Sustainable Building Project Delivery in The Era of 4th Industrial Revolution
Sustainable Building Project Delivery in The Era of 4th Industrial Revolution
Sustainable Building Project Delivery in The Era of 4th Industrial Revolution
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Harnessing the fourth industrial revolution in the 21st century as a result of growing interconnectedness
for sustainable building projects requires digitization, and intelligent automation. The word has been widely used
automation, and the increased use of Information and in scientific literature, and World Economic Forum founder
Communications Technology (ICT). The construction and executive chairman Klaus Schwab popularized it in
industry compared to other industries seems to lag 2015 ( Bai, et al.2020). By obfuscating the distinctions
behind in incorporating these innovative technologies. between physical, digital, and biological entities,
However, there are numerous challenges in technological advance has discovered new ways to
implementing and engaging the use of technology in the demonstrate their capabilities. In addition to modern
construction industry. A review is done to identify the procedures supporting every industry component, the
issues underlining the adoption of technology in the revolution also promotes sustainability (Colombo, et al.
construction industry. 2014), of which renewable energy and energy efficiency are
two key elements (Lee, et al. 2018). Although the
This study shows that the critical factor affecting implementation is challenging, renewable energy still
the successful implementation is the lack of awareness accounts for 19.2% of consumption and is impacted by
and technical know-how. However, the study also technological advancements in the sector (Carvalho, et al
highlights that there are numerous opportunities in the 2018). The Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0) aims for a
future if critical steps are taken to bridge the gap in workable and sustainable manufacturing system and has a
technical knowledge for sustainable building projects higher level of complexity for integrating the production and
whilst adopting the technology of the fourth industrial product processes, where it becomes a part of the
revolution. sustainable system (Carvalho, et al 2018). When adopting
Industry 4.0 to create sustainable industries, all three aspects
Keywords:- Sustainability; Industrial Revolution; of sustainability—social, economic, and environmental—are
Information and Communication Technology; and valued and used for long-term competitiveness (Carvalho, et
Construction. al 2018). For both short- and long-term impacts on
I. INTRODUCTION sustainability, consideration of tactical, operational, and
strategic dimensions is crucial. By implementing 4IR, which
Since the 1700s, when the era of industrialization increases product quality while reducing time-to-market and
began, each industrial revolution has contributed improving operational performance, the benefits of 4IR are
significantly to the advancement of modern development. evident. Despite the many advantages offered by the other
The introduction of mechanical looms, which supplanted the industries, the building industry has been reluctant to adopt
agricultural industries and significantly improved the these ideas. Construction industry resistance to adopting IR
economic structure, occurred in the 1700s (Philbeck, & 4.0 was evident even in the complicated construction
Davis, 2018). These looms were powered by water and environment (Alaloul et al. 2020). Whereas the entire value
steam on mechanical machinery. The introduction of chain of construction involves numerous dispersed
electrical energy, which led to the establishment of the mass counterparts from all levels with a variety of backgrounds to
production system, sparked the Second Industrial cater to the unique needs of each project. Small and
Revolution in the 1870s (Alaloul, et al. 2020) These medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are now less able to invest
revolutions were dependent on how much more capable in new technologies due to the phenomenon's increased
humans were. The Third Industrial Revolution, brought on complexity in implementation.
by the development of electronics, took place in the 1970s.
The term "Digital Revolution" describes the technological Despite the obvious advantages that IR 4.0 principles
advancement from analog electronic and mechanical devices provide, the construction industry is still having trouble
to the current state of digital technology (Alaloul, et al. implementing them. There are a few difficulties in the
2020). The Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) is now construction sector that lead to incompatibility. Complexity,
being constructed upon the Digital Revolution, in which ambiguity, a disjointed supply chain, short-term thinking,
people and technology are interconnected. The Fourth and culture are among the issues, according to Oesterreich
Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is a and Teuteberg (Oesterreich, &Teuteberg, 2016). The
concept that describes the significant changes in technology, engagement of numerous stakeholders makes construction
industries, and societal patterns and processes that will occur projects difficult, making them special. A project's degree of
Because we utilized primary data for the research, an Relative Importance Index (RII)
ex post facto research design was adopted since the data
already exists and we will not carry out any further The AI equation is as described below:
iterations on the data.For this study questionnaires were Relative Importance Index RII ð Þ¼
distributed to multiple construction companies, PW
Questionnaires were distributed by E-mail and hard A N ð2Þ
copies.Table 1 represents the demographic data of the where
respondents. W: scale weightage from 1 to 5, given to each factor
For this study, MS Excel was utilized for Average respondents,
Index (AI) and Relative Importance Index (RII), SPSS was A: highest weightage is given,
N: total number of respondents.
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1: Demographic Summary of Respondents
As listed in fig.1 47% of the respondents who Given the list of technologies, by verifying and
identified as being exposed to IR 4.0-related technologies, identifying the IR 4.0-related technologies and concepts. the
identified Social Media and Building Information Modeling data concludes that all the Industry 4.0-related technologies
(BIM) as the most common technologies they have used. have been implemented and utilized. This data proves that
Identified in the mid-range (40– 60%) of the combined despite the even distribution of responses in FIG 2. It shows
technologies were Internet of things (IoT) that these innovative technologies listed as attained some
Modularization/Prefabrication, /Internet of Services (IoS), level of maturity within the construction industry.
Digitization, and Automation.