R. Gordon Wasson Papers Harvard

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Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R.
Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives, 1798-
1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Botany Libraries, Economic Botany Library of Oakes Ames, Harvard University

Harvard University Herbaria

22 Divinity Ave
Cambridge, MA, 02138

[email protected]
(617) 495-2366
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Table of Contents

Summary Information ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Biographical Note ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope And Content ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Series Description ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Other Finding Aids ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Collection Inventory .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Correspondence and papers: general mycological research, 1925-1987, bulk: 1945-1987 .................................................... 9
Correspondence and papers: international mycological fieldwork, 1873-1986, bulk: 1945-1986 ....................................... 38
Correspondence and papers: mycological and etymological investigations, 1936, 1945-1985 ............................................ 68
Correspondence and papers: publishing, 1946-1985 ........................................................................................................... 75
Correspondence and papers: general interests, 1930-1985 .................................................................................................. 86
Correspondence and papers: gifts and gift of the Wasson Library to Harvard University, 1960-circa 1997 ........................ 90
Publication drafts, proofs, typescripts, and original art, circa 1957-1986, undated ............................................................ 91
Translations of printed and audio material, 1958-1971, undated ........................................................................................ 94
Pocket diaries and field notebooks, 1949-1983 ................................................................................................................... 96
Pocket diaries ................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Field notebooks ................................................................................................................................................................ 99
Certificates, 1931-1983 ...................................................................................................................................................... 102
Photographic material, 1950-1980, undated ...................................................................................................................... 102
35mm slides, 1953-1980, undated ................................................................................................................................. 102
Stereo slides, 1953-1955 ................................................................................................................................................. 105
Photographs, 1950-1980, undated .................................................................................................................................. 106
Reading Public Museum Exhibition, 1982, undated .......................................................................................................... 111
Keewaydinoquay, 1965-1980 ............................................................................................................................................. 112
Artwork and posters, 1798-1976, undated ......................................................................................................................... 113
General artwork, 1803-1976, undated ............................................................................................................................ 114
Japanese artwork, 1797-1924, undated ......................................................................................................................... 115
Posters, 20th century ...................................................................................................................................................... 118
Audiovisual materials, 1954-1999, undated ...................................................................................................................... 118
Audio, 1957-1996 ........................................................................................................................................................... 119
Moving image, 1978-1999 .............................................................................................................................................. 120
Artifacts .............................................................................................................................................................................. 120
Controlled Access Headings ................................................................................................................................................... 133
Separated Materials ............................................................................................................................................................... 133

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Summary Information

Repository: Botany Libraries, Economic Botany Library of Oakes Ames, Harvard University
Title: Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives
Identifier: ecb00001
Date: 1798-1999
Date: Majority of material found within 1945-1986
Physical Description: 65 linear feet (20 file cabinet drawers, 9 flat boxes, 2 record center cartons, 3 slide
boxes, 1 oversize flat box, 4 flat file drawers, 3 scrolls)
Conditions Governing
Access: The collection is available by appointment for research. Researchers must register and
provide valid photo identification. Some parts of the collection are restricted. Please
contact [email protected] for additional information.


Series I. Folders 415-447: Keewaydinoquay materials, photography and reproductions

are restricted. Series I. Folders 604-605 Objiways II, photography and reproductions are

Series I. Folder 854 Weitlaner, Robert J. - original manuscript is very fragile. The
original manuscript may not be handled. Researchers should use the preservation
photocopy in drawer W1.5 folder 855.

Series VI. Correspondence and papers: gifts and gift of the Wasson Library to Harvard
University, 1960-1986 access is restricted.

Series XIII. Keewaydinoquay, birch bark scroll materials, photography and reproductions
are restricted.

Series XV. Audiovisual material is restricted. Access to original audio tapes and moving
image film is restricted. Audiovisual material may need to be reformatted before
researcher use. Contact the Botany Libraries for further information.

Conditions Governing
Use: Copyright in the papers created by R. Gordon Wasson as well as copyright in other
papers in the collection may be held by their authors, the authors' heirs or assigns, or
may be unknown.

Wasson gave his library, artifacts, and papers to the Harvard University Botanical
Museum in 1981. The transfer of materials was completed in April 1982. Documentation
of the gift and transfer is in Series 6 which is restricted.

Documentation for many of the artifacts can be found in the following folders: Paul
Blum, Stella Kramrisch, Richard Rose, Kahlil Gibran, Lawrence Gichner, Peruvian Bowl,
and Ojibways II.

Processing Information:
Collection reprocessed by Danielle Castronovo in 2017.

Preferred Citation:
Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives, 1798-1999, bulk
1945-1986. ecb00001. Archives of the Economic Botany Herbarium of Oakes Ames,
Harvard University.

Return to Table of Contents

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Biographical Note

Robert Gordon Wasson was born on September 22, 1898, in Great Falls, Montana, and grew up in Newark, New Jersey.
Wasson attended three years of high school before joining his older brother, Thomas, in Europe in 1914. He spent more than a
year traveling in France and Spain. Wasson enlisted in 1917 and served as a radio operator in the American Expeditionary
Forces in France during World War I.

After the war Wasson enrolled in the Columbia School of Journalism. He graduated in 1920 and was awarded the first Pulitzer
Traveling Scholarship. He spent the next year at the London School of Economics and returned to Columbia University to
teach English for the 1921-1922 academic year. Between 1922 and 1928 Wasson worked as a journalist for various
publications in Connecticut and New York. He married Russian pediatrician, Valentina (Tina) Pavlovna Guercken, in 1926.
While the Wassons were enjoying a delayed honeymoon in the Catskills Mountains, Tina recognized mushrooms similar to
those she knew from Russia. The encounter sparked an interest that the couple shared for the rest of their lives. The Wassons
went on to explore all aspects of mushrooms, integrating information from numerous fields, including mycology, history,
linguistics, religion, mythology, art, and archaeology.

Wasson worked for the Guaranty Company in New York City from 1928-1934 and spent time on assignment in Argentina and
London. He joined the J.P. Morgan Company in 1934 and ultimately became vice-president there in 1943.

The Wassons made their first expedition to Mexico in 1953 to research the magico-religious use of mushrooms. In 1955 they
participated in the sacred mushroom rituals of the Mazatec Indians. They collaborated closely with French botanist, Roger
Heim, who accompanied them on expeditions. After Tina’s death in 1958, Wasson continued to make yearly trips to Mexico
until 1962. He retired from J.P. Morgan in 1963 to devote his time to ethnomycological research, turning his focus to the Far
and Middle East. He spent much of his time from May 1963 to February 1966 in New Zealand, New Guinea, Thailand, Japan,
Korea, China, Nepal, India, Afghanistan, and Iran.

Wasson lectured informally on his research findings and spoke at numerous symposia. In addition to his own publications, his
findings appeared in scholarly publications. He was appointed a Research Fellow in Ethnopharmacology at the Harvard
University Botanical Museum, and Honorary Research Associate at the New York Botanical Garden. Additionally, he served on
numerous committees and boards. Wasson died on December 23, 1986. Two species of Psilocybe mushrooms were named in
his honor.


Pfister DH. 1988. R. Gordon Wasson: 1898-1986. Mycologia. 80(1):11-13.

Wasson RG. 1961. The hallucinogenic fungi of Mexico: an inquiry into the origins of the religious idea among primitive
peoples. Bot. Mus. Leafl. 19(7):137-162.

Return to Table of Contents

Scope And Content

The collection comprises approximately 65 linear feet of material and contains correspondence, notes, memoranda, lists,
notebooks, diaries, manuscript material, proofs, illustrations, maps, charts, stamps, clippings, artifacts, original artwork,
moving image, audio, and photographic material pertaining to the Wassons' ethnomycological research and Gordon Wasson’s
literary and political interests. The bulk of the collection dates from 1945-1986. There are approximately 20,300 letters, 800
photographs, 3,400 35mm slides, and 200 artifacts.

There is no family correspondence, banking correspondence, or correspondence with Thomas Riedlinger, editor of “The Sacred
Mushroom Seeker: Essays for R. Gordon Wasson” (1990).

Individual correspondents may be represented in multiple series. Not all correspondents are identified by folder labels. Within
each folder of correspondence, materials were originally divided into three groups: carbon copies of letters written by Wasson,
arranged chronologically; letters to Wasson, arranged chronologically; and letters and additional papers inserted between the
first two groups at a later date, possibly in advance of their transfer to the Botanical Museum. No attempt was made to
interfile the three groupings.

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

Principal correspondents include: 1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Allen, Hope Emily 1941-1953; 243 letters

Blum, Paul C. 1957-1986; 141 letters
Borhegyi, Stephan F. 1953-1978; 480 letters
Cowan, George M. 1953-1984; 153 letters
Graves, Robert 1949-1984; 474 letters
Heim, Roger 1949-1981; 844 letters
Hofmann, Albert 1962-1983; 200 letters
Hughes, John P. 1945-1948; 197 letters
Jakobson, Roman 1946-1983; 271 letters
Keewaydinoquay, 1975-1984; 232 letters
Kennan, George F. 1947-1962; 150 letters
LaBarre, Weston 1953-1985; 153 letters
Lawrence, Donald B. 1969-1979; 153 letters
Levi-Strauss, Claude 1958-1983; 129 letters
Mardersteig, Giovanni 1950-1981; 1,039 letters
Morgenstierne, Georg 1952-1982; 159 letters
Omachi, Chiyo 1951-1982; 131 letters
Ott, Jonathan 1974-1985; 315 letters
Schultes, Richard Evans 1952-1984; 652 letters
Tibón, Gutierre 1957-1980, 1986; 195 letters
Weitlaner-Johnson, Irmgard 1953-1986; 848 letters

Additional correspondents of note include: Sir Harold W. Bailey, Jorge Casares, Carlos Castaneda, Richard De Mille, Abraham
Flexner, Aldous Huxley, Rokuya Imazeki, Stella Kramrisch, Timothy Leary, Bernard Lowy, Herlinda Martinez-Cid, Erwin
Panofsky, Edwin Way Teale, and A.F. Tschiffley.

At Wasson's request, five copies of a book on the subject of mushrooms were placed at Harvard's Houghton Library, restricted
until the year 2020.

In 2020, that donation was unrestricted and transferred to the Botany Libraries. The book is: The Miskwedo in Anishinaabeg
Life by Keewaydinoquay with an introduction by R. Gordon Wasson, 1985. Printed by Stamperia Valdonega in Verona. The
donation also included a birch bark scroll that is the focus of the book.

Return to Table of Contents

Series Description

The collection is divided into sixteen series. Original order and labels have been maintained in Series 1-5.

Series I. Correspondence and papers: general mycological research, 1925-1987, bulk 1945-1987; arranged alphabetically.
Contains correspondence, papers, clippings, articles, and photographs relating primarily to Wasson's mycological research.
Includes “Slavic correspondence” with Roman Jakobson relating to Wasson’s efforts on behalf of Jakobson's scholarly and
political activities. Also contains correspondence with booksellers and with organizations and societies of which Wasson was a
member or a lecturer. Correspondents include Paul C. Blum, Stephan F. Borhegyi, Carlos Castaneda, Richard deMille, Robert
Graves, Roger Heim, Albert Hofmann, Aldous Huxley, Roman Jakobson, Keewaydinoquay, Weston LaBarre, Donald B.
Lawrence, Timothy Leary, Claude Levi-Strauss, Bernard Lowy, Georg Morgenstierne, Jonathan Ott, and Richard Evans Schultes.

Series II. Correspondence and papers: international mycological fieldwork, 1873-1986, bulk 1945-1986; arranged
alphabetically by geographic region and then alphabetically by correspondent and subject.

Contains correspondence and papers relating to fieldwork by Wasson and by his associates in Central America, Europe, and
Asia. Articles, annotated manuscripts, clippings, and photographs are interfiled with correspondence. Includes correspondence
with Soma co-author Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty in the India files. Includes correspondence, primarily in Spanish, with Irmgard
Weitlaner-Johnson in the Mexico files. Also contains Wasson's collection of Romanian and Czechoslovakian mushroom postage

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

stamps. Materials identified as “Siberia” are primarily photocopies and translations of articles although notes and
correspondence are also included. Additional correspondents include: George M. Cowan, Rokuya Imazeki, Herlinda Martinez-
Cid, Chiyo Omachi, and Gutierre Tibón.

Series III. Correspondence and papers: mycological and etymological investigations, 1936, 1945-1985; arranged alphabetically.

Contains correspondence and papers relating to Wasson’s mycological and etymological investigations. Includes
correspondence on the history of caviar, used in Mushrooms, Russia and History, and on soma theory. Correspondents include
Sir Harold W. Bailey, John P. Hughes, and Stella Kramrisch.

Series IV. Correspondence and papers: publishing, 1946-1985; arranged alphabetically.

Contains correspondence and papers relating to the production of Wasson's publications. This includes permission to quote
from sources and to reproduce artwork, as well as post-publication activities and reviews. Includes correspondence pertaining
to That Gettysburg Address, written by Wasson’s father, Edmund Atwill Wasson. Also contains correspondence with the United
States Information Agency relating to an exhibition on Mushrooms, Russia and History at the American National Book
Exhibition in Moscow, Russia, August 1959.

Materials identified as “General Correspondence” pertain to Wasson’s Life magazine article Seeking the Magic Mushroom
(published May 13, 1957), the publication of Mushrooms, Russia and History, and to a review of Mushrooms, Russia and
History published in Saturday Review. Included is correspondence with Giovanni Mardersteig and Erwin Panofsky.

Series V. Correspondence and papers: general interests, 1930-1985; arranged alphabetically.

Contains correspondence relating primarily to Wasson's literary and political interests outside the field of mycology. Includes
correspondence with The Book of Margery Kemp editor, Hope Emily Allen, pertaining to Wasson's efforts to publicize Allen's
work in the United States. Also contains correspondence relating to Wasson's interest in W.H. Hudson and with Ambassador
George F. Kennan, relating to the Ford Foundation’s East European Fund, an organization established to assist Soviet exiles.
Additional correspondents include: Jorge Casares, Edwin Way Teale, and A.F. Tschiffley.

Series VI. Correspondence and papers: gifts and gift of the Wasson Library to Harvard University, 1960-circa 1997; arranged

Contains correspondence with Harvard University relating to financial gifts, the establishment of the Wasson Library, and
items included in the Library. Also includes administrative Library files.

Series VII. Publication drafts, proofs, typescripts, plates, and original art; circa 1957-1986; arranged alphabetically by
publication title.

Contains production material for Botanical Museum Leaflets, Les Champignons Hallucinogènes du Mexique (with Roger Heim),
Maria Sabina and Her Mazatec Mushroom Velada, Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion, Mushrooms,
Russia and History, Soma, and The Wondrous Mushroom.

Series VIII. Translations of printed and audio material, 1958-1971, undated.

Contains translations used by Wasson in his research. Materials are primarily about Maria Sabina. Also includes materials
about the Polish Folk Names of Mushrooms monograph and translations of various Chinese writings about mushrooms.

Series IX. Pocket diaries and field notebooks, 1949-1983; arranged chronologically.

Consists of 33 pocket diaries and 37 field notebooks containing notes on travel, mushroom ceremonies, and mycological

Series X. Certificates, 1931-1983; arranged chronologically.

Three certificates: Wasson’s membership in the Quarter Century Club of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
(1931); New York Botanical Garden Distinguished Service Award certificate (1958); and one citation for The Addison Emery
Verrill Medal presented to R. Gordon Wasson (1983).

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Series XI. Photographic material, 1950-1980, undated; arranged in three subseries by format.

Contains 35mm slides, stereo slides, photographs, negatives, and transparencies about Wasson’s travels, mycological work, and

Subseries A. 35mm slides, 1953-1980, undated.

Contains approximately 3,400 35mm slides. Includes images from Wasson’s travels to Mexico, Afghanistan, India and Oceania,
and Japan. Contains slides of mushroom stones and terracotta figure from the Wasson Archives as well as mushroom stones
from other collections. Also includes slides from Wasson presentations and research, plates and figures from the monograph
Wondrous Mushroom, and miscellaneous images of Wasson and unidentified people.

Subseries B. Stereo slides, 1953-1955.

Approximately 275 color stereo slides of Mexico. The slides were originally housed in two flat cases: Case 1: Huautla, 1953;
Mixeria, 1954. Case 2: Huautla de Jiménez, 1955; San Augustin Loxicha. The stereo slides were removed from the cases and
rehoused in archival sleeves. Stero slides are individually numbered.

Subseries C. Photographs, 1950-1980, undated. Contains approximately 800 photographs, arranged in two sections.

The first group of photographs are primarily of Wasson’s travels in Mexico from 1953-1962 and Japan in 1966. Many of the
photographs are duplicates of images in the 35mm slide sub-series. These images are arranged chronologically. When possible
the matching slide number has been noted on the back of the photograph in pencil or noted in a separate spreadsheet.

The second group of photographs are primarily research photographs. Contains photographs, negatives, transparencies, and
35mm slides of artwork, manuscripts, sculpture, and artifacts featuring mushrooms. Many of the images feature paintings and
sculptures in museum collections. The images were probably gathered by Wasson as research for his publications. This section
is arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series XII. Reading Public Museum exhibit, 1982, undated.

Contains flyers, photographs, labels, posters, and artwork used in the exhibition "Mushroom Magic: The Mushroom Image in
Art, Archaeology, Mythology and Science" at the Reading Public Museum in Reading, Pennsylvania from May 9-June 20, 1982.

Series XIII. Keewaydinoquay, circa 1965-1980.

Keewaydinoquay Pakawakuk Peschel (1919-1999) was an Anishinaabeg Elder of the Crane Clan. She was an ethnobotanist,
teacher, medicine woman, and author. This series includes photographs of Kee and Wasson as well as objects including
decorated stones created by Kee.

Series XIV. Artwork and posters, 1798-1976, undated.

This series is divided into three subseries.

Sub-series A. General artwork, 1803-1976, undated; arranged alphabetically by artist name when known, otherwise arranged
alphabetically by title or subject of artwork.

Contains artwork that Wasson collected including drawings, paintings, and prints. The artwork features mushrooms or
hallucinogenic plants.

Sub-series B. Japanese artwork, 1797-1924, undated; arranged alphabetically by creator when known, otherwise arranged
alphabetically by title or subject of artwork.

Artwork featuring mushrooms or mushroom collecting. Predominantly prints but also includes paintings and some ephemera.
There are several woodblock prints from the Edo period (1600-1868) including a Genji triptych by Utagawa Kunisada
/Toyokuni III. Also includes five Edo period reproduction prints. Contains a set of mushroom paintings by Mochizuki Shunko.

Sub-series C. Posters, undated. Model chart of Devanagari characters (4 sheets), Plantas Sagradas poster, and Teonanácatl:
Hallucinogenic Mushrooms of North America poster.

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Series XV. Audiovisual material, 1954-1999, undated.

Arranged in two subseries.

Sub-series A. Audio, 1957-1996.

Includes open reel tapes, cassettes, CDs, and LPs. Contains archival masters, published recordings, and some reformatted
audio. Most of the audio is related to the Mexican mushroom ceremony and includes: Mushroom Ceremony of the Mazatec
Indians of Mexico (1957); Mexican Mushroom ceremony recordings (1958); Maria Sabina and Her Mazatec Mushroom Velada
(1974); and Mazatec Whistle Speech, George Cowan.

This series also contains general audio including: conference sessions from the Conference on Hallucinogens, Shamanism and
Modern Life (1978); Soma - The Divine Mushroom which aired on the BBC; Yankee Goes Calling (1954); home recordings of
Kee and Wasson; and one cassette labeled Norval Morrisseau. Sub-series B. Moving image, 1978-1999, undated.

Includes 5 minute clip and full documentary of María Sabina, mujer espíritu (1978). Also includes 3 documentaries about

Series XVI. Artifacts.

Contains primarily non-print artifacts documenting Wasson’s interest in mushrooms depicted in folk art. Artifacts are assigned
identification numbers. This series includes early classic mushroom stones, dried ling-chi (Ganoderma lucidum) and depictions
of ling-chi, Chinese snuff bottles from the Ching Dynasty, carved jade and carnelian, wooden and ivory netsuke, carved bone
and ivory, and additional east Asian artifacts depicting mushrooms. Housed with the netsuke is one folder of netsuke

Return to Table of Contents

Other Finding Aids

There are detailed inventories for the following series:

Series VII. Publication drafts: Mushrooms, Russia and History, Box 3 (Proofs, negatives, and artwork) and Box 4
(Published plates)
Series XI. Photographic materials: Sub-series A. 35mm slides
Series XI. Photographic materials: Sub-series C. Photographs
Series XV. Audiovisual material

Contact the repository for additional information.

Return to Table of Contents

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Collection Inventory

Correspondence and papers: general mycological research, 1925-1987, bulk: 1945-1987

Identifier: Series I
Date: 1925-1987
Date: Majority of material found within 1945-1987
Scope And Contents:
Contains correspondence, papers, clippings, articles, and photographs relating primarily to Wasson's mycological research. Includes
“Slavic correspondence” with Roman Jakobson relating to Wasson’s efforts on behalf of Jakobson's scholarly and political activities.
Also contains correspondence with booksellers and with organizations and societies of which Wasson was a member or a lecturer.
Correspondents include Paul C. Blum, Stephan F. Borhegyi, Carlos Castaneda, Richard deMille, Robert Graves, Roger Heim, Albert
Hofmann, Aldous Huxley, Roman Jakobson, Keewaydinoquay, Weston LaBarre, Donald B. Lawrence, Timothy Leary, Claude Levi-
Strauss, Bernard Lowy, Georg Morgenstierne, Jonathan Ott, and Richard Evans Schultes.

Abramson, Harold, 1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 1
Date: 1959

Allegro, John M., 1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 2-4
Date: 1970

Allen, W.E.D., 1971-1973

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 5
Date: 1971-1973

Altschul, Arthur, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 6
Date: 1957

Altschul, S., 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 7
Date: 1968

American Museum of Natural History correspondence, 1950-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 8-12
Date: 1950-1963

American Museum of Natural History - Ekholm, Gordon, 1953-1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 13-15
Date: 1953-1971

American Museum of Natural History - Gilliard, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 16
Date: 1954

American Oriental Society - Bender, Ernest, 1970-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 17-33
Date: 1970-1983

American Philosophical Society, 1955-1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 34-36
Date: 1955-1957

Ames, Ralph W., 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 37
Date: 1960

Aquino, Edmundo, 1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 38
Date: 1981

Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Bacon, Leonard, 1950
Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 39
Date: 1950

Badham, Edmond and Parrott, Clifton, 1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 40
Date: 1982

Bailey, Ariane, undated

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 41
Date: undated

Bayne, Peter D., 1959-1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 42-43
Date: 1959-1961

BBC Television Centre, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 44
Date: 1961

Becker, Georges, 1957-1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 45-49
Date: 1957-1981

Benjamin, T.E., 1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 50
Date: 1962

Benzi, Marino, 1971-1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 51
Date: 1971-1972

F.A. Bernett, Inc., 1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 52
Date: 1982

Bernadsky, S.V., 1965

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 53
Date: 1965

Bishop, Marsha P., 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 54
Date: 1979

Blum, Paul C., 1957-1986

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 55-63
Date: 1957-1986

Book Shops - Dawson's of Pall Mall, 1971-1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 64-65
Date: 1971-1974

Book Shops - The East and West Shop, Inc., 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 66
Date: 1972

Book Shops - Herbert Lang and Cie, 1961-1975

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 67-72
Date: 1961-1975

- 10 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Book Shops - International Bookfinder Inc., 1976-1977
Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 73
Date: 1976-1977

Book Shops - Peter de Ridder Press, 1974-1975

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 74
Date: 1974-1975

Book Shops - Sotheby and Co., 1970-1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 75-76
Date: 1970-1971

Book Shops - Stechert-Hafner Inc., 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 77
Date: 1966

Borg, James M.W., 1978-1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 78
Date: 1978-1980

Borhegyi, Stephan F., 1953-1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 79-104
Date: 1953-1978

Bosanquet, Charles - University of Durham, 1957-1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 105-106
Date: 1957-1962

Boschmans, Charly, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 107
Date: 1978

Boston Mycological Club, 1953-1967

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 108-111
Date: 1953-1967

Boyd, William C., 1957-1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 112
Date: 1957-1959

Boyle, [John Andrew], 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 113
Date: 1971

Brambleby, Ailsa, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 114
Date: 1963

Breasted, Charles, 1946

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 115
Date: 1946

Bregenhoj, Carsten, 1984

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 116-118
Date: 1984

Broch de Rothermann, H.F., 1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 119
Date: 1970

- 11 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Brodie, Harold J., 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 120
Date: 1957-1963

Brown, Frank E., 1957-1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 121-123
Date: 1957-1970

Bruhn, Jan G., 1977-1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 124-126
Date: 1977-1978

Brunner, A.C. - Landis and Gyr, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 127
Date: 1963

Bryan, Bruce, 1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 128
Date: 1969

Buck, Robert, 1959-1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 129
Date: 1959-1961

Bug [materials about]

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 130-131

Burndy Library, 1980-1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 132
Date: 1980-1982

Burns, Christopher, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 133
Date: 1971

Cannabis indica, 1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 134
Date: 1969

Cano Puerta, Guillermo, 1960-1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 135
Date: 1960-1961

Carson, Ralph M., 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 136
Date: 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 137

Case, H.J., 1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 138
Date: 1969

Castaneda, Carlos, 1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 139
Date: 1962
Scope And Contents:
12 photocopied pages of handwritten field notes by Carlos Castaneda. The notes are in Spanish and dated 1962 April 8 and April 15.

- 12 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Castaneda, Carlos, 1968-1982
Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 140-142
Date: 1968-1982

Castaneda, Carlos and De Mille, Richard, 1975-1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 143-150
Date: 1975-1982

Cate, Garth, 1958-1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 151
Date: 1958-1959

Chen, C.Y., 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 152
Date: 1971

Childe, V. Gordon, 1956

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 153
Date: 1956

Chilton, Scott, 1976-1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 154
Date: 1976-1977

Christensen, Clyde M., 1945-1949

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 155
Date: 1945-1949

Christie, Agatha, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 156
Date: 1963

CIBA Foundation, 1957-1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 157
Date: 1957-1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 158

Cocktails, 1961-1964
Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 159
Date: 1961-1964

Coe, Michael, 1971-1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 160-162
Date: 1971-1982

Cohen, Bruce, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 163
Date: 1979

Cohen, Jozef, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 164
Date: 1971

Coker, W.C. and Beers, Alma H., 1945-1949

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 165
Date: 1945-1949

- 13 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Colston, Stephen A., 1975
Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 166
Date: 1975

Conklin, Harold C. and Taylor, Councill, 1957-1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 167
Date: 1957-1968

Cooper, A.C., 1952

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 168
Date: 1952

Cornell University lecture notes

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 169

Cowan, George M., 1948

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 170
Date: 1948

Crahan, Marcus, 1975

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 171
Date: 1975

Creasey, John, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 172
Date: 1966

Crowther, G. Rodney, 1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 173
Date: 1980

D'Albert, Peter, 1950-1951

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 174
Date: 1950-1951

Darbois, Dominique, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 175
Date: 1966

Darwin, Charles, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 176
Date: 1979

Dibner, Bern, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 177
Date: 1979

Dikov, Nikolai N., 1985

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 178
Date: 1985

Dill, Dean William R., 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 179
Date: 1971

Dingley, Joan, 1976

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 180
Date: 1976

- 14 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Dobkin de Rios, Marlene, 1977
Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 181
Date: 1977

Dobson, E.J., 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 182
Date: 1971

Dodge, Carroll W., 1949-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 183
Date: 1949-1963

Donk, M.A., 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 184
Date: 1963

Donne, John, 1960, 1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 185
Date: 1960, 1969

Drakert, Marcelle, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 186
Date: 1966

Drazen, James, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 187
Date: 1978

Drugs - San Francisco Psychoactive - Efron, Daniel, 1967

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 188-190
Date: 1967

Duerr, Hans F., 1980-1987

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 191
Date: 1980-1987

Dumezil, Georges, 1954-1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 192
Date: 1954-1955

Dunn, Ethel and Stephan P., 1971-1984

Identifier: Drawer W1.1; Folder 193-200
Date: 1971-1984

Edmundson, Munro S., 1972-1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 201
Date: 1972-1982

Ekwall, Eilert, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 202
Date: 1960

Elizarenkova, Tatjana Jakovlevna, 1969-1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 203
Date: 1969-1981

Elliott, Raphn W.V., 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 204
Date: 1957

- 15 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Emboden, William, 1979
Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 205
Date: 1979

Emmerich, Andre, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 206
Date: 1963

Enos, Leonard, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 207
Date: 1971

Eugster, C.H., 1956-1976

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 208-212
Date: 1956-1976

Fabing, Howard D., 1955-1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 213-215
Date: 1955-1957

Fauvel, Camille, 1957-1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 216
Date: 1957-1959

Fechitig, Frederick H., 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 217
Date: 1968

Feldman, Lawrence H., 1974-1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 218
Date: 1974-1977

Fields, F. Herbert, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 219
Date: 1966

Fire (Romig, Edgar), Fire-Chimney Sweeps (Phillips, George Lewis and Romig, Edgar), Fire-Lightning Bolt, 1953, 1959-
Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 220-225
Date: 1953, 1959-1965

Folange, Euile, 1965

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 226
Date: 1965

Frame, Donald, 1976

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 227
Date: 1976

Freedman, Robert L., 1967

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 228
Date: 1967

Freud, Sigmund, 1968-1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 229
Date: 1968-1971

- 16 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Frisian, 1950-1952
Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 230
Date: 1950-1952

Furer-Haimendorf, Christoph Von, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 231
Date: 1972

Furst, Peter T., 1969-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 232-237
Date: 1969-1983
Scope And Contents:
Includes 35mm slide of figurine from Mexico.

Galantiere, Lewis, 1951-1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 238
Date: 1951-1972

Geiger, Bernhard, 1946

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 239
Date: 1946

Gibran, Kahlil, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 240
Date: 1960

Gichner, Lawrence E., 1957-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 241-242
Date: 1957-1963

Gimbutas, Marija, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 243
Date: 1974

Goldfein, Roanne, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 244
Date: 1979

Gombrich, Richard, 1973

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 245
Date: 1973

Goosens, Roger, 1950

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 246
Date: 1950

Gordan, Phyllis, 1986

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 247
Date: 1986

Gould, Stephan Jay, 1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 248
Date: 1980

Graves, Robert, 1949-1985

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 249-272
Date: 1949-1985
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence (1949-1984) and Memorial Services (1985).

- 17 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Gray, William D., 1971-1972
Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 273
Date: 1971-1972

Griffin, C.C.M., 1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 274
Date: 1982

Grimm, Jacob, 1959-1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 275
Date: 1959-1974

Hammerich, L.L. - Eskimo - Stefansson, 1950-1975

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 276-281
Date: 1950-1975

Hanes, Ralph P., 1959-1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 282
Date: 1959-1961

Hanus, Lumir, 1975-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 283-284
Date: 1975-1983

Harmer, Walter J., 1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 285
Date: 1959

Harnden, David, 1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 286
Date: 1980

Harner, Michael, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 287
Date: 1978

Haskins, Caryl P., 1955-1957, 1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 288
Date: 1955-1957, 1970

Hatt, Robert T., 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 289
Date: 1971

Heim, Roger, 1949-1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 290-348
Date: 1949-1981
Physical Description: 49 folders
Processing Note:
During processing, there was a numbering mistake, and folder numbers jump from folder 329 (1970) to folder 340 (1971). There are
no folders numbered 330-339.

Heim, Roger - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 349

Heim, Roger - Les Champignons Luminescents de l'Oceanie, 1951

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 350
Date: 1951

- 18 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Heim, Roger - Notes
Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 351

Heim, Roger - Mushroom Madness of the Kuma English version, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 352-353
Date: 1964

Hellman, Geoffrey T., 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 354
Date: 1966

Hessen, Robert, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 355
Date: 1971

Hofer, Philip, 1968-1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 356
Date: 1968-1977

Hofmann, Albert, 1962-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 357-370
Date: 1962-1983

Hofmann, Albert - Research materials

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 371-373

Holmstedt, Bo - Karolinska Institute, Sweden, 1963-1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 374-380
Date: 1963-1980

Holroyd, James, 1964-1967

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 381
Date: 1964-1967

Horowitz, Michael, 1979-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 382
Date: 1979-1983

Hugo, Victor
Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 383

Huxley, Aldous, 1955-1962, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.2; Folder 384
Date: 1955-1962, 1968

Iglinski, Paul J., 1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 385
Date: 1970

International Conference / Hallucinogenic Mushrooms, 1977-1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 386
Date: 1977-1978
Scope And Contents:
Includes several slides of Wasson, Jonathan Ott, Carl Ruck, Danny Staples, and Dr. Guzman.

International Congress of Orientalists, 1970-1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 387-388
Date: 1970-1971

- 19 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

International Foundation for Advanced Study - Hubbard, A.M and Stolaroff, M.J., 1956-1963
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 389-399
Date: 1956-1963

Jacobsen, Thorkild, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 400
Date: 1978

Jakobson, Roman - Slavic correspondence, 1946-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 401-411
Date: 1946-1983

Kachroo, D., 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 412
Date: 1979

Kaplan, Reid, 1972-1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 413
Date: 1972-1977

Karttunen, Frances, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 414
Date: 1978

Keewaydinoquay, 1975-1984
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 415-430
Date: 1975-1984
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted.

Keewaydinoquay - Field note book, 1976 July-1977 May

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 431
Date: 1976 July-1977 May
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted.

Keewaydinoquay - Manuscripts
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 432-440
Scope And Contents:
Divided into manuscripts A, B, and C. Manuscripts include Orpheus the Shamen, The Ojibway and Their Religion, Food of the Dead,
Some Virtues Known by the Native Peoples, and Direction We Know: Walk in Honor.
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted.

Keewaydinoquay - Miskwedo myth

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 441-443
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted.

Keewaydinoquay - Research materials

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 444-445
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted.

- 20 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Keewaydinoquay - Scroll explanation, 1976 September 28
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 446-447
Date: 1976 September 28
Scope And Contents:
Transcript of a tape made on August 14, 1976 in Kee's cabin in Michigan. Wasson and Kee were together on the island. The transcript
is an explanation of the scroll made by Keewaydinoquay for Wasson.
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted.

Keig, Margaret, 1962-1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 448
Date: 1962-1964

Kenneil, Walter (nephew of Abraham Flexner), 1960-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 449
Date: 1960-1963

Kent, R.K., 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 450
Date: 1968

Kew, Richmond, 1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 451
Date: 1980

Kiever, J., 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 452
Date: 1979

Kirchner, Walther, 1976-1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 453
Date: 1976-1977

Kjonegaard, Vernon, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 454
Date: 1979

Von Klemperer, Alfred H., 1958

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 455
Date: 1958
Scope And Contents:
Letter from Emilio Toro.

Kohler, Ulrich, 1976

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 456
Date: 1976

Krukoff, B.A., 1964-1965

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 457
Date: 1964-1965

LaBarre, Weston, 1953-1985, undated

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 458-467
Date: 1953-1985, undated

Labiatae, 1963-1964
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 468-469
Date: 1963-1964

- 21 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Lamb, I. Mackenzie, 1956-1959
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 470
Date: 1956-1959

Lange, Raymond - French Institute, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 471
Date: 1954

Laski, Marghanita, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 472
Date: 1968

Laszlo, Henryde, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 473
Date: 1966

Laughlin, Robert, 1977-1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 474
Date: 1977-1982

Lawrence, Donald B., 1969-1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 475-485
Date: 1969-1979
Scope And Contents:
Includes photographs.

Leary, Timothy - Correspondence, 1961-1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 486-488
Date: 1961-1964
Scope And Contents:
Includes 9 pages of correspondence from Leary; 13 pages of correspondence from Wasson; The Hallucinogenic Mushrooms of Mexico:
A Bibliography (5 pages); letters and publications from International Federation for Internal Freedom (approximately 25 pages);
about 10 letters from other senders; and approximately 35 pages of assorted fliers, handouts, and clippings.

Leary, Timothy - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 489

Leary, Timothy - Index card bibliography

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 490-491

Lebeck, Michael, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 492
Date: 1971

Lee, IL Koo, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 493
Date: 1964

Leibovici, Marcel, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 494
Date: 1961

Levi-Strauss, Claude - Correspondence, 1958-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 495-499
Date: 1958-1983

Levi-Strauss, Claude - Clippings

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 500

- 22 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon, 1956
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 501
Date: 1956

Lichens, 1973-1974
Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 502
Date: 1973-1974

Linnean Society of London, 1973-1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 503
Date: 1973-1980

Linnean Society of London - Election/fellow, 1973

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 504
Date: 1973

Linsky, Jack, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 505
Date: 1958

Lipp, Frank J., 1978-1984

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 506-507
Date: 1978-1984

Lloyd, John Uri, 1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 508
Date: 1980

Lowy, B., 1969-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 509-514
Date: 1969-1983

Lozinski, Philip, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 515
Date: 1972

Lucas, E.H., 1955-1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 516
Date: 1955-1960

Ludington, Franklin, 1946

Identifier: Drawer W1.3; Folder 517
Date: 1946

MacIver, Robert M., 1957-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 518
Date: 1957-1963

Mackall, Henry C., 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 519
Date: 1966

Madsen, William, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 520
Date: 1974

Maersk Moller Steamship Line - Moller, A., 1963-1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 521
Date: 1963-1964

- 23 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Majno, Guido, 1967-1968
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 522
Date: 1967-1968

Margaine, F., 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 523
Date: 1960

Margot, Pierre, 1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 524
Date: 1981

Marks, John D., 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 525
Date: 1978

Marques, Luiz and Lowndes, Belloc, Mrs., 1933-1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 526-528
Date: 1933-1981

Marraro, Howard R., 1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 529
Date: 1955

Martin, G.W., 1959-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 530
Date: 1959-1963

Martinet, Andre, 1950-1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 531-532
Date: 1950-1960

Mason, L. R., 1951

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 533
Date: 1951

Mayer, Karl-Herbert, 1973-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 534-536
Date: 1973-1983

McLaren, Lynn, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 537
Date: 1979

Mellaart, James, 1967-1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 538
Date: 1967-1968

Mellinkoff, Ruth, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 539
Date: 1972

Mengees, Karl, 1946-1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 540
Date: 1946-1962

Merker, Bjorn, 1971-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 541-545
Date: 1971-1983

- 24 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Merker, Bjorn - Pakistan report, 1973
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 546-551
Date: 1973

Mespilus - Medlar Tree, 1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 552
Date: 1982

Meulen, H. Ter, 1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 553
Date: 1955

Millen, Henry A., 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 554
Date: 1960

Milwaukee Public Museum, undated

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 555
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Mushroom stone photograph.

Minter, Dave - Commonwealth Mycological Institute, 1985

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 556
Date: 1985

Miscellaneous and unidentified materials

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 557
Scope And Contents:
Primarily contains unidentified correspondence.

Morgan Guaranty Trust, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 558
Date: 1978

Morgenstierne, Charles, 1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 559
Date: 1962

Morgenstierne, Georg, 1925-1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 560-568
Date: 1925-1982
Scope And Contents:
Article from 1925 and correspondence from 1952-1982.

Morley, Frank, 1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 569
Date: 1983

Morris, Desmond (Ilsley Ingram), 1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 570
Date: 1962

Morriseau, Norval, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 571
Date: 1979

Moszynski, Kazimierz, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 572
Date: 1958

- 25 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Muench, Eugene V., 1958-1968
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 573
Date: 1958-1968

Muller, Andre J., 1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 574
Date: 1977

Munoz Rojas, Don Jose, 1971-1975

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 575
Date: 1971-1975

Murray, Margaret Alice, 1950-1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 576
Date: 1950-1955

Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle, 1976-1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 577
Date: 1976-1980

Namuth, Hans, 1953-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 578
Date: 1953-1963

Narasimhan, M.J., 1973

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 579
Date: 1973

Nash, Ernest, 1956-1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 580
Date: 1956-1957

National Science Foundation, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 581
Date: 1963

Needham, Rodney, 1962-1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 582-583
Date: 1962-1980

New England Botanical Club, 1955-1956

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 584
Date: 1955-1956

New York Academy of Sciences, 1958-1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 585-586
Date: 1958-1959

New York Botanical Garden, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 587
Date: 1966

New York Botanical Garden - Mycological Society of America, 1945-1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 588-597
Date: 1945-1978

New York Botanical Garden - "Soma", 1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 598
Date: 1969

- 26 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

New York Public Library, 1968-1971
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 599
Date: 1968-1971

Nooten, Bart Von, 1965-1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 600-603
Date: 1965-1966

Objiways II, 1973-1976

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 604-605
Date: 1973-1976
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography restricted.

O'Dea, W.T. - Agaric (from Rees' Cyclopedia, 1819 photo), 1952

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 606
Date: 1952

Oliver, Barry J., 1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 607
Date: 1974

Ongaro, Alberto, 1973

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 608
Date: 1973

O'Prey, Paul, 1984

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 609
Date: 1984

Origo, Marquesa, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 610
Date: 1957

Osmond, Humphry, 1956-1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 611
Date: 1956-1969

Ott, Jonathan, 1974-1985

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 612-636
Date: 1974-1985

Palmer, J.T., 1958-1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 637
Date: 1958-1959

Paz, Octavio, 1975-1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 638
Date: 1975-1980

Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale, 1965-1967

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 639-640
Date: 1965-1967

Peterson, Roger T., 1957-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 641
Date: 1957-1963

- 27 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Pierpont Morgan Library, 1968-1971
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 642
Date: 1968-1971

Piggott, Stuart, 1964-1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 643
Date: 1964-1970

Pilkington, Walter, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 644
Date: 1957

Pilpel, H.F. and Harris, J.M., 1978-1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 645
Date: 1978-1980

Piptadenta Peregrina
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 646

Platina, 1970
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 647
Date: 1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 648

Plowman, Timothy, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 649
Date: 1972

Poison, 1948-1952
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 650-651
Date: 1948-1952

Pokorny, Alois, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 652
Date: 1971

Pollock, Steven Hayden, 1974-1975

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 653
Date: 1974-1975

Poluzzi, Carlo, 1967-1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 654-655
Date: 1967-1978

Pomerleau, R., 1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 656
Date: 1981

Porada, Edith - [Morgan Library] - Cylinder seal, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 657
Date: 1979

Porphyry, 1956-1957
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 658-659
Date: 1956-1957

- 28 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Puharich, Henry K., 1955-1961
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 660
Date: 1955-1961

Puhvel, Jaan
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 661

Queen's Printer, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 662
Date: 1963

Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario - Wyllie, J., 1961-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 663
Date: 1961-1963

Raffauf, Robert, 1978-1984

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 664
Date: 1978-1984

Ramsbottom, John, 1951-1954

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 665
Date: 1951-1954

Reading Public Museum, 1981-1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 666
Date: 1981-1982

Reading Public Museum - Art objects, 1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 667
Date: 1983

Reading Public Museum - Exhibition, 1982 May-June

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 668
Date: 1982 May-June

Reading Public Museum - Photos of artifacts on exhibit, 1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 669
Date: 1982

Reichel-Dolmatoff, G., 1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 670
Date: 1971

Reid, Alastair, 1958-1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 671
Date: 1958-1960

Reindeer Council of U.K., 1965-1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 672
Date: 1965-1966

Rhine, J.B., 1957-1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 673
Date: 1957-1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 674

- 29 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Rhodes, Willard, 1961-1974
Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 675
Date: 1961-1974
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence about Maria Sabina music.

Rinkel, Max, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 676
Date: 1960

Ritchie, Donald D., 1953

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 677
Date: 1953

Robbins, William J., 1946-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 678-680
Date: 1946-1963

Roberts, Laurance (Isabel), 1967-1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 681
Date: 1967-1968

Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1957-1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 682
Date: 1957-1969

Rogers, David, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 683
Date: 1966

Rogers, Donald P., 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 684
Date: 1972

Romain, William F., 1985

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 685
Date: 1985

Rose, Richard M., 1970-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 686-690
Date: 1970-1983

Rose, Richard M. Thesis - "Mushroom Stones of Mesoamerica", 1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 691-701
Date: 1977

Royal Asiatic Society - Crawford, Esquire, 1971-1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 702
Date: 1971-1974

Royal Botanic Gardens, 1957-1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.4; Folder 703
Date: 1957-1962

Rubin, David, 1973

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 704
Date: 1973

- 30 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Ruck, Carl A.P. - Correspondence and articles, 1976-1984
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 705-710
Date: 1976-1984

Ruck, Carl A.P. - "The Eleusian Mystery"

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 711-713

Ruck, Carl A.P. - Afterword, "The Road to Eleusis", 1980

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 714
Date: 1980

Ruck, Carl A.P. - "Prospectus for A Grammar of Myth and Fantasy", 1980
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 715
Date: 1980

Ruck, Carl A.P. - Research materials

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 716

Ruck, Carl A.P. - "The Theme of Madness", 1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 717-719
Date: 1978

Rudy, Stephen, 1985

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 720
Date: 1985

Runciman, Steven, 1984

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 721
Date: 1984

Rutgers University - Wittenborn, J.R., 1967

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 722
Date: 1967

Sachs, Alexander, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 723
Date: 1968

Sadovszky, Otto J., 1978-1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 724
Date: 1978-1983

Sanarov, V.I. - USSR, 1983

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 725
Date: 1983

Sandison, R.A., 1954-1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 726
Date: 1954-1955

Santillana, Giorgio de, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 727
Date: 1963

Sargeant, Winthrop, 1969-1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 728
Date: 1969-1970

- 31 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Schatz, George, 1982
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 729
Date: 1982

Schmidt, Hanns-Peter, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 730
Date: 1968

Schultes, Richard Evans, 1952-1984

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 731-754
Date: 1952-1984
Scope And Contents:
Includes 1981 postcard from Schultes, Allen Ginsberg, and Albert Hoffman.

Schulthess, Felix W., 1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 755
Date: 1964

Sears, Paul B., 1957-1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 756
Date: 1957-1962

Seeler, Margaret, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 757
Date: 1974

Seler, Eduard - Gamio, 1975

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 758
Date: 1975

Servadio, Emilio, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 759
Date: 1964

Shah, Idries, 1957-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 760-762
Date: 1957-1963

Sharon, Hermon, 1953-1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 763
Date: 1953-1964

Shaw, Richard and Kay, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 764
Date: 1972

Shulgin, Alexander, 1976-1978

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 765
Date: 1976-1978

Silphion, 1962
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 766
Date: 1962

Simmons, J.S., 1973-1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 767
Date: 1973-1979

- 32 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Simoons, Frederick J., 1962-1963
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 768
Date: 1962-1963

Sinclair-Loutit, K.W.C., 1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 769
Date: 1969

Singer, Rolf, 1952-1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 770-773
Date: 1952-1981

Sivin, Nathan, 1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 774
Date: 1970

Smith, Alexander H., 1982

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 775
Date: 1982

Smythies, J.R., 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 776
Date: 1957

Society of Economic Botany, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 777
Date: 1972

Sokolova, Meda and Mladek, J.V., 1956-1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 778-779
Date: 1956-1968

Sorokin, P.A., 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 780
Date: 1960

Soustelle, Jacques, 1959

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 781
Date: 1959

Souvarine, Boris, 1945-1956

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 782-789
Date: 1945-1956

Spark, Victor D., 1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 790
Date: 1955

Stamets, Paul E., 1979

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 791
Date: 1979

Steblin-Kamenskij, 1983
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 792
Date: 1983

Steenstrup, Norman V. - Denmark, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 793
Date: 1974

- 33 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Stefansson, Vilkjalmur, 1957
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 794
Date: 1957

Stein, Sam I., 1956-1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 795-798
Date: 1956-1962

Sternbach, Ludwick, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 799
Date: 1974

Stevens, Jay
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 800

Stout, Gardner D., 1971-1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 801
Date: 1971-1972

Strickmann, Michael, 1965

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 802
Date: 1965

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 803

Sullivan, Thelma, 1975-1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 804-805
Date: 1975-1981

Tassili - Mountains, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 806
Date: 1974

Teale, Edwin, 1949

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 807
Date: 1949

Termer, Franz, 1958-1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 808
Date: 1958-1960

Thompson, R.W., 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 809
Date: 1957

Thorndike, Lynn, 1952

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 810
Date: 1952

Tibón, Gutierre, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 811
Date: 1961

Tims, Richard, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 812
Date: 1958

- 34 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Toad, 1952-1981
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 813-815
Date: 1952-1981

Tocharian - Lane, George S., 1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 816
Date: 1963

Todd, Ruthven, 1957-1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 817-818
Date: 1957-1972

Todd, Ruthven - Bound copy of original work "Martha's Vineyard", 1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 819
Date: 1955

Todd, Ruthven - Bound copy of original work: notes, drawings, oddments, 1953-1957
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 820
Date: 1953-1957

Todd, Ruthven - Miscellaneous drawings, 1957, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 821
Date: 1957, 1960

Tolstoy, Alexandra, 1951-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 822
Date: 1951-1963

Tolstoy, Paul, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 823
Date: 1964

Tremblay, J.P., 1954-1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 824
Date: 1954-1968

Truffles, 1952-1970
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 825-827
Date: 1952-1970

Turner, Allen G., 1971-1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 828
Date: 1971-1972

Turner, William J., 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 829
Date: 1957

Tusslebug, 1949-1950
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 830
Date: 1949-1950

Tyler, Varro E., 1958-1967

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 831
Date: 1958-1967

Uliman, B.L., 1958-1963

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 832
Date: 1958-1963

- 35 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Unger, Kathi, 1986
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 833
Date: 1986

University of Chicago Press, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 834
Date: 1964

University of Michigan Press, 1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 835
Date: 1981

University of North Carolina - Couch, John N., 1960-1969

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 836
Date: 1960-1969

University of Tennessee, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 837
Date: 1968

Van Nostrand Company, David Phillips, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 838
Date: 1960

Verdoorn, Frans, 1953-1960

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 839
Date: 1953-1960

Vernadsky, George, 1947

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 840
Date: 1947

Viehoever, Arno, 1953-1954

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 841
Date: 1953-1954

Vogt, Hans, 1947

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 842
Date: 1947

Voltaire, 1962
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 843
Date: 1962
Scope And Contents:
Material about Voltaire.

Wakefield, E.M., 1949

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 844
Date: 1949

Walters, Maurice, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 845
Date: 1957

Ward, Marvin O.
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 846

- 36 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Waser, Peter G., 1969-1973
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 847
Date: 1969-1973

Wassen, S. Henry, 1966-1977

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 848
Date: 1966-1977

Watlang, Roy, 1978-1981

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 849
Date: 1978-1981

Watts, Alan W., 1962

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 850
Date: 1962

Webster, Donald C., 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 851
Date: 1972

Weil, Andrew T., 1970-1971

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 852
Date: 1970-1971

Weinreich, Uriel, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 853
Date: 1953

Weitlaner, Robert J. - original manuscript, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 854
Date: 1961
Conditions Governing Use:
This folder contains a very fragile original manuscript. The original manuscript may not be consulted. Researchers should consult the
preservation photocopy in Drawer W1.5, Folder 855.

Weitlaner, Robert J. - preservation photocopy of manuscript, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 855
Date: 1961
Conditions Governing Use:
This folder contains a preservation photocopy of the Robert J. Weitlaner original manuscript (1961) from W1.5, Folder 845. This
photocopy should be used by researchers instead of the fragile original.

Wendelbo, O., 1970

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 856
Date: 1970

Whatmough, Joshua, 1949-1951

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 857
Date: 1949-1951

Whitridge, Arthur, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 858
Date: 1968

Wiseman, 1959
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 859
Date: 1959

- 37 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Witkop, Bernhard, 1957
Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 860
Date: 1957

Wolfers, Marcel, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 861
Date: 1968

Wolff, Kurt, 1959-1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 862
Date: 1959-1964

Yale University - "Soma", 1972

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 863
Date: 1972

Yale University - Verrill Medal, 1983, 1985

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 864
Date: 1983, 1985

Young, Donald, 1955

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 865
Date: 1955

Zaehner, R.C., 1964

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 866
Date: 1964

Zinsser, Fred G., 1948

Identifier: Drawer W1.5; Folder 867
Date: 1948

Return to Table of Contents

Correspondence and papers: international mycological fieldwork, 1873-1986, bulk: 1945-1986

Identifier: Series II
Date: 1873-1986
Date: Majority of material found within 1945-1986
Scope And Contents:
This series contains correspondence and papers relating to fieldwork by Wasson and by his associates in Central America, Europe, and
Asia. Articles, annotated manuscripts, clippings, and photographs are interfiled with correspondence. Includes correspondence with
Soma co-author Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty in the India files. Includes correspondence, primarily in Spanish, with Irmgard Weitlaner-
Johnson in the Mexico files. Also contains Wasson's collection of Romanian and Czechoslovakian mushroom postage stamps. Materials
identified as “Siberia” are primarily photocopies and translations of articles although notes and correspondence are also included.
Additional correspondents include: George M. Cowan, Rokuya Imazeki, Herlinda Martinez-Cid, Chiyo Omachi, and Gutierre Tibón.

Afghanistan, 1956-1980
Date: 1956-1980

Correspondence regarding Afghanistan Journal, 1979-1980, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 1-2
Date: 1979-1980, undated

Correspondence regarding trip arrangements, 1962-1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 3-6
Date: 1962-1965

- 38 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Kieffer, Charles M., 1964-1972, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 7
Date: 1964-1972, undated

Kieffer, Charles M. - "Report on Mushroom Names", 1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 8
Date: 1965

Untitled manuscript ["The Pakistan Report"], 1973

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 9
Date: 1973
Scope And Contents:
Note with manuscript identifies Bjorn Merker as author. This manuscript is an original typed copy with corrections. It is an earlier
version of "The Pakistan Report" by Merker in Series I.

Articles, clippings, maps, research cards, 1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 10
Date: 1956

Return to Table of Contents

Africa, 1950-1965
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 11-15
Date: 1950-1965

Albanian, 1950-1951
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 16
Date: Majority of material found within 1950-1951
Scope And Contents:
Includes correspondence with Stavro Skendi.

American Indian Archaeological Institute, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 17
Date: Other: undated
Scope And Contents:
Edmund Swigert and Barrie Kavash.

American Indians, 1950-1973

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 18-19
Date: 1950-1973

Arabic, 1950-1970, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 20-22
Date: 1950-1970, undated

Basque, 1949-1979, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 23-31
Date: 1949-1979, undated

Berber, 1971
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 32
Date: 1971

Borneo, 1959-1973
Date: 1959-1973

Correspondence, 1959-1973
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 33-36
Date: 1959-1973

- 39 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Photographs, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 37
Date: undated

Research materials, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 38-39
Date: 1964

Books, pamphlets
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 40

Return to Table of Contents

Breton (language), 1949-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 41
Date: 1949-1963

Bulgarian, 1968-1970
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 42-43
Date: 1968-1970

Caucasus, 1950, 1970

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 44
Date: 1950, 1970

Catalan, 1950-1983
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 45-47
Date: 1950-1983

China, 1946-1985
Date: 1946-1985

Boodberg, Peter A., 1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 48
Date: 1963

Chao, Yuen Ren, 1953-1957

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 49
Date: 1953-1957

Cheng, T.K., 1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 50
Date: 1962

Chou, Steve - Correspondence, 1963-1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 51-53
Date: 1963-1977

Chou, Steve - Correspondence, photographs, CV, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 54
Date: undated

Chou, Steve - "Mushroom of Wu" translation, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 55
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
By Wu Lin (circa 1700).

- 40 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Chou, Steve - Translations, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 56-57
Date: undated

Chroustchoff, B.A., 1958-1959

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 58
Date: 1958-1959

Cleaves, Francis W., 1952

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 59
Date: 1952

Ganoderma correspondence, 1964-1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 60-61
Date: 1964-1977

Ganoderma research materials and photographs

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 62

Illustrations, notes, photographs of artwork

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 63-64

Jade sale, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 65
Date: 1960

Karlgren, Bernhard, 1950

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 66
Date: 1950

Ling Chih article typed draft, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 67
Date: undated

Litsch, Friedrich, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 68
Date: 1966

Mei, Y.T.[?], 1950

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 69
Date: 1950

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 70

Mo Gu research materials, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 71
Date: undated

Musée Guimet, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 72-73
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Predominantly images of artwork.

Needham, Joseph, 1962-1983

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 74-77
Date: 1962-1983

- 41 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Pai, Teh-Chao - Journals
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 78

Pai, Teh-Chao - Papers

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 79

Reifler, Erwin, 1950-1954

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 80
Date: 1950-1954

Research materials and correspondence, 1950-1968

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 81
Date: 1950-1968

Sanford, James H. - "Japan's Laughing Mushrooms"

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 82

Schipper, K.M., 1962-1969

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 83
Date: 1962-1969

Shih, Hu, 1955

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 84
Date: 1955

Soma paper and research notes, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 85-86
Date: 1966

Taiwan, Ling Chih correspondence, 1963-1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 87
Date: 1963-1965

Translations of "Honzo Wamyo," "Pao Yun," and "The Shinto", undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 88
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Steve Chou may have made the translations.

Van Gulik, R.H., 1961-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 89
Date: 1961-1962

Weng, Wango, 1955-1985

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 90-92
Date: 1955-1985

Weng, Wango - Research materials

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 93

Wu, K.C., 1953

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 94
Date: 1953

Yutang, Lin, 1946

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 95
Date: 1946

- 42 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Return to Table of Contents

Columbia, 1959-1975
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 96
Date: 1959-1975

Cornish, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 97
Date: Other: undated

Danish, 1950-1952
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 98
Date: 1950-1952

Dutch, 1948-1969, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 99-103
Date: 1948-1969, undated
Scope And Contents:
Barnouw and Kloeke correspondence, notes, and papers.

Egypt, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 104
Date: Other: undated

English, 1949-1955
Date: 1949-1955

Correspondence, 1949-1955
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 105-106
Date: 1949-1955

Research materials
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 107-110

Return to Table of Contents

Ethiopia, 1962-1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 111
Date: 1962-1963
Scope And Contents:
Strelcyn and Stefan.

French, 1952-1961
Date: 1952-1961

Bauchet, Jean M. , 1959

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 112
Date: 1959

Bauhin-Bulliard, 1952
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 113
Date: 1952

Chevalier, Francois, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 114
Date: 1961

Dauzat, Albert, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 115
Date: 1960

- 43 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Dumezil, Georges, 1952-1975
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 116
Date: 1952-1975

Holmes, Urban T., Jr., 1955, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 117
Date: 1955, 1963

Illustrations and notes

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 118-119

Plaincourault, 1952
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 120
Date: 1952

Seguy, Jean, 1955

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 121
Date: 1955

Spence, N.C.W., 1961

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 122
Date: 1961

Tolbiac, 1952
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 123
Date: 1952

Return to Table of Contents

German, 1950-1966
Date: 1950-1966

Correspondence, 1950-1960
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 124
Date: 1950-1960
Scope And Contents:
See Series I: Fire (Romig)

Literature, 1966
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 125
Date: 1966

Return to Table of Contents

Greek, 1945-1974, undated

Date: 1945-1974, undated

Beazley, John D., 1958

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 126
Date: 1958

Bothmer, Dietrich von, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 127
Date: 1958

Enepekides, John, 1951

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 128
Date: 1951

- 44 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Georgacas, Demetrius J., 1959-1971, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 129-132
Date: 1959-1971, undated

Harland, J.P., 1961

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 133
Date: 1961

Greek illustrations and notes, 1960-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 134-135
Date: 1960-1963
Scope And Contents:
Includes photographs and photographic postcards of L'Exaltation de la Fleur bas relief from the Louvre.

Mount Athos, 1951-1952

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 136
Date: 1951-1952

Nicander, 1953
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 137
Date: 1953

Pease, Arthur Stanley, 1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 138
Date: 1956

Plutarch, 1969
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 139
Date: 1969

Vasiliev, A., 1945-1952

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 140
Date: 1945-1952

Wace, Alan, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 141
Date: 1957

Xydis, Stephen G., 1974

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 142
Date: 1974

Return to Table of Contents

Guatemala, 1957-1982, undated

Date: 1957-1982, undated

Correspondence, 1957-1982, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 143-145
Date: 1957-1982, undated

"This is the Origin of the Ancient World Here in This Place we Call Quiche" translated from Maya Quiche by Dennis
Tedlock, circa 1981
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 146
Date: circa 1981

Return to Table of Contents

- 45 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Hawaii, 1969
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 147
Date: 1969

Hittite, 1952-1953
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 148
Date: 1952-1953

Icelandic, 1960-1965
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 149-150
Date: 1960-1965

Ireland, 1950-1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.1; Folder 151-153
Date: 1950-1963
Scope And Contents:
Includes correspondence with John P. Hughes.

India, 1956-1961
Date: 1956-1961

Athalye, S.B., 1969

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 154
Date: 1969

Ayurvedic, 1965, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 155
Date: 1965, undated

BAGH (Buddhist caves)

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 156

Bali Definition of "Navel", 1975

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 157
Date: 1975

Bender, Ernest, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 158
Date: 1978

Boney, Alice, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 159
Date: 1963

Buddha, his last meal

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 160

Douglas, Nik, 1975

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 161
Date: 1975

Friedrich, Paul, 1971-1973

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 162
Date: 1971-1973

General correspondence, 1956-1983, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 163-170
Date: 1956-1983, undated

- 46 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

General research literature
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 171-172

Kerala mushroom stones

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 173

Ketkar, Amalabia, Mrs. - Correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1965-1975

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 174-176
Date: 1965-1975

Lamont, Thomas S., 1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 177
Date: 1965

Merlin, Mark D. - Hawaii, 1969

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 178
Date: 1969

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 179

Miller, Barbara Stoler, 1975-1976

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 180
Date: 1975-1976

MUNDA (tribal language of Santalis) - Correspondence, 1963-1979

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 181-184
Date: 1963-1979

MUNDA (tribal language of Santalis) - Research notes and papers

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 185-186

O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger - Correspondence, 1962-1984, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 187-203
Date: 1962-1984, undated

O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger and Gudwin, Wendy - "Soma" manuscript, 1961-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 204-206
Date: 1961-1963

Payak, M.M. - Correspondence, 1968-1984

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 207-208
Date: 1968-1984

Payak, M.M. - Correspondence about BAGH (Buddhist Caves), 1962-1968

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 209
Date: 1962-1968

Rahder, Johannes - Definition of Navel, 1966-1979, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 210-211
Date: 1966-1979, undated

Rishworth, J.C. - "Soma: The Divine Mushroom", 1971

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 212
Date: 1971

- 47 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Sanderson, Alexis, 1971-1972
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 213-214
Date: 1971-1972

Sargeant, Winthrop, 1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 215
Date: 1977

Sharman, Gopal, 1976

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 216
Date: 1976

"Soma: The Divine Mushroom of Immortality" draft, Fly Agaric, 1966 March 2
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 217
Date: 1966 March 2

"Soma: The Divine Mushroom of Immortality" draft research

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 218

"Soma" annotated manuscript with letter to Dr. Mardersteig, 1966 December

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 219-220
Date: 1966 December

"Soma" typed manuscript, 1967 March

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 221-223
Date: 1967 March

"Soma" paper for Peabody Museum Centennial Symposium, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 224-227
Date: 1966

"Soma" manuscript with Ingall's comments

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 228-230

Specimen photographs and negatives, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 231
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
3 black and white photographs and negatives.

Stietencron, Henry von, 1980-1984

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 232
Date: 1980-1984

Thompson, Sarah, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 233
Date: 1979

Tibet House/Museum invitation to opening from the Dalai Lama, 1965 October 26
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 234
Date: 1965 October 26
Scope And Contents:
Includes copy of the Dalai Lama's welcome address and a copy of the Tibet House catalog number 7.

Return to Table of Contents

Iran, 1873-1969
Date: 1873-1969

- 48 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Green, Thomas, 1966-1969
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 235
Date: 1966-1969

Henning, W.B., 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 236
Date: 1966

Mushroom research articles, 1873-1951

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 237-239
Date: 1873-1951

Return to Table of Contents

Israel, 1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 240
Date: 1963
Scope And Contents:
Striner, F.G.

Italian, 1962
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 241
Date: 1962

Japan, 1951-1984
Date: 1951-1984

Asiatic Society of Japan correspondence and articles, 1966-1975, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 242-245
Date: 1966-1975, undated

Blyth, R.H., 1964, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 246-247
Date: 1964, undated

Casal, U.A. - Honzo translation

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 248
Scope And Contents:
Includes original ink drawing.

Fujimura, Y., 1964-1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 249
Date: 1964-1965

General correspondence, 1951-1974

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 250
Date: 1951-1974

General correspondence, photographs, and plate, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 251
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Includes black and white photographs of R. Gordon Wasson, Tina Wasson, and artist Biichi Takata. Also includes one color plate.

General correspondence and research notes, 1953-1966, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 252-255
Date: 1953-1966, undated

- 49 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

George, LaVerne, 1957
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 256
Date: 1957

Happer, Thomas J., 1971

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 257
Date: 1971

Imazeki, Rokuya, 1957-1975

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 258-259
Date: 1957-1975

Imazeki, Rokuya - "Miscellaneous talks on mushrooms", 1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 260
Date: 1965

Imazeki, Rokuya - Research materials, 1963-1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 261
Date: 1963-1966

Imazeki, Rokuya - Wasson papers, 1964-1968

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 262
Date: 1964-1968
Scope And Contents:
Includes correspondence, a draft, and corrections to Wasson's manuscript, "Mushrooms and Japanese Culture."

Japanese translations
Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 263-269
Scope And Contents:
Primarily includes photocopies of Japanese articles and typed English translations. Also contains photographs.

Japanese translations correspondence, 1960-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 270
Date: 1960-1963
Scope And Contents:
Includes 5 slides labeled "Summer 1960" includes two images of R. Gordon Wasson.

Japanese translations - "Miscellaneous notes on mushrooms" by Seiya Ito, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 271-273
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Contains "Miscellaneous Notes on Mushrooms 1, 2, and 3."

Japanese translations - "Miscellaneous notes on mushrooms" by Seiya Ito annotated, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 274-275
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
"Miscellaneous Notes on Mushrooms" 1 and 2 annotated.

Kagawa, Yashuiko, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 276
Date: 1958

Kidder, Edward, Jr., 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 277
Date: 1966

Kobayasi, Yosio, 1957-1970, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 278-280
Date: 1957-1970, undated

- 50 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 281
Scope And Contents:
Includes information about the Kitagawa Utamaro print "Maiden playing fox hunting behind haystack" in Series XIV.

Matsuda, Ichiro, 1957-1965, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 282-284
Date: 1957-1965, undated

Mitchell, Charles H., 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 285
Date: 1966

Morris, Ivan, 1963, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 286
Date: 1963, 1974

Mushroom books bibliography

Identifier: Drawer W2.2; Folder 287-292

Nihongi XXIV. 17
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 293

Notes and illustrations

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 294

Omachi, Chiyo, 1951-1984

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 295-302
Date: 1951-1984

Omachi, Chiyo and Mayer, Fanny Hagin - Folklore correspondence, 1956-1982, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 303-305
Date: 1956-1982, undated

Photographs, 1963-1965
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 306-307
Date: 1963-1965
Scope And Contents:
Includes black and white photographs of Wasson in Japan from 1963-1965. Also includes photographs of Japanese artwork and one

Raigan (old Japanese for Lei-wan), 1963-1964

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 308
Date: 1963-1964

Research notes and illustrations

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 309-310

Sakikusa by Kano research materials

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 311-313

Sansom, George, 1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 314
Date: 1965

Sawada, Renzo, 1957-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 315
Date: 1957-1963

- 51 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Synopsis of "Story of a Contemporary Hermit", undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 316
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Biography of Kumagusu Minakata by Haruo Sato.

Takemoto, T., 1964

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 317
Date: 1964

Thank you letters, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 318
Date: 1963

Tsushima, Juichi, 1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 319
Date: 1956

Return to Table of Contents


General correspondence, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 320
Date: 1964

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 321

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 322
Scope And Contents:
Images of screens at the Korean National Museum.

Return to Table of Contents

Latin, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 323-324
Date: Other: undated

Lithuanian, 1948-1973
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 325-326
Date: 1948-1973

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 327


Lotz, John, 1947-1975, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 328-333
Date: 1947-1975, undated

Sebeok, Thomas A., 1967

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 334
Date: 1967

- 52 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Return to Table of Contents

Malta, 1962
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 335
Date: 1962


Amatlan de los Reyes, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 336
Date: 1960

Anthropologists miscellaneous correspondence, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 337
Date: 1953

Archivo General de la Nación, Inquisition, Hallucinogens

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 338-346
Scope And Contents:
Typed transcripts from the Archivo General de la Nación from the late 17th century. The documents are from the Inquisition into
the use of hallucinogens by indigenous people.

Assemat, Jose E.H., 1986

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 347
Date: 1986

Austin, Alfredo L. - Correspondence and publications list, 1972-1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 348-349
Date: 1972-1981

Beltran, Gonzalo Aguirre - "Medicina y Magia", 1955

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 350-353
Date: 1955

Bernal, Ignacio, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 354
Date: 1960

Blom, Franz, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 355
Date: 1960

Botanical Museum of Harvard University - Hanscom, Lillian, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 356
Date: 1974

Brunson, Howard E., 1955

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 357
Date: 1955

Caleti, Villagra, 1972-1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 358
Date: 1972-1977

Carrasco, Pedro, 1955-1975

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 359
Date: 1955-1975

- 53 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Caso, Alfonso, 1956-1971
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 360
Date: 1956-1971

Christensen, Bodil, 1960-1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 361-362
Date: 1960-1981
Scope And Contents:
Includes 35mm slides of Flor de cacao from Huayapan, Oaxaca December 1976 and January 1977.

De Leonard, Carmen Cook, 1955-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 363
Date: 1955-1962

Del Pozo, Efren C., 1960-1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 364-365
Date: 1960-1981

Diaz Ceballos, Horacio, 1955-1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 366
Date: 1955-1956

Diaz, Jose Luis, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 367
Date: undated

Early use of sacred mushroom in Mexico notes and articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 368-370

Easby, Elizabeth (Mrs. Dudley T. Easby Jr.), 1970

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 371
Date: 1970

Echevarria, Nicholas - Peyote documentary "Hikuri-Tame: The Hunt For Peyote-Deer", undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 372
Date: undated

Epling, Carl C., 1961-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 373
Date: 1961-1963

Escalante, Roberto, 1976

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 374
Date: 1976

Fernandez, Enrique A., 1955-1959

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 375
Date: 1955-1959

Flower articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 376

Fondo De Cultura Economica, 1956-1959

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 377
Date: 1956-1959

Frissell, E.R., 1954-1957

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 378
Date: 1954-1957

- 54 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Garibay-Poseia Nahuatl notes and annotated copies
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 379

Georges-Picot, Nina, 1955-1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 380
Date: 1955-1956

Guerra Beltran, Salvador, 1956-1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 381
Date: 1956-1960

Gumbiner, Mark T., 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 382
Date: 1960

Guzman Huerta, Gaston, 1959-1983

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 383-385
Date: 1959-1983

Hernandez, Francisco, 1953-1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 386
Date: 1953-1960

Herrera, Teofilo, 1959-1980

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 387
Date: 1959-1980

"How We Arrived at the Fungal Entheogens" draft, correspondence, and research materials, 1980-1981, undated
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 388-389
Date: 1980-1981, undated
Scope And Contents:
Typed draft of "How We Arrived at the Fungal Entheogens" by Wasson dated 1980 September 13. Also includes correspondence with
Georges Becker, Jaime Garcia Terres, Lewis Thomas, Isabel Kelly, Guy Stresser-Péan and several others.

Huautla de Jiménez general correspondence, 1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 390
Date: 1956

Kelly, Isabel, 1974-1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 391
Date: 1974-1981

Kinross-Wright, V.J., 1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 392
Date: 1963

Knauth, Lothar, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 393
Date: 1961

Leigh, Howard, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 394
Date: 1961

Leon-Portilla, Miguel, 1960-1975

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 395
Date: 1960-1975

- 55 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Lopez Portillo, Dona Margarita, 1980-1981
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 396
Date: 1980-1981

Lou, Dennis Wingson, 1969

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 397-398
Date: 1969

Maria Sabina, 1970-1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 399-402
Date: 1970-1981
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence, clippings, and obituaries about Maria Sabina. Includes several color photographs of Maria Sabina late in life.
Contains correspondence and promotional materials about the opera "Maria Sabina."

Martinez Cid, Erasto, 1955-1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 403
Date: 1955-1956

Martinez Cid, Herlinda, 1948-1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 404-409
Date: 1948-1981

Mendoza, H. Abel, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 410
Date: 1957

Mengin, Ernst, 1953-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 411
Date: 1953-1962

Mesas Redondas, 1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 412-414
Date: 1981

Miscellaneous articles and clippings, 1975-1979

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 415-416
Date: 1975-1979
Scope And Contents:
Includes articles about Maria Sabina.

Moreno, Gilberto Jimenez, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 417
Date: 1953

Mushroom stone articles, 1975, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 418
Date: 1975, undated

Nahuatl correspondence and notes, 1953-1982

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 419-423
Date: 1953-1982

Nava, Garcia, 1959

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 424
Date: 1959

Nelken-Terner, A., 1959

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 425
Date: 1959

- 56 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

New York Times article "Drugs: The Sacred Mushroom" by Wasson, 1970
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 426
Date: 1970

Nottebohm, Karl-Heinz, 1974-1978

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 427
Date: 1974-1978

Official letters of travel, 1953-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 428-429
Date: 1953-1962

Ortega, Don Francisco and MacDougall, Thomas , 1955-1974

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 430-435
Date: 1955-1974

Quararibea funebris correspondence and articles, 1975-1978

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 436
Date: 1975-1978

Rands, Robert L., 1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 437
Date: 1962

Ravicz, Robert, 1956-1971

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 438-441
Date: 1956-1971

Reko, Blas Pablo, 1953-1980

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 442
Date: 1953-1980

Reyna, Rosa M., 1976-1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 443
Date: 1976-1977

Reynolds, Esther, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 444
Date: 1963

Richardson, Allan, 1954-1979

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 445-448
Date: 1954-1979

Rubel, Arthur J. - Correspondence and articles, 1971-1976

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 449-450
Date: 1971-1976

Safford, William E., 1957

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 451
Date: 1957

Santo Niño de Atocha research materials and correspondence, 1972-1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 452
Date: 1972-1977

- 57 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Santo Niño de Atocha booklets, 1950-1971
Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 453
Date: 1950-1971
Scope And Contents:
Includes novena and booklets on Plateros y el Santo Niño de Atocha.

Séjourné, Laurette, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W2.3; Folder 454
Date: 1974

Sociedad Botanica de Mexico, 1960-1961

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 455
Date: 1960-1961

Stresser-Péan, Guy, 1956-1985

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 456-463
Date: 1956-1985

Tibón, Gutierre, 1956-1980

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 464-473
Date: 1956-1980
Scope And Contents:
Includes correspondence and newspaper clippings of Gutierre's column "Gog and Magog" that appeared weekly on the editorial page
of Excélsior.

Tozzer, Albert M., 1953

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 474
Date: 1953

Tudelo J., 1964

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 475
Date: 1964

Von Winning, Hasso, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 476
Date: 1954

Weitlaner-Johnson, Irmgard, 1953-1986, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 477-519
Date: 1953-1986, undated
Scope And Contents:
Also includes correspondence with Robert J. Weitlaner.

Yucatan, 1958
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 520
Date: 1958
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence, articles, and photographs.

Return to Table of Contents

Mexico - SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics), 1953-1984

Date: 1953-1984

Cowan, George M., 1953-1984

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 521-526
Date: 1953-1984

- 58 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Davalos, Eusebio, 1962-1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 527
Date: 1962-1963

Dorner, Gerd, 1960-1968

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 528
Date: 1960-1968

Franco, Jose Luis, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 529
Date: 1960

Gudschinsky, Sarah, 1956-1958

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 530
Date: 1956-1958

Guerra, Francisco, 1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 531
Date: 1962

Hoogshagen, Searle, 1954-1981

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 532-533
Date: 1954-1981

Klassen, Howard, 1958-1961

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 534
Date: 1958-1961

Larsen, Ray, 1956

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 535
Date: 1956

Lathrop, Maximo, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 536
Date: 1960

McIntosh, John, 1956-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 537
Date: 1956-1962

Miller, Walter, 1954-1968

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 538-541
Date: 1954-1968

Pike, Eunice - Correspondence, 1953-1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 542-545
Date: 1953-1977

Pike, Eunice - Mazatec publication, undated

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 546
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
This folder contains a photocopy of Mazatec by Eunice V. Pike, to appear in Handbook of Middle American Indians, N. McQuown,

Poole, D.G., 1962-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 547
Date: 1962-1963

- 59 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Stirling, Matther W., 1961
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 548
Date: 1961

Summer Institute of Linguistics booklets, 1958-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 549
Date: 1958-1962

Summer Institute of Linguistics correspondence, 1960-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 550
Date: 1960-1962

Tabert, Larry, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 551
Date: 1957

Upson, William B., 1956-1968

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 552-554
Date: 1956-1968

Wittaker, Arabelle, 1977

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 555
Date: 1977

Return to Table of Contents

New Guinea, 1953-1965

Date: 1953-1965

Correspondence, 1953-1965
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 556-563
Date: 1953-1965

"Mushroom Madness" correspondence, 1964-1965

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 564
Date: 1964-1965

"Mushroom Madness" papers, circa 1964

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 565-566
Date: circa 1964

Research materials
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 567-568

Shapiro, H.I., 1979

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 569
Date: 1979

Return to Table of Contents

Nigeria, 1965
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 570
Date: 1965

- 60 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Maori - New Zealand, 1953-1965
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 571-574
Date: 1953-1965
Scope And Contents:
Includes letters, notes, photographs, and a map.

Peru, 1962-1974
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 575
Date: 1962-1974

Peruvian bowl (Nasca), 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 576
Date: 1960

Philippines, 1953-1956
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 577
Date: 1953-1956

Poland, 1948-1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 578
Date: 1948-1963
Scope And Contents:
Polish mushroom correspondence

Portuguese, 1949-1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 579
Date: 1949-1963

Romany, 1951-1960
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 580
Date: 1951-1960

Rumanian, 1958-1961
Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 581
Date: 1958-1961

Rumanian (and Czechoslovakian)

Identifier: Drawer W2.4; Folder 582
Scope And Contents:
Mushroom stamps

Sahara petroglyphs, 1980

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 583
Date: 1980

Sardinia, 1960
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 584
Date: 1960

Scandinavian, 1966
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 585
Date: 1966
Scope And Contents:
Scandinavian literature.

Siberia, 1904-1972
Date: 1904-1972

Andree, Richard - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 586

- 61 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Austerlitz, Robert - Correspondence, 1956-1966
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 587-588
Date: 1956-1966

Austerlitz, Robert - Vocabulary lists 1-3

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 589-591

Austerlitz, Robert - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 592-593

Balazs, J. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 594-595

Bergman, Sten - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 596

Bergsland, Knut - Correspondence, 1966-1967

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 597
Date: 1966-1967

Bibra, Ernst von - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 598

Bibliographies index
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 599-600

Birket-Smith - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 601

Boas, Franz - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 602

Bogoras, Waldemar - Articles, circa 1970

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 603
Date: circa 1970

Bogoraz, V.G. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 604

Bouda, Karl - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 605

Brekhman, I.I.
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 606

Bunge, Al - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 607

Denbey (Denbei, Japanese)

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 608

Dikov, N.N. - Correspondence, 1970-1971

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 609
Date: 1970-1971

Dikov, N.N. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 610-611

- 62 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Ditmar, K. Von - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 612

Donner, K. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 613-614

Dunin-Gorkavich, A.A. - Articles, 1904

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 615
Date: 1904

Eliade, Mircea - Correspondence, 1959

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 616
Date: 1959

Erman, Adolph - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 617

Georgi, Johann Gottlieb - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 618

Goldsmith, Oliver - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 619

Gorokhov, N. and Leskov - Correspondence and articles, circa 1967

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 620
Date: circa 1967

Gron, F. - Articles, 1929

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 621-622
Date: 1929
Scope And Contents:
Includes typed manuscripts for "The Nature and Cause of "Going Berserk" A medicinal-historical study, 1929." Also includes
photocopies of published articles.

Gulya, Janos - Correspondence and articles, 1967

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 623
Date: 1967

Hajdu, S.P. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 624

Hartwich, C. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 625

Human Relations Area Files, circa 1961-1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 626-627
Date: circa 1961-1966
Scope And Contents:
Includes correspondence, articles, and clippings.

Itkonen, T.I. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 628

Jesup North Pacific expedition - Articles and notes

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 629

Jochelson, Waldemar - Articles and notes

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 630-631

- 63 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Kamienski Dtuzyk, Adam - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 632

Kannisto, A. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 633

Karjalainen, K.F. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 634

Kennan, George - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 635

Kopec, J. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 636

Krasheninnikov, S.P. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 637-638

Krause, Ernst - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 639

La Harpe, Jean-Francois de - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 640

Langsdorff, G.H. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 641

Lansdell, Henry - Citation

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 642

Lehtisalo, T. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 643

Lesseps, Jean-Baptiste-Barthelemy, de - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 644

Lopatin, Ivan A. - Correspondence, 1963-1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 645
Date: 1963-1966

Maydell, B. Gerhard - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 646

Miscellaneous articles and translations

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 647-649

Munkacsi, Bernat - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 650

Obolensky, Alexis - Correspondence, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 651
Date: 1966

Ohlmarks, Ake - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 652-653

- 64 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Pallas, P.S., 1968
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 654
Date: 1968
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence, articles, and translations.

Patkanov, S. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 655

Ristinen, E. - Correspondence, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 656
Date: 1972

Salverte, E. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 657

Sarychev, G.A. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 658

Slyunin, N.V. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 659

Smith, Robert - Correspondence, 1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 660
Date: 1960

Steinitz, W. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 661

Steller, G.W. - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 662

Strahlenberg, P.J. von - Articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 663

"Tree of Life" articles

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 664

Weintraub, Wiktor Kopec - Correspondence, 1956-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 665
Date: 1956-1963

Worth, Dean Stoddard - Correspondence, 1956, 1970-1971

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 666
Date: 1956, 1970-1971

Yadrinsten, N. - Articles
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 667

Return to Table of Contents

Slavic, 1947-1970
Date: 1947-1970

Cizevsky, Dmitry, 1952-1960

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 668
Date: 1952-1960

- 65 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Hanfmann, K., 1954
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 669
Date: 1954

Hermitage Museum, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 670
Date: 1966

Machek, V., 1958-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 671-672
Date: 1958-1963

Maximov, S.V.
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 673-674

Menges, Karl H., 1955

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 675
Date: 1955

Naryshkina, Nataliya, 1948-1950

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 676
Date: 1948-1950

Notes and Illustrations

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 677-679

Pulaski, 1951
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 680
Date: 1951

Smal-Stocki, Roman, 1951

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 681
Date: 1951

Souckova, Milada, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 682
Date: 1953

Stankiewicz, Edward, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 683
Date: 1958

The Times Literary Supplement, 1947-1970

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 684
Date: 1947-1970

Trifonoff, Boris, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 685
Date: 1958

Vassilkov, B.P., 1958-1970

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 686-689
Date: 1958-1970

Return to Table of Contents

- 66 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Spanish, 1949-1958
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 690-691
Date: 1949-1958

Sweden, 1950-1977
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 692-695
Date: 1950-1977

Swiss Lake Dwelling, 1961-1962

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 696
Date: 1961-1962
Scope And Contents:
Muller-Beck, Handjurgen

Tibet, 1955-1963
Date: 1955-1963

Correspondence, 1962-1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 697-698
Date: 1962-1963

Evans, Charles, 1955-1963

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 699
Date: 1955-1963

Return to Table of Contents

Turkey, 1977-1979
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 700
Date: 1977-1979

Vikings, 1953-1966
Date: 1953-1966

Kuylenstierna-Andrassy, S.
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 701

Morner, Carl Th. - Article

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 702

Nordhagen, Rolf, 1953-1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 703-705
Date: 1953-1966

Odman, Samuel, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 706
Date: 1966

Schubeler, F.C.
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 707

Return to Table of Contents

Welsh, 1950-1951
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 708
Date: 1950-1951

- 67 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Yiddish, 1950-1963
Identifier: Drawer W2.5; Folder 709
Date: 1950-1963

Return to Table of Contents

Correspondence and papers: mycological and etymological investigations, 1936, 1945-1985

Identifier: Series III
Date: 1936, 1945-1985
Scope And Contents:
This series contains correspondence and papers relating to Wasson’s mycological and etymological investigations. Includes
correspondence on the history of caviar, used in Mushrooms, Russia and History, and on soma theory. Correspondents include Sir
Harold W. Bailey, John P. Hughes, and Stella Kramrisch.

Caviar, 1945-1953
Date: 1945-1953

Annotated typed manuscript on caviar and correspondence, circa 1946

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 1-2
Date: circa 1946

Athanassov, Boyan, Mrs., 1946-1947

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 3
Date: 1946-1947

Dumezil, Georges, 1946-1948

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 4-5
Date: 1946-1948

Evans, Allan, 1945-1946

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 6
Date: 1945-1946

Gregoire, Henri, 1946

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 7
Date: 1946

Gulick, Charles Burton, 1945

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 8
Date: 1945

Hughes, John P., 1945-1948

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 9-14
Date: 1945-1948

Laz language correspondence, 1946-1947

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 15-16
Date: 1946-1947

Miscellaneous and inactive correspondence, 1945-1948

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 17-21
Date: 1945-1948

Papashvily, George, 1945-1949

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 22
Date: 1945-1949

- 68 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Research materials, 1945-1953, undated
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 23-24
Date: 1945-1953, undated

Vehling, Joseph D., 1946-1947

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 25
Date: 1946-1947

Vernadsky, George, 1945-1948

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 26
Date: 1945-1948

Return to Table of Contents

Clippings, 1936-1985
Date: 1936-1985

Clippings, 1936-1939
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 27
Date: 1936-1939

Clippings, 1941
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 28
Date: 1941

Clippings, 1942-1943
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 29
Date: 1942-1943

Clippings, 1944-1946
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 30
Date: 1944-1946

Clippings, 1953-1954
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 31
Date: 1953-1954

Clippings, 1957
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 32-34
Date: 1957

Clippings, 1958
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 35-37
Date: 1958

Clippings, 1959
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 38-41
Date: 1959

Clippings, 1960
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 42-43
Date: 1960

Clippings, 1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 44-45
Date: 1961

- 69 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Clippings, 1962
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 46-48
Date: 1962

Clippings, 1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 49-51
Date: 1963

Clippings, 1964-1967
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 52
Date: 1964-1967

Clippings, 1972-1985
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 53
Date: 1972-1985

Return to Table of Contents

Hallucinogenic mushrooms, 1957-1973

Date: 1957-1973

Bacon, Walter L., 1958-1962

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 54
Date: 1958-1962

Barrows, Charles, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 55
Date: 1957

Douglass, Beaman - Article, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 56
Date: 1966

Gellert, E., 1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 57
Date: 1972

Glen, G. - Articles, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 58
Date: undated

Japan, 1960
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 59
Date: 1960
Scope And Contents:
Typed annotated draft for "Hallucination caused by Psilocybe venenata (Imai) Imazeki et Hongo" by Ichiro Matsuda from
Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan Vol. 2, No. 4, 1960.

Kenya articles, 1957, 1962

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 60
Date: 1957, 1962

McCawley, Elton L., 1963

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 61
Date: 1963

McKenney, Kenneth, 1958-1962

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 62
Date: 1958-1962

- 70 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1957-1962
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 63
Date: 1957-1962

Nabokov, Dimitri, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 64
Date: 1957

Puffballs article
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 65

Reiman, John, Mrs., 1960-1961

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 66
Date: 1960-1961

Tyndale-Biscoe, R.S., 1963

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 67
Date: 1963

Yensen, Richard, 1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 68
Date: 1973

Return to Table of Contents

Mushrooms Russia research materials

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 69-78
Scope And Contents:
Mostly photocopies of articles. Folder 78 contains three sets of index cards with notes and bibliographies.

Research Materials

Found in Wasson's library books

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 79-84
Scope And Contents:
Photocopied articles and handwritten notes. There is a small amount of correspondence and photographic material.

From 1960 Mexico trip

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 85-86

Research materials for next edition

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 87-89
Scope And Contents:
Folder label is Wasson's. Materials probably for "Mushrooms, Russia and History." Includes handwritten notes, correspondence, and
photocopies of articles and newspaper clippings.

"Things to Change"
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 90-94
Scope And Contents:
Photocopied articles, correspondence, and handwritten notes about mushrooms.

Return to Table of Contents

Russian cookbook, circa 1940s

Date: circa 1940s

- 71 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Drinks, circa 1940s
Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 95-102
Date: circa 1940s

Miscellaneous notes, clippings, and articles, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 103-104
Date: undated

Molokhovetz, 1946, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.1; Folder 105-106
Date: 1946, undated

Return to Table of Contents

Soma research cards

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 107

Soma Theory, 1961-1983

Date: 1961-1983

Albright, William F., 1969-1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 108
Date: 1969-1970

Alsdorf, Ludwig, 1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 109
Date: 1970

Bailey, Harold W., 1969-1983

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 110-112
Date: 1969-1983

Bareau, Andre, 1968-1971

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 113
Date: 1968-1971

Basham, A.L., 1969-1975

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 114
Date: 1969-1975

Bole, V.P., 1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 115
Date: 1970

Boyce, Mary, 1969-1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 116
Date: 1969-1970

Brough, John, 1969-1981

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 117
Date: 1969-1981

Brough/Wasson rejoinder, 1971-1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 118
Date: 1971-1972

- 72 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Brown, W. Norman, 1969-1973
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 119
Date: 1969-1973

Burrow, Thomas, 1969-1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 120
Date: 1969-1973

Chatterji, Suniti Kumar, 1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 121
Date: 1970

Dennis, R.W.G., 1969

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 122
Date: 1969

Dodds, E.R., 1966-1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 123
Date: 1966-1972

Emmerick, R.E., 1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 124
Date: 1973

Gershevitch, Ilya, 1969-1974

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 125-126
Date: 1969-1974

Gonda, J., 1969-1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 127
Date: 1969-1973

Humbach, Helmut, 1969

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 128
Date: 1969

Ingalls, Daniel H.H., 1962-1981

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 129
Date: 1962-1981

Jong, J. W. de, 1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 130
Date: 1973

Kramrisch, Stella, 1971-1981

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 131-132
Date: 1971-1981

Kuiper, F.B.J., 1969-1971

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 133-134
Date: 1969-1971

Lohuizen-De Leeuw, J. E. van, 1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 135
Date: 1973

Mayrhofer, Manfred, 1975

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 136
Date: 1975

- 73 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Menasce, Jean de, 1969
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 137
Date: 1969

Pilat, Albert, 1970-1971

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 138
Date: 1970-1971

Puhvel, Jaan, 1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 139
Date: 1970

Renou, Louis, Mrs., 1966-1971

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 140
Date: 1966-1971

Reti, Ladislao, 1971-1974

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 141
Date: 1971-1974

Schneider, Ulrich, 1971-1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 142
Date: 1971-1972

Smith, Huston, 1961-1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 143
Date: 1961-1972

Staal, J.F., 1972-1975

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 144
Date: 1972-1975

Stein, Rolf, 1967-1971

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 145
Date: 1967-1971

Stietencron, Heinrich von, 1967-1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 146-147
Date: 1967-1973

Thieme, Paul, 1970-1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 148
Date: 1970-1973

Turner, Ralph, 1969-1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 149
Date: 1969-1972

Watkins, Calvert, 1978

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 150
Date: 1978

Zaehner, R.C., 1969

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 151
Date: 1969

Return to Table of Contents

- 74 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Correspondence and papers: publishing, 1946-1985
Identifier: Series IV
Date: 1946-1985
Scope And Contents:
This series contains correspondence and papers relating to the production of Wasson's publications. This includes permission to quote
from sources and to reproduce artwork, as well as post-publication activities and reviews. Includes correspondence pertaining to That
Gettysburg Address, written by Wasson’s father, Edmund Atwill Wasson. Also contains correspondence with the United States
Information Agency relating to an exhibition on Mushrooms, Russia and History at the American National Book Exhibition in Moscow,
Russia, August 1959.

Materials identified as “General Correspondence” pertain to Wasson’s Life magazine article Seeking the Magic Mushroom (published
May 13, 1957), the publication of Mushrooms, Russia and History, and to a review of Mushrooms, Russia and History published in
Saturday Review. Included is correspondence with Giovanni Mardersteig and Erwin Panofsky.

Aldus Books - Anne Ballard, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 1
Date: 1972

Antiquarian Bookman, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 2
Date: 1971

Antiquity and Survival, 1958-1960

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 3
Date: 1958-1960

Art, 1950-1981
Date: 1950-1981

Arcimboldo, G., 1954-1960

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 4
Date: 1954-1960

Begeyn, Abraham Jansz, 1952

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 5
Date: 1952

Bostrom, Kjell, 1950

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 6
Date: 1950

Buchner, Ernst, 1953-1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 7
Date: 1953-1954

Disembodied eye, 1981

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 8
Date: 1981
Scope And Contents:
Inquiry about the "disembodied eye" represented in Mimbres pottery.

Fessler, C. Walter, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 9
Date: 1953

Gourds in art, 1953-1955

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 10
Date: 1953-1955

Hamilton family of painters, 1954-1955

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 11
Date: 1954-1955

- 75 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Hofner paintings, Direktion der Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen, 1954
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 12
Date: 1954

Koehler, Wilhelm, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 13
Date: 1954

Kunsthandel P. de Boer, 1958-1959

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 14
Date: 1958-1959

Lugt, Frits, 1954-1955

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 15
Date: 1954-1955

Lawrence, D.H., 1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 16
Date: 1954
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence about D.H. Lawrence books.

Munz, Ludwig, 1954-1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 17-18
Date: 1954-1970

Notes, circa 1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 19
Date: circa 1953

Panofsky, Erwin, 1950-1960

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 20-21
Date: 1950-1960

Schapiro, Meyer, 1951-1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 22
Date: 1951-1957

Schrieck, Otto Marseus van, 1952-1956

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 23
Date: 1952-1956
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence about paintings.

Weitzmann, Kurt, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 24
Date: 1954

Wertheim, Aymes C.A., 1954-1963

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 25-26
Date: 1954-1963

Return to Table of Contents

Art Institutions, 1946-1984

Date: 1946-1984

Antikensammlungen, 1957-1958
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 27
Date: 1957-1958

- 76 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Art Institute of Chicago, 1953-1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 28
Date: 1953-1961

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1952-1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 29
Date: 1952-1954

Bibliothèque Nationnale, Paris, 1957-1982, 1984

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 30
Date: 1957-1982, 1984

Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1952, 1962

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 31
Date: 1952, 1962

British Museum, London, 1952-1960

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 32
Date: 1952-1960

Brown Library - Carter, John, 1955-1959

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 33
Date: 1955-1959

Chicago Natural History Museum, 1957-1958

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 34
Date: 1957-1958

Cleveland Art Museum, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 35
Date: 1958

Courtauld Institute, London, 1957-1958

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 36
Date: 1957-1958

Detroit Institute of Arts, 1955

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 37
Date: 1955

Etnografiska Museet, 1970

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 38
Date: 1970

Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 39
Date: 1954

Frick Art Reference Library, 1950-1951

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 40
Date: 1950-1951

Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1946-1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 41
Date: 1946-1957

Kunsthistoirisches Museum, Wein, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 42
Date: 1961

- 77 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Kunstmuseum Basel, 1952-1957
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 43
Date: 1952-1957

Lloyd Library and Museum, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 44
Date: 1958

Louvre, Paris, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 45
Date: 1954

Lycee Francais de New York, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 46
Date: 1964

Mauritshuis Museum, The Hague, 1951

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 47
Date: 1951

Musée et Institut d'Ethnographie, 1956-1961

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 48
Date: 1956-1961

Musee Ethnographique Basle, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 49
Date: 1964

Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1953-1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 50
Date: 1953-1954

Museum des Beaux Arts, Strasbourg, 1952

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 51
Date: 1952

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1964-1965

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 52
Date: 1964-1965

Museum Royaux de Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 1951-1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 53
Date: 1951-1957

Naples, 1953
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 54
Date: 1953

National Gallery, London, 1954-1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 55
Date: 1954-1957

Pierpont Morgan Library, 1953-1984

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 56
Date: 1953-1984

Pommersfelden, 1951
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 57
Date: 1951

- 78 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Reitberg Museum, Leuzinger, E., 1956-1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 58
Date: 1956-1961
Scope And Contents:
Includes Coptic textile piece from circa 700 A.D.

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1951-1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 59
Date: 1951-1954

St. Louis Art Museum, 1974-1975

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 60
Date: 1974-1975

Wallace Collection, 1951-1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 61
Date: 1951-1953

Walters Art Gallery, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 62
Date: 1953

Yale University Library, 1952-1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 63
Date: 1952-1953

Return to Table of Contents

Articles about R. Gordon Wasson

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 64

Articles by R. Gordon Wasson

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 65

Blake Quotation, Sir Geoffrey Keynes, 1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 66
Date: 1957

Boswell-Johnson, 1957-1969
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 67
Date: 1957-1969

Musée et Institut d'Ethnographie, 1959-1961

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 68
Date: 1959-1961

Dickinson, Emily, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 69
Date: 1953
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence about Emily Dickenson.

Epulario (Platina), 1946-1950

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 70
Date: 1946-1950

General correspondence, 1957-1966

Date: 1957-1966

- 79 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

A, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 71-72
Date: 1957-1963

B, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 73-76
Date: 1957-1963

C, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 77
Date: 1957-1963

D, 1957-1964
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 78
Date: 1957-1964

E, 1957
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 79
Date: 1957

F, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 80
Date: 1957-1963

G, 1957-1962
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 81
Date: 1957-1962

H, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 82-83
Date: 1957-1963

I, 1965
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 84
Date: 1965

J, 1957-1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 85
Date: 1957-1961

K, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 86
Date: 1957-1963

L, 1957-1966
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 87-88
Date: 1957-1966

M, 1957-1964
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 89-90
Date: 1957-1964

N, 1957-1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 91
Date: 1957-1961

O, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 92
Date: 1957-1963

- 80 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

P, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 93-94
Date: 1957-1963

Q, 1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 95
Date: 1961

R, 1957-1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 96-97
Date: 1957-1963

S, 1957-1964
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 98-100
Date: 1957-1964

T, 1957-1959
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 101
Date: 1957-1959

U, 1958-1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 102
Date: 1958-1961

V, 1957-1961
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 103
Date: 1957-1961

W, 1957-1962
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 104-105
Date: 1957-1962

Z, 1963
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 106
Date: 1963

Return to Table of Contents

Goethe, 1959
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 107
Date: 1959

"Hall Carbine Affair" - Mardersteig, 1969-1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 108-110
Date: 1969-1973
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence, receipts, and reviews about the 3rd edition of Wasson's publication "The Hall Carbine Affair; an Essay in
Historiography." Also includes a black and white photograph and a transparency of a drawing by J.P. Morgan that was published in
"The Hall Carbine Affair".

The Herbarist, 1958-1959

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 111
Date: 1958-1959

Helen and Kurt Wolff Books, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 112
Date: 1972

- 81 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Jacomet, Daniel et Cie - Imprimeurs D'Art, 1950-1968
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 113-114
Date: 1950-1968

The Lancet, 1962

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 115
Date: 1962

Lectures and papers by R. Gordon Wasson, 1956-1979, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 116-118a
Date: 1956-1979, undated
Physical Description: 4 folders
Scope And Contents:
Includes lecture notes on index cards. Folder 118A contains a card file: "Oliliuhqui Bibliography by R. Gordon Wasson and Sylvia

Life Magazine, 1955-1958

Date: 1955-1958

Correspondence, 1956-1958
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 119-120
Date: 1956-1958

Original watercolors by Roger Heim, 1955-1956

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 121
Date: 1955-1956
Scope And Contents:
7 envelopes with individual illustrations. Original watercolors with labels in pencil on the back. Also includes notes about adjusting
the colors.

"Secrets of Divine Mushrooms" article by Gordon Wasson, 1957 May 13

Identifier: Box 1
Date: 1957 May 13
Scope And Contents:
Full copies of Life Magazine from May 13, 1957 that includes Wasson's article "Secrets of Divine Mushrooms" pages 100-120. Also
includes one spanish version of the article printed in Life en Español, June 3, 1957.

Return to Table of Contents

Magazine articles/mentions
Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 122
Physical Description: 1 folder

Magazine articles about Mexican mushroom rites

Identifier: Box 1

Mardersteig, 1950-1981
Date: 1950-1981

Boothroyd, Ronald Herbert, 1952-1962

Identifier: Drawer W3.2; Folder 123-126
Date: 1952-1962

Mardersteig, Giovanni, 1950-1978

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 127-147
Date: 1950-1978
Scope And Contents:
Includes some correspondence with Giovanni Mardersteig's son Martino.

- 82 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Mardersteig, Giovanni - Printed holiday cards, 1960-1970s
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 148
Date: 1960-1970s

Mardersteig, Martino, 1985

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 149
Date: 1985

Mardersteig, Martino - Velada, 1971-1977

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 150-152
Date: 1971-1977
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence and invoices regarding the printing of "Maria Sabina and her Mushroom Velada" by Stamperia Valdonega in
Verona, Italy.

Mycolatry, 1977-1981
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 153-156
Date: 1977-1981
Scope And Contents:
Predominantly correspondence with Martino Mardersteig.

Return to Table of Contents

Maria Sabina, 1956-1985

Date: 1956-1985

Cowan, George M. - "The Mazatec Language", 1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 157
Date: 1972
Scope And Contents:
Photocopy of a draft of "The Mazatec Language" by George M. Cowan likely from the publication Maria Sabina and her Mazatec
mushroom velada (Ethno-mycological studies No. 3).

Estrada, Alvaro - Correspondence, 1976-1985

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 158-161
Date: 1976-1985

Estrada, Alvaro - Monograph introduction, 1976

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 162
Date: 1976

Exhibit photographs, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 163
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Two 8 x 10 inch black and white photographs.

Folkways Records, 1956-1980

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 164
Date: 1956-1980

Introduction, 1978
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 165
Date: 1978

Munn, Henry - Correspondence, 1971-1979

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 166-168
Date: 1971-1979

- 83 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Munn, Henry - "Maria Sabina: Spirit Woman" manuscript
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 169-172

Munn, Henry - Plural articles, 1974

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 173
Date: 1974
Scope And Contents:
Articles from the journal "Plural: Critica, Arte y Literatura."

Obituary notices, 1985

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 174
Date: 1985

[Receipts and Reviews], 1974-1975

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 175-176
Date: 1974-1975

Reviews, circa 1975-1980

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 177
Date: circa 1975-1980

Rhodes, Willard - "Musicological Notes on the Mazatec Mushroom Ceremony", 1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 178
Date: 1972

Wasson, R. Gordon - "Shamanism and the Mushroom Velada", 1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 179
Date: 1972

Return to Table of Contents

McGraw Hill Book Company, 1980

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 180
Date: 1980

Mnemonic, 1974
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 181
Date: 1974
Scope And Contents:
Mushroom newsletter.

"Mushrooms, Russia and History", 1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 182-183
Date: 1957
Scope And Contents:
Complimentary copies.

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 184-185
Scope And Contents:
Published reviews of Wasson's publications.

"The Road to Eleusis", 1978-1981

Date: 1978-1981

Correspondence, 1978-1981
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 186-187
Date: 1978-1981

- 84 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 188
Scope And Contents:
Original images for "The Road to Eleusis." Includes photographs of stalks of wheat, mushrooms, vases, and a statue.

Return to Table of Contents

Published reviews
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 189-190

Science et Vie, 1958-1959

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 191
Date: 1958-1959

"Soma", 1961-1981
Date: 1961-1981

Bibliography of reviews, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 192
Date: undated

Corrections, 1970
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 193
Date: 1970

Gift books, 1969-1971

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 194
Date: 1969-1971

Lightning bolt and mushrooms, 1961-1970, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 195
Date: 1961-1970, undated

Miscellaneous correspondence, 1969-1973

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 196
Date: 1969-1973

Mushrooms and thunder, 1973-1975

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 197-198
Date: 1973-1975

Published reviews
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 199-202
Scope And Contents:
Contains published reviews that were clipped from journals and newspapers. Arranged by publication title.

Responses, 1968-1969
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 203-205
Date: 1968-1969

Reviews and letters, 1969-1981

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 206-208
Date: 1969-1981

"Soma Dionysos" typed manuscript by Michael R. Aldrich, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 209-210
Date: 1968
Scope And Contents:
Includes some correspondence and photocopied articles.

- 85 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Return to Table of Contents

The Sunday Telegraph, 1961

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 211
Date: 1961

"That Gettysburg Address" acknowledgements, 1965-1967

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 212-215
Date: 1965-1967

This Week Magazine, 1956-1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 216
Date: 1956-1957
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence and article titled "I ate the Sacred Mushroom" by Valentina Wasson published in The Sunday Telegraph.

The Times, London, 1950-1972

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 217
Date: 1950-1972

U.S. Information Agency, 1959

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 218
Date: 1959

Vogue Magazine, 1963

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 219
Date: 1963

Wasson, Valentina. "I Ate the Sacred Mushrooms." This Week Magazine. The Cincinnati Enquirer, 1957 May 19
Identifier: Box 1
Date: 1957 May 19
Scope And Contents:
Two copies of the article "I Ate the Sacred Mushrooms."

"Wondrous Mushroom", 1970, 1981

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 220
Date: 1970, 1981

Return to Table of Contents

Correspondence and papers: general interests, 1930-1985

Identifier: Series V
Date: 1930-1985
Scope And Contents:
Contains correspondence relating primarily to Wasson's literary and political interests outside the field of mycology. Includes
correspondence with The Book of Margery Kemp editor, Hope Emily Allen, pertaining to Wasson's efforts to publicize Allen's work in
the United States. Also contains correspondence relating to Wasson's interest in W.H. Hudson and with Ambassador George F. Kennan,
relating to the Ford Foundation’s East European Fund, an organization established to assist Soviet exiles. Additional correspondents
include: Jorge Casares, Edwin Way Teale, and A.F. Tschiffley.

Allen, Hope, 1941-1953

Date: 1941-1953

Allen, Hope, 1941-1943

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 1-4
Date: 1941-1943

Allen, Hope, 1944-1945

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 5-8
Date: 1944-1945

- 86 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Allen, Hope, 1946-1953
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 9-11
Date: 1946-1953

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Basset, Maurice M.R., 1942

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 12
Date: 1942
Scope And Contents:
Life insurance certificate for Basset.

Boethius, Axel, 1933

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 13
Date: 1933

Botargo, Etymology of article, 1947

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 14
Date: 1947

Bradford, Joseph, 1938

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 15
Date: 1938

Bridge, Roy, 1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 16
Date: 1953

Bridges, E. Lucas, 1948-1949

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 17
Date: 1948-1949
Scope And Contents:
Includes correspondence from Bridges as well as obituaries and correspondence from A.F. Tschiffely about Bridges.

Correspondence unidentified, 1938-1983

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 18
Date: 1938-1983

Editor, New York Times, 1966

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 19
Date: 1966

England, Paul, 1932

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 20
Date: 1932

Flexner, Abraham, 1951-1957

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 21
Date: 1951-1957

Hodgson, E.G., 1935

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 22
Date: 1935

Hooper, Charles, 1933

Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 23
Date: 1933

- 87 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Horowitz, Michael - Ludlow Library, 1979
Identifier: Drawer W3.3; Folder 24
Date: 1979
Scope And Contents:
Includes photographs of Wasson and Horowitz.

Hudson, W.H., 1931-1959

Date: 1931-1959

Book reviews, 1945-1946

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 25
Date: 1945-1946
Scope And Contents:
Three book reviews on books written about Hudson.

Casares, Jorges
Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 26-27
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence regarding Hudson.

Copy of 1874 diary

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 28

General correspondence about, 1931, 1942-1946

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 29-30
Date: 1931, 1942-1946
Scope And Contents:
Includes photographs of Hudson family home.

General correspondence about, 1947

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 31-34
Date: 1947
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence and clippings about William Henry Hudson.

General correspondence about, 1948

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 35-36
Date: 1948

Gift card, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 37
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Small holiday gift card to Wasson with inscription: G, With every good wish. W.H. Hudson P.P.

Includes an empty envelope with "W.H. Hudson pamphlets" typed on a label. [Pamphlets cataloged] is written in penil.

Miscellaneous materials and correspondence

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 38-39
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence, notes, papers, and photographic material about Hudson. Includes annotated typed draft of "W.H. Hudson's Lost
Years" by Wasson and Edwin Way Teale.

Photostats of Hudson letters

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 40-41
Scope And Contents:
No provenance information is included. Includes copies of handwritten letters addressed to Dr. P.L. Sclater at the Zoological Society
in London, from 1869-1870. Also includes copies of letters between Spencer Baird, Hudson, and some government agencies dated
1865-1870. Also includes two pages of typed notes on the letters. Wasson probably gathered these copies as part of his research

- 88 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Pozzo, F.I., 1936-1948
Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 42
Date: 1936-1948
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence regarding Hudson.

Teale, Edwin Way, 1943-1959

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 43-44
Date: 1943-1959
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence regarding Hudson.

"Bohemia Junction" by A.F. Tschiffely, annotated proof copy

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 1

Tschiffely, A.F., 1936-1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 45-46
Date: 1936-1954
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence regarding Hudson.

Wasson letter regarding Hudson family home, 1930

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 47
Date: 1930

Wetmore, A., 1943-1947

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 48
Date: 1943-1947
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence regarding Hudson.

Whittle, E.S., 1954

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 49
Date: 1954
Scope And Contents:
Correspondence regarding Hudson.

Return to Table of Contents

Photocopy of "A Day for a Lay" by W.H. Auden, 1946-1962

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 50-55
Date: 1946-1962

Kennan, George, circa 1951-1953

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 56-62
Date: circa 1951-1953
Scope And Contents:
Contains typed draft of manuscript titled "Notes for Essays," 1951-1952, 299 pages. This is a group of unedited and uncompleted
manuscripts by Kennan written while he was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey. Also includes a
University of Notre Dame commencement speech and a copy of "Training for Statesmanship" by Kennan published in The Atlantic,
May 1953.

Lamont, Corliss, 1947-1951

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 63-64
Date: 1947-1951

Lamont, Edward M., 1959-1968

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 65
Date: 1959-1968

- 89 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Lamont, T.S., 1965-1968
Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 66
Date: 1965-1968

Lamont, T.W., 1944-1947

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 67
Date: 1944-1947

Leopold, Richard W., 1950

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 68
Date: 1950

Lindbergh, Charles A., 1958

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 69
Date: 1958

Lubrecht, Harry, 1985

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 70
Date: 1985

Marx, Karl, 1948

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 71
Date: 1948
Scope And Contents:
Materials about Marx.

Paragellis, Stanley, 1944

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 72
Date: 1944

Partridge, Eric, 1948

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 73
Date: 1948

Wasson Family miscellaneous correspondence, circa 1936-1950

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 74
Date: circa 1936-1950
Scope And Contents:
Contains family correspondence. Also includes black and white photographs of R. Gordon Wasson, Tina Wasson, their daughter
Masha, and photographer Allan Richardson standing in front of a fireplace mantle with a mushroom stone.

Woodlock, Thomas F., 1945

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 75
Date: 1945

Return to Table of Contents

Correspondence and papers: gifts and gift of the Wasson Library to Harvard University, 1960-circa
Identifier: Series VI
Date: 1960-circa 1997
Conditions Governing Access:
This series is restricted.
Scope And Contents:
Contains correspondence with Harvard University relating to financial gifts, the establishment of the Wasson Library, and items
included in the Library. Also includes administrative Library files.

- 90 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Publication drafts, proofs, typescripts, and original art, circa 1957-1986, undated
Identifier: Series VII
Date: circa 1957-1986, undated
Scope And Contents:
Contains production material for Botanical Museum Leaflets, Les Champignons Hallucinogènes du Mexique (with Roger Heim), Maria
Sabina and Her Mazatec Mushroom Velada, Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion, Mushrooms, Russia and
History, Soma, and The Wondrous Mushroom.

Botanical Museum Leaflets, 1963, 1983

Date: 1963, 1983

Ott, Jonathan and Wasson, R.G. Carved Disembodied Eyes of Teotihuacan. Botanical Museum Leaflets, v 29, no. 4, 1983,
Identifier: Box 2; Folder 1
Date: 1983
Scope And Contents:
2 original ink drawings in mats.

Wasson, R.G. Notes on the present status of Ololiuhqui and the other hallucinogens of Mexico. Botanical Museum
Leaflets, v 20, no. 6, 1963, 1963
Identifier: Box 2; Folder 2
Date: 1963
Scope And Contents:
Includes a map showing villages where the use of black morning glory seeds were used in divinatory rites (page 180 of publication).
Also includes translations of the account of "Datos sobre la tome de la Semilla de la Virgin - Lah-a-ja Sh-nash" (page 182).

Return to Table of Contents

Les Champignons Hallucinogènes du Mexique (with Roger Heim), 1958

Identifier: Box 2; Folder 3
Date: 1958
Scope And Contents:
1 illustration for figure 23, "Bols a Champignons," page 122. Also includes two maps of Mexico from pages 16 and 46.

Maria Sabina and Her Mazatec Mushroom Velada

Identifier: Box 2; Folder 4
Scope And Contents:
15 mounted photographs with captions. Pages 211-225.

Mushrooms, Russia and History

Preliminary draft, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 1
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Typed annotated draft.

First tentative version, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 2-6
Date: undated

Drafts, undated
Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 7-16
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Typed annotated drafts with notes.

Proofs, negatives, and artwork, undated

Identifier: Box 3
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
There is a separate detailed inventory of this box.

- 91 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Published plates, undated
Identifier: Box 4
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
There is a separate detailed inventory of this box.

Teo-nanacatl: sacred mushroom of the Nahua, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.4; Folder 17
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
23 pages; typed early version of the chapter from Volume II, Chapter V.14.

Return to Table of Contents

Persephone's Quest, 1984 May 25

Identifier: Drawer W3.5; Folder 18-20
Date: 1984 May 25

Soma, 1959, undated

Date: 1959, undated

Notes and corrections, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.5; Folder 21
Date: undated

Typescripts and corrected proofs, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.5; Folder 22-48
Date: undated

Etymology references for Soma?

Identifier: Box 2; Folder 2.5

Plates, figures, maps, and artwork, undated

Identifier: Box 2; Folder 2.6-2.34
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Materials for the "Soma" publication. Organization reflects publication order. Includes original artwork, negatives, plates, and plates
with handwritten captions. Also includes some materials that were not used in the final publication.

Photographs of Siberian tapestry

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 1
Scope And Contents:
Possibly depicting a ling chi (views of plate 16).

Original watercolor of Plate XXI: Mushroom fresco from Plaincourault Abbey, France, 1959 April 2
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 2
Date: 1959 April 2
Scope And Contents:
Watercolor of the fresco from Plaincourault Abbey in Indre, France. Copied in 1959 by Michelle Bory, staff member of the
Laboratoire de Cryptogamie Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.

Transparencies of two maps, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 3
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Map 1: Ethnic Groups (follows page 154 in "Soma") and Map 2: Tundra and Taiga (follows page 154).

Return to Table of Contents

- 92 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Unidentified publication (list of 13 Mexico images including Maria Sabina, Herlinda Martinez Cid, and R.G. Wasson),
Identifier: Drawer W3.5; Folder 49
Date: undated

Wondrous Mushroom, 1974, undated

Date: 1974, undated

Typescript, undated
Identifier: Drawer W3.5; Folder 50-55
Date: undated

Advertising and reviews, undated

Identifier: Drawer W3.5; Folder 56
Date: undated

Corrected proofs, undated

Identifier: Box 5
Date: undated

Proofs and artwork, undated

Identifier: Box 6-7
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Organized by chapter. Box 6 contains chapters 1-6 and Box 7 contains chapters 7-10 and unnumbered.

Cover design artwork: falling drops of entheogenic fluid accompanied by "disembodied eyes', after Teotihuacan mural,
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 4
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Three pieces of artwork. Two study paintings for book cover: pink, green, and brown painting on cream colored paper and white
painting on rust colored fabric. Third piece is a black line drawing of the book cover design with printing directions and tracing
paper overlay.

Drawings of dried Poyomatli flowers, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 5
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
2 drawings. One drawing is from Chapter 3, Figure 24, page 70. The second drawing was not used in the publication.

Detailed drawing after Mapa Quinatzin, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 6
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Chapter 6, figure 12, page 118.

Teopanacazco mural, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 7
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Printed. Chapter 8, figure 2, page 157.

Tepantitla details original artwork, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 8
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Chapter 8, Figure 17, page 166.

Zacuala murals

- 93 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Zacuala: "Predella" paintings of mushrooms and disembodied eyes, undated
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 9
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Two paintings. Larger painting is red, pink and blue. Smaller painting is brown, green, and blue. Chapter 8, figure 20, page 167.

Zacuala drawing of reconstructed bowl, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 10
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Pencil drawing of bowl from Chapter 8, figure 21, page 168. Full color image is published in the book.

Zacuala painting of reconstructed bowl, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 11
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Color painting that is matted. Chapter 8, figure 21, page 168. Full color image is published in the book.

Zacuala research of reconstructed bowl, 1974 June-August

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 12
Date: 1974 June-August
Scope And Contents:
Exhibition catalog "Un Ilustrador Mexicano Arqueologia y Arte Popular Obras de Abel Mendoza Galería Universitaria Aristos Junio-
Agosto 1974." Black and white image of the Zacuala bowl is featured in the catalog. There is a typed note that details the color
combination of the bowl.

Return to Table of Contents

Teotihuacan painting, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 1; Oversize 13
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Chapter 8, figure 22, page 169.

Return to Table of Contents

Translations of printed and audio material, 1958-1971, undated

Identifier: Series VIII
Date: 1958-1971, undated
Scope And Contents:
Contains translations used by Wasson in his research. Materials are primarily about Maria Sabina. Also includes materials about the
Polish Folk Names of Mushrooms monograph and translations of various Chinese writings about mushrooms.

Maria Sabina, 1958-1979

Date: 1958-1979

Echevarria, Nicolas - Text and translation of Maria Sabina movie

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 1

Estrada, Alvaro - English translation of monograph chapters, 1977

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 2
Date: 1977

Estrada, Alvaro - Spanish translation of 1958 velada, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 3-6
Date: 1958

Estrada monograph - Spanish translation of introduction, 1976-1977

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 7
Date: 1976-1977

- 94 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Munn, Henry - English translation of 1956 chant session, 1979
Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 8-9
Date: 1979
Scope And Contents:
1956 chant session, 1957 Folkways Record.

Munn, Henry - Spanish translation of 1970 velada, 1976

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 10-13
Date: 1976

Transcription of 1958 velada with Spanish and English translation, 1958

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 14-21
Date: 1958
Scope And Contents:
"Mazateco Mushroom Ceremony" tapes translation.

Transcription of 1958 velada, version 2, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 22-29
Date: 1972
Scope And Contents:
Ethno-mycological Studies, No. 2: "Maria Sabina and A Mazatec Mushroom Desvelada" in Spanish and English.

Transcription of 1958 velada, version 3, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 30-40
Date: 1972
Scope And Contents:
Ethno-mycological Studies, No. 2: "Maria Sabina and A Mazatec Mushroom Velada" in Spanish and English.

Transcription of 1958 velada, version 4, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 41-51
Date: 1972
Scope And Contents:
Ethno-mycological Studies, No. 2: "Maria Sabina and A Mazatec Mushroom Velada" in Spanish and English.

Transcription of 1958 velada, version 5, 1972

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 52-63
Date: 1972
Scope And Contents:
Ethno-mycological Studies, No. 2: "Maria Sabina and A Mazatec Mushroom Velada" in Spanish and English.

Return to Table of Contents

Polish Folk Names of Mushrooms, 1964-1968

Date: 1964-1968

English translation of excerpts, 1965

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 64-65
Date: 1965

Full English translation, 1968

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 66-74
Date: 1968

Original Polish monograph, 1964

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 75
Date: 1964

Return to Table of Contents

- 95 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Translations from Chinese, 1965, undated
Date: 1965, undated

Ling Chih and Chinese Culture, 1965

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 76
Date: 1965

Methods of Cultivating Chih, 1963-1964

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 77
Date: 1963-1964

Miscellaneous texts, undated

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 78-84
Date: undated

Mushroom History, undated

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 85-87
Date: undated

Outline of the Herbals, undated

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 88
Date: undated

Records of Mushrooms, undated

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 89-90
Date: undated

Return to Table of Contents

Translations of Chinese and Japanese Mycological Works, undated

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 91-109
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Includes some correspondence.

Translation of Albert Ongaro's interview with Maria Sabina, 1971

Identifier: Drawer W4.1; Folder 110
Date: 1971
Scope And Contents:
Includes Wasson's notes.

Return to Table of Contents

Pocket diaries and field notebooks, 1949-1983

Identifier: Series IX
Date: 1949-1983
Scope And Contents:
Consists of 33 pocket diaries and 37 field notebooks containing notes on travel, mushroom ceremonies, and mycological investigations.

Pocket diaries
Identifier: Sub-Series A

Pocket diaries, 1949

Identifier: 1 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1949

Pocket diaries, 1950

Identifier: 2 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1950

- 96 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Pocket diaries, 1951
Identifier: 3 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1951

Pocket diaries, 1952

Identifier: 4 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1952

Pocket diaries, 1953

Identifier: 5 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1953

Pocket diaries, 1954

Identifier: 6 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1954

Pocket diaries, 1954

Identifier: 7 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1954

Pocket diaries, 1955

Identifier: 8 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1955

Pocket diaries, 1956

Identifier: 9 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1956

Pocket diaries, 1957

Identifier: 10 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1957

Pocket diaries, 1958

Identifier: 11 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1958

Pocket diaries, 1959

Identifier: 12 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1959

Pocket diaries, 1960

Identifier: 13 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1960

Pocket diaries, 1961

Identifier: 14 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1961

Pocket diaries, 1962

Identifier: 15 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1962

Pocket diaries, 1965

Identifier: 16 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1965

Pocket diaries, 1966

Identifier: 17 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1966

- 97 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Pocket diaries, 1967
Identifier: 18 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1967

Pocket diaries, 1968

Identifier: 19 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1968

Pocket diaries, 1969

Identifier: 20 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1969

Pocket diaries, 1970

Identifier: 21 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1970

Pocket diaries, 1971

Identifier: 22 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1971

Pocket diaries, 1982

Identifier: 23 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1982

Pocket diaries, 1973

Identifier: 24 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1973

Pocket diaries, 1974

Identifier: 25 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1974

Pocket diaries, 1972

Identifier: 26 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1972

Pocket diaries, 1976

Identifier: 27 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1976

Pocket diaries, 1977

Identifier: 28 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1977

Pocket diaries, 1978

Identifier: 29 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1978

Pocket diaries, 1979

Identifier: 30 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1979

Pocket diaries, 1981

Identifier: 31 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1981

Pocket diaries, 1982

Identifier: 32 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1982

- 98 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Pocket diaries, 1983
Identifier: 33 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1983

Return to Table of Contents

Field notebooks
Identifier: Sub-Series B

Huautla; velada with Aurelio Carreras, 1953 July 15

Identifier: 1 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1953 July 15

Mazatlan, 1954
Identifier: 2 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1954

Mijeria, 1954 May

Identifier: 3 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1954 May

Huautla, 1955 June 28-July 8

Identifier: 4 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1955 June 28-July 8

Huautla, 1955 July 26

Identifier: 5 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1955 July 26

Huautla, 1955 July 27-31

Identifier: 6 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1955 July 27-31

Field notebooks, 1956 July 4-25

Identifier: 7 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1956 July 4-25

Field notebooks, 1956 July 25-August 6

Identifier: 8 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1956 July 25-August 6

Field notebooks, 1957 July-August

Identifier: 9 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1957 July-August

Field notebooks, 1958 July 5-15

Identifier: 10 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1958 July 5-15
Scope And Contents:
Four microliths were removed from this field notebook and housed in a separate envelope.

Microliths (from field notebook 10)

Identifier: 10a Drawer W4.5
Scope And Contents:
Envelope labeled: Podocarpus ferrugineus, 4 microliths picked up at Bolhai, 16 miles from Poona on my excursion with D.D.
Kosaambi, April 15, 1965. [Removed from book 10, March 18, 1965].

- 99 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Field notebooks, 1959 July 5-15, 1958
Identifier: 11 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1959 July 5-15, 1958

Cotzacan, Zacatepec, 1959 July 19

Identifier: 12 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1959 July 19

Amatlan, Ayautla, Huautla, Mexico City, etc., 1960 June 2-July 9

Identifier: 13 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1960 June 2-July 9

Field notebooks, 1961 July 7-31

Identifier: 14 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1961 July 7-31

Mixteca, 1961 August 1-12

Identifier: 15 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1961 August 1-12

Mexico, 1962 September-October

Identifier: 16 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1962 September-October

South Seas, New Zealand, 1963 May 30-August 10

Identifier: 17 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1963 May 30-August 10

New Zealand, New Guinea, 1963 August 10-October 3

Identifier: 18 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1963 August 10-October 3

Japan, 1963 October 4-December 7

Identifier: 19 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1963 October 4-December 7

Japan, Hong Kong, Bombay (Mumbai), etc., 1963 December 7-1964 April 16
Identifier: 20 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1963 December 7-1964 April 16

Pimfri, Kabul, 1964 May 3-July 3

Identifier: 21 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1964 May 3-July 3

Kabul, Tehran, Istanbul, Rome, Switzerland, etc., 1964 July 3-October 9

Identifier: 22 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1964 July 3-October 9

New York, Tokyo, Taipei, Taiwan, Hong Kong, 1964 October 23-December 4
Identifier: 23 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1964 October 23-December 4

Kuching, Hong Kong, Phnom Penh, Angkor Wat, Bangkok, etc., 1964 December 5- 1965 January 25
Identifier: 24 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1964 December 5- 1965 January 25

New Delhi, Gir Forest, Bombay (Mumbai), Poona (Pune), etc., 1965 January 25-March 17
Identifier: 25 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1965 January 25-March 17

- 100 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Kathmandu, Patna, Benares, Lucknow, New Delhi, Kashmir, etc., 1965 March 18-November 18
Identifier: 26 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1965 March 18-November 18

Geneva, Bern, Zurich, Bale, Paris, The Hague, etc., 1965 November 18-1966 February 11
Identifier: 27 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1965 November 18-1966 February 11

San Francisco, Hawaii, Tokyo, London, Paris, 1966 September-October

Identifier: 28 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1966 September-October

London, Milan, Geneva, Budapest, Prague, Zurich, etc., 1967 April 22-May 28
Identifier: 29 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1967 April 22-May 28

Bisai, Joshipar, Gurguna, Newana, etc., 1967 July 15-September 8

Identifier: 30 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1967 July 15-September 8

Italy, Switzerland, Heidelberg, Paris, Amsterdam, The Hague, London, Oxford, Cambridge, 1969 September 22-
November 5
Identifier: 31 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1969 September 22-November 5

American Oriental Society, Europe, Trip to Canberra, 1970 April 13-1971 January
Identifier: 32 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1970 April 13-1971 January
Scope And Contents:
American Oriental Society, Baltimore 1970 April 13-16; Europe 1970 June 27-July 28; Trip to   Canberra 1970-1971.

Mexico, Europe, Efin del Pazo's house, 1971 August-1972 January

Identifier: 33 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1971 August-1972 January

Los Angeles, Mexico, Palenque, 1975 May

Identifier: 34 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1975 May

Italy, Switzerland, Paris, London, Cambridge, 1975 December

Identifier: 35 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1975 December

Addresses, notes, etc., 1974

Identifier: 36 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1974

Jottings at velada in Huautla, 1953 July 15

Identifier: 37 Drawer W4.2
Date: 1953 July 15

Return to Table of Contents

- 101 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Certificates, 1931-1983
Identifier: Series X
Date: 1931-1983
Scope And Contents:
This series contains three certificates: Wasson’s membership in the Quarter Century Club of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of
New York (1931); New York Botanical Garden Distinguished Service Award certificate (1958); and one citation for The Addison Emery
Verrill Medal presented to R. Gordon Wasson (1983).

Certificate noting Wasson’s membership in the Quarter Century Club: Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, 1931
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 1
Date: 1931
Physical Description:
30 x 20 cm, unframed.

New York Botanical Garden Distinguished Service Award certificate, 1958

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 2
Date: 1958
Physical Description:
31 x 26 cm, unframed.

Citation for The Addison Emery Verrill Medal presented to R. Gordon Wasson, 1983
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 3
Date: 1983
Scope And Contents:
22 x 28 cm, unframed.

Return to Table of Contents

Photographic material, 1950-1980, undated

Identifier: Series XI
Date: 1950-1980, undated
Scope And Contents:
Contains 35mm slides, stereo slides, photographs, negatives, and transparencies about Wasson’s travels, mycological work, and

35mm slides, 1953-1980, undated

Identifier: Sub-Series A
Date: 1953-1980, undated
Scope And Contents:
This subseries contains approximately 3,400 35mm slides. Includes images from Wasson’s travels to Mexico, Afghanistan, India and
Oceania, and Japan. Contains slides of mushroom stones and terracotta figure from the Wasson Archives as well as mushroom stones
from other collections. Also includes slides from Wasson presentations and research, plates and figures from the monograph
Wondrous Mushroom, and miscellaneous images of Wasson and unidentified people.

Mexico I, 1953-1980, undated, bulk: 1953-1956

Identifier: Box 8
Date: 1953-1980, undated
Date: Majority of material found within 1953-1956
Scope And Contents:
Contains images of hallucinogenic mushrooms, Salvia divinorum, and Roger Heim’s mushroom watercolors used in Wasson’s Life
magazine article and in “Mushrooms, Russia and History”. Slides are individually numbered W1001-W1107.

Mexico II, 1954

Identifier: Box 8
Date: 1954
Scope And Contents:
Contains Allan Richardson’s photographs of a trip to San Juan Mazatlán, or Mazatlan de los Mixes, in the eastern section of the
Mixeria. Slides are numbered W2001-W2111.

- 102 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Mexico III, 1955-1956, undated
Identifier: Box 8
Date: 1955-1956, undated
Scope And Contents:
Contains images from three veladas with Maria Sabina on 1955 June 29-30, 1955 July 2-3, and 1956 July. Slides are numbered

Mexico IV, 1953, 1955, 1956

Identifier: Box 8
Date: 1953, 1955, 1956
Scope And Contents:
Contains images primarily taken in Huautla, Oaxaca. Includes slides of the following subjects: En route from Teotitlán to Huautla on
animals (1953); by air to Huautla (1955-1956); airstrip at San Andres Hidalgo; marketplace in Huautla; Roger Heim at work in
Huautla; Dr. Salvador Guerra Beltran and his daughters; residents, “shoemakers” and reportedly murderers, living across from
Herlinda’s house; domestic life of the Wasson party (1956). Also includes: Town officials, Erasto Pineda, President, and Cayetano
Garcia, Síndico, broadcasting from the platform of Town Hall to the marketplace on Sunday. Officials lined up with bastones of
office; Pineda and Garcia standing next to each other (1955); Heim, Wasson, and party looking for sacred mushrooms in Barrio
Mixteca; mushroom foray to La Regadera and mushroom foray to Rancho del Cura. Slides are numbered W4001-W4257.

Mexico V, 1955-1956
Identifier: Box 8
Date: 1955-1956
Scope And Contents:
Images taken in San Agustín Loxicha, Oaxaca. Includes slides of Zapotec ruins located southeast of Miahuatlan, with images of
Wasson, Howard Brunson, Francisco “Chico” Ortego, “El sabio” Aristeo Matias, and Robert J. Weitlauer (1955). Also includes slides
of Yaitepec, near Juquila, Oaxaca, in the Chitino area, with images of Roger Heim, Wasson, and Bill Upson (1956). Slides are
numbered 1-169.

Mexico VI, 1958

Identifier: Box 8
Date: 1958
Scope And Contents:
Includes slides of the following subjects: Santa Maria Tonantzintla near Cholula; Herlinda's house and courtyard with Tom Davis and
Wasson; drying mushrooms (slides are labeled Ki3so1); girls in Mazatec costume; velada (sacred mushroom ritual) including
participants [this velada was taped]. Also includes images of Rio Santiago with Psilocybe yungensis mushrooms; Rio Santiago with
Herlinda and Eduardo Garcia; leaving the enchanted hills by animal en route to San Jeronimo; and emerging from San Jeronimo in
Tom Davis’s Jeep. Slides are numbered 1-205.

Mexico VII, 1959

Identifier: Box 8
Date: 1959
Scope And Contents:
Contains images of Huautla with Roger Heim, and trips to Zacatepec, in the Mixeria, and to Cotzocón, Oaxaca, with Irmgard
Weitlaner, Mary (Masha) Wasson Britten, R. Gordon Wasson, and Francisco “Chico” Ortego. Also includes images of Maria Sabina
performing the velada. Slides are organized by film roll which were assigned letters alphabetically from A-R. In each roll, slides are
numbered starting from one. Rolls are of varying lengths.

Mexico VIII, 1961

Identifier: Box 9
Date: 1961
Scope And Contents:
Images of jewelry found at Monte Albán (a Zapotec pyramid complex); Maria Sabina; Salvia divinorum; and Roger Heim in Huautla.
Also includes Dona Donata, Esperanza, Borja, and Irmgard Weitlaner in Ayautla, Oaxaca; airplane trip to Popocatépetl and Monte
Albán; and San Miguel Progreso and Chicahuastla, Oaxaca, with images of weaving, carding, and spinning. Slides are numbered 1-

Mexico IX, 1960-1966

Identifier: Box 9
Date: 1960-1966
Scope And Contents:
Contains images taken in Pahuatlán and Atla, Puebla, and Ayautla and Huautla, Oaxaca, primarily in 1962. Includes slides of Albert
and Anita Hofmann en route from Cordoba through Jalapa de Díaz to Ayautla; Dona Donata and activities at her establishment in
Ayautla; Dona Rosaura and Agripino in San José Tenango en route to Huautla; Ipomoea violacea; and between Rio Santiago and
Huautla. Slides are numbered 1-197.

- 103 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Mexico X, 1975
Identifier: Box 9
Date: 1975
Scope And Contents:
Lancandones and Choles peoples near Palenque, Chiapas; a Xochipilli statue; Santa María Tonantzintla, Puebla; mushroom effigies
in stone and clay; Sandoz pharmaceutical company analysis of mushrooms with Albert Hofmann, Arthur Brack, and Hans Kobel; and
illustrations for “The Wondrous Mushroom: Mycolatry in Mesoamerica.” Slides are numbered 1-100.

Mushroom stones and terracotta figure, 1960-1980, undated

Identifier: Box 9
Date: 1960-1980, undated
Scope And Contents:
Primarily images of the mushroom stones and terracotta figure in the Wasson Archives. Also includes some images of mushroom
stones from other collections. Slides are numbered 1-77.

Afghanistan I, 1964
Identifier: Box 9
Date: 1964
Scope And Contents:
Contains images taken during a spring 1964 trip to Afghanistan, including Kabul and Herat; and in Nuristan Province with Georg
Morgenstierne, and according to Wasson, “Focusing on the eastern, Pakistan side, with Kamdesh and Bagromatal the centers of
attention where they speak Katei.” Slides are numbered 1-261.

Afghanistan II, 1964-1965

Identifier: Box 9
Date: 1964-1965
Scope And Contents:
Contains images taken during a spring 1964 trip to Afghanistan and a trip to Cambodia in 1965. Afghanistan images were taken
while touring in the north from Bamian east to Badakhshan, where the Wakhan Corridor starts, and west to ancient communities.
Cambodia images are of Angkor Wat. Slides are numbered from 1-244.

India and Oceania, 1963-1967

Identifier: Box 9
Date: 1963-1967
Scope And Contents:
Includes images of New Zealand, Tahiti and New Guinea (1963). Various street scenes, landscapes, temples, and people of India
including Puri during Juggernaut (Jaganath) festival and Simlipal Hills. Slides are numbered 1-293.

Japan I, 1963-1964
Identifier: Box 9; Box 10
Date: 1963-1964
Scope And Contents:
General travel images of landscapes, temples, shrines, and villages throughout Japan. Images of netsuke at Paul Blum’s house. Some
portraits that include Wasson. Slides are numbered 1-370. Slides 1-191 in box 9; Slides 192-370 in box 10.

Japan II, 1965-1967

Identifier: Box 10
Date: 1965-1967
Scope And Contents:
Images of mushroom collecting and preparation with Rokuya Imazeki. Slides are numbered 1-189.

Presentations and research, undated

Identifier: Box 10
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
“The Fire Plant presentation” includes color slides of mushrooms with captions (27 slides). “The Soma lecture” includes images from
the "Soma" publication, maps, mushrooms, and artwork (39 slides). Also includes slides from Wasson’s publication “Road to Eleusis”
(31 slides), color images of mushroom illustrations (27 slides), and Paracas slides of Peruvian textiles (40 slides).

- 104 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

"Wondrous Mushroom", 1972-1978, undated
Identifier: Box 10
Date: 1972-1978, undated
Scope And Contents:
Research and publication images for Wasson’s “Wondrous Mushroom.” Color transparencies labeled  “Hueyapan discards” (images
of an altar) have also been included.

Conference on Hallucinogens, Shamanism and Modern Life, 1978

Identifier: Box 10
Date: 1978
Scope And Contents:
Images of Wasson, Keewaydinoquay, Reid Kaplan, Albert Hofmann, Jeremy Bigwood, RE Schultes, and Joan Halifax during the
Conference on Hallucinogens, Shamanism and Modern Life in San Francisco, 1978.

Miscellaneous, 1975-1980, undated

Identifier: Box 10
Date: 1975-1980, undated
Scope And Contents:
Images include Wasson and unidentified people; Wasson and Albert Hoffman; Wasson wearing a leather vest; birch bark boat;
chemical structure of Psilocybin; and several unidentified photographs. Slides are numbered 1-17.

Return to Table of Contents

Stereo slides, 1953-1955

Identifier: Sub-Series B
Date: 1953-1955
Scope And Contents:
This subseries contains approximately 275 color stereo slides of Mexico. The slides were originally housed in two flat cases: Case 1:
Huautla, 1953; Mixeria, 1954. Case 2: Huautla de Jiménez, 1955; San Augustin Loxicha. The stereo slides were removed from the
cases and rehoused in archival sleeves. Stero slides are individually numbered.

Huautla and Mixeria, 1953-1954

Identifier: Box 10
Date: 1953-1954
Scope And Contents:
Slide case was labeled: Huautla, 1953; Mixeria, 1954. Stereo slides numbered W11001 to W11089. Includes images of San Juan
Mazatlán, Mixe country. Images feature Don Roberto, Chico, Allan Richardson, Wasson, and Eunice Pike. Also contains one folder of
Wasson's notes on the stereo slides.

W11001 is a glass transparency of two women kneeling on the ground in traditional dress surrounded by candles. Also includes an
envelope with Allan Richardson's mailing address with the label “Mazatlan 10 Ektachromes”. Includes 9 transparencies of women in
similar dress to W11001 and some landscapes.

Huautla de Jiménez and San Agustín Loxicha, 1955 June-July

Identifier: Box 10
Date: 1955 June-July
Scope And Contents:
Slide case was labeled: Mexican trip, late June-July 1955. Huautla de Jimenez; San Augustin Loxicha. Stereo slides are numbered:
W22001-W22185. Includes duplicate numbering scheme of W22087-W22101.

Return to Table of Contents

- 105 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Photographs, 1950-1980, undated
Identifier: Sub-Series C
Date: 1950-1980, undated
Scope And Contents:
This subseries contains approximately 800 photographs, arranged in two sections.

The first group of photographs are primarily of Wasson’s travels in Mexico from 1953-1962 and Japan in 1966. Many of the
photographs are duplicates of images in the 35mm slide sub-series. These images are arranged chronologically. When possible the
matching slide number has been noted on the back of the photograph in pencil or noted in a separate spreadsheet.

The second group of photographs are primarily research photographs. Contains photographs, negatives, transparencies, and 35mm
slides of artwork, manuscripts, sculpture, and artifacts featuring mushrooms. Many of the images feature paintings and sculptures in
museum collections. The images were probably gathered by Wasson as research for his publications. This section is arranged
alphabetically by subject.

Mexico and Japan photographs

Paul Fabre, son of Henri Fabre with Wasson, 1950

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 1
Date: 1950
Scope And Contents:
3 black and white 8 x 10 photographs by Andre Chavarrean. Photographs are of Paul Fabre and Wasson in the "Harmas" of Henri
Fabre; Paul Fabre and Wasson at the entrance to the "Harmas" of Henri Fabre; and Wasson photographed by the entrance to the
chateau of the Gagons, near Avignon. Also includes 6 negatives.

Mexico, 1954
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 2
Date: 1954
Scope And Contents:
88 black and white negatives, organized by film roll. Images of American Airlines flight, Wasson’s party, mushroom stones, and
interviewing curanderos and indigenous people.

Mexico, 1954
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 3
Date: 1954
Scope And Contents:
Assorted photographs of Mexican people. Includes several images of Wasson, Walter Miller, and Robert J. Weitlaner; two portraits
of Francisco Ortega (Chico) and his family; one portrait of Francisco and his wife. Contains a contact sheet,  4 x 5, and 8 x 10 black
and white prints that match negatives from Folder 2.

"San Juan Mazatlán, Mije Indians in front of curato, where we lived", 1954 May
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Oversize 1
Date: 1954 May
Scope And Contents:
1 black and white print; 11 1/2 x 14 inches. Group portrait of men standing in front of a house. This image matches an image from
Folder 3.

Mexico photographs with typed captions, 1954

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 4
Date: 1954
Scope And Contents:
Includes 4 x 5 black and white prints; captions are glued to the images. Prints are duplicates of some images from Folder 3.

San Augustin Loxicha photographs by Howard E. Brunson, 1955 July

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 5
Date: 1955 July
Scope And Contents:
11 black and white 8 x 10 prints. Captions: Zapotec girl Agustín Loxicha; Aristeo Matias, curandero (8 images); Divine mushroom
-- piulede barda, "el grandote"; Serafin Matias, son of Aristeo.

- 106 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Huautla de Jiménez, 1955, 1958
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 6
Date: 1955, 1958
Scope And Contents:
Includes 9 black and white photographs including 1 duplicate.  Images of Maria Sabina, Robert Heim, several landscapes, as well
as Wasson, Herlinda and Aurelio sorting mushrooms. Images match slides in Mexico III and Mexico VI.

Huautla de Jiménez, 1956 July

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 7
Date: 1956 July
Scope And Contents:
5 x 7 black and white photographs. Some of the images are similar to images in slide series Mexico IV. 4 images feature Roger
Heim with mushrooms; 2 photographs of Heim and Guy Stresser-Péan; 1 photograph of Guy Stresser-Péan sitting in a doorway; 1
photograph of James A. Moore. 1 image features Dr. Alfonso Case, Ambassador Guillaume Georges-Picot, and Wasson at the French
Embassy in Mexico City.

Oaxaca, Mexico photos by Guy Stresser-Péan, 1956 July, 1962

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 8
Date: 1956 July, 1962
Scope And Contents:
25 black and white photographs of Heim, Wasson and indigenous people. Some of the images are from slide series Mexico IV.

Mushroom ceremony, Huautla de Jiménez, circa 1955-1958

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 9
Date: circa 1955-1958
Scope And Contents:
16 images, mostly 8 x 10 black and white photographs. Various images of Maria Sabina performing the mushroom ritual; view of
Huautla from airplane; Huautla marketplace; and the house where ceremony was held during the night. Images match some slides
from Mexico slide series III, IV, VI, and IX.

Teotitlán, Fernandez family, Rio Santiago, 1958 July

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 10
Date: 1958 July
Scope And Contents:
35mm black and white negatives, 2 contact sheets, and 25 black and white photographs by Allan Richardson. Includes images of
Rio Santiago; mushroom ceremony; Aurelio Fernandez Presidente municipal of Teotitlán; and testing tape recorders and playing
back session from July 12, 1958.

Sandoz photographs, 1959 June 1

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 11
Date: 1959 June 1
Scope And Contents:
9 black and white photographs. Photographs of Barrett, Henze, Koblur, Van Zeeland, Hoffmann and Mrs. Hoffman, Wasson, Jacottet
(?), and Stoll at an event.

Mexico VII, 1959

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 12-17
Date: 1959
Scope And Contents:
2 ½ x 3 inch color prints and 35mm negatives. The photographs are duplicates of the 35mm slides in Mexico VII and are arranged
from A-R by film roll.  Some photographs in these folders are not found in the 35mm slides. Contains images of Huautla with Roger
Heim and trips to Zacatepec, in the Mixeria, and to Cotzocón, Oaxaca, with Irmgard Weitlaner, Mary (Masha) Wasson Britten,
Wasson, and Francisco “Chico” Ortego.

Huautla, 1960
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 18
Date: 1960
Scope And Contents:
18 black and white photographs and 1 contact sheet of mushrooms on a woven straw mat. Also contains a handwritten note
"Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson late spring, 1960. Photos of Psilocybe caerulescens Merrill var. mazatecorum Heim, Huautla de
Jiménez" on Valentina P. Wasson letterhead.

- 107 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Ayautla, Sierra Mazateca, 1962
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 19
Date: 1962
Scope And Contents:
4 black and white prints of “Lucha grinding leaves of Salvia divinorum” and one print of Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson holding Salvia
divinorum.  4 black and white prints and one color print of  potted Salvia divinorum.  Several color prints and one negative of
Ipomoea violacea. These photographs match slides from Mexico IX.

Mushroom stones and terracotta figure, undated

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 20
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Images of two mushroom stones and a terracotta figure holding a mushroom that are part of the Wasson Collection. Objects were
photographed in a studio with a light blue background. These images match slides in the Mushroom stone slide series.

Assorted images from slide series Mexico I-Mexico VI, circa 1955-1962
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 21
Date: circa 1955-1962
Scope And Contents:
Negatives, color prints, and black and white prints of various images of Psilocybe mexicana and other mushrooms, Maria Sabina
and the mushroom ceremony, and Herlinda in market place.

Maria Sabina, 1955-1958

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 22
Date: 1955-1958
Scope And Contents:
Assorted duplicate images of Maria Sabina from slides in series Mexico III-Mexico VI. Images are mostly from mushroom

Japan, 1966
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 23
Date: 1966
Scope And Contents:
Includes images of mushroom gathering and mushroom preparation including Amanita muscaria. Many of these photographs
match images in the 35mm slide sub-series.

Return to Table of Contents

Research photographs

American Museum of Natural History exhibition

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 24
Scope And Contents:
Black and white photographs of American Museum of Natural History exhibition from January 30-March 30, 1959. Includes
images of mushrooms and landscapes. Also contains a portrait of Roger Heim in Huaulta de Jiménez, Mexico, July 1959; an image
of Heim photographing a Coprinus comatus among the crosses of an indigenous sanctuary in July 1956 (G. Stresser-Péan
photographer); an image of the house where mushroom sessions took place; photograph of Allan Richardson taken by Wasson; and
a portrait of Wasson, daughter Masha Wasson, and a child. Many of these images have been used in Wasson publications and
exhibitions. They are also represented in the 35mm slide collection.

Bosch, Hieronymus
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 25
Scope And Contents:
2 envelopes of photographs of Bosch artwork. One envelope contains photographs of artwork from various museums and the other
envelope contains a photograph of the upper half of the left panel of "The Hay Wain Triptych."

Callot, Jacques etchings

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 26
Scope And Contents:
3 black and white photographs of Jacques Callot etchings from "The Dance of Sfessania." Depicts commedia dell'arte characters
with masks.

- 108 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Cave paintings and mosaics (Bagh Caves, India)
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 27
Scope And Contents:
Mushroom paintings in the Bagh Caves, India. See correspondence file marked Payak (India.)

"Codex Magliabechiano"
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 28
Scope And Contents:
Black and white transparencies, black and white reproductions, and color drawings made from "Codex Magliabechiano." Includes a
card to Wasson.

Cranach, Lucas the Elder - Painting with mushroom crest

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 29
Scope And Contents:
Includes a letter from Yale University about the photographs.

Darjeeling, India souvenir photographs

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Oversize 2
Scope And Contents:
2 color photographs of mountain landscapes, 10 x 15 inches.

Demonic and religious

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 30
Scope And Contents:
Photographs of paintings by Dutch and German old masters. Includes some Bosch images as well as images from unknown painters.

"Descrizione dei Funghi Mangerecci…"

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 31
Scope And Contents:
7 black and white negative photocopies of publication "Descrizione dei Funghi Mangerecci più Comuni dell'Italia e de' Velenosi che
Possono co' Medesimi Confondersi". Del Dottor Fisico Carlo Vittadini con XLIV tavole incise in rame e colorate. Milano, 1835. Plate
12. pages 87-93.

Effigy of [indecipherable], Echarry Collection, Mexico, 1961 summer

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 32
Date: 1961 summer
Scope And Contents:
3 color photographs and negatives of a stylized stone carving of person. "Lightening and child" is written on the envelope of

Electron photomicrograph of "Panaeolus foenisecii immature basidium, 100,000x", 1976 October 31

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 33
Date: 1976 October 31
Scope And Contents:
1 color photograph from Paul E. Stamets.

Etruscan artwork
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 34

Gibson USA greeting cards

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 35
Scope And Contents:
2 greeting card mock ups featuring 4 color photographs of mushrooms.

Ipomoea violacea
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 36
Scope And Contents:
2 black and white photographs (one with glued on caption) and 3 copy negatives of Ipomoea violacea.

- 109 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Jade carving, San Jeronimo, Guerrero, Mexico
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 37
Scope And Contents:
On back of photograph: neg 286776 Jade carving, Mexico, Guerrero. Credit line: Courtesy of the American Museum of Natural

Japanese artwork
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 38
Scope And Contents:
Contains black and white photo reproductions and transparencies of Hokusai woodblock prints. Also includes one color
transparency of a print by an unknown artist. The print features a man reclining under a tree.

Lynn McLaren, Lynn - Mounted color photograph of a mushroom, 1979

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 39
Date: 1979

Manuscripts and codices

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 40
Scope And Contents:
Color transparencies, black and white photo reproductions, and safety negatives of manuscripts and codices from the Vatican,
Morgan Library, Bibliothèque nationale de France, and other repositories. Also includes some handwritten notes. Many of the
images have been used in Wasson publications.

Maps of Europe, Constantinople, and Mexico

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 41

Miscellaneous negatives
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 42
Scope And Contents:
Images include black and white negative of Wasson and Valentina in Mexico; Xochipilli stone statue; two copy negatives featuring
Eunice Pike; and one large color slide of Xochipilli in a hotel garden Tayquillo, Valle, 1974 by Marianne Yampolski.

Morgan Library - Mushroom codex

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 43
Scope And Contents:
8 x 10 ektachromes and photo reproductions of a codex featuring mushrooms from the Morgan Library.

Mushroom images
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 44
Scope And Contents:
Black and white photographs, color photographs, plates, and original drawings of mushrooms.

Mushroom paintings
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 45-48; Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Oversize 3
Scope And Contents:
Photographs of 16th and 17th century European still life and landscape paintings featuring mushrooms. Paintings include
"Autumn" by Giuseppe Arcimboldo; "The Kitchen Maid" by Jean Siméon Chardin; and "Waterfowl" by Gijsbert Gillisz. de
Hondecoeter. Several paintings by Otto Marseus van Schrieck, Rachel Ruysch, Hofner, and others. Probably research for
"Mushrooms, Russia and History".

Mushroom stone photographs

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 49-52
Scope And Contents:
Black and white photographs, 35mm slides, black and white plates, and some original correspondence. Images of mushroom stones
from various museums and collections.

Mushroom stones from Amazonas, Columbia and Guatemala

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 53

- 110 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Orphic bowl
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 54
Scope And Contents:
Reprint of "An Orphic Bowl" by Delbrueck and Vollgraff, Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. LIV, 1934 and 22 black and white
photographs of the orphic bowl.

Pompeii mushroom mural

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 55

Richardson, Allan: Mushroom artifacts, Bols à champignons

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 56
Scope And Contents:
Contains black and white photographs, copy negatives, and illustrations of nine mushroom artifacts numbered #1-4 from Gordon
Eckholm at the American Museum of Natural History. Also includes a letter from Eckholm dated July 1958. The artifacts were
collected in 1899-1900 by Saville.

Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences mushroom exhibit

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 57
Scope And Contents:
8 x10 black and white photographs of the exhibit.

Roman and Greek art depicting mushrooms

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 58
Scope And Contents:
Black and white photographs of mushroom tile mosaics. Images depict a bowl of mushrooms; a boar and mushrooms; and the
entire mosaic they are part of. Another image depicts a rabbit and mushrooms while another features birds and mushrooms.

Santo Niño, Madonna, and saint figures

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 59
Scope And Contents:
Illustration of Santo Niño de Atocha seated in a chair. He carries a basket and staff and is wearing a cape. Also includes color
photograph and slide of a Madonna statue and color transparency and slide of a saint figure.

Siberian petroglyphs featuring mushrooms and people

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 60

Tengu mask
Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 61
Scope And Contents:
8 color studio photographs and 8 negatives of mask. Includes a letter from Allan Richardson to Wasson about the images. This is an
artifact in the collection.

Toads and mushrooms

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 62
Scope And Contents:
Images of toads and mushrooms, includes a signed and mounted image titled "Woodland Philosopher" by Rudolf Eickemeyer.

Unidentified, 1982 September

Identifier: Drawer W4.3; Folder 63
Date: 1982 September
Scope And Contents:
Color photograph of man and woman standing in front of a stone wall.

Return to Table of Contents

Reading Public Museum Exhibition, 1982, undated

Identifier: Series XII
Date: 1982, undated
Scope And Contents:
Contains flyers, photographs, labels, posters, and artwork used in the exhibition "Mushroom Magic: The Mushroom Image in Art,
Archaeology, Mythology and Science" at the Reading Public Museum in Reading, Pennsylvania from May 9-June 20, 1982.

- 111 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

"Basket of Matsutake?"
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 1
Scope And Contents:
Artist possibly Shunko, Mochizuki. Reading Public Museum sticker on back of original frame. Dimensions matted: 25 x 28 inches.

Chinese sage contemplating Ling-chih, the Divine Mushroom

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 2
Scope And Contents:
Note: Painted in an evening for G.W. for his birthday celebration. Reading Public Museum exhibit label on back. Mounted on board.
Dimensions 30 x 27 inches.

Contact prints of netsuke, mushroom stones, and other artifacts, 1982

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 3
Date: 1982

Exhibit flyer, 1982

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 4
Date: 1982

Exhibit labels, 1982

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 5
Date: 1982

Exhibit photographs, 1982

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 6
Date: 1982

Exhibit posters
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 7

Powerpoint of exhibit elements, 1982 May-June

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 8
Date: 1982 May-June

Print or painting of small mushrooms

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 2; Folder 9
Scope And Contents:
Mounted on board. Dimensions: 17 3/4 x 18 1/2 inches. Reading Public Museum exhibit label on back. Brochure from Foyles Art
Gallery, London on exhibition of artist Fang Chao Ling attached.

Reproduction of a mushroom fresco, undated

Identifier: Box 13
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Reproduction of mushroom fresco found at Herculaneum, probably executed about A.D. 50. Painting on paper in wood frame.
Dimensions 54 x 49 cm. Reading Public Museum exhibit label on back. Same as Plate 76 from "Mushrooms, Russia and History",
volume 2, courtesy of the Museo Nazionale, Naples.

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Keewaydinoquay, 1965-1980
Identifier: Series XIII
Date: 1965-1980
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted for all Keewaydinoquay birch bark scroll materials.
Scope And Contents:
Keewaydinoquay Pakawakuk Peschel (1919-1999) was an Anishinaabeg Elder of the Crane Clan. She was an ethnobotanist, teacher,
medicine woman, and author. This series includes photographs of Kee and Wasson as well as objects including decorated stones
created by Kee.

- 112 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Gray stone with sharpened edges
Identifier: Box 11

Leather necklace with decorated stone, blue plastic bead, and red feather pendant
Identifier: Box 11

Necklace with mushroom pendant

Identifier: Box 11

Off white clay tile with hand carved figure of a woman

Identifier: Box 11

Painted rock with inscription

Identifier: Box 11
Scope And Contents:
Inscription: Anangoka - Kaugineck wassenagoshkad iwedi anangog Kishpin nin wipagossabama. Approximately 6 inches across.

Painted rock with inscription

Identifier: Box 11
Scope And Contents:
Inscription reads: As the sun sets the moon rises. Approximately 2 1/2 x 1 inch with rounded edges.

Photographs of Keewaydinoquay and painted stones

Identifier: Box 11; Folder 1
Scope And Contents:
1 informal portrait of Keewaydinoquay standing outside. Four images of the painted stones in this series (includes duplicates).

Photographs and slides of birch bark scroll, 1976 August - 1980 December
Identifier: Box 11; Folder 2
Date: 1976 August - 1980 December
Scope And Contents:
Color photographs of birch bark scroll including some duplicates.

35mm slides include: Views of birch bark scroll (6 slides) August 1976; unidentified person (likely Reid Kaplan) holding scroll (2
slides) August 1976; Wasson displaying scroll (5 slides) September 1978; and views of birch bark scroll (9 slides) December 1980.
Dates were taken from the slides.

Also includes a handmade valentine card from Kee.

Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted for all Keewaydinoquay birch bark scroll materials.

Photocopy of birch bark scroll diagram

Identifier: Box 11; Folder 3
Conditions Governing Access:
Photography and reproductions are restricted for all Keewaydinoquay birch bark scroll materials.

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Artwork and posters, 1798-1976, undated

Identifier: Series XIV
Date: 1798-1976, undated
Scope And Contents:
This series is divided into three subseries: General artwork, Japanese artwork, and Posters.

- 113 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

General artwork, 1803-1976, undated
Identifier: Sub-Series A
Date: 1803-1976, undated
Scope And Contents:
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by artist name when known, otherwise arranged alphabetically by title or subject of artwork.

Contains artwork that Wasson collected including drawings, paintings, and prints. The artwork features mushrooms or hallucinogenic

Bertuch, F.J., and Bertuch, C. Mushroom plates, 1803

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 1
Date: 1803
Scope And Contents:
3 plates from Bertuch, F.J., Bertuch, C. 1803. Bilderbuch ̈Fur Kinder: enthaltend eine angenehme Sammlung von Thieren... Weimar:
Landes Industrie-Compt. Plates are from volume 2: No 24, Plate 30; No. 33, Plate XXXI; No. 34, Plate XXXII. Dimensions 19 x 23 cm.

Brady, Irene. Mushrooms from Siberia and Mexico drawn by Brady from "Les Champignons toxiques et hallucinogènes"
by Roger Heim, 1968
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 2
Date: 1968
Scope And Contents:
Two black and white drawings of mushrooms. One is a drawing of Amanita muscaria and the other drawing features five different
hallucinogenic mushrooms. In pencil on back "mushrooms drawn from illustrations, as similar as possible. Irene Brady, 1968."

Clorette, Sophie. Mushroom painting, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 3
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Painting of two mushrooms; probably watercolor; mat dimensions 9 x 12 inches; painting dimensions 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches.

Girvin, Tim. Calligraphy, 1976, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 4 and 4a
Date: 1976, undated
Scope And Contents:
Includes original artwork and correspondence with Wasson about a possible commission. Also includes several small posters and one
larger poster based on a quote from "Soma" (1976.) One folder and one envelope.

Seeler, Margaret. Artifacts that may depict mushrooms, circa 1975

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 5
Date: circa 1975
Scope And Contents:
Two matted black ink drawings of carved stone artifacts that may depict mushrooms. Top drawing was drawn from an enclosed
photograph by Henry B. Nicholson dated September 30, 1975 (provenance and location unknown). The bottom drawing is labeled
"Andesite pyroxene." Mat: 8 1/4 x 14 inches; top drawing: 4 1/2 x 6 3/4 inches; bottom drawing: 3 x 3 inches.

Van Ingen, E. Chantharellus cibarius and Phallus impedicus watercolor, 1969

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 6
Date: 1969
Scope And Contents:
Yellow and green watercolor of two mushrooms. Written on back: Harvard Botanical Museum TL 29879.2. Dimensions 9 3/4 x 8

Christmas card of a stylized Swedish street scene featuring mushrooms, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 7
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Hand drawn and hand colored. On back "Adapted from Swedish peasant art of early XIX century." Includes note "Walter Coin
Swedish X-mas card." Approximate dimensions: 8 1/2 x 6 3/4 inches.

- 114 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

German mushroom engravings, undated
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 8
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
7 color engravings; publication and artist are unknown; dimensions 19 x 12 cm. Written on envelope "F.W. Schulthess."

Ipomoea purpurea original drawing, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 9
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Pen and ink illustration labeled "Purpurea;" artist unknown; mounted between two boards; 7 x 8 1/2 inches.

Maria Sabina during mushroom ceremony original drawing, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 10
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Drawing depicts Maria Sabina eating a mushroom and a woman and small child seated nearby. Probably charcoal on paper.

Oliliuhqui (Rivea corymbosa) reproduction drawing, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 11
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
This is a reproduction based on original artwork by Fransico Hernandez from 1651. Reproduction artist and date unknown. Black
ink on paper; dimensions 10 1/2 x 15 inches.

Psilocybe wassonii Heim pencil drawing, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 12
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Matted pencil drawing of several mushrooms and a spore magnified x 3000. Dimensions: mat 8 x 13 inches; drawing 3 x 7 inches.

Rivea corymbosa original drawing, undated

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 13
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Pen and ink illustration labeled "Rivea corymbosa;" artist unknown; mounted between two boards; dimensions 7 x 8 1/2 inches.

Santo Niño de Atocha and Madonna framed Mexican folk art, undated
Identifier: Box 13
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
Colorful Mexican folk art featuring images of Santo Niño de Atocha, Madonna, and other saint figures. Also includes arches and
flowers with the words "Yo bendigo este hogar." Mint green wooden frame with glass. Dimensions: 38 x 30 x 6 cm. May have been
produced for the tourist trade. The Santo Niño de Atocha image is similar to the image in "Wondrous Mushroom," figure 26, page

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Japanese artwork, 1797-1924, undated

Identifier: Sub-Series B
Date: 1797-1924, undated
Scope And Contents:
This subseries is arranged alphabetically by creator when known, otherwise arranged alphabetically by title or subject of artwork.

Artwork featuring mushrooms or mushroom collecting. Predominantly prints but also includes paintings and some ephemera. There
are several woodblock prints from the Edo period (1600-1868) including a Genji triptych by Utagawa Kunisada/Toyokuni III. Also
includes five Edo period reproduction prints. Contains a set of mushroom paintings by Mochizuki Shunko.

"A Guide to the Cultivation of Shiitake" (Shiitake Yosei Annai) by Toyozo Fujioka, 1912
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 1
Date: 1912
Scope And Contents:
Includes the original text with drawings and two typed pages of English translations.

- 115 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Advertisement for Spring (?) Festival print
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 2
Scope And Contents:
23 x 26 cm. Black, white, and pink print on rice paper featuring a large mushroom that is being lifted by many small men. Includes
a photocopy of the print that has translations of the text promising many young women and flowers.

"An Excursion of Mushroom-gathering at Mid-autumn" (Chushu Takegari-no-kyo), two panels from the triptych by
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III), 1845
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 3
Date: 1845
Scope And Contents:
The right panel features a mushroom-gathering party in mid-autumn, mother and boy. The middle panel depicts a woman holding
mushrooms. The third panel which depicts a woman with a pipe is not included. Mat 49 x 34 cm; prints 37 x 26 cm.

The artist is also known as Utagawa, Kunisada, 1786-1864.

Book of idioms or phrases (original or collected)

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 4

"Dai Nippon Production List: List of domestic food edible species in Japan" woodblock print published by Shinsakanachō
bunkaisha, Meiji era, late 19th century
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 5
Date: Meiji era, late 19th century
Scope And Contents:
Print depicting various edible mushrooms on a vibrant pink background. 38 x 26 cm. Probably part of a set of 9 prints.

Fan shaped (uchiwa-e) woodblock print featuring a woman tweezing her eyebrows, includes Kunisada's signature, circa
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 6
Date: circa 1860s
Scope And Contents:
The woman in the print is wearing a mushroom patterned kimono. There is no publisher's mark on the print so it may be a later
reproduction. Print measures 24 x 32 cm.

Includes a typed biography of Toyokuni III (Kunisada.) Also includes a separate note "Kunisada - The mushrooms are matsutake -
(kimono) July 3, 1965 Dr. Kobayashi's office." There is additional correspondence from Dr. Kobayashi in the collection.

"Flowers of Asuka Mountain" print, from the series "Special Products in Many Parts of Japan" by Andō Hiroshige
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 7
Scope And Contents:
Artist also know as Utagawa, Hiroshige, 1797-1858. Includes a small figure holding onto a mushroom and chop sticks. Includes a
photocopy of the print with translations of the Japanese writing. Mat 33 x 46 cm; print 12 x 17 cm.

"Fuji from Kanaya on the Tôkaidô", from the series "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji" by Hokusai, reproduction print
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 8
Scope And Contents:
Artist also known as Katsushika, Hokusai, 1760-1849. From the Tokyo National Museum; first edition print; hand printed; publisher
is Bijutsusha, Tokyo. Includes a green portfolio cover with text and a drawing of a shoreline with boats. Mat 25 x 32 cm; print 19 x
27 cm.

Ink drawing of man's stylized face on shikishi board, early to mid 20th century
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 16
Date: early to mid 20th century
Scope And Contents:
Red and black ink drawing; 24 x 27 cm.

Drawing was originally housed in Series II, Folder 281, Japan - Kusabira-Surimono.

- 116 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

"Iwatake mushroom gathering at Kumano in Kishu" woodblock print by Utagawa Hiroshige II, 1860
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 9
Date: 1860
Scope And Contents:
Woodblock print of men in baskets gathering mushrooms from a mountain side. Artist also known as: Utagawa, Hiroshige, 1826?
-1869. Mat 49 x 34 cm; print 37 x 23 cm.

Maiden playing fox hunting behind haystack print by Kitagawa Utamaro, 1797
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 10
Date: 1797
Scope And Contents:
Artist also known as: Kitagawa, Utamaro, 1753?-1806. Mat 40 x 34 cm; print 21 x 18 cm. Includes a separate paper with the
following translation, "With pleasure at field a graceful maiden is playing fox hunting behind haystack."

In Series II. Japan - Kusabira-Surimono folder there is information about this print. There is a note from a technician at the Tokyo
National Museum that this is an authentic Utamaro, dated to 1797. There is a translation of the text.

"Mitsuuji Enjoys a Mushroom Hunt" (Mitsuuji matsutake-gari no asobi) woodblock print tryptich by Utagawa Kunisada
(Toyokuni III), circa 1860
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 11
Date: circa 1860
Scope And Contents:
Genji triptych. Left panel features people walking down a mountain path; middle panel depicts a woman sitting on a picnic blanket;
and the right panel features a man sitting on a picnic blanket. Mat 48 x 34 cm; prints 37 x 26 cm.

Also includes a folder with a typed biography of "Toyokuni III (Kunisada)."

"Old Man and Boy Picking Mushrooms" prints by Cho Gessho, 1924
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 12
Date: 1924
Scope And Contents:
Two prints measuring 26 x 18 cm in a mat measuring 34 x 49 cm. Prints are from the book "Block printing and Book Illustration in
Japan" by Louise Norton Brown, New York and London, 1924, pages 108 and 109. Includes two page typed biography of Cho
Gessho. Also contains a handwritten note stating the pages were originally from a book and that the mushrooms in the illustration
only grow near red pines and can't be cultivated so they are very valuable.

Play announcement by artist Syunsen Katsukawa, circa 1840-1860

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 13
Date: circa 1840-1860
Scope And Contents:
39 x 54 cm. Top half of print features a landscape with a large tree, men gathering mushrooms, and sunset. The bottom half of the
print features text. Includes a note stating that the mushroom motif probably indicates the fall season and does not indicate that the
play is about mushrooms. The note also states that the artist is Syunsen Katsukawa (the second Syunsen). He was a member of the
Miyagawa and Katsukawa schools. The first Syunsen was in the same group with Hokusai.

Reproduction print of a fan painting featuring mushrooms and red maple leaves by unidentified artist, undated
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 14
Date: undated
Scope And Contents:
35 x 50 cm.

"Shigure no matsutake kari asobi" woodblock prints by Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III), edo period
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 4; Folder 15
Date: edo period
Scope And Contents:
Two panels of a triptych. Both panels depict women collecting mushrooms. Prints measure 37 x 26 cm.

- 117 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

"Suite of Mushroom Drawings" on shikishi board, mid 20th century
Identifier: Box 12
Date: mid 20th century
Scope And Contents:
32 mushroom paintings on board with metallic flecks and metallic edges. Many of the paintings have the signature Shunko and one
painting has the signature Yoshikazu.

Also includes 2 boards with text and 1 page of text on thin paper. Boards measure 24 x 27 cm.

Paintings were originally housed in a wooden box with the label: Suite of Mushroom Drawings by Shinyunko Mothisuki Japanese,
Contemporary, R. Gordon Wasson Collection. The paintings have been removed from the original wooden box but the box has been

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Posters, 20th century

Identifier: Sub-Series C
Date: 20th century

Model chart of Devanagari characters, 20th century

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 1
Date: 20th century
Scope And Contents:
4 sheets with annotations; dimensions: 11 1/2 x 18 inches. Published by Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principles, Deccan
College Post-graduate and Research Institute, Poona 6.

Plantas Sagradas poster, circa mid 20th century

Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 2
Date: circa mid 20th century
Scope And Contents:
"Plantas Sagradas" at the top of the poster, large photograph of a mushroom stone in the middle of the poster, and information on
two panels of speakers at the bottom of the poster. Wasson was a speaker on both panels.

"Teonanácatl: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms of North America" posters, circa mid 20th century
Identifier: Drawer Wasson Flat File 3; Folder 3
Date: circa mid 20th century
Scope And Contents:
Poster for book, edited by Jonathan Ott and Jeremy Bigwood, published by Madrona Publishers, Seattle.

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Audiovisual materials, 1954-1999, undated

Identifier: Series XV
Date: 1954-1999, undated
Conditions Governing Access:
Audiovisual material is restricted. Access to original audio tapes and moving image film is restricted. Audiovisual material may need to
be reformatted before researcher use. Contact the Botany Libraries for further information.
Scope And Contents:
Arranged in two subseries: Audio and Moving image.

- 118 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Audio, 1957-1996
Identifier: Sub-Series A
Date: 1957-1996
Scope And Contents:
Includes open reel tapes, cassettes, CDs, and LPs. Contains archival masters, published recordings, and some reformatted audio. Most
of the audio is related to the Mexican mushroom ceremony and includes: Mushroom Ceremony of the Mazatec Indians of Mexico
(1957); Mexican Mushroom ceremony recordings (1958); Maria Sabina and Her Mazatec Mushroom Velada (1974); and Mazatec
Whistle Speech, George Cowan.

This series also contains general audio including: conference sessions from the Conference on Hallucinogens, Shamanism and Modern
Life (1978); Soma - The Divine Mushroom which aired on the BBC; Yankee Goes Calling (1954); home recordings of Kee and Wasson;
and one cassette labeled Norval Morrisseau.
Conditions Governing Access:
Series XV. Audiovisual material is restricted. Access to original audio tapes and moving image film is restricted. Audiovisual material
may need to be reformatted before researcher use. Contact the Botany Libraries for further information.

Mexican mushroom ceremony audio

Folkways Records: Mushroom Ceremony of the Mazatec Indians of Mexico, 1957

Identifier: Box 14
Date: 1957
Scope And Contents:
Contains 3 sets of the 1957 published LP records with catalog number FR 8975, Folkways Records and Service Corporation, NYC,
USA. Side A/Side B. Recorded by V. P. and R. G. Wasson in Huautla de Jiménez, in the Mazatec Mountains in the northern corner
of the State of Oaxaca, July 21, 1956. Updated liner notes include complete lyric transcriptions.

Also includes two 10 1/2 inch open reels labeled "Folkways A" and "Folkways B." The reels are also labeled "Willard Rhodes".
The Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage in Washington D.C. acquired Folkways Recordings and the
label's business papers and files. The Mushroom Ceremony of the Mazatec Indians of Mexico recording is available through their

Mexican Mushroom Ceremony recordings, 1958

Identifier: Box 14; Box 15; Drawer W4.4
Date: 1958
Scope And Contents:
Includes open reel tapes, cassette transfers, CD transfers, and an LP of the 1958 July 12-July 13 mushroom ceremony with Maria

Maria Sabina and Her Mazatec Mushroom Velada, compiled by R. Gordon Wasson, George and Florence Cowan, Willard
Rhodes, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974
Identifier: Box 14; Box 15
Date: 1974
Scope And Contents:
Includes 2 sets of published LPs that accompanied the published text and score. There are 4 open reel tapes labeled "F.W. Velada"
that may be related to the published LPs.

Mazatec Whistle Speech, George M. Cowan, circa mid 20th century, 1996
Identifier: Box 14
Date: circa mid 20th century, 1996
Scope And Contents:
Includes 2 cassettes. One is probably the original with a handwritten label "Cowan Mazateco Whistle Speech Examples in language
24:3 pp 285-6." The second is a 1996 transfer.

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Conference on Hallucinogens, Shamanism and Modern Life, 1978 September 28-October 1

Identifier: Box 14
Date: 1978 September 28-October 1
Scope And Contents:
7 cassettes. Session 4. R. Gordon Wasson: A Surprising New Discovery; Session 5. Reid Kaplan: Further Details; Session 5.5 Panel;
Session 12. Albert Hofmann: LSD Experience and Reality; Session 13. Stanislav Grof: Heuristic Implications.

Also includes 2 cassettes labeled #4 and #5: Hallucinogens Conference, Japan Center Theatre, San Francisco - R. Gordon Wasson:
New Discovery; Reid Kaplan: Further Details; Keewaydinoquay: Miskwedo Also includes flyer for conference.

- 119 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Keewaydinoquay and Wasson tapes
Identifier: Box 11
Scope And Contents:
Three cassette tapes.
Conditions Governing Access:
This material is restricted.

Norval Morrisseau
Identifier: Box 14
Scope And Contents:
1 cassette with handwritten label. C-60. Side 1 hand labeled: "EBLA-pgm-ruins etc." "norval morriseau". Side 2 not labeled.

Soma - The Divine Mushroom, BBC 3rd program, Tuesday December 9, 8:05 pm
Identifier: Box 14
Date: Tuesday December 9, 8:05 pm
Scope And Contents:
Open reel audio and one cassette; time 45:15.

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Moving image, 1978-1999

Identifier: Sub-Series B
Date: 1978-1999

María Sabina, mujer espíritu documentary, 1978

Identifier: Box 15
Date: 1978
Scope And Contents:
Includes Part 1 and Part 2 of the documentary on U-matic tape and VHS copies with the label "transferred in 1996". Also includes
16mm film and VHS copy of 5 minute clip of the documentary.

Moving image about Wasson, 1996-1999, undated

Identifier: Box 14
Date: 1996-1999, undated
Scope And Contents:
Includes VHS of "Foray: A Documentary About Mushrooms and People” (1999) by Hayden Hirschfeld; VHS of "Magic Mushroom
Gordon Wasson and other odd people. A film by Ralph Breier"; VHS and clippings of "Mushrooms" (1996) by Angelica Allende Brisk.

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Identifier: Series XVI
Scope And Contents:
This series primarily contains non-print artifacts documenting Wasson’s interest in mushrooms depicted in folk art. Artifacts are
assigned identification numbers. This series includes early classic mushroom stones, dried ling-chi (Ganoderma lucidum) and
depictions of ling-chi, Chinese snuff bottles from the Ching Dynasty, carved jade and carnelian, wooden and ivory netsuke, carved
bone and ivory, and additional east Asian artifacts depicting mushrooms. Housed with the netsuke is one folder of netsuke paperwork.

Mushroom stone: Anthropomorphic figure, seated cross-legged, with mushroom cap, pre-classic period
Identifier: 1
Date: pre-classic period
Scope And Contents:
Carved of dark brown volcanic stone. Also includes a Japanese preview sale auction catalog featuring this item.

Mushroom stone: Coati-mundi (animal) on stipe, early classic period

Identifier: 2
Date: early classic period
Scope And Contents:
Light brown stone. Approximately 31 cm high.

- 120 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Mushroom stone: Tripod base, with stylized face on stipe, late classic period
Identifier: 3
Date: late classic period
Scope And Contents:
Roughly carved of grey stone. Approximately 25 cm high.

Terracotta figurine: Female shaman, one hand on a mushroom, one hand raised in invocation, classic period
Identifier: 4
Date: classic period
Scope And Contents:
Some parts painted with black bitumen; reassembled but not restored. From the Remojadas culture, near Veracruz. 30.5 cm high; not

Pottery mushroom figurine

Identifier: 5
Scope And Contents:
Red clay, fired, face modeled on stipe, pileus with incised decorations. Base restored. Approximately 19 cm high.

Nazca bowl
Identifier: 6
Scope And Contents:
Beige pottery, painted with designs resembling mushrooms. 22.5 cm diameter. Given to Wasson by Robert Graves.

Porcelain plate
Identifier: 7 Drawer W4.5
Scope And Contents:
Painted, depicting Ipomoea tricolor Cav. (morning glory). 22 cm. Also includes wooden plate stand.

Identifier: 8 Drawer W4.5
Scope And Contents:
Gold leaf over blue enamel, depicting Psilocybe wassonii Heim (mushroom). Inscribed "With compliments of Payak to Prof. R.G.

Bronze ju-ji
Identifier: 9
Scope And Contents:
Chinese, a representation of ling-chi, Ganoderma lucidum, carried in processions by officials as a sign of authority. Approximately 60

Tengu mask
Identifier: 10
Scope And Contents:
Japanese, carved wood, with red paint and gilding, depicting a tengu, a supernatural being in Japanese mythology and Shintoism.
Approximately 32 cm from chin to top of head, with a long nose.

Tengu mask
Identifier: 11
Scope And Contents:
Japanese, papier-mâché, painted red and brown with gilding. Approximately 22 cm from chin to forehead.

Okame figurine
Identifier: 12
Scope And Contents:
Japanese, carved wood, depicts Okame, the goddess of female sensuality, holding a mushroom in a basket. 25 cm high.

Identifier: 13
Scope And Contents:
Japanese, glazed pottery figurine, as above. Approximately 13 cm high.

- 121 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Identifier: 14
Scope And Contents:
Dried fungus, with double pileus.
Separated Materials:
Sent to the Gray Herbarium.

Identifier: 15
Scope And Contents:
Dried fungus, with single pileus.
Separated Materials:
Sent to the Gray Herbarium.

Identifier: 16
Scope And Contents:
Facsimile of carved wood.

Identifier: 17
Scope And Contents:
Facsimile of bamboo and wood.

Identifier: 18
Scope And Contents:
Facsimile of carved staghorn.

Porcelain vase
Identifier: 19
Scope And Contents:
Korean, white with blue designs depicting deer and ling-chi. 23.5 cm high.

Jade screen
Identifier: 20
Scope And Contents:
Carved green jade, scene in relief, including mushrooms growing on a tree. 9 cm x 16 cm; on a carved and painted wooden base.

Carnelian round screen

Identifier: 21
Scope And Contents:
Chinese, red and white, eight fairy figures carved in relief, scene includes tree fungi. 12.5 cm diameter; on a carved wooden base.

Jade vase
Identifier: 22
Scope And Contents:
Chinese, dark green jade, depicting a hollow tree with mushrooms growing on it. Approximately 19 cm high; on a carved wooden

Jade vase
Identifier: 23
Scope And Contents:
Chinese, light green jade, depicting a tree with mushrooms growing on it. Approximately 16 cm high; on a carved wooden base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 24
Scope And Contents:
Light green, moon with waves and ling-chi. Approximately 12 cm high; on a carved wooden base.

- 122 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Carved jade, early Ming Dynasty, 1368-1398
Identifier: 25
Date: early Ming Dynasty, 1368-1398
Scope And Contents:
White and brown, resting deer with ling-chi. Approximately 11 cm long; on a carved wooden base.

Carved carnelian
Identifier: 26
Scope And Contents:
Red and white, rising sun with ling-chi. Approximately 10 cm high; on a carved wooden base.

Carnelian vase
Identifier: 27
Scope And Contents:
Red and white, small, with ling-chi. Approximately 5 cm high; on a carved wooden base.

Carved carnelian
Identifier: 28
Scope And Contents:
Red and white, resting crane with ling-chi. Approximately 4 cm high x 5 cm long; on a carved wooden base.

Carnelian vase
Identifier: 29
Scope And Contents:
Red and white, small, with ling-chi; on a carved wooden base.

Carved carnelian
Identifier: 30
Scope And Contents:
Red and white, rocky peach and fruit with ling-chi. Approximately 6 cm high x 12 cm long; on a carved wooden base.

Jade latticework disk

Identifier: 31
Scope And Contents:
Depicts deer and mushrooms. Approximately 5.5 cm diameter; on a carved wooden base.

Jade figurine
Identifier: 32
Scope And Contents:
White, depicts the Four Happiness Boys carrying flowers and a mushroom. 8 cm high; on a carved wooden base.

Jade figurine
Identifier: 33
Scope And Contents:
Light green, sage contemplating a ling-chi. 6.5 cm high; on a carved wooden base.

Jade vase
Identifier: 34
Scope And Contents:
Light green, small, with bird, bamboo, and ling-chi. 7.5 cm high; on a carved wooden base.

Jade vase
Identifier: 35
Scope And Contents:
Medium green, with bird, flowers, and ling-chi. 9 x 13 cm; on a carved wooden base.

Jade screen
Identifier: 36
Scope And Contents:
Black and white nephrite with dragon and tiger design and ling-chi. 4.5 x 6.5 cm.

- 123 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Jade ju-ji scepter
Identifier: 37
Scope And Contents:
Ling-chi with carved chain at end. 38 cm long.

Jade disk
Identifier: 38
Scope And Contents:
Light green, depicting ling-chi and tiger. 5.5 cm diameter.

Jade disk
Identifier: 39
Scope And Contents:
Light green, depicting ling-chi and tiger. 5 cm diameter.

Jade disk
Identifier: 40
Scope And Contents:
Light green, depicting ling-chi and tiger. 4 cm diameter.

Jade vase
Identifier: 41
Scope And Contents:
Dark green, depicting two tigers, two bats, and ling-chi, carved in relief. 13.5 cm high x 4.5 cm wide at top; on carved wooden base
in a padded silk box.

Jade vase
Identifier: 42
Scope And Contents:
Variegated jade, ling-chi carved into brown jade, bamboo carved into green jade. 4 cm high; on carved wooden base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 43
Scope And Contents:
Grey and brown, resting crane holding fruiting peach branch in beak. 5.5 cm high x 6 cm long x 3 cm wide at base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 44
Scope And Contents:
Brown-grey with light green patch, deer holding flowering branch in mouth carved into grey jade, crane holding ling-chi in beak
carved into green jade. 6.5 cm high.

Jade inkwell
Identifier: 45
Scope And Contents:
Nephrite spinach, depicting phoenix holding ling-chi in beak. 3 cm high x 6.5 cm wide x 10 cm long.

Carved jade
Identifier: 46
Scope And Contents:
White with golden brown, mushrooms and bat design, bat carved into brown jade. 2.5 cm high x 5 cm long; on a carved wooden base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 47
Scope And Contents:
White, fruiting branch and bar design. 3 cm high x 5.5 cm long; on a carved wooden base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 48
Scope And Contents:
Grey-brown, mushrooms and bat design. 3.5 cm high x 5.5 cm long.

- 124 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Carved jade
Identifier: 49
Scope And Contents:
Light green, depicting fish and waves [possibly a spouting whale]. 4.5 cm x 5.5 cm; without base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 50
Scope And Contents:
Light green, depicting three mushrooms. 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm; without base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 51
Scope And Contents:
Light green, depicting two mushrooms. 3 cm x 4.5 cm; without base.

Carved jade
Identifier: 52
Scope And Contents:
White, ling-chi in high relief. 2 cm x 6.5 cm x 2 cm high.

Jade hanging ornament

Identifier: 53
Scope And Contents:
White, floral lattice work with ling-chi on rectangular plaque. 6 cm x 8.5 cm.

Carved jade
Identifier: 54
Scope And Contents:
Dark mottled brown, depicting hanging bat with ling-chi. 4 cm x 6 cm.

Jade hanging ornament

Identifier: 55
Scope And Contents:
Grey, ling-chi design. 3 cm x 7 cm; red silk cord attached.

Carved jade
Identifier: 56
Scope And Contents:
Light green, depicting mushrooms with ling-chi. 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm.

Carved jade
Identifier: 57
Scope And Contents:
Pale green, depicting mushrooms with beetle on reverse. 4 cm x 7 cm.

Carved jade
Identifier: 58
Scope And Contents:
Pale green, depicting three mushrooms. 3.5 cm x 7 cm.

Carved jade
Identifier: 59
Scope And Contents:
Black and translucent brown, two monkeys carved in black jade, ling-chi carved in brown jade on reverse. 3.5 cm x 4 cm.

Porcelain snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796

Identifier: 60
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Blue and red, bat and ling-chi design.

- 125 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Glass snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Identifier: 61
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Red overlay, ling-chi, dragon, and phoenix design.

Hair crystal (quartz) snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Identifier: 62
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Ling-chi design.

Agate snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796

Identifier: 63
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Swan and ling-chi design.

Glass snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796

Identifier: 64
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Ling-chi, swan, and pine tree design.

Porcelain snuff bottle, Yung Chen period of Ching Dynasty, 1723-1734

Identifier: 65
Date: Yung Chen period of Ching Dynasty, 1723-1734
Scope And Contents:
Ling-chi, deer, and pine tree design.

Glass snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796

Identifier: 66
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Red overlay, ling-chi, bat, and peach design.

Yellow jade with brown skin snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Identifier: 67
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Ling-chi and pine tree design.

Agate snuff bottle, Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796

Identifier: 68
Date: Chien Lung period of Ching Dynasty, 1736-1796
Scope And Contents:
Ling-chi and deer design.

Glass snuff bottle

Identifier: 69
Scope And Contents:
White with coral stopper, ling-chi and flower design, in blue, green, pink, yellow, and brown.

Carnelian snuff bottle

Identifier: 70
Scope And Contents:
Ling-chi, bats, and fruiting peach branch design. Peaches carved in high relief. Missing stopper.

- 126 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Minuki: black steel with gold inlay, Meiji Period or later.
Identifier: 71
Date: Meiji Period or later.
Scope And Contents:
One minuki possibly depicting Okame, one in the form of a mushroom and fan. Approximately 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm each; in plush lined
wooden box. Minuki are decorations for the handle of a long sword; these were likely for a woman’s sword.

Tsuba (sword hilt)

Identifier: 72
Scope And Contents:
Forged steel with decorative copper overlays, depicting flowers and mushrooms.

Tsuba (sword hilt)

Identifier: 73
Scope And Contents:
Forged steel with stamped design resembling the gills of a mushroom.

Kozuka (dagger sheath)

Identifier: 74
Scope And Contents:
Copper with steel and gold overlays depicting mushrooms. 0.5 cm x 1.5 cm x 10 cm. A kozuka is a sheath for a small dagger carried
in addition to a long sword.

Carved wood boat

Identifier: 75
Scope And Contents:
Boat with removable top concealing a phallic mushroom in the interior. 2 cm x 2.5 cm x 5 cm.

Lacquer inroh (medicine box)

Identifier: 76
Scope And Contents:
Gold lacquer with ojime (sliding bead) and wooden mushroom netsuke (sculpture). 2.5 cm x 5.5 cm x 6 cm; signed.

Brass ojime (bead)

Identifier: 77
Scope And Contents:
Gold highlights, depicting mushrooms. Approximately 1.5 cm diameter.

Iron ojime (bead)

Identifier: 78
Scope And Contents:
With gold and silver highlights, depicting small mushroom and a large mushroom with a snail on it. 2.5 cm high, 2 cm diameter
across pileus.

Cast bronze sculpture

Identifier: 79
Scope And Contents:
Depicting one small and one large mushroom. 1 cm x 3 cm.

Carved bone or ivory mushrooms

Identifier: 80
Scope And Contents:
Depicting a pair of tiny mushrooms joined at base of stipes. 1 cm x 1.5 cm.

Carved bone or ivory mushrooms

Identifier: 81
Scope And Contents:
Depicting a pair of tiny mushrooms joined at base of stipes. 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm.

- 127 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)
Identifier: 82
Scope And Contents:
Depicting Okame sprawled on top of mushroom. 5.5 cm long, 2 cm wide at top.

[Ivory?] netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 83
Scope And Contents:
Dark brown, depicting large mushroom with small mushroom on stipe. 4 cm high.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 84
Scope And Contents:
Yellow, depicting mushroom with snail on stipe. 6 cm long.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 85
Scope And Contents:
Depicting two mushrooms joined at right angle, end of stipe of one touching top of pileus of the other. Larger mushroom 2.5 cm

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 86
Scope And Contents:
Depicting single reishi (ling-chi) mushroom. 4.5 cm long, pileus 3 cm diameter.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 87
Scope And Contents:
Depicting pair of mushrooms joined by stipes. Larger mushroom 4 cm diameter across pileus; signed.

Staghorn netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 88
Scope And Contents:
Depicting mushroom, pine cone, and chestnut. 7 cm across.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 89
Scope And Contents:
Depicting pair of mushrooms bent over. 2.5 cm diameter at base.

Carnelian netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 90
Scope And Contents:
Carved mushroom motif. 2 cm x 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm.

Carnelian netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 91
Scope And Contents:
Carved mushroom motif. 1.5 cm x 2 cm x 3 cm.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 92
Scope And Contents:
Depicting mushroom and vascular plant. 6 cm long.

Staghorn netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 93
Scope And Contents:
Depicting mushroom with [slug?] on underside of pileus. 4 cm diameter.

- 128 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)
Identifier: 94
Scope And Contents:
Depicting one large and two small mushrooms joined at base of stipes. 5 cm diameter.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 95
Scope And Contents:
Depicting one large and two small mushrooms on pileus. 3.5 cm diameter.

Staghorn or bone netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 96
Scope And Contents:
Depicting one large mushroom with two small mushrooms lying across pileus and snail crawling under them. 3.5 cm diameter.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 97
Scope And Contents:
Depicting toad on mushroom. 4 cm diameter.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 98
Scope And Contents:
Depicting single mushroom with recurved stipe. 3.5 cm diameter; signed.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 99
Scope And Contents:
Depicting two mushrooms, in opposite directions. 2.5 cm x 3 cm x 4 cm.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 100
Scope And Contents:
Depicting basket with four mushrooms. 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 101
Scope And Contents:
Depicting two large and one small mushroom. 3.5 cm high, pileus 3 cm diameter.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 102
Scope And Contents:
Depicting 13 shimeji mushrooms in a cluster. 3.5 cm high, 2 cm x 2 cm at base.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 103
Scope And Contents:
Depicting large matsutake mushroom and infant in swaddling clothes with Okame face. 4.5 cm high, pileus 3 cm diameter, base of
stipe 2 cm diameter.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 104
Scope And Contents:
Depicting woman bearing large mushroom on her back; feet mended. 5 cm high.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 105
Scope And Contents:
Light brown, depicting Okame embracing large mushroom. 4 cm high, 2 cm x 2.5 cm at base; signed.

- 129 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)
Identifier: 106
Scope And Contents:
Depicting Okame resting left hand on large inverted mushroom. 2.5 cm high, 1 cm x 2.5 cm at base.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 107
Scope And Contents:
Depicting Okame carrying a mushroom at the nape of her neck. 6 cm high; signed. This piece is not an authentic netsuke. Wasson
included it in the collection as an example of imitation netsuke made for export long after people stopped wearing netsuke in Japan.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 108
Scope And Contents:
Depicting Okame embracing an large mushroom. 4.5 cm high, 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm at base; signed.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 109
Scope And Contents:
Depicting one large mushroom with three smaller mushrooms on stipe. 3 cm high at base of pileus, approximately 2 cm x 3 cm

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 110
Scope And Contents:
Depicting five mushrooms of varying size. 3 cm high, 2 cm diameter at base, 3.5 cm diameter across top; signed.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 111
Scope And Contents:
Depicting three large and four tiny mushrooms. 4 cm high.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 112
Scope And Contents:
Flattened oval shape, painted red-brown with black highlights, depicting group of mushrooms with intertwining stems. 3 cm high.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 113
Scope And Contents:
Depicting matsutake mushroom with monkey climbing on undersurface of pileus. 2.5 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 114
Scope And Contents:
Depicting clothed monkey bearing large matsutake mushroom upright on its shoulder; toes of right foot broken. 7 cm long.

Staghorn or bone netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 115
Scope And Contents:
Depicting rat on leaf with two mushrooms, one mushroom near rat’s hindquarters, one mushroom below its nose on the underside of
the piece. 6 cm long.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 116
Scope And Contents:
Depicting mushroom with bushy-tailed rodent climbing through a gnawed hole in the pileus, two small leaves on upper surface of
pileus. 4.5 cm x 5 cm x 2.5 cm.

- 130 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)
Identifier: 117
Scope And Contents:
Depicting mushroom with pitted pileus and bushy-tailed animal. 4.5 cm diameter.

Staghorn netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 118
Scope And Contents:
Depicting mushroom with rat on underside of pileus. 3 cm high, 4.5 cm x 5 cm diameter.

Ivory or bone netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 119
Scope And Contents:
Golden-brown, depicting one large and three small mushrooms, joined at base of stipes. 2 cm high x 2.5 cm wide x 6 cm long; signed.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 120
Scope And Contents:
Depicting two rats feasting on a basket of mushrooms. 1.5 cm high x 3.5 cm wide x 4.5 cm long; not numbered.

Staghorn netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 121
Scope And Contents:
Depicting large mushroom and two chestnuts with small monkey pushing up on stipe from the bottom. 8 cm long.

Staghorn netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 122
Scope And Contents:
Depicting large mushroom and two chestnuts, small monkey carrying mushroom near base of stipe. Similar to #121 but
workmanship not as fine. 7.5 cm long.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 123
Scope And Contents:
Depicting monkey bearing large mushroom by edge of pileus. 6 cm long; signed.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 124
Scope And Contents:
Depicting mushroom with snail on undersurface of pileus. 4 cm diameter.

Ivory netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 125
Scope And Contents:
Depicting tree branch with mushrooms and elongated snail. 1.5 cm wide x 8.5 cm long; signed.

Wooden inkan (signature seal)

Identifier: 126
Scope And Contents:
Handle depicting mushrooms. 5 cm high.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 127
Scope And Contents:
Dark brown, shiny wood, depicting one large and two small mushrooms. 2 cm x 3 cm x 4.5 cm; signed.

Wooden netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 128
Scope And Contents:
In the form of a fungus, dark brown, shiny wood, similar to #127 except that only one fungus is represented, and the workmanship is
not as good. 1 cm by 3.5 cm by 5 cm.

- 131 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Two gold charms
Identifier: 129
Scope And Contents:
The charms are likely for a charm bracelet or watch chain. One is a mushroom, 2 cm high, engraved with the letters "T.L." The other
is a coffee bean, 1.5 cm long, also engraved with the letters "T.L." Both charms attached by their hangers to a small gold ring. From
Tripoli, Libya.

Staghorn netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 130
Scope And Contents:
In the form of a mushroom, made in China. 20 cm long.

Staghorn signature seal

Identifier: 131
Scope And Contents:
Handle in the form of mushrooms. 13 cm long.

Staghorn netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 132
Scope And Contents:
In the form of a mushroom. 11.5 cm long; signed.

Staghorn tobacco pipe

Identifier: 133
Scope And Contents:
With mushroom and flowering plant design engraved in relief. 21 cm long; attached by purple silk cord, with red ojime, to a wooden
tobacco container; signed.

Ceramic hashioki (chopstick rest) set

Identifier: 134
Scope And Contents:
Five hashioki, mushroom shaped; in wooden box.

Glass plate negatives of paintings

Identifier: 135
Scope And Contents:
3 glass plates stored with the netsukes. Photographs of Japanese paintings possibly scrolls. 135.1 depicts a fan shape with flowers.
135.2 depicts a basket with mushrooms. 135.3 depicts several plants.

Transparencies of Scroll of Kyoto Surroundings kept in Nara Kompuin by artist Sumiyoshi Gukei
Scope And Contents:
Housed with netsukes.

Ceramic netsuke (sculpture)

Identifier: 136
Scope And Contents:
White, small dish with painted design, depicting Okame embracing large mushroom. Phallus attached to one side of the dish; in
wooden box.

Netsuke correspondence and documentation

Physical Description: 1 folder
Scope And Contents:
Housed with the netsukes.

Fire starter kit

Identifier: Drawer W4.5
Scope And Contents:
From Orissa, India contains flint and steel and a charred tinder made from a fungus.

Birch bark boat

Identifier: Drawer W4.5

- 132 -
Wasson, R. Gordon (Robert Gordon), 1898-1986. Tina and R. Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives,

1798-1999, bulk 1945-1986: A Guide.

Controlled Access Headings

Hallucinogenic drugs

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Separated Materials

One portrait of R. Gordon Wasson was removed from the collection and added to the Botany Libraries photograph collection.

Series XVI. Artifacts. Numbers 14 and 15. Ling-chi dried fungus were transfered to the Gray Herbarium.

Return to Table of Contents

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