Shahzaib Ahmed - Docoments

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IQOCS Certification CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT | 000 « ) ed ay ek This is to certify that ® SHAHZAIB AHMED Attended and successfully passed the required assessment of 1SO 45001 Lead Auditor (Occupational Health & Safety Management System) Training Course Course No.: 1929 This course is certified by the Chartered Quality Institute and the Intemational Register of Certificated Auditors and satisfies part of the formal training requirement for individuals seeking certification under the IRCA OHSMS 2018 Auditor Certification Scheme Heldin PAKISTAN 27%—31" December 2021 Course Leader/Examiner: Ss Ss CQI and IRCA ULN: os 344599 TRACY CHOOT aca IRC APPROVED AINING NER H Gniversity of Karachi - 11043" SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS SECTION z : A TRANSCRIPT FOR HONOURS EXAMINATION Terminal Bppomontony SHAHZAIB AHMED. FATIIER NAME :__JAMALNASIR. B.Sc. Hons.) - SEATNO.: P.125336 DEPARTMENT: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES FACULTY: SCIENCE ENROLMENT NO. + _SCVENV/EP-21235/2012__ YEAR OF PASSING: 2015 wo) Em | mist : a counsexo.| Em | ST ao | anc |. com ze ‘lHisameeee| een |S soa ay 7 G = SEMESTERT | OrAINED 52 ce 59 50 53 XX XX 303 ee PakSt Urd,. a coursino.| MS | Ure | go | ane | cum souseen | ams, || | @ | @ | o | xx [xe [oo : courseso.| ao | 403 | cum | mic 3 MARKS: 4 5 senesrenms | sams | os | | @ | oo | xe | xx | x | oe — coinstves| ier |Pes[exaull se ‘MARKS — aaa Sa a | | 6 xe | xe | xe | ar counsexo.| sor | sos | sos | sor | soo Bes ARES: o 6 58 6s 6 XX, XX 326 ‘OUTAINED, Bum courstno.| sa sn | so I 'seanesrer Vt MARI 2 rc a oo a XX XX 328 OBTAIN Course Tits & Grading Seale over ea GRAND TOTAL: 1796 2800 RESULT: passes (©) POSITION: XNXNANANAXAXK PREPARED BY : fy PERCENTAGE 64.15%. DIVISION: __FIRST. DEPUTY CONTROLLER. cnecxen py: Abr DATE: 25-07-2016 - CONTROVLERDF EXAMINATIONS ‘University reserves the right o correct any inadvertent ertor that may be detected inthe marKAcentitiate PRETED At BEG:A T, Despeed by SES yoorup 19.2018 iy. 2000 Plot 163, Sector 23, Korangl Industrial Area ” Karachi, Pakistan, 74900 “Tel No: (92.21) 386594221 -24| (9221) 35070961 - 66 ~~ AUTOSAFE* een REF: HR-PAS-KHI/CL-28 11-May=2022 Mr. Shahzaib Ahmed SR EXECUTIVE Plastech Autosafe (Put} Limited Karachi. cc IRMATION OF SERVICE Dear Mr. Shahzaib Ahmed, Consequent ta the review of your performance during your probation, we have the pleasure in informing you that, your services are canfiem as a “SR. EXECUTIVE” in our “QUALITY” Department with effect from 07-May-2022 |All the other terms and conditions 2s detailed in your appoirtment letter remain-unchanged. We look forward to your valuable contributions and wish you all the very best for @ rewarding career with the organization Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter as a receipt of acceptance of the same. CC; Personal File » Plot 163, Sector 23, Koran! Industral Area 2 Karachi, Pakistan, 74900 Tn Tol No: (9221) 38694221. 24 | (92 21) 35070961 - 66 AUTOS AFE ° Email: info@autorafe com ae Website: 07-Feb-2022 REF:HR-PAS-KHI/AL-00/22. Mr. Shahzaib Ahmed, 42101-4874392-5 Subject: Appointment Letter Dear Shahzaib Ahmed, We Plastech Autosafe (Private) imited (the “Company” are pleased to appoint you as “SR, EXECUTIVE” in our “QUALITY” Department on the following terms and condition, From 07-Feb-2022. 1, Remuneration and Benefits LA. The Employee shall receive a salary consisting of the following: Total Computation Package Gross Salary ‘54000 Fuel 40 uter Mobile Sim Limit: 800 1.2. The Empioyee shall be entitled to other benefits as follows: 1.2.1.Hospitalization benefits for the Employee, spouse and dependent children under the age of 23 yoors. 4.2.2, Days leave (inclusive of all kine) per annum, to allowed on pro-rata basi. 3. The Employee's salary will be payable at the end of every calender month after deduction of any amounts due to the Company by the Employee or any amounts that the Company is required to deduct under the laws of Pakistan. 1.4, The Employee acknowledges that the allowances stated herein are in accordance with the current poticies of the Company and may be amended at any time at the sole discretion of the Company; \Valid only on examination date(s} shown below Domirus Way ‘Meridian Business Park Lecester LE18 10 sopra ote 26 Ton nebosh fecov 224000 twrs armed seca zat Pak fet Selon neh Pak Ste ohare Patisan NEBOSH Intarnational General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety ‘Student number: 00399634 First name/s (Given name}: Shahzalb ‘Sumame (Family name): Ahmed. Full name: ‘Shahzalb Ahmed? Course provider 1404 - Pak Safety Solutions Examination verue: 1706 - British Council - Karachi, Pakistan Examination regulations and guidance 4) Checkusth your course providerin gaad time te ensira thet you know averty hare Sach inl evaminatan ie heing hal ‘and to confirm the stat time for each unit examination. Please lai wit your course provider recarding the ‘arrangements forthe practical aplication unit. 2 You should keep this examination entry confirmation ina safe place and ensure that you bring it with you toeach ofthe unit ‘examinations for which you are registered. 8 You must display this confimation prominently on your desk throughout the examinations. 4 You must not mark this canfimaon in any way before or durirg the examinations, except to sign below in the presence of the inialator (except in cases where the practical appicatio unit (GC3) has been competed pioro receipt of this confimation) fo canfim that youhave read the regulatons overleaf and that you agree to atide by them. You are registered for the followin; ees please see 1 above 0:00 - 0:00 Health and safety practical application Candidates signature Isc Weanesaay su August 2017 wou - a0 ‘Management of international health and safety Candidate's signature ‘You shoud receive nobteaton of your esl by ‘Thursday 9 November 2017 * Ploase ensure that your name ia shown correctly (see overleaf), co] Repel nga rt We be: 268800 ‘arene cmon ed» gatanee epstees chy rmbw Tae Examination regulations for the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Candidates are required to observe the following regulations: 1. Please ame at be examin Yom at least ten minutes before the stat of sac) unt examineton, Only in. very excectcnal Coumstances wit you be allowed 10 enter the examination room ater the examination hes stared, You must bring his Examination Entry Confimatton with you 2 The oonfmation must be dlsplayed on the Cesk trowghcut the ‘earrinaion. Yeu ate required to sgn ths comraten in the presence of the invgiator before each unt examination. You may be asked for photographic evidence of identy (eg. amurg teerce, rational ident card. passport or sil). Pens, pencis and a ruler ‘ray be brought inthe exanination room in a clear lasticbap, 3. Personalited answer books wil be provided for the writen apes. Your name, or any clher ientfeation spat trom your sudent number, must not appear anywhere on the answer book. ‘You must check that the student number on your Examination Entry CConfrmaticn ie ientcal tothe student number on your answer book. Please notly the invigator immecsely itis not A. You must not use any notes cr kooks during the exemination, Al ‘sich mateel braught into the examination room must be herded to the inviiletor before the examination bess. Infingement of this, equation may resttn cisqualfication. 5. Please wite clearly and legbly. The Examiners cannot award rnarts #f they cannot read your wring. You must wrie n black or Hue ink or ballpsint pen. You must not use correcting fuds, pens tape or Hiahiatter pers. 46 Please start each question on a new pane and ensure that the ‘uestion rumber is writen ceary in the box provided at the too of ach page. All werk, induding rough work. should be cone within the answer boa 7. Stict silence must be maintained during the examination, and you must not communicate with, or ty to copy from, hers. Infingement of fis regulation wil resuit In disqusiiction. Mobile tolophonet, MP3 players, pagers, squprrent producing auble Sigrale ard other products wth texto intemet falites must be awtiched ff and placod bovend reach Caleuetore can he eed In ‘he examination and can be eiter hater or solar powered, Ccaedetors mist not: + be destaned o darted oof anquoge transation; + be designed or darted to offer communication with ‘other machines or the ntemet, + be boomed ftom another candidate; + have rabievableinfermaton stores in ther, ‘This confirmation must not be marked In any way before or during the examin. 6. Yeu vill not be lowed to leave the examination reom urt the expiry fof one hour fan the ofc! start time and will net normely be allowed toretum, H you leave oxy pease so co guity and hend in bob your ‘emanation question paper and script to tho iviglter. You will not be Pamited to leave the examination in the last hf hour ofthe examination inorder to avid disturbance b cher candiates. 9. Wher he imiglator announces thet the examination is over, you ‘must stop wltng immediately. Your scipt and queston paper must be hengea 10 me InMghatar a Dee ein) Af tie erarivin. YOU mat remain seats unl sriptshave been collected, Requests for special constderaton ‘Ary cendidste who teels trey may be disadvantaged in the exarinaion ‘ue © an finess, family bersaverent,cstaven oF for eny other reser hich apples at the tine of the examinaion must repor tis to me inigistor athe ame of the eaminatin, You must ASO request Mat forma, writen confimation te sert by the invigiator to NEBOSH, corroborated by the inviglator and with medical evidence wnere priate, ‘The NESOSH Results Panel wil ghe spedal consideration to all sucn represertaons before the eximination results ae ceclared, Requests for special censileraion sre net sdrissble afer results have been |ssued oer than in wholly exceptional sreumstances. NB Plesse note that special considarafon cannot be given for factors thet have afectes examination preparaton eg illness curing the course revision time. Results Results wil be made evaiable to your Course Provider. Results wil be arable by the notation cate shown overeat. ‘Student name ‘Your name (as shown ovetes) wil appear on your unit certiates ard final qualifeaion parchment, (ramas enceeding 60 charsctes. may aopear over Wo oF more lines). If your name is sown incorrectly you must immediately advise us in wrtg enclosing 8 copy of supporting hotogranhic “idetifcaton en current passpot, ving cence or raicnal ety care: NESOSH will make every efort to accommodate ‘your request but please rote that due to reguatoy requirements ths ‘may net always be possble. NEBOSH resenes the right to charge ‘candids or rissung cerfitin. ‘except for your signature as required at regulation 2 above. KARACHI PORT TRUST MANAGER TRAINING & EDUCATION ir go No. M/T&E/Internship/KPT/ Deied 70S§ YU OP ty CERTIFICATE OF INTERNSHIP AT KARACHI PORT TRUST This is to certify that Mr. Shahzaib Ahmed S/o Jamal Nasir, Student of B.S., Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Karachi has successfully completed his Internship during the period from 28" June to 28" July, 2012 at Karachi Port Trust. He has compiled and submitted. his Internship Report on Karachi Port Trust. During his Internship he was found hard working and sincere to his assignment. \ MANAGER (T&E) Phone Office : 9203950 Telex : 20296, Fax : 9214329 - 9214330 ~@ SAs TEXEXPORT (PRIVATE) LTD. MANUFACTURER & EXPORTER OF WOVEN GARMENTS Deted: 01-11-2017 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Thivts:to.certify that Mr. SHahzaib Ahmed has worked-with SAS Texexport (Pvt.) Ltd as a ETP In charge Fromidated 16 May,2016 till 30 Sep,2017. In this period he has shown full Sincerity, Dedication and Hard work towards his céhcétned job; which has helped in improving the management ot the company. Thi to inform that Mr. Shahzaib Ahriiéd fia Been relieved of all his duties. | wish him good llick and great future ahead. HR Manager q Office & factory: 1-39/2-A, Block-22, Fedral *B" Industrial Area, Karachi Forwel Prone: 0092-21-34034651-54, 0092-21-36979460-2, 0092-21-36953104, Fax : 0092-21-36979463 —_ /ebsite:,E-mail: [email protected], This is a certificate awarded to Shahzaib Ahmed on successfully completing Managing Safely a course approved and validated by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health in association with PAK Satety Solutions Signed cn behalf of JOSH. aa Date: 99 July 9017 Cert No: 524007 Highfield ‘awarding body for compliance | Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Certifies that Shahzaib Ahmed has successfully passed an assessment in HABC Level 2 International Award in Fire Safety mom vse DISTINCTION Certcatenumber FIR(349777 Course Director Training Organisation Highfield ichard Sprenger Chairman Hibele Awarding Boa for Compliance Global leaders in international qualifications, training materials and e-learning. a ee I In 16. of nmental litiusle udies cat Certificate No. 938 Roll No. 7212-41-18 an — — GS LAMBDA Consulting Group Legendary Academy of Management & Business Development Advisories ‘Suite # Base 1, Crown Square, Block 13-A, Main University Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, Ph: 021-34811720, Fax: 021- 32037668, Web: This Program is specially designed for the Employees of Macter International Ltd. This Certificate is awarded to Shahzaib Ahmed Compliance Department Who has successfully attended One-Day Training Session on Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification Date of Event: Sep18, 2018 Following Modules Covered Hazard-Identification and Risk-Assessment Process. Types of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments. Hazard-Identification and Risk-Assessment method. Different techniques used in Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Conduct a Risk Assessment using the HIRA/THA or etc. Control measures. /\ rt application of Risk Assessment. r Director LAMBDA ea ae a eT meena PPTL TY en ee eo Fa M Certificate No: F&M/C&T/FF&EP/0078 ENGINEERING, TESTING Endersed for Sure! | | ASSESSMENT & CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING Awarded to SHAHZAIB AHMED For attending one day awareness session on INTERNAL AUDITING TECHNIQUES - ISO 19011:2018 Held on Apr 17th, 2020, Online Training SYED FARUKH MAZHAR FAM HOUSE: 384, Sector 7A, Koran Managing Director Industrial Area, Karachi, Pakistan. pe eo ew eo 0 ee 3 ee 2 ee ow en 2 eo ee eee ee Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Certifies that Shahzaib Ahmed has successfully passed an assessment in HABC Level 2 International Award in Risk Assessme' Date ofwad 17 August 2017 M E R | T RA1171510 Certificate number H L PAK Safety Solutions Course Ditector Training Organisation fully, wlleee Pere Highfield sy INTERNATIONAL sc Seman =< ‘ACCREDITATION ‘Highiet évarding Body for Comellance ‘Global leaders in international qualifications, training materials and e-learning. x Lambda Certificate No. 955 Roll No. ‘7212-41-15 NED UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Centre for Continuing Engineering Education (CCEE) In collaboration with LAMBDA CONSULTING GROUP Legendary Academy of Management & Business Development Advisories This is to certify that Shahzaib Ahmed Has successfully complete intensive training program From 10 March, 2019 to 28 April, 2019 Professional Safety Practitioner (PSP) Following Modules Covered Health Safety Management System. Fire Prevention & Protection System. Communication & Coordination. Permit to Work. Risk Assessment & Protection of Control. Construction & Civil Work Safety. Electrical Safety. Engineering Safety & Ergonomic Safety. Environmental Management System. Incident Investigation. Emergency Preparedness & Response Procedure. First Aid. Safe Use of Equipment & Tools. Personal Protective Equipment PPES. ‘ Director Director NED ACADEMY . INSULTING GROUP — No. _SPC-16-2019 < . 4 > LAMBDA Consulting Group @ Legendary Academy of Management & Business Development Advisories Suite # Base 1, Crown Square, Block 13-A, Main University Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph; 021-34811720, Fax: 021- 32037668, Web: 2019 Safety Practitioner Conference at Marriott Hotel Karachi This Certificate is awarded to Shahzaib Ahmed For attending the conference — Ow23” February, 2019 Topic Covered . Workplace Fatigue. . The Role of Safety Leadership at Workplace. . Preventing Back over Incidents. |. Workplace Voliance & Bullying. . Panel Discussion Program Secretary Director CONFERENCE Lambda Consulting i, SI. No, é gern Barat, Roll No. oO V- 002812 ame &. 403641 % Ee a Oe % Reem Secondary School Certificate Lxamination,2007 SCIENCE GROUP Certfied that SHAHZAIB AHMED Son/Daughter of JAMAL NASIR l= whose date of birth is THIRTEENTH SEPTEMBER one thousand nine hundred = NINETY-ONE has duly passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination held in the monthof MARCH2007 2s © aREGULAR Candidate in the subjects mentoned 12 below and has been placed inGRADE| A He/She obtained] 654 | Marks. COMPONENT I COMPONENT II ‘SINDHI SALEES MATHEMATICS URDU NORMAL COMPUTER STUDIES ENGLISH PHYSICS PAKISTAN STUDIES CHEMISTRY ISLAMIAT COMPONENT It as He/She offered 2OO0QOOOOOXXXOXXX EZ . |= as Vocational Subjects and has been awarded grade AU i by his/her Institution on the basis of Internal Assessment. |, DATED 07-02-2009 (PROF. ASIF PASHA SIDDIQUI) Secretary Bigher Secondary Certificate ..2cts. Tes os ts ently that bral ahah Mboned Sen| Dauagher of. i lacmnad A etdch.. Aas buccedsfally compleled the A\GHER SECONDARY CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ode Dead te ip febtitet. Goup held in Ha month of May 2e14 a4 @ Regatar/ Private Candidate oe KL subjects mentioned tolow and kas toon ploced in... GRADE GY seasting. CBR ARRKS tn the Agguegate of 1101 C206 06. (a)_ Compulsory Subjects: (b) Elective Subjects: Uh re ICT x oli Pakistan Studies (For Foreigners) bseanaic fois Snglih, nama pte PEM 1 Ulmic Celualion) Cova (J ( Jeleiton Shades fo) dasbihe... Lb Deceanben 20UE SECRETARY (This Certificate i ised witho 4 alteration or erasing.) C8>SZESVLEVLOLCVVECZLOCWSEL6OLENVd6LZESOLLdZ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A1VZHVHS>>dSWHVNVd>d S-COEb/BY-TOIZ i Ajeuonen SIVZHVHS- LuOdssvd MY NWISTIWd | : sa, see ST ss % Sp Se ee rs a oN, ¢ st dO OMand3y SIWVIST my Oo 26 woe o Ss ae Ni 29 pls eae ° Joreaq oy) uvysryeg Jo

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