IoT Application and Case Study

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Home automation:

1. Smart lighting :
Smart lighting for homes helps in saving energy by adapting the lighting to the
ambient condition and switching on/off or dimming the lights when needed.
Key enabling technologies for smart lighting include solid-state lighting such
as led light and ip enabled the lights. Smart lighting solutions for home
achieve energy saving by sensing the human movements and their
environments and controlling the lights accordingly. Wireless enabled and
internet connected lights can be controlled remotely from iotapplications such
as a mobile or web application. Smart lights with sensor for occupancy,
temperature lux level etc can be configured to adapt the lighting based on the
ambient conditions sensed, in order to provide a good ambience.
2. Smart appliances :
Modern homes have a number of appliances such as tvs, refrigerator, music
system, washer / dryer etc. Managing and controlling these appliances can be
cumbersome with the each appliance having its own controls or remote
controls. Smart appliances make the management easier and also provide
status information to the user remotely.
Examples smart tv allows user to search and stream videos and movies from
the internet on a local storage drive, search tv channel schedule and fetch
news weather updates and other content from the internet. Open remote is an
open source automation platform for homes buildings. Open remote is
platform agnostic and works with standard hardware. With openremote, user
can control various appliances using mobile or web publications. Openremote
comprises of three components - a controller that manages scheduling and
runtime integrations between device, a designer that allows you to create
both configuration for the controller and create user interface design and
control panel that allow you to interact with the devices and control them.
3. Intrusion detection :
Home intrusion detection system used security cameras and sensor such as
pir sensors and door sensor to detect intrusion and raise alert. Alerts can be in
the form of an sms and an email sent to the user. Advanced systems can even
send detailed alert such as an image grab or a short video clip send to email
4. Smoke / gas detector :
Smoke detectors are installed in home and buildings to detect smoke that is
typically and early sign of fire. Smoke detectors use optical detection class
ionization for sampling techniques to detect smoke. Alerts raised by smoke
detectors can be in the form of signals to fire alarm system. Gas detectors can
detect the presence of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide liquid
petroleum gas (lpg). A smoke / gas detector raise alerts in human was this
describing where the problem is send or an sms or email to the user or the
local fire safety department and provide visual feedback on its status the
design of the system that detects gas leakage on smoke and it gives visual level

Smart parking :-
Finding a parking space during rush hours in crowded cities can be time
consuming and frustrating. Further for the more drivers blindly searching for
parking spaces create additional traffic conditions for star smart parking
make the search for parking space easier and convenient for drivers.
Smart parking for powered by IOT system that detect the number of empty
parking slots and send the information over the internet to smart parking
application back ends. These applications can be accessed by the drivers from
smartphones, tablets and in car navigation system . In smart parking sensors
are used for each parking slot, to detect whether the slot is empty or occupied.
This information is aggregated by your local controller and then send over the
internet to the database. Design and implementation of a prototype smart
parking system based on wireless sensor network technology with just like a
remote parking monitoring ,automated guidance , and departing reservations
mechanism .

Water management :-
Due to the drastic increase in urbanization levels and the importance of water
quality in human health, water management is a key topic for cities. A water
management system is based on real-time data collected from sensors. Water
management can provide the following applications:
Water conservation
Sensors detect the water level in tanks and alert when the water level is lower
than the threshold. A smart home water conservation system developed by
mindtribe, uses IOT sensors to monitor water usage.
Smart irrigation
IOT sensors determine the weather condition and the soil moisture, which
will help in getting the appropriate amount of water that the soil needs. For
instance, greeniq is a vendor that offers a sprinkler sensor that optimizes its
own functionality based on the dryness of the soil.
Leakage management
IOT sensors can detect temperature changes, water leakage, chemical leakage,
and pressure level in water tanks.
Water quality management
IOT sensors determine what kind of chemicals are in the water. They also
identify metrics such as total dissolved solids (tds), bacteria, chlorine,
electrical conductivity, etc.


1.Monitoring of climate conditions

Probably the most popular smart agriculture gadgets are weather stations,
combining various smart farming sensors. Located across the field, they
collect various data from the environment and send it to the cloud. The
provided measurements can be used to map the climate conditions, choose
the appropriate crops, and take the required measures to improve their
capacity (i.e. precision farming).
2. Greenhouse automation
Typically, farmers use manual intervention to control the greenhouse
environment. The use of IoT sensors enables them to get accurate real-time
information on greenhouse conditions such as lighting, temperature, soil
condition, and humidity.
3. Crop management
One more type of IoT product in agriculture and another element of precision
farming are crop management devices. Just like weather stations, they should
be placed in the field to collect data specific to crop farming; from
temperature and precipitation to leaf water potential and overall crop health.
Thus, you can monitor your crop growth and any anomalies to effectively
prevent any diseases or infestations that can harm your yield.
4. Cattle monitoring and management
Just like crop monitoring, there are IoT agriculture sensors that can be
attached to the animals on a farm to monitor their health and log
performance. Livestock tracking and monitoring help collect data on stock
health, well-being, and physical location. For example, such sensors can
identify sick animals so that farmers can separate them from the herd and
avoid contamination. Using drones for real-time cattle tracking also helps
farmers reduce staffing expenses. This works similarly to IoT devices for
5. Precision farming
Also known as precision agriculture, precision farming is all about efficiency
and making accurate data-driven decisions. It’s also one of the most
widespread and effective applications of IoT in agriculture.
6. Agricultural drones
Apart from surveillance capabilities, drones can also perform a vast number of
tasks that previously required human labor: planting crops, fighting pests and
infections, agriculture spraying, crop monitoring, etc.builds drones for
planting trees in deforested areas. The use of such drones is 6 times more
effective than human labor.
7. End-to-end farm management systems
A more complex approach to IoT products in agriculture can be represented
by the so-called farm productivity management systems. They usually include
a number of agriculture IoT devices and sensors, installed on the premises as
well as a powerful dashboard with analytical capabilities and in-built
accounting/reporting features. This offers remote farm monitoring
capabilities and allows you to streamline most of the business operations.
Citizen Safety
Outdoor surveillance:
When IoT CCTV cameras are combined with artificial intelligence and machine
vision, governments can automate the surveillance of streets through cameras. As
IoT enables connectivity of machines, they are able to record and analyze video
data in real-time, and they can provide police officers with insights instead of
single pieces of images.
Noise Monitoring
In smart cities, sound monitoring systems can monitor noise levels and warn
companies that violate limits, and help manage noise levels.
Structural Health Monitoring
IoT allows remote collection of architectural data to monitor events such as
vibrations and changes in material conditions, predict structural damage, and
prepare action plans for structures such as bridges, buildings, stadiums, ships,
airplanes, etc. 
Smoke / gas detector :

Waste Management
Smart bin sensors
Waste bins are one of the essential components of waste management
operations because they start the cycle of waste operations. Iot-based smart
sensors help you utilize smart bin sensor technology from the beginning. 
One of the best types of smart bin sensors, the fill level sensor, supported by
iot technology, you can:
 Track the location with real-time data
 View fullness levels for creating daily optimized routes for collection
 Monitor the temperature of your smart bins
 Get instant alerts in case of emergencies
Dumpster rental
dumpster rental technology is an excellent example of an iot-based waste
management solution. Similar to smart bin sensors, it can use a sensor system
to track and plan the special and mostly on-demand garbage collection

Fleet management
the fleet management software can create a route plan to reduce expenses
spent on operations thanks to the data of smart bin sensors. Also, drivers
operate in a planned and ecofriendly route while managers can monitor with
a live map. Besides, managers can make the necessary changes for the fleet
and conduct performance analysis with customizable reports and historical
Smart recycling
The ability to embed IoT technologies into receptacles also allows for the use
of machine learning, AI, and computer vision that can process the type of
material in the container, leading to better sorting and reduced human error,
as well as an easier job downstream at recycling centers. Additionally,
emerging smart bins are able to identify and sort waste into categories like
glass, paper, plastic, and metal, compress it and notify sanitation workers of
fill levels of each waste category, enabling a more sustainable society.

Intelligent transport system :

1. Route generation and scheduling
Modern transportation systems are driven by data collected from multiple
sources which is process to provide a new services to the stockholders. By
collecting large amount of data from various sources and processing the data
into useful information data driven. Transportation system can provide new
services such as advanced route guidance dynamic vehicle routing
anticipating customer demand for pickup and delivery problem, for instance
route generations and scheduling systems candidate end-to-end using
combinations of road patterns and transportation smooth and feasible
schedule based on the availability of vehicles.
2. Fleet tracking
Vehicle fleet tracking system using GPS technology to track the locations of
vehicle in real time. Cloud based fleet tracking systems can be scaled up on-
demand to handle large number of vehicles. Alerts can be generated in case of
deviation in planned routes. The vehicle locations and routes data can be
aggregated and analyzed for detecting bottlenecks in the supply chain such as
a traffic conditions or route of elements and generations of alternative route
and Supply chain optimization in a fleet tracking system for commercial
vehicle is described The system can analyze messages sent from the vehicles
to identify unexpected incidence and descriptions is between the actual and
applied data.
3 shipment monitoring :
Shipment monitoring solutions for transportation systems allow monitoring
the Condition inside container. For example, containers carrying fresh food
produce can be monitored to prevent spoilage of food. IOT based shipment
monitoring system you sensor such as temperature pressure and Humidity for
instance to monitor the conditions inside the container and send the data to
the cloud where it can be analyzed to detect food spoilage .The analysis and
interpretation of the data in the environmental conditions in the container
And food truck positioning can enable more effective routing decisions and
their time Therefore it is possible to take remedial measures such as the food
that has a limited time Budget before it get rotten can be rerouted to a closer
destinations, alerts can be raised to The driver and the distributor about the
transit conditions, such as container temperature Exceeding the allowed limit,
humidity levels going out of the allowed limit.

Smart city :
1.Smart Parking :
2. Smart lighting :
Smart lighting system for road parks and building can help in saving energy.
According to a iea report, lightening is responsible for 19 % of global
electricity use and around 6% of global greenhouse gas emission. Smart
lighting allows lighting to be dynamically controlled and also adapted to the
Conditions. Smart lights connected to the internet can be controlled remotely
to configure lighting schedules and lighting intensity. Lighting configuration
can be set for different situations such as a foggy day, a festival etc. Smart.
Lights equipped with the sensors and can communicate with other lights and
exchange information on the sensed ambient conditions to adapt lightening.
3. Smart road:
Smart roads equipped with sensors can provide information on driving
conditions, travel time estimates and alerts in case of poor driving conditions,
traffic congestions and accidents . Such information can help in making the
roads safe and help in reducing traffic jams. Information sense to from the
roads can be communicated via internet to cloud based applications and social
media and disseminated to the drivers who subscribed to such applications.
Distributed and autonomous systems of sensor networks notes for improving
driving safety proposed system can provide the drivers and passengers with a
consistent view of the road situations of a few hundred meters ahead of them
or a few dozen miles away, so that they can react to potential dangers early
4. Structural health monitoring:
Structural health monitoring system uses a network of sensors to monitor the
vibrations levels in the structures such as bridges and buildings. The data
collected from the sensors is analyzed to assess the health of the structures.
By analyzing the data it is possible to detect cracks and mechanical
breakdown, locate the damage to a structure and also calculate the remaining
life of the structure.
5. Surveillance :
6 emergency response
IOT systems can be used for monitoring the critical infrastructure in cities
such as building , gas and water pipelines, public transport and power
substation systems. IOT systems for fire directions, gas and water leakage
directions can help in generating alerts and minimizing their effects on the
critical infrastructure. IOT systems for critical infrastructure monitoring
enable aggregations and sharing of information is collected from large
number of sensors. Cloud based architecture multi model information such as
sensor data, audio, video feeds can be analyzed in near realtime to detect
adverse event. Response to alerts generated by such systems can be in the
form of alerts sent to the public , re-routing of traffic, evacuation of the
affected areas.

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