Tle g8 Automotive Week-2

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Perform Mensuration and

2 Calculations

What is It

Present day estimating instruments developed in an exceptionally

quick and evolving time. After a seemingly endless amount of time after year,
from human to non-human use, new and refined estimating instruments are

With the rising patterns of estimating instruments, the requirement for

exact information is a lot of significant. The language of rivalry can't be
denied especially in automotive servicing. Vehicle proprietors go to vehicle
auto shop with refreshed devices. They imagined that fix isn't speculated
however gives a quick development of advanced or simple perusing of the
device. Only one flick of a finger is expected to take care of business.

Accuracy estimating instruments can't be solidly contrasted with the

one utilized for mechanical employments. Devices for mechanical occupations
are substantial and need solid power to work though exactness instruments
are light, touchy and aligned to get precise outcome. A slight contrast of
perusing welcomes event of mistake.

Basically, having a basic or complex exactness estimating apparatus

isn't a prevailing fashion any longer however a need that must be genuinely
thought of.

Measuring Instruments and its Application

Importantly, your insight into the various sorts and uses of estimating
instruments assume an indispensable job in the advancement of your

Parts to be estimated should initially be recognized before utilizing any

instruments. Being familiar with the components will decide the correct
equipment to be utilized. It will make your work simpler and quicker without
going to and fro on account of wrong selection of apparatuses. To comprehend
it increasingly, an exactness instrument like vernier caliper is certainly not a
decent in getting the measurement of oil filter. In any case, getting the
measurement of bearing or thickness of shim utilizing this sort of accuracy
device is vastly improved.

What’s More

To be clearer, the instruments/apparatuses which

fundamentally utilized in automotive application are as follows:





A. For Mechanical Use

1. The Vernier and Micrometer calipers are

both instruments that can gauge even the littlest
and smallest thickness and width of an article.
Vernier or micrometer calipers are typically
utilized in estimating the distance across engine
cankshaft, camshaft journals pistons, and valve
adjusting shims. These motor parts should be
estimated in an exact manner.

Verniers and Micrometers can be

purchased furnished with digital
reading. This will decrease the time
expended in examining the perusing of
information as a result of the
immediate information accessible as
you measure the part.
2. Dial gauge is a precision
micrometer type instrument that
indicates the reading via a needle
moving across a dial face. Dial gauge
is also used in getting the clearance of
engine valves. It is more accurate than
feeler gauge. The movement of pointer
in the dial gauge determines
the amount of backlash being

B. For Electrical Use

1. V.O.M. tester also known

as a multitester is an
electronic measuring
instrument that combines
several measurement
functions in one unit. It
usually measures voltage,
resistance, and current. A
Also, there is also this
called, clamp ammeter which makes noncontact current
measurements by relying on the principle of magnetic induction.

2. Megger Tester is a test instrument in

discovering grounds and shorts in an engine. A
best example is the starter motor. At the point
when the starter motor is exposed to a megger test,
a flat, slight bit of metal (like a hacksaw sharp
edge) is put over the starter motor. When the
megger analyzer is turned „on‟ and starter engine
is pivoted, a spot where a hacksaw sharp edge is pulled in implies that the starter
engine is flawed and should be fixed or supplanted.

3. Engine Analyzer tests and measures the following:

1.1 Contact point resistance
1.2 Ignition coil resistance
1.3 Battery voltage
1.4 Ignition current flow
1.5 Engine revolution per minute (RPM)
1.6 Dwell /Cam angle
1.7 Alternator diode

4. Timing/Strobe
light is a stroboscope used to powerfully set the
start timing of an Otto cycle or similar internal
combustion engine equipped with a distributor.
Present day electronically controlled vehicle
engines require utilization of an output apparatus to show ignition timing.

C. For Pneumatic Use

1. Vacuum gauge shows the difference between

outside atmospheric pressure and the amount
of vacuum present in the intake manifold. It is also
used to find out the air- fuel ratio of the engine.

2. Compression gauge is a gauge used to test the

pressure in the chambers. When there is spillage
through the valves or the cylinder rings, indicates that
there is leakage through the valves or the piston rings.
In two stroke motors, it could show that there is poor
essential pressure due to a hole or leak in the driving
rod or crankshaft seals.

3. Radiator pressure tester is utilized to check for

spills in the cooling system and to test the radiator
cap, and to make sure that it has the ability to hold

D. For Hydraulic Use

1. Fuel pump pressure tester is an instrument

that has the capacity to check the pump
2. Oil pressure gauge is
an instrument on the dashboard
which shows the oil pressure as the oil is pumped through the
engine. On the off chance that this check shows a sharp drop, reads
low, or lights up, there could be no oil in the engine. Immediately
stop the vehicle and turn off the engine.

3. Temperature gauge is intended to measure the

temperature of your engine's coolant. This will let you
know whether your motor's coolant is cold, normal, or
overheating. It is a significant dial that is situated on
the dashboard of your vehicle.
What I Have Learned

Directions: Write your answers for the questions in Column A and in Column B.
Write your answers in your activity notebook.



A. Why measuring instruments get B. Basic rules to consider in managing

out of calibration? your measuring instruments.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Directions: To determine your prior learning, answer the questions

by writing the letter of the best answer.

1. Measurement can be applied by means of:

A. driving tool C. measuring tool
B. marking tool D. punching tool

2. Precision measuring instruments cannot be squarely compared

to the one used for ____________ jobs.
A. electrical C. mechanical
B. hit and miss D. pneumatic

3. In getting the bearing diameter or shim thickness, using tool is much

A. divider caliper C. steel rule
B. inside caliper D. vernier caliper

4. Parts that need to be serviced must have a corresponding data of

A. manual C. specifications
B. sequence D. symbol

5. The bolt‟s mechanical strength or stretching point will easily

give up and consequently break if it exceeds too much .
A. data C. tensile strength
B. resistance D. torque
Additional Activities

Directions: Fill up the blanks with the tools used for each precision instrument.

 _______________________________
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 _______________________________
 _______________________________

 Swing Crispin, Frederic, Dictionary of Technical Terms. The Bruce

Publishing Co.:1948.

 Chilton‟s Easy Car Care. Chilton Book Company. 3rd Ed. Chilton Way, Radnor,
PA 19089.

 Stockel, Martin W. Auto mechanics Fundamentals. The Goodheart – Willcox

Company, Inc. 1978.

 The Oxford Dictionary of Current English. New Revised Ed. Oxford University
Press, 1998.

 Popular Mechanics Guide To Auto Basic Repair and Maintenance. Book

Division The Hearst Corporation, New York, NY.




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