Digital Literacy Using E-Peken in MSMEs: Bibliometric Analysis

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Digital Literacy Using E-Peken in MSMEs:

Bibliometric Analysis
Jessica Barbara Eugenie Patty, Indrawati Yuhertiana
Department of Economics and Business
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur Indonesia

Abstract:- The increasing use of information and effects (Hernikawati, 2022). People's discretionary spending
communication technology (ICT) in business has would decrease as a result of these rules being enacted,
influenced the development of Micro, Small, and which might lead to reduced interaction across groups
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). E-peken, as an online (Mawar et al., 2021).
platform for marketing specific Surabaya products, is
the choice for MSMEs to expand their market and If you pay attention, however, the COVID-19
increase sales. This study uses bibliometric analysis to epidemic has a good side where business actors like
determine research developments related to digital MSMEs utilize Information and Communication
literacy using E-peken in MSMEs. In conducting Technology (ICT) in their daily operations and leverage
bibliometric analysis, researchers collected articles from technological advancements to boost sales. Hence, they can
Google Scholar with the help of Publish or Perish innovate and quickly adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic by
software published in the 2019-2022 period. They used turning to the digital realm to run their business (Fiona &
VOSviewer software to analyze research patterns and Rahmayanti, 2022). Responding to the impact of the
trends. The mapping results from VOSViewer are pandemic, the government will undoubtedly innovate by
divided into five research clusters. The results of this preparing various steps so that the Indonesian economy can
study provide insight into the need for more research on survive and not slump, one of which is by supporting SMEs
digital literacy in MSMEs that use E-peken as a to continue operating (Firdaus et al., 2020). The Surabaya
marketing platform and how this affects their business City Government did the same thing in 2021 by launching
performance. Further research on the factors that an application called Peken Surabaya (Economic
influence digital literacy and the use of E-packages in Empowerment and Resilience in Surabaya) (Pujiati et al.,
MSMEs also needs to be carried out to help MSMEs 2022). This mobile web-based application was formed to
optimize the use of technology in their business. facilitate MSME players and grocery stores in carrying out
goods management activities and purchase transactions
Keywords:- Digital Literacy, E-Peken, MSME, Bibliometric. (Putra, 2021).

I. INTRODUCTION Managing an online business amid a pandemic is a

new challenge for MSMEs, especially in implementing
According to a news release from the Coordinating technology. Undeniably, not all MSMEs can adapt to
Ministry for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia technological developments, such as selling through digital
(Limanseto, 2021), small and medium-sized enterprises platforms (Santoso, 2020). According to the
(SMEs) comprise most of the Indonesian economy. The page, before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of
Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium digitalized SMEs was around 9 million out of 64 million,
Enterprises in Indonesia has released statistics showing that contributing 60% to Indonesia's GDP. Then during the
by 2022, Indonesia is expected to have 8.71 million small pandemic, it increased by around 12 million, so around 21
and medium-sized businesses. Java Island has a very healthy million or around 32% of the total 64 million MSMEs in
small and medium-sized business (SME) sector, with 1.49 Indonesia currently use digital technology. It means that
million SME establishments in West Java, 1.45 million in 68% of MSMEs still need to take advantage of advances in
Central Java, and 1.15 million in East Java (Santika, 2023) digital technology to develop their businesses. Therefore, it
accordingly. is a concern for the G20 countries to dig deeper into how
digital connectivity can contribute to global economic
The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably influenced recovery (Yusuf, 2022).
the global economy, state budgets, and the viability of
SMEs (Utami, 2021). According to studies by the OECD, Based on the description above, this study aims to map
this epidemic would force several nations to halt the digital literacy of MSME actors using the e-peken
manufacturing, cause public consumption to fall, and application. The e-peken tool, this study seeks to map the
undermine consumer confidence (Nalini, 2021). The digital literacy of MSME actors based on the description
government issued PSBB in response to the swift spread of provided above. The advantage of this research is that it
the virus, as per Government Regulation No. 21 of 2020, helps identify new trends and study areas in a particular site.
concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of It can help researchers determine the direction and focus of
Speeding the Management of COVID-19 (Iskar et al., their research.
2021). A key drawback of this PSBB is the restriction of
individual liberty. For people who depend on a consistent
paycheck, the inability to transact in cash has far-reaching

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises are independent,
A. Digital Literacy productive business units controlled by individuals or
Digital literacy is the capacity to locate and select entrepreneurs in any economic sector (Raharja & Natari,
information, think critically, be creative, work 2021). MSMEs also have several advantages over large
collaboratively, and communicate effectively while being companies, namely innovation in product development, the
responsive to socio-cultural and electronic security ability to employ many employees, flexibility, and the
advances. It is not just the usage of digital equipment ability to adapt to rapid market changes compared to large
(Naufal, 2021). There are 4 (four) basic principles for companies (Suyadi et al., 2018). According to Indonesian
developing digital literacy, namely (Sutrisna, 2020): Law No. 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small, and Medium
 Understanding, meaning that people understand Enterprises, namely:
information from the mass media either directly or  Micro-enterprises (MEs) are small, profitable companies
indirectly. that a single person or a small group may hold.
 Interdependence, meaning that they can rely on one  Small businesses must be owned, controlled, or become
another in media development and mutually benefit one part of another organization that does not meet the criteria
another. for a large or medium-sized business through a direct or
 Social factors and information sharing with the public indirect subsidiary.
shape the long-term success of media and can also shape  Independent and productive economic activities
organic ecosystems for information search, information conducted by individuals or businesses that are not
gathering, information storage, and ultimately, media subsidiaries or affiliated companies of smaller or larger
change. firms in terms of total net worth or annual sales results are
 Curation means people can access, understand and store referred to as medium enterprises.
information to read later. In addition, Curation can also be
interpreted as the ability to cooperate in finding, III. METHOD
collecting, and organizing helpful information.
This study uses a database obtained from Google
The following six domains make up Eshet-Alkalai's Scholar. The things considered are: (1) Google Scholar has
(2012) "Digital Literacy Framework": a) Visual photo a broader scope and is easy to access, and (2) Google
thinking is the capacity to understand and use visual Scholar does not require cooperation or payment.
information; b) Real-time thinking is the capacity to process Researchers used Publish or Perish (PoP) software version
multiple stimuli simultaneously; c) Information thinking is 8.4.4041.8250 in searching scientific articles. Scientific
the capacity to analyze and synthesize data from various articles published in 2019-2022 downloaded the keywords
digital sources; d) Two-part thinking is the capacity to move "digital literacy, MSMEs" because the development of
around in a non-linear hypermedia environment e) Generous information and communication technology (ICT) has
in conclusion, digital literacy describes a person's familiarity affected business development in various sectors, including
and competence with numerous types of digital media.. The MSMEs. The keyword "e-peken" was chosen because the
advent of widespread digital technology, network topic to be raised in this study is related to the Surabaya
infrastructure, and computerization is referred to as the City Government's e-peken application. The next step was
"digital era" (Widjanarko & Yuhertiana, 2022). Good digital to practice systematic search methods that included
literacy is essential in today's world, from managing a identification, screening, and eligibility.
household to operating a company, and its importance has
only grown as the digital age has progressed. A. Identification
Google Scholar was the central database used in this
B. E-Peken study to look for article sources. As new content is added
E-peken is a mobile web application released in October over time, Google Scholar results can change drastically
2021 that aims to connect grocery stores and Micro, Small, quickly, sometimes in just a few hours, with a variable
and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Surabaya. There are tendency for results to be higher or lower than in a previous
two ways to access e-peken, the first is through the website search. In this survey, "digital literacy, SMEs" and "e- and the second is through the peken" were the important search terms.Screening.
e-peken application, which can be downloaded on the
playstore or appstore, specifically the peken application can B. Screening
only be accessed by sellers (Salam & Prathama, 2022). The Filtering is the process of adding or excluding elements
grocery shop and MSME features are two of the many from an analysis. Articles published in formats other than
features of this e-Peken. Still, this feature has several journal articles, such as books, proceedings, and seminars,
product choices, including handicrafts, fashion, and are excluded as a filter.
culinary. With the existence of e-peken it is hoped that it
C. Eligibility
can facilitate the expansion of market share and national
At this stage, a manual check is carried out by examining
economic recovery after a long pandemic period.
each item's title and abstract to ensure that they all meet the
predetermined criteria. Several articles were left off the list
because they discussed topics like digital literacy and e-
peken without providing context for how these topics affect

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
MSMEs. We were able to collect 202 articles after the
feasibility analysis.

Fig. 3: Development of "e-peken " publication

Source: Publish or Perish

Scientific articles found through the Google Scholar

database are included in the VOS viewer software. VOS
viewer shows the results that there are 10 items which are
divided into 5 clusters, namely:
Fig. 1: Article Selection Process
A. Cluster 1 contains fintech, literacy, literacy influence,
Fintech refers to financial technology applications that
Publications regarding MSME and digital literacy offer financial services online or through mobile devices.
have been growing every year from 2019 until now. In On the other hand, financial literacy refers to one's
recent years, the topic of digital literacy in SMEs is still a
understanding of financial topics such as money
trend in conducting research. However, many SMEs still
management, investing, and financial products. Fintech
need to have a sufficient understanding of digital literacy
and financial literacy are closely related, and fintech can
and the use of technology in their business. The most help improve individual financial literacy. Increasing
significant number of articles (466 in total, or 49.4% of all
financial literacy can positively impact MSMEs because
data) on digital literacy for MSMEs was published in 2022.
business owners can make wiser financial decisions,
It shows that digital literacy for MSMEs is still relevant and
manage cash flow better, and choose financial products
needed to help MSMEs grow their business through
that better suit their needs. Fintech can help MSMEs by
technology. providing more accessible and transparent access to
financial products and helping them manage their finances
more efficiently.

However, the impact of fintech on MSMEs may also

depend on their level of financial literacy. If MSMEs have
a low level of financial literacy, they may need help
understanding the available fintech products and services
and how they can be used to improve their finances. On
the other hand, when MSMEs have high financial literacy,
they are more likely to use fintech more effectively and
maximize the benefits of using fintech for their needs. By
increasing financial literacy and access to fintech, MSMEs
can optimize their financial opportunities and accelerate
their business growth.
Fig. 2: Development of "digital literacy, SMEs" publication
B. Cluster 2 contains digital literacy and financial literacy.
Source: Publish or Perish Digital literacy and financial literacy are closely related
because they complement each other in the digital era.
E-peken Surabaya is one of the initiatives of the Digital literacy refers to a person's ability to use digital
Surabaya city government to support the development of technology and understand how it works, including using
MSMEs in the region through digital technology. E-peken is the internet and financial applications. Meanwhile,
a digital business platform to help MSMEs in Surabaya City financial literacy refers to understanding financial issues
to market their products online and increase sales. Much such as money management, investment, and financial
research related to e-peken has yet to be carried out because products. Financial products are often available online and
it is still relatively new, and few are familiar with it in the through financial software in this digital era. Therefore,
community. This makes only a few interested in researching understanding digital technology and financial applications
this platform. is crucial to increasing one's financial literacy. People with

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
good digital skills have easier access to financial  Limited supply: COVID-19 has also affected global and
information, shop online, and choose financial products local supply chains, causing delays or delays in the
that suit their needs. delivery of goods or raw materials. Affects the operations
of SMEs as they face difficulties obtaining raw materials
Additionally, digital technology can help increase or products to produce their goods or services.
financial literacy by providing easier access to financial  Limited access to capital: Many MSMEs have found it
information, including tools and applications that help challenging to obtain funding because of the COVID-19
individuals manage their finances. For example, a financial pandemic. Due to the unstable economic situation, banks
management application makes it easier for employees to and financial institutions have opted for loans and credit.
track their expenses and get more detailed information  Decreased people's purchasing power: Due to the
about their expenses. In this case, individuals need to have COVID-19 epidemic, many employees have lost their
good digital literacy to increase their financial literacy. employment or have seen a decline in their pay, which
The government and financial institutions must also pay has reduced their buying power. Because fewer people are
attention to the importance of digital and financial literacy buying items and services that are seen as trivial, SMEs
and provide adequate training and resources to improve are affected.
both. By increasing digital and financial literacy,
individuals can use digital technology more effectively to The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on MSMEs
improve their finances and achieve their financial goals. and the Indonesian economy as a whole is very significant.
To overcome this impact, the Indonesian government has
C. Cluster 3 contains digital marketing and the pandemic introduced several policies, such as providing social
period. assistance, capital assistance, and training to improve the
Digital marketing uses digital technology and online capabilities of MSMEs. In addition, MSMEs need to adopt
resources such as websites, social media, and email. The new strategies, such as online platforms and digital
COVID-19 pandemic has changed consumer behavior and marketing, to reach a broader market.
accelerated the transition from traditional to digital
marketing. In this case, digital marketing is crucial to E. Cluster 5 contains digital literacy.
maintain and increase business success during a pandemic. Understanding, utilizing, and using digital technology
Many consumers are switching from in-person shopping to for specific objectives are all aspects of digital literacy.
online shopping. In this regard, digital marketing can help Digital literacy includes searching, evaluating, using,
businesses reach consumers through online platforms, collaborating, and communicating with digital
maintain customer loyalty and grow their customer base. technologies. Digital literacy is also crucial for business
development and brand or product promotion through
Apart from that, digital marketing can also help digital marketing. The influence of digital literacy is
companies improve the customer experience online. boosting people's and organizations' capacities to respond
Digital marketing can also help businesses increase to difficult digital situations that are changing quickly.
customer loyalty by offering unique online offers, With good digital competence, individuals and
campaigns, or loyalty programs. During the COVID-19 organizations can maximize the potential of digital
pandemic, many companies have been forced to cut their technology and use it to achieve their goals.
marketing budgets due to increasing financial pressure. In
this case, digital marketing can be a cheaper and more Another effect of digital literacy is increased
effective solution to support a business. Companies can participation in the digital economy. Increasing digital
use online media more cheaply than traditional marketing, literacy means that more people and organizations are
such as television or print advertising. Business actors can leveraging digital technology to grow their businesses and
also optimize their digital marketing by analyzing data and expand their reach to global markets. Digital literacy will
conducting tests for better results. help drive economic growth and increase competition in
the global economy.
D. Cluster 4 contains covid.
COVID-19 has had a significant negative impact on the
MSMEs and the economy of Indonesia. The following
effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the MSMEs and the
economy of Indonesia:
 Decline in market demand: Due to decreased mobility and
economic activity, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted
in a decline in market demand. As sales of goods and
services decline, it results in a reduction in MSME
 Large-scale social restrictions: Large-scale social
restrictions have been implemented in several regions of
Indonesia to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Fig. 4: Network Visualization
Reduces the number of consumers visiting MSME stores
or online stores. As a result, SMEs that rely on physical
sales need help maintaining their business.

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Figure 4 shows a network that shows the network
linkages between the visualized concepts. Therefore, the
result can be obtained that a network is formed where
MSMEs are interconnected with networks with digital
literacy, financial literacy, fintech, digital marketing, and
covid. There is a close relationship between MSMEs,
financial literacy, fintech, digital marketing, and COVID-
19. Here are some explanations:
 MSMEs: However, MSMEs often need assistance in
accessing markets and finance to expand their enterprises.
MSMEs are a crucial component of the Indonesian
economy and they significantly contribute to economic Fig. 5: Overlay Visualization
development and employment creation.
 Digital literacy: Digital literacy is the ability of Figure 5 shows an overlay visualization that shows
individuals and organizations to understand, use and use traces of research history over the last 5 years. This
digital technologies. Digital literacy can help SMEs statement is based on the results of an overlay visualization
maximize the potential of digital technology and use it to showing yellow nodules representing recent years of
expand markets and improve operational efficiency. scientific publications containing the keyword "digital
 Financial literacy: Financial literacy is the ability of literacy." Research on digital literacy has not been carried
individuals and organizations to understand, manage and out much; the underlying reason is that it has just become a
make sound financial decisions. For MSMEs to popular topic. Although essential, much research is still
effectively manage their finances and make wise being conducted on other topics, even though digital literacy
investment decisions, financial literacy is essential. is critical for an Indonesian society that understands
 Fintech: Financial technology stands for financial progress. Although there are still obstacles in conducting
technology or financial technology. Financial technology digital literacy research, we must continue to research and
offers SMEs more specific, faster, and cheaper financial understand how digital literacy can affect individuals and
services such as online loans, digital payments, and society. Therefore, digital literacy research needs to be
financial management. continuously improved and developed so that we can better
understand its implications.
 Digital marketing: Digital marketing uses digital
technology to promote products or brands and increase
visibility and sales. Digital marketing can help MSMEs
expand their market area and increase their brand
awareness by using digital technology to promote
products or brands and increase visibility and sales.
Digital marketing can help MSMEs expand their market
reach and increase their brand awareness.
 COVID-19: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the
way MSMEs operate. Social restrictions and physical
lockdowns have pushed SMEs to go online and use digital
technology to sell their products. That is why digital
literacy, financial literacy, financial technology, and
digital marketing are becoming increasingly important for
SMEs in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall, SMEs can use digital literacy, financial

literacy, financial technology, and digital marketing to Fig. 6: Density Visualization
expand their market reach, improve operational efficiency
and manage their finances well. The COVID-19 pandemic Figure 6 shows the density visualization, which shows
has accelerated changes in how MSMEs operate, the density or emphasis on the research group. The darker
emphasizing the importance of digital knowledge and the yellow color and the larger the circle shape in the
technology in their businesses. visualization results shows that there are already many
research topics with these keywords having a higher link
strength value than other keywords. In this case, the results
show that the keywords "MSMEs" and "literacy" have been
extensively researched, which can be symbolized in yellow.
As for the green color, little has been researched, namely the
keywords "digital literacy, financial literacy, digital literacy,
the influence of literacy, financial technology.

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Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
V. CONCLUSION menjadi-pilar-penting-dalam-perekonomian-
Based on the bibliometric analysis that has been [6.] Mawar, Andriyani, L., Gultom, A., & Ketiara, K.
carried out, research on digital literacy using e-journal in (2021). Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Kebijakan
MSMEs is still relatively new, with a limited number of Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat
related articles. The research theme that is mainly raised is (PPKM) di Indonesia. Prosiding Seminar Nasional
the marketing strategy and the influence of e-weekends on Penelitian LPPM UMJ, 1–12.
product sales. Several journals were also found which
became research centers on digital literacy in general. Thus, [7.] Nalini, S. N. L. (2021). Dampak Dampak covid-19
further research on the factors that influence digital literacy terhadap Usaha MIkro, Kecil dan Menengah. Jesya
and the use of e-packages in MSMEs needs to be carried (Jurnal Ekonomi & Ekonomi Syariah), 4(1), 662–
out. Several suggestions can be given for the development 669.
of digital literacy research for MSMEs using e-books, [8.] Naufal, H. A. (2021). Literasi Digital. Perspektif,
including: 1(2), 195–202.
 Provide digital literacy training for business owners and
MSME employees to improve skills in using the E-peken [9.] Pujiati, D., Setiyoko, N., Diptyana, P., Marta, L. S.,
platform and other technologies needed in business. & Hermansyah, D. (2022). Pelatihan Pengembangan
 Increase understanding of marketing strategies and the Konten Digital Marketing Berbasis E- Peken Di Leny
influence of E-peken on product sales to MSMEs so that Catering-Surabaya. ETAM : Jurnal Pengabdi, 2(2),
they can help develop their business. 148–155.
 Access to databases from Scopus, Semantic Scholar, or
the Web of Science is also envisaged in the future, in /etam.v2i2.281
addition to Google Scholar. [10.] Putra, A. C. (2021). Pengaruh Pertumbuhan PDRB
Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Terhadap
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Surabaya. Jurnal Lembaga
Ketahanan Nasional Republik Indonesia, 10(2), 65–
In the acknowledgments, the author expresses 78.
gratitude to those who contributed to the research through [11.] Raharja, S. J., & Natari, S. U. (2021). Pengembangan
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