Mwangi - Supplier Relationship Management and Operational Performance of Sugar Firms in Kenya

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This research project is my original work and has not been presented for examination to

any other university.

Signature ………………………… Date …………………………

Michael Mwangi


This research project has been submitted for examination with my approval as University


Signature ………………………… Date …………………………

Akelo E.O

Lecturer, Department of Management Science

School of Business,

University Of Nairobi.

This project is dedicated to the Almighty God for His protection and strength that saw me

through my study successfully. I also dedicated this research to my loving parents;

PaulOnesimusMwangiand Margaret Wangui for their support and unending love that

have enabled me come this far in my academic pursuit. God bless them.


My special and sincere thanks go to my supervisor Akeloforhis guidance, support, useful

comments and constructive critique which are all instrumental to the successful

completion of this research work. I also appreciate the support and encouragement from

my friends and family during the tough times that I had to balance between the demands

of this rigorous academic program and an equally demanding work environment. My

gratitude also goes to God Almighty who renewed my strength at every single stage of

this study.


In an increasing competitive marketplace, firms are seeking new methods of enhancing

competitive advantage and therefore, purchasing is becoming a strategic function and a
key factor in competitive positioning. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) plays
an important role in enhancing organisational performance through reduction of costs and
the optimization of performance in industrial enterprises. This study therefore sought to
assess the effect of supplier relationship management on operational performance of
sugar firms in Kenya. The study worked towards attaining the following objectives; To
determine the effect of supplier collaboration in product development on operational
performance of sugar firms in Kenya, To establish the effect of information sharing on
operational performance of sugar firms in Kenya, and To determine the effect of trust-
based relationship on operational performance of sugar firms in Kenya. Three theories,
namely the social capital theory, the theory of constraints, and the commitment trust
theory, anchored this study. The research absorbed a descriptive research design. The
study’s target population consisted of all the employees of the 13, currently operational,
sugar companies in Kenya serving in the companies’ supply chain departments (Chemelil
Sugar Factory; Kibos Sugar and Allied Factories; Muhoroni Sugar Factory; Mumias
Sugar Factory; Nzoia Sugar Factory; Sony Sugar Factory; South Nyanza Sugar Factory;
Sukari Industries Limited; Transmara Sugar Factory; West Kenya Sugar Factory; Butali
Sugar Factory; Kwale International Sugar Company and Kisii sugar factory).Primary data
was collected for analysis using questionnaires as instruments of collecting the data.
Analysis of the data was conducted through SPSS and the findings presented using
frequency tables, charts and graphs. The research established that trust-based
relationships, information sharing and supplier collaboartion in NPD positively impact
operational efficiency in the sugar sector in Kenya. It was also found that most of the
operations within the sugar firms are based on trust. In addition, the study concluded that
the sector is not highly efficient in managing all its operational undertakings. The
researcher recommends that the sugar firms should ensure that an effective supplier-
buyer information relationship structure is established, encourage supplier involvement in
product development and operational systems within the organisations should be made
reliable for the firms to attain operational excellence.

DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.............................................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................. v
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... ix
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1Background of the Study ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1Supplier Relationship Management .............................................................................................. 2
1.1.2Operational Performance .............................................................................................................. 3
1.1.3 Sugar Firms in Kenya .................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Research Problem ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.3Research Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Value of the Study .............................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 10
LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Literature Review.............................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 Social Capital Theory................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ..................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Commitment-Trust Theory ........................................................................................................ 12
2.3 Supplier Relationship Management .................................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 Trust-Based Relationship ........................................................................................................... 14
2.3.2 Information Sharing ................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.3 Supplier Collaboration in New Product Development ............................................................... 16
2.4 Operational Performance .................................................................................................................. 17
2.5 Empirical Review and Research Gap................................................................................................ 19
2.6 Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 22
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 22
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Research Design................................................................................................................................ 22

3.3 Target Population .............................................................................................................................. 22
3.4 Data Collection ................................................................................................................................. 23
3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 27
DATA ANALYSIS, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .............................................................................. 27
4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Response Rate ................................................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Background Information ................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.1 Number of Employees ............................................................................................................... 28
4.3.2 Supply Chain Department Employees ....................................................................................... 28
4.3.3 Age of the Organisation ............................................................................................................. 29
4.4 Trust Based Relationships................................................................................................................. 30
4.5 Information Sharing .......................................................................................................................... 32
4.5.1 Aspects of Information Sharing ................................................................................................. 32
4.6 Supplier Collaboration in New Product Development...................................................................... 36
4.7 Operational Performance .................................................................................................................. 38
4.7.1 Aspects of Operational Performance ......................................................................................... 39
4.7.2 Efficiency Level of Operational Performance ........................................................................... 40
4.8 Correlation Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 42
4.9 Regression Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 43
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 47
SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 47
5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 47
5.2 Summary of Findings ........................................................................................................................ 47
5.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 50
5.4 Recommendation of the Study .......................................................................................................... 50
5.5 Implication of the Study on Policy, Theory and Practice ................................................................. 51
5.6 Limitation of the Study ..................................................................................................................... 52
5.7 Suggestions for Further Studies ........................................................................................................ 53
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 54
APPENDICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix I: Questionnaire to Employees ............................................................................................... 59
Appendix II: WorkPlan ........................................................................................................................... 64


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework............................................................................…...21

Figure 4.1: Number of Employees…..……………….………………………………….28
Figure 4.2: Supply Chain Department Employees………………………….……….…..29


Table 3.1: Operationalization of Variables………………………………………………26

Table 4.1: Age of Organisation…………………………………………………………..30
Table 4.2: Trust Based Relationships….………………………………………….……..31
Table 4.3: Aspects of Information Sharing..………………………………………….....32
Table 4.4: Type of Shared Information………………………………………………….33
Table 4.5: Supplier Collaboration in New Product Development………………………36
Table 4.6: Aspect of Operational Performance……………....………………………….38
Table 4.7: Efficiency Level of Operational Performance……………………………….39
Table 4.8: Correlational Analysis…..................................................................................40
Table 4.9: Regression Analysis…………………………………………………….…....43
Table 4.10: ANOVA Table…………………………………………………….…..........44
Table 4.11: Regression Coefficients..……………………………………………….…..44


COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

GDP Gross Domestic Product

JIT Just-In-Time

KESREF Kenya Sugar Research Foundation

KSB Kenya Sugar Board

MSC Mumias Sugar Company

NPD New Product Development

SD Standard Deviation

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences

SRM Supplier Relationship Management

TOC Theory of Constraints


1.1Background of the Study
Kleinbaum,Kupper and Muller (2008) perceived Supplier Relationship Management

(SRM) as a detailed undertaking towards the management of a firm’s linkage with its

suppliers. Short range goals of SRM include increasingproductivity and reducing stock

and product cycle time while organisational goals to be attained in the long run through

the application of SRM entail increasingthe market size hence organisational income

margin(Ihiga, 2004). With the grouping of organisations under industries, a firm’

association with its suppliers has turned out to be a key factor. Organisations have

identified that establishing business relationships enhance its ability to effectively react to

the current competitive business landscape through enhancing cost management and

providing an opportunity for the organisations to concentrate on their key business

undertakings (Johnson, 2009). Generally, SRM is key for firms seeking to reduce their

operational costs while enhancing performance (Caeldries, 2008).

According to Ghaith, Ayman and Khaled (2014), manufacturing companies need to

ensure that the supply processes are reliable so as to ensure competiveness. They add that

supplier-buyer relationships need to benefit all the involved groups in order for them to

be effective. The trio also opined that even though the existing literature has brought out

SRM as a key aspect, the practices that detail this phenomenon still call for more

clarification. Therefore more research is needed on SRM as the current studies are

contradictory in findings and are mostly theoretical or conceptual with empirical studies

being very few (Shin, Collier & Wilson, 2000). In addition, Mukolwe (2015) asserted

that the sugar industry in Kenya has registered poor performance which can be attributed

to poor SRM strategy within the firm’shence bad perception among the cane suppliers.

The researcher therefore sought to enhance knowledge of SRM within the sugar sector in

the country.

1.1.1 Supplier Relationship Management

According to Scannell, Vickery and Droge (2000), organisations that record high in-

housedeliveries invest in assisting and developing their suppliers and also in developing

strong associations with them. MacDuffie and Helper (1997) viewed that

suppliersoperating within lean production environmentsneed to ensure quality, delivery

and responsiveness in their processes further awakening a critical problem relating to

just-in-time (JIT) environmentthat links with transferring the needed stock from the buyer

to the suppliers therefore loweringthestock and its relevant costs among the buyers while

also increasing the same among the suppliers (Ghaith, Ayman&Khaled, 2014).

Handfield, Ragatz, Petersen, Monczka(1999) viewed that an effective inclusion of

suppliers within an organisation’ supply chain process is a key aspect for

competitiveness. These researchers also perceived that enhancing an organisation’

performancecan be attained through healthy associations with suppliers that entails

establishing trust, assisting suppliers enhance their processes, sharing relevant

information with the suppliers and including them in developing new products

(Langfield-Smith & Greenwood, 1998). Krause, Handfield and Tyler (2007) in a study on

United State’ electronic and automotive sector;established that these aspects positively

relates to the buying firm’ performance.

Langfield-Smith and Greenwood (1998) opined a number of aspects determine the

success of a supplier-buyer relationship; effective communication and information

sharing, organisational adaptability, the inclusion of a firm’ employees in buying its

programs and absence of wide differences in the adopted technology and the industry in

which a firm operates. Wisner (2003) claimed that an organisation’ supplier-customer

management strategy positively its SRM strategy hence operational performance. Echtelt

et al. (2008) pointed to some major dimensions of SRM which included high levels of

trust, informationsharing, risk and reward sharing, cooperation, and involvement of

suppliers in new product development. Similarly, Ghaith, Ayman and Khaled (2014)

argue that five major dimensions act as components of the SRM. These components

include supplier quality improvement, trust-based relationships with suppliers, supplier

lead time reduction, supplier collaboration in new product development and supplier


1.1.2 Operational Performance

Operational performance focuses on attaining efficient and effective systems that are

highly reliable and facilitate the achievement of excellence which exceeds customer

expectations (Kivite, 2015). So as to attain such sustainable operational outcome,

effective operational strategies are developed thatsupports the firms towards ensuring the

important operational aspects in the organisations are achieved. These aspects include

cost reduction, timely product development and production, product systems that are

flexible and product quality assurance (Wachiuri, 2015).Operational performance has

been measured using different measures in the published literature. The most commonly

cited measures were cost, quality, flexibility, and delivery (Cuaet al., 2001; McKone et

al., 2001; Ahmad et al., 2010; Phan et al., 2011). According to Phanet et al. (2011), cost

performance is measured in terms of the unit cost of manufacturing while quality

performance is measured using product capability and performance. On the other hand,

flexibility performance is determined by organisational flexibility whiledelivery

performance is measured in relation to degree of timely delivery. According to Kivite

(2015), the general organizational performance culminates into independent and

functional performance metrics which includes, improved market share, enhanced

product quality, attained customer satisfaction and timely production.Most firms have

come to the realization that it is not sufficient to only enhance efficiencies within a firm

but also ensuring that the supply chain management is competitive, highly enhances the

likelihood of an organisation’ survival (Gold, Seuring&Beske, 2010). The researchers

also assert that this emanates from the fact that performance is not only tied among

organizations, but also between supply chains.

1.1.3 Sugar Firms in Kenya

The Kenyan economy is dominated by the agricultural sector even though only 10% of

the total land receives adequate rain. Agriculture accounts for 26% of the country’ Gross

Domestic Product (GDP) and 27% indirectly through linkages with agro-based and

associated industries (KESREF, 2009). The contribution of agriculture to the Kenyan

GDP is second to the service industry. The agricultural sector absorbs over 50% of the

labor force and is dominated by small scale farmers who account for approximately 75%

of total agricultural output. The country’ sugar sector supports at least 6 million Kenyans

directly or indirectly. The sub-sector provides livelihood for over 250,000 small scale

farmers in the country (KSB, 2013). To enhance the Kenya’s economic growth and

development, it is therefore important to improve agricultural productivity (Nyoro, 2012).

Sugarcane is mainly grown in the former western and Nyanza provinces. The crop is also

grown in parts of Nandi, Kericho and Narok, Kwale and Tana-River counties. Up to 90%

of the total cane produce in the country is comes from small scale farmers. Sugarcane

production from large scale farmers and farms owned by sugar factories (nucleus estates)

accounts for 10% of the total production (KSB, 2003), an aspect that is in contrast to

other COMESA countries where plantations owned by sugar firms (Nucleus) account for

at least 60% of total cane production. The industry has thirteen operational sugar factories

namely: Chemelil Sugar Factory; Kibos Sugar and Allied Factories; Muhoroni Sugar

Factory (in receivership); Mumias Sugar Factory; Nzoia Sugar Factory; Sony Sugar

Factory; South Nyanza Sugar Factory; Sukari Industries Limited; Transmara Sugar

Factory; West Kenya Sugar Factory; Butali Sugar Factory; Kwale International Sugar

Company and Kisii sugar factory.With the sugar sector being critical to the economy, it

still performs dismally leading to persistent deficits in production (Mukolwe, 2015). Lack

of productivity growth in the sector is attributed to various factors including insufficient

cane supply; cane poaching; under-using factory capacity; lack of technological progress

and poor managerial capacities (KSB, 2011).

1.2 Research Problem

Establishing a good SRM strategy positively impacts the overall operational performance

of an organisation (William, 2006). A keen look into earlier studies conducted on SRM

and organizational performance affirms that there is little research that has been

conducted, linking the two variables. For instance, in a study conducted by Kasisi,

Yususf and Iravo (2015) on the effect of SRM on performance of organizations of

selected sugar companies in Western Kenya, the research restricted itself to four

variables; organizational structure, value management, performance collaboration and

technology and concluded that these variables significantly influence performance. On

the other hand, Mugarura (2010) only measured the effect of adaptation, trust and

commitment on relationship continuity in her study on buyer-supplier collaboration on

selected private firms in Kampala. The results revealed that adaptation, trust and

commitment are key predictors of buyer-supplier collaboration. The study however does

not link the SRM practices measured to operational performance.

Similarly, Kosgei (2016) in a case study of the Kenya Airways limited studied the effect

of supplier relationship management on organizational performance. In this study four

variable in relation to SRM were measured against operational performance. The study

concluded that by an organization’ focus on supplier relationships, it isan essential

positioning towards enhancing overall market performance. The researcher however did

don’t address SRM and operational performance on the sugar sector. Tangus (2015)

limited her study on the effect of SRM practices on performance to manufacturing firms

in Kisumu. The SRM practices measured were supplier development, segmentation and

information sharing andthe study concluded that an improvement on the three SRM

practices results to enhance levels of organizational performance. However, the research

did not measure other SRM aspects such as trust-based relationship and supplier

collaboration and their effect on operational performance.

The Kenyan sugar industry sugarcane yield stands at 65tonnes of cane per hectare, which

is way below the potential yield of 100 tonnes of cane per hectare under rain-fed

conditions (KESREF, 2009). For instance, in Mumias Sugar Company (MSC), the yield

from cane has been declining from 137 tonnes of cane per hactare in 1973 to an average

of 58 per hectare in 2010 (Mumias Sugar Company, 2010). A research by Wawire et al

(2006) established that this decline has been occasioned by a poor SRM strategy between

the farmers and the firms which results from a bad perception among farmers towards

contracted sugarcane farming in which both the farmer and the sugar milling firm have

some management obligations towards ensuring enhanced cane production.

Therefore, little is still known, as a result of the scarce studies, on the relationship

between of SRM and organizational performance especially of the Kenyan sugar firms.

Most of the studies conducted address other sub-sectors other than the Kenyan sugar

sector while others are conducted in other countries hence the findings may not directly

be applied in the Kenyan sugar sub-sector; which is against the criticality of the sugar

firms towards the Agricultural sector and the many challenges the industry is facing. In

this study, four aspects of SRM: supplier collaboration in product development, supplier

information sharing andtrust-based relationship were measured in seeking to establish the

impact of SRM on operational performance of the Kenyan Sugar firms.

1.3 Research Objectives

The general objective of the study was to assess the effect of supplier relationship

management on operational performance of the sugar firms in Kenya. The specific

objectives were;

i. To determine the effect of trust-based relationship on operational performance

of sugar firms in Kenya.

ii. To establish the effect of information sharing on operational performance of

sugar firms in Kenya.

iii. To determine the effect of supplier collaboration in product development on

operational performance of sugar firms in Kenya

1.4 Value of the Study

The global business environment keeps changing hence businesses find themselves

dealing with the urgency of enhancing their operational efficiencies. The outcome of the

study is therefore beneficial to the sugar firmsmanagement. Theseorganizations acquire

insight in decision making on how well to establish their Supplier Relationship

Management so as to improve theoperationperformance of their respective

organisations.However, other sectors can also absorb the recommendations of the study.

Besides, the sugar industry in the country is such a significant sector that bears both

economic and social advantages. These benefits include provision of direct and indirect

sustainable livelihood to a number of Kenyans and enhancement of growth in other

subsectors of the economy. Therefore, the findings of this research enhance operational

performanceof the firms operating in the industry through facilitating their

transformationit into efficient and cost effective firms hence improve profitability hence

further improve the sector’ impact on the country’ economy and social developments.

The study also provides a knowledge platform for future research on Supplier

Relationship Management and operational performance. Theory wise, the study enhances

the understanding and applicability of the theories upon which it is anchored; the theory

of constraints, social capital theory and the commitment trust theory.



2.1 Introduction

Under this section, the study reviews various literatures relevant to this study. The

literature reviewed was summarized in thematic areas including; theoretical review that

covers three theories namelythe theory of constraints, social capital theory and the

commitment trust theory; supplier collaboration in product development; supplier

information sharing and trust-based relationship. The chapter also presents the research

gaps identified and the conceptual framework that depicts the association between the

dependent and explanatory variables.

2.2 Literature Review

The concept of Supplier Relationship Management has been developed and based on

some already existing theories. The researcher addresses some of the theories

underscoring the SRM principles covered in this study. These theories include;thesocial

capital theory, the theory of constraints, and the commitment trust theory.

2.2.1 Social Capital Theory

The social capital theory was established by Portes (1998). The researcher defines social

capital as the norms and networks that facilitate individuals or people groups to act

collectively. The Social capital theory is based on the principles that, while separate

groups in a capitalistic society seek to attain their individual objectives and goals hence

focus most on this, the various entities have recognized that working together with

likeminded partners, results to better outcome as compared to working in isolation. In

relation to suppliers, they strive to sell their products to any potential buyer who is

willing to give the best price while disregarding the nature of relationship between them.

Social Capital theory stresses the importance of establishing collaborations in terms of

working relationships between a buyer and a supplier in order to enhance the mutual

benefits. According to Granovetter (1992), this therefore demands that both parties

deploy their resources towards supporting one another in achieving a common objective.

The researcher also asserts that the buyer therefore commits their firm’s resources and

infrastructure to support their selected suppliers to enhance their capabilities in

production related activities whose effect is shared by the buying firms. The theory

basically assumes the relationship between the supplier and the buyer as collaboration. It

therefore anchors the study’s objective on the effect of supplier collaboration as an aspect

of SRM, on operational performance.

2.2.2 Theory of Constraints (TOC)

TOC is based on management philosophy and was argued out by Goldratt (1984). The

theory views any manageable system as being exposed to a small number of constraints

in attaining its goals. At any time there exists at minimum a single constraint limiting the

organization and the theory utilizes a focusing procedure to point out the constraint and

reorganize the entire firm basing on the constraint (Goldratt, 1984). The theory adopts the

assumption that organizational processes are vulnerable since the weakest individual or

part of the organization can always break the processes or adversely impact the outcome

(Goldratt, 1997). According to Kosgei (2016), the underlying construct of TOC is that

firms may be assessed and influenced by changes in three parameters that include

throughput, inventory and operational expense. Inventory was defined as the entire

financial resource invested by an organizationin buying products that it seeks to sell

while operational expense refer to the expenditure by the organization so as to turn the

inventory into throughput.

Since a chain is as strong as its weakest link, the theory of constraints can be applied in

identifying the weaknesses in a supply chain system and therefore resulting to solutions

in the same thus enhancing the organization’ operational performance. Suppliers

relationship management is a key factor in fully establishing an organisation’ supply

chain. Therefore,organisational relationships need to be correctly managed, so that the

supply chain is strong as a result offunctioningrelationships. TOC therefore anchors the

study’s objective the impact of supplier information sharing on operational performance

since these aspects are viewed as constraints within the entire SRM strategy.

2.2.3 Commitment-Trust Theory

The theory argues that two key aspect, namely trust and commitment; need to be in place

so that an association is successful (Christopher, 2004). Thetheory of commitment-trust

was argued for by Annekie and Adele (2009) in their book “Relationship Marketing and

Customer Relationship Management”. They assert that relationship marketing entails

establishing bonds with suppliers through meeting their demands and honoring

commitments. Heikkila (2002) described trust as the confidence among both parties in a

relationship based on the fact that the other party will not engage in something harmful or

risky that would endanger their relationship; businesses generally develop trust through

standing behind their promises. On the other hand, commitment entails a long-termdesire

to sustain a valued partnership.

According to an argument by Handfield (2002), rather than working for short-term

profits, organizations ascribe to the principles of relationship marketing which seeks to

establish the strong associations with their suppliers. Williams (2006) asserted that desire

influences the organisations continuous investment in enhancing and sustaining close

associations with customers.Through a number of relationship-building activities, the

organisation depicts its commitment to the suppliers. Martin (2003) the results of a

relationship based on commitment andtrust are cooperative behaviors that allow both

groups meet their needs. The theory is relevant in relation to this study since it explains

the study’ objective on effect of trust-based relationship on operational performance.

2.3 Supplier Relationship Management

Supply chain management has long-term objectives and short-term objectives. The long-

term objectives would include: creating value to customers, increase profits, improve

efficiency of production operations, and increasemarket share (Williams, 2006). On the

other hand, short-term objectives would generally include: improveproductivity, reduce

cycle time, and reduce inventory (Wisner & Tan, 2000). Generally, the strong

relationships with suppliers have been regarded as one major factorfor the Japanese

industrial competitiveness (Sako, 1992). Ghaith et al., (2014) identified trust-based

relationships with suppliers, supplier collaboration in new product development and

supplier partnership/development as among the components of SRM.

2.3.1 Trust-Based Relationship

According to MacDuffie and Helper (1997), there are three main categories of trust that

include competence trust where suppliers base their trust on the fact that the buyer is in a

position to undertake what they agreed; contractual trust that is based on the belief that

the buying organization will sustain the existing contracts and goodwill trust where trust

is based on the fact that the buyer will not take advantage but always seek to act on

mutual benefit basis. On the other hand, Heikkila (2002) identified two key categories of

trust in relation to supplier relationship which include reliability where the trust is based

on the fact that the organisationis reliable in executing what it promised and benevolence

where the trust is anchored on the fact that the other organisation is keen on the partner’

benefit hence does not engage in practices that may not be favorable to it.

Trust between the buyer and the supplier enhances cooperation, satisfaction, minimizes

conflicts, encourages sharing of information and results to strong associations (Doney&

Cannon, 1997). A study by Sako (1992) considered trust as the main aspect for the better

performance of Japanese organizations in comparison to British organizations.

Establishing trust not just a responsibility of the buyer only, but according to Doney and

Cannon (1997) it should also be treated as critical among the supplier organization, that

have to push, develop and sustainthe buying organization’ trust, more specifically when

such trust is viewed to be pretty beneficial the supplier. Even though building of trust is

viewed to be an expensive and time-consuming process, it results to strong andenhanced

buyer-seller relationships (Ghaith et al., 2014).

2.3.2 Information Sharing

Tangus (2015) argues that the sharing of information with other supply chain partners is

key in ensuring success of the entire supply chain process. Information sharing is

explained by Cooper and Ellram (1993) as frequent updating of information within a

supplier-buyer relationship structure so as to ensure an effective relationship. With a

dynamic and uncertain business landscape, a firm’ ability to timely gain the required

information is key in ensuring the organizations sustenance and performance. With the

suppliers being an integral part of the SRM, and SRM being a key to a firm’ strategies,

bearing the correct information on suppliers and their performance is quite important

(Kearney, 2013). Effective information sharing is characterized with being frequent,

genuine, and entailing close contacts between the buyer and the supplier (Krause

&Ellram, 1997).

An effective two-way communication is revealed by many researchers as being essential

to achieving a successful supplier relationship (Hahn et al., 1990; Veludoet al., 2004)

through creating rich knowledge. Bowersoxet al. (2003) presented the important nature

of information sharing as a result of the necessity of availing the organizations data to

their supplier so as to enhance the operational connectivity of an activity. Strategic

organization partners need to avail to one another data that includes inventory, sales and

demand forecasts, promotion strategies, marketing plans and general evaluation feedback

so as to cut down on the degree of uncertainty between each other thus facilitating proper

planning for their own organizational needs. According to Sanders and Premus (2005),

information sharing facilitates the improvements in visibility among organizations,

production planning and inventory management. Cannon and Perreault (1999) add that

information sharing also enhances product quality as well as developing easier transitions

during the engagements relating to new product development projects while Andersen

(1990) asserts that it facilitates commitment and cooperation and assists the buyer and

supplier through adapting processes with ease. Anderson &Weitz (1992) confirmed in

their study the increased commitment between partners in supplier relationship

management structure as a result of information sharing.

2.3.3 Supplier Collaboration in New Product Development

Handfield et al. (1999) argued that having sufficient understanding on the varied abilities

of suppliers is one of the key feature in the process of new product development

(NPD).Smith and Reinertsen (1991) asserted that an organisation’ suppliers need to be

involved in the process of new product development especially in the event of high level

technology while the organisation bears minimum expertise. Petersen, Handfield and

Ragatz(2003) adds that involving suppliers in NPD and sharing technically valuable

information is of great importance in the wake of complex technologies being applied.

Handfield et al. (1999) argued that with suppliers getting familiar with the buyer

organisation’ processes and objectives, they may set in place, early enough, the key needs

towards expected product development plans. Involving suppliers positively influences

the success of NPD processes when the following aspects are considered by an

organization; top management support, learning and training, effective performance

measures, enhanced supplier’s qualifications, reward sharing and establishment of trust

aspects (Ragatz, Handfield&Scannell, 1997).

Handfield et al. (1999) established that organizations that involve suppliers in their

product development process record great improvements compared to organizations that

segregate the suppliers. Their findings were based on a study of 134 globally alongside

17 other case studies. De Toni and Nassimbeni (2000) argue that some organizational

benefits attached to including suppliers in NPD processes include reduce costs in

organizational development processes, quick available prototypes, reduced technical

changes, improved product quality, short lead-time in product development and enhanced

product innovativeness. On the other hand, Echtelt et al. (2008) opined that supplier

involvement in new product development allow the establishing of learning routines and

matching abilities for both organizations. However, a study by Petersen et al. (2003)

carried in both Japan and the US asserted that only trusted and carefully picked suppliers

must be involved in new product development projects. They also established that

involving suppliers in the process of NPD teams is important when the organization lacks

sufficient expertise.

2.4 Operational Performance

Operational performance is not only as a result of enhanced efficiency and reduced cost

but also improve the supplier’s involvement in the general strategy of the organization

(Wangeci, 2013). Trust, supplier collaboration and communication are identified key

elements that result to effective supplier relationships (Kosgei, 2016; Tangus, 2015).

These elements generally have a positive effect on organizational performance. Increased

competition and the globalization of markets in the recent years has greatly contributed

towards challenges linked with ensuring that products meet customer demands and are

made available both efficiently and effectively (Cooper, &Ellram, 1993). Many

organizations are therefore struggling to stay afloat and are faced with a myriad of

challenges, key among them being increased competition in the market as well as

operating in difficult economic conditions characterized by high inflation rates, high

interest rates, and volatility in currency fluctuations (Porter &Teisberg, 2006).

These forces have further resulted into external business environments that are generally

dynamic, uncertain, highly demanding and mostly devastating especially to those firms

that do not or are unable to prepare and respond to these changes (Burnet, 2010). The

organizations are therefore to align their internal operational practices in line with the

changing environment while focusing on their suppliers, customers and product

development alongside enhancing a culture of commitment within the management.

Waweru (2008) contends that firms go into business to prosper and the level of prosperity

or success is measured in terms of business performance. According to Burnet (2010),

organisations that attain a higher degree of operational efficiency have a higher chance of

survival and register great performance. Wangeci (2013) asserted that a number of

parameters can be used to measure organisational operational performance;operational

cost, quality of product, lead time, inventory level, planned maintenance and timely

product development.On the other hand, Schroeder andMallick (2010) pointed out cost,

quality, flexibility, and delivery as the major parameters for measuring operational


2.5 Empirical Review and Research Gap

Several studies have been conducted addressing the relationship between supplier

relationship management and operational performance. In a study seeking to establish the

role of supply chain relationships in the growth of small firms in Kenya, Mwirigi (2011)

targeted small enterprises that have loans with FAULU Kenya. In order to understand the

duties undertaken by supply chain relationships between respondent firms, the research

assessed several relationships. The research established that supply chain relationships

are key aspects in the development of small enterprises. Mwirigi asserts that they

contribute towards the growth and overall performance of these firms in several different

ways. The researcher concluded that creation of supply chain relationships is critical and

should be approached in a clearly structured manner so as to enhance its role in the

development of small enterprises.

Kosgei (2016) investigated the effect of supplier relationship management on

organizational performance. The researcher however limited the study to Kenya airways

limited and only analyze the effect of trust and mutual goals on

organizationalperformance. The researcher involved a cross sectional study design and

sampled 82 staff from all the department of Kenya airways ltd. Questionnaires were the

tools used to collects data. The research concluded that the organization had a great

opportunity to implement SRM strategies and therefore the management should show

commitment towards establishing SRM systems that can be monitored, appraised and


Kasisi et al. (2015) assessed the effects of Supplier Relationship Management on the

Performanceof Organizations in selected sugar companies in Western Kenya. The study

was guided by four research objectives that were; to determine the effect of the

organization structure, value management, collaboration and technology on the

performance of an organization the research adopted a survey design and targeted the

management and the procurement staff of three sugar companies; Mumias, West Kenya

and Butali Sugar Company. The researcher concluded that organizational culture, value

measurement, collaboration and technology are vital in attaining organizational

performance. The researcher however does not link SRM to operational performance and

also failed to measure SRM aspects such as trust-based relationship and supplier

information sharing.

2.6 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework depicts the association between the objectives of the research

that are linked to Supplier Relationship Management; supplier collaboration in

development of new products, supplier information sharing and trust-based-relationship,

and their impact on operational performance of sugar firms in the country. Trust between

the buyer and the supplier enhances cooperation, satisfaction, reduces conflicts,

encourages information exchange and results to long-term relationships (Doney&

Cannon, 1997). On the other hand, Tangus (2015) argues that the sharing of information

with other supply chain partners and establishing collaboration with suppliers in

developing new products are key in ensuring success of the entire supply chain process.

Fig 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Trust-based relationships

Operational performance:
Information sharing  Cost
 Quality
 Efficiency
Supplier collaboration in  Flexibility
. new product

Independent Variable Dependent Variables

Source: Researcher (2017)



3.1 Introduction

Under this section presents the blueprint of the research methodology to be adopted,

describing it from the point of data collection to data analysis and presentation. The

chapter is divided in to the following sub-sections; research design, target population,

sampling design, data collection instruments, data collection procedures and finally data


3.2 Research Design

A descriptivestudydesign was utilized in this study.Tangus (2015) adopted this research

design in his study that sought to establish the relationship between SRM and

organisational performance in manufacturing firms operating in Kisumu County, Kenya.

The research design was therefore adopted in analyzingSRM aspects including

collaborating with suppliers in developing new products, information sharing and trust

based relation and their effect on operational performance.

3.3 Target Population

The research’s population of interest consisted of all the 13 cane processing firms

currently operational in Kenya. These include Chemelil Sugar Factory; Kibos Sugar and

Allied Factories; Muhoroni Sugar Factory (in receivership); Mumias Sugar Factory;

Nzoia Sugar Factory; Sony Sugar Factory; South Nyanza Sugar Factory; Sukari

Industries Limited; Transmara Sugar Factory; West Kenya Sugar Factory; Butali Sugar

Factory; Kwale International Sugar Company and Kisii sugar factory.

To establish the effect of SRM on operational performance of sugar firms in Kenya, the

study deployed a census technique in obtaining the respondents to be used in the study.

Due to the fact that the size of the study’ population is minimal; 13 sugar firms, all the

sugar firms were censured for response in the study. One respondent; head of the supply

chain department, from each of the 13 firms were selected; assuming that the other

possible respondents have more or less the same nature and characteristics, such that the

results to be obtained can be generalized for the entire firm. The research settled for this

group of respondents because they are believed to be better placed in providing the

sought feedback since they engage with the suppliers of their various organizations’

hence conversant with their organization’ SRM practices and strategies. The category of

respondents also enhanced the reliability and precision of the collected data. The census

list was made up of 13 respondents.

3.4 Data Collection

The study collected primary data for analysis and employ both quantitative and

qualitative approaches in obtaining the data. The study used questionnaires as instruments

of collecting the data. Semi-structured questionnaires were deployed by the researcher

which consisted of two main sections; background information section and the section

that captures each of the research objectives. The questionnaires were designed so that

they can be easily completed by the respondents from each of the targeted companies

with no facilitation from the researcher. The data collection instrument wasdistributed

with the assistance of two trained research assistants. The researcher however first sought

authorization from the various sugar firms’ human resource departments. The

respondents were further required to complete the questionnaires which were then to be

collected after 3 days. These assisted in enhancing the overall response rate and also

minimize loss of the questionnaires.

3.5 Data Analysis

The questionnaires were initially cross-checked in order to ensure complete filling before

being coded so as to facilitate further analysis so as to enhance the accuracy of findings

after analysis. Data was analyzed usingboth Statistical Package for Social Sciences

(SPSS) and MS Excel packages. The results were further presented in tables, charts and

graphs. Quantitative data was obtained and summarized for analysis from the

questionnaires’ close-ended questions while qualitative data was obtained from open-

ended questions in the questionnaires. To assess the characteristic set up of the sample

and study areas, data on the respondents and the sugar firms was obtained and descriptive

analysis methods applied in describing the organisation’ and respondents background

information. Frequencies, mean and standard deviations was used to summarize the


To analyze the impact of supplier collaboration in developing new products, information

sharing and trust based relationship on operational performance of the Kenyan sugar

firms, the research deployed descriptive analysis method where several descriptive

statistics measures were determined including percentages, mean and standard deviation

(SD). To establish the strenghth and nature of association between the explanatory and

dependent variables, inferential analysis was conducted that includedPearson’s

correlation and regression analyses; the variables were measured and analyzed as

summarized in table 3.1 below. The regression model to be adopted by the study was as

indicated below;

Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X 2 + β3X 3+ 𝜀

Where; Yi – Operational Performance (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) and Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 = Cost, Quality,

Efficiency and Flexibility respectively

β0 - Constant

βi (i = 1,2,3) - Regression Coefficients

X1 – Supplier collaboration in developing new products

X2 – Information sharing

X3- Trust-based relationships

𝜀 - Error term

Table 3.1: Operationalization of variables

Variable Proxy of measure Data collection method Data analysis method

Trust-based Level of adoption and Questionnaire Descriptive analysis
relationship Impact of trust
Information Type and Impact of Questionnaire Descriptive analysis
Sharing shared information
Supplier Degree and Impact of Questionnaire Descriptive analysis
collaboration collaboration.
Relationship Type and nature of Questionnaire Correlation and
between variables association regression analyses.
Source: Researcher (2017)



4.1 Introduction

The study’ general objective was to assess the effect of supplier relationship management

on operational performance of the sugar firms in Kenya. The researcher undertook a

census study on all the sugar firms currently operational in the country. Data was

collected from all the heads of supply chain departments of the 13 firms. This section

therefore presents the findings and discussions of the analyzed data.

4.2 Response Rate

Questionnaires were distributed to each of the sugar firm’ head of supply chain

department; a total of 13 questionnaires were issued. All the 13 questionnaires issued

were completely filled-up and returned resulting to a response rate of 100.0%. The

response rate was attributed to the fact that the respondents were allowed 3 days to fill

and hand-in the research instruments.

4.3 Background Information

The study sought to establish some background information on the sugar firms. The

information collected include the number of staff employed by the organisation, number

of employees within the supply chain department and age of the organisation.

4.3.1 Number of Employees

Figure 4.1 represents the summary of findings on the number of employees within the

various targeted sugar firms.

Figure 4.1: Number of Employees

0% 0%

< 50
51 - 100
54% 101 - 250
251 - 500
> 500

Source: Research Data (2017)

The findings in figure 4.1 reveal that none of the firms had less than 100 employees while

slightly more than one-half (7, 53.6%) indicated that their organisations had between 101

and 250 employees. 38.5% and 7.7% of the respondents revealed that their firms had

between 251 – 500 and above 500 employees respectively. These findings further depict

that most (53.6%) of the sugar firms are middle sized organisationswith a near similar

number (46.2%) being large sized organisations.

4.3.2 Supply Chain Department Employees

The researcherinquired on the number of employees within the supply chain departments

of the various studied sugar firms. The findings were as presented in figure 4.2 below.

Figure 4.2: Supply Chain Department Employees


15% 8%

6 - 10
11 - 15

38% 16 - 20
> 20

Source: Research Data (2017)

The findings on the number of employees within the supply chains departments indicated

that 15.4% (2) of the organisations had more than 20 employees serving in their supply

chain departments while on 7.7% (1) had less than 10 supply chain department

employees. These results indicate that most of the sugar factories engage in robust supply

chain activities as depicted by more than one half (53.4%) of them having not less than

16 employees serving within the respective supply chain departments. This further

indicates that the factories are generally sizeable.

4.3.3 Age of the Organisation

The respondents were asked to provide information on the length of period their

organisations had been in operation. The responses obtained were then analyzed and

presented in table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Age of the Organisation

Period Frequency Percentage (%)

Less than 5 yrs - 0.00
5 – 10 years 1 7.70
11 -15 years 1 7.70
16 – 20 years 4 30.70
Above 20 years 7 53.90
Total 13 100.00
Source: Research Data (2017)

The results depict that most (7, 53.9%) of the firms had been in operation for not less

than 20 years while 4 respondents representing 30.7% indicated that their firms had been

in operation for between 16 to 20 years. Only 1 (7.7%) of the firms had been operating

for between 5 to 15 years while none of the sugar companies had been incorporated in the

sector in the last 5 years. These results therefore confirm that the sector has not had new

entrants in the last 5 years.

4.4 Trust Based Relationships

The study sought to determine the effect of trust based relationships, as an aspect supplier

relationship management, on operational performance. The respondents were to provide

their feedback on the scale: 1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Not sure, 4=Disagree,

5=Strongly Disagree. The scores of strongly agree and agree have been taken to depict a

variable which had a mean score of 0 to 2.4 on the continuous likert scale of (0=

S.E<2.5). Similarly, the scores of ‘not sure’ are taken to represent a variable with a mean

score of 2.5 to 3.4 on the continuous likert scale: (2.5=M.E. <3.5) while the score of both

disagree and strongly disagree are taken to represent a variable which had a mean value

of 3.5 to 5.0 on a continuous likert scale; (3.5= L.E.<5.0). On the other hand, a standard

deviation with a value <1.0 implied that the responses were not varying significantly.

Table 4.2: Trust Based Relationships

Aspects of trust based relationships N M SD

Most of the organisation’ operations are based on trust. 13 2.37 .41

The trust between the organisation and its suppliers has 13 2.44 .32
enhanced cooperation and the length of relationship.

Trust based relationships in the organisation encourage 13 2.07 .43

information exchange between the firm and its suppliers.

The firm’ established trust with its suppliers has proved 13 1.93 .44
to be financially beneficial through reduced operational
The organisation intentionally pushes, develops and 13 3.11 .62
seeks to retaintrust with its suppliers.
Valid N (listwise) 13
Source: Research Data (2017)

From the findings on the aspects of trust based relationships as represented in table 4.2, it

is evident that most of the organizations’ operations are based on trust as depicted by the

mean of 2.37. A study of Japanese organisations bySako (1992) considered trust as the

main aspect for the better performance in comparison to British organizations. On the

other hand, the standard deviation of0.41(<1.0) evidences that the responses obtained do

not vary significantly. The mean of 2.44 depicts that the trust between the organisation

and its suppliers has enhanced cooperation and the length of relationship while the mean

of 2.07 indicates that the trust based relationships in the organisation encourage

information exchange between the firm and its suppliers. The respective standard

deviations of the findings on these variables (0.32 and 0.43<1.0) reveal that the responses

did not vary significantly. These findings are similar toconclusions made by Doney and

Cannon (1997).The mean of 1.93 depicts that the firms’ established trust with their

suppliers has proved to be financially beneficial through reduced operational costs. The

responses obtained however differed insignificantly (0.437<1.0). On the other hand, the

respondents were not sureas to whether their organisations intentionally push, develop

and seek to retaintrust with its suppliers. This was evidenced by the mean of 3.11 and

standard deviation of .62 which further indicated that the responses collected did not

significantly vary.The findings by Ghaith et al. (2014) confirmed that though building of

trust is viewed to be an expensive and time-consuming process, it results to strong

andenhanced buyer-seller relationships.

4.5 Information Sharing

The researcher established how various aspects of information sharing impact operational

performance and the various categories of information that the organisations share with

their suppliers. The results were presented in tables 4.3 and 4.4.

4.5.1 Aspects of Information Sharing

The respondents were to indicate how likely various aspects of information sharing

impact operational performance within the firms in a likert (1=Very Likely, 2=Likely,

3=Not sure, 4=Unlikely, 5=Very Unlikely). The scores on the continuous likert scale:

0=V.L<1.4 represent variables that are very likely to impact operational performance.

Similarly the scores on the likert scales 1.5=L<2.5, 2.5=N.S<3.5, 3.5=U.L<4.5 and

4.5=V.U<5 represent variables that are likely, not sure, unlikely and very unlikely to

impact operational performance respectively.

Table 4.3: Aspects of Information Sharing

Aspects of information sharing N M SD

Frequent sharing of information with other supply chain 13 2.41 .33

Establishing an effective supplier-buyer information 13 1.74 .28
relationship structure.
Ease access to the required supplier information at the 13 2.35 .45
right time.
Having the right information on suppliers and their 13 2.99 .51
Supplier involvement in product development enhance 13 2.21 .33
operational performance through establishing the
organisation’ learning routines and matching abilities.

Availing the organization’ data to their supplier so as to 13 3.46 .76

enhance the operational connectivity of an activity.

Valid N (listwise) 13
Source: Research Data (2017)

The findings as summarized in table 4.3 on the impact of various aspects of information

sharing on operational performance present the mean of 2.41, 1.74, 2.35 and 2.21

whichrespectively, depict that the organizations’frequent sharing of information with

other supply chain partners, establishing an effective supplier-buyer information

relationship structure within the organisations, ease access to the required supplier

information at the right time within the organisations and supplier involvement in product

development through establishing the organizations’ learning routines and matching

abilitiesare likely to impact operational performance. Additionally, their respective

standard deviations of .33, .28, .45 and .33 indicate that the responses given do not

significantly vary. Such finding was also arrived at byTangus (2015) who generally

argued that sharing of information with other supply chain partners is key in ensuring

success of the operational and supply chain activities. The results further indicate that the

respondents were however not sure on how likely having the right information on

suppliers and their performance impacts operational performance of the sugar firms; this

was depicted by the mean of 2.99. A standard deviation of .51(<1.0) further implies that

the feedback by respondents did not hugely vary. Similarly, the mean of 3.46 implies that

the respondents were not sure on the likely impact that availing of the organization’ data

to its supplier in order to improve the operational connectivity of an activity would have

on operational performance. The standard deviation of .76 (<1.0) reveals that the

responses obtained did not vary hugely. However, Bowersoxetet al. (2003) confirmed

that availingorganizations’data to their supplier enhances the operational connectivity of

an activity.

4.5.2 Type of Shared Information

The research sought to determine the type of information that the organisations share

with their various suppliers with intent of enhancing operational efficiency. The findings

were presented in table 4.4 below.

Table 4.4: Type of shared Information

Type of Information Yes No Rank

Freq. % Freq. %
Inventory level 7 53.85 6 46.15 3
Sales and demand forecasts 9 69.23 4 30.77 2
Promotion strategies 3 23.08 10 76.92 4
Marketing plans 3 23.08 10 76.92 4
General feedback to supplier 11 84.62 2 15.38 1
from supplier evaluation.
Source: Research Data (2017)

The results of the findings in relation to the type of information shared between the

organisations and their suppliers reveal that most of shared information is on general

feedback to supplier from supplier evaluation as depicted by the frequency of 11

(84.62%) hence ranked 1. The second most shared information by the organisations is on

sales and demand forecasts as reveled by the frequency of 9 (69.23%) while the third

ranked most shared information by the organisationsis on the level of inventory as

indicated in by the frequency of 7(53.85%). The findings also revealed that the least

shared information between the organisations and their suppliers included promotion

strategies and marketing plans which were both ranked fourth, bearing a frequency of 3

(23.0%).Generally, the findings depict that most (84.62%) of the organisations share

information on general feedback to their supplier evaluations. This further depicts that

most of the organisationsconduct supplier evaluations. On the other hand, less than one-

third (23.08%) of the organisations share information on promotion strategies and

marketing plans with their suppliers an aspect that may be explained by the sensitive

nature of such information. However, according to Premus (2005), strategic organization

partners need to avail to one another data that includes inventory, sales and demand

forecasts, promotion strategies, marketing plans and general evaluation feedback so as to

cut down on the degree of uncertainty between each other thus facilitating proper

planning for their own organizational needs.

4.6 Supplier Collaboration in New Product Development

The findings on the effect of various aspects of supplier collaboration in new product

development on operational performance have been summarized in table 4.5.The

respondents were to provide their feedback on the scale: 1=Strongly Agree to 5=Strongly

Disagree. The scores of strongly agree and agree take a mean score of 0= S.E<2.5 on the

continuous likert scale, the scores of ‘not sure’ represent a mean score of 2.5=M.E<3.5

on the continuous likert scale while the score of “disagree and strongly disagree” take a

mean value of 3.5= L.E<5.0 a continuous likert scale. On the other hand, a standard

deviation with a value <1.0 implied that the responses were not varying significantly.

Table 4.5: Supplier Collaboration in New Product Development

Aspects of supplier collaboration in NPD N M SD

The organisation treats knowledge on the varied 13 3.67 .57

competencies of its suppliers as key aspect in the process
of new product development.
Involving suppliers in the process of developing new 13 2.06 .50
products positively impacts the efficiency in operational
Availing information of the organisation’ operations to 13 2.31 .51
suppliers enhances future product development processes.

The organisation’ involvement of its suppliers in product 13 3.39 .60

development has resulted to the firm’ competitive edge
over its peers through enhanced operational performance.

Supplier involvement in product development enhance 13 2.22 .39

operational performance through establishing the
organisation’ learning routines and matching abilities.

Valid N (listwise) 13
Source: Research Data (2017)

The findings in table 4.5 reveal that the organisation do not treats knowledge on the

varied competencies of its suppliers as key aspect in the process of new product

development as depicted by the mean of 3.67 whereas the standard deviation of

0.57(<1.0) further depicts that the responses were varying insignificantly. A different

argument is however raised byHandfield et al. (1999) who asserted that having sufficient

understanding on the varied abilities of suppliers is key in the process of new product

development (NPD).The findings also indicated that the respondents are not sure if the

organizations’ involvement of its suppliers in product development has resulted to the

firm’ competitive edge over its peers through enhanced operational performance as

depicted by the mean of 3.39. Handfield et al. (1999) adds that supplier involvement in

NPD improves an organisation’ competitiveness. The findings of the researchas indicate

by the mean of 2.06, 2.31 and 2.31 respectively established that involving suppliers in the

process of developing new products positively impacts the efficiency in operational

performance, availing information of the organisation’ operations to suppliers enhances

future product development processes and supplier involvement in product development

enhance operational performance through establishing the organisation’ learning routines

and matching abilities.In addition, the respective standard deviations of these aspects

(0.50, 0.51 and 0.39) further indicate that the responses obtained were varying

insignificantly. These findings are in line with the assertion in Social Capital theory by

Portes (1998) who stresses on the importance of establishing collaborations in terms of

working relationships between a buyer and a supplier in order to enhance the mutual


4.7 Operational Performance

The research sought to establish the impact of various operational aspects on operational

performance and the level of efficiency of variables of operational performance within

the sugar firms. The findings were as summarized in tables 4.6 and 4.7 below.

4.7.1 Aspects of Operational Performance

Table 4.6 summarizes the analysis of the results on various aspects relating to operational

performance of the sugar firms in a five point scale that ranged from ‘Strongly agree (1)’

to ‘Strongly Disagree’ (5). The scores of strongly agree and agree have been taken to

depict a variable which had a mean score of 0 to 2.4 on the continuous likert scale of (0=

S.E<2.5). Similarly, the scores of ‘not sure’ are taken to represent a variable with a mean

score of 2.5 to 3.4 on the continuous likert scale: (2.5=M.E.<3.5) while the score of both

disagree and strongly disagree are taken to represent a variable which had a mean value

of 3.5 to 5.0 on a continuous likert scale; (3.5= L.E.<5.0). A standard deviation of >1.0

implies a significant difference on the responses obtained from the respondents pertaining

the impact of the variable.

Table 4.6: Aspects of operational Performance

Aspects of operational performance N M SD

Effective management of supply chain positively impacts 13 1.32 .22
the operational performance of the organisation.
The organisation’ operational performance is greatly 13 1.00 .00
influenced by the external business environment.
The organisation effectively interacts with its environment 13 3.75 .62
so as to enhance its performance.
The operational systems within the organisation are 13 3.13 .45
reliable towards ensuring organisational operational
excellency is attained.
Valid N (listwise) 13
Source: Research Data (2017)

From table 4.6, the mean of 1.32 indicates that the respondents strongly agreed that

effective management of supply chain positively impacts the operational performance of

the organisations whereas the standard deviation of 0.22(<1.0) indicates that the

respondents did not vary significantly on this variable. The mean of 1.00 depict that the

respondents strongly agree that the organisation’ operational performance is greatly

influenced by the external business environment while the standard deviation of 0.00

implies that all the respondents provided the same feedback. These assertions are also

supported by Burnet (2010). The respondents were however not sure if the operational

systems within the organisation are reliable towards ensuring organisational operational

excellency is attained as revealed by the mean of 3.13 while the standard deviation of

0.45(<1.0) implies that the respondents did not vary significantly on this aspect. On the

other hand, the mean of 3.75 depicts that the organisations do not effectively interact with

their environment so as to enhance its performance. The respondents did not also

significantly bear varying opinions on this aspect as indicated by the standard deviation

of 0.62. According to an argument by Burnet (2010), firms should be able to effectively

respond to their external business environments while seeking to improve overall

performance since most of these environments are generally dynamic, uncertain and

highly demanding.

4.7.2 Efficiency Level of Operational Performance

The study established the level of efficiency of operational performance by measuring a

number of variables. The responses were to be provided on the scale of 1= High

Efficiency, 2= Medium Efficiency, 3= Low Efficiency. From the results, the scores of

‘High Efficiency’, ‘Medium Efficiency’ and ‘Low Efficiency’ are taken to represent

variableson the continuous likert scales of0=H.E<1.5, 1.5=M.E<2.5 and

2.5=L.E<3respectively.A standard deviation of >1.0 implies a significant difference on

the responses obtained from the pertaining the impact of the variable.

Table 4.7: Efficiency Level of Operational Performance

Measures of operational performance M SD Rank

Quality of product 1.06 .54 1

Planned maintenance 1.23 .37 2
Inventory level 1.27 .31 3
Total equipment efficiency 1.41 .44 4
Lead time 1.87 .27 5
Timely product development 2.11 .13 6
Flexible manufacturing practices 2.52 .21 7
Lean manufacturing practices 2.66 .19 8
Operational cost 2.71 .10 9
Risk analysis 2.78 .08 10
Source: Research Data (2017)

From the results summarised in the table 4.8, it was evident that the organisations are
highly efficient in producing quality products (Ranked 1), planning maintenance services
(Ranked 2), maintaining the right inventory level (Ranked 3) and ensuring total
efficicnecy of equipment (Ranked 4). The ranks are as depicted by the mean of 1.06,
1.23,1.27 and 1.41 respectively. The standard deviations of 0.54, 0.37, 0.31 and 0.44 <
1.00, further indicate that the responses varied insignificantly. The findings also revealed
that the firms were mildly efficient in ensuring a good lead time and timely product
development as depicted by the mean of 1.87 (Rank=5) and 2.11 (R=6) respectively. The
respective standard deviations of 0.27 and 0.13 also indicate that the responses on these
variables did not vary significantly. On the other hand, flexible and lean manufacturing
practices, operational cost and risk analysis recorded low level operational efficiency.

These were depicted by the mean of 2.52 (Rank=7), 2.66 (Rank=8), 2.71 (Rank=9) and
2.78 (Rank=10) respectively. Similarly, the responses obtained in relation to these
variables varied insignificantly as depicted by the standard deviation of 0.19, 0.10 and
0.08 respectively. Schroeder and Mallick (2010) pointed out that efficient management of
cost, quality and flexibility positively impact operational efficiency of organisations.
Therefore, the firms’ low efficiency level on operational cost, flexible manufacturing
practices and risk analysis may be attributed to the poor performance of the
organizations’ operational performance.

4.8 Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis results were summarized in table 4.8. The results presented the

findings on the nature and type of relationships between the study variables; trust-based

relationship, information sharing, supplier collaboration in NPD and operational


Table 4.8: Correlation Analysis

Trust-based Information Supplier Operational

relationship sharing collaboration Performance
Trust-based Correlation
relationships Sig. (1-
0.32 1
Information Correlation
sharing Sig. (1-
0.22 0.5 1
Supplier Correlation
collaboration Sig. (1-
0.18 0.1
0.61 0.41 0.58 1
Operational Correlation
performance Sig. (1-
0.17 0.25 0.18
Source: Research Data (2017)

From the results, the values of r= .61 (P= 0.17) and r =.58 (P= .18) imply that trust-based

relationship and supplier collaboration in NPD have an averagely strong positive

relationship with operational performance. These further depict that an enhancement of

trust-based relationships and collaboration with suppliers in NPD within the sugar firms

result to an average improvement in the level of operational efficiency attained. On the

other hand, information sharing had a value of r = 0.41 (p=0.39) implying a weak but

positive relationship between operational performance and information sharing. The

result indicates that improved information sharing, to a small extent, results to an

improvement in the degree of operational efficiency recorded in the sugar firms. A study

by Kasisi et al. (2015) on the effect of SRM on performance also revealed a positive

association between the variables of trust and supplier collaboration and performance.

4.9 Regression Analysis

A regression analysis presenting the cumulative effect of the independent variable on the

dependent variables was conducted and the findings summarized in table 4.9, 4.10 and

4.11 below.

Table 4.9: Regression Analysis

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate
1 .74 .55 .32 .624
a. Predictors: (Constant), trust-based relationship, information sharing, supplier
collaboration in NPD
Source: Research Data (2017)

From table 4.9, the value of R square depicts that that trust-based relationship,

information sharing and supplier collaboration in NPD collectively affect operational

performance by up to 32.0%.

Table 4.10: ANOVA table

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression .32 2 .16 .21 .03a
Residual 12.11 36 .34
Total 12.43 38
a. Predictors: (Constant), trust-based relationship, information sharing, supplier
collaboration in NPD
b. Dependent Variable: Operational performance

The significance value of 0.03 (< 0.05) reveals that the combined effect of trust-based

relationship, information sharing, supplier collaboration in NPD on operational

performance is statistically significant.

Table 4.11: Regression Coefficients

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.

1 (Constant) .61 .54 0.46 .111

Trust-based .38 .16 .34 2.77 .001
Information .19 .10 .44 .92 .000
Supplier .22 .13 .22 1.62 .001
in NPD

a. Dependent Variable: operational performance

Source: Research Data (2017)

The Constant = 0.61, indicates that if trust-based relationships, information sharing and

supplier collaboration in NPD were all rated as zero, operational performance would be

.61. Similarly, X1= 0.38, depicts that a unit change in trust-based relationships with a zero

rating of information sharing and supplier collaboration in NPD results to .99 units

increase in the level of operational performance. On the other hand, X2 = .19, shows that

a unit change in information sharing with a zero rating of trust-based relationship and

supplier collaboration results to .80 units increase in the level of operational performance

while X3 = 0.22, indicates that a unit change in supplier collaboration in NPD and a zero

rating of trust-based relationships and information sharing results in .83 units increase in

the degree of operational performance.

From table 4.9, the overall regression equation of the study is;

Y = 0.61 + 0.38X1 + 0.19X2 + 0.22X3 + £



5.1 Introduction

This study was conducted with an aim to establish the relationship between supplier

relationship management and operational efficiency. Three supplier relationship variables

were measured against operational performance; trust-based relationships, information

sharing and supplier collaboration in new product development. This chapter therefore presents

the summary of findings as presented in the previous chapter, conclusions and

recommendations derived from the findings, implication of the study on policy, theory

and practice, limitations of the study and suggestions for future studies with regard to

supplier relationship.

5.2 Summary of Findings

The study sought to establish the effect of trust based relationship on operational

performance of sugar firms in Kenya. The findings of the study established that most of

the organizations’ operations are based on trust and the trust between the organisation

and its suppliers has enhanced cooperation and the length of relationship, encouraged

information exchange between the firm and its suppliers and has proved to be financially

beneficial through reduced operational costs. These findings were also argued for by

Ghaith et al. (2014) who asserted that though building of trust is viewed to be an

expensive and time-consuming process, it results to strong andenhanced buyer-seller

relationships. On the other hand, it was not clear if theorganisations intentionally push,

develop and seek to retaintrust with its suppliers.

The research also sought to determine the effect of information sharing on operational

performance of sugar firms in Kenya. The findings indicate that frequent sharing of

information with other supply chain partners, establishing an effective supplier-buyer

information relationship structure, and ease access to the required supplier information at

the right time are likely to impact operational performance. The results also evidenced

that supplier involvement in product development enhances operational performance

through establishing the organisation’ learning routines and matching abilities. These

findings were in line with an argument by Cannon and Perreault (1999). The respondents

were however indifferent as to whether having the right information on suppliers and

their performance and availing the organization’ data to their supplier so as to improve

the operational connectivity of an activity would impact operational performance. Other

findings also revealed that the sugar firms share various categories of information with

their suppliers at varying degrees. The most shared information between the two parties

aregeneral feedback to supplier from supplier evaluation, information on sales and

demand forecasts and the level of inventory. Information entailing promotion strategies

and marketing plans were the least shared.

To determine the effect of SRM on operational performance of sugar firms in Kenya, the

study measured the effect of supplier collaboration in NPD. The findings depicted that

the organisations do not treat knowledge on the varied competencies of their suppliers as

key aspect in the process of new product development. The results were however not

clear as to whether the organisation’ involvement of its suppliers in product development

has resulted to the firm’ competitive edge over its peers through enhanced operational

performance. The study further established that involving suppliers in the process of

developing new products positively impacts the efficiency in operational performance,

availing information of the organisation’ operations to suppliers facilitates future product

development processes and involving suppliers in product development enhance

operational performance through establishing the organisation’ learning routines and

matching abilities. These results were similar to the findings by Handfield et al. (1999)

who argued that involving suppliers positively influences the success of NPD processes.

In line with the findings by Burnet (2010), the results confirmed that effective

management of supply chain positively impacts the operational performance of the

organisation and that the organisation’ operational performance is greatly influenced by

the external business environment. The results were however not clear if the operational

systems within the organisations were reliable towards ensuring organisational

operational excellence is attained. It was also evident that the cane processing companies

do not effectively interact with their environment so as to enhance its performance. In

relation to the level of efficeincy of operational performance within the sector, it was

revealed that the organisations are highly efficient in producing quality products,

planning maintenance services, maintaining the right inventory level and ensuring total

efficicnecy of equipment. The firms were however mildly efficient in ensuring a good

lead time and timely product development while low efficiency was depicted on

flexibility and leaness in manufacturing practices, operational cost and risk analysis.

Generally, a positive association was revealed to exist between the independent (trust-

based relationships, information sharing and supplier collaboartion in NPD) and

dependent varibles (operational performance) as it was also evidenced in the study by

Kasisi et al. (2015).

5.3 Conclusion

The study concluded that suppliers relationship management aspects such as trust-based

relationships, information sharing and supplier collaboartion in NPD positively impact

operational efficiency in the sugar sector in Kenya. With most of the operations within

the sugar firms being are based on trust, this has seen the companies enhance cooperation

and the length of relationship, encouraged information exchange between the firm and its

suppliers and resulted to financial benefits through reduced operational costs. The study

also concludes that frequent sharing of information with other supply chain partners,

establishing an effective supplier-buyer information relationship structure, and ease and

timely access to the required supplier information may influence operational


The study further concluded that involving suppliers in developing new products and

availing information of the organisation’ operations to suppliers improve operational

performance through establishing the organisation’ learning routines and matching

abilities. The research also concludes that the sector’ operations are greatly influenced by

the environment in which it operates therefore effective management of supply chain

improves its operational performance. The study also concludes that the sector is not

highly efficient in managing all its operational undertakings.

5.4 Recommendation of the Study

The study recommends that theorganisations should intentionally push, develop and seek

to retain trust with its suppliers in order to continually reap the benefits of trust-based

relationships that include reduced operational costs through improved operational

efficiency. The sugar firms should also ensure that an effective supplier-buyer

information relationship structure; is established that eases access to the required supplier

information as this also enhances the organisation’ operational performance. The

organisations should also ensure that information entailing promotion strategies and

marketing plans are well shared with the suppliers.

The researcher also recommends that supplier involvement in product development

should be encouraged so as to enhance efficiency in operational performance. The

organisations should establish learning routines and matching abilities of its suppliers

through availing operational information of the organisation to the suppliers. The study

recommends that operational systems within the organisations should be made reliable

for the firms to attain operational excellence. The companies should seek also to

effectively interact with their environment so as to enhance their performance. Since the

firms are mildly efficient in ensuring a good lead time and timely product development

and lowly efficienct in relation to flexibility and leaness in manufacturing practices,

operational cost and risk analysis, the reseracher recommends that effcicency in

managing these operational aspects sould be improved.

5.5 Implication of the Study on Policy, Theory and Practice

With the global business environment continuously transforming, businesses find

themselves dealing with the urgency of enhancing their operational efficiencies. The

findings of the study therefore provides the management of the sugar firms with insight in

decision making on how well to establish their SRM strategies so as to improve the

operation performance of their respective organisations.

The sugar industry in the country is such a significant sector with both economic and

social advantages. The findings of this research enhance operational performance of the

firms operating in the industry through facilitating the developing of progressive policies

among the relevant bodies hence transformation the industry into being efficient and cost


The study also provides a knowledge platform for future research on Supplier

Relationship Management and operational performance. Theory wise, the study will

enhance the understanding and applicability of the theories upon which it is anchored; the

theory of constraints, social capital theory and the commitment trust theory.

5.6 Limitation of the Study

Supplier relationship management is an issue that is of interest to a number of industries

in the country. However, this research was limited to only sugar firms operating within

the country. This was occasioned by a number of challenges that entail time and finances.

Several SRM variables have been identified to influence operational performance within

organisations. This research however restricted itself to only three variables; trust-based

relationships, information sharing and supplier collaboartion in NPD. A number of other

limitations were encountered in the process of undertaking this study with the major one

being having to push a number of respondents so as to provide the sought after data. The

researcher accomplished this by scheduling one-on-one meetings and constant follow-up


5.7 Suggestions for Further Studies

This study explored the relationship between SRM and operational efficiency within

sugar firms in Kenya. The researcher therefore opines that additional studies can be

conducted on other sectors of the economy like the manufacturing sector, NSE listed

companies, service industry or the government institutions. The effect of other SRM

variables such as quality improvement and supplier lead time, among others, on

operational efficiency of the sugar sector in Kenya can also be measured. This will

further assist enhance the knowledge and understanding of SRM and operational



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Appendix I: Questionnaire to Employees
Questionnaire Number: ___________________

Interview Date: __________________

a) Please do not write your name on the questionnaire.
b) The information you give will be treated with confidentiality
c) Kindly provide answers to the questions as honestly and precisely as possible.
d) Indicate your choice by a tick (√)

Kindly answer the following;


1. How many staff has the organization employed?

Below 50 [ ] 51 – 100 [ ] 101 – 250 [ ] 251 - 500 [ ] Above 500 [ ]
2. How many employees are in the supply chain department?
Less than 5 [ ] 6 – 10 [ ] 11 – 15 [ ] 16 – 20 [ ] Above 20 [ ]
3. What age is your organisation?
Less than 5 [ ] 5 – 10 [ ] 11 – 20 [ ] 21 – 30 [ ] Above 30 [ ]


4. The statements below refer to trust based relationships, as an aspect supplier

relationship management, and its association to operational performance. Please
indicate your opinion on the following dimension [1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree,
3=Not sure, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree].

Statements 1 2 3 4 5
a) Most of the organisation’ operations are based on trust.
b) The trust between the organisation and its suppliers has enhanced
cooperation and the length of relationship.
c) Trust based relationships in the organisation encourage information

exchange between the firm and its suppliers.
d) The firm’ established trust with its suppliers has proved to be
financially beneficial through reduced operational costs.
e) The organisation intentionally pushes, develops and seeks to
retaintrust with its suppliers.
f) The organisation views the building of trust with its suppliers as a
costly and time-consuming process.


5. The following aspects relate to information sharing and operational performance in

organisations. Please indicate how likely each aspect impacts operational
performance in your organisations using the following dimensions [1=Very Likely,
2=Likely, 3=Not sure, 4=Unlikely, 5=Very Unlikely].

Statements 1 2 3 4 5
a) Frequent sharing of information with other supply chain partners
b) Establishing an effective supplier-buyer information relationship
c) Ease access to the required supplier information at the right time.
d) Having the right information on suppliers and their performance.
e) Supplier involvement in product development enhance
operational performance through establishing the organisation’
learning routines and matching abilities.
f) Availing the organization’ data to their supplier so as to enhance
the operational connectivity of an activity.

6. Below are some of the types of information shared between organisations and their
suppliers. Kindly indicate which category your organusation avails to its suppliers.
Type of Information
i) Inventory levels Yes [ ] No [ ]

ii) Sales and demand forecasts Yes [ ] No [ ]
iii) Promotion strategies Yes [ ] No [ ]
iv) Marketing plans Yes [ ] No [ ]
v) General feedback to supplier from supplier evaluation Yes [ ] No [ ]


7. Below statements relate to supplier collaboration in new product development as a
supplier relation management tool in enhancing operational performance. Please
indicate your opinion on the following dimension [1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree,
3=Not sure, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree].

Statements 1 2 3 4 5
a) The organisation treats knowledge on the varied competencies of its
suppliers as key aspect in the process of new product development.
b) Involving suppliers in the process of developing new products
positively impacts the efficiency in operational performance
c) Availing information of the organisation’ operations to suppliers
enhances future product development processes.
d) The organisation’ involvement of its suppliers in product
development has resulted to the firm’ competitive edge over its peers
through enhanced operational performance.
e) Supplier involvement in product development enhance operational
performance through establishing the organisation’ learning routines
and matching abilities.


8. Below statements relate to operational performance. Please indicate your opinion on
the following dimension [1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Not sure, 4=Disagree,
5=Strongly Disagree].

Statements 1 2 3 4 5
g) Effective management of supply chain positively impacts the
operational performance of the organisation.
h) The organisation’ operational performance is greatly influenced by
the external business environment
i) The organisation effectively interacts with its environment so as to
enhance its performance.
j) The operational systems within the organisation are reliable
towards ensuring organisational operational excellency is attained.

9. Below are some of the aspets used to measure operational performance in

manufacturing companies. Please indicate using the scale provided, the level of
efficiency of each of the variable in your organisation [H=High, M=Medium,

Operational performance Variable Level of Efficiency

1. Operational cost

1. Quality of product

2. Lead time

3. Inventory level

4. Planned maintenance

5. Timely product development

6. Lean manufacturing practices

7. Flexible manufacturing practices

8. Total equipment efficiency

9. Ability of global production

10. Risk analysis


Appendix II: WorkPlan
Items of Year 2017
July/August August September September November

Proposal writing
and defense
Preparation for and
data collection
Data analysis

Thesis writing

Submission of draft
thesis for review
Submission of final
Thesis defense

Corrections and
final submission

Appendix III: List of Sugar Companies in Kenya
1. Chemelil Sugar Factory
2. Kibos Sugar and Allied Factories
3. Muhoroni Sugar Factory
4. Mumias Sugar Factory
5. Nzoia Sugar Factory
6. Sony Sugar Factory
7. South Nyanza Sugar Factory
8. Sukari Industries Limited
9. Transmara Sugar Factory
10. West Kenya Sugar Factory
11. Butali Sugar Factory
12. KwaleInternational Sugar Company
13. Kisii sugar factory


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