Math Week 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Lipa City
Lipa City East District


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Week 1 (May 2-5, 2023) Quarter: 4th QUARTER


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of area, volume and temperature.
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, volume and temperature in mathematical problems and real -life situations.
C.Learning visualizes the volume of a cube and rectangular prism.M5ME -IVc -77
Competencies/Objectives names the appropriate unit of measure used for measuring the volume of a cube and a rectangle prism. M5ME -IVc -78
converts cu. cm to cu. m and vice versa; to L and vice versa. M5ME -IVd -80
II. CONTENT visualizes the volume of names the appropriate converts cu. cm to cu. m
a cube and rectangular unit of measure used for and vice versa
prism measuring the volume of to L and vice versa
a cube and a rectangle
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from Quarter 4 Self-Learning Quarter 4 Self-Learning Quarter 4 Self-Learning Quarter 4 Self-Learning Weekly Test
learning resource (LR) portal Module1 pp.1-13 Module1 pp.1-13 Module2 pp. 1-13 Module2 pp. 1-13
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Using the circle answer the 1.Drill What unit of measure will you use In our presented problem,
presenting the new lesson following questions. Drill on Choosing the Appropriate in measuring volume? trucks delivered a sand, we all
Unit of Measure know that our world is running
Game: “Korek Ka Ba Dyan?” out of sand now, as a grade 5
Materials: flash cards (mm, cm,
pupil how can you help to save
dm, m, etc.), real objects, pictures
Mechanics: sand? List at least three ways
a. Pupils will be grouped
1. What is the diameter into 4. Each group will have
of the circle? flashcards (mm, cm, m, etc.)
2. What is the radius? b. Teacher will ask,
3. What is the “What unit of measure will you
relationship of the use?”
radius to its diameter? Ex.: Teacher will show a pencil.
c. Pupils in the group will flash
4. What is the formula
their answer. (Ex. cm)
in finding the area of a
d. Teacher announces the correct
circle? answer. Repeat the process.
5. What is the area of Teacher will show another object
the circle? or picture.
e. Group with the most number of
correct answers is the winner.

What is difference between cube
and rectangular prism?
What are the dimensions of cube
and rectangular prism?

B.Establishing a purpose for the

C.Presenting Examples/ instances Look at the Rubik’s Cube. Richard has a rectangular box with A truck delivers sand with the A truck delivers sand with the
of the new lesson sand inside. He wants to know the volume of 54 000 cm3. What volume of 54 000 cm3. What is
amount of space the sand is the volume of the sand in the volume of the sand in cubic
occupied. He wants to know also cubic meter (m3)? meter (m3)?
what unit of measure he will use.
Elicit the value of accuracy.

A.Present a rectangular box with

sand inside.
The number of small cubes
that make up the Rubik’s
cube is its volume.

D.Discussing new concepts and Look at the container  In the given problem, you are  In the given problem, you are
practicing new skills #1 Ask the following questions: asked to convert the volume of asked to convert the volume of
a. How can we be able to measure the sand which is 54 000 cm3 the sand which is 54 000 cm3
the capacity of the box? into m3.  How are we going to into m3.  How are we going to
b. What will you use? What do
do that? Let’s find out.  Study do that? Let’s find out.  Study
you think are we looking for?
What kind of solid figure is c. What unit of measure will you these conversion units. these conversion units.
the container? use?
What kind of solid figure is The volume of a solid is the
the container? The amount of space the solid
container is a rectangular occupies. Volume is measured in
prism. The container cubic units. One way to find the
contains 4 cubes on its volume of a rectangular prism is
length and 2 cubes in its to multiply the 3 dimensions:
width. Volume = length x width x height

This time let’s full the Ask the pupils to measure the 3
container with a cube. dimensions of some objects inside
the room using cm3 and m3.
1 liter = 1 dm3

B.Teacher shows a cube (box)

filled with blocks 2 cm on each
side. Ask a pupil to get one block
and describe it.
Volume (V) is the number What can you say about the
of cubic units needed to fill block?
the shape. It is the amount What are the dimensions?
of space that occupied by A cube is a special type of
space figure.  rectangular prism having equal
Volume is three- edges. Empty the box then let the
dimensional (3D), pupils fill the box with the number
of cubes. The total number of
composed of the area of
cubes that will fill the box
the length (L x W) times
represents the volume of the box.
the height.
When finding volume, the units of
volume are cubic units.
Formula What are the units of volume?
Volume of cube = s³ (cubic millimeters – mm3, cubic
Volume of rectangular centimeters – cm3, cubic
prism = l x w x h decimeter – dm3, cubic meters –
m3, etc.)

E.Discussing new concepts and Direction: Read, analyze 2. Performing the Activities
practicing new skills #2 and solve. Group the class into four. Let Direction: Change these Direction: Change these
them perform the give activity. units to larger or smaller units to larger or smaller
1. The figure below shows Give the units: units:
a large cube made from 1 appropriate unit of measure to be 1. 7cm3= ______m3 1. 7cm3= ______m3
cubic cm. Using it, answer used in finding the volume of 2. 800 cu cm= _________ m3 2. 800 cu cm= _________ m3
the questions below. (Select from the 3. 5m3 = _____cm3 3. 5m3 = _____cm3
given choices: mm3, cm3, dm3, ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES
m3) : 4. 20 000 cm3 = ______m3 4. 20 000 cm3 = ______m3
a) room _______ 5. 300 cu cm= ________ m3 5. 300 cu cm= ________ m3
b) shoe box _______
a. How many layers are c) globe _______
there vertically? d) refrigerator _______
b. How many layers are e) ice cream cone _______
there horizontally? f) baseball _______
c. How many red blocks
are there?
d. How many small cubes
are there on the top layer?
e. How many 1cu. cm are
there in all?
F.Developing Mastery Direction: Label the parts of 3.Processing the Activities Direction: Convert each Direction: Convert each
the following figure. Ask the groups to present and measure to the indicated measure to the indicated
Complete the figure by discuss their answers on the measure. measure.
drawing the given board. 1. 3 m3 = _________ cm3 1. 3 m3 = _________ cm3
Expected answer:
corresponding cubic units in 2. 500 000 cu cm = _________ 2. 500 000 cu cm = _________
a) room m3
each dimension. b) shoe box cm3 m3 m3
c) globe cm3 3. 2 cu cm = _________ L 3. 2 cu cm = _________ L
d) refrigerator dm3 4. 250 L = _________ cm3 4. 250 L = _________ cm3
e) ice cream cone cm3 5. 25 cu m = _________ cm3 5. 25 cu m = _________ cm3
f) dice mm3
Discuss the presentation on
Explore and Discover of page 1 of
LM Math Grade 5. Ask pupils to
work on exercises A under Get
Moving on pages 1 LM Math
Grade 5. Check the pupils’
answers. For mastery, have them
answer the exercises A under
Keep Moving on page 2 of LM
Math Grade 5. Check on the
pupils’ answers.
G.Finding Practical application of GROUP ACTIVITY 5.Applying to New and Other Direction: Solve each Direction: Solve each
concepts and skills in daily living Find the volume of each Situations problem. problem.
prism Give the cubic unit of measure 1. A truck delivers sand 1. A truck delivers sand
used in the following problems. measuring 85 000 cm3. measuring 85 000 cm3.
1) A piece of soap is 9 cm by 4 cm What is the measure of What is the measure of
by 3cm. the sand in cubic meters? the sand in cubic meters?
2) An aquarium is 0.8 m long, 0.4 2. A water tank holds 90 2. A water tank holds 90
m wide, and 0.45 dm deep.
000 cm3 of water. What is 000 cm3 of water. What is
3) An iron bar 2 m long and 0.05
its volume in L? its volume in L?
m in diameter.
4) An ice cream cone 2 cm in
radius and 6 cm in height
H.Making generalization and What is volume? 4.Summarizing the Lesson How to convert cu. cm to How to convert cu. cm to
abstraction about the lesson What is the formula in Summarize the lesson by asking: cu. m? to cu.L? cu. m? to cu.L?
finding volume of cube? What do you call the capacity of
rectangular prism? things or the total space within a
3-dimensional figure?
What unit of measure will you use
in measuring volume?

• Volume is the amount of

space occupied by a space figure.
• Volume measured in
cubic units, such as
cubic centimeter (cm3)
cubic meter (m3)
cubic millimeter (mm3)
cubic decimeter (dm3)
I.Evaluating learning Find the volume of each Use cm3, m3, dm3 to tell which
figure by counting the cubic unit of measure is
appropriate to be used.
a) box of chocolate
b) tent
c) glass
d) gymnasium
e) math book
J.additional activities for
application or remediation

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B.No.of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C.Did the remedial work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to require
E.Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can helpme solve?
G.What innovation or localized materials did
used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:
Teacher I
Noted by:
Principal I

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