OZEN Catalogue EN - Web 5 MB
OZEN Catalogue EN - Web 5 MB
OZEN Catalogue EN - Web 5 MB
OSC DS Series 29
Direct-Coupled Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Superior Series
OBS D Series 35
Screw Booster Compressor Series
TK-CK Series 45
Piston Compressors
SB Series 49
Silobas Compressors Series
Ozen Kompresor, with its industry
experience of half-a-century and
its large portfolio of compressed air
products, provides, reliable, efficient and
smart solutions.
Ozen’s dedication to customer
satisfaction has helped the
company to build lasting
relationships of trust and loyalty
with its customers.
Manufacturing consistently high-quality
products is one of Ozen’s fundamental
tenets. To that end, Ozen continuously
enhances its quality policies.
Ozen Kompresor is innovative.
It always uses up-to-date
technologies in compliance with
With its creative team and modern
infrastructure, Ozen is capable of
developing its own technology
through collaborations with
several universities.
Ozen Kompresor acts in favor of
its customers. Providing them with
leverage is one of Ozen’s strong suits.
High quality elements
improve durability. 1
Compact Oil Separator Design
• CE approved tank
4 • Spin-on filter components
• Minimum pressure drop
• Oil level control
• User-friendly control panel indicators
facilitate the assessment of the equipment
as well as the planning of maintenance.
• Support for 10 languages
• Oil level control
OSC T Tank-Mounted Screw Compressor Series
OSC T • OSC Td • OSC VT • OSC VTd (3-30 kW)
Integrated Filters
• Integrated, high-performance
water separator
• Integrated filters inside the
dryer cabinet minimize labor
• CAGI-approved
• Oversized filters are chosen to
extend lifetime
Filtering Specifications
P * X Y A*
5 µ Particle 1 µ Particle 0,01 µ Particle 0,01 µ Particle
5 mg/m Oil 0,5 mg/m Oil 0,01 mg/m Oil 0,003 mg/m Oil
P.loss (psi) 0,58 P.loss (psi) 1,16 P.loss (psi) 1,45 P.loss (psi) 1,16
P.loss (psi) 10,15 P.loss (psi) 10,15 P.loss (psi) 10,15 P.loss (psi) 10,15
(for element change) (for element change) (for element change) (for element change)
Element Colour
Element Colour Element Colour Element Colour
Code: (),# -
Code: White Code: Red Code: White
Metal SS
*X and Y filters are standard on the dryers. P and A filters are optional.
OSC T Tank-Mounted Screw Compressor Series
OSC T • OSC Td • OSC VT • OSC VTd (3-30 kW)
Pressure Capacity (FAD) Motor Power Dimensions (mm)
Dryer Weight
Bar m3/min kW HP Tank Volume dB(A) Width Length Height
(additional) (kg)
7.5 0.42
10 0.35 3 4 300 ODR 30 68 245- 302 610 1690 1550
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 0.29
7.5 0.57
10 0.48 4 5 300 ODR 42 69 270-322 610 1690 1550
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 0.35
7.5 0.9
10 0.7 5.5 7 500 ODR 66 69 380-448 750 1850 1770
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 0.62
7.5 1.23
10 0.97 7.5 10 500 ODR 66 69 400-493 750 1850 1770
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 0.82
7.5 1.87
OSC 11
10 1.62 11 15 500 ODR 130 69 440-528 750 1850 1770
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 1.34
7.5 1.87
OSC 11
(T-1, Td-1, 10 1.62 11 15 1000 ODR 130 69 560-638 930 1935 2000
VT-1, VTd-1)
13 1.34
7.5 2.43
OSC 15
10 2.11 15 20 500 ODR 168 70 490-603 750 1850 1770
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 1.8
7.5 2.43
OSC 15
10 2.11 15 20 1000 ODR 168 70 645-738 930 1935 2000
Td-1, VT-1,
13 1.8
7.5 3.13
OSC 18
10 2.73 18.5 25 1000 ODRE 190 70 715-818 940 2000 2140
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 2.32
7.5 3.67
OSC 22
10 3.22 22 30 1000 ODR 240 70 730-848 940 2000 2140
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 2.77
7.5 4.97
OSC 30
10 4.29 30 40 1000 ODR 300 70 890-920 940 2000 2140
(T, Td, VT, VTd)
13 3.73
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 ° C ambient temperature.
.- According to operating pressure SHD 7,5 bar performance was measured at 7 bar; 10 bar performance was measured at 9,5 bar and 13 bar performance was measured at 12,5 bar.
- T: Tank, d: Dryer, V: Inverter.
- VTd: Inverter controlled equipped with tank&dryer.
- Td-1: Dryer equipped on 1000 lt tank.
+90 332 345 42 45 Appropriate solutions for all your compressed air needs
OSC Series
Screw Compressor Series
OSC V Series
Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Series
Quality Equipment
OSC Screw Compressor Series
OSC V Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Series
OSC • OSC V (3 -132 kW)
Air-end 1
High-quality elements
improve durability.
7 1
Compact Oil Separator Design
• CE/ASME-approved tank
• Minimum pressure drop
• Spin-on filter components
• Oil level control
• User-friendly control panel
indicators facilitate the
assessment of the equipment
5 as well as the planning of
• Support for 10 languages
• Compatible with Industry 4.0
Electrical Panel
6 All electrical panels
are IEC and CE /
Ease of Service
8 • The strategic positioning of product components provides
ease of maintenance.
• With easily available spare parts, maintenance is no longer an issue.
• Oil changes made simple, thanks to the separator tank design.
OSC Screw Compressor Series
OSC V Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Series
OSC • OSC V (3 -132 kW)
7.5 0.42
OSC 3,
10 0.35 3 4 68 160- 172 1/2 " 610 1110 1000
13 0.29
7.5 0.57
OSC 4,
10 0.48 4 5 69 190-202 1/2 " 610 1110 1000
13 0.35
7.5 0.9
OSC 5,
10 0.7 5.5 7 69 200-212 3/4 " 750 1170 1120
13 0.62
7.5 1.23
OSC 7,
10 0.97 7.5 10 69 230-248 3/4 " 750 1170 1120
13 0.82
7.5 1.87
OSC 11,
10 1.62 11 15 69 290-308 3/4 " 750 1170 1120
OSC 11 V
13 1.34
7.5 2.43
OSC 15,
10 2.11 15 20 70 350-368 3/4 " 750 1170 1120
OSC 15 V
13 1.8
7.5 3.13
OSC 18,
10 2.73 18.5 25 70 440-470 3/4 " 900 1350 1255
OSC 18 V
13 2.32
7.5 3.67
OSC 22,
10 3.22 22 30 70 500-530 3/4 " 900 1350 1255
OSC 22 V
13 2.77
7.5 4.97
OSC 30,
10 4.29 30 40 70 580-610 3/4 " 900 1350 1255
OSC 30 V
13 3.73
- V: Inverter controlled
OSC Screw Compressor Series
OSC V Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Series
OSC • OSC V (3 -132 kW)
7.5 6.21
13 4.61
7.5 7.46
13 5.55
7.5 9.72
OSC 55,
10 8.5 55 75 74 1400-1445 1 1/2 " 1450 1600 1750
OSC 55 V
13 7.2
7.5 12.82
OSC 75,
10 11.31 75 100 75 1670-1750 2" 1650 2000 1900
OSC 75 V
13 9.77
7.5 16.34
OSC 90,
10 14.15 90 125 75 2250-2330 2" 1650 2000 1900
OSC 90 V
13 12.02
7.5 19.57
OSC 110,
10 17.1 110 150 76 2650-2740 2" 1700 2700 1855
OSC 110 V
13 14.68
7.5 22.96
OSC 132,
10 20.23 132 180 77 3000-3090 2" 1700 2700 1855
OSC 132 V
13 17.52
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 ° C ambient temperature.
- According to operating pressure SHD 7.5 bar performance was measured at 7 bar; 10 bar performance was measured at 9,5 bar and 13 bar performance was measured at 12,5 bar.
- V: Inverter controlled
+90 332 345 42 45 Outstanding performance under tough conditions
OSC U Series
Direct-Coupled Screw Compressor Series
OSC D Series
Direct-Coupled Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Series
Quality Equipment
OSC U - Direct-Coupled Screw Compressor Series
OSC D - Direct-Coupled Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Series
OSC U (30-355 kW) • OSC D (18,5-315 kW)
Air-end 1
High-efficent and
high-quality elements
Ozen Drive - 1:1 Coupling
• Improves compressor efficiency by 3
the motor power transmission to the
screw block with 1:1 ratio.
• Saves energy by eliminating losses
due to friction.
Ease of Service
• The strategic positioning of product components provides ease of
5 • With easily available spare parts, maintenance is no longer an issue.
• User-friendly control panel indicators facilitate the assessment
of the equipment as well as the planning of maintenance.
• Up to four compressors can be managed from a single control
point, providing ease of use and energy savings.
• Support for 10 languages including Arabic
• Equal aging option is available
OSC U - Direct-Coupled Screw Compressor Series
13 3.71
7.5 6.60
13 4.04
7.5 7.44
13 5.23
7.5 9.17
13 7.25
7.5 13.67
13 8.80
7.5 15.58
13 10.66
7.5 19.99
OSC 110 U 10 15.30 110 150 76 2650 2" 1600 3200 1855
13 12.74
7.5 21.83
OSC 132 U 10 19.62 132 180 76 3460 3" 1600 3200 1855
13 17.53
7.5 28.02
OSC 160 U 10 23.03 160 220 77 3850 3" 1950 3500 2055
13 18.70
7.5 36.31
OSC 200 U 10 31.03 200 270 78 4420 4" 2150 3700 2350
13 21.99
7.5 43.08
OSC 250 U 10 36.16 250 340 78 5750 4" 2150 3700 2350
13 30.70
7.5 53.46
OSC 315 U 10 46.04 315 430 78 6000 4" 2150 3900 2350
13 39.37
7.5 57.31
OSC 355 U 10 52.95 355 480 79 6250 4" 2150 3900 2350
13 45.34
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 °C ambient
temperature. to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 ° C ambient temperature.
OSC D - Direct-Coupled Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Series
13 2.43
7.5 3.82
13 2.89
7.5 5.04
13 3.89
7.5 6.42
13 4.77
7.5 7.62
13 5.79
7.5 10.18
13 7.53
7.5 13.29
13 10.17
7.5 16.94
13 12.51
7.5 20.29
OSC 110 D 10 17.76 110 150 76 2740 2" 1600 3200 1855
13 15.28
7.5 23.86
OSC 132 D 10 21.07 132 180 77 3250 3" 1600 3200 1855
13 18.28
7.5 30.23
OSC 160 D 10 26.11 160 220 77 3980 3" 1950 3500 2055
13 21.62
7.5 41.02
OSC 200 D 10 34.22 200 270 78 5310 4" 2150 3700 2350
13 28.37
7.5 50.21
OSC 250 D 10 42.1 250 340 78 6250 4" 2150 3700 2350
13 35.69
7.5 55.25
OSC 315 D 10 46.42 315 430 79 6550 4" 2150 3900 2350
13 39.75
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 °C ambien t temperature.
+90 332 345 42 45 Efficient solutions in harsh conditions
OSC DS Series
Direct-Coupled Frequency Inverter
Screw Compressor Superior Series
Quality Equipment
Direct-Coupled Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Superior Series
OSC DS (18,5-355 kW)
Air-end 1
High-efficent and
high-quality elements
Ozen Drive - 1:1 Coupling
• Improves compressor efficiency by 3
the motor power transmission to the
screw block with 1:1 ratio.
• Saves energy by eliminating
losses due to friction.
Ease of Service
• The strategic positioning of product components provides ease of
5 • With easily available spare parts, maintenance is no longer an issue.
• User-friendly control panel indicators facilitate the assessment
of the equipment as well as the planning of maintenance.
• Up to four compressors can be managed from a single control
point, providing ease of use and energy savings.
• Support for 10 languages
• Equal aging option is available
Direct-Coupled Frequency Inverter Screw Compressor Superior Series
OSC DS (18,5-355 kW)
Pressure Capacity (FAD) Motor Power Dimensions (mm)
MODEL Weight Connection
Bar m3/min. kW HP dB(A) Width Length Height
(kg) Diameter
7.5 3.48
13 2.37
7.5 4.13
13 2.89
7.5 5.53
13 4.03
7.5 7.37
13 5.19
7.5 9.31
13 6.64
7.5 11.29
13 8.43
7.5 14.97
13 10.9
7.5 19.03
13 13.06
7.5 22.84
OSC 110 DS 10 19.27 110 150 76 2800 2" 1600 3200 1855
13 16.06
7.5 26.73
OSC 132 DS 10 21.76 132 180 78 3350 3" 1600 3200 1855
13 19.02
7.5 34.49
OSC 160 DS 10 28.61 160 220 78 4100 3" 1950 3500 2055
13 23.24
7.5 42.68
OSC 200 DS 10 35.64 200 270 79 5450 4" 2150 3700 2350
13 29.68
7.5 52.22
OSC 250 DS 10 43.82 250 340 80 6400 4" 2150 3700 2350
13 37.3
7.5 62.13
OSC 315 DS 10 53.65 315 430 81 6650 4" 2150 3900 2350
13 45.42
7.5 68.94
OSC 355 DS 10 60.07 355 480 82 6750 4" 2150 3900 2350
13 51.24
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 ° C ambien t temperature.
- According to operating pressure SHD 7,5 bar performance was measured at 7 bar; 10 bar performance was measured at 9,5 bar and 13 bar
performance was measured at 12,5 bar.
+90 332 345 42 45 The best booster performance
OBS D Series
Screw Booster
Compressor Series
Industries That Use OBS D Series
Screw Booster Compressor Series
OBS D (18-45 kW)
Screw-Separator Components
• High-efficiency,
high-quality screw elements
• Mono-block screw-separator design
• Minimum pressure drop
• Oil level control 1
• Spin-on separator
• User-friendly control panel indicators
facilitate the assessment of the
equipment as well as the planning of
5 • All the functions of the OBS D series
screw boosters are monitored by 21
sensors and any potential problem is
prevented by the electronic control
• Up to four compressors can be managed
from a single control point, providing ease
of use and energy savings.
• Support for 12 languages
• Equal aging option is available
Quality Equipment
6 • Product durability is improved with reinforced
body design.
• Ozen Kompresor uses components that are
compatible with world standards.
• High performance and durability provide
2 peace of mind.
• It is easy to find the products with the desired
3 specifications.
• Access to after-sales services is effortless.
Ease of Service
• The strategic positioning of product components
provides ease of maintenance.
• With easily available spare parts, maintenance is
no longer an issue.
• Maintenance and overhaul intervals are long (oil-
filter change every 8000 hours / overhaul
every 35,000 to 40,000 hours).
Screw Booster Compressor Series
OBS D (18-45 kW)
Ownership Saving
Total Cost
of Ownership
(Investment-Energy-Service) > 15-20% lower cost of ownership
Total Cost
of Ownership
Technicial Specifications OBS D (18-45 kW)
kW HP Bar Bar m3/min Bar Bar m3/min Bar Bar m3/min (mm) (mm) (mm)
7 7.46 7 7.7 7 -
12 11.47 12 12.28 12 -
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 ° C ambient temperature.
OEO - Ozen Energy Optimisation
% Full
it does not produce any air. In OSC V, OSC D, OSC DS and 120
OBS D series compressors, the built-in frequency inverter 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Flow %
OER - Ozen Energy Recovery (Optional)*
Recovery PROCESS
Improving energy efficiency is essential for the industry. Rising energy prices
Advantages and growing environmental awareness increase the importance of waste
heat recovery. 94% of the energy consumed by a compressor is converted
> Does not have any impact on
compressor maintenance. into heat. This heat is released back into the atmosphere through the
cooling system and by radiation. Not being able to make use of this waste
> Return of investment is 1 year. heat has a negative effect on operating costs.
> Reduces gas etc. consumption for Ozen Energy Recovery solution makes it possible to use the waste heat
heating and hot water.
generated by your compressor within the facility. The integrated heat
> Selecting for heat recovery not exchanger recovers the heat, which can, then, be used for heating the
only lowers energy costs but also factory and storage areas, as well as for hot water. This rather easy-to
contributes greatly to the protection implement system increases energy efficiency and provides operating cost
of the environment. savings.
+90 332 345 42 45 Efficient solutions to your uninterrupted air needs
TK-CK Series
Piston Compressor Series
Easy to use and Quality Equipment
• Low speed
• Highly efficient and long-lasting
• Low noise level
• Ideal and ergonomic head structure
• Durable to heavy conditions and continuous
• Cast iron cylinder and cylinder covers
• Ductile cast iron crankshaft
• Special alloy aluminum piston rods
• Special alloy cast iron body
• Electric box suitable for compressor
Piston Compressor Series
Number of Cylinder
MODEL Tank Volume Air Intake Pressure Motor Power Weight
Cylinders Diameter Width Length Height
TK-150/2X60 M 150 300 8 2 60-60 1,5 (220V) 550 1300 880 106
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 ° C ambien t temperature.
Number of Cylinder
MODEL Tank Volume Air Intake Pressure Motor Power Weight
Cylinders Diameter Width Length Height
- Compressor performance is measured according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 ° C ambien t temperature.
+90 332 345 42 45 The best solution for pneumatic transport
SB Series
Silobas Air Compressor
Standard Features
Stock Volume Number of Number of Turns Pressure Piston Diameter Strok Weight
MODEL (kg)
(lt/min) Stages (t/min) (bar) (mm) (mm)
- * Capacities are given under 1 bar inlet and 20 ° C ambient temperature conditions. ISO 1217 APPENDIX C Flow Tolerance: +/- 6%
+90 332 345 42 45 Appropriate solutions for all your compressed air needs
Ozen Ozen
Refrigerated Desiccant
Air Drying Air Drying
Systems Systems
ODR and ODRE Series Refrigerated Air Dryers
ODR ve ODRE Series
Compact Design
ODR and ODRE Series Refrigerated Air Dryers
ODR ve ODRE Series
Dryer Outlet
Wet Air
Integrated Filters
Ease of Service
ODR Series Refrigerated Air Dryers
ODR Series
Technicial Specifications
Capacity Max.
7 Bar, Max. 35 °C Inlet, 25 °C Pressure Max. Ambient Max. Inlet Filter Model to be
Voltage Working
MODEL Ambient Temperature Connection Size Drop Temperature Temperature placed in the Dryer
V / ~ / Hz Pressure
(mbar) (°C) (°C) m3/h
m³/min cfm (Bar)
ODR 18 0,30 10,59 1/2” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO45 MX+MY
ODR 30 0,50 17,66 1/2” 230/1/50 140 16 60 70 GKO45 MX+MY
ODR 42 0,70 24,72 1/2” 230/1/50 220 16 60 70 GKO45 MX+MY
ODR 55 0,92 32,49 1/2” 230/1/50 50 16 60 70 GKO70 MX+MY
ODR 66 1,10 38,85 3/4” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO150 MX+MY
ODR 96 1,60 56,50 3/4” 230/1/50 150 16 60 70 GKO150 MX+MY
ODR 130 2,16 76,49 3/4” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO150 MX+MY
ODR 168 2,80 98,88 1 1/2” 230/1/50 150 16 60 70 GKO500 MX+MY
ODR 240 4,00 141,26 1 1/2” 230/1/50 80 16 60 70 GKO500 MX+MY
ODR 300 5,00 176,57 1 1/2” 230/1/50 120 16 60 70 GKO500 MX+MY
ODR 396 6,60 233,08 2” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO851 MX+MY
ODR 498 8,30 293,11 2” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO1210 MX+MY
ODR 660 11,00 388,46 2” 230/1/50 120 16 60 70 GKO1210 MX+MY
ODR 870 14,50 512,06 2” 230/1/50 220 16 60 70 GKO1210 MX+MY
ODR 1110 18,50 653,32 3” 400/3/50 180 16 60 70 GKO1820 MX+MY
ODR 1380 23,00 812,24 3” 400/3/50 120 16 60 70 GKO1820 MX+MY
ODR 1710 28,50 1006,47 3” 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 GKO2700 MX+MY
ODR 2220 37,00 1306,64 3” 400/3/50 170 16 60 70 GKO2700 MX+MY
ODR 2664 44,40 1567,97 DIN 100 400/3/50 250 16 60 70 -
ODR 3132 52,20 1843,43 DIN 100 400/3/50 200 16 60 70 -
ODR 4068 67,80 2394,33 DIN 100 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODR 4680 78,00 2754,54 DIN 100 400/3/50 200 16 60 70 -
ODR 5580 93,00 3284,26 DIN 150 400/3/50 230 16 60 70 -
ODR 6300 105,00 3708,04 DIN 150 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODR 7200 120,00 4237,76 DIN 150 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODR 8400 140,00 4944,05 DIN 200 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODR 10000 166,67 5885,90 DIN 200 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
- Capacities are specified according Correction Factors for ODR Series Dryers
to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference Air Inlet Temperature°C 30 35 40 45 50 60 - -
to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 °C ambient F1 1,29 1 0,92 0,78 0,65 0,45 - -
temperature. Dew point is +3 °C. Ambient Temperature °C 20 25 30 35 40 50 - -
F2 1,05 1 0,98 0,93 0,84 0,7 - -
Pressure Bar 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 16
F3 0,8 0,94 1 1,04 1,11 1,16 1,22 1,25
Correction Formula: Air Capacity of Compressor/F1/F2/F3= Dryer Capacity
ODRE Series Refrigerated Air Dryers
ODRE Serisi
ODRE Series
High energy saving R134a gas is standard in all dryer models. Thanks
to the thermodynamic properties of R134a, which is ideal for both low
and high heat applications, it is possible to operate at lower pressures
than other dryers.
Technicial Specifications
Capacity Max.
7 Bar, Max. 35 °C Inlet, 25 °C Pressure Working Max. Ambient Max. Inlet Filter Model to be
MODEL Ambient Temperature Connection Size Drop Pressure Temperature Temperature placed in the Dryer
V / ~ / Hz
m³/min cfm (mbar) (Bar) (°C) (°C) m3/h
ODRE 23 0,38 23 1/2” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO45 MX+MY
ODRE 38 0,63 38 1/2” 230/1/50 140 16 60 70 GKO45 MX+MY
ODRE 53 0,88 53 1/2” 230/1/50 220 16 60 70 GKO45 MX+MY
ODRE 70 1,17 70 1/2” 230/1/50 50 16 60 70 GKO70 MX+MY
ODRE 100 1,66 100 3/4” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO150 MX+MY
ODRE 155 2,58 155 3/4” 230/1/50 150 16 60 70 GKO150 MX+MY
ODRE 190 3,16 190 3/4” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO150 MX+MY
ODRE 210 3,5 210 1 1/2” 230/1/50 150 16 60 70 GKO500 MX+MY
ODRE 305 5,08 305 1 1/2” 230/1/50 80 16 60 70 GKO500 MX+MY
ODRE 375 6,25 375 1 1/2” 230/1/50 120 16 60 70 GKO500 MX+MY
ODRE 495 8,25 495 2” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO851 MX+MY
ODRE 623 10,38 623 2” 230/1/50 100 16 60 70 GKO1210 MX+MY
ODRE 930 15,5 930 2” 230/1/50 120 16 60 70 GKO1210 MX+MY
ODRE 1200 20 1200 2” 230/1/50 220 16 60 70 GKO1210 MX+MY
ODRE 1388 23,13 1388 3” 400/3/50 180 16 60 70 GKO1820 MX+MY
ODRE 1800 30 1800 3” 400/3/50 120 16 60 70 GKO1820 MX+MY
ODRE 2500 41,66 2500 3” 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 GKO2700 MX+MY
ODRE 2775 46,25 2775 3” 400/3/50 170 16 60 70 GKO2700 MX+MY
ODRE 3330 55,5 3330 DIN 100 400/3/50 250 16 60 70 -
ODRE 3915 65,25 3915 DIN 100 400/3/50 200 16 60 70 -
ODRE 5085 84,75 5085 DIN 100 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODRE 5850 97,5 5850 DIN 100 400/3/50 200 16 60 70 -
ODRE 6975 116,25 6975 DIN 150 400/3/50 230 16 60 70 -
ODRE 7875 131,25 7875 DIN 150 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODRE 9000 150 9000 DIN 150 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODRE 10500 175 10500 DIN 200 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
ODRE 12500 200 12500 DIN 200 400/3/50 220 16 60 70 -
Correction Factors for ODRE Series Dryers - Capacities are specified according
Air Inlet Temperature°C 30 35 40 45 50 60 - - to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference
F1 1,29 1 0,92 0,78 0,65 0,45 - - to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 °C ambient
Ambient Temperature °C 20 25 30 35 40 50 - - temperature. Dew point is +10 °C.
F2 1,05 1 0,98 0,93 0,84 0,7 - -
Pressure Bar 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 16
F3 0,8 0,94 1 1,04 1,11 1,16 1,22 1,25
Correction Formula: Air Capacity of Compressor/F1/F2/F3= Dryer Capacity
ODR HP Series High Pressure Air Dryers
ODR HP Series
40 BAR
Technicial Specifications
Max. Working Max. Ambient Max. Inlet
Flow Flow Voltage Inlet - Outlet
MODEL Recommended Filters Pressure Temperature Temperature
(m3/min) (m3/h) V / ~ / Hz Connection Size
(Bar) °C °C
ODR 50 HP 0,83 50 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 3/4’’ OFL 100 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 90 HP 1,50 90 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 3/4’’ OFL 100 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 150 HP 2,50 150 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 3/4’’ OFL 300 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 220 HP 3,67 220 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 3/4’’ OFL 300 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 300 HP 5,00 300 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 1 1/4” OFL 300 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 400 HP 6,67 400 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 1 1/4” OFL 600 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 500 HP 8,33 500 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 1 1/4” OFL 600 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 575 HP 9,58 575 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 1 1/4” OFL 600 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 775 HP 12,92 775 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 1 1/4” OFL 850 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 910 HP 15,17 910 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 1 1/4” OFL 1200 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 1000 HP 16,67 1000 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 2” OFL 1200 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 1160 HP 19,33 1160 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 2” OFL 1200 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 1500 HP 25,00 1500 230V / 1 / 50 Hz 2” OFL 1600 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 1600 HP 26,67 1600 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2” OFL 1600 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 1800 HP 30,00 1800 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2” OFL 2500 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 2200 HP 36,67 2200 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2 1/2” OFL 2500 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 2500 HP 41,67 2500 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2 1/2” OFL 2500 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 2700 HP 45,00 2700 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2 1/2” OFL 3000 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 3000 HP 50,00 3000 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2 1/2” OFL 3000 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 3300 HP 55,00 3300 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2 1/2” OFL 3000 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
ODR 3600 HP 60,00 3600 400V / 3 / 50 Hz 2 1/2” OFL 3000 HG-MX-MY-MA 50 55 60
- Capacities are specified according to ISO 1217: 2009 Annex C with reference to 1 bar inlet pressure and 20 °C ambient temperature. Dew point is +3 °C.
Pressure ( Bar) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 - - - -
Ambient Temperature °C - - - - 20 25 30 35 40 42 -
Inlet Temperature °C - - - - 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Ozen Desiccant
Air Drying Systems
OMD Series Modular Desiccant Air Dryers
OMD (5-400 m3/h)
OMD Series Modular Desiccant Air Dryers
OMD (5-400 m3/h)
PLC Monitor
Technicial Specifications
Voltage Dew Point Dimensions Total Weight
MODEL Filter Set Connection Size
m³/min m³/h V / Hz (°C) (mm) (kg)
Correction Factors
(Bar g) 4,5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Factor (F1) 0,69 0,75 0,88 1 1,12 1,25 1,37 1,5 1,62 1,74 1,87 1,99 2,11
Inlet Temperature (°C) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 - - - - - -
Factor F2 1 1 1 1 0,8 0,73 0,59 - - - - - -
- To find the most suitable model with high efficiency, - Dew Point: -40 °C
multiply the flow rate in the table above by the - Normal Inlet Temperature: 35 °C
correction factor corresponding to the working pressure. - Normal Working Pressure: 7 bar
- Max. Inlet Temperature: 50 °C
- Max. Working Pressure: 16 bar
- Max. Ambient Temperature: 50 °C
OCD Series Heatless Desiccant Air Dryers
OCD Series
OCD Series Heatless Desiccant Air Dryers
OCD Series
Active Alumina
Technicial Specifications
Capacity Max. Inlet
Pressure Drop Dew Point Dimensions Weight
MODEL Filter Set Connection Size Temperature
m³/min m³/h (mbar) °C (mm) (kg)
OCD 130 2,17 130 GKO150 MX-MY-MP 1” 130 -40 45 757x450x1315 110
OCD 185 3,09 185 GKO200 MX-MY-MP 1” 130 -40 45 760x450x1567 130
OCD 250 4,17 250 GKO250 MX-MY-MP 1” 130 -40 45 650x760x1589 160
OCD 300 5,00 300 GKO300 MX-MY-MP 1 1/2” 130 -40 45 742x900x1615 215
OCD 360 6,00 360 GKO500 MX-MY-MP 1 1/2” 130 -40 45 742x900x1615 215
OCD 440 7,34 440 GKO500 MX-MY-MP 1 1/2” 130 -40 45 650x900x1792 340
OCD 575 9,60 575 GKO600 MX-MY-MP 1 1/2” 130 -40 45 650x900x1990 450
OCD 680 11,34 680 GKO851 MX-MY-MP 2” 130 -40 45 750x1000x2164 535
OCD 850 14,17 850 GKO851 MX-MY-MP 2” 130 -40 45 800x1050x2303 700
OCD 1000 16,67 1000 GKO1210 MX-MY-MP 2” 130 -40 45 860x1120x2397 785
OCD 1250 20,84 1250 GKO1820 MX-MY-MP DN80 130 -40 45 1010x1300x2310 980
OCD 1500 25,00 1500 GKO1820 MX-MY-MP DN80 130 -40 45 1010x1300x2547 1210
OCD 1800 30,00 1800 GKO1820 MX-MY-MP DN80 130 -40 45 1010x1392x2415 1250
OCD 2200 36,67 2200 GKO2200 MX-MY-MP DN80 130 -40 45 1110x1490x2482 1525
OCD 2700 45,00 2700 GKO2700 MX-MY-MP DN80 130 -40 45 1210x1949x2245 1870
OCD 3200 53,34 3200 F3600 MX-MY-MP DN100 130 -40 45 1210x1920x2460 2215
OCD 3600 60,00 3600 F4800 MX-MY-MP DN100 130 -40 45 1210x1830x2596 2300
OCD 4400 73,34 4400 F4800 MX-MY-MP DN100 130 -40 45 1210x1920x2486 2800
OCD 5000 83,34 5000 F7200 MX-MY-MP DN125 130 -40 45 1350x1920x2960 3180
OCD 6300 105,00 6300 F7200 MX-MY-MP DN150 130 -40 45 1650x2500x2760 4000
OCD 7200 120,00 7200 F9600 MX-MY-MP DN150 130 -40 45 1650x2500x2924 4570
OCD 8800 146,67 8800 F9600 MX-MY-MP DN150 130 -40 45 1650x2500x3200 5585
OCD 10800 180,00 10800 F12000 MX-MY-MP DN200 130 -40 45 1720x2500x2720 6855
Inlet Filter Outlet Filter Particular Filter
1 µ Particle & 0,5 mg/m³ 0,01 µ Particle & 0,01 mg/m³ 5 µ Particle
Correction Factors
Pressure Factor F1 0.69 0.75 0.88 1 1.12 1.25 1.37
All desiccant dryers are designed according to
Air Inlet Temperature (°C) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Pneurop conditions as per ISO7183.
Air Inlet Factor F2 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.75 0.59
OCD-H Series Heated Desiccant Air Dryers
OCD-H Series
• Dew point indicator
• Remote control
• Computer control
• Status display
• Alarm and pressure indicator
• Low pressure alarm
• Minimum pressure check valve
• High pressure switches and warning
• Heated and heatless option
- Capacities are specified according to ISO - Dew point: -40°C - Max. inlet temperature: 45°C
1217 Annex C with reference to 1 bar - Normal inlet temperature: 35°C - Max. working pressure: 10 bar
inlet pressure and 20 °C ambient - Normal working pressure: 7 bar - Max. ambient temperature: 40°C
Correction Factors
(barg) 4.5 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pressure Factor F1 0.69 0.75 0.88 1 1.12 1.25 1.37
Air Inlet Temperature ( °C) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Air Inlet Factor F2 1 1 1 1 0.8 0.73 0.59
Ozen Air Filtration /
Water Separation and
Service Elements
OFL Series Compressed Air Filters
OFL Series
• Superior protection from 5 microns to
0.01 micron.
• Easy element replacement thanks to TO REMOVE THE ELEMENT
snap on design. TWIST CLOCKWISE
• High efficiency and low pressure drop
with deep pleats
• The interlocked helical metal drives the
air vertically to increase performance,
while making the product more crush-
• Standard automatic drain
• No more additional fixtures and piping
thanks to joint clamps.
• Designed for easy assembly and
replacement with zero clearance.
• With its anodic coating, it is resistant to
corrosion and superior to competitors.
OFL Series Compressed Air Filters
OFL Series
Technicial Specifications
MODEL Connection Size Element Type
m³/min m³/h
OFL 24 M 0.41 25 ¼” M25
OFL 48 M 0.83 50 3/8 “ M50
OFL 100 M 1.66 100 ½“ M100
OFL 150 M 2.50 150 ¾“ M150
OFL 200 M 3.33 200 ¾” M200
OFL 250M 4.16 250 1” M250
OFL 300 M 5.00 300 1¼“ M300
OFL 500 M 8.33 500 1 ¼” M500
OFL 600 M 10.00 600 1½“ M600
OFL 851 M 14.16 850 2” M851
OFL 1210 M 20.00 1200 2“ M1210
OFL 1510 M 25.00 1500 2½“ M1510
OFL 1810 M 30.00 1800 3” M1810
OFL 2210 M 36.66 2200 3” M2210
OFL 2620 M 36.66 2200 3” M2620
Technical Spesifications Pre Filter General Purpose Oil Removal Activated Carbon
Grade P X Y A
Particle Removal (Micron) 5 1 0,01 0,01
Max. Oil Carryover at 21°C (mg/m) 5 0,5 0,01 0,03
Max. Working Temperature (°C) 80 80 80 25
Max. Working Pressure 16 16 16 16
Initial Pressure Loss (mbar) 40 80 100 80
Pressure Loss for Element Change (mbar) 700 700 700 700
1) Grade A must not operate in oil saturated FLANGED COMPRESSED AIR FILTERS
conditions. (X-Y-P-A ELEMENTS)
2) Grade A elements should be replaced periodically MODEL
to suit the applications but must be changed at m³/min m³/h
OFL-HG Series High Pressure Compressed Air Filters
OFL-HG Series
50 Bar Series 50 BA
– It is made of aluminum.
– It is strong and durable with its weldless
– The inner and outer surfaces of the filters
have anodic coating. HIGH PRESS
HG – Manual Brass Drain 350 Bar Series 350 B
HHG - Manual Brass Drain – It is made of carbon steel. AR
– It can be used safely in high pressure
applications with its weldless design.
1) Grade A must not operate in oil saturated conditions.
2) Grade A elements should be replaced periodically to suit the – The inner and outer surfaces of the filters
applications but must be changed at least every six months. are painted with epoxy electrostatic powder paint.
16-40 Bar
MODEL Connection Size
m³/min m³/h 40-350 Bar
OFL 100HG 1.66 100 1/4” OFL 100HHG 1.66 100 1/4”
OFL 300HG 5.00 300 1/2” OFL 300HHG 5.00 300 1/2”
OFL 600HG 10.00 600 3/4” OFL 600HHG 10.00 600 3/4”
OFL 850HG 14.16 850 1” OFL 850HHG 14.16 850 1”
OFL 1200HG 20.00 1200 1” OFL 1200HHG 20.00 1200 1”
OFL 1600HG 26.66 1600 1 1/2” OFL 1600HHG 26.66 1600 1 1/2”
OFL 2500HG 41.66 2500 2” OFL 2500HHG 41.66 2500 2”
OFL 3000HG 50 3000 2 1/2” OFL 3000HHG 50.00 3000 2 1/2”
Technical Spesifications Pre Filter General Purpose Oil Removal Activated Carbon
Grade P X Y A
Particle Removal (Micron) 5 1 0,01 0,01
Max. Oil Carryover at 21°C (mg/m) 5 0,5 0,01 0,03
Max. Working Temperature (°C) 80 80 80 25
Max. Working Temperature 16 16 16 16
Initial Pressure Loss (mbar) 40 80 100 80
Pressure Loss for Element Change (mbar) 700 700 700 700
OFL-WS Series Water Separators
OFL-WS Series
• Aluminum body
• Wide range of products with joint flow
diameters ranging from ¼” to 3” and
rates of up to 36,66 m³/minute
• Standard automatic discharge
• Internal and external surfaces painted
with electrostatic powder paint
Technicial Specifications
Connection Size
MODEL m³/min m³/h
Correction Factors
OFL-WS Series Flanged Water Separators
OFL-WS Flanged Series
Technicial Specifications
MODEL Connection Size
m³/min m³/h
Correction Factors
ELM Series Mist Eliminating Air (Mist Eliminator)
ELM Series
• Provides energy saving with very low pressure drop.
• High quality seals used for efficient filter operation
• Long service life
• Filter change is needed when pressure difference of
170 mbar.
ELM Series Mist Eliminating Air (Mist Eliminator)
ELM Series
Mist Eliminating Unit (Mist Eliminator) 16 bar Mist Eliminating Unit (Mist Eliminator) 40 bar
Capacity Capacity
Inlet/Outlet Replacement Inlet/Outlet Replacement
Port Size Element Type Port Size Element Type
m³/min m³/h m³/min m³/h
ELM-150 4,25 255 DN50 Elm 150 Element ELM-150 HP 4,25 255 DN50 Elm 150-40 Element
ELM-300 8,50 510 DN50 Elm 300 Element ELM-300 HP 8,50 510 DN50 Elm 300-40 Element
ELM-600 17,00 1.020 DN50 Elm 600 Element ELM-600 HP 17,00 1.020 DN50 Elm 600-40 Element
ELM-800 22,67 1.360 DN80 Elm 800 Element ELM-800 HP 22,67 1.360 DN80 Elm 800-40 Element
ELM-1200 34,00 2.040 DN80 Elm 1200 Element ELM-1200 HP 34,00 2.040 DN80 Elm 1200-40 Element
ELM-1600 45,33 2.720 DN80 Elm 1600 Element ELM-1600 HP 45,33 2.720 DN80 Elm 1600-40 Element
ELM-2100 59,50 3.570 DN100 Elm 2100 Element ELM-2100 HP 59,50 3.570 DN100 Elm 2100-40 Element
ELM-2750 77,92 4.675 DN100 Elm 2750 Element ELM-2750 HP 77,92 4.675 DN100 Elm 2750-40 Element
ELM-4200 119,00 7.140 DN150 Elm 4200 Element ELM-4200 HP 119,00 7.140 DN150 Elm 4200-40 Element
ELM-6000 170,00 10.200 DN150 Elm 6000 Element ELM-6000 HP 170,00 10.200 DN150 Elm 6000-40 Element
ELM-8000 226,67 13.600 DN200 Elm 8000 Element ELM-8000 HP 226,67 13.600 DN200 Elm 8000-40 Element
ELM-10000 283,33 17.000 DN250 Elm 10000 Element ELM-10000 HP 283,33 17.000 DN250 Elm 10000-40 Element
ELM-12000 340,00 20.400 DN300 Elm 12000 Element ELM-12000 HP 340,00 20.400 DN300 Elm 12000-40 Element
Correction Factors
Operating Pressure (barg) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 14
PSIG 15 44 73 100 130 160 189 200
X1 0,50 0,71 0,87 1,00 1,12 1,22 1,32 1,38
Konya Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Büyük Kayacık Mah.
20. Sk. No: 4, 42300 Konya / TURKEY
T: +90 332 345 42 45
F: +90 332 345 42 48
E: [email protected] • sales@ ozenkompresor.com.tr
Özen Kompresör reserves the right to change all technical data and content specified in the catalog without notice.