Regional Integration

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Regional Integration

“All ah we is one Family”

Concept of Regional Integration
Why regional integration is necessary
Caribbean countries need to work together to develop policies to survive in a world
in which restrictions prevent the free flow of goods, services and capital
throughout the world are being removed.

Caribbean governments, faced with increasing unemployment and poverty and

declining earnings both of revenue and foreign currency, are having a difficult time
managing their countries.
Purposes of integration
The fundamental purpose of integration is to enhance the development of the
region. This is achieved through:

● Developing human resources

● Providing improved education facilities
● Improving health standards
● Helping businesses to thrive through policies of free trade, free movement of
labour etc.
Major challenges facing the Caribbean
● Difficulty in exporting to international markets
● Limited range of products
● Debt burden
● Unemployment and poverty
● Shortage of skilled labour
● Vulnerability to natural disasters
The road to regional integration
The West Indies Federation
The West Indies Federation (1958- 1962)
The West Indies Federation was attempt to unite the English- speaking Caribbean
Islands. It was established at a time when living conditions in the islands were very
bad because of neglect by the UK.

The islands were still colonies and they wanted to achieve greater self- rule from
Members of the West Indies Federation
Jamaica St. Lucia

Trinidad and Tobago Montserrat

Barbados St. Kitts/Nevis/Anguilla

Dominica Antigua and Barbuda


St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Flag of the Federation
Objectives of the Federation
● To improve the social and economic conditions of its members
● To help the colonies move towards self government
● To loosen the grip of foreign control over the economies of the countries
● To secure cheaper prices for imports and better prices for exports through a
united voice
● To resist the US intervention in the affairs of the Caribbean
Achievements of Federation
Facilitated the movement from colonialism to independence through a united voice

The coming together of small states strengthened their effectiveness in dealing

with international bodies
Collapse of the Federation
Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica, the two largest financial contributors, withdrew
from the group
Collapse of the Federation
● The islands were at varying stages of political development
● Conflicts over issues such as the capital site(Chaguaramas was the capital)
● The Federation failed to improve trade, wages and employment in the West
CARIFTA (1968- 1973)
The Caribbean Free Trade Area (CARIFTA) was formed in 1968. The agreement
was signed at Dickenson Bay in Antigua and Barbuda on 1st May 1965.
CARIFTA Member States
Guyana Antigua and Barbuda

Trinidad and Tobago St. Kittts/Nevis/Anguilla

Barbados Jamaica

St. Vincent Belize

St. Lucia


Aims and Objectives
● To foster economic and social development by encouraging free trade among
member states
● Increasing the quantity and variety of goods produced and traded within the
● Encouraging the development of industries in LDC’s
Success of CARIFTA
Successful in increasing intra- regional trade
1. What is regional Integration?

2. What year was Carifta formed?

3. Who said “one from ten leaves nought”

4. Name three countries of the Federation

Name the country whose flag is shown

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