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The interferon response is one of the major innate

immunity defenses against virus invasion. Interferons

induce the expression of diverse interferon-stimulated
genes, which can interfere with every step of virus
replication Previous studies identified type I
interferon’s as a promising therapeutic candidate for
SARS149. In vitro data showed SARS-CoV-2 is even
more sensitive to type interferons than SARS-Co
suggesting the potential effectiveness of type
Interferon in the early treatment of )COVID-19 (REF.

. In China, vapor

Inhalation of interferon-a is included in the C0 VID -19

1 1


treatment guideline151 • Clinical trials are ongoing

the world to evaluate the efficacy of different therapies
involving interferons, either alone or in combination
with other agents 152 •

Immunoglobulin therapy. Convalescent plasma

treat ment is another p otential adjunctive therapy
for COVID-19. Preliminary findings have
improved clinical status after the treatment 153 54• The
FDA has .provided guidance for the use of COVID -19

l9 convalescent plasma under an emergency


investigational new drug application. However, this

treatment may have adverse effects by causing
antibody-mediated enhancement of infection,
transfusion-associated acute lung injury, and
allergic transfusion reactions.
Monoclonal antibody therapy is an effective
immuno therapy £or the treatment of some viral
infections in select patients. Recent studies reported
specific monoclonal antibodies neutralizing SARS-
CoV-2 infection
Inhibition of virus replication. Replication inhibitors
include redeliver (GS-5734), failover (T-705), riba-
virin, lopinavir, and ritonavir. Except for lopinavir
and ritonavir, which i11hibilt 3CLpro, the other three
all target RdRpns, ns (FI G . 5).Ren1desivir has shown
activity against
SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in vivoi 28• • A clinical study

revealed a lower need for oxygen support in patients

with COVID-19 {REF. 137)1 . Preliminary resu lts of the
Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACTT) clinical
trial by the Additional Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID) reported that redeliver can
shorten the recovery in hospitalized adults with
COVID-19 by a couple of days compared with a
placebo, but the difference
in mortality was not statistically significant 138 • The

FDA has issued an emergency use authorization for

ren1tdesivir for the treatment of hospitalized patients
with severe COVID-19. It is also the first approved
option by the European Union for the treatment of
auks and adoles Gents with pneumonia requiring
supplemental oxygen. Several international phase III
clinical trials are continuing to evaluate the safety and
.efficacy of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.
Failover (T-705), which is an antiviral drug
developed in Japan to treat influenza, has been
approved in China, Russia, and India for the treatment
of COVID-19. A clinical study in China showed that
failover significantly reduced the signs of improved
disease signs on chest aging and shortened th e
time to vi ral
clearance 139• A preliminary report in Japan showed rates
of clinical itrnprove1n ent of 73.8'% and 87.8% from
the start of failover therapy in patient s with mild
C 0VID-19 at 7 and 14 days, respectively, and 40. 1%

and 60.3% in patients with severe COVID-19 at 7

and 14 days,
had 95°/o homology with the bat coronavirus
and 70°/o similarity with the SARS- CoV.
Environmental samples from the Huanan
seafood market also tested positive,
signifying that the virus originated there [7].
The number of cases started increasing
exponentially, some of which did not have
exposure to the live animal market, suggestive
of the fact that human-to-human
transmission was occurring [8]. The first fatal
case was reported. 11th Jan 2,020. The
massive migration of Chinese during the
Chinese. New Year fuelled the epidemic. Cases
in other provinces of China,
other countries (Thailand, Japan and
South Korea in quick succession) were
reported in people who were returning from
Wuhan. Transmission to healthcare workers
caring for patients was described on 20th Jan
2020. By 23rd January the 11 million
population of Wuhan was placed under
other clinical trials in different phases are still ongoing

immunomodulatory agents. SARS-CoV-2 triggers a

strong immun e response which may cause cytokine
storm syndrome60 •61 • Thus, immunomodulatory agents
that inhibit the excessive inflammatory response may
be a potential adju nctive therapy for COVID-19.
Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid often used in a
wide range of conditions to relieve inflammation
through its anti-inflammatory and
immunosuppressant effects. Recently, the
RECOVERY trial found dexamethasone reduced
mortality by about one-third in hospitalized
patients with COVID-19 who received invasive
mechanical ventilation and by one-fifth in patients
receiving oxygen. By contrast, , no benefit was found
in patients without respiratory support 146,
Tocilizumab and sarilumab, two types of
(IL-6) receptor-specific antibodies previously used to
treat various types of arthritis, including rheumatoid
arthritis, and cytokine release syndrome, showed

effectiveness in the treatment of severe COVID-19 by

attenuating the cytokine storm in a small•
uncont rolled trial 147 Bevacizuma. b is an anti-
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) medication
that could potentially reduce pulmonary edema in
patients with severe COVID-19. Eculizu mab is a
specific monoclonal antibody that inhibits the
proinflammatory complement protein C5. Preliminary
results showed that it induced a drop in
inflammatory markers and C-reactive protein levels,
suggesting its potential to be an option for the treatment
of severe C0 VID-19 1(REF.) t48 .
arc 1c1e gives a U]f O's eye view acouiC
this new virus, Since knowledge about this
virus is rapidly evolving, readers are urged to
update themselves regularly.

Corona virus.es are, enveloped positive sense
RNA viruses ranging from 60 nm to 140 nm
in diameter with spike-like projections on
the ir surface giving them a crown-like
appearance under the electron microscopes ·e;
hence the name coronavirus [3]. Four corona
namely HKU1,. NL63, 229E.d OC43 have
been .in circulation in humans, and
generally cause mild respiratory disease...

There have been two events in the past two

decades wherein the crossover of animal beta
coronaviruses to huma ns has resulted in
severe disease. The first such instance was in
20022003 when a
Inhib·ition of virus entry.SARS-CoV-2 ·uses ACE2 as
the receptor and human proteases as entry activators;
sub saintly it fuses the viral membrane with the cell
mem- bran. e and achieves invasion. Thus, drugs that
interfere with entry may be a potential treatment for
COVID-19. Urnifenovir (Arbidol) is a drug approved in
Russia and China for the treatment of h1fluenza and other
respiratory viral infections. It can target the interaction
between the S protein and.d ACE2 and inhibit membrane
fusion (FIG. 5J . In vitro exp, experiments showed that it
has activity against SARS...CoV...2, and current clinical
data revealed it may be more effective th. lopinavir and
2 113
ritonavir in treating COVID-19 J (REFS n • .• However,
other clinical studies showed uncover might not improve
the prog- noise of or accelerate SARS Cov..2 clearance
in patients
with mild to moderate COVID-19 (REFS ll-!, ) . Yet
ongoing clinical trials are evaluating its efficacy for
COVJD... t 9 treatment. Camostat mesylate is approved in
Japan for the treatment of p, pancreatitis, and postoper
active reflux 0 esop hagitis. Previous studies showed that
1 1

it can prevent SARS-CoV from_ entering cells by

blocking TMPRSS2 activity and protect mice from
lethal infection with SARS -CoV in a pathogenic mouse
model (wild type mice infected with a mouse-adapted
SARS-CoV , strain) 126 127 • Recently, a. study rev, sealed
that camostat mesylate blocks the entry of SARS-CoV-2
into a human. lung cells47• Thus, it can be a potential
antiviral drug against SARS-CoV-2 infection, although
so far there are not sufficient clinical data to support its
A new public health crisis is threa tening
the world with i t s emergence and spread.
of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) or
the severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV.2). The virus
originated in bats and was transmitted to
humans through yet unknown
intermediary animals in Wuhan, Hubei
province, China in December 2019. There
have been. around 96,,000 reported cases of
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) and
3300 reported deaths to date (05/03/2020).
The disease is transmitted by inhalation or
contact with infected droplets and the incur.
nation period ranges from 2 to 14
d. The symptoms are usually fever, cough,
sore throat, breathlessness, fatigue, and
malaise among others. The disease is mild
in most people; in some (usually the
elderly and those with.
and Middle East respiratory syndrome
coronavirus (MERS-CoV), but has lower
fatality; The global impact of this new
epidemic is yet uncertain .

Keywords: 2019=nCOV, SARS=CoV=2,

C0 VID...19, Pneumonia, Review

The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCo'V) or
the severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARs..coV--2) as it is now called,
is rapidly spreading from its origin in w·uha n
City of Hub ei Province of China to the rest of

the world [1]... Till 05/03/20.20 around 96,000

cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
and 3300 deaths have been reported [2]. India
has rep orted 29

cases to date. Fortuna tely, so far, children

have been infrequently affected with no
deaths. But the future course of this virus is
unknown. This article gives a bird's eye
view about
with COVID-19 showed typical features on initial CT 1

including bilateral multilobar ground, glass opacities

with a p, peripheral or posterior distribution •
118 119

Thus, it has been su ggested that CT scanning

combined with repeated swab tests should be used
for individu als.. als with high clinical suspicion of
COVID-19 but who test negative in initial nucleic acid
screening118 Finally, SARS-CoV-2 serological tests
detecting antibodies to N or S protein could
complement molecular diagnosis: I particularly in late
phases after disease onset or for retro
116 120 121
dura studies • Howe¥er) the extent and
• •

nation of immune responses are still unclear, and

available serological tests differ in their sensitivity
and specific city, all of which need to be taken into
account when one is deciding on serological tests
and interpreting their results or potentially in the
future test for T cell responses.

To date, there are no generally proven effective
thera pies for COVID-19 or antivirals against SARS-
CoV-2, although some treatments have shown some
benefits in certain subpopulations of patients or for
certain endpoints (see later). Researchers and
manufacturers are conducting large-scale clinical
trials to evaluate varous therapies for COVID-19. As
of 2 October 2020) there were about 405 therapeutic
drugs in development for COVID-19, and nearly 318 in
human clinical trials (COVID-19 vaccine and
therapeutics tracker ). In th,e following sections, we
summarize potential therapeutics against SARS-
CoV--2 based on published clinical data and
Chloro, quine, and hyd horror line are other
potential but controversial drugs that interfere with
the entry of SARS-ca·V-2, They have been used in
the pr, prevention, and treatment of malaria and
autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus
erythematosus and rh, rheumatoid arthritis. They
can inhibit tl1e glycosylated nation of cellular
receptors and interfere with virus-host receptor
binding, as well as increase the endosomal pH and
inhibit membrane fusion. Currently, no, scientific
consensus h as been reached for their efficacy in the
treatment of COVID-19. Some studies showed they
can inhibit SARS CoV · 2 infection in vitro) but the
clinical data are insufficient 28 L 29• 'Two clinical studies
indicated. no association with death rates in patients
receiving chloroquine or hydroxych loroquine
compared with those not receiving the drug and
even suggest it may increase tl1e• risk of dying as a
higher risk of cardiac arrest was found in the weed
patients 130 131•. On IS June 2020) owing to the side
effects observed in clinical trials, the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) revoked the
emerg,ency use authorization for chloroquine and
hydroxycl11oroquine for the treatment of COVID-
19. Another potential therapeutic strategy is to b,
Jock bind... ing of the S protein to ACE2 through
soluble recombi nant hACE2, specific monoclonal
antibodies, or fusion
inhibitors that target the SARS-CoV-2 S protein 132 134

(FG. 5) .The safety and efficacy of these strategies

need to be assessed in future clinical trials.
in vitro and in vivo155 158• Compared with convalescent
plasma, which has limited availability and cannot be
amplified, monoclonal antibodies can be developed, ed
in larger quantities to meet clinical requirements.
Hence) they provide the possibility for the treatment
and pre venison of COVID-19. The neutralizing
epitopes of these monoclonal antibodies also offer
important infor n a t i o n o n vaccine design. However
the high cost and limited capacity of manufacturing, as
well as the prob lem of bioavailability, may restrict
the wide application of monoclonal antibody therapy.

Vaccination is the most effective method for a long-
term strategy,gy for the prevention and control of
COVID-19 in the future. Many different vaccine
platforms against SARS-CoV-2 are in development,
the strategies of which include recombinant vectors,
DNA, m: RNA in lipid nano particles) inactivated
viruses live attenuated viruses and
protein subunits :1 TM.As of 2 October 2020,.., 174 vac

c.ilne candidates for COVID-19 had been repor ted

and 51 were in hu man clinical tr ials (COVID-19
vaccine and therapeutics tracker). Many of these vac
cine candidates are in phase II testing_, and some have
already advanced to phase III trials. A ran don1i1°...l
do11ble-blinded phase II trial of an adenovirus type
- v; vectored vaccine expressing the SARS-CoV-2
S protein, developed by CanSino Biologicals and the
Academy of Military Medical Sciences of China, was
conducted in 603 adult volunteers in Wuhan. The
vaccine has proved to be safe and induced Gonsiderable
humoral and cel cellular immune response in most
recipients after a single
immunization 162• Another vectored vaccine ChAdOxl,
comorbidities), it may progress to pneuma.
onia, acute respira tory distress syndrome
(ARDS), and multi-organ dysfunction. Many
people are
asymptomatic. The case fatality rate is
estimated to range from 2 to 3'0/o.
Diagnosis is by demonstration of the virus in
respiratory secretions by special molecular
tests. Common laboratory findings include
normal/ low white cell counts with elevated
C reactive protein (CRP). The computerized
tomographic chest scan is usually abnormal
even in those with no symptoms or mBd
Treatment is, essentially supportive; the role
of antiviral agents is yet to be established.
Prevention entails home isolation of
suspected cases and those with mild illnesses
and strict infection control measures at
hospitals that include contact and droplet
preca utions. The virus spreads faster

by the University of Oxford. In a randomized

controlled phase I/II trial, it induced neutralizing
antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in all l,077
participants after a second vaccine dose, while its
safety profile was acceptable as
well 163• The NIAID and Moder na co-manufact ured
mRNA-1273), a lipid nanoparticle-formulated
mRNA vaccine candidate that encodes the stabilized
prefusion SARS-CoV-2 S protein. Its
immunogenicity has been confirmed by a phase I
trial in which robust neutralizing antibody responses
were induced in a dose-dep·endent manner and
increased after a second dose 164• R.egarding
inactivated vaccines, a successful phase I/II trial
involv ing 320 participants have been reported in
China. The whole-virus COVID-19 vaccine had a low
rate of adverse reactions and effectively induced
neutralizing antibody production 165 • The verified
safety and immunogen. The city supports the
advancement of these vaccine candidates to phase II
clinical trials, which will evaluate their efficacy in
protecting healthy populations from SARS-CoV-2

F1uture p,erspecti·ves
COVID-19 is the third highly pathogenic human
coro virus disease to date. Although less deadly than
SARS and MERS, the rapid spreading of this highly
conta go u t disease has posed the severest threat to
global health in this century. The SARS-CoV-2
outbreak has lasted for more than half a year now, and
it is likely that
this emergin g virus will establish a niche in. humans
and coexist with us for a long time166, Before clinically
ap, proven vaccines are widely available, there is no
bet ter way to protect us from SARS-CoV-2 than
personal preventive behaviors such as social
distancing and wearing masks, an.d public health
measures, including active testing, case tracing and
restrictions.s on social gatherings. Despite a flood
of SARS-CoV-2 research p· published every week,
current knowledge of this novel coronavir us is just the
tip of the iceberg. The animal origin and cross-species
infection route of SAR.S-CoV-2 are yet to be
uncovered. The m.olecular Il1echanism.s of SAR.S-
CoV-2 infection p·athogenesis and virus-host
the SARS- CoV. Environmental samples from
the Huanan seafood 1narket also tested
positive, signifying that the virus originated
from there [7]. The number of cases started
increasing,g exponentially, some of which did
not have exposure to the live animal
market, suggestive of the fact that human-to-
human transmission was occurring [8]. The
first fatal case was reported on 11th Jan 2020.
The massive migration of Chinese during the
Chinese New Year fuelled the epidemic. Cases
in other provinces of China,
other countries (Thailand, Japan, and South
Korea in quick succession) were reported in
people who were returning from Wuhan.
Transmission to healthcar e workers caring
for patients was described on 20th Jan 2020.
By 23:rd January; the 11 million population
of Wuhan was p]aced under lockdown with
r estrictions of entry and exit from the region.

Soon this lockdown was

mask and practice cough hygiene.
Car egivers should be asked to wear a

surgical mask when in the same, room as

the patient and use hand hygiene every 15-
20 min.

The greatest risk -19 is transmission to

of COVID-19

healthcare workers. In the SARS outbreak of

2002, 21°Jo of
those affected were healthcare workers
[31]. To date, almost 1500 healthcare
· Workers in China have been infected with 6
deaths. The doctor who first warned about
the virus has died too. it is important to
protect healthcare workers to ensure
continuity of care and to prevent
transmission of infection to other patients.
While C0 VID-19 transmits as a droplet

pathogen and is placed in Category B of

infectious agents (highly pathogenic HSNl
and SARS), by the China National Health
Commission, infection control measures
recommended are those, for
Origin and Spread of COVI D-19
[1, 2, 6]
In December 2019, adults in Wuhan, the
capital city of Hubei province and a major
transportation hub of China started
pr ese·nting to local hospitals with severe,e

pneumonia of unknown cause. Many of the

initial cases had a common exp sure to the

·Huanan wholesale seafood market that also

traded live animals. The surveillance system
(put into place after the SARS outbreak) was
activated and respiratory samples of patients
·were sent to reference labs or etiologic
investigations. On December 31st, 2019.
China notified the outbreak to World Hea]th
Organization and on 1st January the Huanan
seafood market was closed. On 7th January
the virus was identified as a coronavirus that
had 95°/o homology with the bat

prongs, face mask, hi.gh flow nasal cannula

(HFNC) or non-invasive ventilation is
indicated ..Mechanical ventilation and
1even extracorporeal
membrane oxygen support may be
needed. Renal replacement therapy
may be needed in some. Antibiotics and
antifungals are required if confections are
suspected or proven. The role of
corticosteroids is unproven; while current
international consensus and WHO
advocate against their use,
Chinese guidelines do recommend short-term
therapy with low=to moderate dos,e
corticosteroids in C0 VID 19.ARDS [24, 25].

guidelines for critical care
management for COVID- 1 9 h a s been
published by the WHO [26]. There is, as of
now, no approved treatment for C0 VID-19.1

Antiviral drugs such as ribavirin an d

lopinavir-ritonavir have
been used based on the experience
pandemic flu where patients were asked to
resume work/school once afebrile for 24 h or
hy day 7 of illness .. Negative molecular tests
were not a prerequisite for discharge

At the community level, people should be

asked to avoid crowded areas and postpone
non-essential travel to places with ongoing
transmission. They should be asked to
practice cough hygiene by coughing in
sleeve/ tissue rather than hands and practice
hand hygiene frequently every 15-20 min.
Patients with respiratory symptoms should be
asked to use surgical masks. The use of
masks by healthy people in public places has
not been shown to protect against respiratory
viral infections and is currently not
recommended by
WHO. However, in China, the public has been
asked to wear masks in public and especially
in crowded places, and
large-scale gatherings are prohibited


s etc). China is also
Preventi on [21, 30]
Since at this time, there are no app·roved
treatments for this infection, prevention is
crucial. Several properties of this virus make
prevention difficult namely, non specific
£eatures of the· disease, the infectivity even
before·e onset of symptoms in the incubation
transmission from asymptomatic people,
long incubation period, tropism for mucosa!
surfaces such as the conjunctiva, prolonged
duration of the illness, and transmission even
after clinical recovery.

Isolation of confirmed or susp·ected cases

with mild .illness at home is. recommended .
The ventilation at home should be good with
sunlight to allow for the destruction of the
virus. Patients should be asked to ·wea r a
simple surgical
mask and practice cough hygiene.

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