Soal Inggris KLS 8 TH 2023 - Uh6

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SOAL UH 6 Kelas 8 smt Genap.

Announcement, Short Message, Recount Text, Song

Read the text and answer questions 1-2

Text 1 Text 2

To celebrate the School Anniversary, SMP Bahagia will
In the framework of “Agustusan”, all students of SMP
hold some English contests:
Sejahtera are required to join some interesting programs
together with our teachers and administration staffs to
1. The Spelling Bee Contest (for Class VII)
celebrate our national independence day. The programs 2. The Writing Fable Contest (For Class VIII)
will be held on 14 to 16 of August, started from 8 a.m 3. The English Speech Contest (for Class IX)
until 2 p.m. The programmes are : All the contests will be held on Monday, November 17th
1. “Balapan Karung” or Sack Racing 2022.
2. Fried Rice Cooking. Each class must send at least three participants for the
3. Baloon dance contests. For more information, contact the committee
4. Sarung Foot Ball c.o. Ary Widyawati (the Head of OSIS). The committee
5. Choir or “Paduan Suara” only accepts the names of the participants before
For registration and detail information, please contact November 15th, 2022.
Mr. Aulia, the coordinator of program in his office. The Committee
1. The purpose of the both announcement is to ….
A. contact the committee
B. send at least three participants
C. celebrate the teachers anniversary at school
D. inform the students about the school programme.
2. Which statement is correct based on the both announcements?
A. Ary Widyawati is the head of OSIS in SMP Sejahtera.
B. Mr. Aulia is the coordinator of programme in SMP Bahagia.
C. The programmes ‘Agustusan’ in SMP Sejahtera will be held in three days.
D. There are five contests to celebrate the School Anniversary in SMP Bahagia.

Text 1 Text 2

Announcement Announcement
Due to a new school year, there are many students Dear students,
around who need to know the school rulers. Senior
Due to the storm, our plan for camping which should be
students are expected to help them. Additional
held on Sunday at 8 p.m. will be postponed. Please wait
information, there will a welcoming party where the
for further information.
new students’ parents are also invited. Please extend
courtesy to them. Regard
Thank you. Principal

3. What is the both announcements talking about?

A. To invite students to come to school. C. To advertise the students have to read.

B. To announce the students must follow up. D. To persuade students to go to school.

4. . What is the difference between the two dialogues?

A. Senior students must help yunior students in text 1, while students must postponed camping in text 2.
B. Senior students must help yunior students in text 2, while students must postponed camping in text 1.
C. Senior students must not help yunior students in text 1, while students must not postponed camping in
text 2.
D. Senior students must not help yunior students in text 2, while students must not postponed camping in
text 1.
Song For the questions no. 5 - 6

I Love You Daddy

By Ricardo
Daddy, I love you Daddy...
You know how much I love you You are my hero (and you always in my
I need you forever dream)
I 'll stay by your side I love you daddy oh daddy
Daddy oh Daddy You are my superstar
I want always bliss you
But I never stop trying Daddy
To be your number one You know how much I love you
I want you to help me
You understand me.... Please show me the way
You teach me how to pray.. Daddy oh Daddy
And you play the game I love to play Sometimes I might do wrong
I have no fear here when you are near But I never stop trying
You guide me through the dark is night To be your number one

5. "I have no fear here when you are near" (2nd verse).
The underlined word can be replaced by ....
A. dare B. fright C. arrogant D. respect
6. The song tells us about ....
A. a son/daughter who loves and admires his/her father
B. a son/ daughter who respect and bliss his/her mother
C. a father who neglect and ignore his children
D. a hero and superstar named Daddy
For the question no. 7 – 8

Teks 1 Teks 2

Last week,my friends and I watched a culture Last year, I joined the Chicago Marathon. It was my
carnival along the main street of my town. We arrived first marathon. I had to run 26.6 miles to complete it. It
early because we intended to have the best spot where it was hard but I learned valuable things from joining it.
was shady and we could see the carnival clearly. At first, I just wanted to get the experience of
joining a marathon. I thought it would be one life time
An hour later, the carnival began and we enjoyed
experience. After finishing it, I changed my mind. I
it. We saw the participants wearing beautiful and
wanted to join another one. I was interested in
uniquely designed traditional clothes. They walked
completing at least one more marathon and improve my
elegantly and few of them danced. The most interesting
time. I also experienced a good feeling between
dance was performed by a dancer on a running pedicab.
participants and the spectators that made me happy. It
I believed that the dancer fulfilled her balance while
was a very wonderful thing for me.
dancing. It was a very wonderful thing for us.
So I decided that I had to join another marathon to
The carnival finished at five in the afternoon and following year because I was not satisfied with this first
we went home. We were amazed with the carnival. one.

7. The words “wonderful” in the both recount text are the sama meaning with ...
A. Useful. B. Powerful. C. Beautifully D.. Extremely goo

8. After reading the both recount texts we know that ......

a. The writer retell his/her proudly experience in the past time.
b. The reader write his/her proudly experience in the future time.
c. The writer improve his/her proudly experience in the future time.
d. The reader participate his/her proudly experience in the past time.
For the question no. 9-10
Text 1 Text 2
9. Focus on text 1. The sign means... .

YOU MUST NOT A. there is no cell phone in that place

B. we must turn off our cell phone
USING C. we must use our cell phone
HANDPHONE D. cell phones are expensive
DURING THIS 10. Focus on text 2. The notice means that you ...
A. must give your cellular phone to others.
TEST ! B. need handphone to do your examination.
C. have to use handphone efficiently in this
D. are prohibited using handphone during this
For the question no. 11-12

Text 1 Text 2

Ladies and gentlemen. Attention Please.

Welcome aboard to Garuda Indonesia Airways Garuda Indonesia Flight no. 10 bound for Hongkong
Flight GA 132. Please fasten your seatbelts. Put your and Tokyo is now ready for boarding. All passengers
seat in upright position and do not smoke. Read are requested to proceed to gate no. 3
carefully the leaflet on passenger safety. You will find
Thank you.
this in pocket of the seat in front of you.
Thank you.

11. Why does Garuda Indonesia announce the announcements ?

A. To entertain the passengers.
B. To describe the passengers about the plane.
C. To persuade the passengers to buy some tickets.
D. To give information to the passengers must follow up.

12. Focus on text 2. What are the passengers GI for Hongkong and Tokyo do after reading the announcement ?
A. They will go to the gate number three.
B. They have to retreat to the gate number ten.
C. They should fasten the seatbelt and upright position.
D. They must read carefully the leaflet on passenger safety.

Song for the questions no. 13-14

COUNT ON ME by Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea I’ll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see I’ll be the light to guide you
We find out what we’re made of When we are called to help our friends in need

Reff. You can count on me like 123 I’ll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like 432 And you’ll be there
Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Ooooooohhh, Ooooohhh, yeah, yeah
If you’re tossin and you’re turn’in and you just can’t fall a sleepI’ll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me Everyday I will remind you, oohhh
We find out what we’re made of When we’re called to help our friend in need. Reff.
You’ll always have my shoulder when you cry
I’ll never let go, never say goodbye... you know... Reff.
13. What might the writer feeling when he/she was writing the song?
A. Sadful. B. Careful. C.Helpful. D.Beautiful
14. What is the theme of the song?
A. Heartbreak B. Friendship C. Marriage D.Love
For the question no.15-16

Scout Association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang

To : All Scout Members

We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14 th-16th June 2022. The contribution of RP 75,000.00. Members
who would like to join the activity should register their names to Mrs. Rosana. Registration will be on 10 th June

Arif Rahman

The chief

15. “The contribution is Rp 75,000.00?

What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Food, drinks or services which are provided by an organization for guests.
B. Sum of money that is given to a person or organization to pay for something.
C. The act of making an official report of something or someone.
D. Payment made by someone because he has a debt.

16. What will all scout members do after reading the announcement? They will ...
A. register their names on 16th June 2022.
B. register their names to Mrs. Rosana.
C. register their names on 10th June 2022.
D. buy new tent and new poles for camping.

For Questions No. 17 - 20

Text 1 Text 2
Dear Feby, Dear Miftah,
Feby, I’m really sorry my sister and I can’t join you Please forgive me. I can’t go with you to visit Mieke at
and Sekar to visit the new bookstore as we have the hospital this afternoon. My father asked me to
planned this morning. I sprained my ankle. I’d better fetch my aunt. Her train will be arriving at 3 p.m.
have a rest at home with my sister. Please pass my regards to Mieke. May she recover
soon. Thanks.
From : Vandra Tito

17. Focus on text 1. How many person will go to the bookstore if Vendra didn’t sprain his ankle?
A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 4

18. Focus on text 2. What will Miftah do after reading the message? He will ....
A. go to Tito’s house. C. fetch his aunt at station.
B. go to hospital alone. D. visit Mieke together with Tito.

For the questions no. 17 – 18

David : Hey Cinta. Will you go to Jakarta in our outdoor school programme ?
Cinta : Yes, of course. How do we go there ?
David : We will go by bus. What do you think about the bus which we will choose ?
Cinta : According to me, a big bus is more comfortable than a small bus. A mini bus is more
comfortable than a micro bus. So, a big bus is the most comfortable of all.
David : Oke. Thank you for your information.
Cinta : your welcome.
17. What is the relationship about David and Cinta ? They are .....
A. School friend B. Neighbour C. Sibling D. Family18. What does David likely do after asking Cinta
about the bus? He will choose ......

A. The big bus B. The small bus C. The mini bus D. The micro bus
19. Based on the dialogue, which of the following conclusion is correct?
A. The small bus is more comfortable than the big one.
B. The micro bus is more comfortable than the mini one.
C. The big bus is the most comfortable of all.
B. The mini bus is the most comfortable of all.
For no. 20-22
To : Aqila
I’m terribly sorry to tell you that I can’t join your party.
My brother got accident and now he is hospitalized.

20. What does the message above tell us about ?

A. Azzahra tells Aqila why she didin’t attend her invitation. C. Aqila’s brother got an accident.
B. Aqila’s brother is hospitalized because of an accident. D. Azzahra invited Aqila to come to her party.
21. Who is being hospitalized?
A. Aqila B. Azzahra C. . Aqila’s brother D. Azzahra’s brother
22. The word “ hospitalized” means….
A. Visiting someone in a hospital. C. Going to hospital for a vacation.
B. Leaving for hospital because of getting well. D. Sent to hospital for treatment.

For 23-25
Dear Tomi,
Our aunt Diana got an accident this morning. She is waiting for the operation in Elizabeth hospital now.
It is scheduled at 10 am. Our family will be waiting for it there before ten. Don’t be in hurry as you’re
out of town. She’s going to stay in the hospital for days after the operation.
23. According to the message, Tina asks that Tomi ….
A. come to the hospital soon C. wait for the operation
B. never come to the hospital D.may come after the operation
24. “It is scheduled at 10 am.” What does the word “it” refers to?
A. Hospital B. Operation C. Accident D. Tom’s town
25. Tina is probably Tomi’s …
A. sister B. mother C. aunt D. friend

For no. 26 – 28
On Sunday morning last week, Devi went out for a picnic with some other girls. It was a fine day. The sky
was clear. The sun was shining. They didn’t think it was going to rain, so they didn’t bring any raincoat.
Suddenly the wind began to blow. There were dark clouds in the sky. The rain came down. It rained
heavily. There were lighting and thunder. Devii and the other girls were very wet.
The next morning Devi did not go to school. Miss Rita was surprised. She asked the pupils in the class.
Reza stood up and said to the teacher that Devi had got cold.
26. Why were Devi and the girls got in rain? Because ….
A. The sky was clear C. they didn’t think that it’s going to rain
B. The rain came down D. they didn’t bring any raincoat
27. When was Devi absent to school?
A. Last Sunday C. Last Monday
B. Last week D. Next morning
28. She asked the pupils in the class. The underlined word means …..
A. Students C. boys
B. Children D. girls

For no. 29 -30

Rifai was cycling along an empty country road when he heard a loud noise in the sky. He looked up and he
saw a squadron of jet fighter aircraft flying in formation. He was so interested that he forgot to look where
he was going, and his bicycle ran off the road into a ditch (parit).
He got his front wheel of his bike bent, so he couldn’t ride it. It was too heavy to carry his bike to his
house. He then stopped at the nearest garage. He asked the garage to find and repair his bicycle. Finally he
went home by bus.
29. What does the text tell us about?
A. Rifai’s bike C. a jet aircraft
B. Rifai’s accident D. cycling
30. Why did Rifai go home by bus?
A. His bike ran off the road into a ditch.
B. His front wheel of bike was broken.
C. His bike was too heavy to carri.
D. His bike was stopped by someone.

For no. 31-33

Last Holiday Fredi and Aldo were camping. One evening they broke their lantern, and made another
by putting a candle inside a cigarette tin and tying the tin to one of the tent poles.
In the middle of the night, when they were sleeping, suddenly the tent fell down. The candle had burnt
the tent pole. The tent was caught on fire. They soon went out to save their lives. Finally, in that night they
slept in open air to end of their camping holiday.
31. What did the writer write the text to?
A. To inform the fire C. To retell about past event
B. To amuse the reader D. To share good news
32. How was their camping like?
A. Amazing C. interesting
B. Tiring D. boring
33. What made Fredi and Aldo sleep their night in open air?
A. Their tent was burnt C. Their tent fell down
B. Their lantern was broken D. They have no candle

Nilai = (Benar x 3) + 1 ----- 100 = (33 x 3 ) + 1

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