Hope of Honor

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Essay on the film

Jenny Karina Chávez Maldonado

Mrs. Cano
10 D Arts

"Esperanza de honor" a wonderful film that touches on many issues that are very

important and very common in our country. In fact, the film was made by Hondurans,

so it is most likely that it will show the real situation of our country, although we can

say that also of many other Latin American countries. I think it's a very informative and

educational film from the point where it shows us reality. It shows us that many times,

in our country, there are many things that corrupt our land, for example, violence or

gangs that are what lead many compatriots to have problems that are too big and that

lead to death. We have representation of human rights violations such as the right to

life, education, etc. These and many more rights violations occur every day in our

country. But this is not all that the film expresses to us, if not also shows us the desire,

of some to excel, to want to study so as not to go astray. An interesting fact is that it

also shows us many possibilities lifestyles, opinions, goals for their future, for example,

there were many who wanted a bad way and that they chose and did not let go, others

if they wanted a good life, away from all the bad, but due to necessity or, also, by

choice they took the path of the maras. We saw that there are also people who like to

help others, wanting and trying a better life for others. There are some areas of

everyday life that are represented in the film, some of them: the family environment,

the environment among friends, at school. It is sad to see how everything or what they

want to imply is very true. I feel that this film could be interpreted in many ways and I

think one of the best is to interpret it as a call to society to be able to change all that

that, although we believe that it does not affect us, slowly or indirectly it does. Apart

from what was mentioned above, I think this film is also very good to highlight our way of

speaking, the languages we use in different areas of our lives, since we can notice the

differences between a speech in an informal and a formal environment, I really like the
fact that they use regionalisms of our country to highlight many things we say, That at

the end of the day, they are our culture. Good movie, for me, leaves many messages

and although in this film the ending is not happy, as we always want it to be, but it

really captures the current situation in Honduras.

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