Dragonborn Monk Stufe 1

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Shaggaust the Majestic

Monk 1 0
Dragonborn (Blue Dragon Ancestry) Spy

Alignment: Neutral. I will help others,
but avoid serious personal risks or
SAVING THROWS 14 +2 30 ft.
Armor Worn: none (Unarmored Defense)
loyalties that don't benefit me.
Spy Background [PHB p. 129]
+4 Strength Saves * • Feature: Criminal Contact.
+2 +4 Dexterity Saves *
+1 Constitution Saves 
15 -1 Intelligence Saves 
+2 Wisdom Saves 
• Traits: Plays dumb to dupe others.
Seeks fortune to help others.
• Ideal: Aspires to be a spymaster.
• Bond: Seeks missing lover.
+0 Charisma Saves  DEATH SAVES:   Success  O O O   Fail  O O O • Flaw: Paranoid, trusts no one.
* Prof. bonus added Dragonborn Traits
+113 +2  Animal
+2  Acrobatics (Dex)
Handling (Wis)
Basic Attack. One target per Attack action.
(Blue Dragon Ancestry) [PHB p. 32]
• Creature Type:
• Age: 29 years old
• Medium Size (5' 11", 225 lbs.)
-1  Arcana (Int) Martial Arts. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 • Drac. Breath Weapon (lightning)
+2  Athletics (Str) to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d4+2 • Drac. Resistance (half damage vs.
bludgeoning damage. Can also lighting)
INT +2  Deception (Cha) *
-1  History (Int)
+4  Insight (Wis) *
+0  Intimidation (Cha)
make unarmed strike as bonus
Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit. Hit:
Monk Class Features [PHB p. 76, XGtE
p. 33]
• Unarmored Defense (AC)
1d4+2 piercing damage. (Normal range • Martial Arts (1d4, bonus attack)
-1  Investigation (Int) to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to
+2  Medicine (Wis) 60 ft.)
+2 -1  Nature (Int)
+2  Perception (Wis)
14 +2  Performance (Cha) *
Draconic Breath Weapon: Once between
short or long rests, breathe out 5 ft. by
+0  Persuasion (Cha) 30 ft. line of lightning causing 2d6
+1  Religion (Int) * lightning damage (DC 11 Dex save for
CHA +2  Sleight of Hand (Dex) half damage) to all caught in area.
+0 +4  Stealth (Dex) *
+2  Survival (Wis)
11 * Prof. bonus added
Martial Arts During A Turn: Counting
actions and bonus actions, make two
unarmed attacks or one weapon attack
plus one unarmed attack in turn.
(Opportunity attack is a seperate
reaction, do once per round.)
Armor: none Carried Gear [PHB, p. 143]: ten (10) darts,
Weapons: simple weapons, shortsword belt pouch, crowbar, set of dark common
Tools: disguise kit, musical instrument clothes with hood. (This load is about 7.5
(flute), thieves' tools lbs.; add 1 lb. per 50 coins carried.)
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity Coins & Gems:
3 gold pieces (gp);
43 silver
Skills: Deception, Insight, Performance, pieces (sp);
39 copper pieces (cp);
3 gems
Religion, Stealth (worth 10 gp each)
Languages: Common, Draconic
Lifting & Carrying: 210 lbs. max.
carrying capacity; 420 lbs. pushing or
dragging (speed -5 ft.); 420 lbs. max. lift.

PLAYING THE GAME describing their characters' • For ability checks, saving throws, and
• The Dungeon Master (DM) describes responses. attack rolls, roll 1d20 + one ability
a scene and players take turns modifier + proficiency bonus (if
proficient in task). The higher the ACTIONS (1 per turn) MOVEMENTS (limited by Speed)
total, the better the effort. The DM • Attack: Roll to hit, melee or ranged. • Move: Distance equal to Speed.
tracks minimum totals needed for Some classes and creatures make • Crawl, Climb, Swim, Squeeze, Move
successful results. extra attacks at higher levels with Across Difficult Terrain or Move
• For initiative rolls, roll 1d20 + this action. While Grappling: "Half speed," uses
Initiative (Dex) modifier. Higher totals • Cast Spell: If casting time 1 action. up 10 ft. of Speed per 5 ft. distance.
act before lower totals in the same • Dash: Double Speed this turn. • Drop Prone: No cost to Speed.
6-second round. • Disengage: Avoiding all opportunity • Stand Up: From Prone
• During a turn, a character or creature attacks while moving; "defensive position/condition, costs half Speed
may do 1 movement, 1 action and up retreat." that turn.
to 1 bonus action. Between turns, do • Dodge: Give attackers disadvantage. • Take Cover: At end of move, half
up to 1 reaction. • Escape: Try to break free from cover gives +2 to Armor Class and
• Advantage: Roll two d20s and use grapple. Dexterity saving throws; three-
the higher result. Disadvantage: Roll • Grapple: Special melee attack. quarter cover gives +5 AC and Dex
two d20s and use the lower result. • Help: Give an ally advantage on one saves.
• On attack rolls only, a "natural 20" is ability check or attack roll. REACTIONS (1 between turns)
always a critical hit, while a "natural • Hide: Stealth allowed only if • Cast Spell: If casting time 1 reaction.
1" is always a miss. unobserved. • Opportunity Attack: May make one
• Saving throws are rolled as needed at • Ready: Plan to take action as attack if enemy moves out of reach.
any time due to attacks, spells, or reaction when trigger occurs. • Readied Action: After trigger occurs,
hazzards. • Search: Perception or Investigation else action wasted.
• A character may die if failing three check.
death saves while at 0 hit points, • Shove: Special melee attack. FREE ACTIONS
gaining 6 levels of exhaustion, or • Stabilze: DC 10 Medicine check to • Concentration (Maintain A Spell):
suffering certain deadly spells and aid 0 h.p. dying creature; automatic Ends if caster starts another
hazzards. success if using healer's kit. concentration spell, or the caster is
• Specific traits, features, spells, and • Use Object: Pick a lock, activate incapacitated, stunned, unconscious,
magic items may create exceptions magical item, cover a hooded or killed. If caster takes damage, a
to any rules. lantern, etc. Constitution saving throw is needed
• Use Potion: Drink or administer. to avoid immediately ending spell.
• Use Shield: Equip or drop a shield. DC is equal to 10 or half damage
BONUS ACTIONS (up to 1 per turn) taken, whichever is greater. Each hit
• Offhand Attack: If doing Attack as needs a separate saving throw
action, may make one attack this check.
turn if light weapon in other hand. • Interacting With An Object:
• Cast Spell: If casting time 1 bonus Generally part of another Movement
action. or Action. Examples: Draw one
weapon, drop a held object, or open
an unlocked door.


Page number references...
[PHB] = Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook (5th edition) by Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, published Aug. 19, 2014, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10:
0786965606; ISBN-13: 978-0786965601).

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