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Lecturer : Eko Saputra Nurdiansa, S.Pd., M.Pd

Created By: Group 4

1. Putri Rati Ningsih (22113030)

2. Dewi Roosnitasari (22113036)
3. Tiara Wijayani Salsabilla (22113045)






All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Praise to the presence of Allah
SWT for His mercy and guidance, the writer was able to complete the research paper entitled
"Multimedia Learning" in a timely manner.

This paper was prepared to fulfill an assignment for a Foreign Language Teaching
Media course. In addition, this paper aims to add insight for writers and readers what is the
basic of media learning.

The writer would like to thank Mr. Eko Saputra Nurdiansa, S.Pd., M.Pd lecturer in
Foreign Language Teaching media. Thanks also go to all parties who have helped finish this
paper. We realize that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, suggestions and constructive
criticism are expected for the perfection of this paper.

Kendari, May 8, 2023

Group 4



FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................... i

LIST OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... ii


A. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

B. Formulation of The Problem .............................................................................................. 1

C. Objective ............................................................................................................................. 1


A. Definition of Multimedia Learning .................................................................................... 2

B. Multimedia Learning Types ............................................................................................... 2


CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 5

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 6


A. Introduction

Advances in computer technology, information technology and communication

technology are developing very rapidly. These advances have had a tremendous impact on
various fields of human life. As one of the technological inventions, computers can be
programmed to carry out various tasks quickly and have high accuracy. Currently, almost
all fields of activity carried out by modern humans have used computer services, such as
activities in the fields of information, communication, banking, business, engineering,
health, education and other fields.

The development of multimedia-based teaching materials correctly will provide

benefits for the learning carried out by the teacher and will be in accordance with the
learning needs of students.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is the meaning of multimedia learning?

2. What are the type multimedia learning?

3. What are the functions multimedia learning?

C. Objective

1. To know the meaning of multimedia learning.

2. To find out the types of multimedia learning.

3. To know the function multimedia learning.


A. Definition of Multimedia Learning

According to Munir (2015), the word multimedia consists of two words, namely multi
and media, if separated, it can be interpreted, as multi is a word from Latin, namely nouns
which mean many. Meanwhile, media is a Latin word, medium, which means an
intermediary or something used to convey, deliver, or carry something. Based on the
meaning of the two words multi and media, we can interpret multimedia as a combination
of various media such as text, animation, images, video, and others, then put together in
the form of digital files with the help of computers that are useful for conveying
information or messages.

B. Multimedia Learning Types

Multimedia learning comes in a wide range of forms, audio, visual, audiovisual, and

1. Audio

It is defined as sound in a digital form such as sound, music, narration and so forth that it
can be heard. Sound is a powerful medium for presenting certain information. With the help
of voice, users can hear the correct sounds of a word. The main feature of this medium is the
message which distributed through audio media was poured in the emblems of auditif, both
verbal or non-verbal. Most students ask for learning in the media this they prefer and respond
to more interesting learning.

The method of learning using audio is media for delivers the message to be delivered in
the form of the emblems of auditif, both either verbal (into words or spoken language) or
non-verbal. One example in methods of learning with audio media are as exemplified by the
group the developer's learning in English using listening.

a. Types Of Audio Media

1. Phonograph (Gramaphone)

This recorder uses a flat disc called a gramophone, hereinafter known as a gramophone

These records are capable of recording a wide variety of sounds, making them suitable
for music, drama, poetry, fairy tales, tours, and story lessons.

2. Magnetic Tape Recorder

A magnetic tape recorder or cassette tape recorder is a medium that presents messages
through the process of recording audio cassettes.

3. Compact Discs (CDs)

A compact disc or compact disc is an optical disc for storing data digitally. Compact
disc technology was then adopted as a data storage device known as a CD-ROM.

4. Radios

Audio radio media is an electromagnetic communication device for sending and

receiving voice messages using a sound wave system through the air.

In the world of education, radio is still used as a learning medium, especially for
distance learning programs.

Radio has a very broad reach, so students can listen to actual news, and find out about
some of the latest events, and life's problems.

5. Language Laboratory

A language laboratory is a room with tools to train students in listening and speaking
foreign languages.

This language laboratory presents subject matter prepared beforehand, using a

recording device.

Students sit separately in the acoustic box and sound box, so they can hear the voice of
the teacher sitting in the control room via headphones.

b. The function of audio media

Instead of exciting and encouraging students to study more material, audio materials can
be used for:

1. Develop hearing skills and evaluate what that have been heard.

2. Organize and prepare discussion or debate by revealing experts' opinions are far from
the scene.

3. Make a model that students will emulate.

4. Setting up interesting variations and velocity changes learn about a subject or


c. The advantages and weaknesses of audio media

The advantage of audio media is as follows:

1. Can better substitute teachers, for example bring in an expert inside certain fields go
through this media.

2. It can handle time and space.

3. Relatively accessible.

The weakness of audio media is as follows:

1. The speed of the track varieties served the recording.

2. Need visual media assistance.

3. It can only be used optimally by people who have abstract thought.

There are, of course, many benefits to these methods of audio study and overuse and the
advantage of the method is greater than its flaws and weaknesses, therefore this method of
audio-learning media is highly favored by students because students do not get tired of
teacher teaching that is always just to enlighten or just explaining the material without any
entertainment makes students saturated.

2. Visual

Visual media was all the props used in the process of learning that can be enjoyed
through the senses the eyes. Visual media hold a role that very important in the learning

process. Visual media can accelerate understanding and strengthening memory. Visuals can
also cultivate a student's interest and can provide a connection between fill in the lesson
material with the real world. Visually based media is the media only rely on the sense of
sight. Visually based media (imageor illustrations) play a pivotal role in the process learn to

Visual media can facilitate understanding and amplifying memory. Visuals can also
foster student interest and it can provide support between content of the lesson materials and
the real world. In order to be effective, a visual should be placed on meaningful context and
students must interact with visuals (image) it's a convincing process for information.

a. Types of visual media

1. Image/Photo Media

Image or photo media is a reproduction media in two dimensions. Pictures/photos are

effective visual tools because they can be visualized to be more concrete and realistic. The
information conveyed is easy to understand.

Image media can also be interpreted as a visual form that can only be seen, but has no sound
or audio. Image media serves to provide a visual experience for children to encourage
learning motivation and make complex and abstract concepts simpler, more concrete, and
easier to understand.

2. Slides

Slides are images projected by light through a projector. Slides can be projected and can be
easily viewed by students in class.

4. Textbooks

Textbooks are also known as textbooks, namely books used in learning activities. Textbooks
are arranged according to the needs of students based on their level of education.

5. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an online classroom that can make it easier for teachers to create, share,
and give paperless assignments. Google Classroom can also create drive folders for each
assignment done by students. Students can track each assignment on the assignment page and

work on assignments with one click. besides that, teachers can also see the results of student
work quickly, and provide grades or input directly on google classroom.

b. The function of visual media study

A host of visual media functions:

1. The function of mindfulness, which is to attract and direct students' attention to

concentrate on the associated content of the lesson visual meanings displayed or accompanied
the lesson's content text.

2. Affective function, visual media can be seen from the level of pleasure student when
learning to read the illustrated text.

3. Cognitive function, visual media visible from the findings research which reveals that
visual emblems can facilitating achieving the goal of understanding and recalling the
information or message contained in the pictures.

4. The compensation function, visual learning media visible from research has shown that
visual media provides contexs to understand the text helps students who are weak with in
reading to organize information in the text and bringing it back.

3. Audio Visual

Audio-visual media can be construed as a device that can display images and make
some noise. Some examples of these featured media are sound films, television and video
(prasetya, 2016:18). Audio-visual media may also be interpreted as a kind of medium that tt
contains pictures and it also contains audible voice elements, such as voice slides, movies
video footage, and others (sundayana, 2015:14).

Audio-visual media characteristic that has several advantages over other media such
as media images, print media, and hearing media clearly become an attraction that is
so strong for students. In addition, for the educators as well as the parents certainly they
cannot deny how strong the effect of communication media mainly like audio-visual in
student learning process at home and at school is making the learning process easier in this
era. The use of audio visual media that is easily understood by students then
facilitates the process of teaching and learning, it also can motivate children to
understand the subject matter.

a. Types of Audio Visual

1. Sound and Motion Film

Film media can be classified as the audio-visual media capable of

showing moving and vocal film. This film media has been widely used for
entertainment purposes to the field of education and learning.

2. Video

The word video comesfrom Latin language, video-vidi-visum meaning to

see (have a vision). Meanwhile, KBBI interprets “the video by: 1) the part that is
emitting images on a television set, 2) the image-recording live for broadcast
on television.” It can be concluded that video is a telecommunication tool that can be
seen by the five senses (eyes), which is a live image (motion).

3. Television

Television is electronic equipment which is basically the same with live

image includes image and sound. Television is the same as film, it can be seen and
heard. for example, using television as a visual aid to explain about the
components existed in television and how it works, and then the used television
canfunction as a medium of learning. Then the television is important in the
learning device.

4. Animation

Animated films are a medium integrating audio and visual with the digestion of the story
using the animated or frequent steps are called with cartoons. Use of animated film in
integrated learning is step to make it easier for him teachers in applying material learning
according to roles and the function.

Animations can have two basic functions: a representing function and a directing
function. The representing function refers to the display of the spatial and temporal structure
of objects and events. Animations can display dynamic behavior such as movement (change
of position of objects), growth (change of size or form) or other alterations (changes in color
or texture). Animations can also be used to display the 3D shape of static objects by
permitting a virtual walk-around of these objects. Finally, animations can display the

assembly structure of complex static objects by showing how the object is composed from its
parts. The directive function involves guiding the learner’s visual attention to task-relevant
features of the displayed information. Animations can help to focus the learner’s attention by
adding dynamic highlighting techniques. Such visual cueing devices can increase the
perceptual salience of information so that it is more likely to attract the viewer’s attention.
Animations can also help to focus the learner’s attention by zooming into a scenario.

C. Functions of Multimedia Learning

There are several functions or benefits of implementing multimedia. The function of

multimedia is basically to create a more enjoyable and easy-to-understand learning
experience by combining several forms of content such as text, audio, video, animation,
and images. In addition there are several other multimedia functions that you need to
know, including:

1. Teaches difficult concepts

Multimedia can help explain difficult concepts by using animations or simulations, so
that they are easily understood by students.
2. Present information in a more interesting way
One Multimedia Function can also make information more interesting by adding audio,
video, and animation, making it easier to attract students' attention.
3. Sharpen skills
Multimedia can help students hone skills, such as reading, writing, or counting, by
using games or interactive applications.
4. Optimizing study time
The Multimedia function can also help students learn more efficiently, as they can
choose content that suits their own learning abilities and pace.
5. Reduce stress
Multimedia can help students learn in a more relaxed and enjoyable way, thereby
reducing stress levels and increasing learning motivation.
The use of video or audio can make learning material easier to understand and
interesting, so that students are more interested in learning.


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that multimedia learning can be
interpreted as multimedia applications (text, audio, video, graphics, diagrams, pictures,
charts, animation) as a means of conveying information with the help of computer technology
to achieve learning objectives.
There are several types of multimedia learning, that is Audio, Visual, Audio Visual, and
Animation. They have a weakness and an advantage in every user. It all depends on how the
teacher USES it to help shiva in the learning process.
The function of multimedia is basically to create a more enjoyable and easy-to-
understand learning experience by combining several forms of content. With Multimedia
learning student can reduce their stress because The use of video or audio can make learning
material easier to understand and interesting, so that students are more interested in learning.


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