Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield 20220330-1-The-Path-to-2024-and-beyond - Ashx

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The path

to 2024
and beyond
Chief Executive Officer
Clear strategic roadmap to reshape URW

Strengthen Build new Maximise

our core revenue the value
business platforms of our assets

The path to 2024 and beyond 2

Clear strategic
roadmap to
reshape URW
Key objectives Target

Complete radical reduction of financial

Strengthen exposure to the US and finalise European
deleveraging programme
~40% LTV ratio(1)

our core
business Emerge as a focused European pure play expected timeline
with retail NRI and Group EBITDA
back to pre-COVID levels(2)
2023-24 to reach stabilised
2019 levels

Build on strong ESG track-record to drive unveiling step-

enhanced environmental, social and
financial value
2023 change evolution
of strategy

(1) IFRS LTV including hybrid

(2) 2019 retail NRI and EBITDA on stabilised European portfolio

The path to 2024 and beyond 3

Clear strategic
roadmap to
reshape URW
Key objectives Target

Increase media advertising and brand

Build new experience revenue by turning footfall
into a qualified audience
revenue €75 Mn 2024 European
net revenues(1)
platforms Build data capabilities to generate new
revenues with retailers and brands

(1) At 100% share

The path to 2024 and beyond 4

Clear strategic
roadmap to
reshape URW
Key objectives Target

Maximise Deliver European committed pipeline

€2.0 Bn
by 2024
with tight CAPEX control

the value
of our assets Unlock development opportunities
€1.0 Bn
(2) new projects
embedded in our assets to refuel added by 2024
controlled pipeline

(1) URW TIC excluding Triangle (delivery in 2026)


The path to 2024 and beyond 5

A European pure play in the best cities

We have a clear disposal plan, … to emerge as a European pure play

and are well on track to deliver... with assets in the wealthiest catchment areas

Radical reduction €4 Bn European

of US financial disposal programme Amsterdam

exposure by 2022 Warsaw

London Hamburg
by 2022-23

― Internal strategy exercise ― Completed €2.5 Bn Prague

completed, positioned of disposals
to execute ― 100% sale of mature retail Vienna
― Ongoing streamlining regional assets not core to URW
portfolio, including recent strategy
disposal of Promenade ― Establishing JV partnerships
at a 60% premium with long-term institutional
― Continued efforts on core partners
portfolio to unlock land value ― Sale of mature offices Madrid GDP per capita Global city ranking(1)
crystallising value creation
Top 10% Top 10
Top 20% Top 30
Top 90

(1) Based on Best Cities Index from Resonance Consultancy The path to 2024 and beyond 6
Three trends shaping our sector

Core focus Rise of people-centric Vital role of the

on sustainability destinations physical store
and climate
Capacity of all industries to address Expansion of urban population Customer appetite for physical
environmental impact will drive creates demand for integrated shopping and retailer drive-to-store
license to operate and future mixed-use destinations where strategies confirm the store’s
business opportunities people live, work, shop and play essential place in omnichannel world

The path to 2024 and beyond 7

Stores at the core of retailer success
Consumers want in-person Physical and digital channels Physical stores drive
shopping experiences complement each other retailer profitability(6)

“In-store sales have increased

compared to 2019 with 11%
less stores in operation”(1)
“We saw just how well
the physical and digital sales Revenue 5-10%
channels complement uplift additional sales
Pablo Isla, Chairman & CEO each other”(4) when fulfilled in store
Helena Helmersson, CEO
“Further contributing to NIKE
Direct growth was the steady
normalisation of traffic in Cost up to 5%
owned physical retail, with Increase in profitability
NIKE owned stores up 14%”(2)
by store fulfilment

“Customers look forward

to stepping into a store
~90% 10-25%
and physically engaging of all retail spend EBIT margin
with our product”(3) is influenced by a store(5) improvement for a typical player
Sandy Gilsenan, SVP Retail with EBIT margin ~10%

(1) Inditex, Interim 9 Months 2021 results disclosure

(2) NIKE Fiscal 2022 Third Quarter Results, reported March 21, 2022
(3) Warby Parker 2021 Investor Day, “Customer Journey & Retail Stores”
(4) H&M 2020 Annual Report
(5) “The impact of locations on online sales” study published by CACI in 2021
The path to 2024 and beyond 8
(6) Please refer to section “Portfolio strength underpins our 2024 growth projections” for more details
URW is the preferred partner for retailers

URW centres Retailers are Vacancy and NRI

outperform the market expanding with us return to pre-COVID levels

Highest asset quality in wealthiest Top 50 retailers(3) evolution Reducing vacancy, leading
catchment areas in URW malls between 2019 – 2021 to renewed commercial tension

95% >7% Evolving tenant mix at no cost

to MGR


A-category malls, URW vs. market(2)

(1) Based on Green Street European shopping center database (2022)

(2) Excluding The Netherlands due to lack of available data and Slovakia due to lack of comparables. Analysis undertaken
on A-category malls >30,000 sqm in total GLA
(3) Top 50 retailers in terms of MGR, representing 33% of total GLA and 29% of total MGR
NB: All data for Europe only The path to 2024 and beyond 9
Westfield Mall of the Netherlands
demonstrates URW’s unparalleled know-how

Core focus on ― Re-generation project:

replacing a mall built in 1971
― Building cooling system uses
& CLIMATE river water (10% additional
energy savings)

13 Mn Rise of
― Significant entertainment
and dining offer: 29% of GLA
IN FIRST YEAR DESTINATIONS ― Over 1,000 permanent jobs
created by the project

94% VITAL ROLE ― URW created a unique location

for retailers already in market
of the physical
O C C U PA N C Y ( 1 ) ― 60% of stores offering
store ‘click & collect’ services

(1) As at December 31, 2021 The path to 2024 and beyond 10

Westfield Mall of the Netherlands
Leveraging our audience to build new revenue platforms

From footfall Creating a new

to qualified audiences Commercial Partnerships Unlocking
division revenue potential

― Digital Out-of-home (DOOH) Media advertising NET YEARLY REVENUE

advertising represents a

€75 Mn
Selling qualified audiences
significant opportunity for URW over a larger, owned network
(+12% growth YoY in Europe)(1)
Brand experience by 2024(2)
― We have GDPR-compliant Brand partnerships over several
technology to qualify audience assets and channels
…with significant
― Competitive advantage
Data & Services long-term growth
in a cookie-less environment Data leverage to generate opportunities
B2B revenue

(1) 2021-2024 CAGR. Source: Statista, November 2021

(2) Net revenue at 100% for European scope only The path to 2024 and beyond 11
Delivering our €2 Bn committed
pipeline while unlocking future
Land bank and flexible development
mixed-use opportunities opportunities with significant untapped
asset value
Committed pipeline expected to generate ~€100 Mn >150/200 bps
Pre-development Minimum spread
additional NRI and valuation uplift spend by 2024 between ECR and YoC(2)


2.4 Mn
Gaîté Montparnasse - Paris, France Westfield Hamburg - Hamburg, Germany

89k sqm 100% 214k sqm 100% Residential Offices Retail

Total GLA URW Share Total GLA URW Share

Expected to generate Disciplined approach to assessing projects

€125 Mn(3) stabilised NRI and stringent return criteria
(1) At 100%
(2) ECR: Exit Capitalisation Rate; YoC: Yield on Cost
(3) Excludes Hotel Pullman Montparnasse, delivered in December 2021
Note: TIC and NRI figures at URW share. All figures for European portfolio only. The path to 2024 and beyond 12
The path to 2024

Recovering retail Delivering on US Growth platform Sustainable

NRI and Group and European combining new dividend
EBITDA back to deleveraging revenues and reinstated for
pre-COVID levels programmes unlocked asset fiscal year 2023
by 2023-24(1) value

(1) Based on European portfolio only, excluding any remaining US exposure The path to 2024 and beyond 13
URW in 2024 and beyond


2019 EBITDA level


Today 2024

NB: Based on European portfolio only, excluding any remaining US exposure The path to 2024 and beyond 14

for 2022
of an Adjusted
Recurring EPS
of €8.20 to €8.40

The path to 2024 and beyond 15

Path to 2024 and beyond

Spotlight on consumer
expectations and behaviours
Chief Customer Officer
Growing new revenues through
Commercial Partnerships

Unlocking value with our mixed- Olivier BOSSARD

use development strategy Chief Investment Officer

Leading the environmental Sylvain MONTCOUQUIO L

transition Chief Resources & Sustainability Officer

Portfolio strength underpins our Fabrice MOUCHEL

2024 growth projections Chief Financial Officer

The path to 2024 and beyond 16


Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield S.E., a Société Européenne à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance incorporated under French law, is a listed property investment
company. Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield S.E. is listed on Euronext Amsterdam and Euronext Paris. The value of your investment may fluctuate. Past performance is no
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The path to 2024 and beyond 17

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