ACLU Letter To DOJ

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September 14, 2011 VIA E-MAIL & FIRST CLASS MAIL T. Christian Herren, Jr. Chief, Voting Section Civil Rights Division U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Room 7254-NWB Washington, D.C. 20530 Re: Comment Under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act on Submission No. 2011-2775 -- Texass Photo Voter ID Law

Dear Mr. Herren: We, the undersigned -- non-partisan, not-for-profit organizations that work across the country and in Texas to protect the voting rights of AfricanAmericans, Latinos, and Asian Americans -- write to oppose the preclearance of Texass Senate Photo Voter Identification law, Bill 14 (SB14 or Act). The State of Texas has failed to meet the dual burden of proving (1) that SB14 was enacted for a non-discriminatory purpose, and (2) that SB14 does not have a discriminatory effect on minority voting strength. Accordingly, the Attorney General should interpose an objection to SB14. SB14 goes beyond merely requiring a photo ID to vote; it changes the entire process for voting in the State. Specifically, the current law, the benchmark against which the proposed changes must be judged for purposes of Section 5, allows a voter to cast a regular ballot simply by showing his/her voter registration certificate, which does not have a photograph. Additional identification is required only when the voter cannot present his/her certificate, and acceptable forms of additional identification include utility bills, paychecks, and other non-photo IDs. In sharp contrast, the proposed law, SB14, requires voters to present one of several very specific photo identification documents in order to cast a regular ballot, even if the voter

has a voter registration certificate and appears on the precincts voter registration list. These proposed changes -- both in the process and in the types of acceptable identification -- are unjustified and are unlawful under the Voting Rights Act. Specifically, the State has failed to carry either of the burdens necessary to achieve preclearance for SB14. It has failed completely to proffer any evidence that SB14 was enacted for a non-discriminatory purpose, and the evidence demonstrates otherwise. The State has also failed to proffer any evidence that the Act will not have the effect of denying or abridging the minority vote, and all of the available data indicate that the Act will negatively and disproportionately impact the voting rights of minority citizens in the State of Texas. In light of this, preclearance must be denied. See State of Georgia v. Ashcroft, 195 F. Supp. 2d 25, 74 (D.D.C. 2002) ([T]his rule mandates that preclearance be denied . . . if a new system places minority voters in a weaker position than the existing system. (citation omitted)). I. SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT LAW AND THE PROPOSED CHANGES________________________________________________

Currently, a Texas voter may cast a regular ballot in any election in Texas upon the presentation of his/her voter registration certificate, which does not contain the voters photograph. See Tex. Elec. Code Ann. 63.0001 (Regular Procedure for Accepting Voters). If the voters name appears on the precinct list of registered voters, the voter must be accepted for voting. Id. Only if a voter does not have his/her voter registration certificate is the voter required to present proof of identification if s/he wants to cast a regular ballot. Id. 63.008 (a), 63.009 (b). An acceptable proof of identification, under the benchmark plan, includes the following: (1) [A] driver's license or personal identification card issued to the person by the Department of Public Safety or a similar document issued to the person by an agency of another state, regardless of whether the license or card has expired; [A] form of identification containing the person's photograph that establishes the person's identity; [A] birth certificate or other document confirming birth that is admissible in a court of law and establishes the person's identity; United States citizenship papers issued to the person;

(2) (3)



(5) (6) (7)

[A] United States passport issued to the person; [A]n official [piece of] mail addressed to the person by name from a governmental entity; [A] copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter; or [A]ny other form of identification prescribed by the secretary of state.


Tex. Elec. Code Ann. 63.0101. A voter is required to vote provisionally only if s/he does not have his/her voter registration certificate and does not have one of the many forms of identification allowed under current law. See Tex. Elec. Code Ann. 63.011. 1 In other words, a provisional ballot is used as an absolute last resort for voters whose identification cannot be verified at the polls. On May 27, 2011, Gov. Rick Perry signed into law SB14, which amends relevant provisions of the Texas Election Code and the Texas Transportation Code so to require all voters to produce one of the following in order to vote by regular ballot: A Texas-issued drivers license, a Texas state identification card, a license to carry a concealed handgun, a U.S. military card, or a U.S. passport, each of which must be current or have expired no earlier than 60 days before the date of presentation; or A U.S. citizenship certificate that contains a photograph of the voter.

This means that a voter who has his/her voter registration certificate, but is not on the list may still cast a regular ballot, without additional proof of identification. See Tex. Elec. Code Ann. 63.006. It also means that even a voter with an incorrect voter registration certificate who is not on the list may still cast a regular ballot, after executing an affidavit attesting to certain facts about him- or herself, including information about residency. See Tex. Elec. Code Ann. 63.007.


See Senate Bill 14, Charter 123, 82nd Legislature 2011, available at A voter who does not present a current or recently-expired form of photo identification when appearing to vote at the polling place and who does not fall within the scope of the Acts very narrow exemptions, 2 may vote provisionally. The Act permits election officials to count a voters provisional ballot only if the voter presents an acceptable photo ID within six days of casting the provisional ballot. The Act also requires, among other things, the Department of Public Safety to issue an election identification certificate free of charge to those who request it for voting purposes. The Secretary of State and local election officials also must develop voter education programs, create training programs for polling place officials, and revise election forms and postings, beginning on September 1, 2011. Finally, the Act reclassifies the offenses of fraud and attempted fraud in voting and increases the penalties for these criminal acts, to as much as 20 years in prison and as much as $10,000 in fines for those convicted of fraud. See Tex. Penal Code 12.33 (Second Degree Felony Punishment). On July 25, 2011, Texas submitted its request for preclearance of SB14 to the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ, Justice, or Department). See Letter from Ann McGeehan, Director of Elections, Texas Secretary of State to T. Christian Herren, Jr., Chief Voting Section, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice (July 25, 2011) (Submission Letter). For the reasons set forth below, the Attorney General must interpose an objection to SB14. II. SB14 WAS ENACTED FOR A DISCRIMINATORY PURPOSE.

In assessing whether a piece of legislation was enacted with a discriminatory purpose, the Department must undertake a sensitive inquiry into such circumstantial and direct evidence of intent as may be available. Village of Arlington Heights v. Met. Housing Dev. Corp., 429 U.S. 252, 266

The Act exempts persons who cannot be photographed for religious reasons, those with disabilities, and those who can prove that they have been the victims of a natural disaster, which is defined very narrowly. See Submission Letter at 5 (disabilities), 8 (religious objection and natural disasters).


(1977). As the Supreme Court made clear in Arlington Heights, the starting point of this analysis is whether the official action . . . bears more heavily on one race than another. Id. (quotation & citation omitted). Other factors that should be considered include (1) the historical background of the jurisdictions decision; (2) the specific sequence of events leading up to the challenged decision; (3) whether there were any departures from the normal procedural sequence; and (4) the legislative or administrative history. Id. at 266-68. Instead of providing any proof whatsoever that SB14 was enacted for a non-discriminatory reason, Texas relies solely on its self-serving claim that [t]he Act does not have the intent and will not have the effect of diluting the voting strength of any racial or linguistic minority. Submission Letter at 10. This statement is woefully inadequate to meet its burden of proof. And, as outlined below, it is inconsistent with the facts. Indeed, all five factors indicate that SB14 was enacted for a discriminatory purpose. A. The Acts Discriminatory Impact Evidences Its Discriminatory Purpose.__________________________________________________

As set forth in detail below, voters of color will suffer negatively and disproportionately if SB14 is allowed to proceed to implementation. Specifically, voters of color are disproportionately less likely to possess the required forms of identification and do not have the same access to those forms of identification (or to the free election identification certificate, for that matter) as their White counterparts. Under the benchmark plan, an elector may vote after presenting his/her voter registration certificate or, in lieu of that, another form of non-photographic identification. Because the Act prohibits a voter from voting unless s/he presents a photo ID, voters of color will not be able to exercise their franchise to the same degree as White voters and their voting strength will be diluted. This important Arlington Heights factor evidences discriminatory intent. B. Texass Long and Infamous History of Suppressing the Minority Vote Evidences the Acts Discriminatory Purpose.______________

Texass history of suppressing the rights of voters of color is long and painful. As set forth in the declaration of Dr. F. Chandler Davidson (Davidson Decl.) (attached as Exhibit A), an expert on voting discrimination in Texas, the State has employed simple-minded as well as sophisticated tactics to suppress the minority vote.



Voter Suppression in Texas 1845-65: Limiting the Latino Vote____________________________________

Discriminatory voting practices in Texas date back to 1845, when the State achieved statehood. Davidson Decl. at 7. It began with the oppression of Mexican-Americans and expanded from there. Id. at 8. Early efforts focused on preventing citizens from organizing. Id. 2. Emancipation and Reconstruction

The emancipation of slaves in 1865 did little to improve the rights of Black and Brown voters when it came to electoral politics. Id. at 9. An all-White constitutional convention refused to grant suffrage to Blacks, even literate Blacks, and refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment forbidding states from depriving citizens equal protection of the law. Id. During Reconstruction, Blacks achieved some level of political participation, with Blacks voting, serving on convention committees, and ultimately securing at least two state senatorial seats. Id. at 11-12. But that participation was short-lived. 3. Post-Reconstruction Backlash: Restrictions to the African-American Vote__________________________

The end of Reconstruction in 1873 brought about an end to the gains achieved by Blacks during Reconstruction. Gerrymandering cut the number of Black legislators sharply. Id. at 16. And intimidation and violence were used to suppress turnout among voters of color. Id. Discriminatory practices by the State to disenfranchise voters of color continued into the 1900s. In 1902, the Teas Constitution was amended to impose the poll tax, and in 1903 and 1905, lawmakers passed restrictive registration laws. Id. By 1906, Blacks were not a force in electoral politics. Id. It was as though Reconstruction had never happened in Texas. When the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was established in 1910, Blacks began participating more and more in civic groups and pressing their rights through litigation. Id. at 17. Until 1923, White primaries -- primaries in which only Whites could vote -- operated at the discretion of county executive committees. That year, however, the legislature passed a law preventing Blacks from participating in any primary elections. Id. That law was challenged by a Black physician, and in 1927, the United States Supreme Court struck the law down, finding an equal protection violation. See Nixon v. Herndon, 273 U.S. 536 (1927). In response, the state legislature shifted authority so as to prohibit Black participation in state executive committees. Id. at 18. -6-

The same physician challenged this action, and the United States Supreme Court struck this law as well, finding that the committees lacked authority to act for the State and making clear that the State convention had such authority. See Nixon v. Condon, 286 U.S. 73 (1932). Predictably, the State convention then adopted a rule excluding Blacks from its primaries. A Black Houstonian challenged this law. Id. The Supreme Court upheld this law, finding that political parties were voluntary associations and, thus, could restrict participation. See Grovey v. Townsend, 295 U.S. 45 (1935). In the 1940s, a Black woman named Lonnie Smith was prevented from voting in the Texas Democratic primary, and she challenged this treatment in a 1942 lawsuit. In this case, the Supreme Court found that because primaries are regulated by Texas law, the convention was an agency of the State, and the law violated the Fifteenth Amendments protection against racial discrimination in voting. See Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649 (1944). This decision marked the end of the White primaries in Texas, once and for all. Davidson Decl. at 18. After the Smith decision, Black and Brown voters began to emerge as a political force in Texas. Id. at 21. As a result of legislative reapportionment in 1966, Blacks were nominated to posts above the level of precinct chair for the first time since Reconstruction. Id. at 22. And, in that year, Barbara Jordan, a Black attorney, won a seat in the Texas legislature. Id. In 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment abolished the poll tax in federal elections. Id. at 24. And, in 1966, the Supreme Court abolished its use in state and local elections. In order to prevent voters of color from electing candidates of their choice, Whites began voting in blocs. Id. at 25. This resulted in the dilution of the minority vote. Id. In 1973, the Supreme Court held this practice to be unconstitutional in the context of redistricting. Other vote dilution cases followed, which produced an increase in Black and Brown legislators in the 1970s. Id. 4. The Voting Rights Act and Post-VRA Suppression Tactics in Texas________________________________

In 1975, recognizing Texass long history of disenfranchising voters of color, Congress included Texas was the jurisdictions subject to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. 3 Since that time, Texas has been required to secure

In 1965, Asian Americans as a group were allowed to become citizens, with full voting rights. Asian Americans have historically been denied the (continued . . . ) -7-

preclearance of any law, practice, or procedure that affects voting. This oversight, however, did not mark the end of voting discrimination in Texas. Since 1965, the State of Texas has engaged in at least two types of discriminatory practices against voters of color: (1) intimidation at polling sites, and (2) passage of laws designed to diminish minority voting strength. Id. at 31. According to Dr. Davidson, the former practice has gotten very little media attention, at least not until his study in 2004. In this study, Dr. Davidson and three colleagues looked at four incidents in Texas in the 1980s involving efforts by White conservatives to purportedly prevent voter fraud in elections by intimidating voters. Id. at 32. Dr. Davidson provides a detailed account of one of these incidents that paints a disturbing picture of the desperate measures that White Texans had undertaken to keep minority voters from voting. See id. at 33-43. Voter intimidation continued, but was implemented with even more fervor after the 2010 elections, when the country saw record turnouts of Black and Brown voters. In that year, a new Texas group, known as the King Street Patriots, was formed. Id. at 44. Its principal mission appears to be to harass voters in minority precincts, in the guise of preventing fraud. Id. at 44. This Texas group has now gone national. Id. The other form of discriminatory practice is of the type at issue here -- -- that is, laws that are allegedly aimed at preventing fraud, but, in truth, are motivated by a discriminatory purpose and have a discriminatory effect. Id. at 45. Texass photo ID law was first pressed by State lawmakers in 2006 and was reintroduced in the next two sessions, but it failed each time, id. -- as it should have been given that there was no (continued . . . ) right to vote through the groups legislative exclusion from citizenship at various points in history, starting in 1790 with the Naturalization Act of 1790, which limited naturalization to free white persons. See Naturalization Act of 1790, ch.3, 1 Stat. 103. See also Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934, ch. 84, 48 Stat. 456 (1934) (imposing annual quota of fifty Filipino immigrants); Immigration Act of 1917, ch. 29, 39 Stat. 874 (establishing an Asiatic barred zone); Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, ch. 126, 22 Stat. 58, 5861. It was not until the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965, which eliminated the national origins quota system, that Asian Americans were finally allowed to become citizens, finally gaining the right to vote. See Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965, Pub. L. No. 89-236, 79 Stat. 911 (1965).


evidence that in-person impersonation was a problem in the State of Texas. This was made clear by a study that Dr. Davidson conducted in 2008. This study was the results of an effort undertaken by the States Attorney Generals Office to crack down on so-called voter fraud. This effort was conceived by then Attorney General of the State, Greg Abbott, after the first photo ID bill failed to pass. At that time, he announced a training initiative to identify, prosecute, [and] prevent voter fraud, claiming that voter fraud was an epidemic in the State. Id. at 46. The Attorney General publicized the results of his initiative, which Dr. Davidson analyzed in 2008. Dr. Davidsons findings were clear: He found that out of the millions of people voting in the State of Texas, the Attorney General had indicted, convicted, or sentenced only 13 people in a two-year period. Id. at 48. By the date of his study, six of the 13 had not yet been found guilty of any crime. Id. More telling, however, is the fact that none of the 13 were accused or convicted of in-person impersonation; most involved either political officials who were charged with engaging in illegal efforts to affect the election outcome, or persons who had helped elderly or disabled friends with their mail-in ballots, apparently unaware of a law passed in 2003 requiring them to sign the envelope containing the friends ballot. Id. In other words, none of the [13 matters] involved voter impersonation at the polls. Id. (emphasis original). Despite this data, in 2009, Republicans pressed the photo ID law again, but it was again defeated. Id. at 49. It was not until 2011, after conservatives had gained control of the Legislature, that the restrictive photo ID law, SB14, passed. As Dr. Davidson opines about SB14: [O]ne major purpose of the recently passed photo ID law is to discriminate against citizens of color, particularly Black and Brown voters. In this respect, it is very much in the tradition of Texas politically expressed racism that has been deeply imbedded in [the] states history since statehood in 1845. Id. at 52. Texass troubling history evidences that SB14 was enacted for a discriminatory purpose.



The Legislative History of SB14 -- Both the Sequence of Events Leading Up to Its Enactment and the Departures from Normal Procedures -- Evidences Its Discriminatory Purpose.___________

Both the sequence of events and departures from the normal procedures surrounding the enactment of SB14 provide additional proof of the Acts discriminatory purpose. First, Governor Rick Perry took the unusual and rare step of designating photo ID as a legislative emergency, removing a standard procedural requirement barring legislators from taking a vote on legislation during the first 60 days of the session. See, e.g., Dave Montgomery, Governor Gives Voter ID Bill Emergency Status in Legislative Session, Star-Telegram, Jan. 20, 2011, available at Perry designed the bill as a legislative emergency specifically to prevent opponents from using procedural rules, as they had done during debate of photo ID legislation in 2009, to delay vote on the legislation. See, e.g., Reeve Hamilton, Perry Declares More Emergency Items, Including Voter ID, Texas Tribune, Jan. 20, 2011, available at A second departure from normal procedure was a vote taken by the Texas Senate exempting the photo ID bill from the rule requiring a supermajority vote for a bill to reach floor debate. See, e.g., Gary Scharrer, Senate Minority Keeps Its Clout Except for Voter ID. Voter ID Legislation Made an Exception as Tradition Otherwise Maintained, San Antonio ExpressNews, Jan. 20, 2011, available at politics/texas_legislature/article/Senate-minority-keeps-its-clout-except-for966981.php. The Senate voted 18-11 to keep this rule in place, but specifically exempted the photo ID bill. Id. According to Representative Todd Smith, chair of the House Elections Committee, the rule change was designed to prevent a repeat of last year's stalling maneuvers on photo ID. Dave Montgomery, Governor Gives Voter ID Bill Emergency Status in Legislative Session, Star-Telegram, Jan. 20, 2011, available at Finally, there were allegations of secret meetings among the bills proponents related to adoption of a conference committee report on photo ID and final amendments to the legislation. During debate in the House, State Rep. Patricia Harless, the House sponsor of the legislation, introduced a lastminute resolution to go outside the bounds of the committee and amend the


final version of the bill to include matters not raised in conference, related to provisions requiring the state to issue a free state ID to voters without acceptable ID and to exemptions from the ID requirement based on religious belief. See, e.g., Julian Aguilar, House Adopts Voter ID Conference Report, Texas Tribune, May 16, 2011, available at During the debate regarding the free ID provision, the bills opponents challenged the procedures, specifically charging that there had not been a public hearing or public notice on debate of the provisions. Texas lawmakers have acknowledged, (and the legislative history reinforces), that proponents of SB14 took concerted measures to depart from normal procedure specifically to push forward passage of the photo ID bill without the usual level of legislative debate and scrutiny and the normal parliamentary procedures. And, they offered no substantive justifications for such departures. This sequence of events and these significant procedural departures -- without any justification -- further evidence the discriminatory purpose of SB14. D. The Legislative Record -- Including Statements by Lawmakers -Evidences the Discriminatory Purpose of SB14._______________

The debate among lawmakers regarding SB14 shows that the integrity of the voting process is not the real purpose of the Act. While a supporter of the law referenced voter fraud during a debate on the Act, she was unable to point to any actual evidence that voter fraud is a problem and ignored completely the claims of disparate impact by opponents of the Act. Specifically, after being reminded that this law would be subject to Section 5, when questioned about the fraud issue, Representative Patricia Harless, a sponsor of the Act, admitted that there was no evidence of this problem in Texas and that the law was being pressed because other states had done so: Rep. Harless: We heard testimony in committee . . . of many people suggesting that that occurred and -Rep. Marc Veasey: Suggesting that occurred and had producing [sic] evidence that that occurred are two different things. Rep. Harless: And I understand that and I appreciate that and I appreciate in the vain that youre offering this but the whole purpose of having a photo ID is so that when you go to the polls you are showing proof of who you are. Weve laid out the criteria and thats the bill


basically because at that point you can just sign an affidavit and say youre who youre saying you are without proving that you are that person. .... Rep. Veasey: This is one of the thing [sic] that is [sic] we are not going to agree on but I want to make sure that we get the point for the record here because obviously with us being a Section 5 state people are going to be watching and we want to make sure that we do everything that we can to be sure that everyone can cast their suffrage. Help me understand someone help me understand why this is okay because basically what you talked about earlier, one of the things you mentioned that we heard stories of voter fraud and voter impersonation. We heard stories but there was never any proof. Why should we pass such a stringent bill and stringent law based on rumor and innuendo? Basically rumor and innuendo that has circled around voting and African Americans since after reconstruction. The same sort of silly resumers [sic] that are based on innuendo and things people hear in other communities without even going into an AfricanAmerican community or Latino community and actually seeing what is going on. Just plain rumors. Rep. Harless: You ready for an answer? Rep. Veasey: Absolutely. Rep. Harless: SB14 is similar to the case the legislation that was passed in Indiana that was upheld by the U.S. Constitution. It is similar to the bill filed in Georgia that was approved by the Department of Justice. Texas 82 Legislative Session, House Transcript (Mar. 23, 2011) (emphasis supplied), available at So knowing that the Act would be subject to Section 5 review and that certain lawmakers had serious questions about whether fraud was a real issue, Representative Harless had to admit that it was not. Her stated justification for the law was that two other states had passed similar laws that were upheld. This was her sole answer as to why the State of Texas needed such a law.


In hindsight, that answer is not surprising. During the debate on SB14, the legislators received considerable credible data discrediting claims that the legislation was necessary to combat voter fraud. Specifically, the Texas House Research Organization analysis of SB14 provided to legislators noted that opponents made clear that: little or no evidence of the voter fraud that the bill purports to address [exists]. No proof exists of organized, widespread voter fraud at the polls, and any recent individual cases of voter impersonation are anecdotal at best. Fraser, Harless, et al., House Research Organization SB 14 Bill Analysis, S. 82, Reg. Sess., at 8-9 (Tex. 2011), available at ba82r/sb0014.pdf#navpanes=0. This analysis cited a 2009 interim report by the Texas House Elections Committee finding no evidence of noncitizens abusing the electoral system. Id. Moreover, the Texas House Committee on Elections interim report to the 82nd legislature acknowledged that, based on testimony from the Texas Attorney Generals Office, evidence of voter fraud is lacking. Id. Legislators were also advised of a 2006 interim report by the Texas State Affairs Committee concluding that almost all evidence of voter fraud involved mailin ballots, which would not be addressed by the requirements of SB14. Id. Opponents cited other evidence as well making clear that in-person impersonation is not a problem in the State of Texas. See generally id. at 811. These lawmakers were urged to examine empirical data, id. at 9, before taking this legislative action. Instead of examining such data, proponents in the Legislature ignored it entirely. 4 This evidence is consistent with the findings of studies of the issue generally, concluding that voter impersonation, the only voting irregularity that could possibly be addressed by a strict photo ID requirement, is virtually non-existent. See Advancement Project, Whats Wrong With This Picture? New Photo ID Proposals Part of a National Push to Turn Back the Clock on Voting Rights (April 2011) at 4-5 (listing studies finding no problems with voter impersonation), available at 0ID6%20low.pdf; see also Lorraine C. Minnite, The Myth of Voter Fraud, Cornell Univ. Press (2010) (study of all 50 states and the Department of Justice, finding that allegations of voter impersonation fraud at the polls are not supported by empirical evidence).

The evidence before the Legislature is also consistent with Dr. Davidsons study of the voter fraud fighting effort led by the Texas (continued . . . ) -13-

These lawmakers also chose to ignore the concerns raised about the way this strict law would affect voters of color: Rep. Dawna Dukes: Well, many of us have been trying to do that prior to 1964. To make sure that it was fair and secure but this law is changing a whole lot of things that my ancestor[s] went through. Its changing it by making it more difficult for my ancestors and people who look like me to have the ability to go and vote. Its making it more difficult for people who are disenfranchised to have the ability to go down and get some form of ID because theyll be charged with an additional amount. . . . Dont try to make it more difficult for my people to have the ability to vote. . . . . Texas 82nd Legislative Session, House Transcript (Mar. 23, 2011), available at These concerns were voiced in the Senate as well. Citizens testified that the stringent photo ID requirement will have a disparate impact on voters of color and will prevent many minority Texans from being able to vote. See, e.g., Video of the Hearing Before the Committee of the Whole Senate, available at &mo=01. Indeed, Senator Leticia Van de Putte predicted that [SB14] will face trouble because it will hamper voting by minorities and Texans with disabilities because there are not enough alternatives for Texans who cannot provide a photo ID. Mike Ward, Texas Senators Split on whether Voter ID Bill Constitutional, The Austin American-Statesman, Jan. 26, 11 available at -onwhether-voter-id-bill-1210139.html (quotations omitted). This legislative history makes clear that avoiding fraud was not the real purpose of the Act and that the law makers were well aware of the concerns of disparate impact. A majority of the Legislature passed SB14 nonetheless, hoping, it seems, that they would be relieved of their burden to prove the law was not enacted for a non-discriminatory reason because of the

(continued . . . ) Attorney General office. As noted above, Dr. Davidson found that during an almost two year period, there were only thirteen indictments, convictions, and/or sentences pertaining to voter fraud (out of millions of votes), none of which involved in-person impersonation, the type of fraud allegedly addressed by SB14. See Davidson Decl. at 48.


Indiana and Georgia laws. The State simply cannot be relieved of this burden of proof, which it has clearly failed to meet. * * * Under the Arlington Heights test -- which focuses on the discriminatory effect of the law and considers the history of the State and the legislative history and record of the new law -- it is clear that SB14 was enacted for a discriminatory purpose. III. TEXAS HAS NOT PROVED -- AND CANNOT PROVE -- THAT SB14 WILL NOT HAVE A DISCRIMINATORY EFFECT VOTERS OF COLOR._________________________________________________________

Texas offers absolutely nothing to show that SB14 will not have a discriminatory effect on minority voting strength. Instead, it relies on its bald and self-serving statement that [t]he Act will not affect members of any racial or linguistic minority differently from the way the general public is affected. Submission Letter at 10. Available data demonstrates otherwise. A. PROTECTED GROUPS ARE LESS LIKELY THAN WHITES TO POSSESS THE TYPES OF IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED BY SB14.___________________________________________________

Preclearance must be denied because the State has not even attempted to submit evidence as to key facts, such as the number of persons in Texas who possess the type of identification necessary to satisfy the Act, and whether voters of color are less likely than White voters to possess such identification. Without presenting such information, the State cannot satisfy its burden of demonstrating no discriminatory impact. Indeed, available data demonstrates that, as a general matter, requirements for state-issued photo IDs have a more severe impact on voters of color than White voters. Several key studies examining this question in other states have established that voters of color are less likely to possess the identifications required by the Act. Relying on three leading studies, Leland Beatty, a census and voting expert, assessed the level at which each racial group will be affected by the requirement for state-issued IDs. See Declaration of Leland Beatty (Beatty Decl.) at 15 (attached as Exhibit B). Those levels are revealing -- and disturbing:


PERCENTAGE OF REGISTERED VOTERS WITHOUT STATE IDS ETHNICITY HOOD STUDY PASTOR STUDY BARRETO STUDY African-American 6.80% 2.20% 18.10% Latino 7.30% Not Calculated Not Calculated White 3.70% .90% 11.50% Other/Missing 4.90% Not Calculated Not Calculated Although the studies do not agree in all respects concerning the level of disparity, they all show the existence of a marked disparity between the percentage of minority voters without state-issued IDs and percentage of White voters falling into that category. The Barreto study discovered that 18.1% of African-Americans do not possess the required ID, compared to 11.5% of Whites. See Beatty Decl. at 15. The Hood study shows that minority voters are twice as likely not to possess the required IDs -- that is, African-Americans at 6.80% and Latinos at 7.30%, while Whites are at 3.70%. See id. And, the Pastor study concluded that African-Americans voters do not possess the required IDs at a rate of almost 2.5 times as high for White voters. Id. Mr. Beatty then applied those percentages to registered voters in Texas and found that hundred of thousands of minority voters do not possess the required identification and will be adversely affected as a result. See Beatty Decl. at 15. From this data and analysis, Mr. Beatty concluded: While studies differ over the full impact of requiring voters to produce state-issued photo identification, there is broad agreement that photo identification laws result in the disenfranchisement of some voters. Research also indicates a strong likelihood that minority voters will be disenfranchised at a significantly greater rate than white voters. Beatty Decl. at 16. This data makes clear that Black and Brown voters will suffer adversely and disproportionately as they are far less likely to possess a drivers license or State ID card than their White counterparts. 5 In light of this discriminatory effect, an objection to the Act must be interposed. 6

As of this writing, the State has not provided the undersigned with the data necessary to calculate the exact numbers of voters in Texas without the (continued . . . ) -16-



The acts discriminatory effect is also evidenced by the fact that voters of color (registered and would-be) are less likely to be able to afford the types of identification required by the Act, compared to White voters. As stated above, if allowed to be implemented, SB14 will place strict photo ID requirements on voters -- in sharp contrast to current law that allows a voter to vote with a number of different types of identification, most of which are not photo IDs. This will adversely and disproportionately affect citizens of color who do not have the financial wherewithal as their White counterparts to secure the documentation necessary to meet the Acts strict requirement. Specifically, as the declaration of Mr. Beatty establishes that, by every measure, citizens of color fare worse financially than their White counterparts. For example: 8.8% of White Texans live below the federal poverty level of $22,350, compared to African-Americans at 22.8% and Latinos at 25.8%. See Beatty Decl. at 12. Among voting age Texans, the poverty rate for Whites is 8.3%, while the poverty rate for African-Americans is 18.8% and for Latinos is 20.8%. See Beatty Decl. at 13. The median income for all White voters in Texas is $56,587, yet it is only $39,271 for African-American voters and $39,153 for Brown voters -- 44% less than the median income for White voters. See Beatty Decl. at 14.

(continued . . . ) State-issued IDs. If the State ever produces this data to the undersigned, or to Justice, the undersigned will analyze it and supplement this Comment Letter accordingly.

The undersigned has been unable to find and secure racial breakdown data for holders of passports, handgun licenses, and citizenship certificates; see Beatty Decl. at 7, and, thus, it reserves the right to comment on any and/or all of the discriminatory effect(s) based on these forms of identification if such racial breakdown data becomes available.


Because of these stark economic disparities, the cost of securing the required documents, the cost of the required documents themselves, and the time and cost associated with securing all necessary documents, will disproportionately affect voters of color. And, the effects will be quite adverse as these costs are not insubstantial. For example: 7 The cost of a drivers license, one of the required forms of identification, is $25. There is also an $11 fee for the drivers exam. The cost of a State ID card, one of the required forms of identification, is $16. The cost of the documents necessary to secure a drivers license or a State ID includes the following: o The cost of birth certificate (original and copy) is $22, and o The cost of a marriage license (original and copy) is $71. All the costs reflected in this section of the Comment Letter were obtained from the following websites, last visited on August 30, 2011: TxDPS Driver License or ID Requirements, Texas Department of Public Safety, identificationrequirements.htlm (drivers licenses and state ID cards); Where to Write for Vital Records Texas, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (birth certificates); Personal Records Fee Schedule, Harris County Clerks Office, _Rec/Fee_Schedule.aspx (marriage licenses and divorce decrees); DPS Concealed Handgun License Fee Schedule, Texas Department of Public Safety, df (handgun licenses); TxDPS CHL Fingerprint Information, Texas department of Public Safety, /crime_records/chl/chlFingerrintInfo.htm (cost of electronic fingerprints); Customer Authentication | Concealed Handgun Licensing |, TexasOnLine, chl/ (electronic fingerprints requirement); Passport Fees, Travel.State.Gov, (passports); and Instruction for N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship, Department of Homeland Security, (citizenship certificate).


The cost of the handgun license, one of the required forms of identification, is $140, and the costs associated with securing this license are as follows: o The required drivers license or State ID card, which cost $25 and $16 respectively; o The required firearm training class unless s/he is a retired law enforcement officer, which costs $70 to $120 depending on the company offering the course; and o The required electronic fingerprints, which costs $9.95.

The cost of a U.S. passport, one of the required forms of identification, is $110 (passbook style) and $30 (card), and the cost of the required execution fee is $25. The cost for a U.S. citizenship certificate, one of the required forms of identification, is $600, and that does not include the costs of the documents needed in order to secure the certificate, which include: o A certified birth certificate at $22; and o A marriage license or divorce decree at $71.

These costs -- in addition to the cost of transportation to the various offices issuing these documents or providing the training (in the case of the firearms license) and the cost of lost wages that some voters will suffer -- are significant and burdensome, especially when one considers the current law, which allows voters to prove their identity without a government-issued card or a photograph. Because the new requirements of SB14 will fall more heavily on voters of color than on White voters, its effects will be discriminatory. C. PROTECTED GROUPS ARE LESS LIKELY TO HAVE ACCESS TO A TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE IN ORDER TO SECURE THE REQUIRED IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS._________________________

The discriminatory effect of SB14 is further evidenced by the fact that a significant number of citizens of color live in counties where they do not have access to a Texas Department of Public Safety (TDPS) office.


As noted above, SB14 requires voters to secure a drivers license, a State ID card, or, for those who do not possess one of the other required forms of photo identification, an election identification certificate. The request for such identifications must be made in person at a TDPS office. However, for those living in one of the 126 counties, approximately half of all of the counties in Texas, where the TDPS office is closed, temporarily closed, or has reduced business hours, this provision of the law is wholly inadequate. A careful study of available data reveals that there are 34 counties in Texas that either have no TDPS office or the office has been closed. See TDPS Closed Offices Spreadsheet (attached as Exhibit C). Of those 34 counties, the following four counties have a Latino population well over 50%: 8 COUNTY 9 Dimmit (No office) Kennedy (No office) La Salle (Office closed) Willacy (No office) TOTAL POPULATION 9,996 416 6,886 22,134 LATINO POPULATION 86.2% 76.7% 86.0% 87.2%

In addition, there are 46 counties where the TDPS office has been temporarily closed, and the TDPS has not provided specific information as to when, if at all, these offices will be re-opened. See TDPS Temporarily Closed Offices Spreadsheet (attached as Exhibit D). Of these 46 counties, the following 16 counties either have a Latino population over 50% or a combined minority population of over 50%: COUNTY Caldwell Cochran




All of the data referenced in this section of the Comment Letter are available at

Potter is another county in which the TDPS office is closed. While the countys Latino population is 35.3%, its total minority population is 53.4%, thus making it a predominately minority county.


Concho Crockett Duval Edwards Frio Garza Hudspeth Jim Hogg Karnes Kinney Lynn Refugio Terrell Upton

4,087 3,719 11,782 2,002 17,217 6,461 3,476 5,300 14,824 3,598 5,915 7,383 984 3,355

53.2% 63.2% 88.5% 51.3% 77.8% 47.1% 79.6% 92.6% 49.8% 55.7% 46.4% 47.2% 47.5% 49.0%

4.6% 3.8% 3.2% 3.2% 8.0% 8.4% 5.2% 2.6% 11.3% 4.6% 5.7% 9.5% 3.5% 5.7%%

To make matters worse, there are 46 counties where the TDPS office has reduced business hours, meaning that these offices are open only a few days a week, are open for less than eight hours a day, or a combination of both. See TDPS Reduced Hours Spreadsheet (attached as Exhibit E). Of those 46 counties, the following 14 have a Latino population over 50% or a combined minority population over 50%: COUNTY Brooks Castro Crane Culberson Medina Mitchell Moore Parmer Reagan Reeves Sutton Swisher Ward Winkler TOTAL POPULATION 7,223 8,062 4,375 2,398 46,006 9,403 21,904 10,269 3,367 13,783 4,128 7,854 10,658 7,110 LATINO POPULATION 91.2% 59.9% 55.1% 76.2% 49.7% 37.0% 52.7% 60.0% 60.9% 74.2% 59.6% 40.1% 47.6% 53.8% REMAINING MINORITY POPULATION 2.5% 4.5% 6.6% 5.7% 5.8% 13.9% 11.1% 4.7% 4.7% 7.9% 2.5% 10.1% 9.4% 6.5%


The lack of regularly opened TDPS offices in these counties is further exacerbated by the fact that minorities in Texas, as a general matter, tend not to have access to transportation at higher rates than whites. 10 Therefore, the burden of having to drive to a TDPS office in another county creates an additional obstacle for voters, especially those of color, when it comes to obtaining one of the required IDs or the election identification certificate. In short, SB14 will have a discriminatory effect on citizens of color because those citizens will have less access to TDPS offices than their White counterparts. An objection on this basis is in order. * * * In the final analysis, the data makes clear that SB14 will have a discriminatory effect on citizens of color because of great disparities in the possession of the required IDs and/or access (financially and practically) to the required IDs. For any or all of these reasons, the Attorney General must interpose an objection to SB14. IV. TEXASS PURPORTED SAFEGUARDS DO NOTHING TO ALLEVIATE THE DISCRIMINATORY EFFECTS OF SB14._

In its submission, the State contends that the safeguards it has included in SB14 -- that is, education and training requirements, the free election identification certificate, and the provisional voting requirements, including the cure provision, see Submission Letter at 11 -- will somehow mitigate all of the harm that will result from the new strict ID requirements. Nothing could be further from the truth. A. The Training and Notice Requirements Will Do Nothing To Address the Adverse and Disparate Impact of the Act.

The so-called training and notice requirements will do absolutely nothing to increase the numbers of those citizens of color who possess the required forms of identification, as compared to Whites, or to assure that voters of color possess the required identification at the same level as Whites. And, it will do little to guarantee that there will not be disparities, as those See U.S. Census Bureau, American Fact Finder, Texas, available at


noted above, in the difficulty in securing the required forms of identification. Training and education will do nothing to improve the accessibility of these forms of identification to voters of color, particularly those who live near or in poverty. 11 In short, training and education, no matter how elaborate, will do nothing to improve the disparities in the possession of and access to the forms of identification required by this law. 12 B. The Free Election Identification Certificate Is Hardly Free of Charge.______________________________________

Apparently recognizing the disparate impact of the Act, the State contends that one of the safeguards provided is an entirely new identification document that the State must provide free of charge to voters who attest to their inability to pay for the States required forms of identification. Submission Letter at 11. This so-called safeguard is anything but. According to the State, an election identification certificate will be issued by the TDPS to any registered voter (or applicant for registration), free of charge, who attests that s/he is obtaining the certificate because s/he does not have one of the required forms of identification. The Act authorizes the TDPS to require applicants [for the election identification certificate] to furnish the same information required for a drivers license. Submission Letter at 9. 13 The State may argue that knowing the locations will increase the chances of voters of color finding their local DPS offices, but such an argument would fail. The problems cited are not based upon voters not knowing where the offices are located. Instead, the problems relate to the number and hours of these offices and the issues related to transportation to these offices, all of which will continue to exist even if notified of office locations.

Because of the scant information provided by the State on its notice and training efforts, including specifically the types of outreach it will employ and the timeline for such notice and training, the undersigned does not have sufficient information to assess whether this provision could have the effect of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race, color, and/or membership in a language minority group, and reserves its right to comment on this provision further if and when the State provides additional information about it.

Because of the scant information provided by the State on the free election identification certificate, including the types of identification necessary to secure a free certificate, the undersigned does not have (continued . . . )


In order to secure a drivers license in the State of Texas, a driver must pay $25 for the license and $11 for the examination. Moreover, the driver must provide (i) one primary form of identification, (ii) two secondary forms of identification, or (iii) one secondary form of identification and two supporting forms of identification. See Identification Requirement for Texas Drivers License or Identification Card, driverlicense/identificationrequirements.htm. Each of these categories of documents contains forms of identification that cost money to secure. For example: For a person who wants to use a current passport as his/her primary form of identification, that person will have to pay $110 for passport book and a $25 execution fee to simply secure the passport, on top of the costs for the license and the exam. 14 For a person needing to use a certificate of birth as a secondary form of identification, that person could pay anywhere from $15 (for a birth certificate from Louisiana) to $22 (for a birth certificate from the State of Texas) to $50 (for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad), depending on ones place of birth, on top of the cost of the license and the exam. 15 One needing to use a supporting form of identification (because s/he lacks a primary form, or two secondary forms, of identification)

(continued . . . ) sufficient information to assess whether this specific provision could have the effect of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race, color, and/or membership in a language minority group, and reserves its right to comment on this provision further if and when the State provides additional information about it.

For drivers license information, see TxDPS Drivers License Fees, Texas Department of Public Safety,, and for information on passport fees, see Passport Fees, Travel.State.Gov,

See (Louisiana); (Texas); (Consular Report of Birth Abroad).


could use a marriage license or divorce decree, which would cost approximately $71 above and beyond the cost of the license and the exam. 16 Given these requirements, the State cannot support its claim that its election identification certificate is free of charge. Finally, no matter what underlying documents are required, voters of color will suffer the same burdens in securing this certificate as they will in securing the required forms of photo IDs -- that is, the burden of locating an accessible TDPS office and the costs associated in getting to a TDPS office. In short, the proposed election identification certificates will not be free and, thus, provide no safeguard for voters of color. C. The So-Called Cure Period for Voters Voting Provisionally Will Not Cure the Discriminatory Effects of the Act.________________

In an attempt to secure preclearance, Texas amended a provision of its provisional ballot law to allow a provisional ballot to be counted if the voter presents one of the required IDs within six days of casting the provisional ballot. This is hardly a cure: The so-called cure period does nothing to address the burdens that voters of color will suffer in securing the required identification, as detailed above. Moreover, given the high rate of provisional ballot rejections in Texas, this purported fail-safe provision in the law hardly ensures that a qualified voters ballot will be counted. While election officials may reject a provisional ballot for a variety of reasons, 17 the fact that the provisional ballot rejection Personal Records: Fee Schedule, Harris County Clerks Office, /Fee Schedule.aspx.

Some of the reasons why a provisional ballot may not be counted include a voters failure to return within the cure period to present a valid form of identification; the provisional ballot form was not properly completed; or the voter is not registered to vote in the precinct in which the provisional ballot was cast. See DEMOS, Provisional Ballots: Where to Watch 2008 (Oct. 2008), available at Texas is one of several states that refuse even to partially count a provisional ballot if the ballot was cast in the wrong precinct. See Jon Sherman, Provisional Ballot Counting Laws and Wrong Precinct Rejection (May 2011), available at This means that vote for statewide and federal elections also are rejected even (continued . . . )


rate in some Texas counties is as high as 100% strongly suggests that there is a problem regarding implementation of the provisional ballot law in Texas. In the 2004 presidential election, for example, 78.6% of the provisional ballots cast in Texas were rejected. 18 Notably, several of those provisional ballot rejections occurred in counties with predominately minority populations. The following chart provides a breakdown of those majority-minority counties with some of the highest provisional ballot rejection rates: 19 COUNTY MINORITY POPULATION 64.4% 61.1% 57.8% 91.7% 85.8% 55.5% 84.8% 61.1% 88.4% 55.5% 63.8% 64.7% 53.4% NUMBER OF PROVISIONAL BALLOTS CAST 9 5 5 3 10 8 2 6 12 51 15 20 72 NUMBER OF PROVISIONAL BALLOTS COUNTED 2 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 7 0 5 7

Castro Cochran Concho Duval Frio Garza Hudspeth Karnes La Salle Medina Moore Parmer Potter

(continued . . . ) though the elector remains qualified to vote for those particular elections based on where s/he lives regardless of the actual precinct in which the vote is cast. Provisional Voting and Voter Identification, Rutgers, Eagleton Institute of Politics, available at
18 It is also worthy noting that the provisional ballot rejection rates are high in counties with a closed TDPS office that have a significant minority population even if that population does not comprise 50% of the population: Austin County (35.9% minority population; 35 provisional ballots cast, but only 4 were counted); Falls County (48.9% minority population; 34 provisional ballots cast, but only 12 counted).


Swisher Willacy Winkler

50.2% 92.0% 60.3%

5 9 2

0 1 0

Those who voted provisional ballots in subsequent elections did not fare much better in terms of having their votes counted. In the 2006 elections, 70.1% of provisional ballots were rejected, and, in the 2008 presidential elections, the rejection rate was 77.6%. 20 These figures suggest that Texass provisional ballot counting process is severely flawed. To rely upon such a flawed system, especially when it comes to minority voters for purposes of Section 5 review, increases the likelihood that minority votes will be denied or abridged. * * * In the final analysis, the States so-called safeguards do nothing to address the discriminatory effects of SB14. V. THE SUPREME COURTS DECISION ON INDIANAS PHOTO LAW AND DOJS PRECLEARANCE OF THE GEORGIA PHOTO ID LAW DO NOT PROVE THAT SB14 WAS ENACTED FOR A NONDISCRIMINATORY PURPOSE OR THAT SB14 WILL NOT HAVE A DISCRIMINATORY EFFECT ON VOTERS OF COLOR._____________

Instead of offering any proof that SB14 was enacted for a nondiscriminatory purpose or that the Act will have non-discriminatory effect, the State relies on an Indiana photo ID law that was upheld by the United States Supreme Court and a Georgia photo ID law that was precleared by the Department of Justice. See Submission Letter at 10-14. Such reliance is completely misplaced. In a Section 5 review, the duty of the Attorney General is to assess whether the proposed changes were enacted for a discriminatory purpose and whether it will have a discriminatory effect, when compared to the benchmark plan, see 28 C.F.R. 51.52, not whether the proposed changes are similar or dissimilar to any other states laws. Even if the Department could consider these laws and these actions in this

U.S. Election Assistance Commission, The 2006 Election Administration and Voting Survey (Dec. 2007), available at; DEMOS, Provisional Ballots: Where to Watch in 2008 (Oct. 2008), available at


Section 5 review, it would quickly conclude that they are distinguishable in any event. A. Indianas Photo ID Law and the Crawford Decision are Inapposite. In its submission, the State claims that [t]he history of Indianas photo-identification law is relevant to DOJs Section 5 evaluation of the Act. Submission Letter at 12. But the history of that law, including the Supreme Courts decision in Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, 553 U.S. 181 (2008), is of no consequence here. As an initial matter, the law at issue in Crawford -- Indianas photo ID law -- is very different than the law being pressed here as the Indiana law allows for a broad range of acceptable documents. Specifically, the Indiana law defines proof of identification as a document that satisfies the following criteria: (1) (2) (3) (4) The document shows the name of the individual to whom the document was issued, and the name conforms to the name in the voters voter registration record. The document shows a photograph of the individual to whom the document was issued. The document includes an expiration date, and the document is not (A) expired or (B) expired after the date of the most recent general election. The document was issued by the United States or the state of Indiana.

Ind. Code Ann. 3-5-2-40.5 (2008). This definition includes employment cards, public assistance identification cards, expired documentation as old as two years old, and other types of identification disallowed under SB14. This is certainly broader than the limited types of identification required by SB14. Moreover and perhaps more importantly, Crawford was not a Section 5 case and did not involve a claim of racial discrimination. It was a facial challenge to Indianas photo ID brought by a handful of affected voters under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. That is very different than a Section 5 matter, which involves racial discrimination, which places the burden of proof on the covered jurisdiction (in this case, the State of Texas), and which use a completely different test for lawfulness. For this reason, the States reliance on Crawford is misplaced. Finally, because the issue in Crawford did not address the discriminatory effects of Indianas photo ID law, the Courts decision was not


based on either Section 5 or Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. Instead, under an equal protection analysis, the Court noted that (1) the State had proved that it had a legitimate interest (at least two) in prescribing the forms of allowable photo IDs, id. at 191-98; and (2) the plaintiffs had failed to proffer sufficient evidence of the burden that would be placed upon the narrow class of voter. id. It is for these reasons that the Court rendered its very narrow holding: We are persuaded that the [lower courts] correctly concluded that the evidence in the record is not sufficient to support a facial attack on the validity of the entire statute, and thus affirm. Id. at 188-89. The narrowly defined contours and holding of Crawford provide no guidance for assessing the claims and facts here, which show that the State has not proved, and cannot prove, that it has any legitimate reason for this invidious law or that the law does not have any discriminatory effect on voters of color. In short, Crawford is inapposite and, thus, does not and cannot dictate any outcome here. 21 B. The Departments Preclearance of the Georgia Law Is Immaterial to Its Section 5 Analysis of SB14._________

In its submission, Texas also suggests that the Attorney General should preclear SB14 simply because the Department precleared Georgias photo ID law. As noted above, however, the inquiry here is limited and clear -- that is, the purpose and discriminatory effect of SB14, as compared to the benchmark. It is not, as the State suggests, whether the Act is consistent with the laws of other states. Many of the undersigned groups also opposed Georgias photo ID law, and a district court granted a preliminary injunction preventing enforcement of the law based on the states original requirement that voters pay $17 to secure a state-issued photo ID. See Common Cause/Georgia v. Billups, 406

So too is the States reliance on certain studies regarding voting behavior since the implementation of Indianas law. Again and as noted above, Indianas law is much broader than Texass; thus, the fact that Indianas law had little to no effect on voting behavior after its implementation is not surprising. Moreover, Indiana is quite different than Texas, racially, culturally, and geographically, and there is no evidence that the behavior of Texas voters would mirror those of Indiana voters. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it is unclear how this data, if it is in fact correct, has any relevance whatsoever in the Departments analysis under Section 5, which is based solely on the Acts discriminatory purpose and its discriminatory effect, when compared to existing law.


F. Supp. 2d1326 (N.D. Ga. 2005). Following this ruling, Georgia amended the law not only to provide free photo IDs, but also had a mobile licensing unit (the Georgia Licensing On Wheels bus) that traveled the state to reach voters who lacked transportation or faced other difficulties with respect to obtaining the free ID. In addition, because Georgias initial Section 5 submission lacked sufficient information regarding the legislative history behind the photo ID law, the Department requested such additional information before making any determinations regarding the law. Moreover, Georgia implemented a statewide voter education campaign that, while still insufficient in many respects in our opinion, at least provided the Department with some guidance as to how the State intended to educate voters on the new law. Texass Section 5 submission, on the other hand, includes no such detailed information regarding voter outreach or any effective means that State plans to implement in order to assist voters in complying with the law. Regardless, the Departments decision with respect to Georgias photo ID law should have no bearing on how it analyzes Texass Section 5 submission. 22 VI. CONCLUSION

Because the State of Texas has offered nothing to prove that SB14 was not enacted for a discriminatory purpose or that it will not have a discriminatory effect (and because the evidence shows otherwise), the Attorney General must interpose an objection to SB14. If you have any questions about this Comment Letter or any other aspect of Submission 2011-2775, please contact Kumiki Gibson, on behalf of Advancement Project, at [email protected] or 202/258-6501 (Cell), or Nancy Abudu at the ACLU at [email protected] or 404/523-2721 ext. 218 (Direct).

Nor does the States one-page document that allegedly shows that voting actually increased in the State of Georgia between 2004 and 2008 (Submission Letter, attachment), when photo IDs were first required in that State. That chart is wholly deficient in establishing that SB14 will not have a discriminatory effect if implemented in Texas.


We thank you in advance for your full and careful consideration of this matter. Respectfully submitted,

Penda D. Hair Kumiki Gibson Denise Lieberman ADVANCEMENT PROJECT 1220 L Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20005 Laughlin McDonald Nancy Abudu AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES FOUNDATION, INC. 230 Peachtree Street, N.W. Suite 1440 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Terry Ao Minnis ASIAN AMERICAN JUSTICE CENTER 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 1200 Washington, D.C. 20036 Brenda Wright Tova Wang DEMOS 220 Fifth Avenue -- 2d Floor New York, New York 10001



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