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Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University

Email: [email protected]


A microscope is a tool that works on the principle of light or is called an optical instrument. Microscopes
are usually used in laboratories and are designed to view small objects. There are two types of optical
microscopes, namely, biological microscopes and stereo microscopes. Biological microscopes use light
as a medium to transmit images to the eye of the observer which serves to observe microscopic and
transparent parts. An introduction to the working principle of a microscope must be known so that in
addition to being able to use it easily, getting good results or shadows of objects and to anticipate and
avoid errors in the use of a microscope. In general, microscope parts are divided into two groups, namely
optical parts and non-optical or mechanical parts. The optical part consists of the eyepiece, objective
lens, diaphragm, condenser and mirror. The non-optical parts consist of a microscope tube, revolver,
handle, fine guide screw, rough guide screw, preparationtable and microscope leg.
Keywords: microscope, microscopis, optic, mechanics

1. INTRODUCTION easily. With that, an explanation is

The human eye can only see objects needed in the form of a good guide to
that are normal to large. But for objects the use of a microscope and correct to
which is very small, the human eye is avoid mistakes and error during use.
not will be able to see it. There are many Judging from the description above, the
objects in this world that microscopic Of practical about how to operate the
course, humans can't see it eye. With microscope necessary carried out to
that, a microscope is needed as a tool know clearly and practice directly how
which can help researchers in observing procedures for using a microscope. The
the small object. The microscope is an benefits of this practicum are, students
important tool in laboratory can identify the parts of a microscope
installations, namely to perform an and can understand their respective
observation of a very small object not functions, knowing how to observe
even visible to the naked eye. The objects simple, and know how to use
microscope serves to help humans in and care microscope.
observe the constituent structures very
small objects and cannot be seen with 2. THEORETICAL BASIS
the naked eye (microscopic). Microscopes are one of the most
The mirror and the glass in the lens important inventions in the world of
are components on a microscope that science since microscopes enable us to
desperately needs detailed see the small and abstracts structures
understanding and prudence in its use that cannot be seen with naked eyes.
because it is a component that damaged Though microbes are used in many
fields, Biology is one of the fields where magnification of 7 to 30 times. Thing
microbes are the most commonly used. that observed with this microscope can
Microscopes were first used in Biology be seen 3 dimensions. Main components
in the 17th century. The work authored of a stereo microscope similar to a light
by Stelluti Francisco in 1625 on the microscope. Lens consists of an
bodies of bees is the very first scientific eyepiece and an objective lens.
publication that is based on
microscopes. Several fields within 3. RESEARCH METHOD
biology are based on microscopes, A. PLACE AND TIME
including cellular and molecular
biology, microbiology, bacteriology and East biology laboratory 3rd floor,
many others. Microscopes come in a faculty of mathematics and science.
variety of styles and are designed for use Friday, 29 October 2021 at 08.20-11.00
in different situations.
A microscope is an instrument
designed to make fine details visible.  MICROSCOPE
Themicroscope must accomplish three
tasks: produce a magnified image of D. WORKING STEPS
thespecimen (magnification), separate
i. Setting up the microscope
the details in the image (resolution),
andrender the details visible to the eye,  Put the microscope on the
camera, or other imaging device workbench.
(contrast).  Clean the microscope with plannel.
Microscope is an optical instrument  Take the glass preparations and
consisting of two convex lenses which glass conclusion. Purify the glass
are used for magnifying very small preparations and cover glass with
objects. The two series of lenses are the flannel.
objective lens and the eyepiece lens. The
lens placed toward the object is ii. Regulates the entry of light into the
represented as an objective lens, and the tubus
one closer to our eyes is eyepiece lens.
The focal length of the objective lens is  Pointing the microscope mirror
shorter than the eyepiece lens as it helps towards light. Open the
in receiving more light rays from an diaphragm rotate the plate in the
object and forms a bright image. Many position of the hole currently
compound microscopes are binocular  Adjusting the revolver position so
and have two ocular lenses. A binocular that the lens the shortest objective
type will have a prism, either in the head faces preparation table until it
or in the body tube that helps to split the clicks.
image and direct it to the eyepiece.  Lower the tubus to the tip
There are two types of microscopes, distance objective with a dosage
namely the light microscope which has a table of 5-10 mm or maximal
magnification 1000 times max. The descending tubus.
microscope has legs that heavy and  Looking through the eyepiece
sturdy so it can stand stably. A light with left eye without squinting. If
microscope has three lens dimensions, it's bright uneven, the mirror is
namely: objective lens, eyepiece and moved so that even light.
condenser lens. Stereo microscope  The microscope is used to
which is a type of a microscope that can observe the preparation.
only be used for objects which is  Adjusting the distance between
relatively large. Stereo microscope has a the lens and the preparation.
 Rotating the coarse or glass object around so it doesn't
macrometer towards the great shake.
finger, the tubus descends, the  Taking into account the objective
distance objective with a reduced distance with glass objects no
dosage table. more than 10mm.
 Installing glass objects containing  Gazing through the chili eyepiece
preparations preserved on the rotate the macrometer by raising
table of such preparations such tube slowly.
that the observed material is in the  Take out the glass slide when
center of the table hole, clamp the finished observing.


Table of observations:

B. DISCUSSION to observe which thin transparent object

irradiation is given from below with natural
The microscope is used to see every light or lamp. From the practicum, The
invisible object. Biological microscope used
results obtained that the biological was obtained on how to take care of the
microscope consists of two major parts, microscope, namely by cleaning
namely the optical part and the part microscope body using flannel and
mechanics with their respective functions. notcan clean the lens using a cloth other
Part optics consists of: than flannel to prevent damage on the
lens (Suparti. 2010).
 Ocular lens, to magnify the object
formed by the objective lens. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
 Tube, to adjust the focus, can be
raised and lowered.
 Objective lens, to determine the The microscope consists of:
objective image and enlarge the mechanical and optical parts. Optical
observed object. parts related to sight and senses while
 Condenser, is an additional lens that the mechanical part is related using a
serves to collect light that enters the mover on a microscope. In observing the
microscope. preparation simple, need adequate light
 Diaphragm, in the form of holes that both natural and artificial light (lights)
are small in size to as wide as the as well as in the observations made
hole on the object table. The adjustment using both screws guide to
diaphragm functions to regulate the the microscope. The microscope has
amount of light that will enter the components that are made of glass and
microscope. are easy to use damaged so that caution
 Mirror, to reflect and direct light is required and accuracy in using a
into the microscope. microscope.
 Microscope foot, to support the Do not clean the microscope
microscope. occasionally use cloth other than cloth
 Handle, serves as a place holding a planel especially on the microscope lens
microscope. for avoid breaking the lens.
 Ready handle, serves to clamp
object so it doesn't move. B. SUGGESTION
 Fine guide screw, to focus the image
For practitioners preferably in the
of an object slowly, so that the
next practicum arrived on time
microscope tube goes down or up
according to schedule determined and
the activity of each practitioner as well
 Coarse guide screw, to find the as cooperation in group is further
focus of the object's image quickly so improved.
that the microscope tube goes down
or up quickly. 6. REFERENCE
Apart from microscope parts, from In Hakan Kurt and friends. 2013.
this practicum, information is obtained Educational Research and Riviews.
about how to observing the dosage Necmettin Erbakan University.
preparations, namely by adjusting the Konya/Turkey
First, the light that enters through the
mirror microscope, put the preparation Mortimer Abramowits. 2003. Microscope
on a glass slide and then give a drop of Basic and Beyond.New York
water and then close it use a cover slip. Microscopical society Consultant,
After that start look through the objective Technical Information. USA.
lens and rotate coarse guide screw and
fine guide screw to get a clear image of
the preparation. In addition, information
Lavanya, A and friends. 2017. Faculty of
Dental Sciences, University of
Applied Sciences. India.
Suparti. 2010. Mikroskop. ALPRIN:
Ramadhani, Sulistyanti Puteri. 2020.
Pengelolaan Laboratorium. Yiesa
Media Karya: Depok.
1. Write the name of the optical part of the microscope!
 Objective lens
 Ocular lens
 Mirror

2. Write the name of the mechanical part of the microscope!

 Condenser regulator
 Microscope feet
 Mechanical drive
 pole
 Macrometer
 Arm or handle
 Micrometer
 Prep table
 revolver
 Dosing table hole
 Tubus
 Diaphragm
 Condenser

3. If the image in the field of view is shifted to the front left, in which direction should the
object/glass preparation be shifted? Why is that?
If the image in the field of view is to be shifted to the left-front, then the object/glass
preparation must be shifted to the right-back. This is done because what we see in the field of
view is the image produced by the objective lens and eyepiece which is the opposite of the
object. Therefore, if the image is to be shifted in the field of view, the preparation must be
shifted in the opposite direction.

4. Write down the negative effect on the microscope if the lens is rubbed with a cloth or plain/rough
The negative effect on the microscope if the lens is rubbed with a cloth or refractive paper
will cause scratches on the lens and this will automatically interfere with the observation
process, so that the observations made will result in something less accurate and cause the
resulting image to be inconsistent with the actual and the lens. The microscope will be damaged
and cannot be used.

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