Conc - Tech Lec-6

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Evaluation of Concrete Quality and
By: Rediet Gashaw
Amlaklesew Azene
Durability properties of concrete

 Durability of Concrete is the ability to resist

weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion, or
any process of deterioration.

 Durability of concrete depends on many

factors including its physical and chemical
properties, the service environment and design life.
 Physical properties of concrete are often discussed

in term of permeation, the movement of

aggressive agents into and out of concrete.
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 Chemical properties refer to the quantity and type of

hydration products, mainly calcium silicate hydrate,
calcium aluminate hydrate, and calcium hydroxide of
the set cement.
 Reactions of penetrating agents with these hydrates
produce products that can be inert, highly soluble, or
 It is generally considered that the surface layer or cover
zone plays an important role in durability as it acts as
the first line of defense against physical and chemical
attacks from the environment.
Main types of deformations in concrete

Three main types of Deformations take place in

hardened concrete subjected to External Load and
1. Elastic Strains: These are the Instantaneous
deformations that occur when an external stress is
applied first.
2. Shrinkage strains: These deformations occur either
• on loss of Moisture from the concrete or

• on cooling of concrete

3. Creep: It is the Time-dependent deformation that

occurs on the prolonged application of Stress.
 Deformation Effect

 Any one or combinations of the above types of

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1. Elastic Strains.

 Elastic strain in concrete, as defined above,

depends on the externally applied stress and
the modulus of elasticity of concrete:
Elastic Strain = Externally applied
Stress/Modulus of Elasticity of concrete
 Read your material one documents ch-1
2. Types of shrinkage

 Drying Shrinkage – Generally reserved for hardened concrete (Due

to water loss, evaporation or suction) – ASTM C 157
 Plastic Shrinkage – Occurs in Fresh concrete while the concrete is
still plastic
 Autogenous Shrinkage – Shrinkage without temperature change or
moisture loss (Chemical and Self-Desiccation Shrinkage During
 Thermal Shrinkage– Change in length due to temperature change
 Carbonation Shrinkage – When hydrated cement paste reacts with
Carbon dioxide
Autogenous shrinkage

• • This is the inevitable shrinkage that results from the hydration of

cement without additional water, and is typically 40 micro strain
after 1 month.

• It is greatest for mixes with a high cement content, but never

sufficient to cause cracking.

• Stresses from it are rapidly relieved by creep, if no other shrinkage


• In wet curing, swelling occurs with similar or greater strains.

Thermal shrinkage

• Concrete is frequently relatively warm, when

initial set occurs.
• This may be due to the heat of hydration, or other
effects such as sunlight on the concrete, or the
aggregate storage.

• When it subsequently cools, it will shrink.

Plastic shrinkage

• This occurs before final set, and is caused by bleeding.

• As water is lost from the concrete, its volume decreases.

• Rapid drying from the surface (i.e., faster than bleeding)

will cause substantial plastic shrinkage.

Drying shrinkage

• Drying shrinkage is a long-term phenomenon, and occurs when the pore

water is lost.

• Typical values are 500 micro strain at 28 days at 50% RH.

• Drying shrinkage is associated more with loss of water from gel pores

(formed in the gel during hydration), than with capillary pores that are

larger, and are initially occupied by water.

• Thus, the pastes, which have hydrated more and have a higher

proportion of gel pores, shrink more, for less water loss.

Dry shrinkage
 Occurs due to Loss of Water by evaporation from Freshly Hardened concrete
exposed to air
 As shown in the following Fig., when the CC which has undergone Drying
Shrinkage is subsequently placed in Water (or at Higher Humidity) --it will swell
due to absorption of Water by the Cement Paste –getting partial recovery from the
 The amount of Shrinkage recovered on placing the CC in water (or at higher
humidity) is called -- “Reversible Moisture Movement or Reversible
Shrinkage” and
 The un-recovered shrinkage is called --“Residual or Irreversible Shrinkage”
Therefore, Drying shrinkage = Reversible Shrinkage + Irreversible Shrinkage
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Reversible Shrinkage

– 40 to 70 % of Drying Shrinkage

– Reversible Shrinkage will form a greater proportion of the Drying Shrinkage if CC is

Cured so that it is fully hydrated before being exposed to drying

Irreversible Shrinkage will form a greater proportion of the Drying Shrinkage

– if CC is not fully hydrated before being exposed to drying, or

– drying is accompanied by extensive carbonation, or both

 The Pattern of drying shrinkage (i.e. Moisture Movement) under alternating

wetting and drying (a common occurrence in practice) is shown in the following

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Effects of shrinkage in construction

• Shrinkage causes:

• Cracking – but only if the element is restrained.

• Deflection, normally additional to the creep.

 Creep is defined as the
gradual increase in strain, with
time, under sustained load.
 Creep of concrete is a long-
term process, and it takes
place over many years.
 Although the amount of
creep in concrete is relatively
small, it could affect the
performance of structures.
 The effect of creep varies
with the type of structure.
 The following definitions are used for creep.

 Creep is long term deformation due to loading.

 Total creep is the strain due to loading and drying.

 Basic creep is the strain due to loading with no loss of moisture.

 Specific creep is the creep per unit stress

Basic creep is almost impossible to measure because it involves keeping a test

specimen under load for along time (often up to 20–30 years), while sealing it to

prevent any loss of moisture. Therefore, experimental data generally gives the total

creep, but this will depend on the extent and timing of the drying. For most structural

purposes, creep is assumed to be proportional to stress, so the specific creep is used.

Behavior of creep

 The longer the concrete structure under load

is, the greater deformation, and the greater
the age of loading, the lower the
 This behavior classifies concrete as an aging
viscoelastic material.
 In fact, most of the mechanical properties of
Effects of creep in construction

 Creep causes:-

• Deflection in structures under continuous loading.

• This may cause bridges to sag, or cladding systems on

buildings to buckle.

• Stress relief that reduces cracking.

• Loss of pre stress due to creep of both the concrete

and the pre stressing steel.

Concrete structure maintenance

 Reclamation’s concrete repair and maintenance system consists of

seven basic steps:
1. Determine the cause(s) of damage

2. Evaluate the extent of damage

3. Evaluate the need to repair

4. Select the repair method and material

5. Prepare the existing concrete for repair

6. Apply the repair method

7. Cure the repair properly


1. Relative humidity

One of the most important factors for both shrinkage and creep is the
relative humidity of the medium surrounding the concrete. For a given
concrete, creep is higher the lower the relative humidity.
 An incremental increase on relative humidity of air increases both the
drying shrinkage and creep.
 Concrete which exhibits high shrinkage also generally shows a high creep.


a) Modulus of Elasticity

b) Aggregate content

Any increment of these two factors reduce the drying shrinkage and creep.

a) Water/cement ratio:
 For a constant cement content an incremental increase

in W/C ratio increases both drying shrinkage and creep.

b) Cement content:
 For a constant W/C ratio an incremental increase in

cement content reduces the creep but increases the

drying shrinkage. This is the only case in which exists

an opposite effect.
4.Geometry of the concrete element:
 Theoretical Thickness , H = 2A/ P
 A ; = Section Area , P= Perimeter
 An incremental increase on the theoretical thickness (H ) reduces the drying shrinkage
and creep.
5. Temperature:
 Given the same curing history for two specimens, the one that is kept in a
higher temperature will have more creep and drying shrinkage than the
other one.
6. Age of loading:
 There is a direct proportionality between the magnitude of sustained stress and the
creep of concrete. Because of the effect of strength on creep, at a given stress level,
lower creep values were obtained for the longer period of curing before the application
of the load. Shrinkage is not affected by this factor.

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