Final Project Report On e Commerce Shopping Website
Final Project Report On e Commerce Shopping Website
Final Project Report On e Commerce Shopping Website
PRN: 2105020568
BATCH 2021-2023
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This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself in part fulfillment of the
M.B.A Program of Centre for Online Learning of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth’s, Pune – 411018
The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else, and has not been submitted to
any other University / Institute for an award of any degree / diploma.
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I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the possibility
to complete this report.
Special thanks to the industry mentor Ms. Vandana Sivaraj whose help and guidance helped
me in fabrication process and project and in writing this report.
I also sincerely thanks Qollabb Edutech for the opportunity to prepare the project.
I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the mentor Mr.
Akshay Mahajan for their timely updates regarding project dates.
Many thanks go to the all lecturer and supervisors who have given their full effort in guiding
me in achieving the goal as well as their encouragement to maintain our progress in track.
My profound thanks go to all classmates, especially to my friends (Mr. Avdhut and Ms. Lalita)
for spending their time in helping and giving support whenever I need it in fabricating my
Table of content
1 Introduction 9
2 Proposed System: 24
3 Object Diagrams 31
4 Shop Owner: 39
8 Software Manuals 73
10 Conclusions 82
11 Bibliography 83
12 References 84
1. Introduction
transfer of knowledge and expertise between students, faculty and companies. Our focus
information in the form of excel sheets or Disk Drives. There is no sharing is possible
if the data is in the form of paper or Disk drives. The manual system gives us very less
security for saving data; some data may be lost due to mismanagement. It’s a limited
system and fewer users friendly. Searching of particular information is very critical it
takes lot of time. It is very critical to maintain records manually for physical devices of
the market computer devices are provided by different companies, manually handles
these records is not an easy job Online shopping (sometimes known as e-tail from
consumers to directly buy goods or service from a seller over the Internet using
Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store,
online store, online storefront and virtual store. Mobile commerce (or m-commerce)
describes purchasing from an online retailer's mobile optimized online site or app.
physically to the market is what online shopping all about. Online shopping is just like
a retail store shopping that we do by going to the market, but it is done through the
internet. Online shopping has made shopping painless and added more fun. Online
stores offer product description, pictures, comparisons, price and much more. Few
examples of these are, and the benefits of online shopping is
that by having direct access to consumer, the online stores can offer products that cater
to the needs of consumer, cookies can be used for tracking the customer selection over
the internet or what is of their interest when they visit the site again. Online shopping
makes use of digital technology for managing the flow of information, products, and
payment between consumer, site owners and suppliers. Online shopping can be either
Shopping cart is one of the important facility provided in online shopping, this lets
customer to browse different goods and services and once they select an item to
purchase they can place the item in shopping cart, and continue browsing till the final
selection. Customers can even remove the items from shopping cart that were selected
earlier before they place the final order. It reminds us of shopping basket that we carry
in departmental store.
Online shopping has become a regular part of our lives, mainly because it is so
convenient. Every day, millions of people go online to do research about products and
make purchases from thousands of different online merchants. The web allows
customers to comparison shop for the best deals and locate products that might
otherwise be difficult to find. But while online shopping provides with a high level of
and information through various online scams. That is why it is so important for
customers to know how to stay safe while shopping online. Thus, online shopping is a
fun and convenient way to locate hard-to-find items, to make purchases and discover
India’s online market is at an early stage but is expected to see huge growth over the
next four to five years. Retailers have a sizeable opportunity as the online population
starts to spend more and buy more frequently online. Online shoppers expect to see
good deals online accompanied by free or very low-cost shipping. Consumers are
convenience, customer service, prices and wider selection during online shopping.
• This web application is responsible to manage all the records of the product
in standard catalogue.
Id etc.
• The best supporting system for the Distribution Business upgrading time to
• This Web application provides logon facility to the users. It makes system
• Admin can add new products images, new product by vendor as and when
• After Ordering the Product the product can be trace by client or end user.
Hardware Requirements:
RAM : 1 GB
RAM : 2 GB
Database : Oracle
Software Requirements:
• Oracle Server
1.5. Detail Description of technology used
The Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) defines the standard for developing
The J2EE platform takes advantage of many features of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise
edition (J2EE), such as "Write Once Run Anywhere" portability, JDBC API for
database access, CORBA technology for interaction with exiting enterprise resources,
and a security model that protects data even in internet applications. Building on this
base, Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition adds full support for enterprise JavaBeans
components, java Servlets API, Java Server Pages and XML technology.
The J2EE standard includes complete specifications and compliance tests to ensure
probability of applications across the wide range of existing enterprise system capable
Overall Description
Java programming uses to produce byte codes and executes them. The first
box indicates that the Java source code is located in a. Java file that is processed with a
Java compiler called java. The Java compiler produces a file called a. class file, which
contains the byte code The Class file is then loaded across the network or loaded locally
on your machine into the execution environment is the Java virtual machine, which
The Java web server is Java Software’s own web Server. The Java web server is
just a part of a larger framework, intended to provide you not just with a web server,
but also with tools. To build customized network servers for any Internet or Intranet
client/server system. Servlets are to a web server, how applets are to the browser.
Servlets are objects that conform to a specific interface that can be plugged into
a Java-based server. Servlets are to the server-side what applets are to the client-side -
object byte codes that can be dynamically loaded off the net. They differ from applets
in that they are faceless objects (without graphics or a GUI component). They serve as
platform independent, dynamically loadable, pluggable helper byte code objects on the
For example, an HTTP Servlets can be used to generate dynamic HTML content. When
you use Servlets to do dynamic content you get the following advantages:
3. They provide all the advantages of Java (run on a variety of servers without
needing to be rewritten)
Netscape Communication Corporation. JavaScript was originally called Live Script and
renamed as JavaScript to indicate its relationship with Java. JavaScript supports the
client side, it can be used to write programs that are executed by a Web browser within
the context of a Web page. On the server side, it can be used to write Web server
programs that can process information submitted by a Web browser and then updates
Even though JavaScript supports both client and server Web programming, we
prefer JavaScript at Client side programming since most of the browsers supports it.
JDBC is a Java API for executing SQL statements. (As a point of interest, JDBC
as standing for Java Database Connectivity. It consists of a set of classes and interfaces
written in the Java programming language. JDBC provides a standard API for
database. One can write a single program using the JDBC API, and the program will be
able to send SQL statements to the appropriate database. The combinations of Java and
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a java technology that helps software developers serve
dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML, or other document types.
Released in 1999 as Sun's answer to ASP and PHP, JSP was designed to address the
perception that the Java programming equivalent didn't provide developers with enough
support for the web. JSP syntax is a fluid mix of two basic content forms: Scriptlet
elements and markup. Markup is typically standard HTML or XML, While Scriptlet
elements are delimited blocks of java code. This may be intermixed with the markup.
When the page is requested the java code is executed and its output is added, in situ,
with the surrounding markup to create the final page. JSP pages must be compiled to
Java byte code classes before they can be executed, but such compilation is needed only
The JSP syntax adds additional XML-like tags called JSP actions, to invoke built in
Apache Tomcat (or Jakarta Tomcat or simply Tomcat) is an open source servlet
Java Servlet and the Java Server Pages (JSP) specifications from Sun Microsystems,
and provides a "pure java" HTTP web server environment for java code to run.
Tomcat should not be confused with the Apache web server, which is a C
implementation of HTTP web server; these two web servers are not bundled together.
Apache Tomcat includes tools for configuration and management, but can also be
• Accept Logs
• Single Sign-on
• Request Filtering
Oracle Database
2. You can administer the database with the user interface, Enterprise Manager,
3. A database management, or DBMS, gives the user access to their data and
helps them transform the data into information. Such database management
systems include dBase, paradox, IMS, Oracle Database and Oracle Database.
These systems allow users to create, update and extract information from
their database.
of people, things and events. Oracle Database stores each data item in its
thing or event are bundled together to form a single complete unit of data,
called a record (it can also be referred to as raw or an occurrence). Each
■ Oracle SQL*Plus
because it is the only Database that meets the uncompromising requirements of today’s
most demanding information systems. From complex decision support systems (DSS)
to the most rigorous online transaction processing (OLTP) application, even application
that require simultaneous DSS and OLTP access to the same critical data, Oracle
ORACLE DATABASE is a truly portable, distributed, and open DBMS that delivers
specially designed for online transactions processing and for handling large database
2. Proposed System:
the main aim of online shopping is to improve the service of customer and vendors it
maintains the details of the customer payments product receipts addition of new
customer products and also updating deletion for the same it also stores the details of
invoices generated by customer and payment made by them with all payment details
• The main aim of the proposed system is to make online computerized application
• Using this site Authorized person of treading company can generate bills and
• To be able to easily save money and compare prices from website to website.
• The main objective of ourproduct is better Services, better leadersh-ip, reducing
should be error free and our objective is to build error free software.
• Maintains the different types of product information, product sales, and order
Be done easily.
3 Reflection of changes If changes are to be made in one
duration of time.
the records.
Functional Requirement
This section provides requirement overview of the system. Various functional modules
• Registration
• Login
Customer login to the system by entering valid user Id and password for
the shopping.
• Changes to Cart
Changes to cart means the customer after login or registration can make
• Logout
After the payment or surf the product the customer will logged out.
• Report Generation
After all transaction the system can generate the bill and then sent to the
customer’s Email-address and another one for the system data base to
internet server and which will be able to run JSP application. The system
should support some commonly used browser such as IE, Firefox, chrome
Sensitive data will be encrypted before being sent over insecure connections like the
The system provides storage of all databases on redundant computers with automatic
switchover. The reliability of the overall program depends on the reliability of the
separate components. The main pillar of reliability of the system is the backup of the
database which is continuously maintained and updated to reflect the most recent
changes. Thus the overall stability of the system depends on the stability of container
The system should be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using a web
browser, only restricted by the down time of the server on which the system runs. In
should be retrieved from the server and saved by the administrator. Then the service
A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the application server
takes care of the site. In case of a failure, a re-initialization of the program will be done.
Also the software design is being done with modularity in mind so that maintainability
The application is HTML and scripting language based. So the end-user part is fully
portable and any system using any web browser should be able to use the features of
the system, including any hardware platform that is available or will be available in the
An end-user is using this system on any OS; either it is Windows or Linux. The system
Web Apache
Browser Tomcat
JSP Java
File Servlet
3.8. Deployment Diagram
4. Shop Owner:
In this module we can see the shop owner different products details and collection
on domestic content. That will they all products details and shop name, shop address,
shop owner contacts etc. This are many sub modules in bellow.
Product Management
o Add
o Update
o Delete
Manage Profile
4.1. Web Site Map Diagram
4.2. User Interface Diagram
Main Page:
Product Details:
Shop Owner Registration:
4.3. Data Dictionary
Sr. No. Date Type Description
1. Adddate Date Add date of
2. Address Varchar User address
Table Name:-Admin
Table Name:-User:
Table Name:-Vendor:
Table Name:-Shopping_cart:
Table Name:-Category:
Table Name:-Brand:
Table Name:-Description:
Table Name:-Product:
Table Name:-Refund_replacement:
Description: This will store Refund and Replacement information about Products
Field Name Data Type Size Constraints Description
Table Name:-Order:
a program with a primary objective of finding errors. Testing gives the guarantee that
the software does not fail and runs according to its specifications and in the way the end
user expects. This can be done by various software testing techniques which provide a
systematic guidance for designing tests that exercise the input and output domains of
The following software testing techniques were used in order to uncover errors in the
• Unit testing
• Integration testing
Unit testing is normally considered as an adjunct to the coding step. It is the test for the
small units of code, e.g. programs, modules or procedures, in order to ensure that they
perform their intended functions. All possible paths through the control structure are
exercised to ensure that all statements in a program are executed at least once. Unit
testing is also done to test the data flow across a module interface.
The following errors are uncovered during unit testing:
while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing.
During this activity, unit tested components are taken and a program structure is built
as per the design. Then incremental integration is performed on the system. This means
that programs are constructed and tested in small increments instead of testing the entire
program as a whole. This is done because correction of errors becomes difficult in case
of whole program testing as many errors were detected and it is not easy to correct them
at one go. Thus, through incremental integration testing, any error uncovered could be
White box testing is also called as glass box testing. It is related with the structure
(internal logic) of the program. It helps in uncovering many errors that black box testing
cannot. During white box testing activity, every statement of programs is executed at
least once. All independent paths are also executed. Every logical decision is executed
to check both true and false conditions. All loops are executed at their boundaries and
within their operational bounds. Validation checks are also done during this process.
requirements of the software. It is related to input and output only and not related with
the internal structure of the program. This testing is also done so as to find errors such
• Interface errors
• Performance errors
Test Case ID # 1
Test cases
Characters. characters.”
2. Enter
3. Click on
With 6
2. Enter
3. Click on
2. Enter
3. Click on
with 10
2. Enter
3. Click on
2. Enter
3. Click on
Test cases
1. 1. Enter It should display It displays error Pass
3. Click on
than 10
3. Click on
3. 1. Enter It should display It displays Pass
with 10
3. Click on
2.Enter password”.
as blank field.
3. Click on
characters ,
digits and
3. Click on
executed Result
First name
Test cases
1. 1. Enter first It should display It displays Pass
Submit only”.
2. Click on 50 characters.”
4. 1.Enter first It should display It displays Pass
characters. only.”
2. Click on
2. Click on
Last name
Test cases
1. 1. Enter last It should display It displays Pass
Submit only”.
2. Click on 50 characters.”
4. 1.Enter last It should display It displays Pass
characters. only.”
2. Click on
7. Implementation
Testing Implementation
After successful testing and go ahead signal it was decided to implement some of the
modules in real-world scenario. The system platform was created for those modules and
a branched number of users were also created so that the performance could be tested
as well. The system responded as per the expectation only were performance measures
parallel with the existing system and results are compared. When the results will be
satisfactory the system will be accepted by the client. All the required and critical
modifications in the system. The demonstration will be carried out with the management
and end users, who intern will also very satisfy with the outcomes of the systems.
The maintenance of existing system software can account for over 60% full
been delivered to the customer and put in to between 70% of the cost is devoted to
A. Modification
B. Debugging
Removal of errors that should never has been there in the first place. More than two-
fifths of
The magnitude of this proportion seems to reflect the lack of extendibility of commonly
1. Corrective maintenance
2. Adaptive maintenance
3. Perfective maintenance
making general enhancement. This accounts for the majority of all the effort expanded
on maintenance.
8. Software Manuals
Online shopping is a powerful Web-based tool. You can use online shopping to search
for items, view item details, send orders and review the status of your orders.
This handbook assumes the user is familiar with the use of an Internet browser, and has
access to the Internet. Except in situations specific to the use of Online Shopping,
instructions on using an Internet Browser or connecting to the Internet are beyond the
Getting Started
category and “Accessories” category. And also has header section. He/she can
3. Within “Mobile" category user has various options to choose. There is lots of
brand available in it. User can view the product brand vise user can view the
4. Within “Laptop" category user has various options to choose. There is lots of
brand available in it. User can view the product brand vise user can view the
8. User can add items into cart by clicking add to cart button of product.
9. User can add items into wish list by clicking add to wish list.
10. On clicking "add to cart" or “signup” for the first time visitor will register by
• This is the home page and user can select menu as per operation.
8.3. User Registration
• In this form user will enter details for register and click to submit button
for registration.
Click here
for buy
• User can view the product description and also give to review of the
8.4. Flow Charts
9. Drawbacks & Limitations
As there is no perfect system this system also contains following drawbacks and
connection fails the system can’t work. But there are rare chances for that.
Proposed Enhancement
Reduction of complexity.
Using this web application industry can reduce their paper work and human efforts we
have created an online Application. Also this software will help to increase customer
This software is also useful to accept and manipulate customer’s complaint online.
Any project, even on completion still is not done. Constant improvement, upgrades and
changes need to be made and newer versions are released. In today’s world where
technology changes every day, new changes are being introduced every now and then.
In maintaining the site, there is always a need to replenish all the features with the latest
Developing and implementing the system has been quite remarkable and challenging
experience for me. Getting a vast knowledge and varied learning experience in
numerous fields like Jsp, Html, JQuery, JavaScript, CSS and other designer assets has
helped in achieving perfection in SQL server and designing of the Web site. The client
will definitely get benefit from the reduced timings and manpower involved.
11. Bibliography
12. References
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