CM2-CU6 Human Resources Theories of Motivation Leadership

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Human Resources; Theories of Motivation; Leadership

 Read course and unit objectives

 Read study guide prior to online class
 Read required learning resources; refer to unit
terminologies for jargons
 Proactively participate in online discussions
 Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
 Answer and submit course unit tasks

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Acquire coherently the knowledge on human resource management

2. Relate reasonably the motivational theories to workplace situations in the clinical laboratory
3. Describe logically the principle of leadership
4. Describe sensibly the leadership within the context of the management functions

1. Inculcate importance of a reward system in organizations
2. Listen attentively during online discussions
3. Demonstrate tact and respect when challenging other people’s opinions and ideas
4. Accept comments and reactions of classmates on one’s opinions openly and graciously.

1. Participate actively during online discussions
2. Confidently express personal opinion and thoughts in discussion boards and online chats.

Daft, Richard L. Management 9th ed. Philippines: Thomson Learning, 2009. Pages 409-468.
Access it thru the provided link of eBooks (10 points will be coming from this reading in the
assessment task exam)

Garcia, Lynne S.(ed). Clinical Laboratory Management, Second Edition, 2014. Pages 243-249.
Access it thru the provided link of eBooks (10 points will be coming from this reading in the
assessment task exam)

Personnel Management
• It is the phase of management concerned with the engagement and effective utilization of
manpower to obtain optimum efficiency of human resources.

Personnel Program
• It is consisting of series of activities intended to carry out the personnel policies of the
laboratory for the purpose or realizing objectives of the organization.

1. Employment
 recruitment, interviewing, testing, induction, placement, transfer, merit, rating,
promotion, training, counseling and separation of employees

2. Safety
 provisions for safety standard, mechanical safeguards, accident investigation,
safety rules, and safety records and statistics

3. Employee relations
 matters related to collective bargaining, wage and salary administration,
grievance system, medical and dental services, labor management relations and
morale studies.

4. Employee Research and Standards

 job analysis, job description, job evaluation, job grading wage analysis,
organization planning and employee manuals.

5. Employee services
 recreational plans, insurance plans, profit sharing plans and miscellaneous

Personnel Policy
• It is the statement of intention that commits the laboratory manager to a general course of
action in order to accomplish a specific purpose.

• There are ten (10) areas normally considered by personnel policies.

1. Recruitment, selection and planning

2. Employee induction and training

3. Employee rating and promotion

4. Transfer, downgrading and lay-off

5. Disciplining and Discharge

6. Salary and Wage administration

7. Changes in work assignment and hours

8. Services for employees

9. Employee’s health and safety

10. employees’ participation and work problems

Sources of Labor
• Internal sources – are the employees actively working in the laboratory.

 External Sources – include person who apply in person, who answer advertisement and
who are recommended by schools.

Theories of Motivation
Motivation is a general term applying to drives, desires, needs and wishes of an individual in order
to perform. It involves a chain reaction – starting out with felt needs, resulting in wants or goals
sought which gives rise to tensions (that is unfulfilled desires), then causing action toward
achieving goals and finally satisfying wants.

1. Herzberg’ Motivation-Hygiene Theory

-composed of Extrinsic Factors or Hygiene Factors and Intrinsic Factors or Motivation
2. Maslow’s Theory
-Dr. Abraham M. Maslow postulated five basic need which are organized into successive
levels. Unfulfilled needs drive a person to work.
1. Physiological needs
2. Safety needs
3. Love needs
4. Esteem needs
5. Need for self-actualization
3. McGregors’s Theory
-based on the work of Maslow, McGregor has described two extreme management styles,
Theory X and Y

4. McClelland’s Achievement Model

-this ties the strength of behavioral motives to the individual’s assessment of the likelihood
of achieving a specific goal. This theory needs the ff. work related needs: Achievement
needs, Power needs and Affiliation needs.

5. Aldefer’s ERG Theory

E – xistence need; physiologic needs

R – elatedness needs; interpersonal relationship, acceptance and belonging
G – rowth needs; creativity, challenge and personal growth on the job

6. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

-this motivation theory holds that: Effort will bring rewards. Variables influence the selection
decision: Expectancy, Outcome, Instrumentality, Valance and Choices

7. Adam’s Equity Theory

-this theory holds that they perceived in their work situation, especially compared with
people in similar positions. Key concepts include comparison and perception

8. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory

-B. F. Skinner’s theory of motivation is based on the observation that we tend to behave to
the way we are treated

 Law of Effect - proposed by E.L. Thorndike which states that we act in response to
expected consequences
 Stimulus – an event that leads or influences to a response
 Response – Behavior that results from a stimulus
 Reinforcement – consequence of an action or response
 Behavior motivation – the application of practice of reinforcement

Organizational Factors that influence leadership Success

Internal Factor: Leadership

 Leadership refers to the people in your organization that make all the major decisions
regarding financing, budget, sales, marketing, and human resources.
 Organization with strong leadership have a clear vision for the future, a plan of how to
achieve their goals and a quantifiable way of measuring success.
 Developed the kind of management structure that enables employees to feel empowered,
while also meeting production and sales goals.

Internal Factor: Employees

 Motivate workers that understand management’s expectations and are given the tools,
training, support, and encouragement to not only meet those expectations but to exceed
 Managers must ensure that they are in constant communication with employees and that
any problems or dissatisfaction within the rank-and-file is handled in a timely manner.
 When employees feel valued and rewarded, they will go above and beyond to maintain a
high organizational standard.
External Factor: Customers/Clients
 Customers satisfaction to the product and services
External Factor: Economy
 Business owners can’t control the economy, but they must respond to indicators that trend
upward or downward, then adjust their own operations accordingly.

Organizational culture is comprised of behaviors, values and beliefs. The behavior of

employees is evident through observation. Factors such as work areas, tools that employees
need to perform their job functions and tasks and responsibilities that supervisors assign to
employees affect employee behavior.

Leadership models
1.EXPLOITATIVE AND AUTHORITATIVE – views the workers as tools and means of production
without no further obligation to them.
2. BENEVOLENT AND AUTHORITATIVE – a know-how feeling for the best for the employees and
need only inform and direct their actions without seeking any feedback.
3. CONSULTATIVE – though the opinions and advice of the staff are useful, the decisions remain
exclusively to the manager.
4. PARTICIPATIVE – the input and responsibility for decision making process are laced directly on
the staff with only general guidance and oversight from the management. This involves the “Team

Principles of Leadership
1. EMPLOYEE ORIENTED – where managers had strong ties rather that in production work.

2. PRODUCT ORIENTED – emphasize the high productivity at the expense of all other
3. STRUCTURE STYLE – where the manager directs the staff toward getting the work done;
paying attention to assigning particular tasks, specifying and clarifying what is expected of
subordinates and the uniformity of the procedures to be followed and personally deciding
what and how work will be done.

4. CONSIDERATION STYLE – shown by managers’ effort to explain their action, treat

workers as equal, listen to subordinates’ concerns, look out for their personal welfare, give
advance notice of changes and generally, friendly and approachable.

Human Resource Management- a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks

to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and
capable workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques.

Osibanjo, Omotayo & Adeniji, Anthonia. Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice,
2012. Pages 5-16. Access it thru the provided link of eBooks (10 points will be coming from this
reading in the assessment task exam)

For the following study questions, write an essay of the not less than 300 words. It should compose
of a minimum of four paragraphs that address the stated question based on the class readings and
 What are the roles and purpose of human resource in organizations?
 Discuss the relationships that exist between activities intended to convey out the
personnel policies of the laboratory.
 Compare and contrast the organizational factors that influence leadership
 Identify the connection with principles of leadership and its models.

When your essay is completed, upload it in your canvas as Microsoft word document with the title
“(Your last name, first name)-Essay on Course Unit 7”

Daft, Richard L. Management 9th ed. Philippines: Thomson

Learning, 2009. Pages 409-468. Access it thru the provided link of
Garcia, Lynne S.(ed). Clinical Laboratory Management, Second Edition, 2014. Pages 243-249.
Access it thru the provided link of eBooks.

Osibanjo, Omotayo & Adeniji, Anthonia. Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice,
2012. Pages 5-16. Access it thru the provided link of eBooks.

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