Satellite Navigation System
Satellite Navigation System
Satellite Navigation System
Today‘s traffic is characterized by a constantly The technology of today for the navigation equip-
rising traffic density. In many regions the road
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commercial of vehicles
purposes, enables
in part or in whole, the driver to be guided
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system is not developed withat thetosame
respect tempo
the correctness as in thistodocument.
of information the desired
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ŠKODA AUTO A. S.� The method of the
the traffic increases. This leads to increasing satellite navigation, which was originally devel-
demands on the driver. He must concentrate at oped for military purposes, is used increasingly in
all times on the traffic, in order to react fast and many fields of the civilian sector due to its tech-
correctly in each traffic condition. Unforesee- nical progress. Today we find these systems in
able events, such as accidents or road blocks many large series of manufactured vehicles.
additionally compel the driver to use alternative Depending on the version, the navigation sys-
routes. The orientation up to the desired desti- tems indicate to the driver the optimal route to the
nation becomes thereby frequently the primary desired destination but also transmit information
activity of the driver. He is thereby distracted from about the traffic condition and react to unfore-
his actual task of driving. seen events and thus contribute to the improve-
ment of the driving convenience and to the
increase of the road safety.
Function overview 22
Technical specification 38
System overview 42
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GB 3
GPS satellite navigation system
What is GPS
The system was originally developed since the Since the unrestricted release for civilian use,
70‘s in the USA for accurately locating military and due to the technological progress (miniaturi-
objects and for the navigation of rockets. zation and price reduction of electronics, lowering
The use for civilian or private purposes was not of the power requirement), the satellite naviga-
feasible until 1993 due to strategic, technological tion systems (SNS) find even broader application
and financial reasons. Even after the release, the within civilian sectors. The original development
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data sent bybythe
unless authorised ŠKODA satellites wereAUTO
AUTO A. S. ŠKODA still A.manipulated of the
S. does not guarantee or accept system for military purposes enables a lo-
any liability
to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
strategic reasons by means of a special cating accuracy of approx. 15 - 20 m. At present
procedure. Until May 2000, an interference signal the GPS is the most efficient and most reliable
and at the same time a correction signal were system for world-wide locating.
added to the use signal by means of a random
generator, which could not be decoded with all
generally accessible means. Thus the accuracy
of locating the non-military user and objects was
limited to approximately 64 to 100 m.
Component parts of the GPS navigation system
1. Cosmic segment
2. Control segment
3. User segment
Cosmic segment
Colorado Springs
• 24 satellites
• in 6 earth orbits (4 satellites each per orbit)
This positioningProtected
by copyright. enables the orconnec-
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tion to at least 4 satellites
unless authorised by ŠKODA
from each
point of the
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
GB 5
Component parts of the GPS navigation system
Most of the modern portable GPS receivers can Vehicle fixed-GPS systems are designed
read memory cards and enter up to 50 destina- exclusively for the determination (optimal) of
tion points on the path. The memory covers a the travel route to the selected destination.
map of the world and a detailed European map. Their advantage is the ability to adapt to the
On the European map most of the roads, cities current traffic conditions and if necessary to give
and towns with more than 500 inhabitants are constant route assistance to the driver.
registered. They are small, compact and accu-
However most of them are not suitable for the
optimization of travel routes on roads and motor-
Principles of the GPS navigation system
Satellite-assisted locating
Altogether 24 satellites of the GPS system rotate
the earth at an altitude of approximately
20.000 km in 6 orbits. The orbital time is about
12 hours. These satellites are actually direction -
finding transmitters on one orbit and send in
milliseconds their identification code, information
about their position and a very exact time signal.
These signals go at the speed of light
(300.000 km.s-1).
The GPS receiver on earth receives this data,
decodes it and calculates the distance between
the user and the satellites, and/or the location of
the equipment by means of an efficient micro-
computer. This method is based on the evalua-
tion of the time difference between transmitting
and receiving the signal.
Distance calculation
The distance between the user and the satellite The efficient microcomputer in the GPS receiver
is therefore calculated by multiplication of the then calculates based on the distance to several
speed of light (300.000 km.s-1) with the running satellites its position on the earth‘s surface, which
time of the signal that means the time, which has it can illustrate in different formats. First of all
elapsed between transmitting and receiving the the receiver makes copies of the received sig-
signal. For this purpose very precise numerical nals and synchronizes them. Thus the so-called
details on both sides of the connection are nec- pseudo distance is determined by the receiving
essary. Therefore a cesium or a rubidium oscil- satellites. The GPS receiver calculates its exact
lator, which serves as normal time, is located on location from their known positions.
each satellite. So that also the clock in the GPS
receiver has the same accuracy, the so-called
Clock offset is calculated from the received sig-
nal, which enables together with the exact timing
sent by the satellite the determination of the time
with an accuracy under 1 microseconds.
GB 7
Malfunction of the satellite reception
• in tunnels
• in underground garages or multi-storey car
• in low valleys
• partly between high buildings
Although the satellite detection for the radio A comparison with the GPS signals cannot be
navigation system serves as a main information carried out and this leads to a higher inaccuracy
sender, the system can nevertheless compensate during the positioning for the duration of the re-
briefly for the reception interferences. ception interference.
The driving direction and distance are calculated
only via the turning angle sensor and the moment As soon as the GPS signals are received again,
of momentum of the ABS speed sender. a correction of the previously calculated position-
ing is performed.
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Supplementary functions in the vehicle
Complete naviga-
GB 9
Function description of SNS
Installation of the SNS in Škoda
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GB 11
The components of the SNS
The satellite navigation equipment consists of two control units:
Operating panel with display Selection of the individual functions of the ra-
dio receiver, the navigation system and the CD
player. Illustration of the respective functions and
The angle sender
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GB 13
The components of the SNS
Oscillation direction
Bottom Piezo element
Oscillation direction
Oscillating direction
Driving curves
The angle sender detects only the change in driving direction. In order to calculate a
cornering radius, the vehicle must move.
Then the navigation control unit can calculate from the data of the angle sender and
the ABS angle sender the cornering radius and accomplish the comparison with the
map data („Map-Matching“).
GB 15
The components of the SNS
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
GPS roof antenna
The properties of the operating program and the
operation of the navigation system can be adapt-
ed to the individual wishes of the user. For ex-
ample: the colors of the map, the contents of the
respective screen displays, the operating menu. SP61_24
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GB 17
SNS in Škoda vehicles
In order to satisfy all of the customers‘ wishes, the company ŠkodaAuto a.s. offers for the individual
model series Škoda (ŠkodaFabia, ŠkodaOctavia, ŠkodaSuperb) different variants of the satellite
navigation systems and equipment.
The respective variants can differ in the number and possibilities of the assisted functions and applica-
The characteristical selection criterion, which makes orientation between the individual variants and
their equipment possible, is the size of the display, the output display (black/white or colored) and the
type of visualization.
The navigation systems are categorized depending on these properties in the basic and upper class.
The present offer of satellite navigation systems Satellite navigation systems for the vehicles
in Škoda vehicles include two systems of the up- ŠkodaFabia and ŠkodaSuperb:
per class and two systems of the basic class.
• Satellite navigation system MFD (upper class)
The customer can be offered for each Škoda
model series both variants, whereby the equip- • Satellite navigation system MCD
ment of the satellite system corresponds to the „SatCompass“ (basic class)
equipment of the respective vehicle.
The design of the equipment for the mod- SNS system for the vehicles ŠkodaOctavia of the
els ŠkodaFabia and ŠkodaSuperb is alike; second generation:
the design of the equipment for the vehicles
ŠkodaOctavia of the second generation is • Satellite navigation system MFD 2 „Nexus“
slightly modified, because of the new design of (upper class)
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with respect to the correctness of information in this• document.
SatelliteCopyright by ŠKODA AUTO
navigation system
A. S.� Low line „Cruise“
(basic class )
SP61_31 SP61_32
SP61_31 SP61_32
of the second generation
SP61_34 SP61_35
GB 19
SNS in Škoda vehicles
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* TMC = Traffic Message Channel = broadcasting station broadcasts the traffic information.
The TMC module
Navigation CD
Only CD Roms intended for the respective types
must be used for navigation equipment of the
series DX .
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GB 21
Function overview
The satellite navigation equipment MFD ranks The equipment has several navigation, reception
among the upper class and it is offered in the and audio functions.The available functions are
models ŠkodaFabia and ŠkodaSuperb. called up via buttons and menus.
Navigation mode
Rocker switch
• Selection and repetition of the
recorded traffic reports
• Task of the complete information about the cur-
rent destination:
• current position of the vehicle
• entered destination address
• estimated driving time
• Repetition of the lastbyannouncement
Protected if the
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or commercial
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guidance function is active.
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
Multi-function display
• Colored illustration of the map with
indicated route, junctions, distance to
the destination etc.
• Different scales of the map display
possible CD-ROM drive
• Vertically and horizontally turnable • Case for the CD
• 5-inch display
Button NAVI
• Calls up the main menu:
• Entry of the destination
• Selection of the possible routes and their
• Activation of the route guidance (selection of
the display mode, the symbols and the type
of map)
• Destination memory
• Driving companion (additional information
about accommodation, route information
etc.). If these are not on the CD Rom, this
function cannot be activated.
• System settings (type of route
• Information mode (display of the current
location on the map or by means of symbols
without activated route guidance)
• Selection of the predecessor menus or the
main menu and interruption of the accom-
plished operations
GB 23
Function overview
AS/ CD button - Mix Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
Radio: unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
• Automatic storage of the 6 strong-
est transmitters within the ranges
of FM + TP or AM. The transmit- SCAN button
ters are stored in the memory Radio:
levels FM2, TP2 and AM2 • Brief selection (10 seconds) of all stored
Audio: transmitters (FM, TP, AM)
• CD Mix button - Playing the titles Audio:
in random order • Brief playing of all titles of the CD
Day/night button
• The display switches automatically to night/day mode de-
pending upon switching on/off the main lighting
• With this button the mode of operation can be switched over
to day or night mode independent of the lights.
• Selection of the predecessor menus or
the main menu and interruption of the ac-
complished operations
Audio button
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability • Menu „Selection of sound source“:
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• Audio CD (CD changer)
SP61_28 • Frequency range FM + TP or AM
• Other audio signals AUX
• Radio muting
Pre-set buttons 1 - 6
• Storing 12 transmitters within the ranges FM and
AM in two memory levels
• Selecting CD in changer
GB 25
Function overview
The satellite navigation equipment MFD ranks The navigation, reception and audio functions,
among the basis class and is offered in the which the equipment offers to the driver, are
models ŠkodaFabia and ŠkodaSuperb. comparable with the equipment of the higher
The MCD equipment has only a black/white
display with simpler representation and green
background lighting in comparison to the
equipment of the MFD class.
INFO button
• Task of the complete information about the
current selected destination:
• current position of the vehicle
• entered destination address
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• estimated driving time, etc.
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
• Entries in the list where there are points cor-
respond to the continuations of the text.
NAVI button
• Calls up the main menu:
Monochromatic display • Entry of the destination
• Route guidance is shown by means of • Selection of the possible routes and their
direction arrows and guidance mark- calculation
ings. • Activation of the route guidance (selection of
• Green background lighting the display mode, the symbols and the type
of map)
• Destination memory
• Driving companion (additional information
about accommodation, route information
etc.). If these are not on the CD Rom, this
function cannot be activated.
• System settings (type of route representation)
• Information mode (display of the current loca-
tion on the map or by means of symbols
without activated route guidance)
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO • GPS status
A. S. ŠKODA AUTO (indicates the number
A. S. does not guarantee or accept of
any the
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
sently visible satellites)
TELE button
• Display of the traffic messages received
by the TMC, which the system uses for
the dynamic route guidance
GB 27
Function overview
FM / AM button
• Switch-over of the reception range for
FM / AM in the memory levels FM1/FM2 and
Tuning buttons
• manual transmitter setting FM/AM
• delection and repetition of the traffic mes-
sages recorded with TIM
• Selection of the titles
MUTE button
• For muting
SCAN button
• Brief selection (10 s) of all stored transmit-
ters (FM, TP and AM)
• Brief playing of all titles of the CD
Day/night selection button
• The display switches automatically to night/day
mode depending upon switching on/off the main
• With this button the mode of operation can be
CD drive switched over to day or night mode independent
• Case for the audio CD of the lights.
CD button
• Activates the CD and CD changer
DSP button
• Contrast setting of the display
Tuning buttons
• automatic transmitter setting
• selecting the stored transmitter
• fast playing of the TIM messages
• fast playing of the titles on the CD
Macro button
• Programmable function button
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SET button
• Selecting the basic setting - SETUP
SP61_39 Button
• Aborting the set operation
GB 29
Function overview
The satellite navigation equipment MFD2 („NEX- The most remarkable modification is the shape
US“) is an advanced development of the naviga- of the equipment, which was adapted to the
tion equipment MFD and therefore belongs to the instrument panel of the vehicle ŠkodaOctavia II.
upper class. Some improvements and smaller Another modification is the possibility of the audio
modifications were carried out in the equipment. CDs being played directly in the drive of the
CD - Drive
• Case for the navigation - CD
Function buttons
• The buttons are assigned in the respective
menus to different functions. If for example in
the top part of the screen the text „memory“
is indicated, the non-descriptive button at this
level corresponds to this text and the dis-
played function is called up by pressing.
INFO button
• For calling up detailed information:
• for setting the system
• call up traffic messages
• current position of the vehicle
• entered destination address
• estimated driving time to the destination etc.
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30 unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
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Button for storing the current position of
the vehicle
• The position of the vehicle can be stored
as so-called „destination flag“. If the driver
while driving registers a destination, to which
he would like to return later, he can store it
as „destination flag“ by pressing this button.
Then the destination can be called up later
CD-ROM eject button without re-entering.
• By pressing the button only one destination
flag can be stored. When pressing the button
again the old address is overwritten by the
new one.
• Destination flags can be entered permanently
into the destination memory via the main
GB 31
Function overview
Day/night button
• The display switches automatically to night/
day mode depending upon switching on/off
the main lighting.
• With this button the mode of operation can
Selection buttons
be switched over to day or night mode inde-
• Fast switch-over foward/reverse
pendent of the lights.
• Control of the active tone source
• Setting the display contrast for day / night
• Briefly pressing - switch-over to stored
transmitters FM / AM
• Press and hold - Transmitter change FM/
AM in the transmitter list
• Briefly pressing - Change title forward /
• Press and hold - faster forward or reverse
of the title
RADIO button
• Selection and control of the radio menu
CD button
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• Activates the CD and the CD changer
unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
CD drive
• Case for the audio CD
CD eject button
ESC button
• Leaving the respective menu
AUX button
• Activation of additionally connected
external tone sources
TELE button
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• For subsequent additional functions
unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
GB 33
Function overview
The satellite navigation equipment Lowline The shape of the equipment Lowline was
(„CRUISE“) belongs to the basic class and is adapted to the instrument panel of the vehicle
intended for the installation into the vehicles ŠkodaOctavia of the second generation.
ŠkodaOctavia of the second generation. The equipment Lowline can play audio CDs in the
MP3 format.
Similar to the type MCD the equipment Lowline
shows all information on a monochromatic The respective functions are selected and
display with green background lightings. switched by means of buttons and menus.
CD drive
• Case for the navigation - CD ROM
Function buttons
• The buttons in the relevant menu are as-
signed to the different functions. If for ex-
ample: in the top part of the screen the text
„memory“ is indicated, the non-descriptive
button at this level corresponds to this text
and the displayed function is called up by
INFO button
• While driving the last instruction is re-
peated and the following is displayed:
• the current destination address
• traffic messages
• current position of the vehicle
• the geographic coordinates
Monochromatic display
• Route guidance is shown by CD-ROM eject button
means of direction arrows and
guidance markings
• Green background lighting
TRAFFIC button
• Illustrates traffic messages of the current
TMC transmitter.
• Activation of the mode of operation TMC,
with which the navigation system evaluates
automatically transmitted data concerning
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obstacles (jams, accidents etc.), reacts
unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A.ifS.�
to and possible determines an alternative
• Leaving the current menu and re-
NAV button turning to the previous
• Switch-over to mode of operation
for the navigation
• Calling up the main menu:
• route guidance
• driving destination
• details for routes
GB 35
Function overview
CD drive
• Case for the audio CD
RADIO button
• Selection and control of the radio menu
CD button
• Activates the CD and the CD changer
CD eject button
SETUP button
• Setting the properties:
• of the system (time, language, volume.
• of the screen (brightness)
Selection button
• Fast forward/reverse switching
• Control of the current tone source
• Briefly pressing - switch-over to stored trans-
mitters FM / AM
• Press and hold - Switchover of transmitters in
the list FM/AM
• Briefly press - Change song forward / reverse
• Press and hold - fast forward or reverse of
the song
SP61_42 Button
• Leaving the current menu, back to previous
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Rotary knob (centre)
• Entry of the values in the menu illus-
trated on the screen
• Turning - selecting the relevant func-
tions or points of the offer
• Press - confirmation of the selected
functions or points
GB 37
Technical specification
Technical Data
General data:
Mode of operation for navigation:
• 5-inch colour display horizontally and vertically
• Schematic representation of information for turnable
route guidance on the Maxi-DOT display of the • Connection to Maxi-DOT display in the instru-
instrument cluster ment cluster
• linguistic and visual route guidance (representa- • Day / night mode
tion of the map and the symbols on the display) • Muting for the telephone „MUTE“
• Option shortest/fastest route to the destination • controllable also via the multi-function steering
• Route guidance by means of road map or navi- wheel
gation symbols (arrows)
• Indicates the distance to the announced change
of direction (only if navigation is activated by Supplementary equipment:
means of symbols, or at Maxi DOT in the instru-
ment cluster) • CD changer for 6 CDs
• Indicates the driven road, if possible the next • TV tuner (only for ŠkodaSuperb)
road (only if navigation is activated by means • Digital Sound System + amplifier (only for
of symbols, or at Maxi DOT in the instrument ŠkodaSuperb)
• Indicates the arrival time at the destination and
the remaining travel duration
• Indicates the remaining distance (km) up to the
specified destination
• Number of the reachable/visible satellites
• Possibility of excluding road sections (e.g. mo-
torways, train ferries, toll roads etc.)
• Warnings about traffic obstacles (TM announce-
ments) + dynamic destination navigation (DX
• Memory for 100 destinations (text data) and
10 top destinations (specified by the user)
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38 unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
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Satellite navigation system MCD
Technical Data
General data:
Mode of operation for navigation:
• Monochromatic display with green background
• Schematic representation of the direction in- lighting
formation for route guidance on the Maxi-DOT • Connection to Maxi-DOT display in the instru-
display of the instrument cluster ment cluster
• Linguistic and visual route guidance (repre- • Day / night mode
sentation of the map and the symbols on the • Muting for the telephone „MUTE“
display) • controllable also via the multi-function steering
• Route guidance by means of navigation sym- wheel
bols (arrows)
• Indicates the distance to the announced change
of direction (also on Maxi DOT in the instrument Supplementary equipment:
• Indicates the driven road, if possible the next • CD changer for 6 CDs
road (also on Maxi DOT in the instrument clus-
• Indicates the arrival time at the destination and
the remaining travel duration
• Indicates the remaining distance (km) up to the
specified destination
• Number of the reachable/visible satellites
• Possibility of excluding road sections (e.g. mo-
torways, train ferries, toll roads etc.)
• Warnings about traffic obstacles (TM announce-
ments) + dynamic destination navigation (DX
• Memory for 100 destinations (text data) and
10 top destinations (specified by the user)
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GB 39
Technical specification
Satellite navigation system Lowline
* CORRIDOR is a function, which enables the equipment to transfer the data after
calculation of the route to the internal memory and to keep the vehicle on the se-
lected route, without the navigation CD being in the drive. If the vehicle leaves the
fixed corridor, the driver is requested to insert the navigation CD in order to calcu-
late again the changes of the route and the route guidance.This function enables a
playing of audio or MP3 CDs directly in the drive of the equipment while driving.
GB 41
System overview
Roof antenna
Navigation device MFD • GPS
TV tuner
TMC module
steering wheel
Multi-func- light switch
tion steering
wheel control ABS control unit
Instrument cluster
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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
Convenience ABS speed sender
Self-diagnosis for all radio naviga- TV tuner and amplifier are addi-
tion equipment is carried out with tional devices and intended only
the diagnosis unit VAS 5052/505. for the ŠkodaSuperb.
Schematic representation of the satellite navigation system MCD in the vehicle
Roof antenna
Navigation device MCD • AM/FM
Telephone CD changer
steering wheel
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unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
Multi-func- with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
tion steering
wheel control
Instrument cluster Loudspeakers
light switch
GB 43
System overview
Roof antenna
Telephone Telephone
Gateway Mute NF
steering wheel
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
Steering wheel
with respect correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
to the
supply CD changer
control unit
control unit
Reverse light switch
ABS speed sender connector
Schematic representation of the satellite navigation system Lowline in the vehicle
Roof antenna
Navigation device Lowline • GPS
Instrument cluster • AM/FM
Telephone Telephone
Mute NF
steering wheel
supply CD changer
control unit
Reverse light switch control unit
ABS speed sender
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�
GB 45
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not permitted
unless authorised by ŠKODA AUTO A. S. ŠKODA AUTO A. S. does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by ŠKODA AUTO A. S.�