Food Nutrition Cooking Gold Coast

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Part II

Cooking to Heal:
The How-To of Implementing an Autism Diet
Julie Matthews
Certified Nutrition Consultant
Julie Matthews is not a physician. She does not diagnose or treat disease. This information and her statements are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health-care professional, and is not intended to provide medical advice. For medical advice, always seek a physician. This information is solely intended as a sharing of knowledge and information based upon the experience and research of Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

SPECIAL THANKS! Sponsored by: Great Plains Labs and MINDD Local sponsors and exhibitors Hosted by: Allergy Friendly Foods and Autism Holistic Centre

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Initial Steps

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Initial Steps for Getting Started Ideas for Picky Eaters Meal Planning Kitchen & Cookware Recipes & Video Demos
Meals - Snacks - Desserts GFCF - SCD - and more

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Begin by Removing Artificial Ingredients

Avoid trans fats (hydrogenated oil, fried foods, margarine, mayo, commercial peanut butter) Avoid artificial sweetener & high fructose corn syrup Avoid artificial ingredients (artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives) Avoid MSG (hydrolyzed vegetable/soy protein, autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, natural flavors) Avoid Nitrates/nitrites

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Initial Steps for Implementing Diet

1. Experiment. Before removing anything, introduce diet compliant alternatives (example: rice pasta, GF waffles, and other GFCF foods and snacks)-this will support the elimination portion later. 2. Explore diet resources (books, cookbooks, videos, autism websites). 3. Create a meal planlist foods, meals, and snacks your child will eat or that you would like to make on new diet. 4. Shop for foods according to meal plan. 5. Then, begin diet:
With GFCF, eliminate one at a time: 1)Start with the elimination of caseinfor two weeks, then 2) Remove gluten and continue both (GFCF) for 3-6 months With SCD consider the intro diet and evolve through stages
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Initial Steps for Implementing Diet

6. 7.

Chart changes and progress: Keep a journal of changes and daily condition. As you begin the diet, be sure to avoid foods that are difficult to digestion and dont overdo the processed and sugary substitutes.
For GFCF avoid adding high sugar foods like GFCF cookies and candy just because theyre GFCF. For SCD start with the introductory diet if you can, and avoid hard to digest foods like nuts, beans, and dried fruit.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Substitute the same foods your child likes with gluten/casein-free options. For example, if they eat waffles every morning, buy rice flour waffles. Do not increase the amount of sugar in the diet. When going GFCF, it is common to start substituting anything gluten-free, including high sugar cookies. Avoid this. If the package does not say Gluten-free and Casein-free, call the manufacturer to be sure. Wheat-free and Dairy-free, do not necessarily mean GFCF. Put gluten and dairy free options into your usual containers, i.e. put rice milk in the milk container. Make this transition slowly diluting the dairy to nondairy over a week or two. Make sure your childs nutritional needs are met. Calcium, protein, etc. Once your child is GFCF, begin to strategize on how you can introduce healthier foods such as vegetables and fresh vegetable juices, fermented foods, antioxidant-rich foods Matthews/Nourishing Hope Julie and other nutrient-dense choices.

Healthy GFCF
Eat Protein at breakfast and throughout day Fresh fruit Get creative with adding vegetables Sugar cereals Loads of GFCF cookies and high sugar foods Just kids foods without many nutrients - hotdogs, fries, pizza Avoid

Healthy snacks with protein and/or Processed snacks/reinforcers vegetables - chicken pancakes, chips, pretzels, gummy bears carrot chips Fresh made vegetable juice Fermented foods Fruit juice Food ruts and jags (add new health foods)

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Gluten-Free Grains and Foods

Rice Millet Quinoa Amaranth Buckwheat Corn Wild rice Montina Teff Sorghum Tapioca Nut flours Seed flours Coconut flour Chestnut flour Bean flours Roots (taro, yam) Yucca/casava Thickeners Agar Guar gum Gelatin Kudzu powder Tapioca Sweet rice flour Xanthan gum Arrowroot

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Casein-Free Foods
Milk & Yogurts Rice milk Almond, hazelnut or hemp milk Homemade Nut milk Coconut milk Potato milk (Vances DariFree) Soy milk (if not soyfree diet) Kosher items Pareve only Cheeses Julie(Galaxy Foods) Matthews/Nourishing Hope Oil/Butter Coconut oil Ghee Lard or tallow Earth Balance Ice Cream Sorbets w/o milk Non-dairy ice cream Coconut ice cream (Coconut Bliss) Fruit popsicles Chocolate GFCF chocolate

Picky Eaters

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Work on getting them in where ever you can Puree them and add them to other foods Try them raw Make them crunchy Steam them Add a dipping sauce Work on them in therapy (if necessary)
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Good ways to Boost Nutrient Levels

and Enjoy More Vegetables
Veggies 101
Puree vegetables and add to:
Muffins Pancakes 1/4-1/2 cup puree per cup of pancake flour mix Meatballs, meat patties, and meat loaf Sauces such as tomato sauce After pureeing, freeze in ice cube trays and thaw as needed

Juicing vegetables

For beginning veggie eaters: Pureed carrots, sweet potato, winter squash, cauliflower Evolve texture and color: Kale, broccoli, and other greens (chopped or pureed)
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Good ways to Boost Nutrient Levels

and Enjoy More Vegetables
Crunchy texture
Make vegetables into chips (like potato chips). Use carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beets, parsnips, or other roots or dense vegetables. Vegetable latkes Shredded vegetables: Add shredded beets to chocolate cake for birthdays Add shredded carrots or zucchini to muffins or bread Shred zucchini and other vegetables, and add to vegetable/potato hash browns Broths Use broth for soups or stews. Cook grains or pasta in broth. Add concentrated homemade broth to sauces. Seaweed, nettles and greens - Add to cooking grains, soups, tomato sauce, even boiling pasta to impart nutrients Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Kid-Friendly Fermented Foods

Add non-dairy yogurt to fruit and puree into a smoothie Use a small amount of fruit and yogurt to make a fruityogurt dipping sauce for fruit kebabs. Apple Kraut: Shred apple and add 50/50 with raw sauerkraut to reduce sourness. Serve as shredded fruit salad. Puree raw sauerkraut or other cultured vegetables in food processor with apple sauce (or other fruit sauce) Fermented drinks: Young coconut kefir, non-dairy kefired sodas, kombucha

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Meal Planning

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Meal Plan
Bacon Eggs Pancakes with pureed vegetables and/or added protein Sausage patty French toast or GF toast with nut butter Gluten-free porridge Chicken or turkey sausage Smoothie Meat/sausage patty Chicken pancakes and fruit (Add fruit to any breakfast)

Meat patties with liver Butternut squash fries GF pasta and meatballs Pureed veggie in sauce Peas Chicken nuggets Dipping sauce Steamed vegetables Nut-free PB&J - Sunflower butter and jam sandwich Carrot sticks Bean burgers or Indian lentil pancakes with cooked or shredded vegetables Roasted meat Potatoes or Cauliflower mashed potatoes Veggie latkes

Apple or pear with nut butter Chicken pancakes Smoothie or fresh vegetable juice Hummus and raw vegetables or gluten-free bread/crackers

Veggie latkes

Applesauce Carrot chips

Meals: Add fruit, starches, and more vegetables as tolerated. Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Healthy Breakfasts
Eggs Homemade muffins with pureed vegetables and/or fruit Pancakes with pureed vegetables or chicken
Make larger batch, cook pancakes, freeze extras, & reheat in toaster or pan.

GF Oatmeal or other hot cereal Breakfast meat such as sausage or bacon Smoothie: with fresh fruit, vegetable juice, pureed vegetables, or other nutrient dense foods

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Healthy Snacks
Fruit kebabs with nut yogurt dipping sauce Nut butters (almond, cashew, sunflower seed) on apple or celery Smoothie or homemade popsicles with pureed vegetables, vegetable juice, fresh fruit, nut yogurt Hummus with vegetables or pita Chicken pancakes
Blend 1 cup cooked chicken breast with 2 eggs. Pour in pan like pancake batter and cook.

Homemade carrot or butternut squash chips

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Healthy Lunch
Chicken or other protein with:
Fruit Raw veggie sticks with dipping sauce (such as hummus or nut butter) Healthy snacks

Slice lunch meat roll ups with shredded vegetables Sandwich on GF bread with sunflower seed butter (for peanutand nut-free schools) Use a thermos for hot food:
Dinner leftovers Soup, stew, chili GF pasta GF chicken nuggets or burger
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Bento Boxes

Laptop Lunches


Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Bento Lunches
Traditional Bento
Chicken Rice Green beans or Freeze-dried veggie mix Pear with sunflower butter Sausage Potato pancakes with shredded veggies Frozen peas Strawberries with chocolate nut butter dipping sauce


Beef burger Fruit such as golden delicious apple sliced with sunflower butter dipping sauce Spaghetti squash Nut or coconut muffin

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Healthy Dinner
Meatballs or meatloaf Hamburgers or meat patties Chicken nuggets (GFCF or SCD) Roasted meat Beans and bean burgers

Cooked vegetables Raw salad vegetables Pureed into soups and dishes

Starches or mock starches

Potatoes or SCD mashed cauliflower potatoes Rice or pasta for GFCF Butternut squash fries
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Rotation Diet
Supports consuming food when mild to moderate sensitivities are present (not food allergies) Helps prevent further food sensitivities from developing Typical rotation diet is once every 4 days A day can be one calendar day from morning to night, or dinner to lunch/snack the next day

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

4-Day Rotation Diet

Day 1 Chicken Grain-free Almond
Breakfast Almond flour pancakes Berries Chicken nuggets Peas Fruit Chicken pancakes Pear Roasted chicken Butternut squash fries Broccoli

Day 2 Beef Rice Sunflower seeds

Muffin with rice flour and pureed pumpkin Apple with sunflower butter Hamburger w/ GF bun Pickle Fruit Rice bread and sunflower butter Banana Beef stir-fry with vegetables Rice

Day 3 Turkey Potato Cashew

Eggs Turkey sausage Blueberries Sliced turkey Hummus & carrots Fruit Potato/veggie latkes Cashews Turkey meatballs with pureed veg. Dipping sauce Potato

Day 4 Pork GF oats Egg- & Nut-free

Bacon GF Oatmeal or oat flour muffin Pork sausage Carrot chips Fruit Apple sauce with pureed raw sauerkraut Bacon from AM Pork chop or patty Sweet potato fries or pureed in patty Green beans




Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Lets get ready to cook!

Kitchen & Cookware

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

GFCF Cooking Staples

Vinegar. Rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar, red and white wine vinegars, and balsamic vinegar are gluten-free. Distilled vinegars are also gluten-free because of the manufacturing process. Be careful at restaurants; cheap brands of vinegar that use colors or flavors may contain gluten. Ketchup and mustard are made with vinegar so check to ensure theyre gluten-free. Frenchs mustard is gluten-free. Dijon mustard is also glutenfree. Heinz and Westbrae ketchups are gluten-free. Vanilla extract may or may not be gluten-free depending on the alcohol used. Frontier and McCormicks are gluten-free. Herbs and Spices. Good quality herbs and spice brands such as Frontier, Penzy, even McCormick are gluten-free for the most part. For these brands, herbs and spices that are single spices such as basil, cinnamon, or onion powder, are gluten-free. However, spice blends, are typically not glutenfree, such as apple pie spice, Mexican seasoning, and chili powder (such is a blend of chilis). Baking powder Rumford brand is GFCF and aluminum-free
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Cooking Oils
Cold: Olive oil, unrefined nut/seed oils, flaxseed oil Light/medium heat: Olive oil, raw coconut oil High heat/frying: Ghee, Lard or other animal fat (grass-fed only), Expeller pressed coconut oil Baking: melted ghee, coconut oil, palm oil Not: corn, soy, cottonseed, or canola
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Avoiding Toxins in the Kitchen

Toxins Around the Kitchen Avoid aluminum cans Avoid storing in plastic Avoid Teflon, copper, and aluminum pans Avoid the microwave, do not reheat in plastic Avoid plastic wrap & aluminum foil Be careful of lead in slow cookers Safer Cooking Alternatives Buy in glass Store in glass w/metal or plastic lid Use stainless steel (attracts a magnet), cast iron or enameled cast iron Heat in oven or on stove Use wax paper or glass with lid Consider Le Creuset Dutch oven

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

To keep things simple, initially just be concerned with the major cross-contamination offenders such as: Bulk foods Commercial fryers that fry breaded foods Toaster Wooden cutting boards or wooden utensils that can get gluten and casein lodged in the porous wood Everything else that is non-porous can be washed well.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Cooking GFCF Healthfully

Kid-Friendly vegetables & Nutrient Dense foods Healthy animal foods GF flours and soaking seeds Nutritious desserts Fermented foods
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Cook free of Food Sensitivities

All recipes are gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free and corn-free Substitutes are available for egg-free and nutfree for most recipes Many recipes can be made grain-free and SCD compliant

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Kid-friendly vegetables and nutrient dense foods

Meatballs with veggies Carrot chips Juicing Broths

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Veggie/Squash Meatballs
To make SCD compliant, substitute nut flour in place of bread crumbs. Also can be made nut-free and egg-free by simply eliminating them from the recipe.

2 lbs ground raw meat (beef, turkey, chicken, buffalo) 1 cup cooked and pureed winter squash (butternut or acorn) 2 eggs 1 cup gluten-free bread crumbs (dry out a few slices of gluten free bread in oven, crumble by hand or in blender) Salt to taste (approx. 1 teaspoons) o Preheat the oven to 350 degrees o Combine all ingredients. From into balls and place on parchment paper on baking sheet. o Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until cooked thoroughly.

Variation: Puree any vegetables. Great way to sneak in vegetables. Over time, you can smash cooked vegetables such as broccoli with a fork instead of pureeing smooth.
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Carrot Chips

Cut carrots into thin discs or curls with a vegetable peeler. Deep fry in coconut oil or grapeseed oil until lightly brown around edge. Remove from oil and place on paper towel to absorb excess oil. Salt chips. They are still a little soggy when they first come out, but they will firm up as they cool. You can use butternut squash, parsnips, or beets, as well as other vegetables (if dietary compliant). Parsnips are not SCD.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Apple and Beet Zester 1 apples cucumber 2 celery stalks red beet

Drink or dilute with 50% mineral water.

How to choose a juicer:
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Broths: Chicken
1 whole pastured chicken
Gizzards, head and feet from one chicken (optional)
4 quarts cold ltered water
2 tablespoons vinegar
Add any vegetables desired

Cut whole chicken. Place into a large stainless steel pot with water and vinegar. Let stand 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Add vegetables. Gently bring to a boil. Skim any scum that rises to the top. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 6 to 24 hours. 1 - 2 hours in, remove chicken that easily falls off the bone and use in chicken soup or a chicken dish. Add the greens 30 minutes before the stock is complete. Strain the stock and cool in your refrigerator. Once fat has hardened and congeals on the top, scoop it off and save it for cooking. Store broth in refrigerator or freezer depending on length of storage.
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Healthy Animal Foods

Chicken nuggets Burgers with liver Chicken pancakes Vegetarian Protein: Bean Burgers

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Chicken Nuggets (Egg-Free)

Chicken breasts or thighs
2/3 cup GF our (I use 2/3 brown rice our and 1/3 potato starch or tapioca starch or a combo of both)
2 tsp apple cider vinegar or other GF vinegar
tsp baking soda
1/3 cup water
tsp salt
Cut up the chicken into nugget sized pieces. Measure out your ingredients so you can combine everything fairly rapidly. Mix the flour and salt in the bowl you will use for dipping the chicken. Combine the soda and vinegar and quickly add it to the flour as it fizzes. Quickly add the water next. Mix it together with a fork. Heat oil in a pan. Dip the chicken in the batter. When the pan is hot, place the nuggets in the pan. Turn them over half way through cooking so they cook on both sides. Drain on paper towel. Serve alone or with a dipping sauce. Freeze leftovers.
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Chicken Pancakes

1 chicken breast precooked (season as desired while boiling) 3 eggs Using a food processor, blend ingredients together until completely smooth. Mixture will look just like thick pancake batter. Use 1/4 cup of the mixture and cook in hot greased skillet like a pancake. Batter may need to be spread out a bit so that it is not too thick. These cook much faster than nut flour pancakes. Watch them closely. Makes 4-5 pancakes.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

from Cooking To Heal

Burgers with Liver


1lb ground beef -1/3 cup ground liver (put liver in food processor and blend until smooth) about 2-3 oz. Avoid any liver that is not thoroughly blended 1-2 teaspoons onion powder Rosemary, white pepper, or other herb or spice (white pepper is lower oxalate) Salt, dash Mix together and form into patties. Cook as usual. Make it FG without herbs and spices except salt. Liver has a high level of iron, vitamins A & C, zinc, etc.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

from Cooking To Heal

Bean Burgers
To make SCD compliant, substitute nut flour in place of bread crumbs. Also can be made nut-free and egg-free by simply eliminating them from the recipe.

1 cup black or kidney beans 1 cup sunflower seeds 4 eggs 1/2 cup each (carrots peeled, grated, kale and onion finely chopped) 1 Tablespoon each herb (fresh parsley finely chopped, rosemary, basil) 1 1/4 teaspoons salt Pepper (optional) Grapeseed oil or coconut oil to cook in Soak beans overnight. Drain and rinse beans. Cook beans 20-25 minutes. Grind the sunflower seed until the consistency of nut flour. Place beans into a food processor and process. Combine with the sunflower seed meal, carrots, onion, green peppers, herbs, kale, pepper and eggs, and knead with your hands until mixed thoroughly. Form into patties and fry in a skillet.
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

from Cooking To Heal

Grains & Soaking Seeds

GF Flour blend Bread baking Nut milk

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

GF Flour Blends
Gluten-free Flour Mix This is Bette Hagmans recipe and is generally a good flour blend for substituting gluten flours in recipes 2 parts white rice our
2/3 part potato starch our (not potato our)
1/3 part tapioca starch
1 teaspoon of xanthan gum per cup of our mix
Carol Fenster also has a gluten-free flour blend.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Bread Baking
Bread mixes are helpful at the beginning (i.e. Breads from Anna) Room temperature ingredients Proofing yeast
Feed yeast with sweetener Temperature critical too hot kill yeast, to cool yeast will not activate

Let it rise Thoroughly bake Leave in pan for 10 minutes Then remove and cool on wire rack

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Soaking Seeds Easy to do

Grains, nuts, seeds, beans

Increases digestibility Reduces inflammatory response Breaks down phytic acid and oxalates Fermenting grains breaks down lectins
Grains - Soak in water for 8-24 hours with 2 TBSP lemon juice or vinegar. Drain and cook with fresh water. Nuts - Soak in water (with or w/o salt) for 7-12 hours. Drain and refrigerate, use to make nut milk, or drain and dehydrate (eat or make nut butter)

Beans - Soak in water for 8-24 hours with hearty pinch of baking soda. Drain and cook with fresh water. Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Nut milk
1 C nuts/seeds (any)
Filtered water for soaking nuts
3 C ltered water
Vanilla extract
A sweetener - a few dates, maple syrup, or honey

Soak nuts in water for around 8 hours. Strain water used to soak nuts. Combine nuts, fresh water, dates (if used) and blend until creamy. Strain the milk by pouring the liquid through a vegetable juicer (which strains out the pulp), or with a muslin or other cloth. Sweeten and flavor with vanilla and sweetener to taste. Nut milk will keep two to three days in the refrigerator (no longer).
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

from Cooking To Heal

Healthy Desserts
Add shredded beets or pureed greens to GF chocolate cake Chocolate Pudding made with avocado
2 avocados, C carob or cocoa powder, 1 C dates Blend in food processor or blender for 10 minutes.

Baked apple Whole fruit dessert such as peach crumble with GF oats Coconut Date balls
1/2 C coconut butter, 1 1/2 C dates, 1 T hot coconut oil. Blend in food processor. Form into snack-size balls and roll in coconut flakes.

Fruit with chocolate nut butter

Mix nut butter with unsweetened cocoa powder and raw honey until sweet. Spread on apple.
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Nutritious Dessert - Date Balls

1 1/2 cups pitted dates
1/2-3/4 cup coconut butter
1/4 cup nely shredded dried coconut
1 cup nely shredded dried coconut (used for rolling the balls).
1. 2. In a food processor, blend the dates into paste Add the coconut butter or nut butter and pulse a few times until the ingredients are mixed. If too difficult/sticky to pulse with nut butter, mix by hand. Add dried coconut and process for 5 to 10 seconds more. Melt coconut oil and add to processor. Roll into balls Melt additional coconut oil. Coat the ball with oil then roll in shredded coconut. Store in a cool place, such as the refrigerator.
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Date Ball Variations

Use coconut butter instead of nut butter (not coconut oil). Sometimes called coconut spread. Found online: Use sunflower seed butter instead of nut butter if allergic to nuts (if seeds are allowed) Add chopped fruit Add sultans Add chopped nuts Roll in sesame seeds Add GF chocolate chips for a treat Coat in cocoa powder
Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Kid-Friendly Fermented Foods

Fruit kebabs with (dairy-free) yogurt dipping sauce Apple Kraut

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Fruit Kebabs with Yogurt Dipping Sauce

Place appropriately sized chucks of alternating fruits and vegetables on a bamboo skewer Dipping Sauce
1 cup of nut milk yogurt or coconut yogurt 1 cup of fresh or frozen ORGANIC strawberries, peaches or other fruit 1-2 Tablespoons honey (honey for SCD) Blend in food processor or blender
Smoothie variation: Can also add non-dairy yogurt with fruit, a bit of fruit juice or vegetable juice, and puree into a smoothie

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Apple Kraut
Mix 50% cultured veggies such as raw sauerkraut with: 50% shredded fruit such as grated apple or pear Serve
Variation: Puree cultured veggies and add to apple or pear sauce.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Cooking to Heal
Video and Cookbook Tool
All Recipes labeled/tagged as: GFCF, SCD, LOD, Body Ecology, Feingold, Failsafe Egg-free and Nut-free All recipes Gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free, and corn-free Making fermented foods Raw sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha at a fraction of the cost of store bought. Gives you flexibility in flavor and ingredients. Coconut milk and seeds milks (useful for nut allergies) Tasty vegetable recipes Basics Chicken stock, chickenMatthews/Nourishing Hope recipes nuggets, juicing Julie

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Facebook Group
Ask Julie Our Group: Nourishing Hope for Autism Diet Community
Join Julie and over 2000 parents sharing nutrition information, resource, and diet tips & experience.

Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope

Nutrition Support
By Telephone and Skype with Julie Matthews Contact our office to set up an appointment or for a free 15-minute consultation

(415) 235-2960 [email protected]

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Nourishing Hope - Contents

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