Mahatme M S Et. Al., 2018

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IJBCP International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology

Original Research Article

A questionnaire based study of adverse drug effects of antiepileptic

drugs in a tertiary care hospital in Central India
Mohini Sachin Mahatme1, Vartika Gupta1*, Sachin Keshavrao Hiware1,
Mrunalini Milind Hardas2

Department of Pharmacology,
Indira Gandhi Government
Medical College, Nagpur, Background: Epilepsy is a common disorder of brain function which affects
Maharashtra, India
2 around 1% of world population. Due to nature of chronicity of this disease, long
Department of Medicine, Indira
term medical treatment with Anti-Epileptic Drugs (AEDs) is required to achieve
Gandhi Government Medical
control of the seizures. Antiepileptic drugs are responsible for 5% of ADRs
College, Nagpur, Maharashtra,
among all of the prescribed drugs. Due to the significant number of adverse drug
India reactions spontaneous reporting and knowledge about ADRs have gained the
importance. Knowledge(K), attitude (A) and practices (P) studies are preferred
Received: 11 October 2018
nowadays so as to have the better understanding and implication of the studies
Accepted: 01 November 2018
for the benefit of the patients. Therefore, this study was planned to evaluate
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) regarding Anti-Epileptic Drug (AEDs)
*Correspondence to: therapy in epileptic patients and their relatives and to create awareness regarding
Dr. Vartika Gupta, the same.
Email: [email protected]
Methods: A questionnaire based study for assessment of KAP during a period of
2 months in patients of epilepsy and their relatives.
Copyright: © the author(s),
Results: The maximum side effects were seen in central nervous system and
publisher and licensee Medip
functions (80%) followed by dermatological problems (6.57%), visual defects
Academy. This is an open- (5.19%), GIT complaints (4.84%) and lastly sexual function impairment (3.34%).
access article distributed under Carbamazepine was most commonly prescribed drug followed by phenytoin.
the terms of the Creative
Certain gender and age specific adverse events were found. 95% patients were
Commons Attribution Non-
found to be compliant with medicines’ dose and schedule.
Commercial License, which
Conclusions: The chronicity of epilepsy calls for long duration of treatment so
permits unrestricted non-
consideration and addressing ADRs are essential to maintain compliance among
commercial use, distribution, patients.
and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original
Keywords: Adverse Drug Reactions, Antiepileptic drugs, Attitude, Knowledge,
work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION level of excitability of the nervous system rises above a

certain threshold.3 Epidemiological studies conducted in
Epilepsy is a common disorder of brain function which developing countries all over the world have shown high
affects around 1% of world population.1 It is characterized prevalence rate of epilepsy.4
by recurrent unprovoked and unpredicted occurrence of
seizures. A seizure is a transient disturbance of cerebral Indian data shows general prevalence rate of 5.33 per
function involving either a part or whole of the brain.2 A 1000, with 5.11 and 5.47 in urban and rural areas
person predisposed to seizure has attacks when the basal respectively.5 International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | December 2018 | Vol 7 | Issue 12 Page 2336
Mahatme MS et al. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Dec;7(12):2336-2341

Epilepsy has various aetiologies, which can be categorized above, guardians of epileptic patients who had cognitive
according to age or causes irrespective of age or of impairment and those who signed the informed consent
idiopathic origin. The different causes among different age form. Patients with uncertain diagnosis of epilepsy, those
groups can be: in newborns (perinatal hypoxia, intracranial who refused to sign the informed consent form and
hemorrhage, metabolic disturbances etc), infants and relatives of cognitively impaired patients who refused to
children (febrile seizures, trauma or developmental sign were excluded from the study.
disorders etc), adolescent and young adults (trauma, illicit
drug use etc) and older adults (head injuries, brain tumors, After approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee,
alcohol withdrawal, cerebrovascular disease).6 Due to patients and relatives of cognitively impaired patients who
nature of chronicity of this disease, most patients with signed informed consent form were explained about the
epilepsy depend on long term medical treatment with Anti- study. A set of 42 different pre-validated questions were
Epileptic Drugs (AEDs) to achieve control of their asked in questionnaire. The questionnaire covered the
seizures.7 Commonly used AEDs are carbamazepine, basic history of patient's condition, various adverse effects
sodium valproate, phenytoin and phenobarbitone. 8 involving different systems suffered by them and their
practice towards those ADRs.16 Post data collection,
AEDs have multifaceted pharmacological properties and information leaflets translated into vernacular language
narrow therapeutic index, leading to adverse drug were given to patients about the basic knowledge of ADRs
reactions (ADRs) which often complicate proper choice of caused by the AEDs to create awareness. The leaflet
medication, requiring subsequent adjustment of therapy. 9 contained list of common side effects which were to be
The target of therapy should be full control of seizures with reported and various dos and don’ts while taking the
minimal or no adverse reactions attributed to medications medications like following proper drug schedule, avoiding
to lead an optimal quality of life.10 ADRs deteriorates self-medication etc. were handed to patients.17 Being the
usual life style which can range from mild appetite and tertiary care hospital, different AED like carbamazepine,
behavioural change to serious related problems like losing phenytoin, phenobarbitone, clobazem, sodium valproate
control over own actions and tremors, ineffective response and clonazepam were provided free of cost to every patient
when required. This contributes to a high number of for a period of 7 days. Folic acid was given along with
morbidity and mortality.6 Antiepileptic drugs are these medications. Patients were again called for
responsible for 5% of ADRs among all of the prescribed evaluation by the physician and for refill of the drugs. The
drugs. Carbamazepine and phenytoin are the commonest patients were encouraged to meet the investigator in the
among the group.11 Studies from USA and UK have follow-up visits.
reported that AEDs are associated with a significant
number of ADRs and fatality.12,13 The extensive data RESULTS
regarding ADRs in Indian setup is still lacking. The newer
reliable AEDs are also available in the Indian market and There were 130 patients primarily approached for the KAP
used at par with the older one like carbamazepine and study, out of which 102 epileptic patients gave consent to
phenytoin. Even the newer AEDs are also associated with participate in the survey. This included 58 male and 44
numerous ADRs.14 female patients.

Due to the significant number of adverse drug reactions of CBZ PHT PHB VAL CLO CLP
all the antiepileptic drugs spontaneous reporting and
knowledge about ADRs have gained the importance.15 20
More and more preference is given to knowledge (K),
attitude (A) and practices (P) studies nowadays so as to 15
No of patients

have the better understanding and implication of the

interpretation of such type of studies for the benefit of the
patients. After extensive search knowledge (K), attitude 10
(A) and practices (P) studies are not available in epileptic
patients and their relatives in India. Hence, this study was 5
designed to assess the KAP of ADRs of AEDs in epileptic
patients and their relatives.
14- 18 19-25 26-40 41-55 56-65 >65
Age in years
The questionnaire based study for assessment of Carbamazepine = CBZ, Phenytoin = PHT, Phenobarbitone =
knowledge, attitude and practices of ADRs of AEDs in PHB Valproate =VAL, Clobazem = CLO, Clonazepam = CLP
epileptic patients and their relatives was conducted in
medicine outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital Figure 1: Age specific AEDS used in males.
for a duration of 2 months (May 2018-June 2018) in which
study population consisted of the patients who have been Out of 102 patients on AED therapy maximum incidence
diagnosed with epilepsy above the age of 14 years and was seen in age group 26-40 years. Age specific AED use

International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | December 2018 | Vol 7 | Issue 12 Page 2337
Mahatme MS et al. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Dec;7(12):2336-2341

in male and female is shown in (Figure 1 and 2). 60% and sexual function impairment (3.34%). In CNS, motor
participants reported spontaneous origin of first attack of function and coordination were commonest affected
seizure associated with loss of consciousness along with function system (Figure 4). Table 1 shows detailed
forgetfulness of the rest of the events that took place analysis of CNS ADRs. Headache was the most common
afterwards. 30% patients had epilepsy since birth and the ADR i.e. 82.35% of total ADRs. Age and gender related
rest 10% patients acquired this condition while being variations were seen in this study. Younger patients
under stress or due to some other causes like severe complained more of irritability. Behavioural changes like
headache and head injuries. increased irritation and aggressiveness were more
prevalent in females whereas depressive symptoms i.e.
staying worried for all day long and feeling miserable were
more common in males.
Table 1: Central nervous system ADRs.
Number of patients (%)

10 Patient %
Drowsiness and sleepiness 76.47%
Tiredness and lethargy 70.59%
6 Inability to concentrate on same thing
4 for longer times
2 Incapability in performing daily
0 Increased irritability
14- 18 19-25 26-40 41-55
Increased aggressiveness 52.94%
Age in years Increased feeling of agitation and
Carbamazepine = CBZ, Phenytoin = PHT, Phenobarbitone = restlessness
PHB, Valproate =VAL, Clobazem = CLO Constant feeling of pressure or over-
Figure 2: Age specific AEDS used in females. Increased irritation 64.71%
Depressive symptoms
Staying worried all days 52.94%
Polytherapy 39.22 Feeling of depression and misery 27.45%
Clonazepam 1.23 Decreased activeness 52.94%
Difficulty in sleeping 21.45%
Sodium Valproate 2.47
Cognitive function

Clobazem 3.7 Difficulty in remembering names 21.57%

Phenobarbitone 12.35 Increased forgetfulness of events 13.72%
Decreased concentration power 62.74%
Phenytoin 34.57
Ability to concentrate on something for
Carbamazepine 45.68 68.63%
shorter period of times
Slow reaction 33.33%
0 20 40 60
Slow speech 33.33%
No of patients (%) Difficulty in expressing feelings 35.29%
Decreased power of thinking 50.98%
Figure 3: Use of Anti Epileptic Drugs (AED) Difficulty in finding right words 47.06%
in patients. Motor problem and coordination
Holding onto something to prevent
Carbamazepine was the commonest prescribed drug (47), 35.29%
oneself from falling
followed by phenytoin (35), phenobarbitone (13), Constantly walking into tables and
clobazam (3) and valproate (3). Clonazepam was the least 21.57%
prescribed drug. (Figure 3) 62 (60.78%) patients were on Dizziness 74.51%
monotherapy and 40 (39.22%) patients were on Hands shake all the time 33.33%
polytherapy. The most common combination used were
Hands shake when attempt to pick
carbamazepine and phenytoin followed by phenytoin and 62.74%
something up
Feeling of light-headedness 72.55%
Maximum incidences occurred in central nervous system Headache 82.35%
and functions (80%) followed by dermatological problems Severe headache that prevents oneself
(6.57%), visual defects (5.19%), GIT complaints (4.84%) from doing anything

International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | December 2018 | Vol 7 | Issue 12 Page 2338
Mahatme MS et al. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Dec;7(12):2336-2341

Cognitive functions such as difficulty in remembering effects and side effects. 90% of subjects contacted their
names and events and in finding right words were observed doctors for the same.
more in males. In females, there was prevalence of severe
headache which rendered them unable to work sometimes. DISCUSSION
Table 2 shows detailed analysis of other system ARDs.
Epilepsy is a neurologically disturbed state of brain cells
which doesn’t have any age preference. There is no
35 30.98
observed pattern for the occurrences of epileptic attacks or
No of patients (%)

30 seizures, which may be spontaneous or unwarned. So,
25 timely action by starting prompt treatment or management
20 15.85 14.7 11.38 is essential.18
Monotherapy is preferred as standard management
keeping in view less ADRs, cost, convenience, better
compliance, adherence to standard treatment guidelines
and lesser drug interactions.19 In this study, 62 patients
were kept on single drug therapy and desired results were

The majority of the ADRs occurred with following AEDs-

carbamazepine, phenytoin and valproic acid. A similar
AED prevalence pattern has been reported in other
studies.20 The similar pattern might have been found due
Figure 4: Distribution of different CNS related ADRs. to easy availability of these AEDs throughout the study
Table 2: Other system related ADRs.
In this study, CNS related ADRs (80%) were the most
Dermatological complaints Patient % frequently reported ADRs. The finding that CNS related
Hypertrophy of gums 31.37% ADRs is maximum correlates with other studies.9,21
Skin rash and skin acne 21.57% Headache (82.35%) was maximum reported symptom
Increased hair fall 33.33% followed by drowsiness which was unlike other study
Increased salivation 25.49% conducted by Suman et al where sedation was the most
Gastrointestinal complaints frequent ADR i.e. 11.2% of total ADRs.9 This difference
Change in appetite 33.33% in CNS related symptoms can be due to the variation in
Change in body weight 31.37% study population and site.
Nauseous feeling 1.96%
Gum hypertrophy was reported with phenytoin. 31.37%
Abnormality in bowel movements
15.69% patients taking phenytoin reported this ADR which
correlates with results of previous studies, where incidence
Visual complaints of gingival enlargement ranged from 3% to 93%.11 The
Double visions(diplopia) 27.45% ADR may be a result of interaction of susceptible
Blurring of vision 60.78% subpopulation of fibroblasts, keratinocytes and collagen
Sexual functions with phenytoin and its metabolite, which can be prevented
Decrease in sexual desire 21.45% by maintaining good oral hygiene. The female participants
Decrease in sexual gratification 21.45% complained of increased hair fall as compared to males.
Irregularity in menses 13.72% This can be due to fact that females have longer hair and
are more observant hence notice it more often.
The compliance for the epileptic drugs observed among
the patients involved in the survey was impressive. 95% Gastrointestinal adverse effects occur due to direct effect
patients took medications on time without missing a single of the drug on GIT. In this study, only 4.84% participants
dose. Only 5% manipulated the timings of their drug doses. reported gastrointestinal adverse effects as they had been
99% of subjects were unable to differentiate adverse drug advised to take drugs along with meals. Appetite changes
reactions from side effects of AEDs prior to counselling. were more observed in females, particularly decrease in
They had inability to differentiate whether the symptoms appetite, but abnormality in bowel movements such as
were due to drugs or were independent episodes. 54% constipation was seen more in males as compared to
participants contacted their doctors for adverse effects, females. We were unable to correlate the findings of
20% started self-medication and 26% waited for the appetite changes and bowel movements. Visual and sexual
adverse effects to subside on its own. Post counselling the function related side effects were not seen in younger
participants were able to differentiate between adverse subjects and those occurring were not gender specific.

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