Ifa Garment Project
Ifa Garment Project
Ifa Garment Project
he Project
Services................................................................................................72.3. Power
Population and Economic
Activities..................................................................................................73.Description of the
Project....................................................................................................................84.Objectives of
Technology and
Industry.........................................................................................126.3.National Overview Of
ket Operational
Information System..................................................................................................197.SWOT
Structure............................................................................................................229.2.Man Power
and Unskilled
Investment Costs..........................................................................................................2810.2.Fixed
Investment Cost...........................................................................................................3010.3.Work
d Income
Statements.................................................................................................3810.8.Projected Cash
flow Statements.............................................................................................3910.9.Projected
Project Implementation
financed by theowner equity and the rest 70% equivalent toBr. 7,000,000.00 financed through
62Skilled2Unskilled 609.Market Share 30% for domestic market and 70% for
Employmentopportunity, Save Foreign currency, Benefit for the Local Community andStimulate
1.Introduction Ethiopia has in placed policies, strategies and related legal frameworks aiming
to transform itseconomy from that dominated by agriculture towards an industry with the
ultimate goal of achieving a middle income nation by 2025. To realize this structural economic
industrialization policy, a great effort has been made inrevising and updating the legal frame
and transformation plan of the country. In this regard Ethiopia isworking to attract and
encourage domestic investment and FDI with major focuses on exportones. In addition to
facilitating the necessary legal frame works, and incentive mechanisms,there is an effort in
developing cluster zones by sector to serve the basic infrastructure andcontrol the
environmental impacts of the specific sectors. The Ethiopian Government has learntfrom the
experience of other countries that cluster zonation has played a vital role in enhancingthe
inflow of FDI.The Industrial Development Strategy of Ethiopia has ranked some sectors as core
sectors so thatto facilitate and provide prioritized and strategic support from the government.
Accordingly, thetextile and apparel sub sector has ranked as the first core subsector due to
certain reasons in theEthiopian context. The surplus labor force available in the country and
being labor intensivenature of textile and apparel sector, the availability of worldwide market
for textile are somereasons for the subsector to being ranked as first even from the prioritized
sector. Moreover, thetextile sector utilizes cotton as its main inputs so that it can create
the textile sector as a key economic activity towards harnessing the growth of thenational
economy, the government of Ethiopia in its five years growth and Transformation planhas set
out to generate 1 billion us dollars and increasing total price of the end of the sector’s product
to 2.5 billion us dollars by the end of the plan period. The performance so far includingthe year
2012/2013 (2005 Et. physical year) is very far from the plan target and needs much6
Effort to be done. The existing situations shows that to achieve the envisaged export target,
inaddition to improving the productivity and product quality of the existing textile and
apparelindustry through renovation and expansion, it seems to be an assignment to the
government toattract additional foreign and domestics textile and apparel investments.On
other hand worldwide market opportunities, and wide domestic market, the cheaper &
easilytrainable work force, the conducive policy environment and government close support to
thesector, are no doubt that can be a good spring board to realize the inflow of FDI and
allocating bigland area to the sector, segmenting the investment areas by sectorial cluster
giving specialattention and building industrial infrastructure such as; industrial zones by its own,
jointly with private sector, and allowing the private sector to build and lease.Encouraged by the
establishment. Therefore, this project study is prepared to assess the feasibility of investing on
Addis Ababa City Administration the National Regional Sate of Addis Ababa Region where the
Djibouti- Addis Ababa Region railway line ends. So, it will have a good advantage for logistical
industrial area which industrial establishmentsare being directed towards it and it is clustered
by different sectors and economic activities.Different domestic and foreign investors already
took land and started investment in the area andthe area is developing very well.2.1.
commit their resources and lifetime savings. To this end, it can be witnessed that the
western parts of Ethiopia passes through the area. This main high way takes this road is mainly
used as the main road for transporting the forest coffee products of Unlike the Nefase Silek
Lafeto K/k /Lebu/Bus stationThe Project area is not yet well developed as a town and it
doesn’t have bus station. However, with theestablishment of big industries and the
consequential urbanization, it is expected that the moment of people to and from this area will
increase which demands the establishment of bus station in the area.2.2. Communication and
uptelecom service infrastructure in the area to support the industrialization. Postal Service:it is
found that there is no postal service around The Project Area.Thus, there is a need for having
standardized postal offices in the town.2.3. Power ServicesThe national power grid line of
Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation passes through near the projectarea and it is near to the
Nefase Selek Lafeto K/k /Lebu/ Sub-station. Due to its proximity to the nearbyEEPCo sub-
station, it is expected that the power supply for the project to be sourced from thissubstation in
a 33kv direct power line. This will enable the proposed project to get un-interruptedelectric
power.2.4 Population and Economic ActivitiesThe proposed project area is a rural area where
show the population estimate. The populationis mainly engaged in the farming activities mainly
commercial and cereal crops through rain-fedagriculture. However, with the industrialization of
the area and the consequential urbanization,the population of the area and the economic
assortment in the NationalRegional Sate of Addis Ababa Region, Nefase Silek Lafeto K/k
/Lebu/.The garment assembly process will start with cutting to size as per different design and
patternsas the fashion and style of the pieces. The assembling (sewing) process involves among
othersstitching, buttoning and label attaching while finishing operation includes trimming,
ironing and packing.In cutting section, the knitted fabric will be spread on the spreading table
and then cut as per thespecified design mark. The fabric that is cut in specific pattern will be
handled in respectivestitching lines to produces items like T-shirts, polo shirts, trousers, over
coats, gown etc. Themajor production process flow chart involves the following.The detailed
production process of the major three lines is as shown below: A)Process Flow of the Cutting
B)Process Flow of the Sewing SectionReceiving from cutting sectionSewing each part and
ProjectThe main objective of the project is manufacturing of quality and standardized garment
andtextile stitching for earning sustainable income that assures company’s growth. The other
related objectives are stated herein below:Maximize profits to the owners who have
committed their financial resources in anticipation of better opportunities,Stimulate large