Newton Genealogy

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Oopied from an ent'l'!f made by Sir Isaac Newton, 2 D 14 in tke College of .Arms, witk additions
b9 tke Rev. Jol,,n Mi'J'ekouse, Rector qf Oolsterwortk.

John Newton, of Westby in the County of Lincoln in Basingthorp Parish,

first mentioned in the Visit. of Lincoln in the year 1634.
=;= .
I I I I .
Thomas Newton of John Newton of Richard Newton William Newton~ of ,Anne daugh-
... 2 nd son of John West by aforesaid 3rd son of John Gunnerby in the ter of .•.
Newton aforesaid. by deed dated 19th Newton, what County of Lincoln Kellum in
What became of him, December 1562 became of him, 4 th son of John the county of
or his descendants, buried in Westby or his descen- baptized at Westby Lincoln
is not yet kuown. Church 22nd Dec. dants, is not yet 30 th August 1541. [ ... Kelham
[Probably buried at 1563. as appears by known. as appears by the of RopsleyJ.
Colsterworth as a the register of that Reg. and was Grand-
Thomas Newton was · church, son and father of John
buried there Feb. 20. heir of John afore- Newton, mentioned
1572.] said, and who pur• in the said Visitation
chased an estate at of Lincoln to have
W olstrope in Colster• been 8 years old in
worth parish in the the year 1634 and
said county. who was afterwards
r Baronet.

[Thomas Newton of Gonerby bur. at=;=[Elizabeth dau. of Thomas Parker of Kibworth co.
Gonerby April 23, 1640.J f Leicester, buried at Haydor 30 July 1649.]

[Richard Newton [John Newton son & heir. Born 9 June 11;>26, succeeded=;=Mary dau. of Sir
Bapt. at Haydor as 2• Bart. of Barr's Court in 1661 by a special limita- Gervase Eyre of
March 8, 1620. tion in the patent; died 31st May 1699 Buried at Rampton, co.
buried at Gonerby Bitton in co. Gloucester In 1650 John Newton Nottingham Kt.
in 1630.J Gent. lord of the Manor of Barkston co. Lincoln is Died 23 Nov. 1712
in the list of persons intended by Charles ii.· as aged 84. Buried at
knights of the Royal Oak. re~urned five times M.P. Bitton co. Glou-
for Grantham 25 years, left issue 4 sons & 13 daugh'.] cester.

I I I l I I I I
[Elizabeth Bap. at Haydor 16 June [Jane Bap. at Haydor [Hester married Col. [Six other
1646. Married Francis Stringer 4 June 1'649; mar- Seymour.] dau's.]
of Sutton upon Lound, co. Notts. ried there 18 Dec.
Esq. ob. 31 July 1694.] 1676 to wm Sache- [Frances married John
verell of Morley co. Wigfall of Eckington
[Mary Bap. at Haydor 13 May Derby, Esq.] co. Derby, Esq.]
1648 : married there 25 July 1671
to Wm M arwood of Laughton co. [Lucy married St. [Dorothy Bap. at
Lincoln, Esq., where she was Leger Scroope of Haydor 26 Sep. 1671.
buried 31 July 1678.J Louth co. Lincoln married :Francis Woodward
Esq.] Esq., Died 16 Oct. 1712.]
[ 2 ]

[Gervase died [Susannah (2nd wife) dau. of =;=[Sir John Newton,[Abigail (1'' wife) dau. of
s. p. in 1728.J Michael Warton of of Barrs Court, Wm. Heveningham of
Beverley,-co. York, esq. co. Gloucester, Heveningham, co. Suffolk,
[Richard ad- M.P. for Beverley (by Susan- & of. Thorpe esq. by Lady Mary Carey
mitted to nah, dau. of John 1'' Lord co. Lmcoln, 3rd sole dau. & heiress of John
Gray's Inn Paulett, & co-heiress hart., eldest 2nd Earl of Dover (by his
8 Nov. 1666 (with her two sisters Mary, surviving son of second Countess, Abigail
as son & heir wife of Sir James Pennyman, Sir John Newton, dau. of Sir wm Cockayne;
apparent.] hart. father of Sir Warton M.P. by Mary his first wife Lady Dorothy
Pennyman Warton hart. & dau. of Sir Gerv1c1se St. John dau. of Oliver,
[ ... another Elizabeth, wife of Charles Eyre of Rampton, Earl of Bolingbroke having
Son.] Pelham of Brocklesby co. co. Nottingham, died s.p.). Lady Newtou
Lincoln M.P. for Beverley d. 12 Feb. 1734 was sist&r of Sir Wm
ancestor of the present aged 83 and was Heveningham of Reven-
Charles A. Pelham of Bro- buried at Haydor.J ingham died 11 May
clesby, Earl of Yarborough) of 1686, aged 25 buried at
her brother Sir Michael War- Haydor May 29, 1686.J
ton, M.P. for Beverley in
1708 who died 25 March 1725,
aged 73, & relict of Sir John
Bright hart. of Badsworth co.
York. She died April 19
1737 in her 86th year. J

I .
[Cary Newton, born June 9 th 1680 in Palll[Edward Coke of Holcomb (sic on monument)
Mall, Westminster, only child made heir by co. Norfk. esq. only son of Robt Coke of
her grandmother Lady Mary Heveningham Holkham esq. by Lady Anne Osborne, dau. of
to the estates of her father the last Earl of Thos. Duke of Leeds d. 13 April 1707.]
Dover. m. 4 June 1696. d. 4 Aug. 1707.J ,

[Thomas Coke of Holkham Earl of Leices-,[Lady Mary Tufton dau. & coheiress Other issue,
ter, Installed Knight of the Bath in 1725, of Thos. 6 th Earl of Thanet, by Lady from whom
created Baron Lovel in 1728, & Earl of Catherine Cavendish, dau. & coheiress the present
·Leicester iu 1744. He died 20 April of Henry Duke of Newcastle. The Earl of
1759, when his titles became extinct.] Countess of Leicester was Baroness Leicester
de Clifford in her own right.] descends .

. I
[Edward Coke Viscount Coke died=Lady Mary Campell dau. & coheiress with her sisters the
s. p. in the lifetime of his father Countesses of Dalkeith & Strafford of John Duke of
and mother in 1753.] Argyll, and Greenwich, married in 1747.]

[Sir Michael Newton, of T·horpe &,Lady Margaret Coningsby, eldest dau. of Thomas,
Barrscourt K.B. 4 th hart. M.P. for Earl of Coningsby (by Lady Frances dau. & coheiress,
Beverley from 1722 to 1727 & for with her sister Elizabeth Countess of Kildare, of
Grantham from 1727 until his death Rich~rd, Earl of Ranelagh) created in the lifetime of
in 1743. Installed Knt. of the Bath her father (26 JanY 1716) Baroness & Viscountess
in 1725. Succeeded during the life- Coningsby of Hampton Court, co. Hereford, & sue•
time of his father (25 March 1725) to ceeded at his decease (1 May 1729) according to the
" a great estate" by the death of his limitation of the patent as Countess of Couingsby ; she
uncle Sir Michael Warton. His por• was married 11 April 1730, & died June 12, 1761, when
trait together with those of Lord & all her titles became extinct, & her estates devolved
Lady Paulett above mentioned hang upon her only Lady :Frances Coningsby (o,. her
in the staircase-hall Banner Cross. issue) wife of Sir Charles Hanbury-Williams, K.B.
Sir Michael Newton d. 6 April 1743 buried at Haydor June 24, 1761.J
buried at Haydor April 21 .]

[John Newton, Viscount Coningsby of Hampton Court, only son, b. 16 Oct. 1732, died
January 4th in London & was buried at Haydor Janualjy 8 th 1733 aged two months.]
[ 3 J

[Eleanor dau. of Sir =[William Eyre of Highlow Hall & Holme Hall, co. Derby esq.,[Susannah

Walter Wrottesley M.P. for Berkshire (eldest son of William Eyre of Highlow & Newton
of Wrottesley hart. Holme by Catharine dau. of Sir John Gell of Hopton, co. only dau.
ancestor of the Derby, hart.) assumed the name of Archer by Royal Sign sister & .
present Lord Manual in compliance with the will of John Archer of heir of Sir
Wrottesley d. s. p. Coopersale House & Welford Park, Berkshire esq. eldest son Michael
(1 wife) d. 2 May
st of Sir John Archer, Mr. Eyre's relation through the family Newton
1717.J of Ferrers of Tamworth Castle: M' Eyre-Archer was elected K.B. d. 28
M.l'. for Berkshire & d. 30 June 1739, aged 59.J Jan. 1761
· aged 68
(:Jd wife).]

[Samuel Bagshawe of Ford Hall, co. Derby, [Catharine dau. of Sir John Caldwell of Castle

Col. of tl;te 93'd reg' M.P. for Tallagh co. Caldwell, co. Fermanagh, hart. She was buried
Waterford, buried at Chapel-en-le-Frith, at S' James's Chapel, London 25 July 1801.J
co. Derby, 22 Sept. 1762.J

I I I .
[Samuel Bagshawe of Ford [William Bagshawe, clerk,-[Anne sister & heiress of Lieut. Gen.
Hall & of Grosvenor M.A. Vicar of Buck- W'm Murray of Banner Cross, and
Square, London, esq. b. minster cum Sewstern & Pitnacree, Perthshire, who suc-
28 Dec. 1753, & bapt. at Garthorpe, all co. ceeded Lord John Murray in those
Cork, died s. p.16 May Leicester, b. 6 Jan. 1763. seats & dying without issue by his
1804.J Died 11 Nov. 1847.J wife, the Hon. M" Murray, left
Banner Cross to his sister, half of
[John Bagshawe Esq. of his wife's estates having reverted to
the Oaks, D.L. d. s. p. John Murray, 4 th Duke of Atholl.
21 Aug. 1801.J shed. in 1844, aged 76.J

[Mary Catharine Anne,-[Henry Marwood Greaves of Hesley Hall (a younger son of Col. 1

Bagshawe only daugh-1 Greaves of Page Hall & Elmsall Lodge, co. York) of Banne.r Cross.
ter & heiress born 2 &Ford Hal~ jure uxoris. J.P. & D.L. died 10 March 1859.J
April 1819.J
-~, [William Henry Greaves Bagshawe, of Ford Hall.]

[Michael Newton of Culverthorpe & Barrscourt aforesaid, &=[Anne Bagshawe, only dau. was
Upper Harley S' London, esq. nephew & heir of Sir Michael married 3 Dec. 1799 & bmied
Newton above mentioned, assumed by Act of Parliament at S' J ames's Church,
the name & arms of Newton only & in 1761 was elected Hampstead Road, London
M.P. for Beverley. He d. s. p. at Culverthorpe 4 Nov. 19 June 1811.J
1803, & was buried in S' James's Church, Hampstead Road.]

[John Archer of Welford Park,[Lady Mary [Catherine wife [Susannah Newton Countess of
& Coopersale House & of Fitz William of Philip Blun- Oxford, succeeded to the estates
Hanover Square, London, dau. of dell of 'l'iverton of her brother Michael in 1803,
High Sheriff of Berks in 1765 John 2nd Devon, d. s. p. m. 11 July 1751 & d. s. p 11
died at Clifton 30 Sept. 1800. Earl Fitz at Bath, 3 Nov.1804.]
After his death Highlow William, March 1810.]
Hall was sold to the Duke m. 21 [Edward, Earl of Oxford & Earl
of Devonshire.] March 1752.J Mortimer b. 2 Sept.1726 suc-
ceeded his father as 4 th Earl
April 11th 1753 & d. s. p. 8 Oct.

[Susanna, eldest dau. m. 13,[Jacob Houblon, of [Charlotte.J=[Gillery Pigott first cousin
Sept' 1770. Took the name Hallingbury Place, co. once removed to the pre-
of Newton (after her hus- Essex, and in right of sent Honble Sir Gillery
band's death,) after succeed- his wife of Coopersale Pigott.]
ing to the Newton Estates.] and Welford Park.]
[ 4 J
[John Archer Houblon of Welford Park, [Mary Anne dau. of Thomas [Maria.] [Letitia.]

and Hallingbury, only son, elected M.P. Berney Bramstou of Skreens,
for the county of Essex in 1810. Died at ·co. Essex, M.P. for that county,
Welford Park 31 May 1831, aged 57.] died 4 April 1865, aged 88.J

[ Anne eldest=[John Archer Houblon of Halling• [Mary Anne,[Charles Eyre of Welford
dau. of bury and Culverthorpe, born dau. of Park, Berks, born 13 Oct'
Admiral Sir 29 Sept. 1803, succeeded to General 1806. B.A. Ch. Ch. Ox-
James the Essex Estates on the death Leyborne ford 1828. J.P. and D.L.
Whitley- of his father and to the Lincoln• Popham for Berks. Assumed the
Deans- shire Estates of the Newtons on of Littlecote name of Eyre on succeed•
Dundas the death of his grandmother Mrs Wilts, m. in ing his Father in the
G.C.B. of Houblon Newton. J.P. & D.L. May 1835. Berkshire estates.]
Barton for co. Essex, & J.P. for Herts. Died at
Court Berks. High Sheriff of the former County Brighton 12 [Louisa Charlotte dau. of
Married in 1840-1. late Colonel of the Essex March 1855 the Revd Thomas Ran-
May 1829. Militia.] aged 40.] dolph Rector of Much
Died 8 Aug' Hadham Herts. Married
1847.J Georgina Anne dau. of General in 1858.J
Sir John Oswald G.C.B, of Dunnikier,
co. Fife, second wife.]

[George Bramston Eyre of [Isabella-Mary married 15 July 1865, Archibald [daus.]
Ch. Ch. Oxford, born in Hamilton eldest son of Sir Archibald Dunbar
1843.J of J'i(orthfield co. Elgin Bart.]

I I . I I I I I
[Thomas Archer Houblon [Richard Archer Houblon [Jacob-William [Mary Anne, married
in holy orders Rector of of Bartlow, Linton, co. Houblon died at Great Hallingbury,
Catmore and Peasemore Cambridge, b. in 1814. 19 Dec' 1819, 21 Dec' 1842, Wil-
Berks.] J.P. & D.L. for co. Essex, aged 14 years.] liam Forbes eldest
and J.P. for co. Cam- son of the Honble
Eleanor dau. of the Revd bridge.] [Frederick John Hay Forbes of
John Deedes Rector of Archer Houblon. J Medwyn one of the
Willingale Co. Essex [ .A.nne Maria youngest Judges of the Court
married 19 July 1839.] dau. of the Revtl Alexander [Susanna Letitia of J usticiary in
.+- A. Cotton Rector of
Girton Co. Cambg•.
eldest dau. died Scotland.]
at Ventnor 26
Married at Girton 26 March 1846, [Harriet.]
July 1853.J aged 36.J

Robert Newton, George Newton Richard Newton 1 st son of W oolstrope Simon Newton 4th son
3 rd son men- 2 nd son men• aforesaid, by the deed above cited and mentioned in the deed
tioned in the tioned in the a terrier dated 1569, and another deed dated 1562.
deed dated deed dated dated 30 December and 15th of King
1562. 1562. Charles the First, inherited the said William Newton 51h
purchase, and was buried at Colster• son mentioned in the
worth the 20 of April 1588 as appears deed dated 1562.
by the register of that church.
Robert Newton 1st son of W oolstrope Richard Newton 2nd son, of Woolstrope, baptized
aforesaid, inherited the same purchase at Colsterworth 1582.
after the death of his Father Richard I
Newton, as is mentioned in the afore- I i I
said deed dated 15 Charles 1st by William=;=Elinor. Thomas Newton bap. John Newton
which deed he settled also the manor at Colsterworth 3rd bapt. at Cols-
of W oolstrope purchased by him upon Nowlo•· 1 Aug. 1617 & bur. sterworth 2nd
his eldest son Isaac Newton. He was

there 30 Jan. 162f. December
buried at Colsterworth the 20th of 1621.
September 1641.
Dionysia Newton bapt. 11 Sep.1642 bur. 1st Oct. 1642.
[ 5 J
Isabel Newton l s t dau, bapt. Mary Newton Richard Newton=pAlice dau. of-2 nd wife
21 1596 married John Cook of 3d dau. baptized 3 rd son of Cols- , .. bur, at dau. of
Skillington Anno Jacobi 19. & Sep. 6 1612. terworth bapt. Colsterworth
by him had John Cook of [bapt. Sep. v. 1613. there April 9. 20 Sept.
Easton in Lincolnshire. mar. Mich. Bigby 1609 [Buried 1642.
Nov. 20. 1641.J June 23.1665.J
Elizabeth Newton 2d dau. bapt.
20 Nov. 1598 mar. William Anne Newton 4 th dau.
W oodrough of Skillington bapt. May 6 1615
Anno 16 Jacobi and by him buried July 13.
had Edw. Woodrough of 1616.

[Richard Faulkner=Aune daughter of Richard Richard Newton of Colster- Robert Newton
of Londonthorp and Alice baptized Sept. worth dead. [Buried dead. [Buried
Jan. 16 1672.J 11th 1642. May 2 nd 1684.J July 17. 1677.]
Robert N'ewton of Colsterworth. Richard Newton of Colsterworth.
[buried at Colsterworth June 25, 1734.J

[James Ayscough of Market Overton in the county,[Margaret dau. of ... Blythe ofStroxton
of Rutland. Gent. had also a son Rev. Wm. I
in County of Lincoln of an antient
Ayscough Rector of Burton Coggles. J family. J

I I I-
Robert Newton 2nd son Isaac Newton l'' s.on,Hannah daughter of James,[2nd1Y Rev. Barnaba,
of Robert bapt. at of W oolstrope, son Ascough, of Market Smith in 1645.
Colsterw' h Sept. 27. & heir of the said Overton in Rutland Gent. Rector of North
1607. liveo. after at Robert bapt. at remarried to Barnabas Witham in the
Counthorp in the Colsterworth 21't of Smith [1645] Rector of county of Lincoln.
same county. Sept. 1606 buried North Witham by whom who died about
there 6 th of Oct. she had Mary Benjamin 1656.J
1642. and mentioned and Hannah and died at
in the deed last Stanford in Lincolnshire
cited [Married April 1689 [ or according to the
1642]. parish Registers June 4 th

1- -I
[John] Newton [a carpenter, afterwards Isaac Newton, only child of Isaac & Hannah, born
gamekeeper to Sir Isaac, buried at 25 Dec. 1642 and baptized at Colsterworth Jan.
Colsterworth Oct. 13th 1725 aged 60]. pt 164¼ Lord of the Manor of W oolstrope afore-
I said, Master of Arts, late Fellow of Trinity Col-
lege in Cambridge Warden of the Mint, by
J oJn Newton of Lincolnshire [became patent dated 13th April 1696 now Master and
heir at law to Sir Isaac. Brewster says Worker of the said Mint, by patent, dated 3rd
of him John became a worthless & Fehr. 1699. and President of the Royal Society ;
dissolute person who very soon wasted knighted at Trinity College in Cambridge 16 April
this antient patrimony & falling down A.nno 1705 by her present Majesty Queen Aune
with a tobacco pipe in his mouth when and living in St.James Parish in Middlesex this
drunk, it broke in his throat & put an 20th day of November 1705. [Died 20 th buried in
end to his life at the age of thirty Westminster Abbey 28 March 1727.J
years & was buried at Colsterworth
June 22 nd 1737].

Signat-ure of Sir Isaac Newton, copied from tke
Newton Pedigree in tke Heralds' College,
[ 6 J
Rutland at Colsterworth Church
Nov. 22. 1666.]
[Mr Thomas Pilkington, of Belton co.=;=[Marie Smith baptized at
North Witham May 6 th
[Benjamin, Born 1651,
married & had issue.]

[Hasillwood [Rev. Thomas Pilkington [Mary Pilkington
Pilkington B. Dec. 3. 1668. Vicar of B. Dec. 20. 1670
llap. Oct. Packington nr. Ashby.] at Belton.]
22. 1667 at
Belton in [a dau. of Thomas Bate* Esq. l George Pilkington
Rutland.] of Ashby de la Zouch Gent., Bap. Jan. 4. 1672.
b. Dec. 21, 1648 at West at Belton.]
Broughton co. Derby died at
Ashby Jan. 7, 1707. by Dorothy
dau. of Wm. Oldenshaw of Seal of Thomas
Regworth co. Leicester.] Bate of Ashby.
[Robert Barton of Brigstock, co.Northampton who had married,[Hannah, 2nd wife dau'r of the
firstly Elizabeth dau'r of George Pilkington of Stanton le Dale, Rev. B. S. bapt. at North
Co. Derby & sister of Thomas Pilkington of Belton Co. Rutland Witham 7 Sept. 1652 & was
Husband of Marie Smith. His male Representative Charles living as a widow at Brigstock
Cutts Barton Esq. is now living at Rownhams co. Southampton. in 1695.J
Rob' Barton was buried at Brigstock 2:.l Sept. 1693 aged 63.J

[Robert Barton only son by this fHannah. [Katharine 2nd dau'r by this [Margaret 3rd &
second marriage Lieut.-Colonel in Baptized second marriage who was youngest dau'r
Colonel Cave's Reg' Hill's Brigade. at Colster- baptized at Brigstock 25 by second mar-
Bapt. at Brigstock 21 Aug. 1684. worth Nov. Novr 1679 married 26 Aug. riage, baptized at
Lost in the S' Lawrence Canada. 16, 1678 1717 in Russell Court Brigstock 7 June
inm.n & was Chapel & was buried in 1687 married
buried at Westminster Abbey on 29 there 10 May
[Catharine Greenwood, who mar- Brigs tock JanY 1739/40, aged 60.J 1709 to John
ried secondly Col. Robert Gardner 19 Feb. Warner of Ged-
of the City of Westminster & of 168½.J [John Conduitt of Cranbury dington, co.
Carrickfergus in Ireland & by this Lodge in the parish of Otter- N orth'ton, and
second marriage had an only daughter bourne Co. South'ton. M.P. left numerous
Joanna, who married 29 Dec' 1741 the for Whitchurch Master of Issue.]
Revd Cutts Barton (Rector of S' Andrew's the Mint 1727 was buried 29
Holborn afterwards Dean of Bristol D.D.) May 1737 in Westminster
the eldest surviving Grandson of Rob' Abbey, aged 49.J
Barton Husband of Hannah Smith by his
first marriage with Elizabeth Pilkington. J
[Major Newton Barton of Langley, Co. [Robert Barton 2"d son born [Catharine only child &
Bucks & of Irthlingborough Co. 23 Oct. 1709 & baptized at heir. Marriage License at
North'ton. Aide-de-Camp to Gen1 Brigstock 21 Nov' following the Faculty Office dated
Honywood Married 9 June 1758, at was alive in 1741. He 7 th & married 12 July
Barton Seagrave, Co. North'ton, & died married & left Issue Robert, 1740, He aged abont 21
at Bath Oct. 1768.J a Captain in the 76 th Reg' & she 19. She died
of Infantry who died in April 15, 1750 & was
[Eliza beth, Dau'r of the Rev. Jeffery India 17 July, 1794 & buried in Westminster
Ekins, M.A. Rector of Barton Seagrave Newton who was Living Abbey 4 May following.]
afd., she was born 20 Oct. 1735, & mar- in 1764.J
ried secondly at W orting Co. South'ton [John Wallop commonly
on Jan. 13, 1778 John Hatsell Esq. of [Catharine only Dau'r aged called Viscount Lyming-
Marden Park, near Godstone Co. Surrey. 23 in 1733 & then married ton, M.P. for Andover
Clerk of the House of Commons & to Frederic Burr She was eldest son of John 1st
Bencher of the Middle Temple, who living in 1764, & had two Earl of Portsmouth, born
died 1.5 Oct. 1820. She died 2 Dec' sons alive at that time, 3 Aug. 1718, & died in his
1804, & was buried near her Brother Daniel Burr, & Newton father's lifetime 19 Nov'
Henry Ekins late Dean of Carlisle in Barton Burr, & one dau'r 1749, & was buried at
the Chancel of Fulham Church, Sophia.] Farley Co. Southampton.]
Co. Middx.J
* Descended from the Bates of Little Chester, co. Derby. Arms : Sable a fess argent between
three dexter-handsi the palms upwards bendways or, Crest : A dexter hand apaumee .. ,
[ 7 J

[Rev. John Barton, M.A.=[Mary eldest dau'r [ Charles William Newton Barton
Vicar of Sonning Co. of .A.lieu Young of Private Secretary to Henry
Berks, & Rector of Chid- Orlingbury, Co. Addington 1st Viscount Sidmouth,
dingfold co. Surrey, North'ton, bapt. sometime Fellow of New College,
Chaplain to the House of there 19 Nov' Oxford 2nd & youngest son bapt.
Commons & Prebendary 1755, married at Windsor, Co. Berks 6 Mch.
of Canterbury Cathedral, there 17 Feb. 1762, was drowned at Worthing
formerly Fellow of New 1789, & was buried Co. Sussex 4 June 1808 in his
College, Oxford died s. p. there 17 May, 47 th year unmarried & was buried
at Sidmouth Co. Devon 1849.J at Broadwater Church.]
17 Feb. 1803, ret. 44, &
was buried in Exeter Cathedral.]

[John Wallop who sue. his
[Henry Wallop
[Barton Wallop b. 1744
I r
[Bennett b. in 1745
Grandfather as 2nd Earl of Groom of the Master of Magdalen d. in 1815.]
Portsmouth mar. in 1763.J bedchamber to Coll. Cambridge died
George III. in 1781 leaving issue. [Catherine m. in 1770.]
[Urania dau. of Coulson died in 1794.J
Fellowes Esq. of Hamp- in 1774 Miss Camilla [Hon. Lockhart
stead co. Middlesex, Powlett Smith of Orme Gordon.]
died 29 Jan. 1812.] Easton Rants.]
[John Charles Wallop=[l' t 19th Nov. 1799 Grace [Newton Fellowes b. 1772=;=[1'' 4 th dau. of
b. 18 Dec. 1'767 sue. dau. of Fletcher 1'' Lord took the name of Fellowes Rev. Castell
as 3rd Earl 16 May Grantley d. s. p. on succeeding to the Sherrard, she died
1797.] 2"1Y Anne eld. dau. of estates of his Maternal in 1819.
John Hanson Esq. of Uncle in 1795. M.P. 2 nd1Y Ladv
Bloomsbury Place for North Devon after- Katherin-;, 2nd dau.
London, which marriage wards for Andover. Hugh 1st Earl of
was declared illegal in sue. as 4 th Earl. Died Fortescue K.G.J
1828.] 1854.]

[Isaac Newton Wallop b. 1825.,[Lady Eveline Alicia eld. dau. of Henry
Succeeded as 5th Earl in 1854.J I 3rd Earl of Carnarvon mar. in 1855.J

[Newton Wallop Viscount Lymington b. 1586.]


Sir Isaac Newton, of St. J ames's parish in the county of Middlesex Knight, and Master and
Worker of Her Majesty's Mint, voluntarily maketh Oath that this Deponent hath a deed of feofl'.-
ment of John Newton, who was (as he hath reason to believe) his great grandfather's father dated
the 19 th day of December, in the fourth yeare of Qneene Elizabeth in the yeare 1562, wherein by the
name of John Newton of Westby in the County of Lincoln he settled his Estate_ in Wilstrope, in
the parish of Colsterworth in the said County, on his five ,,.ms, Richard, George, Robert, Symon
and William Newton, and their heirs successively; Which said John Newton, by agreement of time,
and being called of West by, he verily believes to have been the same person with one John Newton,
whom he finds by an attested extract of the register of Basingthorp cum Westby aforesaid, to have
been buried in that Church on the 22 nd day of December, Anno Dom. 1563, being the yeare after
the said feoffment, and likewise to have been the same person mentioned in a Visitation of Lincolnshire
made in or about the year 1634, now remaining in the Herald's Colledge in London, there called J olm
Newton first son of John Newton of Westby aforesaid, and Brother of Thomas Newton, Richard
Newton, and William Newton, of Gunnerby, great grandfather of Sir John Newton, of Rather in the
said County,Baronet; he having by tradition from his kindred ever since he can remember, reckoned
himselfe next of kin (among the Newtons) to Sir John Newton's family, and having also, abont fifty-
four or fifty-five years ago, heard his grandmother Ascough (with whom he lived at Wylstrope afore-

* The original certificates are now in the possession of W. H. G. Bagshawe, of Ford Hall.
[ 8 J
said alias W oolstrope, till he was about eleven years old, and who at that time frequently conversed
with the Deponent's great Uncle Richard Newton) say, that he, this Deponent, was or had beeu next
heir att law to Mr Newton, of Rather, uutil the birth of Mr Newton's children, who were then two
or three infants, and that he and they were cousins two or three times removed, or words to that
purpose, and he, this Deponent, believing that bis said Grandmother, upon the marriage of her
daughter with his father, might learn the kindred, and that his grandfather Newton, to promote
the marriage, might be forward to speak of itt, representing himself cousin once removed, and
next heir to said Mr Newton, att that time six or seven years under age, afterwards father to Sir
John Newton. And further this Deponent saith, that Richard Newton first above mentioned is
great grandfather and first son of the second John Newton, enjoyed the said estate at W oolstrope,
according to the said Settlement, as appears by a deed in this Deponent's possession, of settlement of
the said estate on this Deponent's father and mother, dated the 30th day of December, in the 15 th
yeare of King Charles the First, 1639, made by Robert Newton, the eldest son of the said Richard,
and this, Deponent's grandfather, wherein are these words (and which formerly descended and came
unto the said Robert Newton after the death of Richard Newton, father to the said Robert Newton),
and this Deponent saith, that he finds by an attested copy of the register of Colsterworth cum
Woolstrope aforesaid, that one Richard Newton was buried there the 30th day of April 1588 whom
he believes to be the same Richard, his grandfather's father. And the said Robert Newton he finds
to have been buried at Colsterworth aforesaid by the said extract, on the 20 th day of September
1641 leaving issue three sons, first, Isaac Newton, mentioned in the said deed of settlement of the
15th of King Charles the First, and whom he finds by Colsterworth register to have been baptized
the 21't of December 1606; secondly, Robert Newton, baptized likewise the 27 th of September,
1607, who lived afterwards ab Counthorp in the same county, and whose issue are still living: and
thirdly, Richard Newton baptized likewise there the 9th of April 1609, who lived at Colsterworth,
and left issue still remaining there. And further this Deponent saith, that the said Isaac, this De-
ponent's father married Hannah daughter of James Ascough of Market Ovei·ton in the County of
Rutland, Gentleman, and that he was buried at Colsterworth aforesaid, on the 6 th day of October,
1642, seized of the said estate of W oolstrope, which is descended to, and now is enjoyed by, this
Deponent his only child, who was born the 25 th of December, and baptized the 1 st day of January
in the said yeare 1642. This deponent's mother, Hannah Ascough remarried to Barnabas Smith,
Rector of North Witham in Lincolnshire, by whom she bad issue Mary, Benjamin, and Hannah,
each of which have issue remaining.
In witness whereof this Deponent hath hereunto put his hand and seale, this two and twentieth
day of November, Anno Dom. 1705.

Jurat 22° die Novembris, 1705.
Coram me Mag'ro Cancell. S. Keck.


Sir John Newton, of Thorpe in the parish of Rather, in the county of Lincoln, Baronet, aged
about fifty-three yoors, certifieth that his deponent hath heard his father Sir John Newton Baronet
aged about seventy and three years at the time of his death, speak of Isaac Newton Master of Arts
and Fellow of 'frinity Colledge in Cambridge now Sir Isaac Newton Knight, Master and Worker of
her Mati•• Mint in the Tower of London and of St. James's Parish in the County of Middlesex,
as of his Relation and Kinsman. And this deponent saith, that upon his view of a coppy of an entry
of the family of Newton, said to be entered in a visitation of the said county of Lincoln, made
in or about the year 1634, and said_ to be n?w remaining ll; the Herald's Colledge in London, he
finds one John Newton of West by m the said County, mentioned to have had four sons, viz. John
Newton, Thomas Newton, Richard Newton, and on;; William Newton of Gnnnerby in the said
County, which said William Newton was his great Grandfather, and believes the said Sir Isaac
Newton to be descended from the said John Newton, son to John Newton of Westby, the Common
Ancestor, and first mentioned in that entry, but knoweth not_in what particular manner but that
the said Sir Isaac hath alwaies been reckoned by him of the same name and blood with his family.
In witness whereof the said Sir John Newton hath hereunto set his hand and seal this 21 st day
of November, in the yea1· 1705. • ·
[ 9 ]



A Certificat of all the weddings Chrystnings and burialls ... the pish of Haidor in
the county of Lincoln since the tyme that they was first received in the
beginning of her Majestie rayne which was in the yeare of o' Lord God one
thousand five hundred fifty nine.
The second entry is as follows- - ·
Hugh Newton was buryed y• first of September 1559.
John Newton was baptized the vi day of September 1583.
Edward Newton was buryed the vith day of September 1588.
1620. Richarde sonne of Thomas Newton Mar. 8 Baptized.
1646. Elizabeth daughter of John Newton Esq' June 16. Baptized.
1648. Mary daughter of John Newton Esq. May 13. Baptized.
1649. Jane daughter of John.Newton Eq. June 4lh Baptized.
1649. Elizabeth Newton Widow Bur. July 30.
Registers not forthcoming from 1650 to l6o3.
Dorothy daughter of Sr John Newton of Thorpe Bart. Baptisd Septemb. 25. (71).
Another blank occurs from 1671 to 1675.
Mr• Cary daughter of John Newton of Thorpe Esq' was born June 9th (80) in
Pall Mall Westminster Baptised June 10th (80).
May ye 29 1686 Madam Abigaile wife of John Newton of Thorpe Esq' Buryed.
M' Willm Marwood & Mr• Mary daughter of Sr John Newton of Thorpe Bart.
marryed July 25 th (71). .
Willm Sacheverell Esqre & Mrs Jane daughter of Sr John Newton Baronett of
Thorpe December 18. 1676.
Richard Parks farmer of this Parish )
& ~ were marryed January 27. 1701.
Elizabeth Newton of Parish of Ropsley )
John Lord Coningsby Son of Sr Michael Newton and the Countesse of Coningsby
died att Loud. and buried Here on Janry. 8th 1732.
Sr John Newton Bart died at London and was buried Here R. Lamb Vic. [No
date, but after Feb. 16th & before the annunciation of B. V. M. 1734.
The Lady Newton widdow of Sr John Newton Bart. buried April 29. 1737.
1734. Sr Michael Newton Barr1 & Knight of the Bath died at London Apr. 6th
and was buried here April2l st •
1761. Buriall The Right honourable Margaret Conningesby Countess of Con-
ningesby, Relict ofye late Sr Michael Newton Bart of Thorpe June 24 th .
1775. Xtning Ruth D. of Isaac & Ruth Newton of Thorpe Sept. 20.
1775. Michael Newton was witness with John Thorold to a marriage between
Samuel Thorold Esq. of Cranwell and Susanna Goodacre of the parish of
1774. Rebecca Newton a Maiden March 14th Burriall.
1773. Rebecca Newton Widow May 17th Burial!.
1778. Baptism Elisabeth°D' of Isaac & Ruth Newton of Thorpe June 20th .
There are several more entries of Newtons, but they l\ppear to have been in a
very inferior station of life.



The xxxth daye of August was baptized Wilyam Newton 1541.

The xxvth daye of June was baptized John Newton 1542.
The seconde daye of September was baptized Margarett~ ewton 1543.
[ 10 J
, The 7th daye of November was baptized Elizabeth Newton 1543.
The xith daye of August was baptized George Newton 1545.
The xxviiith daye of September 1562 was married Thomas Musson and Elizabeth
The xxii daye of December was buried in the Church John Newton 156~.
'rhe xviith day of December 1565 was buried in the Church Marie Newton.
1568. The xxxth daye of October was baptized Robert Newton the sone of John
1570. The first daye of November was baptized Alce Newton.
,, The xxvith daye of December was buried in the Churchyard Alyce Newton.
1571. The xxth daye of December was baptized Anne Ne':'ton.
1574. The xv daye of August was baptized Marie Newton.
1576. The xiii daye of Julie was baptized Thomas Newton.
1579. The xxxist daye of March was baptized John Newton.
1579. The first daye of June was buried in the churchyarde John Newton.
1580. The xxviith daye of December was baptized Isabell Newton.
1582. The xxviith daye of Februarie was buried in the churchyard under the stone
next to the church John Newton.
1583. The xxvith daye of March was buried Thomas Newton.
1583. The xxiind daye of Maye was baptized Elizabeth Newton.
1583. The :first day of September was buried Elizabeth Newton.
1584. The xiiith of September was married John Withers and Anne Newton
Widowe of John Newton.
1598. The xxxth of September was baptized Jane Newton daughter of Robert
Newton Senior.
There are num~rous other entrirn belonging to different Newtons, but they do
not seem to belong to the branch that settled at W oolsthorpe. There is no monu-
ment in Westby Church belonging to the Newtons, but· a stone over the door
in the south aisle records the fact that- ·
John allen
And John
Ano. D. 1675.


1641. William Newton and Ellen Parkinson were married N ovem. 25.
1645.... Smith wife of Mr. Barnabas Smith ... orth Witham ... and was buried
June ...
1645. . .. Barnabas Smith Rector & Mr• Hannah ... ewton were married Jan.
27 (1646).
1647. Marie ye daughter of Barnabas Smith } M
& Hannah his wife was baptized ay 6·
] 651. ... in the sone of Barnabas Smith ... was baptized Aug. 1651.
1652. Hannah~ (sic) the daughter of Barnabas Smith 1 S t th
& Hannah his wife was baptized · 5 ep · 7 ·


Benjamin Smith June 24. 1723. [Onthe fly-leaf of the :first Register-book.]
1693. Catherine the daughter of "\Vm. Wimberlie and Katherine his wife was
Baptiz'd December 5th . ,
1716. Catherine y" daughter of Newton Smith & Mrs Catherine his wife was bap-
tized July 20th.
1717. Mrs Wymberley y" wife of Mr Wymberley Postmaster was buryed Jan. 23rd .
[ 11 ]
1718. Isaac Newton Smith ye son of Mr Newton Smith & Mr• Catherine his wife
was baptized Aprill 17th .
1720. Sarah y" daughter of Mr Newton Smith & Mrs Oath. his wife was baptized
ffeb. 25 th .
1728. Mr Newton Smith of Barrowby was buryed May 23 rd •
Wm Wimberley Gent. was buried July 25 th 1751.

1571. The first year of the Oolsterworth Registers.

Thomas Newton was buryed ffebruarye the xx0 [properly 1572].
1573. Jsaac Newtonne was baptized Aprill the xxx.
1575. Elsabeth Newton was baptized September the iiii0 •
1577. Marye Newton was baptized J anuarye the xii.
1579. J<Jlsabeth Newton was buryed August the vi0 •
1582. Richard Newton was baptized June the xvii.
1584. Elsabeth Newton was baptized November the first.
1588. Richard Newton was buryed Aprill the xxx.
1588. Ellen Barton was baptized May the vith .
1592. John Newton and Isabell Newton were marryed Februarye the xiii.
1596. Isabell Newton was baptized August the xxi0 •
1598. Elsabeth Newton was baptized November the xxvi.
1600. Marye Newton was baptized December the xxiiii.
Marye Newton was buryed January the xvii.
1602. Margaret Newton was baptized August the xiii.
Margaret Newton was buryed August the xiii.
1603. Ales Newton was baptized January the last.
Alse Newton was buryed February the vii.
Ales Barton was baptized March the xiv.
1605. John Newton was baptized July 14. 1605.
Godfrey Barton was baptized July 22. 1605.
John Newton was buryed July the xxix 1605.
Isaacke Newton the sonne of Robert Newton was baptized the xxist day of
September 1606.
Robert Newton .the sonne of Robert Newton was baptized the xxviith day of
September 1607.
1609. Buriall Godfrey Barton the xxviii of November.
From the feaste of the Anunciation of the blessed Virgin Marie A O Dmi 1609
U ntill the same feaste A O Dmi 1610.
Richard Newton the sonne of Robert N ewt,;m was baptized ix daie of Aprill.
Baptism 1613, Marie Newton the daughter of Robert Newton the vth of September.
Anne Newton the daughter of Robert Newton was baptized the sixth day of Maie
Buriall Anne Newton the xiii daye of Julie 1616.
Baptism 1617. Thomas Newton the sonne of Richard Newton the thirde daye of
1621. John Newton the son of Richard Newton the second day of December.
Buriall 1627. Thomas Newton the xxx of Januarie.
. Registers not taken from 1630 to 1641.
Buried 1641. Robert Newton Septemb. 20.
Michael Bigby and Mary Newton Novemb. 20. 1641 were married.
1642. Baptized Dionysia the daughter of William & Elenor Newton Sept. 11.
Anne the daughter of Richard and Alice Newton Sept. 11.
Isaac sonne of Isaac & Hanna Newton Jan. 1.
Buried Ai!ice Newton Septemb. 20.
Dionysia Newton October 1.
Isaac Newton Octob. 6.
Registers not forthcoming from 1642 to 1661.
[ 12 ]
1666. Marie Newton daughter of Isaack Newton & Marie his wire was baptised
July the 29. 1666.
1676. Elizabeth ye daughter of Richard Newton & Elizabeth his wife was baptized
May 211676.
1677. Robert y• son of Richard Newton & Elizabeth his wife was baptized Feb.
28. 1677.
1678. Hannah Barton ye daughter of Mr Robert Barton & Hannah his wife of
Briggstock in Northamptonshire was baptized November 16. 1678.
1679. Anne ye daughter of Richard Newton & Elizabeth his wife was bapt. Dec.
26 1679.
Richard ye Posthumus son of Richard Newton & Elizabeth his wife was baptized
November 3d 1684. In the following year Mr• Newton was one of the
1719. October 12 Anne the Daughter of Richard Newton of Colsterworth Farmer
was Baptized.
1666. Mr Thomas Pilkington of Belton in the Countie of Rutland and Mr• Marie
Smith of W oolsthrop in the parish of Colsterworth were married No-
vember the 22 nd 1666.
1672. Richard Faulkner of Londonthorp & Anne Newton of Wolsthorp in this
Parish of Colsterworth were married JanY 16. n.
1699. Thomas Collingwood of Heeson [Easton] in ye Parish of Stoak, and Mary
Newton of Colsterworth were married Nov' 19.
1665. Richard Newton was buried June the 23"d 1665.
1672. Widow Newton of Wolsthorp was buried Feb. 6 th •
In 1676 Rich. Newton was one of the Churchwardens.
1677. Robert Newton was buried July ye 17th 1677.
1678. Anne Newton y• daughter of Isaac Newton & . . . his wife was buried
June 10.
1679. Mrs Hannah Smith Wid. was buried in woollen June y 0 4 th • (This being
the mother of Sir Isaac Newton & Wid. of the Rev. Barn. Smith.)
1684. Isaac Newton and Jane Newton were buried April ye 16.
Richard Newton was buried May ye 2d.
1692. Mary Newton was buried in wollen the 30th day of July 1692.
1701. Eliz. Newton Widd. to Robrt Newton Deceased Farmer Buried Mar. 27.
1703. Isaac Newton pauper reputed 95 years of age was buried Jan. 22. 703 (And
Robert Newton was a Churchwarden).
1714. Anne Newton was buried thee daughter of Richard Newton and Elizabeth
his wife March ye 10.
1721. J anu. 29 Richard Newton was buried.
1725. October 13. John Newton of Wolsthorpe.
1734. June 25 th Mr Robert Newton was buried.
1737. June 22 nd John Newton was buried.
1741. July 28th Widow Newton ye elder was buried.


1667. Hasillwood the son of Mr Thomas Pilkington & Mary his wife Baptized
October 22 nd•
1668. Thomas the son of Mr Thomas Pilkington & Mary his wife baptized Dec. 3rd.
1670. Mary the daughter of Mr Thomas Pilkington & Mr• Mary his wife baptized
Dec. 20th •
l6f¼. George the son of Thamas Pilkington Esquire and Mary his wife baptized
Jan'ry 4th •

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