SSS 3 Geography Mock

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4/14/16 Ifelodun Street, Off Oladun Street, Council Bus Stop, Idimu. Lagos.
MOCK Subject: GEOGRAPHY Class: SSS 3
EXAMINATION Term: Second Session: 2022/2023

Name-: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Instruction: Answer all questions in this part. (OBJECTIVES)

1 . The predominant process of weathering in desert region is ? (a) biological (b) chemical (c) erosional
(d) physical
2. Which of the following factors affecting temprature I . Latitude II Time III. Wind direction IV Ocean
currecnt (a) I and II only (b)II and III only (c) II and IV only (d) I and II only
3. .......... Rocks are crystalline in structure (a) metamorphic (b) sedimentary (c) weather(d) igneous
4. The lines of ............. can be used to determine the distance between two point of the globaL(a)
calculation (b) latitude (c) distance (d) logtitude
5. ................ soil are formed from the disintrigation of rock (a) state (b) formation (c) crystaline (d) solid
6. All are 5 key component of Gis Except (a) date (b) software (c) hardware (d) people (c) component
7 . ............ IS the measure of the dampness of the atmosphere due to water in gaseous state (a) assurance
(b) rock (c) lithiosphere (d) humidity
8. Temprature decreases with height in the (a) strotosphere (b) trosposhere (c) ionosphere (d) exosphere
9. A temporary salt lake found in arid and semi arid areas is also called (a) playa (b) wadi (c) bajada
{d} messa
10. A ................ can be define as an elevated up land with extensive level surface which usually descend .
(a) vocanic (b) plateau (c) land (d) earth
11 ............... is the only satellite of the earth (a) sun (b) light (d) moon (d) object
12. .......... can be define as the official headcount of the people in a country (a) population (b) population
data (c) populatio census (d) census
13 . ............. Rsources can be get from the forest and savanna (a) tree (b) herb (c) vegetation (d) timber
14 . Transportation by air is faster than water transportation (TRUE OR FALSE)
15. GIS Means .......................
16. ........... is defined as the condition the of lower atmosphere of a place over a short period (a) Road (b)
soil (c) weather (c) hydrosphere (d) Rock
17. Petroleum is usually found in (a) resistant rocks (b)igneous rocks (c) metamorphic rocks (d)
sedimentary rocks
18. Within the hydrosphere water from seas and oceans is .................. (a) ionized (b) evaporate (c)
oxidized (d) hydrolyzed
19 . How many standard time Zones will a country with a longtitudinal extent of 165degree have
(a) 9 (b) 11 (c) 15 (d) 16
20 . .............. is the visible part of the solar energy (a) cloud (b) sunshine (c) rainfall (d) pressure
21. A plateau highly erode by rivers and broken by deep narrow valleys is (a) intermont plateau (b)
volcanic plateau (c) dissected plateau (d) lava plateau
22. Which of the following is not a proof of the spherical shape of the earth (a) ships visibility (b) circular
horizon (c) lunar eclipse (d) coastal submergency
23. A rock in which water cannot easily pass through is termed (a) permeable (b) porous (c) impermeable
(d) aquifer
24. Which of the problems facing international trade ? I political instability II low tariffs III. inadequate
foreign exchange IV. strained relation (a) I II, and IV only (b) II, III and IV only (c) I,II and III only
(d) I ,II and IV only
25. Two opposite longitudes form (a) Great circle (b) the Equator (c) the International dateline (d) the
Arctic Circle
26. Wwhat is the local time in Town X at 45degree E , when it is the noon at 0 degree ? (a) 6.oopm (b) 6.00
am (c) 3.00pm (d) 3.00am
27. Which of the following examples of igneous rock is extrusive? (a) Granite (b) basalt (c) Gabbro (d)
28. Rift valleys are formed through which of the following processes ? (a) Erosion (b) Folding (c)
Weathering (d) faulting
29. Caverns, dry valleys and underground drainage are associated with which of the following areas (a)
Coastal (b) Desert (c) Limestone (d) Mountainious
30. Which of the following processes of wind action is erosion? a. saltation b. deflation c. suspension d.
31. From what are carbonaceous type of sedimentary rocks made of? a. tropical heat b. molten magma c.
vegetable matter d. coral remains
32. Which of the following is a drainage pattern? a. delta b. mouth c. sourse d. trellis
33. The instrument, barometer is used for measuring ____________ a. temperature b.wind speed c. relative
humidity d. air pressure
34. Which climatic type has winter rain? a. equitorial b. meditarian c. tropical continental d. tropical
35. Which of the following igneous intrusions is horizontally inclined? a. sill b. dyke c. lacolith d.
36. Which of the following rocks is not metamorphic? a. shale b. schist c. quartzite d. slate
37. If the temperature reading at an observatory located on top of a dormant volcano is 60 c, what will be
the temperature at the bottom of the volcano, if the observatory is 3000meters from the surrounding low
land? a. 5.50 c b. 13.50 c c. 25.50 c d. 35.30c
38. The type of rain mostly experienced within the tropics is? a. fog b. relief c. frontal d. convectional
39. A feature commonly found in the youthful stage of a river is called? a. levee b. meander c. Ox-bow
lake d. interlocking spurs
40. Which of the following is not a characteristics Wadis? a. they are river channels b. they occur in
tropical areas c. they hold permanent streams d. they have steep cragy walls
41. Stalactites and stalagmites are associated with which type of the following rock. a. granite b. sand
stone c. lime stone d. basalt
42. What is the time in Accra at longitude 0 degree when the local time at longitude 450 west is 12 noon.
a. 3pm b. 5pm c. 7pm d. 9pm
43. What is the distance between two places on the surface of the earth which are located 80N and 100S at
the same longitude? a. 1,011km b. 1,998km c. 10,101km d. 17,770km
44. Which of the following layers in the atmosphere does temperature increase with altitude? a.
troposphere b. ionosphere c. stratosphere d. exosphere
45. Relief rainfall is mostly associated with ________ a. lowlands b. peneplains c. islands d. deserts
46. Autotrophs, heterotrophs and decomposers are associated with a. vegetation b. climaate c. eco
system d. geology
47. Which of the following peers of words is not correctly shown? a. clay --> slate b. limestone --> marble
c. sandstone --> quartzite d. shale --> graphite
48. The envelope of gases surrounding the Earth's crust is called a. hydrosphere b. barysphere c.
atmosphere d. lithosphere
49. The most predominant occupation of most of the population of West African countries is a. farming b.
fishing c. mining d. teaching
50. Trans-continental highways link up a. mining cities b. countries in a continent c. state headquaters
d. local settlements.

1a. What is atmospheric pollution ?
i) Write out 5 major sources of Air pollutant (ii) explain 4 effect of atmospheric pollution
1b . What is climate? (i) write out 4 differences between weather and climate (ii) write out four instruments
used in measuring weather elements
1c. Write sort note on the following (i) latitude (ii) longitude (iii) earth quake (iv) mountain (v)hydrosphere
(ocean basin)
2. What is vegetation
2b . Write out 4 importance of vegetation to man
2c. List five minerals found in Nigeria
3a. Mention the 2 natural resources and give sort explanation on each of them
3b What is environmental resources?
3c . Name five environmental resources and discuss the importance of one to man
4a. Write out 3 effects of mountain on climate
4b. List an explain uses of mountain
4c List 7 importance of African lake
5a. Highlight four contributions of transportation to the economic development of Nigeria
5b. Draw a sketch map of Nigeria . on the map , locate and name (i) 0werri , ibadan , birnin kebbi , (ii) cross
river and fadama
5c. Outline FOUR factors that encourage tourism in Nigeria


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