The Music in The Cinema

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The document discusses the history and importance of music in films, highlighting how it can enhance emotions and convey what words cannot. It also profiles the renowned composer Hans Zimmer.

Soundtracks were first introduced in early films in the 1900s to reinforce emotions. Over time, music has become more integral to films and can now instantly evoke memories and scenes from movies.

Music can impact moods by activating brain areas related to emotion. It also releases dopamine for pleasure and can awaken memories from films.




Ramón Bueno


History of Soundtrack…………………………………….… page 3

The influence of Music………………………………………page 4

Hans Zimmer……………………………………………..…. page 5

Awards……………………………………………………..… page 6

Conclusion and Bibliography…………………………… 7

Music in the cinema is understood as all music created to

accompany a scene or a cinematographic narration.

“Music must supplant what the actors can’t say, it can make their feelings

understood, and it must contribute what words are not capable of expressing”

Bernard Herrmann- 1960- 1970

History of soundtrack

A soundtrack is the set of sounds or songs from a movie. It is usually linked to the

music of a movie or a video game.

The First film with soundtrack, in 1908 was created a soundtrack for a movie. The

Assassination of the Duke of Guise and Stenka Racin, By the work of Camille

Saint-Saëns and Mihail Ippolitov-Ivanov. And they sure that it was born to reinforce the

emotion of different moments of the film. Sometimes, the soundtracks make us

remember a movie by listening to the song for ten seconds.

Currently, if we play the soundtrack of Indiana Jones or Star Wars to anyone, they will

know it. You may even remember the scene where this song plays.
The sound in the cinema is differentiated in 2 terms.


The sounds diegetic it's the sounds that the character can listen to in the scene. For

example: the sound a door makes when it's opening.

Non diegetic

The sounds extradiegetic are the sounds that the character can’t hear. For example: the

voice of the storyteller or the soundtrack of the film.

The influence of Music

Neuroscientific studies show that music can affect people's moods. This study says

that when we listen to music, the areas of the brain that are responsible for imitation

and empathy are activated. For this reason, music is capable of altering our emotions

and creating social ties, because it allows us to share feelings.

Capabilities of music in film

- Music has the ability to relate to the brain's limbic system, which is responsible

for processing emotions.

- Music releases dopamine, which is considered to cause sensations like pleasure

or relaxation.

- Music has the ability to awaken a memory. Because, sometimes, we relate some

moment with some song.

Hans Zimmer

Now we will see about the life of one of the most important soundtrack composers in

the world of contemporary cinema.

He was born in Germany, on 1957

In an interview for German television in 2006, he commented this: "My father died

when I was just a child, and I took refuge in music in a way and music has been my

best friend."

When he was little he received piano lessons.

Later he moved to London where he entered the world of music composition with a

collaboration with Stanley Myers.

In 1988 it was an important year for Zimmer since he got his first Oscar nomination

with the soundtrack of the movie Rain Man. What made him jump to the top of the

world of cinema.

After the resounding success in Rain Man, he got jobs as important in Hollywood as

the soundtrack for Black Rain, Walking Miss Daisy or Thelma and Louis.

So Zimmer is consolidated as a great composer in Hollywood.

And as a curiosity about this great composer known worldwide is that in 1984 he was

playing as a keyboardist with the Spanish music group called Mecano.

These are all his Oscar nominations where we also see the 2 nominations he won

with The Lion King in 1994 and Dune where he was Oscar winner this year for best


He has also won awards such as 3 Golden Globes with The Lion King (1994),

Gladiator (2000) and Dune (2022).

Grammy Awards for the movie Circle of Life where he won the award for best

instrumental arrangement accompanied by voices in 1994. Where he also wins with

the Lion King movie for best children's album. And the following year in 1995, he

managed to win with the movie, Red Tide, the award for best instrumental

composition for a movie or for television.

And it is until 2008, that he did not win his last Grammy, until now, with The Dark

Knight movie as Best Compiled Soundtrack Album for a movie, television or other

visual medium.

In total, he was nominated for the Grammy Awards 17 times and has been nominated

for the Oscars 12 times. There is no doubt that Zimmer is already consolidated as

one of the best film composers in the contemporary world in which we live.

This table reports on the number of

times he has been nominated for one of

the greatest awards in the

cinematographic world.

First I will talk about this great composer, who after suffering the loss of his father,

takes refuge, from a very young age, in what he likes the most, which is music. What

made him learn the best techniques on musical composition and little by little led him

to the top of the world of film soundtrack composition. Where we can verify that we

know many soundtracks that he has composed.

Music and sound in movies are one of the most important things in any movie. It is

clear that without music, it can also make you feel and it was also done. But always a

good sound in any type of video or movie is very important to place us in the movie

and make us feel more.


- 31/10/2022. Wikipedia.


e-mecano 9/12/2020. Vandal. (El Español)

- 25/05/21.

Universo de Emociones



al%20contexto%20de%20la%20pel%C3%ADcula. 24/04/2020. The film Simphony



Bernard%20Herrmann%20 Zona cinco. (Escuela de cine y fotografía)


idad-en-el-cine 01/17/2018 Sound and Pixel Planet.

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