Math7 COT 1 2022-2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Romblon


Long Beach, San Agustin, Romblon
Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 7
October 12, 2022

A. Content Standard: The learner understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.

B. Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real
numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.

At the end of discussion, the students should be able to attain the following:
1. Perform fundamental operations on integers specifically on addition;
2. Solve real-life problems involving addition of integers;
3. Appreciate the value of adding integers in real-life scenarios.

Operations on Integers: Addition


TV, Colored Chips, Slate Boards
Retrieved from:

Procedure (Experiential Learning – 4As) Target

1. Prayer During this part, classroom
2. Greetings management was done. The teacher
will remind the students to follow the
minimum safety health protocols
throughout the class to prevent the
spread of Covid-19.
3.Review Indicator 9
The teacher will conduct review on integers. The learners will tell if In this part of the lesson, the teacher
the statement is positive or negative. acknowledged the rights of IP’s in
1. the rights of ethnic groups education. The teacher will tell cultural
2. spending money backgrounds of IPs and remind them to
3. deduction in points respects their rights and belief.
4. weight loss
5. passed in exam
A. Activity 1: Synonyms and Antonyms
To check vocabulary of the learners, they will give the synonyms and Indicator 1
antonyms of words presented on power point and will work by pair. The teacher integrates the lesson in
1. Above English 4 to help the learners deepen
2. Right their vocabulary which is necessary on
3. Overweight the development of the new lesson.
4. Negative
5. Increase Indicator 6:
The students will be challenged to
think proactively. In this activity,
teacher ensures that the learners will
participate and cooperate actively on
the class. The vocabulary activity help
the students to think harder and deeper.

Indicator 5:
The teacher encourages the learners to
speak and also remind everyone to
respect and help each other rather than
criticize fellow learners who are
having a hard time giving the
antonyms and synonyms of the words.

Indicator 8
In this activity, learners with disability
can be assisted by their pair in
answering the activity. Learners who
can’t understand the words will be
guided by their pair with minimum
health protocols to prevent Covid-19.

Activity # 2 : Group Activity

The students will group themselves according to their groupings in Math. The Indicator 2:
teacher will provide an envelope containing the materials needed in the activity. In this part, the teacher will use
Each group are task to represents each expression by using colored chips and language that is more convenient to the
post it in front for checking. The learners will use green for positive and red for learners so the activity will be better
negative. understood. She can translate
directions in mother tongue or Tagalog
The teacher will give an example first before the students will start the activity to favor other learner’s linguistic
to understand well the task assigned to them. concerns. In this case, students develop
a sense of belongingness to a
Examples: classroom community.
1. 5˚ above zero ---------
Indicator 4:
2. loss of Php 3.00 ------- As a group activity, the teacher
reminds the students of the minimum
3. 2 steps backward ------ health protocols to follow in doing the

Indicator 3:
Activity The teacher will use verbal and non-
Phrases Representation verbal communication strategies to
1) 2˚ fall in temperature support learning environment by
2) 6 meters high means of giving feedbacks thru
3) 4 blocks to the left clapping and praising them after
4) 3 points deduction answering the activity. It helps the
5) gains 5% on income students to be motivated which is
important to address students’ needs.

Indicator 6:
The teacher will be moving around to
determine the status on how the
students do the activity. Then, she will
be assisting the group that have
difficulty in doing the activity. In this
way, the teacher could immediately
help the needs of the students.

B. Analysis Indicator 2:
The teacher will give an individual activity about adding integers. The students The teacher will use Mother tongue or
will add the given integers using the colored chips and will write their answers Tagalog as language of instructions to
on it. They will use green chips as positive and red as negative. An example better understand what to do. In this
will be given first as their guide. way, it help students who are
struggling in understanding the lesson.

Indicator 1
Example: Here, the teacher integrates adding of
1) – 3 + 2 = -1 3) 5 and (-2) = 3 numbers which the teacher targeted
knowledge of content within the

Indicator 7
2) -1 + ( -6 ) = - 7 The activity that the teacher provided
here will ensure that students will work
productively on their own. It will
ensure if they understood the
instructions given by the teacher.
Afterwards students will check their
own work after the allotted time to
avoid contact with others. The teacher
will remind them to be honest in
checking their own work.

Activity Sheet: Using real objects (colored chips) as

learning resources can stimulate
Name : __________________________ Score: __________ students’ interest, curiosity, and
Directions: Add the following integers by using colored chips. Use green for participation during the teaching
negative and red for positive. learning process. Besides that, it can
help to make conducive atmosphere in
1) -5 + (-6 ) = 4) 1 + ( -9 ) = the class.
2) 4 + (-7) = 5) – 2 + ( -5 ) =
3) -3 + 8 = Indicator 5
From time to time, the teacher will
assist learners who are having a hard
time answering the activity. Through
this, learner’s needs met.

Indicator 6
The teacher will ensure the learners to
participate and cooperate actively on
the class. The questions help the
students to think harder and deeper to
better understand in building new
concepts of the lesson.

Analysis Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What do you think are the rules in adding integers?
3. What will you do if the integers have same signs? Unlike signs?

Rules in Adding Integers

1. To add integers with the same signs, add their absolute values and use
the common sign in the answer.
2. To add integers with different signs, get the difference between their
absolute values and use the sign of the integer with the greater absolute
value in the answer.

1) 4 + 2 = 6
2) (-3) + (-4) = -7
3) ( -8) + ( 5) = -3
4) 9 + ( -1) = 8
C. Abstraction Indicator 5
Guided Question The teacher will give equal
1. How do you add integers with like signs? Unlike signs? opportunities to express their opinions
The teacher will show a video about application of integers in real life. in answering the questions. The
teacher will encourage and remind the
Source: learners not to be afraid to answer the
Question: questions and to respect other’s
How important integers in our life? opinion.

Indicator 2:
The teacher will encourage the learners
that they can speak in Tagalog if they
are struggling in speaking English.
Indicator 7
D. Application When playing games, students will
Activity : “Add Me” become more engaged in learning,
As a group, the learners will have their own number. The teacher will say the taught content is reinforced and class
number who will answer the presented numbers and will write it on the slate positivity is increased. In this way, the
board. The group with the greatest points will be the winner and gained urged of excitement can be seen on the
additional points. learners.

IV. EVALUATION KRA 1, Objective 2

Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter that corresponds According to Schleicher, PISA aligned
to the correct answer. test helps the learners to think
1. Carlo is struggling in adding two integers with different signs. As his creatively where the skills of the
classmate, how will you help him add the integers? learners is honed.
A. Tell him to add its absolute values and use the common sign in the
answer. Indicator 3:
B. Tell him to add its absolute values and use the sign of the integer There will be 2 options here in
with the greater absolute value in the answer. checking the papers of students.1.) If
C. Tell him to get the difference between their absolute values and use there is still time, checking will be
the sign of the integer with the greater absolute value in the answer. done by the whole class through
D. Tell him to get the difference between their absolute values and use exchanging papers. 2.) Checking will
the sign of the integer with the lesser absolute value in the answer. be done by the teacher if there is not
enough time. In this way, the teacher
2. In a game, Team Azcals lost 5 yards in one play but gained 7 yards in will provide feedback on the
the next play. What was the actual yardage gain of the team? performance of pupils. The teacher
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 will give accurate constructivist
feedback on everyone depending on
3. Which of the following is/are true? their achievements.
I. 15 + ( -3) = 12
II. 15 + ( -3 ) = -12
III. – 15 + ( -3 ) = -18

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. I,II and III

4. If you are going to simplify (-10) + 7, which shows the sum?

A. 17 B. -17 C. 3 D. -3

5. From the 11th floor of a hotel, an elevator goes down 9 floors and up 7
floors. At what floor is the elevator located?
A. 16th floor C. 2nd floor
B. 9 floor
D. 5th floor
Prepared by:


Teacher - II

Checked and Evaluated:


Master Teacher I

Objective 2 – Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional

According to Haiyan Zhou, a teacher and learning consultant, learning objectives will be the guide of the students to
assess their learning progress. Thus, the learning objectives of my lesson is simple and clear where the lesson will flow

According to Camille Turner in her article, using realia as learning resources will help students understood the
concepts of the lesson. Thus, I used colored chips to get the attention of my learners where they can focus on the lesson. It
helps stimulate student’s interest to learn and participate actively and it make learning experience more memorable.

According to Schleicher, PISA aligned test helps the learners to think creatively where the skills of the learners is

Objective 16 – Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered.

According to Jean Piaget in his cognitive development theory that learners construct their own knowledge by
reflecting on their experiences. Learners engage in real world so they are actively involved in their own learning and

According to John Dewey, in his learning by doing also called experiential approach, teaching must go hand in
hand. On my teaching strategies I used colored chips to better understand the concepts in adding integers. Through
experience the students will be more engaged and motivated to learn.
On this part, I used progressivism approach of John Dewey and William Heard Kilpatrick wherein the teacher acts
as facilitator of learning during the discussion to be able to answer the evaluation. On the type of assessment it provides the
learner necessary skills in achieving the objectives.

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