. Encapsulation protects data by hiding implementation details.
3. Packages, which group related classes and interfaces. Interfaces define methods but classes implement them. Constructors initialize objects.
Java is an object-oriented programming language. Some key concepts in Java include:
1. Objects, which are instances of classes that can contain data fields and methods.
2. Classes, which can use inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Inheritance allows a subclass to extend an existing class. Polymorphism allows methods to take different forms. Encapsulation protects data by hiding implementation details.
3. Packages, which group related classes and interfaces. Interfaces define methods but classes implement them. Constructors initialize objects.
Java is an object-oriented programming language. Some key concepts in Java include:
1. Objects, which are instances of classes that can contain data fields and methods.
2. Classes, which can use inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Inheritance allows a subclass to extend an existing class. Polymorphism allows methods to take different forms. Encapsulation protects data by hiding implementation details.
3. Packages, which group related classes and interfaces. Interfaces define methods but classes implement them. Constructors initialize objects.
Java is an object-oriented programming language. Some key concepts in Java include:
1. Objects, which are instances of classes that can contain data fields and methods.
2. Classes, which can use inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Inheritance allows a subclass to extend an existing class. Polymorphism allows methods to take different forms. Encapsulation protects data by hiding implementation details.
3. Packages, which group related classes and interfaces. Interfaces define methods but classes implement them. Constructors initialize objects.
a. A type of coffee c. A way to override a method in a b. A programming language subclass c. A type of bird d. A way to overload a method in a class d. A type of car 9. What is an interface in Java? 2. What is the main difference between Java a. A type of variable and other programming languages? b. A blueprint for a class a. Java is object-oriented c. A type of method b. Java is a compiled language d. A way to create a new object c. Java is interpreted 10. What is a constructor in Java? d. All of the above a. A way to create a new object 3. What is a Java Virtual Machine? b. A way to initialize an object a. A type of coffee maker c. A way to define a new method b. A software that allows Java code to be d. A way to define a new variable executed on different operating systems 11. What is a package in Java? c. A device used for virtual reality gaming a. A way to group related classes and d. None of the above interfaces 4. Which of the following is a primitive data b. A way to create a new object type in Java? c. A way to define a new method a. String d. A way to define a new variable b. Integer 12. What is a static method in Java? c. Float a. A method that can only be accessed by d. Boolean an instance of a class 5. What is an object in Java? b. A method that can only be accessed by a. A type of variable the class itself b. An instance of a class c. A method that can be accessed by any c. A method object d. A reserved keyword d. None of the above 6. What is inheritance in Java? 13. What is a static variable in Java? a. A way to define a new class based on a. A variable that can only be accessed by an existing class an instance of a class b. A way to define a new method b. A variable that can only be accessed by c. A way to define a new variable the class itself d. None of the above c. A variable that can be accessed by any 7. What is polymorphism in Java? object a. A way to create a new object d. None of the above b. A way to override a method in a 14. Find the output of the following code. subclass int Integer = 24; c. A way to overload a method in a class char String = ‘I’; d. All of the above System.out.print(Integer); System.out.print(String); 8. What is encapsulation in Java? a. A way to protect data by hiding a. Compiler error implementation details b. Throws exception c. I d. Method d. 24I 19. Which of the Following is used to find and fix 15. Find the output of the following Code? bugs in the Program Public class solution{ a. JDK Public static voicemail (String[] ARGS) b. JRE { c. JVM Short X = 10; d. JDB X = X * 5; 20. Output of Math.floor(3.6)? System.out.print(X); a. 3 } b. 3.0 } c. 4 a. 50 d. 4.0 b. 10 21. Which of the following keyword support c. Compile error dynamic method resolution? d. Exception a. Abstract 16. Find the output of the following code b. Virtual Public class solution{ c. Dynamic Public static voicemail (String[] ARGS){ d. Typeid Byte x = 127; 22. Which feature in OOPs allows reusing code? x++; a. Polymorphism x++; b. Inheritance system.out.print(x); c. Encapsulation } d. Data hiding } 23. An error element is accessed using? a. 130 a. The dot operator b. 127 b. A member name c. 129 c. An index number d. 128 d. An asterisk(*) 17. Find the value of a[1] after executing the 24. Element in an array identified by an following program unique____ Int[] A = {0,2,4,1,3}; a. Data Type For(int I = 0; i< a.lenght; i++) b. Subscript { c. Order a[i] = a[(a[i]+3)%a.lenght]; d. Symbol } 25. The void function does have return type? a. 0 a. True b. 1 b. False c. 2 26. Write a program to check if a number is d. 3 prime 18. What is Runnable? 27. Write a program to find the second largest a. Abstract class number in an array. b. Interface 28. Write a program to count the number of c. Class vowels in a string