Usa Municipal WWTP Power Dist Sys

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EPA-R2-73-281 July 1973 Environmental Protection Technology Series Electrical Power Consumption For Municipal Wastewater Treatment National Environmental Research Center Office Of Rearch And Development US. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 RESEARCH REPORTING SERIES Research reports of the Office of Research and Monitoring, Environmental Protection Agency, have been grouped into five series. These five broad categories were established to facilitate further development and application of environmental technology. Elimination of traditional grouping was consciously planned to foster technology transfer and a maximum interface in related fields, The five series are: 1. Environmental Health Effects Research 2. Environmental Protection Technology 3. Ecological Research 4, Environmental Monitoring 5. Socioeconomic Environmental studies This report has been assigned to the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY series. This series describes esearch performed to develop and demonstrate instrumentation, | equipment and methodology to repair or prevent environmental degradation from point and non-point sources of pollution. This work provides the new or improved technology required for the control and treatment of pollution sources to meet environmental quality standards. EPA-R2-73-281 July 1973 ELECTRICAL POWER CONSUMPTION FOR MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT By Robert Smith Advanced Waste Treatment Research Laboratory National Environmental Research Center Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 Program Element 182043 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CENTER OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND MONITORING U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY CINCINNATI, OHIO 45268 ‘or sala by tho Superintendent of Documents, U.S, Governinent Printing Ofes, Wesblegton, D.C. 202- Pree $1.25 ABSTRACT Electrical power consumption by most conventional and advanced Processes for treating municipal wastewater has been estimated on a unit process basis. Electrical power for complete plants has been estimated by adding power consumption for individual Processes and plant utilities. Electrical power consumption for wastewater treatment has been compared to other consumptive uses of electrical power. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PRELIMINARY TREATMENT INFLUENT PUMPING SEDIMENTATION TRICKLING FILTERS ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL. CHLORINATION LIGHTS AND MISCELLANEOUS POWER PRODUCTION OF POWER BY UTILIZATION OF SLUDGE GAS TOTAL ELECTRICAL POWER CONSUMPTION FOR CONVENTIONAL PLANTS EXPENDITURE FOR ELECTRICAL POWER IN CONVENTIONAL PLANTS ELECTRICAL POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED PROCESSES ELECTRICAL POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED PROCESS TRAINS COMPARISON WITH OTHER CONSUMPTIVE USES APPENDIX Page ul 14 15 17 35 37 41 43 51 61 7 77 85 lo. ul. 12. 13. 14. FIGURES Sludge Handling Schemes Installed Electrical Horsepower for Settlers versus Length of Settler Installed Electrical Horsepower for Settlers versus Design Capacity Number of Anaerobic Digesters per Installation versus Total Volume of Digester Installation Installed Horsepower for Anaerobic Sludge Digester Heater and Heat Exchanger Total Installed Electrical Horsepower for Vacuum Filters Electrical Energy Requirements for Multiple Hearth Furnaces Estimated Floor Area for Wastewater Treatment Plants Electrical Energy Requirements for Lighting and Miscellaneous Power Electrical Energy Consumption by Municipal waste~ water Treatment Plants versus Plant Size Annual Expenditure for Electrical Power in Conventional Plants versus Plant Size Cost of Electrical Power versus Daily Usage Electrical Energy Requirements for Microscreens Electrical Energy Consumption for Tertiary wastes water Trains versus Plant Size vi Page w 12 13 22 24 29 33 38 49 57 59 62 Number Ir IIT Iv VI VII VvIIT Ix XI XII XIIT xIVv xv TABLES Electrical Energy Requirments for Wastewater Treatment Plants - Primary: -. Scheme I Electrical Energy Requirements for Wastewater Treatment Plants - Primary - Scheme II Electrical Energy Requirements for wastewater Treatment Plants - Activated Sludge = Scheme II Blectrical Energy Requirements for Wastewater Treatment Plants - Activatei Sludge - Scheme III Electrical Energy Requirements for Wastewater Treatment Plants - High Rate Trickling Filter ~ Scheme IT Cost of Electrical Power 4 P¥itary - Scheme I Cost of Electrical Power - Primary - Scheme II Cost of Electrical Power - Activated Sludge = Scheme 11 Cost of Electrical Power - Activated Sludge - Scheme IIT Cost of Blectrical Power = Trickling Scheme IT ilter + Estimated Electrical Power Consumption for Alternative Tertiary Treatment Trains after Secondary Treatment Plant Size 1 mgd Estimated Electrical Power Consumption for Alternative Tertiary Treatment Trains after Secondary Treatment Plant Size 10 mgd Estimated Electrical Power Consumption fot Alternative Tertiary Treatment Trains after Secondary Treatment Plant Size 100 mgd Percentage Distribution of Mining and Manu+ facturing KWHRS by Major Groups of SIC for Investor-Owned Electric Utilities in U.S. Consumption of Electrical Energy Based on the 1968 Inventory of Municipal Waste Facilities vii Page 44 46 47 56 73 74 78 79 CONCLUSIONS Electrical power consumed in municipal wastewater treatment is about 1% of the average residential consumption of electrical power when the distribution of treatment schemes given in the 1968 Inventory of Municipal Waste Facilities is used as a basis. Tf all communities were served by activated sludge plants, the electrical power used will be about twice this amount. This is equivalent to about 15 watts per household. Thus, for complete secondary treatment, the power consumed is about equivalent to 24 hour operation of one desk lamp per household. The power consumed by tertiary treatment depends on the processes used, but for the Lake Tahoe system of tertiary treatment, the power consumed is about 40-50% greater than the power consumed in conventional activated sludge treatment. INTRODUCT YON This report contains estimates of electrical power consumption used to treat for most of the conventional and advanced process: municipal wastewater. Much of the inforrstion was taken from literature available from equipment manufacturers and some in- formation was available from reports on EPA-sponsored research projects. The assistance of applications engineers representing the equipment manufacturers has been invaluable in clarifying important points and in the contribution of technical information not available in the open literature. This report could not have been completed without their generous contributions. The detailed cost estimates reported from the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District in California’ have been most useful. The first part of the report is devoted to detailed calculations of electrical power consumption for individual conventional processes. These estimates are then sumed for primary, trickling filter, activated sludge plants and the sludge handling schemes selected are shown in Figure 1. Estimates of mechanical and electrical energy available from the use of anaerobic digester off-gas are made and these are compared to the energy expended in operation of the plant. The cost of electrical power was taken from the report "Typical Electric Bills 1970" by the Federal Power Commission. a detailed rate schedule currently used by the Cincin- nati Gas and Electric Company was used to convert the estimated power consumption values to expenditure for electrical power. The second part of the report presents detailed computations of electrical power consumption for the advanced or tertiary processes to be used downstream of secondary processes. Estimates of electrical power usage made at Lake Tahoe were the principal source of this information. Electrical power consumption estimates were then summed for various alternative tertiary treatment trains. Finally, the electrical power used in treatment plants is related to other consumptive uses such as the typical residental use of electrical power. In this way the use of electrical power in treatment of wastewater is put into perspective with the national scene. Primary Settler —e-| Thickener Anaerobic Digester ——L_ Sd Sludge Drying Beds SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME I Primary Settler Thickener Incinerator Vacuum Sludge Filter Holding Tank Anaerobic Digester 10 Figure 1 SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME ID 5 SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME IT 1 2 3 Pinay | Lw lance |___/tins'\__ gy Settler J Settler, 6 5 Thickener Air Flotation Thickener Sludge Holding Tank [\— ge Vacuum Filter [_ Incinerator | 10 Le Figure 1 (Cont'd. PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Preliminary treatment is a generic term which includes processes such as bar screens, comminutors, grit removal, and flow measure- ment. The electrical power consumption for these processes is comparatively small. Bar screens are recommended for installation upstream of the in- fluent pumps to remove debris which would interfere with the oper= ation of the pumps. An average of about 5 cu. ft. of debris per million gallons is removed, The bar screen is cleaned of debris by a rake which travels about 7.5 ft/sec and operates for a maximum of about 6 minutes an hour, The channel which serves the bar screen is sized for a velocity of about 2 ft/sec at average flow. Ac- cording to manufacturer's literature’ the minimum size motor to drive the rakes is % horsepower and a bar screen with sufficient capacity to serve a 15 mgd plant can be powered by either a 4 or 3/4 horsepower electric motor. It will be assumed here that all bar screens up to 15 mgd will be powered by a 3/4 hp motor and for each additional 15 mgd increment an additional 3/4 hp notor will be required. The electrical efficiency of electrical motors will be taken as 0.877 as recommended by one of the principal suppliers of elec- trical motors. The electrical power in kilowatts is then ex- pressed as follows: Kilowatts = 0.85 x Horsepower a) Bar screen power consumption for all plants up to 15 mad is, therefore 1.53 kwh/day. This estimate will apply to the 1 and 10 mgd plants. The corresponding power consumption for the 100 ngd plant will be 10.7 kwh/day, 5 3 : Fi . Manufacturers’ literature’ for comminutors which are used to grind and shred floating debris gives the size of the installed motor on each size comminutor. Several typical sizes are shown below: Average Flow Range +25 - 1.82 mgd 0.75 horsepower motor +97 = 5.10 mgd 1.80 horsepower motor 1.0 = 9,40 mgd 1.5 horsepower motor 1.30 = 20. mgd 2.0 horsepower motor Thus, for the 1 mgd plant size the smallest size unit would be sufficient. The electrical power consumption, since the communitor will operate 24 hr/day, will be 15.3 kwh/day. At the 10 mgd size a conservative estimate would be two of the 1.5 horsepower sizes and the electrical power consumption would be 61 kwh/day. At the 100 mad size five of the larger size should handle the flow and the power consumed would be 204 kwh/day. Equipment for grit removal, according to one manufacturer?, comes in sizes capable of handling 5 mgd. The installed electric motor is % horsepower. Thus, one horsepower per 10 mgd will be assumed. The grit is removed usually during the high flow period in the morning hours between 8-12 a.m. Therefore, at the 1 mgd size electrical power consumption is estinated as 1.7 kwh/day. At the 10 nod size the power consumption can be estimated as 3.4 kwh/day and at the 100 mgd size as 34 kwh/day. Flow measurement is accomplished by a Parshall flume in the smaller plants and by a Venturi or magnetic flow meter in the larger sizes. The power consumption for these flew sensing devices is negligible. INFLUENT PUMPING A major part of the electrical power consumption at a waste- water treatment plant is attributable to pumping the main stream from one level to a higher level. The total pumping head to bring the wastewater from the interceptor to the plant level varies some- what with the plant, but about 30 ft. is commonly observed. The horsepower consumed in pumping water is given by the following relationship: MGD_x 10° xH (2) Pumpi: ower = ping Horsepower = 1740 x 3960 x ¢, MGD = volume of water pumped, millions of gallons per day H = total dynamic head, ft. of water e), = hydraulic efficiency This relationship can be simplified as follows: Pumping Horsepower = M&D x 0.1754 x H/e, (3) The hydraulic efficiency of water pumps depends on the volume of water pumped as well as the total dynamic head delivered. Since most water pumps are driven by induction motors, the speed of the pump is almost fixed. If the duty cycle for a pump is known, the hydraulic efficiency can be accurately determined from the pump map. For estimates of the kind made here, this is not possible. Therefore, rough averages for hydraulic efficiency will be used. One principal supplier of water pumps recommended the following values which will be used in this report: up to 1000 gpm 70% hydraulic efficiency 1000 - 7000 gpm 74% hydraulic efficiency over 7000 gpm 83% hydraulic efficiency Assuming a total dynamic head of 30 ft. for influent pumping, the 3 ewh/day. power consumption at the 1 mgd plant is computed as For the 10 mgd the corresponding value is 1451 kwh/day, For the 100 mgd size the value is 12,533 kwh/day. In this report, other pumping requirements such as recirculation pumping for activated sludge process or trickling filters or pumping of the main stream through such processes as carbon ad- sorption, filtration, reverse osmosis, etc. will be handled in a similar way. 10 SEDIMENTATION Settlers for removal of suspended solids from raw wastewater and secondary settlers, used with the activated sludge process, can be constructed in either a circular or a rectangular shape. In this report only rectangular settlers will be considered, Rec- tangular settlers are normally constructed with common walls and the number of individual settlers needed, assuming an overflow ate of 800 gpd/sq ft, as a function of plant size is given below: McD Number of Individual Settlers Length, feet 1 3 37 2 4 50 3 5 56 4 6 60 5 6 74 10 8 106 20 qn 149 30 14 172 40 16 198 50 17 232 60 19 248 70 20 274 80 22 283 90 23 304 100 24 323 : 3 ; . According to manufacturer's literature’, the installed electrical horsepower to drive the flights depends primarily on the length of the settler as shown in Figure 2. The installed horsepower, as a function of average flow, can, therefore be determined as shown in Figure 3. Since settlers normally operate 24 hr/day, we can compute the power consumption at the 1 mgd size as 30.6 kwh/day. The corresponding values for 10 mgd and 100 mgd sizes are 122 kwh/day and 734 kwh/day. uw ft, versus LENGTH OF SETTLER Length of Settler, bag bk |i 2 azemodasioH PeTTeIsul aw ELECTRICAL HORSEPOWER FOR versus DESIGN CAPACITY LL: | Total Installed Electrical Horsepower Design Capacity, mgd FIGURE 3 13 TRICKLING FILTERS Trickling filters can be designed in many configurations and the pumping power consumed will depend on the configuration. The loading in mgd/acre roughly divides filters into standard and high rate. Filters with loadings in the range of 1.1-4.4 mgd/ acre are called standard filters while filters with loadings in the range 8.7-44 mgd/acre are known as high rate. Recycle of the main stream is commonly employed with high rate filters while standard rate filters usually have no provision for recycle. The depth of rock media in all filters is about 6 feet. The dis- tributor is normally about 1 foot above the top of the rock media and a head loss of about 2 feet occurs in the underdrains. The head loss across the distributor is about 3 feet. Thus, the head loss through a one stage trickling filter is about 12 feet. The electrical power consumed in driving the main stream through the filters is therefore, 61 kwh/day for the 1 mgd size, 580 kwh/day for the 10 mgd size, and 5173 kwh/day for the 100 mad size. The recirculation ratio (volume of recycled stream/volume of main stream) varies from 0.5 to 3 in most cases. A recycle ratio of 2.0 will be assumed here. When recycle is used, the power con- sumption can be estimated by multiplying the estimates given above by the recirculation ratio plus one. For trickling filters without recycle, the power consumption is only about one-tenth that required for supplying air to the acti- vatid sludge process. Sludge production in high-rate trickling filters has been found to be 35-50% of the BOD plus suspended solids load entering the filter. If the primary settler removes 50% of the suspended solids and 35% of the BOD, the sludge production is about 700-900 1b/ng, which is approximately the same as the conventional activated sludge process. ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS Supplying oxygen to the activated sludge process is one of the principal needs for electrical energy. The diffused air system is most commonly used and the amount of air needed depends on the strength of the primary effluent, the detention time in the aerator, the concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids used, and whether or not nitrification occurs. For normal conditions, such as 130 ng/1 5-day BOD into the aerator and a mixed liquor suspended solids concentration of 2000 mg/l, the oxygen requirement is about 728 1b. 0, per million gallons treated. If we take the aeration ef- ency (oxygen dissolved/oxygen supplied) as a nominal 5%, the amount of air required is about 0.92 scf/gal. To supply this air. positive displacement or centrifugal compressors can be used. The pressure to be supplied by the compressor is about 8.1 psig. The power needed to compress the air, assuming isentropic compression, is given by the following relationship: ne Work of Compression, BTU/1b = oT, [ery ne | (4 specific heat of air at constant pressure +24 BIU/1b/°F ‘° 1, = temperature of inlet air = 70° F = 530°R outlet pressure, psia inlet pressure, psia n = ratio of specific heats = 1.40 Substituting into equation 4, the work required to compress atmos~ phexic air to 8.1 psig is 17 BTU/1b. Using the assumed value of 1 scf/gal and an air density of 0.075, 3125 1b. of air per hour must be delivered at the 1 mgd plant site, Since 2545 BTU/hr is equivalent to one horsepower, the adiabatic horsepower associated 17 with the air delivered is 20.87 at the 1 mgd plant size. If we take the adiabatic efficiency of the blower as 0.8, the horse- power needed to drive the blower is 26.1 horsepower for the 1 ngd size. Since the blower operates 24 hr/day, the power consump- tion at the 1 mgd size will be 532 kwh/day. Literature from suppliers of mechanical aerators quote a transfer efficiency of 3.5 1b. 0, per bhp-hr in clean water and ideal con- ditions, After the various correction factors are applied, the effective transfer efficiency is about 2.17 1b. 0,/bhp-hr. Since we had assumed 1 scf/gallon for the diffused air system which is equivalent to about 791 1b. 0,/mg, the amount of power needed to transfer this amount of oxygen, using mechanical aerators, is 365 bhp-hr/mg or 15.2 HP at the 1 mgd size. Thus, based on this analysis, it would appear that mechanical aeration is significantly less expensive than diffused air. The five percent efficiency assumed for diffused air is conservative and in tests made at the Milwaukee Wastewater Treatment Plant, efficiencies as high as 15-17% have been observed for the ridge and furrow type of diffused air system. Recirculation of activated sludge requires electrical power. The installed pump capacity recommended is 100% of the main stream, but on the average, only about 50% of the main stream is returned. From discussions with consulting engineers and pump manufacturers, the pumping head for recirculation was estimated to be 15-20 ft. of water. Thus, the electrical power consumption is 45 kwh/day at the 1 mgd size, 423 kwh/day at the 10 mgd size and 3131 kwh/day for the 100 mgd size. Power requirements for final sedimentation will be taken as equal to those already estimated for primary sedimentation. The Linde Division of Union Carbide Corporation* has estimated the power requirements for generation of pure oxygen and dissolving it in the aerator water at 25 hp for the 1 mgd size, 142 hp for the 6 mgd size, 700 hp for the 30 mgd size and 1960 hp for the 100 mod size. An aerator with 2 hours detention time was assumed in making these estimates, 18 SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL Energy for pumping sludges from the primary settler and the acti- vated sludge process is difficult to estimate, but the head to be pumped against will be at least the 25-35 ft. required to pump the sludge into the digester. Under average conditions, the sludge volume in the primary plant will be about 0.00125 mgd/mgd of in- fluent wastewater. For the activated sludge process, this ratio is 0.0052 mgd/mgd of plant influent. If we take the total head to be 100 ft., the power consumed in the 1 mgd primary plant is only 0.64 kwh/day. The power consumed for the 10 mgd and 100 mgd pri- mary plants would be multiples of this value. For the 1 mgd acti- vated sludge plant the power consumed for sludge pumping would be 2.66 kwh/day and for 10 mgd and 100 mgd the values would be 26.6 and 266 kwh/day. The electrical power for operating gravity thickeners is based on the drag forces on the sludge scraper. These are in the range of 8-12 lb/ft of radius, The torque on the scraper and pickets, if they are provided, equals the load in pounds per foot times the radius in feet squared. The tip speed of the scraper is set at 1 ft. per minute. Horsepower is computed as torque (ft-lb) times 2 times the turning speed in rpm divided by 33,000. This relation- ship can be reduced to the loading in 1b/ft times the radius in feet Givided by 33,000. This is clearly a negligible amount of power Since it is policy to install at least } horsepower motors, the power can be estimated as % horsepower per gravity thickener. Primary plants are sometimes not equipped with gravity sludge thick- erers. However, if a thickener is used, the normal loading rate is 16 1b/day/sq ft. Since a 1 mgd primary plant will produce about 833 1b/day of organic sludge, one 8 ft. dia. thickener should be sufficient. At the 10 mgd size, two 18 ft. dia. thickeners should be adequate. At the 100 mgd size, three 48 ft. dia. thickeners are needed. Thus, the power consumed can be estimated as 10.2 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 20.4 kwh/day at 10 mgd and 30.6 kwh/day at 100 ned. 19 The recommended loading rate for activated sludge plants is 8 lb/day/sq ft. Since the activated sludge plant produces about 1726 1b. of combined primary and waste activated sludge per million gallons, the area needed at the 1 mad size is 216 sq. ft. Thus, one 18 ft, dia. thickener will be sufficient for the 1 mgd size. For the 10 mgd size, two 38 ft. dia. thickeners will be adequate. At the 100 ngd size, four 82 ft. dia. thickeners will be sufficient. The installed horsepower is, therefore, 0.5 at the 1 mgd size, 1.0 at the 10 mgd size and 2.0 at the 100 mgd size. This is equivalent to 10.2 kwh/day for 1 mgd, 20.4 kwh/day at 10 mgd and 40.8 kwh/day at the 100 mgd size. Installed horsepower for flotation thickening of waste activated sludge is a log-log function of the surface azea of the thickener. For example, at 100 sq. ft. the installed horsepower is 14.5, at 1000 sq. ft. the installed horsepower is 115 and at 6000 sq. ft. the installed horsepower is 570. The recommended loading rate with chemical addition is 2 lb/hr/sq ft. The loading rate, when no chemicals are used, is about 0.5 lb/hr/sq ft. The amount of waste activated sludge produced is about 900 lb/mg. Thus, at a 1 mgd plant where the flotation thickener is operated 40 hr/week and chemicals are used, about 80 sq. ft. of surface area would be required. The next largest standard size is 100 sq. ft. This unit requires about 14,5 horsepower. The consumption of electrical power will be 70 kwh/day. Similarly, at the 10 mgd size (assumed to operate 100 hr/wk) the unit selected would be 400 sq. ft. and the installed horsepower is 50 horsepower. Operating an average of 14.3 hr/day the power consumption will be 608 kwh/day. At the 100 mgd size which operates 24 hr/day, the size of installation will be two 1000 sq. ft. units having 115 horsepower each for a total of 230 hp. The power consumption will be 4692 kwh/day. If no chemicals are used the power consumption at 1 mgd will be 242 kwh/day, at 10 mgd 1800 kwh/day, and at 100 mgd 18,800 kwh/day. The use of flotation thickeners for thickening of activated sludge can be expensive in terms of electrical power consumption. 20 Electrical energy is consumed in the anaerobic digestion process for two principal reasons; first, for mixing the contents of the primary digester (gas recirculation) and second, for heating the incoming sludge and holding the contents of the digester at the optimum temperature, usually about 95°r. Anaerobic digesters range in size from 25 ft. in diameter to a maximum of about 110 ft. The depth is generally about 20 ft. at the 25 ft. size and about 35 ft. at the maximum size. The points on Figure 4 show the number of anaerobic digesters in installations” with various total volumes. The solid lines on the right and left of the data points represent limits corresponding to 25 ft. diameter and 20 ft, deep digesters on the left bound and 110 ft. diameter and 35 ft. deep on the right bound. An interesting and important problem is to find the number of digesters which will minimize the cost of the installation when one extra digester is provided (over and above the minimum re- quirements) for cleaning and maintenance. This problem can be solved in a crude way by assuming that the cost of the digester is directly proportional to the volume of concrete involved. Clearly, if no duplication of digesters were needed, the minimum cost would be represented by building one large digester in every case up to the maximum size of 110 feet. Thus, the optimum sizes would be represented by a horizontal line at N= 1 terminating in the right hand bound and then following the right hand bound. Clearly, this principal is not always followed. The results of the simplified analysis of optimum number of digesters to provide one extra is shown by the squared points. The dashed stepped line is only an approximation because the number of digesters must be an integer. It appears from this analysis that at the larger sizes, say about 500,000 cu. ft., practice is not significantly different from the optimum number of digesters. At the smaller sizes, 21 ot ANABROBIC DIGESTER’ versus Loo Total Digester Volume, thousands of cubic feet FIGURE 4 22 however, there seems to be a tendency to not provide for dupli- cation of digester facilities. Where duplication is shown, it appears that three digesters might have been more cost-effective than two digesters. Electrical power is consumed in heating incoming sludge and over~ coming the heat loss to the environment. The usual practice is to operate a hot water boiler and pump the sludge from the digester through the hot water heat exchanger to maintain the temperature in the digester at the 95°F level. The installed electrical horse- power for units with heating capacities in BTU/hr is shown in Figure 5. These motors do not all operate continuously. but the manufacturer estimates that power consumption would, on the average, be equivalent. to operation of all motors 75% of the day. By es- timating the number and size of digesters for primary and activated sludge plants of various sizes, the heat requirements can be found and from this the consumption of electrical power. Primary plants produce about 833 1b/mg and activated sludge plants about 1726 Ib/mg. In terms of volatile solids, these estimates are 650 1b/mg for the primary plant and 1275 Ib/mg for the activated sludge plant. For completely mixed digesters the recommended loading is 1000 cu. ft. of digester volume for each 80 lb, volatile solids per day- Thus, a primary completely mixed digester for a primary plant would be sized on 8,125 cu ft/mg. Similarly, for the activated sludge plant the sizing parameter would be 15,400 cu ft/ng. If we take conventional practice as a guide, (see figure 4 ) we can assume that up to about 60,000 cu. ft. a single digester will be provided. Two digesters might be provided up to a volume of about 400,000 cu. ft. Three digesters might be provided up to about 850,000 cu. ft, Four digesters will be provided up to 1,350,000 cu. ft. and above this the maximum size digester with 338,000 cu. ft. might be used. 23 FIGURE 5 The number and volume of primary digesters in primary and acti- vated sludge plants can, therefore, be estimated as follows: Primary Plants Plant Size Activated Sludge Plants 1 digester @ 8,125 cu ft 1 mgd 1 digester @ 15,400 cu ft 2 digesters @ 40,625 cu ft 10 mgd 2 digesters @ 77,000 cu ft 3 digesters @ 270,833 cu ft 100 mgd 5 digesters @ 308,000 cu ft For primary plants, the heat load in BTU/hr can be computed as 9000 times the design population in thousands. The factor for activated sludge plants is 15,000. Loss of heat through the walls of the digester can also be estimated in an approximate way. For digesters with gas recirculation and exposed outside walls, the heat load can be approximated by multiplying the digester capacity in thousands of cubic feet times a factor. This factor is 4800 for a moderate climate such as that for Cincinnati, Ohio. Heat requirements for primary and activated sludge digesters can be computed as follows: Primary Plants: Digester volume cu. ft BTU/hr = 90,000 x mgd + 4800 x Rs Activated Sludge Plants: Digester volume ci BTU/hr = 150,000 x mgd + 4800 x i088 The capacity of sludge heating units for each size of plant can now be computed as follows: Primary Plants Plant Size Activated Sludge Plants 1 @ 129,000 BrU/nr 1 mga 1 @ 223,920 BIU/ar 2 @ 645,000 BTU/hr 10 mad 2 @ 1,119,600 BrU/hr 3 @ 4,300,000 BTU/hr 100 mgd 5 @ 4,478,400 BTU/hr 25 The installed horsepower can be taken from Figure 5 to give the following estimates: Primary Plant Plant Size Activated Sludge Plant 1 unit @ 1.1 hp 1 mgd 1 unit @ 1.15 bp 2 units @ 3.1 hp = 6.2 hp 10 mgd 2 units @ 4 hp = 8 hp 3 units @ 10.3 hp = 30.9 hp —«-100 mgd. 5 units @ 10.3 hp = 51.5 hp Assuming that these installed electric motors operate about 75% of the time, the following estimates for electrical power con- sumption can be computed: Primary Plant Plant Size Activated Sludge Plant 16.8 kwh/day 1 mgd 17.6 kwh/day 95. kwh/day 10 mgd 122.4 kwh/day 473. kwh/day 100 mod 788 kwh/day These are the electrical energy requirements for the primary digester th is always heated. If the secondary digester is to be heated these values should be multiplied by two. Secondary digesters are usually not heated, Blectric motors are also used to drive the gas recirculation equip- ment for mixing the contents of the primary digester. From specifications” of manufacturers’ of gas recirculation systems for mixing of anaerobic digesters, the following operating horse- powers are shown as a function of the diameter of the digester: ft. dia. 4.09 HP ft. dia, 5.20 HP ft. dia. 5.20 HP ft. dia. 8.18 HP 81-110 ft. dia. 11.0 HP Since the mixers normally operate 24 hr/day, the electrical power consumption can be estimated directly from the installed horsepower shown above. 26 Since the depth of sludge in the digester is known to vary from 20 ft. at the 25 ft. dia, size to 35 ft. at the 110 ft. dia. size, the diameter of the digesters required can be computed as follow: Primary Plants Plant Size Activated Sludge Plants 1 @ 23 ft. dia. 1 mga 1@ 31 ft. dia. 2@ 47 ft. dia. 10 mgd 2 @ 62 ft. dia. 3 @ 102 ft. dia. 100 mad 5 @ 108 ft. dia. The installed electrical horsepower for mixing is given below: Primary Plants Plant size Activated Sludge Plants 1 @ 4,09 hp 1 mgd 1@ 5.2 hp [email protected] hp = 10.4 hp 10 mgd 2 @ 8,18 hp = 16.36 hp 3 @ 11 hp = 33 hp 100 mod 5 @ 11 hp = 55 hp Power consumption in kwh/day are given below: Primary Plants Plant Size. Activated Sludge Plants 84 kwh/day 1 mgd 106 kwh/day 212 kwh/day 10 mgd 334 kwh/day 673 kwh/day 100 mgd 1122 kwh/day Aerobic digestion is sometimes used to destroy suspended solids in waste activated sludge and to improve the dewatering characteristics of the remaining solids. The aerobic digester is similar to an aerator used in the activated sludge process except that settling and recycle of thickened sludge is not provided. The digester is supplied with diffused air, except during the periods when the con- tents of the digester are allowed to settle in order to draw off the thickened digested sludge. The detention time needed, when waste activated sludge alone is digested, is in the range 15-20 days. Since the volume of the waste activated sludge stream is about 0.018 mg/mg, a 1 mgd plant would produce about 16,000 gallons of waste activated sludge per day, requiring about 36,000 cu. ft. of digester capacity. About 25-30 cfm per 1000 cu. ft. of digester capacity is recommended to keep the sludge in suspension and supply 27 the oxygen demand of the microorganisms. Since about 900 scf is needed in diffused air system, the air requirements for the 1 mod aerobic digestion process exceeds the requirements for the con- ventional activated sludge process by a factor of 1.3. Thus, aerobic digestion increases the electrical power consumption of activated sludge plants significantly The installed electrical horsepower for vacuum filters is shown in Figure 6 . The estimated amounts of sludge to be vacuum fil- tered, using sludge handling scheme II for primary plants and sludge handling schemes II and III for activated sludge plants. is shown below together with the size of filter likely to be in- stalled and the operating times: PRIMARY PLANTS SCHEME IT 1 mgd $08 Ib/day 60 sq. ft. 0.94 hr/day 10 mad 5,080 lb/day 125 sq. ft. 5. h/day 100 mgd 50,800 Ib/day 250 sq. ft. 24. hr/day ACTIVATED SLUI GE PLANTS | SCHEME IT 1 mad 1,046 lb/day 60 sq. ft. 4.36 hr/day 10 mgd «10,886 Ib/day 575 sq. ft. 5. hr/day 100 mgd 108,860 1b/day 2 x 575 = 1150 sq. ft. 24. hr/day ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS SCHEME III 1 mgd 1,661 1b/day 60 sq. ft. 4.6 hr/day 10 mgd «27,261 Ib/day 575 sq. ft. 5. hr/day 100 mgd 172,610 Ib/day 3 x 430 = 1290 sq. ft. 24. hr/day Using these estimates and the installed electrical horsepower shown in Figure 6, the following electrical power requirements can be calculated: PRIMARY PLANTS SCHEME II ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS SCHEME II 1 mga 10.4 kw-hr/day 1 mgd ST kwh/day 10 mgd 108 kwh/day 10 mga 346 kwh/day 100 mgd = 847 kwh/day 100 mgd 3325 kwh/day 28 TOTAL INSTALLED ELECTRICAL HORSEPOWER POR VACUUM FILTERS 8 & 8 Ry s x emodasxoH TeoTALeTE paTTeysur 29 i Vacuum Filter Area, sq. ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS SCHEME IIT 1 mgd 60 kwh/day 10 mod 346 kwh/day 100 mgd 3947 kwh/day Electrical power consumption by centrifuges used for dewatering Gigested organic sludge can be estimated accurately by the manu- facturers of the equipment, but the computations are complex and depend on the specific application intended. The type of centri- uge considered here is the solid bowl centrifuge for dewatering digested organic sludge. Bstimates of power consumed® are shown below for four different centrifuge sizes 0.73 = 1.6 horsepower/gpm 2. 0.8 - 1.48 horsepower/gpm 3. 0.43 - 0.81 horsepower/gpm 4. 0.41 ~ 0.74 horsepowex/opm The limits of power consumption shown above correspond to 1000 g's and 2000 g's. The lower value is typical of operation where the sludge is to be disposed of by land spreading. The higher value is characteristic of a dryer sludge which might be incinerated. The range of volume handled per centrifuge is 10 gpm for the smaller size and 140 gpm for the larger size. When waste sludge is to be incinerated, it is common practice to provide a gravity thickener upstream of the centrifuge. The concentration of the thickened sludge would be about 5% solids. If we take the amounts of sludge given in the discussion on vacuum filters and convert these amounts to gpm, assuming a solids concentration of 5%, the volume of the stream to the centrifuge in the primary plants is 0.85 gpm at 1 mgd, 84.7 opm at 10 mgd and 847. gpm at the 100 mgd size if the centrifuge is operated 24 hr/day. Thus, the power consumed in the primary plants would be 28 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 256 kwh/day at 10 mgd and 1400 kwh/day at 100 mgd. For activated sludge plants using sludge handling scheme II, the power consumed at 1 mgd would be 57 kwh/day, at 10 mgd 368 kwh/day and at 100 mgd a1 2740 kwh/day. For activated sludge plants using sludge handling scheme III, the corresponding values would be 90 kwh/day at 1 mod, 435 kwh/day at 10 mgd and 4348 kwh/day at 100 mgd. Thus, the electrical power consumption for centrifugation of digested sludge is somewhat higher than that required for vacuum filters. The amounts of sludge to be incinerated will equal the amounts vacuum filtered. Figure 7 shows the electrical power consumption” as a function of hearth area in terms of kwh per ton of sludge in- cinerated. The recommended loading is 2 1b. of sludge per hour per sq. ft. of hearth area. The size of incinerator likely to be used is hown below together with the electrical power consumption: PRIMARY PLANTS SCHEME IT 1 mga 85 sq. ft. 28.4 kwh/day 10 mgd 510 sq. ft. 152.4 kwh/day 100 mga 2 x 375 = 1150 sq. ft. 1148. kwh/day ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS SCHEME II 1 moa 112 sq. ft. 54 kwh/day 10 mgd 1,117 sq. ft. 245 kwh/day 100 mad 2,275 sq. ft. 1905 kwh/day ACTIVATED SLUDGE PLANTS SCHEME ITI 1 mga 166 sq. ft. 75 kwh/day 10 md 1,752 sq. ft. 328 kwh/day 100 mad 2x 1849 = 3698 sq. ft. 3280 kwh/day 32 BLECTRICAL BNERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTIPLE HEARTH FURNACES 1000 100 10 Hearth Area per MIF, sq. ft. FIGURE 7 33 CHLORINATION The dose of chlorine for disinfection of primary effluent is 20-25 ma/1, For activated sludge effluents the corresponding dose is 8 mg/l, Thus, the average useage of chlorine is 187 1b/mg for primary plants and 67 1b/ng © activated sludge plant The three standard sizes of chlorinators are 400 1b/day, 2000 1b/day and 8000 1b/day. When the chlorine is removed from the storage pressure vessel as a gas, the power requirements for these chlorinators are negligible; 30 watts for the 400 and 2000 1b/day units and 75 watts for the 8000 1b/day unit. If a large amount of chlorine is used at a plant, it is often ad- vantageous (reduced storage) to remove the chlorine as a liquid and then evaporate the chlorine to a gas before use in the chlor- inator, The kilowatt rating of a standard evaporator is 18 kilo- watts. The manufacturer recommends the use of an evaporator if chlorine useage exceeds 2000 1b/day. The actual dissipation of electrical energy can be computed from the heat of vaporization of chlorine (123.7 BIU/Ib) and the heat required to raise the temperature of the gas to ambient temperature. The specivic heat of chlorine is 0.115 BTU/Ib and since the boiling -30°F, about 11.5 BTU/1b is needed :o bring the gas to point ; room temperature. The total to evaporate chlorine is 135 BTU/1b. One kilowatt-hr is equivalent to 3412 BTU. The 2000 1b/day point is equivalent to about 10 mgd for a primary plant and 30 mgd for an activated sludge plant. The 1 mgd plait would, therefore, consume only 30 watts or 0.72 kwh/day. The 10 mod primary plant would consume 3¢ watts plus 135 BTU/1b or a total of 82.4 kwh/day. The 10 mgd activated sludge plant would consume oniy 30 watts. The 100 mgd primary plant would consum2 20,825 Ib Cl, per day. The chlorinators would corsume 225 watts and the heat to vaporize the chlorine would amount to 824 kwh/day for a total of 829 kwh/day. The corresponding value for the 100 mad activatec sludge plant is 226 kwh/day. LIGHTS AND MISCELLANEOUS POWER Additional electrical power is used in plants for indoor and out- door lighting, operation of hand tools and office equipment, and other miscellaneous uses. The annual reports of the larger plants often give an estimate of this consumptive use, but in the smaller plants, an estimate must be made. The circled points in Figure 9 show values taken from the annual reports of four large plants. Building electrical usage for lights and outlets is often estimated as 2-4 watts per square foot of floor area, In estimating the building power consumption for plants in the 1-10 mgd range, a working day of 10 hours was assumed. The floor area assumed as a function of plant size is shown in Figure 0. From a recent study made by Black and Veatch Consulting Engineers’, the estimated number of outdoor lights was found to be four lights at al mgd plant, 8 lights at a 5 mod plant and 12 lights at a 10 mgd plant. The average expenditure per outdoor light was estimated as $25 per year. If we take the average cost of elec- trical power as 2 cents/kwh, one light would consume 342 watts, which is a good average between the conventional 400 watt street light and the 250 watt pole light often used in plants around aerators and settlers. If we assume that the outdoor lights are turned on for an average of 10 hr/day, the curve shown in Figure 9 can be constructed. 37 E[ ESTIMATED FLOOR AREA FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS. f= FIGURE a 6e Kilowatt-Hours/day ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR LIGHTING AND MISCELLANEOUS POWER Plant Size, mgd FIGURE 9 PRODUCTION OF POWER BY UTILIZATION OF SLUDGE GAS Gas produced as a result of anaerobic digestion of organic sludge can be used to supply internal combustion engines. These IC engines can be direct coupled to air blowers or water pumps or can be used to drive electric generators. Digester gas can also be used to heat the digesters or to support combustion in the incinerator. Digester gas is normally about 65-70% methane by volume. The volume of gas produced per pound of volatile solids destroyed is reported as 17-18 scf/1b at the larger and better instrumented plants. Smaller plants report lesser values, sometimes as low as 6 scf/lb VSS destroyed, but these lower values are probably due to poor measurement techniques. The fuel value of methane is about 963 BTU/scf and since digester gas is about 67% methane, the fuel value of digester gas is about 645 BTU/scf. Average values for volatile solids fed to the digesters is 650 1b/mg for primary plants and 1275 1b/ng for activated sludge plants. If we assume that about 50% of these volatile solids will be destroyed in the digester and a yield of 17.5 scf/1b destroyed, the amount of digester gas available will be 5688 scf/ng for the primary plant and 11,156 scf/mg for the activated sludge plant. ‘The BTU's available for power generation will be 3.669 x 10° BTU/mg for the primary plant and 7.20 x 10° BTU/mg for the acti- vated sludge plant. If we use this gas in an internal combustion engine, the power produced, using 7000 BTU/bhp-hr, will be 524 bhp-hr/ng for the primary plant and 1029 bhp-hr/ng for the activated sludge plant. Assuming 24 hr. operation of the blowers, a direct coupled IC engine would develop about 43 horsepower per million gallons in the activated sludge plant. Thus, sufficient gas is produced to drive the blowers. At the Cincinnati Mill Creek Primary Plant where digester gas is used al to generate electrical power, it has been reported that 17.5 scf of digester gas is used to produce one kilowatt-hour, Therefore, if all of the gas was utilized, about 325 kwh/mg could be produced in the primary plant and 627 kwh/mg could be produced in the act vated sludge plant. Since primary plants use about 235 kwh/mg, it should be possible to supply all of the electrical energy require- ments for primary plants by using an IC engine to drive a generator. This is, in fact, what is done at the Mill Creek Plant and a neg- ligible amount of power is purchased. The activated sludge plants consume an average of 942 kwh/mg; this exceeds the amount of power which might be generated by utilization of digester gas. Even in activated sludge plants a maximum of 2/3 of the power needed could be generated by using sludge gas. Since sludge gas is not produced continuously, a storage sphere is normally provided and some power is consumed in storing the gas at about 40 psig. Sludge gas is also often used for heating the digester or for operating the incinerator. Thus, the total amounts estimated above might not be available for power generation. 42 TOTAL ELECTRICAL POWER CONSUMPTION FOR CONVENTIONAL PLANTS Since estimates of power consumption have been made for all of the conventional processes shown in Figure 1, these can now be summed to find the total power consumption for complete plants. These totals are shown in Tables I and II for primary plants using sludge handling schemes I and II, In Tables III and IV the totals for activated sludge plants using sludge handling schemes 11 and III are shown, Table V gives the totals for trickling filter plants using sludge handling scheme II. Since no electrical power is used by sand drying beds, the totals for activated sludge plants using sludge handling scheme I can be found by subtracting the con- sumption for vacuum filtration and incineration from totals for sludge handling scheme II. These totals are 1004 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 8218 kwh/day for 10 mgd and 75,864 kwh/day for the 100 mgd size. Similarly, the totals for trickling filter plants using drying beds would be 610 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 4215 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 35,052 kwh/day at 100 mod. Total electrical power consumption for plants taken from Tables I-V are shown plotted versus plant size in Figure 10. Power con- sumption for activated sludge plants is almost linear with plant size because influent pumping and diffused air consumption are the major uses and these are linear with the volume of the main stream. The curves for primary and trickling filter plants show significant economy of scale. 43 TABLE 1 ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS TYPE OF PLANT Pri SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME Killowatt-hours/day PLANT SIZE 1 nga 10_agd 109 nga PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Bar Screens 1.53 1,53 Conminutors 15.3 Grit Removal 1.7 FLUENT PUMPING (30 ft TDH) 1s3 1,451 12,933 PRINARY SBDINENTATION (800 gpa/sq =t) TRICKLING FILTERS Recirculation Pumping Final Sedimentation ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS Diffused Air Recirculation Pumping (50%, 17.5 ft) Final Settlers (800 gpd/sq ft) CHLORINATION, | 0.72 82.4 829. SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL Sludge Pumping 8.64 64. Gravity Thickeners 10.2 30.6 Air Flotation Thickeners Anaerobic Digesters Mixin aa. 212. Heating 17.8 122.4 Vacuum Filtration Multiple Hearth Incineration LIGHTS AND MISCELLANEOUS POWER 57. 210. 2400 TOTAL Kilowatt-hours/day 372 2293 44 TABLE IT ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS. TYPE OF PLANT Primary SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME TT Killowatt-hours/day PLANT SIZE lng 10_nge PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Bar Screens 17 Comminutors 204, Grit Removal a. a INFLUBNT PUMPING (30 ft TDH) 453 1asi. PRINARY SEDIMENTATION (890 gpé/sq =) 30.6 TRICKLING FILTERS Recirculation Pumping Final Sedimentation ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS Diffused Air Recirenlation Pumping (50%, 17.5 £t) Final Settlers (800 gpd/sq ¢t) CHLORINATION 0.72 en. SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL Sludge Pumpin: 104 6.4 ba. Gravity Thickeners 1012 Air Flotation Thickeners Anaerobic Digesters Mixing a4, 873. Heating 17.6 768. Vacuum Filtration 1014 aa7. Multiple Hearth Incineration 28.4 asa. LIGHTS AND MISCELLANEOUS POWER 57 210 aco TOTAL Kilowatt-hours/day 21,000 45 TABLE IIT ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS TYPE OF PLANT Activated Sluége i Killowatt-hours/day PLANT $1ZB 1 nod 10 nod 109 mod PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Bar Screens 1.52 10.7 Conminutors 15.3 204. Grit Removal 1.7 34. INFLUENT PUMPING (30 £t TDH) 153 12,933, MENTATION 20.6 122. 134. TRICKLING FILTERS Recirculation Pumping Final Sedimentation ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS Dit fused Air 832 5,320 53,200 Recirculation Pumping (59%, 45, 423 3,131 17.5 £t) Final Settlers (200 opd/sq ft) | 30.6 122. 134 HLORINAT 10% 72 +72 266 SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL Sludge Pumping 2.68 26.6 266 Gravity Thickene: 10.2 20.4 40.8 Air Flotation Thickeners Anaerobic Digesters Mixing 106. 334, 1,122. Heating Vacuum Filtration 346. 3,225. Multiple Hearth Incineration 34. 1,905. CELLANEOUS POWER 87 210 2,400 tt-hours/day 1,115 8,809 81,094 46 TABLE IV ELECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS. TYPE OF PLANT Activated Sludge SLUDGE HANDLING SCHBMB TIT Killowatt-hours/day PLANT SIZE 1 mga to mgd | 199 mye PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Bar Screens 1.53 10.7 Comminutors 61. 20a. Grit Removal “3.4 34. INFLUENT PUMPING (20 ft TDH) usa 1,451 PRIVARY SEDINENTATION Golo lee woe (890_gpé/sq t) B a 7 ‘TRICKLING FILTERS Recirculation Pumping Final Sedimentation ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS piftused Air 5,320 53,200 Recirculation Pumping (50%, 423 3,131 17.5 £t) Final Settlers (800 9pé/sq st) | 30.6 qe. 734 CHLORINATION +72 72 266. SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL Sludge Pumping 2.65 6 266. Gravity 7 20.4 30.6 Aix Flotation Thickeners 70. 608. Anaerobic Digesters Heating Vacuum Filtration 60. 346. 3,947. Multiple Hearth Incineration 73. 328. 3,280 LIGHTS AND NISCELLANEOUS POWER 37. 210. 499. TOTAL Kilowatt-hours/day 1,085 9,044 85,862 a7 TABLE V BLECTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS High Rate TYPE OF PLANT _Trickling Filter SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME _ TL Killowatt-hours/day PLANT $1ZB 1 ngd 10_ngd 199 mgd PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Bar Screens 1.53 10.7 Conninutors 61. 204. Grit Removal 3.4 34, INFLUENT PUMPING (30 ft TDH) 153 1,451 12,933 PRINARY SEDIMENTATION . 122. 734. (890 gpé/sq £t) oe 22 4 TRICKLING FILTERS Recirculation Pumping aa 1740 15,519 Final Sedimentation 30.6 122 734 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS Diffused Air Recirculation Pumping (50%, 17.5 ft) Final Settlers (800 opd/sq ft) CHLORINATION 172 .72 266. SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL Sludge Pumping 2.66 26.6 266. Gravity Thickeness 10.2 20.4 40.8 Air Flotation Thickeners Anaerobic Digesters Mixing 106 344 1,122 Heating 17.6 122.4 788 Vacuum Filtration 37 346 2,325 Multiple Hearth Incineration 54 245 1905 LIGHTS AND MISCELLANEOUS POWER 57 210 2,400 TOTAL Kilowatt-hours/day ar 4,806 40,282 48 ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT versus PLANT STZB 100,000 10,000 1,000 Blectrical Power Consumption, kwh/day PLANTS 1 10 100 Plant Design Capacity, mgd 49 FIGURE 10 EXPENDITURE FOR ELECTRICAL POWER IN CONVENTIONAL PLANTS The cost of electrical power depends on the peak demand for power as well as the amount of kilowatt-hours used. A schedule of charges for electrical power used by the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. is shown in the Appendix. The average cost of power in the United States is published yearly by the Federal Power Commission and the latest available nationwide averages are shown in the Appendix. The cost of power, based on the Cincinnati Gas and Electric schedule for the power categories used by the Federal Power Commission, is also shown in the Appendix. Notice that these exceed the 1970 national average in the 150 kw, 30,000 kwh/mo category by 8%, in the 300 kw, 60,000 kwh/mo category by 9% and the 1000 kw, 2000,000 kwh/mo category by 14%, The Cincinnati Gas and Electric schedule has been used to compute the monthly expenditure for electrical power in the five plant types shown in Tables I-V. These dollar amounts are given in Tables VI-X. These values have been con- verted to dollars per year and plotted in Figure 11, In a paper by R. L, Michel of EPA, published in the Water Pollution Control Federation for November 1970, the electrical power con- sumption in plants was reported in terms of annual dollar expen- Giture for electrical power. This data was gathered over the 1965-68 period. The relationships reported by Michel cover the range 0.1-10 mgd and his data for primary, high rate trickling filter, and activated sludge plants are shown as dashed lines in Figure 11. A multiplier of 1.12 was applied to Michel's data to make it consistent with the cost of electrical power, using the CGEE schedule shown in the Appendix. The agreement between Michel's data and the estimates produced in this report is good for conventional primary plants. The agree~ nent for activated sludge plants is not as good and this could be due to the use of sludge gas or natural gas in IC engines to power the blowers, The agreement between Michel's data on high 51 zs TABLE VE COST OF ELECTRICAL POWER ~ PRIMARY ~ SCHEME 1 TYPE OF PLANT: Primary SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME: T 1 nga 10 noa 100 nga kwh $/no kwh $/mo kwh $/mo fav Demand [an 153 2,013 h/day 372 2,293 | 18,700 reh/n0 11.160 68,790 5610 Fiest 6000 kwh s,160 | 157.60 | 62,790 | 157.60 |555,000 | 157.60 60 x KW Demand x 1.42¢/kh 3,300 | 26.41 | sa,e10 | 130.36 |494,220 | 863.08 120 x KW Demand x 1.14¢/kwh oO 35,250 209.30 aetoeey erences) 120 x KW Demand x 0.82¢/kwa 1s.s90 | 150.53 laszizoo | 906.70 | Additional kwh x 0.71¢/kuh ie | 1 KW Demand minus 15 16 138 998 First 35 KW x $2 = $70 32. 103 70. 963 70. Second 50 KW x $1.95 ~ $97.50 4 97.50 oa | ozo | Third 900 KW x $1.50 = §1350 79.50 as_|1,350. ‘Addi tional KW Demand x $1.35 ass | Total Yonthly Bill, dollars 216,01 pretstes 6,721. eee 1,936 1.476 1,198 Cents/1000 gallons t¥eated we 1338 2224 es TABLE VII COST OF ELECTRICAL POWER - PRIMARY - SCHEME IT TYPE OF PLANT: Primary SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME: 1 1 mod I 10 nod 100 mad ew $/n0 ew $/mo wh $ixo_ | KO Denand 34 156 1,138 lewh/day aul 2,343 21,000 kwh/no, 2 a 10.290 630,000__| first 6000 kwh 6,330 | 157.60 | 64,290 157.60 | 624,000 | 157.60 60 % Kv Demand x 1,42¢/kcwh 4,290 20.97 | 54,930 ase.01_| 355,720 | 960.58_| 100 XK) Demand x 1 2aé/lwh zio | 2.30 | 36,210 | an3.a1_| eee | sxe za 120 x KW Demand x 0.82¢/kwh 17,490. 153.50. 282,600 11,119.79 Additional kwh x 0.71¢/iwh 124.18 12.006 .46. Xo) Demand minus 15 19 141 ites | First 35 Kw x $2 = $70 38. 106 O.. 1,088 70. Second 50 KW x $1.95 = $97.50 2 97:50 | a,038 | 97.50 Third 900 KW x $1.50 = $1350 84.00 138 1,350. Additional Kw Demand x $1.35 | | 186.30 Total Monthly Bill, dollars 226.96 1,033.10 7,514.02 cents /iash lea 1.47 1.193 Cents/1000 gallons treated +756 1344 | .250 | 1S TABLE VITI OST OF BLECTRICAL POWER = ACTIVATED SLUDGE = SCHEME T1 OF PLANT: Activated Sluage GE HANDLING SCHEME: IT i 1 nga 10 ned T 100 nga mo [| wm | mm | gm | em Teoh /day 1145 9,179 [64,208 | | Ren/day _ ——| of iewh/o . 34,350 275,370 | 2,528,640 2 ' vst 6000 Rah 2.330 | is7eo | 200,370 | isv.e | a.s00,640 | 157.60 [120 x Kw Demand x 1.14¢/kwh u1,173_|_130.51_| 159,210 | 937.22 | 1,700,760 16,246.29 Yoo w le Doma x o.oo /eah 91.67 | 85,770 | 602.21 [1,152,840 | 4,490.94 120 ! | Additional kwh x 0-71¢/kwh | | e08.07 | 8,185.16 | Demand 80.4 | 596 | | 4,ss | | First 35 70. | 4,516 70. Second 30 8 ors | a,a00 | 97.50 Third 900 K me. | ses Laas Adai tional 161 Demand x $1.35 | mee | Total 619.50 3,662.92 | 29,303.82 | Cents /kwh 1.80 1.33 1.16 | Cents/1000 gallons treated i 2.07 977 ss TABLE IX OOST OF ELECTRICAL POWER - ACTIVATED SLUDGE ~ SCHBMB TIT TYPE OF PLANT: Activated Sludge SLUDGE HANDLING SCHEME: ITT 1_mga 10 nga 100 mod kwh $/no kwh $/mo kwh | $/ro 1 Demand 93 | eee | sea | a Lis ayaa [9,080 | keh /ro 33,450 _|_202.400_| 2,671,680 | first 6000 ta 27,450 | 157.60 | 276,420 | 157.60 {2,665,680 | 137.30 60 x KW Demand x 1.42¢/kwh 21,870 79.24 | 238,740 | 545.06 | 2,376,240 | 4,110.05 220 x KW Demand x 1.14¢/kwh 10,710 127.22 163,380 859.10 11,797,360 16,599.23 | 120 x Kw Demand x 0.82¢/kwh 87.82 88,020 [ 617.95 {1,018,480 14,746.82 Additional kwh x 0.71¢/kwh | 624.94 | KW Demand minus 15 78 613 | 4809 First 35 KW x $2 = $70 3 70. sve | 70. | 4774 Second 50 KW x $1.95 = $97.50 oe = reo yo Third 900 KW x $1.50 = $1350 | 72. fj an24 Additional Kw Demand x $1.35 | j Total Monthly Bill, dollars 605.73 | 3,754.35 Cents ih La Laa_| Conts/1000 gallons treated | 2.01 [aes | COST OF ELECTRICAL POWER ~ RICKLING PILTER ~ SCHEME IT TYPE OF PLANT: Trickling Filter SLUNGE HANDLING SCHEME: IT. | 1 nga | $/m0 Kewh KW Demand 60 320 ! | | kwh/day 72k 4,806 i | i kwh /m0 21,630 a4a,1e0 | \ first 6000 kwh 15,630 | 157.60 157.60 i | ———— [— f [60 = kw Demand x 1.42¢/euh 12,030 | retool eet ae Ae eaen eerie dx 1.14¢/lewh 4,a30_| 82.08 30,580 | 437.76 | 809,700 {2,984.08 120 x KW Demand x 0.82¢/kwh 39.61 42,180 | 314.88 | 547,860 |2,147.09 EI i Additional kwh x 0.71¢/kewh 209.40 | i 7 \ 1 First 35 KW x $2 = $70 10 70. 270 70. raz encom Second 50 KW x $1.95 = $97.50 19.50 _ en A Thixd 900 KW x $1.50 = $1350 330. 1.182 11,350. Additional KW Demand x $1.35 | | 1,595.70 s i Total Monthly Bill, dollars 419.91 1,979.86 | 14,151.74 Cents /kwh | 1.04 3 |___a.a7 Cents/1000 gallons treated 1.40 66 i 472 Annual Cost for Electrical Power, dollars/yr ANNUAL EXPENDITURE FOR ELECTRICAL POWER IN CONVENTIONAL PLANTS ‘versus PLANT SIZE + Pe eb eT ee a | 1 10 100 Design Capacity, millions of gallons per day AS = activated sludge, TF = high rate trickling filter P = conventional primary, I @ II refer to sludge handling schemes 37 FIGURE 11 rate trickling filters and the estimates made here is not good. Michel's estimates for trickling filters is only slightly above his estimates for conventional primary. The explanation for this discrepancy is not known at this time. The cost of elec- trical power versus the amount of power used, taken from Tables is shown plotted in Figure 12. 58 ELECTRICAL POWER versus DAILY USAGE 100 1000 10,000 100,000 Daily Power Usage, kilowett-hours/day FIGoRE 12 39 ELECTRICAL POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED PROCESSES The first process which might be considered for use downstream of the activated sludge process is microscreening to remove sus- pended solids which escape over the weirs of the final clarifier. Installed electrical horsepower and average electrical power con- sumption for microscreening equipment is shown in Figure 13. The principal source of this information is a paper presented at the 4lst Annual Meeting of the Ohio Water Pollution Control Conference by E. W. J, Diaper of Glenfield and Kenned; Inc. The triangular points are from a recent EPA report 17090 EEM 12/71. Thus, the power actually consumed is about 115 kwh/day for 1 mgd, 375 kwh/day at 10 mgd and 1200 kwh/day at 100 mgd. The economy of scale is apparently very significant. Liquid alum can be added to the aerator to remove phosphorus with the waste activated sludge. The usual dose of aluminum is 1.5 moles of aluminum per mole of phosphorus in the main stream. If we take the influent phosphorus concentration as 10 mg/l, the aluminum dose would be 13.05 mg/l or 144 mg/l of dry alum, Since one gallon of liquid alum contains 5.4 1b. of dry alum, the amount of liquid alum used would be 222 gallons/mg treated. This is equivalent to 9.25 gph/mgd. It is customary to install a one-third hoxsepower motor on all feeders up to 60 gph. A second pump might be needed to deliver the liquid alum to a head tank and a one-third horsepower motor would also be adequate for this purpose. The ac- tual horsepower consumed in raising the liquid 50 ft. would only be 0.3 horsepower at the 100 mgd size. The total power consumption for feeding liquid alum will, therefore, be taken as 10 kwh/day at the 1 mgd size, 15 kwh/day at the 10 mgd size, and 110 kwh/day at the 100 mgd size. The addition of alum to the aerator will result in extra sludge production and extra electrical power consumption. Addition of 61 ELRCTRICAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR MICROSCREENS Design Capacity, mgd FIGURE 13 alum to the aerator will result in an increase of about 40% in sludge production. The increased power consumption for mixing and heating of anaerobic digesters will be about 25 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 90 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 400 kwh/day at the 100 mgd level. Increased power for vacuum filtration will be 42 kwh/day at 1 mad, 87 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 964 kwh/day at 100 mgd. Additional power for incineration of the extra sludge will amount to 24 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 141 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 1044 kwh/day at 100 mgd. Thus, if we select sludge handling scheme II for use with alum addition to the aerator, the total additional power consumption will be 101 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 333 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 2518 kwh/day at 100 mgd. For lime clarification, Lake Tahoe estimates power consumption as 431 kwh/day for clarification, 637 kwh/day for dewatering of lime mud, and 550 kwh/day for recalcining of lime sludge for a total of 1618 kwh/day at the 7.5 mgd size. Lake Tahoe uses two stage lime clarification with the ammonia stripping tower built over the second clarifier. The EPA report on lime clarification, Twrc-14"°, gives the installed horsepower per densator as 14/11 times the flow in ngd for sizes of 11 mgd and less and 14 + 0.06 (mgd - 11) for sizes greater than 11 mgd. Thus, the installed horsepower for a two stage lime clarification at the 7.5 mgd size would be estimated as 10 horsepower per clarifier which would consume an average of 408 kwh/éay which is close to the Lake Tahoe value, Using the estimates from TWRC-14 we can estimate the power consumption for lime clari- fication at the 1 mgd size as 52 kwh/day, at the 10 mod as 611 kwh/day and at the 100 mgd size as 2958 kwh/day. The largest densator will handle 20 mgd so the power requirements for this size was multiplied by five to find the estimated power requirements for the 100 mgd size. At the Lake Tahoe plant, the lime sludge with a solids concentration of about 1% solids is first gravity thickened to about 4.9% solids and then dewatered with centrifuges before disposal. The estimated 63 lime sludge produced by the 7.5 mgd plants is 17 tons per day of dry solids. 4 fraction of this must be wasted to prevent build- up of phosphates in the system. The estimated amount to be re- calcined is 9 tons per day at the 7.5 mgd plant. Thus, roughly one-half of the lime sludge would be combined with the organic sludges and disposed of by incineration or land fill. The underflow stream from the lime sludge thickener at Lake Tahoe was estimated as 36 opm with a solids concentration of 4.9%. The amount of electrical power used in the dewatering process was given as 637 kwh/day at the 7.5 mgd size and this would correspond to 31,2 horsepower for 24 hr/day or 0.324 hp/opm. Estimates from the manufacturer for the 24" x 60" centrifuge, used at Lake Tahoe, was 0.43 - 0.81 hp/opm. These values were for digested primary sludges and, therefore, the 0.324 hp/gpm value seems reasonable. Therefore, for lime sludge dewatering, the estimates are 84.9 kwh/ day at the 1 mgd size, 849 kwh/day for the 10 mgd size and 8490 kwh/day for the 100 mgd size. In the Lake Tahoe estimate for recalcination, only the cost of the recalcined sludge was included and the cost of burning the waste lime sludge with the organic waste sludge was included in the cost of the conventional processes. The policy used here will be to charge the cost of burning the waste lime sludge to the lime recal- cination process. A loading rate of 2 lb/hr/sq. ft. will be assumed for the waste lime sludge. Since about 8 tons/day of waste lime sludge are burned at the 7.5 mgd size, the estimate of power con- sumption will be 100 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 450 kwh/day at LO mgd, and 3500 kwh/day at 100 mgd for burning of the waste lime sludge. The 14.25 ft. diameter, 6 hearth recalcination furnace used at Lake Tahoe has a hearth area of 575 sq. ft. The maximum capacity of this furnace is given as 20 tons/day or about 3 lb/hr/sq. ft. It was found at Lake Tahoe that the optimum feed rate was 1,13 lb/hr/sq. ft. to maximize the activity of the recalcined lime. This value will be used here. Using a recalcination rate of 1.29 64 tons/day/mgd, the size of the recalcination furnace at the 1 mgd size should be 457 sq. ft. if the furnace is operated an average of 5 hours per day. From the electrical power consumption estimates shown in Figure 7 for incineration of organic sludge and the fact that the loading rate is 2 lb/hr/sq. ft., we can derive the following relationship for power consumption in terms of kilowatts/sq. ft. kilowatts/sq. ft. = 0.636 (hearth area, sq. ft.)~0°37712 Using this relationship, we find the power consumption for the re~ calcination furnace used at Lake Tahoe to be 33.3 kw. The 550 kwh/ day estimated at Lake Tahoe would correspond to a loading of about 1.3 Ib/hr/sq. ft. Using the optimized loading of 1.13 1b/hr/sq. ft., the 10 mgd plant would require a hearth area of 951 sq. ft., if operation is 24 hr/day. The next standard size furnace is 988 sq. ft. The power consumption would be 46.7 kw or 1120 kwh/day. At the 100 mgd size, a hearth area of 9513 would be required. Three recalcination furnaces with hearth area of 3120 sq. ft. would be sufficient. The power consump- tion would be 95.5 kw per furnace or 6874 kwh/day total. Electrical power consumption for the 1 mgd plant would be 30.8 kw or 154 kwh/day. Thus, the total power consumption, including burning of waste lime sludge, would be 254 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 1570 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 10,374 kwh/day at 100 mgd. For recarbonation, Lake Tahoe estimates 702 kwh/day. It will be assumed here that power for recarbonation is proportional to flow. Therefore, the power consumption at 1 mgd would be 93.6 kwh/day, for 10 mgd, 936 kwh/day, and for the 100 mgd size, 9355 kwh/day. Ammonia stripping requires a significant amount of power because the water must be pumped to the top of the tower and the volume of air required to strip the ammonia from the water is large. At Lake Tahoe the estimate was 672 kwh/day/mgd for each day the ammonia 65 stripping tower is in operation. In the colder climates, the ammonia stripping tower is likely to freeze in the winter months and provision must be made for this if a yearly average is com puted. At Lake Tahoe it was estimated that the tower could operate about 65% of the year. The principal consumptive use of electrical power, associated with multi-media filtration, is the energy required to pump the main stream through the filters. additional power is required for back- washing, surface spray, and feeding of chemicals. The estimates for electrical power from Lake Tahoe are not generally applicable because of the filters and the carbon adsorption vessels are in series, and because of the peculiarities of the site. For example, the total dynamic head for the filters was given as 100 ft. of water. Actually, the filters which were sized for 5 gpm/sq. ft. were backwashed when the head across the two filters in series reached 16 ft. of water. Horsepower for pumping the main stream is given by the following relationshi! Horsepower = mgd x 0.17546 x TDH/eff mgd = millions of gallons per day TDH = total dynamic head, ft. eff = hydraulic efficiency Backwash pumps must deliver about 5% of the main stream against a head of about 75 ft, Surface wash pumps operate for about 15 minutes per day and are sized for about 1.42 gpm/sq. ft. at a head of about 300 ft. If we use a hydraulic efficiency of 70% for the 1 mgd size and an averace pumping head of 15 ft., the power consumed by the main stream would be 77 kwh/day. For backwashing, the power consumption would be 19.2 kwh/day. For surface spray, the power consumption would be 3.3 kwh/day and the total would be 99.5 kwh/day. Since the power consumption will be proportional to flow, except for the hydraulic efficiency, the estimate for 10 mgd would be 953 kwh/ day and 8743 kwh/day at the 100 mgd size. 66 The pressure drop through a column of granular carbon varies with the application rate and with the length of the column. When the design contact time and the hydraulic surface loading is known, the length of the column can be computed with the following re- lationship: column Length, ft, = 9PR/Sd+ ft. x contact time, min. 7.48 If we assume a design contact time of 40 minutes and a hydraulic surface loading of 7 gpm/sq. ft., the length of the column re- quized is 38 ft. The pressure drop through 38 ft. of clean granular carbon will be about 8.23 psig or 19 ft. of water. It is common practice to design the pressure contactors for a maximum working pressure of 50 psi or 116 ft, of water. The average of these two is about 68 ft. of water, Therefore, the electrical power used in pumping the main stream through the granular carbon will be about 348 kwh/day at the 1 mgd size. If variable speed pumping is used rather than a flow equalization tank, this value might be increased by about 25%. The corresponding values for 10 mgd and 100 mgd are 3287 kwh/day and 29,308 kwh/day. About 5% of the main stream will be used for backwash and the pumping head will be about 75 ft. of water. The electrical power consumed will be 19.2 kwh/day for 1 mgd, 192 kwh/day for 10 mgd and 1916 kwh/day for 100 mgd. The surface spray will operate for about 15 minutes per day and will be sized for 1.42 gpm/sq. ft. Thus, the power consumed for surface spray will be 3.24 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 32.4 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 324 kwh/day at 100 mgd. The total power consumption for the carbon columns will, therefore, be 371 kwh/day at 1 mgd, 3511 kwh/day at 10 mgd, and 31,548 kwh/day at 100 nod. The amount of granular carbon to be regenerated is about 350 1b/ million gallons treated. The recommended loading rate for the regeneration furnace is 100 1b/day/sq. ft. of hearth area or 4.17 lb/nr/sq. ft. At the 1 mgd size the smallest standard size re- generation furnace (85 sq. ft.) will be capable of regenerating 67 the spent carbon, operating an average of one hour per day. At the 10 mgd size, a furnace with 168 sq. ft. of hearth area will be capable of regenerating the carbon, operating 5 hours ‘per day. At the 100 mgd size, a furnace with 351 sq. ft. will be able to regenerate the carbon if it operates 24 hours per day. At the Lake Tahoe plant a regeneration furnace with about 62 sq. ft. of hearth area was used. The maximum capacity of this furnace was 6000 1b/day or about 100 1b/day/sq. ft. The amount of power expended for carbon regeneration was 169 kwh/day. If we estimate the amount of carbon to be regenerated as 350 1b/mg, the furnace would be operated for about 10 hours per day. Using the relation- ship for power consumption for a multiple hearth incinerator, the power consumption for the regeneration furnace alone would be about 83 kwh/day. Thus, the total power used, which would include trans- port of the carbon, is about twice that used by the regeneration furnace alone. Using this information, we can estimate the power requirements for the 1 mgd plant as 20 kwh/day at the 1 mgd size, 155 kwh/day at the 10 mgd size, and 1175 kwh/day for the 100 mgd size. The principal consumptive use of electrical power for biological nitrification is the additional air required. The amount of oxygen required to convert ammonia nitrogen to nitrate can be computed from the following chemical relationship: oN, + 40, ———m 2n0p + 2,0 + an” The ratio of oxygen required per pound of nitrogen converted to nitrate is, therefore, 64/14 or 4.57, If we take the concentration of ammonia nitrogen as 20 mg/l, we can compute that 761 pounds of oxygen is required per million gallons treated. If diffused air is used to supply the oxygen, the amount of air needed can be cal- culated as follows; scf/day = (1b 0,/day)/,075/.21/aeration efficiency 68 If we take the aeration efficiency as a nominal 5%, the amount of air needed for nitrification is 0.967 scf/gallon treated. This is essentially the same as the amount of air assumed for the acti- vated sludge process. An additional expenditure of electrical energy will be required to supply about 50% recycle and for final settling. The denitrification process will require power to keep the floc in suspension and for recycle. The power needed for mixing is about one-half horsepower per mad. Thus, the power consumed will be about 10.2 kwh/day at the 1 mgd size, 102 kwh/day at the 10 ngd size and 1020 kwh/day at the 100 mgd size. Recycle will be taken as 50% of the main stream. Where demineralization of the water is required, electrodialysis or reverse osmosis can be used. From EPA report WP-20-AWTR=18 the cost of supplying DC power to the electrodialysis process was given as 0.85 kwh/1000 gallons, The cost of pumping the main stream through the electrodialysis stacks was estimated as 0.491 kwh per 1000 gallons. Thus, the total for reducing the TDS of the water from 850 mg/l to 500 mg/l is 1,341 kwh/1000 gallons. For the reverse osmosis process the principal consumptive use of electrical power is for pumping the main stream through the men- brane. The pressure drop through the reverse osmosis process is about 500 psig. About 10% of the feed stream is wasted with the rejected salts and a small amount of power could be recovered by using this stream to drive a turbine. This scheme, however, has not been shown to be cost/effective and it will not be considered here. At the 1 mgd size, the power consumed will be 5903 kwh/day. At the 10 mgd size, the corresponding value is 55,836 kwh/day and at the 100 mgd size, the power consumption would be 497,811 kwh/day. 69 ELECTRICAL POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED PROCESS TRAINS Estimates of electrical power consumption for various alternative tertiary treatment trains are shown in Tables XI-XIII, Train VIII represents the set of processes used at Lake Tahoe. For the ammonia stripping process, it was assumed that the process will operate 65% of the year. Trains III and IV represent the sets of processes which are most likely to be used in the near future for control of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Values for electrical power consumption shown in Tables XI-XTII for trains without demineralization are shown in graphical form in Figure 14, The power requirements for treatment train III are roughly 20% less than the activated sludge plant using sludge handling scheme II. The Lake Tahoe system shown as train VII is 20-40% more expensive in terms of electrical power than the activated sludge plant. nm & CONSUMPE TON POR ALTERNA TABLE Xt B RELAY REA BOONDARY PREATIENE Plant Size - 1 age ADVANCED PROCESSES USED r a 1 yw v vt var vars | as | | ‘Alun Avcition am i I a j 1 } 1 |_Lime siudze Dewatering i 64 oa | 6a | 6a | + i | 2sa_| 25a | 254 2sa_| 1 | | | | oa | ] lava \ 1 1 47 j 1 | o2z8_| 638 | r | i 1 | 4 | too | 109 | 100 | 100 | 109 | 100 | | aa | an an | ' r | 20 | 20 20 1 1 usar | 5:93 | ee TABLE XIT RICAL POWER CONSUMPEION FOR ALTERAATIVE TERTIARY Plant Size - 10 mg TREATMENT TRAINS APTER SECONDARY TREATMENT ADVANCED PROCESSES USED : no |oo | ow v uw _ _ LL | werosereantay eee 4 | Alsa Avcition acd | {Extra Suds Mandling L |_ 333 333__| ou | on | on | ea7_|_637_| 637 1570 1570 { 1570 wiowisica tion 6235 | 6235 oe i ro2_| ao | | oss | 953 | 053 | 953 | 053 | fbon Agcoxption Vasa | asa | | Carbon Regeneration 155, “ss, | iss | Blectrodialysis I Tr T [| keverse osmosis | | 23,410 [55,836 | | [ tocar rower conssnpezon, wanysxy | ars | coro | noes | ayn | reer | zosear [ran hesrar_| t ve ase xrrr ESTTVAIED ELECTRICAL POWER CONSUMPTION FOR ALTERNATIVE TERTIARY TREATMENT TRAINS APTOR SECONDARY TREATHBNT Plant Size = 100 mya i | | ADVANCED PROGSSSES USED : o fom | ow foe |v hovers | | | ft | i 1,209 a : L | i | 7st6| ae | a | a | | | 6,370 | 6,370 | 6,370 6,370| {Line Recatoi nation 10,374 | 10,74 | 10,274 | 10,276] | Roca eoonation | | | 9,353] eee | | [43,020 Dante | 1,020” 1,020 | | | wuncivtacis firestion [zo ee ales oro Sranular Carbon Aésorpt, eee aoe L aera carbon Regene vation | 117s | 1,175 | ayags Electrical Power Consumption, kwh/day BLECTRICAL 100, 000] to ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR TERTIARY WASTEWATER TREATMENT TRAINS versus PLANT SIZE 10 100 Plant Design Capacity, mod Note: I, IT, III, IV, & VIII refer to specific treatment trains aa) 15 eu COMPARISON WITH OTHER CONSUMPTIVE USES The total production of electrical power in the United States in 1969 has been estimated by the Department of Commerce as 1,522,229 million kwh, The total for 1971 was 1,717,520 million kwh. Residential sales of electrical power totaled 407,922 million kwh in 1969, In 1969 the average residential consumption of electrical power was 5,943 kwh per year and the average popu- lation per household was 3.2 persons. Thus, the per capita resi- dential use of power was about 5,09 kwh/day. According to the Federal Power Commission”, the average consumption of electrical power varied significantly with the area of the country from a high of 19,636 kwh/yr/household in Eugene, Oregon to a low of 2,275 kwh/yx/household in Bronx, New York. Commercial and industrial power were combined and divided into small light and power and large light and power. Power usage for small light and power was estimated by the Department of Commerce as 286,686 million kwh in 1969 and 557,222 million kwh for large light and power for a total of 843,908 kwh/yr for industrial and commercial. Thus, commercial and industrial power represented about 55% of the total power generated while residential power represented only 27%. 1 The Edison Electric Institute’) conducted a survey of 127 companies to determine the percentage usage of electrical power among various industries. The results of the survey is shown in Table IX. The principal users of electrical power are primary metals and chemicals and allied products. The aluminum industry alone used 51,894 million kwh in 1970, ‘The estimated power consumption for plants, included in the 1968 ; stiesl? i Inventory of Municipal Waste Facilities” is shown in Table X. The average usage was 0.0573 kwh/day/capita. This amount of power 7 TABLE XIV ENG at Bieunfnous & Lignite Crude Petroleum & Nateral Cas Nonnatallic excep Fuels Mining Total 19 20 a 3394 ae 4 35 36 7 38 9 Ordnance & Accessocies 90d & Kindred Products Febacca Manufactures Teuetle NUIL Products Apparel & Oeher Fron Fabrics, ete. Lunber & Wood Products, except Furniture Furnicure & fixtures Peper 6 Allied Products Printing and Publishing Alkalies en Chlorine Tadusteiat Organic chentcals Industrial Inorganic Chesicals Plastic Materials Chenteals & Allied Produces Potrolaun fafining & Related Industries Rubber & Mise. Plastic Products Leathar @ Leather Products Stone, Clay & Glass Products Prinary Alunieun Production Peinasy Netal Industries Fabricated Neeal Products, except Ordnance, Machinery & Teans Esutp Yachinery, except Electrical Electrical Wachinezy, Equip & Supplics station Equipaene sional, Scientific, and Controlling Tnsteuseats; Photogcaphie & Optical Goods; Heeches & Clocks Miscel lanzous Manufacturing Industries Hanufactusing Toeat TOTAL REPORTED SIC SIRS (HLILions) TOTAL ISVESTOR-CUVED MONTHLY TSDUSTARTAL ‘KwiIR SALES (M111 100s) Percencage Relationship of Reported SIC Kshes to 1 Tnvastar-Owned Nonthly Industriel Kwhe Sales To % pata based on STC questionnalees retucned to EET represent 4 For 3 digie daca see Supplenent A. 738 HANUFACTURIG SRS RY MAIOR GR ‘ehecrate LTTLITIES OF THE TOT U.S. wrt 4 im o 1 2 7H 5. 2.0 354,211 460,512 75.6%, iro z 66 0.6 5a 0.2 6.0 5, 14 os 6.0 10 12 uz 34 or 187 43 28 0.2 3.3 ah 98 3.2 38 50 0 0.7 07 93.6 397,354 467,655 75.4% 13 127 coapanies . 1959 x 13 on 15, 24 Le 65 07 43 0:2 6.0 os 3 05 6.0 no 13 v6 a3 ove 1 6L TABLE XV CONSUMPTION OF BLECTRICAL ENERGY BASED ON THE 1968 INVENTORY OF MUNICIPAL WASTE FACILITIES Minor Treatment Primary Treatment Intermediate Treatment Activated Sludge Trickling Filters Ponds Other and Unknown Tertiary Treatment Totals Average kwh/day/capita Population Served apd/capita kwh/day/capita 1,360,870 122 +0185 36,947,397 122 0286 5,857,690 122 10286 41,264,036 123 +113 29,617,136 89 1043 6,123,078 89 +0135 8,636,514 89 +0135 325,530 123 +226 130,132,251 = 0.0573 kwh/day 25,176 1,056,696 167,530 4,662,836 1,273,537 82,662 116,593 73,570 7,458,600 consumed in wastewater treatment is about 1% of the average resi- dential consumption of electrical power. This amount of power is about equivalent to one 8 watt bulb in each household, burning 24 hours per day. If all of the population was served by activated sludge plants, the power consumption would be about 0.113 kwh/day/ capita which is equivalent to a 15 watt light bulb, burning in each household 24 hours per day. A desk lamp is normally equipped with two 15 watt fluorescent lamps. Power consumption for tertiary treatment is highly dependent on the train of processes selected. For train V the power consumption is roughly equivalent to the activated sludge process. For the Lake Tahoe system, shown as train VIII, the power consumption is roughly 40-50% greater than activated sludge. Thus, if we assume train III or train V, the consumption of power per household would be roughly equivalent to a 30 watt desk lamp burning for 24 hr/day. In terms of cost per capita for activated sludge plants, the usage would be about 0.54 cents/day/household, taking the cost of elec- trical power as 1.5 cents/kwh. If tertiary trains III or V are provided, an additional cost of about 0.44 cents per household day would be incurred, making a total of roughly 1 cent/household per day. 80 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was made possible through the help and support of various equipment manufacturers such as Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pacific Flush Tank Division of Rex Chainbelt, Inc., Dorr- Oliver, Inc., Bird Machine Co,, Wallace and Tiernan, Environmental Control Group, Rex Chainbelt, Inc., Allis Chalmers and others. The Rex Chainbelt and PFT Engineering Manuals were particularly valuable. Valuable information on plant utilities was supplied by Black and Veatch Engineers of Kansas City and by the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. 81 lo. ll. 12. REFERENCES Evans, David R. and Wilson, Jerry C., "Capital and Operating Costs-aWT," Jour. WPOF, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1-13 "Typical Electric Bills," 1970, Federal Power Commission, Washington, D. Cc. "Process Equipment - Sewage, Water, Industrial Waste Treat- ment," Rex Chainbelt, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Binder No. 315, Vol. I and IT Albertson, J. G., et al, "Investigation of the Use of High Purity Oxygen Aeration in the Conventional Activated Sludge Process," EPA Water Pollution Control Research Series, No. 17050 DNW 05/70 "Waste Treatment Equipment," Pacific Flush Tank Division, Rex Chainbelt, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Personal Communication from Mr, Bugene Guidi of Bird Machine Co. Unterberg, W., Sherwood, R. J. and Schneider, G. R. "Computerized Design and Cost Estimation for Multiple- Hearth Sludge Incineration," EPA Water Pollution Control Research Series, No. 17070 EBP 07/71 Personal Communication from Mr. Don Parkhurst of Black and Veatch Consulting Engineers, Kansas City, Kansas Michel, Robert L., "Costs and Manpower for Municipal Waste~ water Treatment Plant Operation and Maintenance 1965-1968," Jour. WPCF, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 1883-1910 Seiden, L. and Patel, K., "Mathematical Mbdel of Tertiary Treatment by Lime Addition," Robert A. Taft Water Research Center, Report No, TWRC-14, September 1969 Edison Electric Institute Publication, July 21, 1972, "Tabulations of Industrial KWHR Sales by Investor-Owned Companies for 1971" "Municipal Waste Facilities in the United States," Statistical Summary, 1968 Inventory, U. S. Dept. of Interior, FWQA 83 APPENDIX 8s The Cincinnati Oa & Electric Company Pourth end Main Sereste Chnelnnatty ante avaUaTLTy Reailable in Locaisese suttable APrLicaniLaty OpGRAL Suavics - LAOS voltage and fot in conformity vith Cos vice ip required by custo Arithsettoal wun for three phase and Tor single prase ‘me account snail never be bitled as one single phase This rete When costouer'a dezand for single phase service has. not exe indicated on sheate No. 2, 20h of thie echedula, wn aguate capacity are adjacent to the pres Original Sheet Mo. 26-6 * ‘Sheet 1 of 2 facilities of eo be aarved: required for any purpe,by an tnatviaua) cuatoner op on fot fn conformity vith Coupary's service Pegunations ‘SGnthiy usage aneli de the Stangby or supplemental Both avery nonth of Casive consecutive nontha, Curtoners will be billed fer single phase #arvice on'fate Genera. dervice Sanil, 47 avaiable: ‘TYPE OF SERVICE - Alternating currant 60 He, aingle or three phage At Company's standard voltage, Net voNTHLY BILE Demand Charger Firat 15 xLlowatte of Desand oF 1 Next 35 nilowatte of Denand Next £0 kilowette of Danang Next $00 kiiowates of Desand Aaditional kilowatte of Deaand Eneray chat Faree 500 Next 1,500 kilowatt hour kelowate nours Next 41000 kilowatt hour Kone 6b niloware houre per Kilowatt of Domand Hast 120 kilowatt hours’ per ktiowaet of Deaunt Next 120 Kilowatt hours per kilowatt ef Demand Aedltional xLlowatt hours Plus oF minus an adjustment per kilowatt hour date: Ferth°in Sheet fos 90 of this tariff. Plus oF sinus 0.00554 per kilowatt hour tor varage cost of fuel burnes shail be that recor Snteading [A three phase custoser who Or Gh20°per month for the three phase Prinary voltage service: whore custoner furnish ana’ tee Voltage of 13.xV oF higher. aieitlonal provisionst ext preceding month 1a froz the shipping sedium. dneand doe! 0.00 at $1.95 a 32°50 at hs. S.aze Bitz ake 3:03 ae tang ae og a ing Coaputed tn accordance with the following charges: ketowate Raloweee Kilowatt kelowart nour Tilowate hour Hdlovact hour Biloware hour Kilowatt hour Kilowatt hour Kilowatt nour ned in accordance with "Tax Adjustnant” sat och 0,54 per aititen Bty by whieh oe average cont ‘on Cospeny'e books : oxclusive of charg: 435 KY WLLL be charged an adaictonal sureners ‘Te Denand Charge for the Billing Derand but not less than $5.00. service from Coxpany's overhead or underground & “Bulaing’ee rate in paragraph ventniy discount per KY billing desand ue Under hia paragraph B, if Company alecta to meter at primary voltage 0 Fogistored on Cospany'd ater will be reduced 1-1/2 for billing purpoete = The Desand Charge for the bilLing Desand but for not 1s Tsoued by B. John Yoassr, Prastaant ‘chheinastl, Onto 86 prinary voltae tranforeere and appurtenances stem at stancare primary nominal ‘nbove subject fo" the following nu aw kilowatt hours tan 300 aH, Extective October 30, 1970 Ts Cineinnact ane & Electric Company ORTOINAL SHEET NO. 26-P Pourth ana Main sereets , SHEET Bor 2 Cinednnatt, onto, P.U.6.0. Ho. BL ORNERAL SEAVICE ~ LAROE DEMAND L, me Denand snail ve the kilowatts deriv from the Conpany'a demand mater for the fifteen dimute period of custoner's graateat use during the nonth adjusted. for power. factor, ae provided herein,” "At Company's option a denand eter sey for be ineealied Af tha ature of the lond clearly indicates tne load will have @ constant demand, in which cage the demand willbe the calculated Geeand. The Conpany say install a derand mover mhen the consunption exceeds 2500 kilowaty nous foretao consecutive sontne or whe the Conpany has Feason vo teldave she Genand exceeds 15 2. ven Both these phase wervice and aingle phase paretely, end the borand’ for billing nell bet ‘vies and for single pneae wervice gupplted each shall be setered nd for thr In no event will the billing Demand be taken es 2 than the higher of the following: As 10 of the highest ktlowatts aimtlarly eataiianed during the praceding 11 wontne 8! 00 Ktiowatte'for prinery voltage servic Power Pastor Adjustaents gata rete ta based on a maintained power fa: Getersines Custoner's power fector to be le: Kilowates equal to the kilovole anparen. nul: 1s of not less than 90f Ingging and Af the Company han 0%, the Billing decand wlll be the number Of Biplied by 0.50, Foner Factor oay be detersined by continous measurement or by teste at Company's option; 1£ by. fontinuous seaaurenant, poser factor ceversined during the interval in whieh the kilownet maxioua Genand is eseablisned, will be Used for. bilan 7 power feotor deterait Guring a perice in wnieh Custonse’s fv denand ea/weasured is not lees than JOR of the meneured Khlogact Susisue desend in the next preceding billing period, will Se-used for Billing purposes Until supeteded by e posar factor determined by subsequene test nade av the direction of Company pave “ire Hat Honey BLAL ta peyable within fourteen, (25) days from date. ven tot so paid, che Grove Hontnly Bill, whioh de the Net MoneAly BIL] pve of, ie due and payable. TERM OF SERVICE ~ One (1) year for Secondary voltage evo yee, and tnree (3) yeare for Prinary voltage eERVIcE REGULATIONS Fhe supplying of, and billing for, garvice and all conditions applying thereto, are aubject to RR HUELLISE oH ‘ota Fuel fe Ueiiicses Commianian of Onioy and to Conpanyia. Serviog Regulations currently effective, as filed with The Public Utilities Conmieaton of Ohio, ev provided by lax Eftactive Outober 50, 1570 Iesued by B. John Yongor, Preaident (ctictnnatt, Onte 87

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