Book - 2016 - Alison Price - Your Oriental Planet - Astrological Insights Into Perception and Vocation

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Oriental Planet

Astrological insights into perception

and vocation

Alison Price
Table of Contents
Two Interpretations for the Oriental Planet
Interpreting the Oriental Planet
Sun aspects to the Oriental Planet
The Midheaven and the Oriental Planet
The planets when Oriental
The Oriental Planet in the houses
Chart Shape
Forecasting with the Oriental Planet
The Oriental Planet in other charts
From our vantage point on earth the Sun appears in the east rises, cumulates
overhead and sets in the west. We know the Sun will do this the same each and
every day. In reality it is the rotation of the Earth on its axis that makes the Sun
appear to rise and in fact it is the Earth which is rotating/spinning/turning
towards the east once a day.
In every chart there are the Sun, Moon and the planets as well as Pluto, Chiron
and in astrological circles they are all known as ‘planets’. In the course of each
day the planets all seemingly rise over the ascendant in the east seen on the birth
chart in a clockwise motion. Whichever planet rises in the east ahead of the Sun
is known as the oriental planet and is also known as the east planet and the scout
planet. This planet can often be seen rising before dawn. It is almost like a
harbinger for the Sun.

About This Book

This book examines two theories pertaining to the oriental planet.
To determine if specific longitudinal aspects between the oriental planet and the
Sun create particular vocational backdrop selections by considering all the
possible Sun to oriental planet aspects from conjunction to opposition.
To explore the oriental planet's calling card or tribune attribute which suggests
that other people's initial perceptions and responses to you are modified more by
the nature of your oriental planet than by your ascendant.

What is the Oriental Planet?

The term ‘oriental’ can sometime be considered as a politically incorrect word to
use. However it is based on the old words used by the Greeks and particularly
Ptolemy as the planet of the east or of eastern appearance.
The opposite of oriental which means east is occidental which means west. It is
simply a term used to differentiate between east or west and so separates the
whole world into two hemispheres. The eastern hemisphere and the western
Defining the oriental planet
There is much confusion about the oriental planet. Astrologers and astrology
students discuss what it is, which planets can be the oriental planet, which
planets cannot be the oriental planet and how to find it.
I will explain two very different chart placements from which the confusion
The oriental planet or the planet of oriental appearance
Whichever planet rises ahead of the Sun is known as the oriental planet. To find
the oriental planet in your chart first locate the Sun and then look clockwise to
the next planet which will be the oriental planet. There may be over half a chart's
distance before the oriental planet is found.
The state of being oriental comes from a planet’s physical relationship to the
Sun. If the oriental planet in a chart is the planet that rises ahead of the Sun then
it stands to reason that the oriental planet cannot be the Sun.
From this we know that the Sun can never be the oriental planet.
Oriental in Figure
In a typical chart layout the compass points are in a different place to the usual
north, south, east and west. In a chart east is on the left, west is on the right,
north is at the bottom and south is at the top. When a planet is on or near the
ascendant it is said to be oriental in figure. This is also known as a rising planet.
Note: A chart may have more than one rising planet. If there are planets in a
conjunction aspect to the ascendant on either side of the ascendant, that is in the
first or the twelfth house, they will be oriental in figure. For a planet to be
conjunct the ascendant it must have an orb of eight degrees or less to the
A planet oriental in figure is different to the oriental planet as the oriental planet
is the planet which rises before the Sun.
As each day dawns we have the daily oriental planet
The oriental planet rises ahead of the Sun. On each day the oriental planet may
change at any time in the day and there may be another planet in the oriental
position later in the day. This does not matter as we are interested in the dawn
chart when the Sun rises each day and that daily oriental planet.
The inferior planets
Some people have the notion that because the two inferior planets Mercury and
Venus are more often oriental than the other planets that they can be dismissed
as being the oriental planet. This is nonsense as we shall see as the status of
being oriental in the first place comes from the planet’s relationship to the Sun. I
would suggest you ignore this old wives’ tale and accept that the two planets
Mercury and Venus can, and indeed should, be granted the position of the
oriental planet.
Just because most people have either Mercury or Venus in the oriental position
does not mean it has to be discarded in favor of the lesser frequent planets in the
oriental position.
Fixed Stars oriental and occidental
The fixed stars when matutine and preceding the Sun are masculine, and when
vespertine and following the Sun they are feminine.
From the ascendant to the Midheaven in the fourth quadrant and from the IC to
the descendant in the third quadrant fixed stars in these two quadrants are said to
be masculine and therefore to be oriental.
The first quadrant from the ascendant to the IC and the third quadrant from the
descendant to the Midheaven fixed stars in these quadrants are said to be
feminine or occidental.

The Temperaments of the Planets

Astronomers call the planets matutine when being oriental, they are above the
Earth when the Sun rises, and vespertine when the set after the Sun as detailed in
Moxon’s Mathematical Dictionary.

The influences of the planets

The Sun is hot.
The Moon is moist.
Mercury is dry or moist alternately.
Venus is moist and warm.
Mars is hot and dry.
Jupiter is temperate, warm and moist.
Saturn is cold and dry.
The temperaments of the planets
The benefics: Heat and moisture are nutritive and prolific - Venus and Jupiter.
The malefics: Cold and dry are noxious and destructive - Mars and Saturn.

The Moon when matutine

The Moon when waxing from the new moon to the first quarter.

The superior planets when matutine

From the conjunction to the Sun to their station retrograde they are moist.
From the station retrograde to when they rise at night (after the Sun opposition)
they are hot.
From their rising at night to their station direct they are dry.
From their second station (direct) to their conjunction to the Sun they are cold.

Two planets which are frequently oriental

All the planets in the solar system orbit the Sun. The sequence of planets from
the Sun outwards is Mercury, Venus, the Earth (and the Moon), Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
The thing to note here is that the planets Mercury and Venus orbit the Sun within
the Earth’s orbit. This means that when we look at the Sun we will always see
the planets Mercury and Venus close to the sun and they are never on the
opposite side of the chart to the Sun.
Due to the placement of the planets astronomically in the Solar System two
planets are considerable more often in the oriental position than the others. They
are the two inner planets of Mercury and Venus. They are called inner planets or
inferior planets because the orbit the Sun between the Earth and the Sun and are
nearer the Sun.
This means that astrologically they move through the zodiac near to the Sun
from our perspective. In a chart Mercury is always within twenty eight degrees
to the Sun and Venus is always within forty eight degrees to the Sun.
Both of the inner planets can be oriental at their inferior and superior
conjunction to the Sun.

Working with Charts

How to construct a birth chart when you have no birth time
To calculate a chart for which no birth time is known select the birth time for
noon on the birthday. This is the usual practice to construct a chart for which you
do not have a time but only a birth date.
When you have a birthdate you know the birth happened somewhere within the
twenty-four hours on the birthday. By casting the chart for noon you are able to
reduce the time error down to twelve hours either way.
This is important for the position of the Moon for one thing and to close in on
the oriental planet.
The Moon moves between about twelve to thirteen degrees each day and this
daily variance can be from eleven up to fifteen degrees. At the beginning of the
birthday it may be at twenty-five degrees of Aries and at the end of that day it
may be around eight degrees of Taurus. By casting the chart for noon the Moon
is at three degrees Taurus.
Now for the purposes of finding the Moon’s position you need to be aware that a
decision has to be taken. This would be in discussion with your client and an
analysis of their emotional state and responses etc.

The oriental planet in the noon chart

For the purposes of discerning the oriental planet and having cast the chart for
noon there are three options open to you:
1. The oriental planet in the noon chart holds its position if there are no planets
conjunct the Sun or no planets conjunct the oriental planet within a one degree
orb and the Moon is not as close as six degrees to either the Sun or the noon
oriental planet.
2. Check if the Sun is within one degree to a conjunction to a planet or within six
degrees of the Moon.
3. Check if the oriental planet is within one degree of a planet or within six
degrees of the Moon.
If the second or third option is the case then you will have to decide which planet
is the oriental planet by further investigation and using each of the possible two
planets through discussion with your client.
If you have either scenario of option one or option two it could easily change the
oriental planet as it moves over the course of the day in question.
Your two options for the oriental planet in a noon chart where a planet is
conjunct the Sun or is within six degrees of the Moon are:
The planet within one degree to the Sun and the next planet from the Sun’s
position further in the chart clockwise.
The Moon
Your options for the oriental planet when the noon chart oriental planet is
conjunct another planet or is within six degrees of the Moon are:
1. Either of the two planets which are conjunct where one is the oriental planet in
the noon chart.
2. Otherwise look for the oriental planet as the one rising before the Sun on that
Other terminology for the oriental planet
The oriental planet is also known as the eastern, vespertine or scout planet.
Because of its placement with regard to the Sun it can often be seen before
dawn. It is almost like a harbinger for the Sun.
The Sun rises in the east, cumulates overhead and sets in the west. We are
confident the Sun will do this each and every day. We know it is the rotation of
the Earth on its axis as it turns towards the east that makes the Sun appear to rise.

The oriental planet’s synodic cycle with the Sun

A synodic cycle begins at the conjunction between two planets. Depending on
where the two planets are placed in relationship to the Sun the other planet will
be in a phase position with the Sun. We are perhaps more familiar with the
phases of the Moon. Consider that all the planets have phases by position but
they are not easily seen.
A planet’s relationship with the Sun can be categorized into one of eight phases.
For a planet to be oriental it is most frequently in the following phases; balsamic,
last quarter, disseminating or full phase.
Zodiac sign sequence
The zodiac starts at 0° Aries when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving
north. This is usually on or near March 21st every year.
The twelve zodiac signs in sequence are as follows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Each day as the Earth rotates Aries rises before Taurus, Taurus before Gemini
and so on until Pisces rises before Aries and the cycle begins again. Therefore
each sign is on the ascendant for about two hours on average. This time can
change the further you move from the equator and the time of the year if you are
closer to the equinoxes in March and September rather than when the Sun is near
the solstices in July and December.

Longitude position
A planet with a longitude position less than the Sun is oriental
Example: If the Sun is at 15° Virgo and Mars is at 2° Virgo then Mars is behind
the Sun in longitude but rises before the Sun on the day.
A planet that rises before the Sun will be behind the Sun on the zodiac and is in a
particular phase position (usually balsamic) before the conjunction to the Sun
Same sign as the Sun
The oriental planet is usually in the same sign as the Sun or in the sign before the
Sun in the zodiac.
Two Interpretations for the Oriental Planet
Research has shown that there are at least two interpretations for the oriental
planet in the natal chart. The first meaning is as a tribune, herald or announcer
and the second as a vocational indicator.

Your Oriental Planet as a Tribune

The first meaning for the oriental planet is as a tribune announcing the imminent
arrival of you, the hero (the Sun). Every hero is somehow lauded and this is one
way that the oriental planet works in a chart. It is the harbinger and the
announcer of the individual and it is working for you even when you are not
focused on you image projection. Therefore it follows that you would be wise to
pay attention to your oriental planet and use it to your advantage.
The oriental planet as a tribune announces the imminent arrival of the hero (the
Sun). Where comments heard and impressions may be for good or ill. Your Sun
suggests the hero’s quest in your chart.
When Julius Caesar returned to Rome after conquering he was lauded and the
people lined the streets to the accompaniment of tribunes blowing their trumpets.
Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar opens with the two tribunes Marullus and
Flavius who speak about the populaces unease and fear surrounding his
unprecedented popularity. These tributes are spoken before Caesar arrives on the
Every hero is somehow lauded or feared which is one feature shown by the
oriental planet in a chart. It is the harbinger and the announcer of the individual
which works for you even when you are not focused on you image projection.
Therefore it follows that you would be wise to pay attention to your oriental
planet and use it to your advantage.
The oriental planet heralds the dawn of the Sun. When the oriental planet rises
above the eastern horizon it can seen as the Sun’s light reflects off it. We are
aware of Venus’ status as the morning star because it is very bright and
noticeable when in the oriental position. The other planets can be similarly
placed. You are brought to the fore by your oriental planet.
The oriental planet is like a tribune announcing the Sun’s imminent arrival. It
heralds the rising of the Sun. If the oriental planet is above the eastern horizon
we see this planet because of the Sun’s light shining on it the light from the Sun
emanating from below the horizon in the east, illuminating this special planet.
Things are constantly being brought to the fore by the oriental planet.
How your oriental planet manifests as a tribune in your life
- Ring tones on other’s phones
- Your voicemail message
- Your business card
- Your resume
- Your “About me” page
- Your website or blog

Your Oriental Planet as a Vocational Indicator

A second meaning for the oriental planet is as a vocational indicator. Here the
oriental planet leads the life (Sun) in the chart and shows which way you should
be spending this life.
What you do for a living has been a measurement of a person whether good or
bad for centuries. Our surnames have even evolved from the occupations of our
fathers such names as Smith used to be a blacksmith, Taylor and tailor, Newton
someone from the New Town or new to the town, Draper who was in fact a
draper or seller of cloth are simple yet clear messages about who you are and
from whence you came.
The occupation of a man was virtually who he was. It would also pigeon hole
him into his social status perhaps as a trade person or a professional person or
even nobility.
A man would usually follow in his fathers’ footsteps and take up the job his
father had so we would have businesses called Steptoe and Son and F. W.
Woolworths and Son.
Nowadays with the advent of women in the workforce and a blurring of the
social classes much of this has dropped away although the surnames remain.
As education improved for many people over the past two hundred years people
had a choice of job and what they wanted to do with their lives. The current
generation have the choice to be anything they want and the opportunities are
there for most with a good education to select a job that interests them.
The initiative (especially in North America) for university students to receive
student loans from the government. This practice is where students can borrow
the money to pay for their university education, residence, books and medical
expenses etc. without the student having to pay any back, or accrue interest, until
they finally get a paying job after four or more years of study.

Job, Work, Career and Vocational Calling Indicators

There are several indicators in a chart for your job, work, trade, career,
profession and vocation.

A job has its root meaning in the word for a lump or a chunk of work. Its
astrological affinity is toward the sixth house complex. This includes the sixth
house sign and aspects to the cusp of the sixth house, any planets in the sixth
house, the sixth house planetary ruler and Virgo.
Typically those who had a job were journeymen, artisans or anyone in the trades
like bakers, carpenters and bricklayers and those in the services like the army,
navy and air force.
Those who have a job or occupation are usually paid a wage every week.
Your career is associated with the Midheaven and the tenth house complex. This
includes the tenants of the tenth house its planetary ruler, aspects to the cusp of
the tenth house (the Midheaven in many houses systems) and Saturn the natural
ruler of the tenth house.
Typically those who had a career were the professionals like doctors, lawyers
and accountants. They were educated people with degrees. It was referred to as
your profession.
Those with a career are usually paid a salary once a month.
The word vocation has its root in the Latin vocare which means “to call.” It is
your true calling. Your calling is shown in your chart by the oriental planet.
Your vocation is defined as the answer to the question, “What would you do all
day if you did not have to work?” It is your true passion in life. Your vocation
can often be glimpsed through your choice of hobbies and what you do with
your spare time.
Interpreting the Oriental Planet
At this stage in your knowledge of astrology you can probably construct a natal
chart and interpret it.
The interpretation of the oriental planet is considered as an intermediate to
advanced topic in astrology as it is not one of the first things you will learn. It is
a ‘nice-to-have’ and will, when properly used, help you in your chart
Especially in the two areas we are covering here. The first being as the tribune
and the announcer for you and the second as the vocational indicator in a chart
where perhaps the Midheaven is pointing one way and the oriental planet is
pointing another.
You don’t need a correct birth time to use the oriental planet
If you are like many people who have no correct birth time you can still use the
oriental planet to indicate vocation as we are looking at the eastern planet that
rises before the Sun. Cast the birth chart for noon on the day of the birthday.
This returns a chart that can only be out by twelve hours.
Bear in mind that the oriental planet changes at anytime during the day. It does
not neatly change at midnight. It depends when on Earth you are living.
Midnight in Vancouver, Canada can be your 8:00am if you live in London,
The oriental planet may be clearly seen and there are two instances when you
may have to adjust the oriental planet for a chart with no birth time.
When the Sun is conjunct a planet and the orb is less than one degree. Because
the Sun could move during the day and it does and could move closer to the
planet in conjunction and so swop places with that planet. In this way that close
planet may or may not become the new oriental planet.

How to find the oriental planet

To find the oriental planet in your chart first locate the Sun and then look
clockwise to find the next planet in the chart and that will be the oriental planet.
There may be over half a chart distance to go before this planet is found but it is
still the Oriental planet.
Mercury and Venus are more frequently the oriental planet in a chart due to the
fact that they travel with the Sun through the zodiac. Both the inner planets are
likely to be oriental at both the inferior and superior conjunction to the Sun.
Which planets can be oriental
There are many planets and points in any natal chart but not all of these features
can be the oriental planet.
Planets that can be the oriental planet are; the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Eris

What cannot be the oriental planet

The one planet that cannot be the oriental planet is the Sun. Points that cannot be
the oriental planet are, the lunar nodes, the vertex, the part of fortune or any
other points that you may place in your charts.
Asteroids as the oriental planet
There are over 100 000 known asteroids which orbit the Sun between Mars and
Jupiter. The big four asteroids are Ceres, Pallas Athene, Vesta and Juno. Should
we consider the asteroids as the oriental planet? My advice is that if you use
these celestial bodies as a matter of course in your astrological practice then
continue to use them for the oriental planet position.
However, if you never use the asteroids in your work do not use them for your
oriental planet work. I have not considered the asteroids as the oriental planet in
this book. Clearly they can be and certainly if you wish you may use them.

Trans Neptunian Objects (TNO’s) as the Oriental Planet

Other planets past Pluto and Eris like Sedna, Selena, Makemake, Huamea and
the Trans Neptunian Objects (TNO’s) all recently discovered and still to be
discovered will eventually become part of every astrologer’s toolkit and as the
knowledge grows so too will these object’s strength as the oriental planet. If you
use these planet in your normal astrology practice then do use them as the
oriental planet.

The Condition of the Oriental Planet

Planetary condition is really about assessing how strong or weak a particular
planet is in any given chart. There are many methods by which to weigh the
planets and here we will focus on the state of the oriental planet and how to
assess its ability to influence the person in the two ways mentioned earlier or the
vocation and as the tribune.
Condition can be assessed as strong or weak broadly in the astrological
categories as follows:

Essential dignity
Essential dignity is usually dignity or disability, exaltation or fall, sect ruler, face
and term.
Dignity and exaltation
If the oriental planet is dignified (in its own sign) or exalted (in it’s sign of
exaltation) it gains strength in the chart.
Detriment and fall
If the oriental planet is in detriment or fall then this placement detracts from its
Ptolemy’s work on the essential dignities of the planets has been used down the
ages in astrology. I use the essential dignities as laid out by Ptolemy in his book
All the planets (except the Sun and the Moon) have retrograde periods in their
cycles. Planets are more frequently direct than retrograde and the outer planets
are retrograde about four months each year.

If the oriental planet is direct in motion and applying to the Sun it adds weight to
the planet and adds strength.
The inner planets are conjunct the Sun and direct at the superior conjunction to
the Sun.

If the oriental planet is retrograde and separating from the Sun it detracts from
the planet and adds to its weakness.

Inners retrograde
The inners are conjunct the Sun and retrograde at the inferior conjunction. The
inner planets can be retrograde and oriental.

Outers retrograde
The outers are always direct when conjoined the Sun. Only in certain
circumstances (as when past the trine) can the outer planets sometimes be
oriental and retrograde. If an outer planet is oriental and retrograde it will have a
wide gap (like a trine) between the Sun and the oriental planet thus leaving
plenty of time for the oriental planet to makes its presence felt. This distance
from the Sun makes the oriental planet strong.
An example of this rare occurrence is the planet Uranus which was found to be
both oriental and retrograde during the months of August and September of

A planet is stationery when it appears to stop moving forward and prepares to
move retrograde or halts going retrograde and gets ready to move direct
Stationary retrograde (SRx) and stationary direct (SD) are the two possible
stationary states which a planet may have. Only when a planet is within one
degree to the exact station or turning point can the planet be considered
Planets are moving all the time. Some astrology programs may show this
stationary state with an (S) symbol or you can check in the ephemeris. When a
planet is moving slowly it may be getting ready to change direction. Mercury in
this position is referred to as being in its ‘storm.’
A stationary planet has strength as it will emphasize the degree in which it is

Oriental and found in an angular or cadent house

Houses can be angular, succeedent or cadent and it depends on how they are
placed in relation to the angles in your chart.
The four angles are the ascendant, descendant, Midheaven and IC.
Any planet found in the angular houses (first, fourth, seventh and tenth) is
strongly placed in the chart.
The oriental planet in a cadent house (third, sixth, ninth and twelfth house) is in
a weaker state.

Oriental and most elevated

The most elevated planet in a chart is the one closest to the Midheaven. It can be
in any house either before or after the Midheaven but is the one that is the closest
planet in degrees of celestial longitude to the Midheaven. Sometimes this planet
can be below the horizon.

Oriental and in aspect to the Sun

When a planet is in aspect with the Sun it is usually a feature of the life that the
individual already knows about. This is because the Sun, its life force and solar
energy work together with any planet that aspects the Sun.
Being in aspect to the Sun adds strength to the oriental planet.

Oriental and greater than a 90° angle to the Sun

If there is much distance in longitude between the oriental planet and the Sun it
shows that the oriental planet will rise long before the Sun.
The wider the angle between the oriental planet and the Sun the more time the
oriental planet has to establish itself above the horizon and there fore in the
individuals life. This adds strength to the oriental planet.

Oriental and combust

A planet is considered to be in a state of combustion when it is within an orb of
less than 8° conjunct the Sun i.e. in conjunction with the Sun. It is thought the
Sun is burning up the planet and in cannot function properly or use its energies
as it is engulfed by the Sun.
Combust means burned up which is what one becomes when too close to the
Sun. The inner planets are in the combust state more than the outer planets.
In the state of being combust the oriental planet cannot easily express its urges
clearly and the person cannot usually take full advantage of this planet in their
chart. The planet struggles to express itself here and it may (depending on the
planet) even detract from the life of the Sun. Traditionally a planet combust is
considered weaker than being under the Sun’s beams.
A planet when combust has an orb less than 8° of the conjunction to the Sun.
Therefore any visible planet conjoined the Sun (orb 8°) is always combust.
The state of combustion means the planet cannot be seen. It only applies to
visible planets (Moon to Saturn) which enter the no-see zone. Outer planets
cannot be seen anyway and so cannot become invisible as they enter the combust
The oriental planet’s energies and expression may be obscured by the proximity
to the Sun. Two planets, Mars and Jupiter, fare better when near the Sun as both
rule the other fire signs Aries and Sagittarius.
Oriental and cazimi
Cazimi is an Arabic word which means within the heart of the Sun. A planet is
cazimi when it has an orb less than 0°17’ to a conjunction with the Sun. A planet
is only cazimi for a few hours as the Sun moves forward in longitude during the
day. For six and three quarter hours before the exact conjunction and six and
three quarter hours give or take a minute after the exact a planet may be cazimi.
An oriental planet can be cazimi (with an orb of less than 30’) conjunct the Sun
or combust (with an orb of less than 8°) conjunct the Sun.
The Moon is cazimi for one hour each month at the New Moon. It is cazimi for
half an hour before the conjunction perfects and half an hour after the
conjunction to the Sun perfects. The outer planets are generally cazimi during
one day each year. This placement is considered the highest form of accidental
dignity for any planet.
Under the Sun’s beams or cazimi is a favorable position for the oriental planet to
be. Here the oriental planet can enjoy its purest expression of the urge of the
planet. It is powerful good and considered a fortunate placement. It has intense
positive and life giving energy.
Under the Sun’s beams
A planet placed less than +/-17° longitude to the Sun is under the Sun’s beams.
Although this degree amount may vary depending on the planet in question and
it’s declination in respect to the Sun’s declination.
Planets here are hidden when viewed from Earth and cannot be seen. Similar to
the last sighting of a thin balsamic Moon which is usually a day or two before
the New Moon. The state of being under the beams seems to affect Mercury and
Venus more than the other planets.
When the inner planets are less than seventeen degrees to the Sun they are
debilitated and the Sun dominates.

Oriental and the chart ruler

The chart ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the ascendant. For example if
the sign Cancer is rising then the Moon is the chart ruler. This ascendant sign
adds strength to the Moon and it is reinforced if it is the oriental planet as well.
The ruling planet of a horoscope is very important anyway and being oriental as
well adds weight to its position in the chart.
Oriental and rising
A rising planet is one that is conjunct the ascendant either above or below the
ascendant. There may be more than one rising planet if several planets are
conjunct the ascendant. This position adds strength to the planets that are rising
and one may be reinforced if it is the oriental planet.
Oriental and in mutual reception with the Sun
Mutual reception occurs when one planet is in another planet’s ruling sign. A
planet is found to be in mutual reception with the Sun if the planet is in Leo and
the Sun is in it’s sign.
The only possible Sun mutual receptions with the oriental planet are:
- When Mercury is in Leo and the Sun in Virgo.
- When Venus is in Leo and the Sun in Libra.
- When Mars is in Leo and the Sun in Scorpio.
- When Jupiter is in Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius.
- When Saturn is in Leo and the Sun in Capricorn.
- When Uranus is in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius.
- When Neptune is in Leo and the Sun in Pisces.
- When Pluto is in Leo and the Sun in Scorpio.
For the purists, for mutual reception to be correct both planets must make a
Ptolemaic aspect to each other as well.

Oriental and the final dispositor

The state of dispositorship of a planet occurs when one planet is in another
planets ruling sign. For example Mars in Taurus is disposed by Venus which is
the ruler of Taurus.
Mercury disposes any planet in Gemini and Virgo. Venus will dispose any
planet in Taurus and also dispose any planet in Libra. Mars disposes any planets
in Aries and Scorpio. Jupiter disposes any planet in Sagittarius and Pisces.
Saturn disposes any planet in Capricorn and Aquarius.
The final dispositor of a chart is the one planet that is in its own sign and
disposes all the other planets in the chart in a sequence.
If there are two planets in dignity then there is no final dispositor in a chart. Not
all charts have a final dispositor. Charts with two or more planets in mutual
reception do not have a final dispositor.
The Sun and the Oriental Planet
The solar relationship and the oriental planet
A heliacal rising
From the Greek word helios meaning the Sun. A heliacal rising is when a planet
rises conjunct the Sun just before dawn ahead of (or behind) the Sun it is known
as a heliacal rising.
For instance one would say “A heliacal rising of Neptune.”
As soon as the Sun rises above the horizon the planet can no longer be seen and
is hidden from view due to the brightness of the Sun. When first the body
becomes visible above the horizon before dawn. A planet is considered to be
heliacal when conjunct if it has risen and the Sun has not yet risen above the
An example of this phenomena is that each year for about a week there is a
heliacal rising of Neptune.
Under the Sun’s beams
Any planet posited less than 17° from the Sun is considered under the Sun’s
beams. This placement traditionally weakens the planet. The non Ptolemaic
aspect of the virgintile 18° (orb 1°) (the virgintile promotes new possibilities) is
considered the last harmonious aspect before being under the Sun’s beams.

Oriental and conjunct the Sun

One usually accepts that the conjunction is the strongest of all the aspects and
any planet that is conjunct the Sun is indeed well placed in a chart. The gifts of
the Sun combine with the other planet. There is intensity and focus at the
conjunction and both planets are integral and have potential.
Conjunctions between other planets may bring together awkward forces, but the
conjunction to the Sun adds and supports (except perhaps with Uranus). With a
conjunction to the Sun use an orb of 8° both applying and separating.
If the oriental planet is conjunct the Sun then its energies work as a combined
entity with the Sun and the energies of the oriental planet are there to be utilized
by the Sun. With the conjunction things need immediate attention. There is a
mutual support from the proximity to the Sun and both planets benefit. The
oriental planet blends its meaning with the Sun.
Oriental and parallel when conjoined the Sun
The parallel and the contra-parallel (or anti-parallel) are the two aspects of
declination. The usual aspects like conjunction, square, trine etc. are aspects of
longitude. When a planet is parallel the Sun it is in a stronger position that at
other times. If the oriental planet is parallel the Sun it is stronger.
Oriental and in the Sun’s sign
Placed in the same sign as the Sun adds strength to any planet and especially the
oriental planet. This is typically a good place for any planet and allows the
oriental planet to tune into the vibrations of the Sun easily.
The Sun’s sign is always a strong place in a chart and needs to be noted as such.
It works well in the person’s life here. Posited in the same house as the solar
light the oriental planet here allows there to be an emphasis on the area of the
Sun’s house where the influence in the native’s life is reinforced.

Charts with a Sun and Oriental Planet Aspect

Only read this part if you are interested in statistics

General aspects in charts

Many charts have an aspect between the Sun and the oriental planet and why
not? There are aspects in every chart and they are determined by the type of
aspect and the orbs being employed.
Aspects used
The Ptolemaic aspects are those five main aspects that will be in any chart used
by any astrologer. The Ptolemaic aspects are the conjunction, sextile, square,
trine and opposition. Minor aspects are semi-sextile, semi-square, quintile, bi-
quintile, sesquiquadrate and quincunx.
Aspect orbs
An orb of eight degrees for conjunction, square, trine and opposition, four
degrees for a sextile and two degrees for a semi-sextile, quincunx, semi-square,
sesquiquadrate, quintile and bi-quintile.
Total area of zodiac used for aspects:
- 16 for conjunction, square, trine and opposition 16 x 4 = 64
- 8 for a sextile 8 x 1 = 8
- 4 for semi-sextile. semi-square, quincunx and sesquiquadrate, quintile and bi-
quintile 4 x 6 = 24
- 64 + 8 + 24 = 96 degrees of the zodiac
- 96/360 = 27% of the time the Sun will aspect the oriental planet.
- 73% of chart will not have a Sun oriental planet aspect.
What this means is, that one in four charts will have a Sun and oriental planet
Sun Aspects to the Oriental Planet
Measuring strength with aspects to the Sun from the oriental planet.
The Sun is weak in Aquarius the sign of its detriment and Libra the sign of its
fall. Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful.
Aspects used
The Sun and its relationship to the oriental planet is important because the Sun
and its position creates the state of being oriental and thus the oriental planet.
Theoretically if a chart had no Sun we could not find the oriental planet.
When discussing aspects and determining the relative strength of the planets at
each end of the aspect line, usually one planet dominates the aspect.
When the Sun is one of the planets we have to carefully consider it. Only in
special cases can another planet dominate the opposition to the Sun.

Aspects to use
Using the Ptolemaic aspects and the minor aspects we have a selection of aspects
available to us.

Rarely used aspects

There are several lesser used aspects some of which I have detailed below.
By dividing the circle by other numbers we get different aspects.
Seven returns the septile at 51.43 degrees (orb one degree).
The bi-septile is at 102.8 degrees (orb one degree).
Divide by nine and we get the novile at forty degrees (orb one degree) and the
bi-novile at eighty degrees (orb one degree).
Divide by ten returns the decile at 36 degrees.
The virgintile is at 18 degrees.
And if we divide by thirteen we get the baker’s dozen 27.7 degrees (orb one

The Sun and aspects

The oriental planet can make several aspects to the Sun in order of frequency as
follows: conjunction, semi-sextile, semi-square, sextile, quintile, square, bi-
quintile, sesquiquadrate, quincunx and opposition.
Frequency of aspect
Only one in four charts will have a Sun oriental planet Ptolemaic aspect. The
numbers are, that 27% of charts will have a Ptolemaic aspect and in 73% of
charts there will be no Ptolemaic aspect between the Sun and the oriental planet.
When the Sun does not aspect the oriental planet
In a chart the aspects indicate the dialogue between planets. This natural
communication may be harmonious or not as it shows the connection between
When there is no aspect between the Sun and the oriental planet the individual
may experience a disconnect. If the Sun does not make an aspect to the oriental
planet there is no connection between the solar energy and the tribune,
perception or vocation. They may not be in touch with the vocation or the
perception others have (see later). This may manifest as the person going about
their vocation separately to the Sun or acting as though they do not identify with
their vocational role.
Consulting astrologers can bring this to their client’s attention so it can be
processed consciously.

The Sun Conjunct the Oriental Planet

Conjunction aspect detail
One usually accepts that the conjunction is the strongest of all the aspects and
any planets that is conjunct the Sun is strong indeed well placed in a chart. The
gifts of the Sun combine with the other planet.
There is intensity and focus at the conjunction and both planets are integral and
have potential.
Conjunctions between other planets may bring together awkward forces, but the
conjunction to the Sun aids and supports (except perhaps the conjunction of the
Sun to Uranus). If the oriental planet is conjoined the Sun then its energies work
as a combined entity with the solar presence.
All conjunctions emphasize and fuse the energies of the planets involved. Each
planet modifies or strengthens the other. The activities are focused and
intensified. When the Sun is conjunct any planet it shows light on that planet and
illuminates its themes and urges.
Special sign placements
Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful. Although the Sun
usually dominates the conjunction exceptions are if the Sun is in detriment
(Aquarius) or fall (Libra) or the conjunction is with the chart ruler or the other
fire sign rulers (Mars and Jupiter).

Someone with a Sun conjunction in their natal chart virtually moves as one with
the conjoined planet - they cannot be separated in their life. The consciousness
of the native is to know no other way of self.
This person will enjoy a close personal rapport with the oriental planets
meaning. Generally their self awareness and the oriental planets urges are at one
with each other. it is as though the two forces are combined.
With a conjunction things need immediate attention. There is a mutual support
from the proximity of the Sun and both planets benefit.
When the oriental planet is conjoined the Sun it blends it’s meaning with that of
the Sun
The Sun and the oriental planet’s sign is reinforced. There is a strong vocational
motivation. The oriental planet is emphasized inline with the self. The oriental
planet functions as one with the Sun. The person identifies with the vocation.
They are what they do. The oriental planet has little autonomy. To see if it is it a
good blend consider the nature of the oriental planet

People with the Sun conjunct the oriental planet include:

- Karl Marx (Moon oriental)
- Michelangelo (Moon oriental)
- Marlon Brando (Moon oriental)
- Diana, Princess of Wales (Mercury Rx oriental)
- Chopin (Venus oriental)
- Alexander Graham Bell (Saturn oriental)
- Bill Gates (Neptune oriental)
- John McEnroe (Chiron oriental)

The Sun Semi-sextile the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
The semi-sextile is the 30° aspect. It is an aspect of the twelfth harmonic. The
semi-sextile connects two congruent signs that are ill-at-ease with each other
through their different polarities, modes and elements. There is no sympathy
between the two signs energies and so the planets struggle to connect.

Special sign placements

Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful.
If the Sun is in Aquarius and semi-sextile Saturn in Capricorn as the oriental
planet then Saturn will be stronger in the aspect.
If the Sun is in Libra and is semi-sextile the oriental planet of Mercury in Virgo
then Mercury will be stronger in the aspect.
If the Sun and the oriental planet are semi-sextile to each other they often grind
along together but never quite get each other. This can be expressed in irritation
as the oriental planet’s meaning is not quite what the Sun would like to project.
It is almost as though the person presents an unrelated version of the real them
no matter how they try. This combination suggests that the oriental planet
projects something entirely different to the Sun’s core meaning in this chart.
Understanding may be improved if the oriental planet aspects the Moon, Venus
or Jupiter as well as the Sun.

The Sun Semi-Square the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
The semi-square is forty-five degrees. Mercury cannot make the semi-square
aspect with the Sun. The oriental planet in semi-square aspect to the Sun may be
placed either one or two signs apart from the Sun.
The semi-square is an aspect in the eighth harmonic and as such is a manifesting
aspect that must be considered when interpreting the two planets in this aspect.
One sign difference is difficult and two signs apart shows some polarity and
elemental (positive - fire/air or negative - earth/water) sympathy.
Special sign placements
Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful.
This aspect shows that the person wants to endeavor to live through the vocation.
They are very aware of the impression they make by the tribune and will “work”
it. This person is inclined to keep pushing forward.
People you may know with this aspect include:
- Angeline Jolie (Chiron)
Angelina Jolie tried for many years to make a name for herself in the movies.
She was estranged (Chiron) from her father John Voight for many years. She is
known for being with Brad Pitt who was voted as the sexiest man in the world
twice and for adopting children from many backgrounds because she perhaps
sees them as needy or herself as a savoir (Chiron) in some way. She also refuses
to marry (passive resistance i.e. Chiron) until gay marriage is passed in the US
laws. She is the UN ambassador for human rights. She had a torrid relationship
with Billy Bob Thornton and in a way presents herself as damaged but surviving.
Chiron can often be the planet of the do-gooder.

The Sun Sextile the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
From here onwards Mercury and Venus cannot be the oriental planet and make
these wider aspects to the Sun.
There is an elemental sympathy with two planets in sextile to each other. Fire/air
and earth/water showing the polarities as well.
Special sign placements
Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful. If the Sun is in
Aquarius and the oriental planet is sextile and Jupiter in Sagittarius then Jupiter
is likely to be very strong.

The sextile from the Sun to the oriental planet suggests you are relaxed but
sometimes to the point of not bothering. This person needs strength elsewhere in
the chart.
The Sun sextile the oriental planet person shows a talent for presenting
themselves is a most favorable light. Other people are quite prepared to accept
this person at face value and feel well disposed towards them. This person has
the edge on others at all times. They can be most agreeable and persuasive in the
nature of their oriental planet. This suggests a pleasant person and they present
themselves very well.
Women with Venus here have exquisite manners. Men are simply charming.
These people are just skilled in what they do. They effortlessly pursue a vocation
because of the easy aspect between the Sun and their oriental planet. They are at
one with the vibes between the two planets and go with the flow. They don't
push against themselves.
People with the Sun sextile the oriental planet include:
- Queen Elizabeth I (Sun sextile Saturn)
- Charles de Gaulle (Sun sextile Uranus)
- Benjamin Disraeli (Sun sextile Neptune)

The Sun Quintile the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
A quintile is an aspect of the fifth harmonic which means the chart wheel of 360
is divided by five which results in the quintile aspect of seventy-two degrees.

Special sign placements

If the Sun is in Aquarius and the oriental planet is Jupiter in Sagittarius or Saturn
in Capricorn then either as the oriental planet will be stronger than the Sun.
If the Sun is in Libra and the oriental planet is the Moon in Cancer quintile the
Sun, then the Moon will be stronger than the Sun.

Potential is a keyword for you if you have a Sun oriental planet aspect. The
quintile to the oriental planet suggests creative talents are inherent. You may be
unaware of your genius and require others to bring their own brilliance to your
There is sometimes a thin line between genius and madness and the quintile will
expose this.
Others consider the person with a Sun quintile oriental planet aspect to be
brilliant and others will be convinced they are plain crazy.
The Sun quintile oriental planet individual has to make a conscious choice to
present themselves in either form.
It is the indicator of structured balance in a global form as the pentagon shape
when drawn on the chart can also be as a star.

The Sun Square the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
The square is an aspect of the fourth harmonic formed by dividing the circle by
four. A square is ninety degrees wide.

Special sign placements

Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful.
If the Sun is in Aquarius its sign of detriment and is square the oriental planet
which may be Saturn in Capricorn then Saturn is likely to be stronger of the two
in the square aspect because it is in it’s sign of rulership.
If the Sun is in Libra, its sign of fall, and the oriental planet is the Moon in
Cancer then the Moon is likely to be stronger by being in its own sign of dignity.

Chart shape
If the chart shape is a bucket and if the oriental planet is the handle planet, and
therefore a planet of distinction and strong in its own right in the chart. This
shape with the oriental planet as the handle will have the Sun as the cutting
planet for the bucket.

Elemental incompatibility causes tensions. Push and thrust are active in this
combination. Internal dilemmas abound. They present a hard image and not one
to be trifled with.
The squares are the call to action aspects and demand immediate resolution. For
this reason alone this person will constantly strive to make things happen. They
do not accept defeat and will keep hammering away at whatever is in their path.
The Sun square the oriental planet type may struggle because of being driven. In
the end they do achieve great things. They may lose friends along the way but
those “friends” probably did not understand them in the first place.
They are known for not taking prisoners, meaning, they will leave others in their
wake, not always intentionally but the urges inherent in the dynamic of the
square aspect give impetus above all. Satisfaction is short lived with the square.
This person is set up and ready to take on the next challenge even if that is you.
There is not much finesse in the square. The elemental mismatch causes crossed
wires. Paying attention to actions can benefit in the psychological understanding
of motivations.
People with the Sun square their oriental planet include:
- Galileo (Sun square Uranus)
- Babe Ruth (Sun square Uranus).

The Sun Trine the Oriental Planet

Aspect details
The trine is an aspect of the third harmonic created by dividing the circle by
three and is 120° degrees wide.
This is a very beneficial aspect and both the planets will likely work well
A trine results in a gap in the zodiac with no planets. Gaps between the Sun and
the oriental planet add weight to the energy and influence of the oriental planet
because it has risen so far (one third of the chart or day thus eight hours) ahead
of the Sun.
Station retrograde
When the outer planets are in a closing trine with the Sun they are near the spot
in the zodiac where they may station retrograde.
This depends on the planet but frequently it is at this point in a planet’s cycle
that they will be drawing near to their station.
Chart shape
It is at the trine that the chart shape of the locomotion can start to come into play.
If the Sun and the oriental planet are in trine but the orb is wider than 120° then
the chart shape is likely to be a locomotive. This places the Sun as the cutting
planet for the chart and so it is reinforced as strong.
When the oriental planet is trine to the Sun be on the lookout for the fan pattern
with either the Sun or the Oriental planet as the handle of the fan and the other
planets all within an trine or 120 in the zodiac.
Elemental compatibility exits between the Sun and the oriental planet. This
reinforces the power of the Sun and the element involved. In the trine there
exists an easy going relationship for the two planets in a trine aspect.
Transits and progressions which form temporary grand trines with the Sun and
the oriental planet offer times for great things in-line with the sign, element,
house and other placement details.
People with the Sun trine the oriental planet include:
- Marie Curie (Sun trine Uranus Rx)

The Sun Sesquiquadrate the oriental planet

Aspect detail
The sesquiquadrate is an aspect of the eighth harmonic and as such has tension
inherent in it qualities. It is made of one square and one semi-square and these
both have a flavor of Mars.
This results in a somewhat wide gap in the zodiac with no planets. Wide gaps
between the Sun and the oriental planet add weight to the energies of the oriental
planet because it has risen so far ahead of the Sun.

Chart shape
When the oriental planet is sesquiquadrate the Sun it may indicate a locomotive
chart shape. From this we know there is a wide gap in the zodiac for the person
with this placement suggesting wide parts are not understood.
This chart will have the Sun as the cutting planet of the locomotive shape and
will lead the charge of the other planets as they rise over the ascendant. Here
both the Sun and the oriental planet are very powerful and they have much

There is clear cut tension here but with room for great achievements. This person
will constantly try to make things work out. They do not give up and play the
victim role but strive to win often by creating a reality that suits them. This may
be at other people’s expense. They are driven with the manifesting properties of
the sesquiquadrate eighth harmonic aspect.

The Sun Bi-quintile the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
The bi-quintile is an aspect of the fifth harmonic created by dividing the circle
by five and then times two. The bi-quintile aspect is two quintiles of 72° which
is 144°.
This results in a very wide gap in the zodiac with no planets. Wide gaps between
the Sun and the oriental planet add weight to the energies of the oriental planet
because it has risen so far ahead of the Sun.
Special sign placements
Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful.
If the Sun is in Aquarius and the oriental planet is either Mars or Pluto in
Scorpio then the oriental planet is strong.

Chart shape
The chart shape here could likely be the locomotive. Here the Sun is the cutting
planet and therefore strong.

It is always exciting to have a planet either quintile or bi-quintile with the Sun.
The Sun rules creativity and the fifth harmonic aspects also have an affinity with
creativity. These energies are not necessarily being used by the person but can be
teased out through chart analysis.

The Sun Quincunx the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
The quincunx used to be called an inconjunct and is 150° degrees. The quincunx
is an aspect of the twelfth harmonic. It covers five twelfths of the chart and may
be experienced as slightly annoying and can cause irritation between the two
planets involved.
Chart shape
This chart is likely to be a locomotive chart shape. This chart will have the Sun
as the cutting planet and the oriental planet as the trailing planet. This results in a
very wide gap in the zodiac with no planets. Wide gaps between the Sun and the
oriental planet add weight to the energies of the oriental planet because it has
risen so far ahead of the Sun.
Classically the keywords for a quincunx are constant adjustments and this shows
some of the essence of this aspect. Here you are not at ease with your projected
oriental planet's energies and you try to curtail them somewhat.
With the quincunx the Sun is in a difficult aspect with the oriental planet. This
aspect inclines the two planets not to function a supporting manner. The two
planetary energies somehow grind along. This is traditionally not a favorable

The Sun Opposite the Oriental Planet

Aspect detail
The opposition is an aspect in the second harmonic and is simply the circle
divided by two. The opposition is 180° degrees. This results in a very wide gap
in the zodiac with no planets. Wide gaps between the Sun and the oriental planet
add weight to the energies of the oriental planet because it has risen so far ahead
of the Sun.

Special sign placements

Some sign placements make the oriental planet very powerful.
Mars in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra is an example. Mars is dignified and the
Sun is in fall in Libra the natural ruler of the seventh (opposition) house. In this
case Mars is inclined to be stronger. This particular aspect is not a democracy
and it can easily become a dictatorship.
If the Sun is in Aquarius and the oriental planet is the Moon in Cancer then the
Moon will be very strong and even more powerful than the Sun.

Chart shape
This indicates a bowl shape chart with the Sun and the oriental planet at each
side of the rim.
If the oriental planet is opposite the Sun it indicates this is a chart with an
emphasis on one half of the zodiac. All the planets are found in one half of the
chart which may or may not align with the angles, Ascendant / descendant and
the Midheaven / IC axes, thus creating a hemisphere emphasis.
If the opposition occurs in cardinal signs you may face open challenges, in the
fixed mode it suggests you resist change and in the mutable signs indicates you
can adapt, adjust and accommodate situations and others.
The Sun opposition the oriental planet can be summed up in two sayings "If you
are not for me, then you are against me," or "Keep your friends close and your
enemies closer." This person will take one or the other stance. They will demand
you follow them or you are out. There is only room for one leader and in this
case it is probably the Sun. Either way the opposition to the Sun causes conflict
with others and exposes how you deal with others people’s needs and demands
on you. The Sun is about individualization and sometimes others just don't fit in.
Flip flop and projection are part of the opposition dynamic.
The Midheaven and the Oriental Planet
The Midheaven is one of the angles in a chart. It is known as the Medium Coeli
or MC for short. It is the highest point the Sun can reach on the day of a chart.
The Midheaven has an affinity to your career, reputation, status and public
The Midheaven or Medium Coeli (MC) is the traditional indicator of career in
the horoscope. It is the highest point in a chart and indicates the highest that the
individual can attain in their live. The Midheaven shows where they want to aim
at. It shows their reputation in life. It shows how the world sees them.

When the Oriental planet rules the Midheaven

The Midheaven is also known and the Medium Coeli. The ruler of the
Midheaven is the ruler of the sign found on the Midheaven.
If the Midheaven is in Aries then the ruler of the Midheaven is Mars. If Mars is
also the oriental planet this person is focused on the need of the Aries and the
Mars energies in regard to their career. This person is in synch with their life
attainments and goals.

Vocation and Your Midheaven

When your vocation aligns with your career
There are some placements for the oriental planet which supports the message of
the Midheaven and other positions which can be moot go either way or even
detract from the message of the Midheaven .

Oriental and in aspect to the Midheaven

The Oriental planet in aspect to the Midheaven is strong career wise (not as
tribune) as it will reinforce the career indicators that the Midheaven is already
suggesting. Here the Oriental planet is available for the individual to use for the
purposes of their career. Whilst the sixth house has to do with your job the
Midheaven usually where you put your self into the world and this is often via
your career.

Oriental and the Midheaven ruler

If the Oriental planet rules the sign on the Midheaven then it can be used for the
career and life purpose. This is an excellent thing to have career wise.
Aligned (supporting) positions for the oriental planet
- In the tenth house conjunct the Midheaven
- In the sixth house trine the Midheaven
- In the second house trine the Midheaven
- In the seventh or eighth house sextile the Midheaven
- In the eleventh or twelfth house sextile the Midheaven

Unaligned (detracting) positions for the oriental planet

- In the eighth house semi-square the Midheaven
- In the eleventh house semi-square the Midheaven
- In the first or twelfth house square the Midheaven
- In the sixth or seventh house square the Midheaven
- In the third house opposition the Midheaven
- In the fourth house opposition the Midheaven

Can go either way (moot)

- In the ninth or eleventh semi-sextile the Midheaven
- In the third or fourth quincunx the Midheaven

Unaspected Oriental Planet

An unaspected planet is one which does not have a Ptolemaic aspect to another
planet. Any planet that is unaspected is truly a special planet in the chart.
Unaspected planets can go two ways during interpretation. They may be part of
the personality that is not accessed by the individual and stands alone unused. Or
they function as an independent planet living out its energies totally
uninfluenced by aspects from other planets.
An example of this is Agatha Christie who was born with an unaspected
Mercury and still became a writer.

Oriental Planet Condition Checklist

The oriental planet is stronger when:
- Dignified or exalted
- Direct and applying
- Angular
- In aspect with the Sun
- Greater than a 90° aspect to Sun
- Cazimi
- Chart ruler or Sun ruler
- Most elevated
- Rising
- In mutual reception with Sun
- Final dispositor
- In aspect to the Midheaven
- Rules the Midheaven

The oriental planet is weaker when:

- Detriment or fall
- Retrograde and separating
- Cadent
- Not in aspect to the Sun
- Less than 90° aspect to Sun
- Combust Under the Sun’s beams

The Oriental Planet in Aspect to the Midheaven

Oriental Planet conjunct Midheaven
When the oriental planet is conjoined the Midheaven it is a powerful message in
your chart. Often the most elevated planet and angular thus not to be ignored and
you know about this planets already.

Oriental Planet sextile Midheaven

Supports the career but you may not move on it. The sextile presents opportunity
for you to showcase your latent talents.
Oriental Planet square the Midheaven
If the oriental planet is square the Midheaven it is most often from the first,
sixth, seventh or twelfth houses.
This position can be a stressed placement by element and polarity and an easy
If the oriental planet is conjoined the ascendant or descendant it shows stress
coming through either from yourself or your partner. In both cases you need to
work through the tensions present which are going against your vocation/career
path. This indicates that you can’t find your path and you find obstacles to your
vocation and career. These obstacles may very well be of your own creating.
Example: Stephen Hawking has Neptune oriental square the Midheaven.

The oriental planet trine Midheaven

This placement supports the career as indicated by the Midheaven complex.
Usually both the oriental planet and the Midheaven are in unison and your path
is clear.
The oriental planet opposition Midheaven
Same polarity, others may dissuade you from your goals and your family
commitments can thwart the initial drive you may have for your vocation/
career. Be alert to being pressured by family and parents to do what they want.
The oriental planet in aspect to the Midheaven ruler
If the oriental planets is in aspect to the Midheaven ruler it reinforces the sign on
the Midheaven and the oriental planet as well. Here the message is clear but the
implementation may take some finessing.

The Oriental Planet in the Bicorporeal signs

Bicorporeal signs
Bicorporeal is an old term which means two bodies. The bicorporeal signs are
any signs with two bodies in them such as: Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn and
Note: The three mutable signs are in this group suggesting that flexibility and
many paths are a message when the oriental planet is in a bicorporeal sign.

The twins are clearly two people or twins.
This placement indicates you may have two vocations on the go at one time. It
adds flexibility to your vocation.

The archer symbolism has a man’s upper body and a horse’s lower body.
This placement indicates that you are torn between being grounded but able to
run fast and far and shooting for your dream as symbolized by the archer’s
Capricorn’s symbolism is the sea-goat which has a fish or whale tail and a
mountain goat’s forequarters.
This suggests you have a hidden strong flexibility but use it under control by
taking small steps inexorably upwards.

The two fish in astrology are tethered and each one faces in the opposite
If your oriental planet is here it suggests you want to go in two directions but
will compromise (as you must, being joined) but perhaps you are looking over
your shoulder at what might have been.
If your oriental planet is in the sign of the scales you may give in to your
partner’s dreams (or demands).
The Planets When Oriental

The Planets
The planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
We also look at Chiron, and Eris

The Moon
The Moon is a natural satellite of our planet. It revolves around the Earth at
almost every twenty-seven and a third days. There are thirteen revolutions of the
Moon around the Earth each year. The Moon is almost always oriental each
month before the New Moon perfects.
The Moon is likely to be in the Balsamic phase or the Last Quarter phase and
less often the Disseminating phase or the Full Moon phase.

Lunar nodes
The Moon’s path around the Earth is tilted at an angle of 5° to the plane of the
ecliptic. As the Moon orbits each month it crosses over the plane of the ecliptic
twice, once going north and once going south.
The two intersections of the Moon’s path and the plane of the ecliptic are known
as nodes or more commonly Moon’s nodes. There is a north node (when the
Moon is moving north) and a south node (when the Moon is moving south).
These are generally referred to as the nodes.
Note: All planets have a node as they also move north and south in their paths
around the Sun.
Time for the precession of the Moon’s nodes is 18.59 years or 19°21’ degrees
per year.

Solar eclipses
When the Sun moves near either of the Moon’s nodes and is nearing the New
Moon there is the possibility of a solar eclipse. This type of eclipse can be total
or partial. Depending on how close the Sun is to the nodes.
During a total solar eclipse the Sun, Moon and nodes are extremely close. Solar
eclipses happen twice each year and six months apart. One eclipse conjunct the
north node and one eclipse conjunct the south node.
The Phases of the Moon
There are eight phases of the Moon. Each phase begins 45° after the last. All
phases make a hard aspect to the Sun and are in the eighth harmonic.
Waxing Moon
The new Moon phase is from the conjunction to the semi-square.
The crescent phase is from the semi-square to the square.
The first quarter phase is from the square to the sesquiquadrate.
The gibbous phase is from the sesquiquadrate to the opposition.

Waning Moon
The full Moon phase is from the opposition to the sesquiquadrate.
The disseminating phase is from the sesquiquadrate to the square.
The last quarter phase is from the square to the semi-square.
The balsamic phase is from the semi-square o the conjunction.

Moon time oriental

Each month the Moon will assume the place of the oriental planet. The Moon’s
length of time as the oriental planet varies from a few hours to a few days
depending on the placement of the other planets. When the Moon is oriental it is
usually in the waxing half of its cycle and most often balsamic.

The Moon as Tribune

Their habits can make them predictable as others can learn them. They may
come from a well known family. Their memories go ahead. People easily
remember them as a careful person. Like a mood ring they change colors
depending on their audience. This person has an instinctive knack for prospects.
Moon oriental people are encouraged to reflect on their previous entrances. They
may look back to how they were received in the past and try to emulate that
response in others. This person needs feedback.
It is important to know how their family responded to them as they feel
comfortable with accolades similar to those they encountered when growing up
at home. The problem here is that if they did not have positive reaffirmations as
a child, as adults, the Moon oriental person seeks out others who treat them in
the same perhaps disparaging manner.
One solution here is for them to honestly face the mirror and see exactly who
they are not taking ancient baggage with them. This placement is concerned with
the public.
Women and their mother’s say things like “You should meet Tom he is a good
cook.” They need to let the public and lots of people know what is going on.

What they say about the Moon oriental person

- “She can look after that.”
- “Careful.”
- “She usually has a snack in her bag.”
- “Let me introduce my mother.”

Moon vocation indicators

The Moon oriental placement suggests they like a workplace where they can feel
at home. They will often make a family of their colleagues saying, “We’re a
family here.” Their office space will be dotted with reminders of family. They
work well in a home office.
This person is an asset to a company by instinctively discerning work related
issues. They are good at containment in the workplace.
On the down side the Moon oriental person may remain in their work position
longer than is good for them as they enjoy the home-from-home feel in their
place of work and can’t seem to say good bye. This issue needs to be brought
into the light and a plan made for phased advancement.

Moon oriental skills

- Considers your colleagues to be family
- Takes a mothering role at work
- Home office
- Works with women and female issues
- Fills needs
- Uses instincts at work
- Feeds others
- Contains situations
Moon oriental people do well in the fields of:
Antiques, baker, barista, bed and breakfast owner, bra fitter, canal lock operator,
caravan salesperson, caterer, chef, cheese shop owner, crab shack owner,
curator, dairy farmer, food preparation demonstrator, garden center owner,
genealogist, historian, home security, housing development, horticulturalist,
home care, home repairs, hotelier, ice cream parlor, lock keeper, lunchroom
supervisor, working from home, malt shop, milkman, night watchman,
packaging manufacturer, real estate broker, restaurateur, silversmith, RV park
manager, public storage worker, title deeds researcher, Tupperware container
sales, water park manager, wet nurse and yoghurt shop owner.

Lunar oriental people you may know

Georgio Armani, Whoopi Goldberg, Bernie Madoff and Kevin Spacey.

The Inferior Planets Oriental

Not really inferior but protected
An inferior planet is one whose orbit is closer to the Sun than the Earth. The two
inferior planets are Mercury and Venus.
It is important to note the direction in which the inferior planets are moving.
When direct and oriental they are applying to the Sun. When they are retrograde
and oriental they are separating from the Sun.
Often the inferior planets when direct are moving faster than the Sun and are full
of energy and can perform at their full potential.
Venus and Mercury both have inferior orbits. They are closer to the Sun in
celestial longitude as well. Mercury is always less than twenty-eight degrees
from the Sun and Venus is always less than forty-five degrees from the Sun.
They have most eastern elongation before stationing retrograde and most
western elongation before stationing direct. This occurs at the extremes of their
cycles. In oriental planet work it is desirable to have a large distance from the
Sun as we shall see.
Therefore they travel through the zodiac in close proximity with the Sun and are
found in the oriental position more often. Mercury is oriental 30 percent of the
time and Venus is oriental twenty-five percent of the time. One in three people
have Mercury oriental and one in four people have Venus oriental in their natal
charts. Making a total of 55% of all charts contain an inferior oriental planet.
This is more than half of the population.
So what?
We are social creatures. Chatting (Mercury) and social skills (Venus) are used
extensively in all human interactions. Those with Mercury or Venus oriental
have this interaction down to a fine art.

The Rising Order of the Sun and the Inferior Planets

The Sun, Mercury and Venus
There has been some interesting research by Finnish astrologer Raimo A.
Nikula. I refer you to his article “The Rising Orders of the Sun and Inner
Planets, Introduction to the pattern of ego processing”. (Nikula Volume 52 -
Number 4 - July/ August 2010).
In brief Nikula discusses the six possible sequences that the Sun, Mercury and
Venus can have when rising. He mentions that the particular reference to when
they are not interspersed by other planets in the chart and are all rising one after
- First to rise: Original perception.
- Second to rise: Solidifies impressions.
- Third to rise: Needs more feeding to integrate
The six possible rising orders are:
Sun - Mercury - Venus
Sun - Venus - Mercury
Mercury - Sun - Venus
Mercury - Venus - Sun
Venus - Sun - Mercury
Venus - Mercury - Sun

Mercury Oriental
“In thought, word and deed.”
One in three people have Mercury as their oriental planet. Due to Mercury’s
close proximity to the Sun it can only be at a maximum distance of 28° in
longitude from the Sun. Therefore Mercury can only make the Ptolemaic aspect
of the conjunction to the Sun.
When Mercury is moving direct it has the flavor of Gemini. Alternatively when
Mercury is retrograde it has the flavor of Virgo.
Mercury as tribune
Those born with Mercury as the eastern planet are inclined towards having their
life well thought out with planned action and taking the known path. When
Mercury rises before the Sun it suggests this individual thinks first and acts later.
Those with Mercury oriental could be considered dexterous and a
They can be used as a mouthpiece and spokesperson for others or under stress as
a gossip.
Schooling emphasizes the Mercurial talents of reading, writing and arithmetic
otherwise known as the three R’s.
What they say about Mercury oriental people:
- “He’s a hand’s on guy.”
- “He can speak on my behalf.”
- “Give him a hand.”
- “He’s good with his hands”
- “You’ve got to hand it to him”
- “Let me introduce my agent”

Mercury as vocational indicator

Mercury oriental people often have two careers running concurrently and
sometimes they juggle both. They often also work day and night shifts.
They are good in the areas of communication and information spreading. The
ticker-tape on the business channels is an example of work from Mercury
As the masters of multi-tasking these people can do many things at once and
split screens on TV is a boon to them.
Mercury - Gemini skills
- Words and symbols
- Communications
- Editing
- Routing information
- Multi-tasking

Mercury Virgo skills

- Numbers and counting
- Analysis
- Proof reading
- Data management
- Patterns

Mercury oriental people you may know:

Louis Braille, Nicolas Cage, Andy Warhol, JRR Tolkien, Neil Armstrong, Fidel
Castro and Lee Iacocca.
Mercury careers
Accountant and numbers work, advertising, air traffic control, agent, author,
broadcasting, civil servant, cleaner, communications, copy writer, detailed and
critical work, dietician, document control, draftsman, editor, food and drug
administrator, graphologist, high precision worker, health care, interpreter,
journalist, lexicographer, librarian, linguist, literary agent, marketing, merchant,
news anchor, magazine worker, manicurist, mechanical engineer, medical
instruments sales, middlemen, merchandisers, naturopath, nurse, pet store
owners, philatelist, polygraph analyst, postman, records keeping, sales associate,
secretary, service industry, sign language translator, statistician, systems analyst,
taxonomist, travel agent, speech writer, spokesperson, teacher (elementary),
toolmaker, town councilor, translator, travel agent, vet, weatherman, wordsmith
and writer.
Louis Braille Mercury oriental
Louis Braille became blind at the age of three or four, when he accidentally
stabbed himself in the eye with his father's awl. A talented cellist and organist,
he died in Paris of tuberculosis on sixth of January 1852, aged fourty-three.
Louis Braille was the inventor of Braille, a world-wide system used by blind and
visually impaired people for reading and writing.
Braille is read by passing the fingers over characters made up of an arrangement
of one to six embossed points. It has been adapted to almost every known
language, except Asian languages based on characters.

Chart overview
Braille’s natal chart has Mercury oriental in Capricorn in the second house.
Mercury is 9°13’ from the Sun, and with our orb of eight degrees, is just missing
the conjunction.
The Midheaven sign is Virgo so Mercury rules the Midheaven and the tenth
house as well.
Mercury is trine to the Midheaven which is the only Ptolemaic aspect. In this
position Mercury may even be considered unaspected. (I wouldn’t count the
trine to the south node as it is not a planet). This chart is a bucket shape.
The chart rulers are Mars and Pluto as Scorpio is on the Ascendant.
The eyes are in the dominion of Mercury as pairs in the body.
Mercury rules the eyes and fingers. You read Braille by running your fingertips
over the raised dots on the page. This tactile language was originally created by
Braille as he tooled the leather with an awl. Perhaps the same awl that took out
his eye in the first place.

Venus Oriental
“For the love of money...” Timothy 6:10
Venus is an inferior planet whose orbit lies between the Earth and the Sun. Due
to the close proximity of Venus to the Sun in the zodiac it is found to be oriental
in one in five birth charts. Venus when oriental can be either direct or retrograde.
As its greatest elongation east or west Venus can only be at a maximum
longitude distance of 47° from the Sun. This means that Venus can only make
the Ptolemaic aspect of the conjunction with the Sun.
The planet Venus in direct motion has the flavor of Libra. Venus moving
retrograde has the flavor of Taurus.
Venus as Tribune
There is fragrance forestalling the person with Venus oriental. The love of
money colors their actions. There is the law of attraction in play here where
things just come to the native.
Other people like the Venus oriental person and may consider them to be one of
the “beautiful people” of the world. Thus they may readily receive gifts of love,
money and favors.
In a man’s chart Venus suggests his wife or romantic partner. In the oriental
position it indicates that he wants a woman with style, beauty and assets
(whatever that may mean to him). He will perhaps want a woman with social
connections and one who can “open doors” for him.
What they say when Venus is oriental:
- “Easy on the eye.”
- “Smells good.”
- “You’ll like her.”
- “She’s a looker.”
They often have a song, personalized note paper and money.
Venus as a vocational indicator
These people have the potential to benefit financially from their vocation. They
are often required to work on valuable things or that which they perceive as
having value.
They are an asset in the company and generally easy to get on with. Venus
oriental people appear gracious and have attractive personalities. They may be
people pleasers which can be to the good or not depending on the industry.

Taurean skills
- Money
- Accounts/credit
- Acquisitions
- Production
- Assets
- Appreciation
Libran skills
- Diplomacy and tact
- Social skills
- Front of house/ reception
- Human Resources and Public Relations
- Finesse
- Give and take

People you may know with Venus oriental include:

Julius Caesar, Jane Fonda, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Arnold
Schwarzenegger and Nicola Tesla.
Chart details: Arnold Schwarzenegger, 4:10am, 30th July 1947, Graz, Austria.
Schwarzenegger was a body builder and held the Mr. Universe title in and they
still have the Arnie weight-lifters challenge in Venice Beach every year.
He went on to become a huge box office success as an action hero actor in
movies like Terminator and then moved into politics as the Governor of
His oriental planet is Venus and also indicates the woman he married has social,
financial and political status in her own right, Maria Shriver who is Jackie
Kennedy-Onassis’ niece.

Venus careers
Accountant, aesthetician, art dealer, artist, auctioneer, appraiser, acquisitions
manager, baker, banker, bee keeper, building manager, buyer, chocolatier, civil
engineer, credit manager, crop sprayer, diplomat, farmer, fashion designer,
financier, florist, interior decorator, hairdresser, human resources, jeweler, judge,
landlord, landscaper, land owner, lawyer, liaison manager, make-up artist,
management, mediator, merchant banker, negotiator, nephrologist, perfumer,
property developer, public relations, singer, stockbroker, throat surgeon,
vineyard owner, wedding planner and wedding singer.

The Superior Planets Oriental

Definition of a superior planet
The superior planets are those whose orbits are further from the Sun than the
Earth. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron are all superior
These planets are virtually always direct when oriental. They may on occasion
be retrograde and oriental if they are over a trine (120°) behind the Sun in
longitude. This is typically the point at which they station retrograde in their
cycle around the Sun.
An example of this is the planet Uranus which is found to be retrograde and
oriental during some days of September and October 2016 and thus Uranus is
separating from the Sun.
Wouldn’t you know it Uranus has to be different.
When the superior planets are oriental and conjunct the Sun it is at their superior
conjunction to the Sun and their motion is direct. These planets can make all the
aspects to the Sun.

Mars Oriental
“Actions speak louder than words.”

Astronomy and the Mars cycle

Mars is the first planet from the Sun past the Earth. Its orbit around the Sun takes
about six hundred days therefore from one Mars conjunction with the Sun to
another takes about two years.
Mars is only oriental every other year. It takes two and a half years for Mars to
go round the Sun. The Sun overtakes it every other year. So in some years Mars
is not oriental at all.
Mars’ astronomy is important because it hints at a theme similar to Aesop’s tale
of The Hare and the Tortoise.
As the Sun conjuncts Mars it is moving fast and the Sun tears away into the
future and Mars tries to keep up eventually, when coming to the opposition to
the Sun Mars slows down and stations retrograde.
At this time it is very slow (like the hare sleeping) and then reaches the station
direct. Then it slowly begins to speed up again and charges back around the
chart to catch up with the Sun once again at the conjunction.
The Sun is the tortoise and Mars is the hare. At the point of the retrograde cycle
it does bring to mind napping and even shows over confidence of the hare and
being slow.
Mars as tribune
Mars as tribune suggests someone unforgettable. They can be pushy, loud and
take a masculine stance. These people are generally direct and to the point. They
seem to be busy all the time especially if in Virgo.
Mars oriental imparts the ability to spearhead the life. Its influence in this
position will thrust the individual forward towards their life’s purpose. These
people take actions which precede any of their activities. They may become
flushed and red in the face.
In a woman’s chart Mars indicates her husband or romantic partner. When Mars
is oriental it suggests she is looking for a man who can pave the way for her in
life. Perhaps even a man’s man. Someone who will go first and she will follow
his lead.
He probably will make contact with others on her behalf or introduce her to
many people that she would have otherwise not met. In an old fashioned way she
will stand behind her man.

What they say when Mars is oriental:

“Take your best shot.”
“The go-to guy.”
“He drives fast.”
“Action man.”

Mars as a vocational indicator

With the red planet rising ahead of the Sun it makes the individual keen to begin
projects. Assuming an aggressive stance they almost square up to their business
opponents. Strategy is likely to be initiated and they may even start a ‘war’.
This person is a good employee in the development section of a company. Being
in new business start-ups is a strong position for this Mars to operate easily.
From their perspective obstacles have to be overcome and challenges are the
name of the game. Their role is played out in a vigorous manner. This placement
suggests the person who rushes in even where angels fear to tread.
Mars oriental epitomizes the most famous split infinitive of all time, “To boldly
go where no man has gone before.” They are the trouble shooters. They hanker
to only be satisfied when their opponent is defeated. Establishing a beachhead
for the next move is their forte. Being at once victorious and then surging on to
the next challenge.
A professional woman who is having difficulty getting ahead at their work may
employ a male ‘secretary’ to front for her. And they don’t show the feminine
There is never a second chance to make a first impression. Rush and then rest.
These people have energy and endurance in limited measure and can use bursts
of speed for the short sprint. They have good self-promotion skills and will
confidently cold call on new clients. There may be a streak of ruthlessness in
hunting the target. They may be prone to push their customers. Mars oriental can
very often see new unfolding trends in industry and they can capitalize on this.
With Mars leading the Sun they may be hard and edgy but have a strong
personal force. This may border on recklessness at times.
They are good at initiating first contact with new clients. Perhaps not the best
closers but opening up leads is their forte.
More haste less speed.
The masculine signs are more active and when Mars is placed in one it inclines
towards an assertive approach at work and the drive is for being in a leadership
position. These people initiate new projects.
When Mars is in a feminine sign they are inclined towards passivity and find
working indirectly where they can assume the role of support and maintenance
to be satisfying.
- New business area
- Self starter
- Entrepreneurial skills
- Director
- Leader
- Start-ups and Initial Purchase Orders
- Engineers the situation
- The infantry bayonet’s.
These people seem to be announced in a gun salute.

Mars careers
Activist, agitator, arms dealer, athlete, blood donor, butcher, chain saw operator,
competitor, consultant, construction worker, driver, entrepreneur, explorer,
fencer (swordsman), fireman, fireworks maker, front men, head hunter, hunter,
ironmonger, karate instructor, leader, metalworker, mercenary, nail gun operator,
new product development, needlewoman, promoter, producer, product
demonstrator, propagandist, pugilist, publicist, pyro-technician, rocket scientist,
steelworker, toolmaker, salesman, sniper, surgeon and soldier.

People you may know with Mars oriental:

John Lennon, Alan Titchmarsh and Elton John
Success, manipulate, power.

Chart example: Isambard Brunel

00:55am, 9th April 1806, Portsmouth, England.
Mars oriental rules the Midheaven.
Brunel was a brilliant engineer and is most famous as a bridge builder in
Victorian England. In 2014 he was voted the English’s favorite dead person in a
poll in the UK. Mars rules engineering and iron and steel and tools and
construction. Mars trine Neptune is a sign of a visionary and square Jupiter the
planet of bridges.

Jupiter Oriental
“Reach for the sky.”
Jupiter is the largest planet in the visible solar system. Jupiter takes around
twelve years to orbit the Sun. Jupiter is oriental 5% of the time. When Jupiter is
oriental it is usually in direct motion. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius the
centaur and co-rules Pisces the fish.

Jupiter as tribune
The Jupiter oriental person is announced by a press release perhaps on an arrow,
on a blimp full of gas or hot air. They give the impression of what used to be
called a ‘wide boy.’ Opportunities open up for them.
They broadcast. They are able to harness growth and optimism and have a
breadth of life force.
This person may pray before acting. The cavalry goes first. The role played out
is impressive at best and wind baggy obnoxious at worst.
What they say when Jupiter is oriental
- “We have great expectations of him.”
- “Jolly good guy.”
- “He will go far.”
- “To be frank he...”
- “The guy with the accent...”

Jupiter as vocational indicator

The Jupiter oriental person does well in the areas of promotion and spreading the
word. They are excellent in a company’s growth area and often find lucky
breaks. They are good natured and other worker like them.
This person can explore opportunities not seen by others. Because of varied and
many interests they may become spread too thin at times. They can be a Jack-of-
all-trades and master of none. This person can easily draw in a following of
faithful clients.
An example of this is J. K. Rowling the author of the extremely popular Harry
Potter adventure books. When Rowling’s books went to print she did not want
her audience (young adult boys) to know she was a woman so she consciously
chose the name “J. K. Rowling” to be printed on the covers of her books simply
to suppress the fact that she was a woman.
They often have proven value and are capable people.
Jupiter skills
- Sees the big picture.
- Uses broad strokes.
- Exploratory abilities.
- Broadcasts knowledge.
- A promoter.
- Others follow faithfully.

Jupiter vocations
Adventurer, archer, blacksmith, broadcaster, balloonist, cartoonist, clergyman,
cleric, clown, comic, equestrian, explorer, faith healer, foreign affairs, growth
management, import/export agent, interpreter, jockey, journeyman, lecturer,
philanthropist, philosopher, preacher, priest, printer, promoter, publisher,
teacher, transportation (air), university professor and world traveler.
People you may know with Jupiter oriental:
Albert Einstein, Gerhardus Mercator, Richard Nixon and J. K. Rowling.

Chart example: Gerardus Mercator, 6:00am, 5th March 1512, Saint. Niklaas,
Jupiter oriental rules ascendant and Midheaven .
Mercator was an adventurer, explorer and cartographer who invented the
Mercator display for the world maps and how to display a spherical map onto a
flat plane as in the atlases we use today.

Saturn Oriental
“Time and tide wait for no man.”
Saturn is oriental 5% of the time. Saturn is the last of the visible planets and
rules Capricorn and co-rules Aquarius. Saturn spends two and a half years in
each sign.

Saturn as tribune
Those with Saturn as the eastern planet are cautious and like to master their
actions first. They prefer the old tried and tested methods for presenting
themselves. There is much concern regarding their public status and keeping
‘face’. Their reputation forestalls them.
Saturn oriental has patience for the long game and so they will bide their time.
These people make good ‘backers’ and will stay for the long haul. Well known
seniors often have Saturn oriental.

What they say when Saturn is oriental:

“You can rely on him.”
“He’s looking old.”
Saturn as vocational indicator
When Saturn is the oriental planet the vocational indicators are towards
management and the tried and tested. This person can follow instruction and
give them as well. They play it by the book and will often refer to the company
This person works well in a structured environment and prefers having their
back to the wall. They may be seen as old fashioned but that does not concern
them. They rely on previous methods and know it pays dividends in the long run.
Saturn skills:
- Management.
- Reliable.
- Authority.
- Timely.
- A Producer.
- Hierarchical.
- Patriarch.
- Tried and tested.
Saturn vocations
Bricklayers, business administrators, candlestick makers, controls department,
dentists, dermatologists, dam builders and operators, dry wall construction,
economists, endodontic, engineers, entrepreneurs, fencing and walling
companies, geriatrics carer, lead roof merchants, lobbyists, middle and top
management positions, masons, orthodontists, orthopedics, organizations, office
managers, plumbers, politicians, producers, sculptors (stone), seniors worker,
stonemasons, watchmakers and well diggers.
People you may know with Saturn oriental:
Agatha Christie, Wayne Gretzky, Mick Jagger and Martin Luther King Jr.
Example chart: Agatha Christie: 15 September 1890, 4:00am, Torquay, England,
Saturn oriental.

The Trans-Saturnian or Outer Planets

The trans Saturnian planets typically refers to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. More
recently they include Chiron, Sedna and Eris.
Otherwise know as the outer planets. These are planets that cannot be seen with
the naked eye and one needs a telescope to view them.
I understand that some people can actually see Uranus with the naked eye but
this phenomenon is not common.
Nowadays the outer planets are Uranus and Neptune. This previously included
Pluto which has been down graded to a dwarf planet.
However, astrologers are not known for their conformity in general as so they
usually use the ten planets which are the Sun (technically a star), the Moon
(technically a natural satellite), Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto (technically a dwarf planet) and I personally use Chiron
(NASA says is a comet).

Outer planets oriental

When an outer planet is oriental it gains prominence in the chart. They otherwise
may be quietly tucked up in the twelfth house or something but when in the
oriental position they gain prominence as the heralder for the Sun.
Less than 10% of people have an outer planet as their oriental planet and usually
it is a very strong signature in the chart.

Uranus Oriental
“What’s new?”
Uranus as the first of the outer planets was discover by William Herschel.
Uranus is the only outer planet in the decade 2011 to 2020 that is actually
oriental and retrograde this occured during August to October 2016.
I suspect that the children born at this time will have incredible unique and
unusual lives.

Uranus as tribune
This is surely the most eccentric heralding a person can have. Their life appears
exciting. This person may well consult their astrologer before taking action.
If the Sun is conjunct Uranus these people act out their self-expression. It can be
difficult to merge these two energies.

What they say about Uranus oriental:

“What will she do next?”
“She lives such an interesting life!”
“What’s new?”
“I can’t remember her name.”
“She is the immigrant.”
“She is not one of us.”

Uranus as vocational indicator

Uranus oriental people do well in the innovative fields and the cutting edge
careers. Uranus oriental prefers diversity at work where repetitive chores will
become tiresome.
The Uranus oriental person does well in the innovative fields and a cutting edge
This person is most likely to create a new vocation for themselves that was not
there before. Uranus oriental prefers diversity at work because they find
repetitive chores tiresome and soon lose interest. They are often between jobs
and thinking up new things.
Uranus skills:
- Working at the patents office is a good start for ideas.
- Futures.
- How technology can help at work.
- Computers.
- Thinks outside the box.
- Friendly.
- Social networking.
- Trends and waves.

Uranian vocations
Amnesty International person, astronomer, astrologer, chemical engineer,
computers, electricians and electronics, Friends unlimited, Face book, group
work, human rights activist, internet service provider, inventor, microwave
technician, nuclear physicist, patents officer, power generation, radio, renewable
energy, revolutionary, rocket scientist, scientist, social worker, space flight,
telephone technician, TV technicians, temp, the United Nations and wind turbine
People you may know with Uranus oriental include:
Richard Branson, Hugo Chavez, Madonna and Donald Trump
Example chart details: Richard Branson, 18 July 1950, 7:00am, Blackheath,
England. Uranus oriental.

Neptune Oriental
“Through a glass darkly.”
Neptune is the last of the gas giants and is the last planet before Pluto. Neptune
rules Pisces.
Neptune has been passing through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and
Pisces during the past fifty years. Those charts cast since 1960 with the Sun in
Libra, Virgo, Leo or Cancer will not have Neptune as the oriental planet.

Neptune as tribune
This person may not be clearly perceived by others and two people describing
the Neptune oriental person may have entirely different perceptions of the
person and not be able to define the individual. Can be perceptive before acting.
They develop intuition on what to do and they may even give off an illusion that
they are doing something when in fact they are not. May pray or believe in
spiritual guidance before acting. Their announcement is on an advertising
They may have a signature tune. There is the impression of the person having an
atmosphere with Neptune oriental. Embracing, visionary and can grasp things
through the fog. They are alluring and glamorous with emergence. Spiritual is of
the essence. Incense.
What they say about Neptune oriental people:
“I got the impression...”
“He was here a moment ago.”
“Has a signature tune.”
“He has a vibe.”

Neptune as vocational indicator

Those with Neptune oriental bring vision to their vocation. They need space to
absorb influences and can be ethereal at times. They can do well in the acting
world and photography.
Neptune skills:
- Intuitive.
- Can picture things.
- Solutions come at night.
- Dreams and visions.
- Morphs and changes.
- Inspirational.
- Custodial abilities.

Neptunian vocations include:

Good career choices for Neptune oriental are as an actor, advertising executive,
alcoholics anonymous leader, artist, back room boy, blacksmith, brew master,
cinematographer, clergyman, councilor, curator, dancer, dispersals, dream
therapist, drug rehab person, escapologist, fishmonger, fisherman, glazier,
healer, homelessness carer, hospital worker, hypnotist, librarian, magician,
movie house owner, musician, nurse, oceanographer, parole officer, pedicurist,
photographer, prison worker, sailor, scuba diver, sommelier, submariner,
therapist, vintner and a visionary.

People you may know with Neptune oriental:

Warren Buffet, Nicholas Culpepper, John Cleese, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates
and Michael Schumacher.
Chart example: Nicholas Culpepper, 12:10pm, 18th October 1616, Dorking,
Nicholas Culpepper the fifteenth century botanist, herbalist and astrologer has
Neptune oriental. Neptune’s only aspect is a trine to the Moon.

Pluto Oriental
“From the womb to the tomb.”
Pluto is the last planet to be discovered which the astrologers have given a sign
to rule namely the sign of Scorpio the scorpion. Other planets discovered after
Pluto have not had such a luxury like Chiron, Eris and Sedna.
In the past fifty years Pluto has been passing through the signs of Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Charts cast since 1960 with the Sun in Leo,
Cancer, Gemini, Taurus or Aries will not have Pluto as the oriental planet.

Pluto as tribune
The Pluto oriental person re-invents themselves and can even turn into someone
else. This is of particular concern to those of the Pluto in Leo generation who
may want a better background to take with them into the future. Those with
Pluto in Leo will virtually rewrite history or their personal history to show
themselves in a better light, or in a Leo theatre scenario, to have a better
background from which to act.
They can cast off a past life as if it did not exist. People with Pluto oriental will
kill off the difficult history they may have. An example of this is those who may
have a criminal record or a drug habit that you will never know about.
They present themselves in the reborn background and the associated friends to
support it. It is almost as though they make their life up until a certain point
They hob knob with the big wigs and powerful men and women. Their prestige
may also come from associating with the right people who themselves have the
fame or power.

What they say about Pluto oriental people:

“Be careful.”
“He can be draining.”
“He is sexy.”
“He is a dangerous man.”
Pluto oriental as a vocational indicator
Pluto oriental inclines the person to be good at digging up the dirt and finding
problems with systems. They can discover where your company is ineffective
and hemorrhaging both finances and people. They can stop waste.

Pluto skills:
- Researches.
- Delves, dives, mines.
- Plunders (money and sex).
- Flushes out.
- De-clutters systems.
- Exposes.
- Insures.
- Reclaims.
- Debt collection.
Pluto careers
Archaeologist, born-again baptismalist, crime scene investigator, coroner,
counterfeiter, dictator, director, drain cleaner, geologist, grave digger,
gynecologist, human resources, investment manager, insurance assessor,
magnetic engineer, mortgage and loans consultant, midwife, mining and
minerals, mortuary attendant, obstetrician, oil refinery person, policeman,
procurement manager (corporate), psychic, rejuvenator (spa), researcher,
scientist, sperm donor, spy, surrogate mother, tax assessor, taxidermist,
toxicologist, treasure hunter, undertaker, underwriter and urologist.

People you may know with Pluto oriental:

Sigmund Freud, Nelson Mandela and Christopher Reeve.
Chart example: Sigmund Freud 6:30pm, 6th May 1856, Pribor, Czech Republic.
Pluto oriental and chart ruler.
Sigmund Freud the father of modern psychology has Pluto oriental and it is also
the chart ruler because Scorpio is on the ascendant.

Chiron Oriental
“God helps those who help themselves.”
Chiron is considered a planet in astrology although NASA says it is a comet. It is
not an asteroid. It is known as a bridging planet because it lies between the orbits
of Saturn and Uranus. Thus Chiron can sometimes be a visible planet and
sometimes a outer planet.
Chiron as tribune
These people will usually have a mentor in life and they play the part of the
protégé until they themselves become the mentor. They will seek expert advice
on all aspects of their life. They will consult specialists and advisors all the time.
What they say about Chiron oriental people:
“If she were here she could help.”
“I feel better just talking to her”
“We need her around”
“She will understand”

Chiron as a vocational indicator

Chiron does not have a sign that it rules and therefore it cannot be the
Midheaven ruler.
When Chiron is the oriental planet it shows another route to vocational
attributes. This indicates the person is good at support services with the human
This person is capable of in-house teaching and explaining exactly what the
company does and what is expected of each employee.

Chiron skills:
- Teaches.
- Employee training.
- Therapists and healers.
- Works at a shelter.
- A key person.

Chiron Careers:
Key-card company access person, first aid trainer, locksmith, guru, mentor,
nurse, teacher, paramedic, physiotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist,
rehabilitation worker and therapist.
People you may know with Chiron oriental include:
Charles Darwin, Galileo and Abraham Lincoln.
Chart details: Galileo, 16 February 1564, 4:09pm. Pisa, Italy. Chiron oriental.
What about Eris?
“Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.”
Eris was discovered in 2005 and is classified as a dwarf planet. It is found to be
over twice the distance from the Sun as Pluto. Eris slowly moves through the
zodiac as it has an orbital period of about 550 years.
In 1928 Eris crossed the celestial equator moving north and entered Aries. Those
with the Sun in Aries, may easily have Eris as their oriental planet and possibly
and some people with a Taurean Sun may have Eris as their oriental planet. In
both cases the birth charts have to be constructed to check if Eris is oriental or
All individuals with the Sun in the other signs and born in the last century cannot
have Eris oriental. Eris is presently in the later degrees of Aries.
Only people still alive and with the Sun in Aries or Taurus have the opportunity
to have Eris as the oriental planet in their chart.
Astrological meaning
Eris shows areas of strife and discord within the chart. It is the basic struggle for
survival. The female warrior in each of us is suggested by our Eris placement. It
is the militant feminist. Eris shows where we are damaged in some way.
Things can be Eridian.
I still need to find the silver lining for Eris.
Eris as tribune
With Eris oriental you will be a bit of a scrapper. Women with Eris oriental are
go-getters who like to beat the other ladies to the post. Men with Eris oriental
express subtle competition with women and may push back as a matter of
Eris as a vocational indicator
Eris has no sign rulership and so cannot be the ruler of the Midheaven and
therefore if Eris is oriental it presents another option for people as the vocational
Those with Eris oriental tend to have their Sun in Aries or Taurus. Eris oriental
people make good team players by participating in competition amongst co-
worker that can stir others to reach for great things. They do well with big
carrots dangling in front of them.
Eris oriental people strive for the Employee of the month award or related
trophies. They actively support and champion those who want to get ahead even
if that person surpasses the Eris oriental individual.
This person will have your back. They work well directing what is expected of
the employees and make sure there is a united company brand. Eris oriental
people will take one for the team. Eris oriental escells at any mission impossible.

People with Eris skills will:

- Participate in business activities.
- Want to win fair and square.
- Support those who strive.
- Push themselves forward.
- Champion others.
- Have a brand.
- Be a worthy opponent.
- Do the heavy lifting.
- Dominate as others crumble in their presence
Eris vocations
Badges, ball-breaker, brander, female warrior, gladiator, logo designer, mascots,
motivator, sport coach and women in the military
The Oriental Planet in the Houses

Houses overview
There are twelve houses in every chart numbered from one to twelve starting at
the ascendant and going anti-clockwise from the first house to the twelfth house.
There are many different ways of dividing the chart into the twelve houses and
some house systems are Placidus (used in the book) Koch, Equal,
Regiomontanus, Whole Sign, Porphyry to name a few.
Not all houses are created equal. Some houses are naturally stronger than others
like the angular houses which are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses.
Conversely and some houses are naturally weaker than others namely the cadent
houses which are the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses.
In many house systems like Placidus each house can be a different size by
zodiacal longitude either wide or narrow. Houses opposite each other are equal
in width.
A house strength is measured by its tenants or the planets in that house, the ruler
of the sign on the cusp of the house and the planetary rulers condition.
Example: Taurus on the cusp of a house has Venus as the house ruler because
Venus rules the sign of Taurus.
Houses can be very wide (larger than thirty degrees) and engulf a sign
completely so there can sometimes be three signs associated with that house.
Example: Taurus on the cusp then Gemini in the house and then Cancer on the
cusp of the next sign. In this case one house spans over three signs, one wholly
in the middle of the house and part of a sign at the beginning and the end of the
house. The central sign is known as an intercepted sign.
When there are two wide houses there will be two narrow houses. In this
instance of having a narrow houses the same sign can be on the cusp of two
adjacent houses.

The Oriental Planet in the First house and Ascendant

“I am what I am, I am my own special creation.”
The oriental planet in the first house is well placed to be the tribune for the life
as it is about to rise above the eastern horizon before the Sun. This individual is
probably already aware of the qualities of this planet and how it is operating in
their life as most first house planets are strongly placed.
The Sun in the first house is in a very prominent position and gives drive and
vigor to the life. Both the oriental planet and the Sun in the first house, whether
in aspect or not, is a good combination and the urges of both planets will
probably be available to the individual.
If the oriental planet is conjunct the ascendant then it suggests that the person
already has access to the qualities of this planet in their life. This particular
planet may even be the strongest planet in their chart if its condition is good.

Vocational indicator
Planets in the first house can be square to the Midheaven which needs to be
noted if it is the oriental planet. This aspect will give strength to the oriental
planet and reinforce the tenth house cusp themes of career and reputation as
shown by the sign on the Midheaven and its ruler. Although this hard aspect may
not be easy to handle and integrate in their life as the square gives internal
dilemmas. Things may have to be grappled to the mat.

The Oriental Planet in the Second house

“The love of money is the root of all evil.”
The oriental planet placed in the second house suggests that the individual values
his or her presentation and may even spend money on improving their press.
They can acquire a solid reputation.

When the oriental planet is in the second house it inclines towards valuing their
tributes or forward press. They often will cultivate a good impression once
theyare aware of the oriental planet and what it says about them.
Vocational indicator
On the vocation side this person is usually highly valued and generally gets paid
exactly what they are worth. Their assessment and valuation attributes are strong
with a keen awareness between the concepts of cost and price. Focus is on
earnings and not necessarily job satisfaction. The philosophy here is that you are
what you earn and those with the most stuff at the end win.
This person sees their vocation as an asset.
If the Sun is in the second house along with the oriental planet it brings the
spotlight to the self-worth, values and financial affairs.
If the Sun is in the third house and the oriental planet is in the second house
there is the impression of greater wealth than may be the case.
Planets in the second house can be trine to the Midheaven which is an aspect of
ease and flow. This position suggests that the oriental planet and the Midheaven
are both in compatible elements (fire, earth, air or water) which greatly supports
the two working well together.
Also note the sign on the second house cusp as it may again be in the same
element in which the Midheaven is found.
The three career houses of second (money earned), sixth house (job) and tenth
(career) are often ruled by the signs in the same element.

The Oriental Planet in the Third house

“Think global but act local.”
In the third house the oriental planet suggests themes of good communication
and of one who is integrated into their local community. This person may
advertise themselves or their services in their local newspapers and on radio.
A third house oriental planet suggests the tribute of many comments and
discussion surrounding the person. They will be the topic of conversations and
perhaps gossip. They are likely to be well known in their own district or
Vocational indicator
The vocational skills of written and verbal communication are heightened when
the oriental planet is in the third house. This person does well in face-to-face
interviews. There may be the danger of ‘talking the talk’ but not being able to
‘walk the walk’.
Their salesmanship skills are strong.
The oriental planet here is not particularly well placed but the communication
and advertising ability can make up for a lot.
If the Sun is in the third house it along with the oriental planet it supports this

The Oriental Planet in the Fourth house and IC

“Home is where the heart is.”
This placing for the oriental planet indicates that the individual is concerned with
their historical behavior and perceptions made of them in the past. Their past
actions will definitely forestall them and thing that happened years ago will
constantly come up.

The oriental planet in the fourth house suggests the person will be promoted and
lauded by their family. They will probably be better known at home and in their
own country rather than overseas or internationally. They may even have a name
which contains the country, state or town’s name from which they originate.

Vocational indicators
With the oriental planet in the fourth house it suggests someone who gets their
family to make connections for them. They too work at promoting their family
members even with nepotism. Vocational skills may be in working for a
foundation with a fourth house oriental planet.
The oriental planet can be conjunct the IC here and depending on the closeness
to the 4th house cusp will be placed in opposition to the Midheaven and so the
traditional indicator of the career. This can be a difficult placement for the
oriental planet.

The Oriental Planet in the Fifth house

This little spark or mine, I’m gonna make it shine.”
A fifth house oriental planet suggests the individual may have a dramatic and
creative way of expressing and presenting themselves. It is likely to be
outrageous theatre all the way. Someone with this placement is unlikely to be
have their light held under a bushel.
During an interview this person appeals to prospective bosses as a bright and
creative light in their company. They do need space in which to shine in their
This person needs to create something and not just shuffle numbers around all
The oriental planet here can be trine the Midheaven and this supports the career
goals in line with the vocation.

The Oriental Planet in the Sixth house

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
The oriental planet in the sixth house will likely show the tribune side as the
preparedness and dedication of the person. They are shown to be good at details
and the small stuff.
They have an urbane approach to new people.

The oriental planet when in the sixth house is concerned with the job at hand and
the daily tasks. This placement inclines the person to be a good worker. They
will be an employee who can work well under a boss. They make a good
employee as they accept their position in the hierarchy.
A sixth house oriental planet will support the career as indicated by the
Midheaven’s sign and house.
This is a placement of the good employee and someone who will toe the party
line and not rock the boat at work. They are focused and in line with the tenth
The cusp of the sixth house, if the same element as the tenth, will again align the
individual with their Midheaven indicated career. Finding the Oriental planet
here reinforces this in the chart.
Any planet in the sixth house has something to say about the job, trade or service
they have to offer.

The Oriental Planet in the Seventh House and Descendant

“Keep your friends close and your (open) enemies closer.”
When encountering a person with a seventh house oriental planet you are
probably just seeing half of a pair. This person may wish to be introduced as
“Mr. and Mrs. Smith” even if there is no spouse at the present time which is
often the case when the Sun is in the eighth house and the oriental planet is in
the seventh.
In a way, the seventh house oriental planet person hides behind their other half,
real or imaginary.

Career wise the seventh house oriental person will usually have a partner for
business. You may not easily spot the partner but they are likely to be there.
When conjunct the descendant the oriental planet shows someone who is very
aware of their partner’s support of their career. This is the placement that
suggests “Behind every successful man there is a woman” or vice versa.
If the oriental planet is square to the Midheaven it can indicate someone who is
pushy and will try to get things done at work. This is a good thing as it is
through the squares of a chart that thinsg can get done and progress made.

The Oriental Planet in the Eighth house

“Dead men tell no tales.”
The eighth house oriental planet suggests themes of secrecy, discretion, privacy
and of one being in control.
This person may very well engage someone else to be their spokesman and even
ride on others’ coat tails. They like to keep a low profile at all times but are not
averse to pushing others forward on their behalf.

Vocational indicator
The vocational skills, in this case, incline the person towards work that others do
not want to do. You may hear “It’s a dirty job but some one has to do it” which
is a likely vocation for this person.
Not everyone visibly pushes at their vocation but the eighth house oriental
person will keep going in the background to achieve quiet success.

The Oriental Planet in the Ninth House

“If you want to travel fast go alone, if you want to travel far take a
With a ninth house oriental placement you can probably see a person who is
outgoing, enjoys foreign things and travels.
Here the philosophy of the person will be entrenched by the particular planet in
the oriental placement.
Follows a philosophy in life shown by the planet.
They get introduced to others who can help them by their college buddies. Good
leads come from the clergy.

Vocational indicators
If the oriental planet is conjunct the Midheaven then it inclines towards
supporting the career and finding an a vocation that aligns with their philosophy.
This is a good position for the oriental planet in any chart.
An outdoorsy vocation appeals as they do not want to be stuck in an office all
Vocation may be cosmopolitan in nature.
Publishing as a career is favored by the ninth house placement of the oriental

The Oriental Planet in the Tenth House and Midheaven

“Aim high.”
The tenth house is a classic placement for career advancement. Any planet in the
tenth house inclines towards the career. The oriental planet here totally
reinforces the thrust of the Midheaven and the tenth house as the vocation and
the career is the same. This person has no doubts what they want in a career it is
more of a question of how to get it.

The tribune in the tenth house suggests one who publically blows their own
trumpet. They get introduced by those in high places and movers and shakers.

Vocational indicator
This placement reinforces the drive for achievement, honors and status required
by this person.
If the oriental planet is conjunct the Midheaven the oriental planet has a
powerful placement indeed. This person can achieve lots in life. They actually
like their career and it fits well with them. It is a very favorable position for the
oriental planet from the point of view as vocational indicator.

The Oriental Planet in the Eleventh House

“Be careful what you wish for as you just might get it.”
The person with an eleventh house oriental planet may use this planet to its best
advantage. When the oriental planet is in the eleventh house the Sun may be in
the eleventh house as well and this position of the Sun suggests concern with the
social aspect of life.

The individual with the eleventh house oriental planet can easily be introduced
by friends and associates. Their friends may very well speak up for them.
Contacts are made at the book club, golf club or other social setting.
Vocational indicator
If the Sun is in the twelfth house it suggest someone who may not easily put
themself forward and this may seriously hold them back in life.
However if the Sun is in the eleventh house it acts as a saving grace and will
present the person as sociable and concerned with friends and the environment
or whatever cause is of the moment.

The Oriental Planet in the Twelfth house

“Charity begins at home.”
The oriental planet placed in the twelfth house is likely to be hidden.
If the Sun is placed in the twelfth house as well then this will probably be a
retiring person and one who lives quietly. Perhaps someone who doesn’t even
require a calling card.
If the Sun and the oriental planet are in the twelfth house then it is not easy for
the person to present themselves. It just is not a natural thing to do. Both planets
will likely be retiring and subdued.
In this case sacrifice is a hidden strength and this oriental planet works behind
the scenes.

Vocational indicator
If the Sun is in the first house and the oriental planet is in the twelfth house then
the individual may not use the qualities of the oriental planet at all. As a first
house Sun is strong in its own right.
When you come across charts like this (where the Sun is in the first and the
oriental planet is in the twelfth house) it is important to point out to them the
features of their oriental planet so they can begin to incorporate them into their
Chart Shape
Chart shapes refer to the position of the planets inside the circle. Here we are not
talking about the chart wheel being round as in western astrology and being
square as in Vedic and Indian astrology. We are discussing the shapes the
planets make within the circle of the charts.
Planets to include when determining chart shape are the Sun, the Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Do not count
Chiron, the nodes, the vertex or the part of fortune.
Bowl shaped charts
A bowl is formed when all the planets are in one hemisphere and within an
opposition aspect.
If the oriental planet is the cutting planet in a bowl it will rise first and gains

Bundle shaped charts

Everything is with a trine. Here the lead cutting planet is important and
especially so if it is the oriental planet.
If the oriental planets is the leading planet in the bundle and will rise first and be

Bucket shaped charts

A bucket shape is formed when two planets are in opposition and all the other
planets are on one side of the bucket except the handle planet.
If the oriental planet is the ‘handle’ of the bucket it will be prominent.

Fan shaped charts

The fan shape had all planets within in trine except one which is opposite as a
handle to the fan.
Note if the oriental planet is the handle of the fan because it will have weight as
the handle planet.
Locomotion shape charts
The locomotion shape is created when all the planets follow one another through
two thirds of the chart. Here several planets will be in congruent quadrants. The
important planet here is again the cutting planet. If it is also the oriental planet
then it gains strength.
See-saw shaped charts
The see-saw (or titter-totter) chart shape is formed by two distinct groups of
planets, perhaps with conjunctions, at opposite sides of the chart making several
oppositions between the two groups.
There is no particular position favored for the oriental planet here.
Splash shaped charts
This shape occurs when all the planets are evenly spaced throughout the chart
with nearly every sign and house tenanted. There is no position favoured in this
chart shape.
Forecasting with the Oriental Planet
To decide which forecasting technique is more important a transiting or
progressed oriental planet it depends which planet is oriental at birth.
Outer planets
If Pluto, Neptune, Uranus or Chiron are oriental in the birth chart the transits will
have more effect.

Social planets
If Saturn or Jupiter is the natal oriental planet then you have a choice between
transits or progressions.
If either Saturn or Jupiter is retrograde (or stationing retrograde) in the birth
chart then the progressions are indicated. If either are direct (or stationing direct)
in the birth chart then transits are indicated.

Personal planets
If the Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars is oriental at birth then progressions will
have a more important effect in the forecasting for you.

The Transiting Oriental Planet

“Oh, it's such a perfect day, I'm glad I spend it with you.” – Lou Reid
The nature of transits
In astrology, transits track the actual movement of the planets in the sky as seen
by us on Earth. A transiting planet may have forward motion (direct) or
backwards motion (retrograde). In reality the planets only move forward in their
orbits of the Sun but because of the Earth’s path circling the Sun we see an
apparent backwards motion in the planet’s positions.
Bear in mind that the planets are always moving and planetary aspects and
aspect patterns form and fade continuously. The Moon is never retrograde.

All transits offer an opportunity to harness their energies

Transits affect the natal chart and so the affect you, the person whose chart it is.
Transits are fleeting (or some are) and will pass.
Use an orb of one degree applying and separating. Later tighten to one degree
applying and thirty minutes separating. Then tighten to thirty minutes applying
and fifteen minutes separating.
Transits are like an orgasm, there is pressure beforehand and then release.
Transits introduction
Over time many aspects of astrology have piqued my interest. In the early years
the house systems kept me busy for months and at one time antiscia became an
obsession. During the past few years I have turned my focus to the oriental
planet or, as otherwise known as, the planet of oriental appearance. Not to be
confused with the planet oriental by figure i.e. a rising planet conjunct the
Below are some of my thoughts and observations which I developed through
personal experience working with charts. It may well not fit with your views on
transits but I wanted to share with you how I developed my understanding
through simple observation.

Daily energy
The energy of each day is different. The mood is set by the Moon and I have
found the tone of the day is influenced by the transiting oriental planet.
The planet which rises each day before the Sun is the transiting oriental planet
and is the harbinger for the main act of the day that is the Sun. The oriental
planet is similar the comedienne who warms up an audience before the main act.
As in entertainment some comics (or oriental planets) have better lines than
Sunrise, sunset
I have always followed the Sun. I discovered that many years spent in Africa as I
watched sunsets sipping sun-downers and cheering the Sun as it slipped away
was not wasted time. Now I live in Canada in an east-facing apartment and I’m
still a keen solar observer.
I make a point of seeing the Sun rise and take photos. On the vista of my
cityscape it is easy to track the solstice points against the backdrop of
skyscrapers. I am an early bird and enjoy being in tune with each day as it
dawns. Sometimes I can spot the transiting oriental planet. This is definitely the
case if it is the Moon, then Venus, maybe Mercury and on rare occasions Mars,
Jupiter or Saturn.
Mind the gap
On average each thirty degrees of longitude which rises on the ascendant equals
two hours in time. This depends on your latitude and the time of year.
The further the oriental planet is from the Sun in longitude the wider the gap. If
it rises long before the Sun and we have an opportunity to view it, this position
provides it with more time to make its presence felt each day. Which results in
the oriental planet having more time to set the tone for the day.
When the oriental planet is fresh from an exact conjunction to the Sun it
struggles to make an impression. When it is further than the conjunction but still
under the beams it has slightly more presence.
If the transiting oriental planet is more than seventeen degrees from the Sun,
visible and is free of the Sun’s influence, only then can this special planet be
used as a guide for the day.

Oriental planet condition

If the transiting or daily oriental planet is well placed by sign, house, essential
dignity, direct in motion, free of hard aspects from the malefics and far from the
Sun in longitude it can be a highly effective presence each day.
However, if it is in detriment, retrograde or close to the Sun it does not have
much influence or have enough time to make its presence felt.
Following the oriental planet is like tracking the Moon and her phases. It can be
monitored and used to push or hold activities on a simple level without the need
to interpret the whole chart every day.
Back in the day
Early observations such as those outlined here are how I imagine the ancient
astrologers began to attach meaning to the celestial bodies. Sunset and sunrise
are the basics of astrology. It appeals to me that even today simple observation
can glean so much information.
Yes, perhaps some of my theories need honing and smoothing however, as a
twenty-first century astrologer, I came into the craft believing that it had all been
done. Now I am tinkering with the idea that today’s astrologers can still add
value and techniques to our art. I shall continue to explore the oriental planet.

When the transiting oriental planet is the same as your natal oriental planet
If it is the same as your natal planet it is a good time for in terms that you can re
align yourself with your oriental planet during this time.
The planet is introducing you to the world and it is a time of your to introduce
yourself to the world in line with the natal promise of your planets oriental
Example: If you have Uranus oriental and transiting Uranus is oriental as well
then it is your time to push on the vocation front for example:
- Expect new insights that will re align the path for your vocation.
- You may read a book at this time, or meet someone who can shed light on the
vocation path.
- There may be something you keep going back to as shown by the natal oriental
- Your name is spoken amongst others before you arrive.
- Unspoken promotion.
- Your calling card needs refreshing.
Look out for the same aspect (conjunction, square etc.) that is in your natal chart

Transits of your oriental planet

When the transiting oriental planet makes a connection to your natal chart it is
important in matters of vocation and calling card.
You have an opportunity to harness the oriental planet’s energies again and bring
them into your chart.

Oriental planet returns

Any planetary return is auspicious.
A planetary return occurs when a planet returns to the exact place it holds in
your natal chart. The Moon makes a lunar return every month. The Sun returns
every year around your birthday (your solar return). The inner planets as well
will return at least once a year and maybe more if they retrograde.
Mars can be two years before a return and the outer planets many years. Jupiter
returns every twelve years and Saturn every thirty.
The furthest planet out to make a return is Uranus at eighty-four years or one
orbit of the Sun.
Neptune and Pluto will not make a return in your lifetime. The exceptions to this
are very early after birth but these returns can be dismissed.
The return of the oriental planet back to its natal position will trigger all the natal
aspects it makes in the natal chart and rekindle and natal promise inherent in the
oriental planet.
Transiting oriental planet
When the natal oriental planet is the same as the transiting oriental planet it
shows an opportunity period that reinforces your natal oriental planet and to
realign yourself with the details of the day.
Pay close attention to these days each year and be ready to use them. Every
planet will become oriental by transit each year with the exception of Mars.
General transits to oriental planet and then the Sun
Planets moving direct through the zodiac will first contact the oriental planet and
then contact the Sun, this sequence that first it is the oriental planet and then the
Sun reinforces the theory that the oriental planet is the forerunner for the Sun in
a chart.
This will happen for most transiting planets and is the same if the transiting
planets makes three or five passes.

The Solar Return Oriental Planet

A solar return chart may be constructed each year when the Sun returns to the
exact position it holds in the natal chart. Solar return charts are usually cast for
the place you are at on your birthday and not the birth place.
Consequently the date for the solar return can be other than that of your actual
birthday and is often the day before or after. Every year the solar return chart
may contain a different oriental planet.

The solar return oriental planet - What to look for:

When the solar return oriental planet is the same as the natal oriental planet.
During these special years the individual can easily focus on the urges and drives
indicated by this planet in his or her vocation.
When the solar return oriental planet makes a ‘return’ to its solar return position.
This may happen twice during the year in question depending on the direction of
the planet.
The natal oriental planet is conjunct an angle in the solar return chart. In this
case the natal oriental planet is triggering the year’s chart and will have great
influence on the upcoming year’s activities suggested by their planet.
When the solar return oriental planet is conjunct an angle in the natal chart.
Conjunctions to the Midheaven are very telling and indicate the vocational focus
for the forthcoming year and the natal chart’s career point, the Midheaven, are in
In solar return charts there is an opportunity to harness a different oriental planet
during the year.

The Secondary Progressed Oriental Planet

“A slow development.”
Progressed oriental
Progressed oriental planets show the evolution of the chart. The energies in the
chart set at birth are being exposed slowly overtime.
Your progressed oriental planet will change as the natal chart progresses. You
may begin with Mercury oriental and now have Saturn oriental.
During the normal secondary progression of the birth chart the oriental Planet
changes due to the movement of the progressed planets. Usually the Sun moves
past the next planet behind it and then that planet becomes the progressed
oriental planet.
In day-for-a-year secondary progressions it is obvious that the oriental planet
will change over time. Initially the natal Oriental planet will be in place until one
of two things occur by progression.

Option 1
The Sun will overtake the occidental planet and form a conjunction and then
there will be a new progressed oriental planet. Or, the progressed oriental planet
(pop) can close the conjunction to the Sun. This may happen by direct motion
from the Moon, Mercury or Venus or where the Sun catches up and passes a
slower moving planet.

Option 2
The oriental planet will be overtaken by a faster moving planet forming a
conjunction with the oriental planet and so a different planet will become the
progressed oriental planet. This will occur first by the planet next in line and
actually rising before the natal oriental planet.
In all charts the progressed Moon will at some time become the progressed
oriental planet beginning at some time in the life then continuing at thirty year
intervals. This is caused by the progressed Moon’s thirty year cycle through
every chart.
Depending on the planetary alignments at birth, in some cases the oriental planet
may never change by progression (except by the progressed Moon) and then
revert back to the original natal oriental planet.
A close look at each individual’s secondary progressions over their lifetime is
sometimes required. Someone with a changing progressed oriental planet shows
they are a person with a strong focus in life

Progressed oriental planet - example

Whoopi Goldberg, 13 November 1955, 12:48pm, New York, NY, USA.
Whoopi Goldberg is an actress, singer, producer and much more. She has
achieved great honors in her life. In 1985 she won a Grammy. In 1990 she won
an Oscar as best supporting actress in Ghost. In 2002 she won a Tony and a
daytime Emmy award. In 2009 she won her second daytime Emmy. She is also
the recipient of two Golden Globes and, interestingly for astrologers, the Saturn
award for best supporting actress.

Natal chart notes

Her natal chart shows the Moon as the oriental planet. The Moon in the ninth
house is conjunct Mercury in the eighth house this lies over the ninth house cusp
of Scorpio.
The Moon does not make any aspects any other planets in her chart but has a
square to her Aquarian ascendant. The chart rulers are Saturn and Uranus. There
is a stellium in Scorpio. The sign on her Midheaven is Sagittarius ruled by
Jupiter in Leo in the seventh house conjunct Pluto. The Sun and Pluto are in
mutual reception.

The progressed chart

At birth in 1955 (age 0), the Moon is the oriental planet.
From 1956 to 1958 (age 1 to 3), Mercury is the progressed oriental planet.
From 1959 to 1965 (age 4 to 10), Saturn is the progressed oriental planet.
From 1966 to 1975 (age 11 to 27), Mercury is again the progressed oriental
From 1976 to 1983 (age 28 to 29), Saturn is again the progressed oriental planet.
From 1984 to 1985 (age 30 to 31), the Moon is again the progressed oriental
From 1986 (age 32 for the rest of her life), Saturn is again the progressed
oriental planet.
Secondary progressed oriental planet
We can calculate her secondary progressed oriental planet for each year of her
Natally the Moon is oriental but by the first year it has progressed to the
conjunction with the Sun and then it becomes replaced by Mercury.
At three years old the progressed Sun had moved to conjunct progressed Saturn
and this makes Saturn the new oriental planet.
By the age of eleven her Mercury had progressed up to the conjunction with
progressed Saturn and overtaken it to become the oriental planet once more.
Mercury hold sway for ten years when it conjuncts the Sun thus allowing Saturn
to again become her progressed oriental planet.
As Goldberg has the Moon oriental at birth we know it will progress to the same
position in about twenty-nine to thirty years, and indeed we find that the
progressed Moon has once again returned to become the progressed oriental
planet for the years 1984 and 1986 when she was twenty-nine to thirty years old.
The Moon again relinquishes its position and gives way to Saturn once more.
Saturn is the progressed oriental planet for over twenty seven years and totally
during her life for over forty three years.
Although she has a Sagittarian Midheaven she has access to the oriental planets
of vocation initially the Moon and then Mercury and Saturn.
Note that natally the Moon, Mercury and Saturn are all in Scorpio. This inclines
to a focused and determined life.
The Saturn as progressed oriental planet through much of her adult life suggests
the determination to achieve great things and against all odds. It may be said that
she is an unlikely movie star as her looks are not the formulaic beauty that so
often brings accolades to female actresses. She is also known for her activism for
women and gay rights.
Whoopi Goldberg has achieved great honors in her life as one of the very few to
receive the EGOT four of Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony.
We can only predict that there are more things in life that she is striving for and
she will work into her senior years (Saturn) and continue to rack up the gleaming
statues for her trophy wall.

Solar Arc Directed Oriental Planet

The solar arc directed oriental planet is always the same as your natal oriental
planet. It is the nature of the directed chart.
In the solar arc directed method of astrological forecasting the Sun’s motion is
calculated as per the secondary progressions method of day-for-a-year. All the
natal planets and angles move the same distance along the zodiac as the directed
Therefore the directed chart’s angular correspondences remain the same as in the
natal chart. For example, if you have the Moon sextile Mars in your natal chart
then it will be the same aspect in the directed chart.
What to look for
Directed planets or angles making a conjunction to the natal oriental planet. This
suggests a year of intense work with the natal oriental planet and its concerns.
The directed oriental planet conjoining a natal planet or angle. This suggest a
time of higher focus for the oriental planet during that period.
With directions, as progressions, use an orb of one degree either side.
Bearing in mind that the directed chart moves forward (or directs) at about one
degree each year (because the Sun moves about one degree each day/year) so the
directions will be in force for about one year of life.
You can tighten the directed orbs that you use down to thirty minutes (30’) for a
sharper six month focus.
The Oriental Planet in Other Charts
The oriental planet will be a factor in other types of astrological charts as well.

Electional charts
An electional chart is a chart cast for a time in the future when you want to do
something like get marries or start a business.
In an election to marry the oriental planet suggest the “Save the date” card and
invitation showing the theme and colors scheme for the event.
In an election to start a business the oriental planet suggests the nature of the
With electional charts you can carefully pick and choose to get the exact oriental
planet that you want for the venture. Bear in mind that for marriages and
business start up the start chart will be the birth chart for the marriage or
business and the influences of the chart and the oriental planet in that chart will
be in effect for the life of the venture.

Composite midpoint charts

You can cast a composite midpoint chart for two people from their own natal
charts and create a new chart the composite chart.
This will typically throw up a new oriental planet that represents the relationship
itself and not the individuals in it.
The composite oriental planet is really useful for a business partnership.
Showing the hidden motives of the career of the partnership when two people
come together for business purposes.
In a romantic composite chart it generally indicates the tribune of the couple as
in “They are really good at doubles tennis (Mars)/playing bridge
(Saturn)/ballroom dancing (Venus).”

Mundane Charts
Mundane charts deal with countries and cities of the world.
The oriental planet in mundane charts indicates how the rest of the world views
the citizens of that country and the first impressions of the people.
The oriental planet here suggests the image of the country as seen by the world.
“Go west, I mean east, young man.”
The oriental planet is not the first thing you look at in a chart.
You need some ability in your astrological interpretations before analyzing the
oriental planet and being able to blend it into your analysis of a natal chart.
As a career indicator the oriental planet offers you another route to the vocation
that may not be immediately apparent by the usual career indicators of the sixth
and tenth houses and their rulers.
This is all important if you agree that we all are trying to get on in life and
follow our life path as suggested by the natal chart.
After you have mastered the basics of chart interpretation, which lets face it is an
ongoing learning process for the eternal astrology student, then you can look at
special topics in astrology as in the Oriental Planet.

Initial Hypothesis
The oriental planet and its aspect to the Sun indicated the vocational backdrop
(for example, all industries have personal assistants and their oriental planet is
often Mercury).
That the Oriental Planet aspect to the Sun may have indicated more than the
actual planet itself.
The research so far has shown that:
It seems the Oriental Planet will be or aspect the planet which indicates the
That the Oriental Planet usually makes several aspects to other planets in the
birth chart which indicates a few avenues through which to express the vocation.

For example often:

Astrologers have an oriental planet and Uranus aspect.
Actors have an oriental planet and Neptune aspect.
Artists and accountants have an oriental planet and Venus aspect.
Engineers have an oriental planet and Mars aspect.
Government workers and politicians have an oriental planet and Saturn aspect.
Teachers and writers have an oriental planet and Mercury aspect.
Religious leaders, explorers and adventurers have an oriental planet and Jupiter
Realtors and chefs have an oriental planet and Moon aspect.
Debt collectors, bail bondsmen, bankruptcy advisors and spies have an oriental
planet and Pluto aspect.

What you Need to Know About the Oriental Planet

Every chart has an oriental planet
The oriental planet usually makes several aspects to other planets in the chart.
Planets receiving aspects from the oriental planet suggest vocations as indicated
by their nature and condition.

Several vocations are indicated by:

a) The oriental planet
b) Any planet which aspects the oriental planet
Even though the inferior planets are oriental in over fifty percent of charts the
aspects they make to other planets may suggest more than one vocational path
As a career indicator the oriental planet offers another route to the vocation that
may not be immediately apparent by the usual career indicators of the sixth and
tenth houses, the Midheaven and their rulers.

Ongoing Research
This exciting research into the full meaning of the oriental planet is ongoing. So
far it has returned results different to those originally expected.
Does this mean that the principle of quantum theory (where the act of studying
something causes it to change) is in play? Probably not, but rather that
assumptions made do not hold. This says more about undertaking careful
research than anything else and the need for the researcher to keep an open
Below is a selection of those whose oriental planet (or aspects from their oriental
planet to another planet in their chart) by its nature and energies pertain to, or is
associated with, their known vocation.

Moon is oriental or aspects the oriental planet
Julia Child - Neptune oriental square Moon wide.
Keith Floyd- Venus oriental.
Nigella Lawson- Saturn oriental square Moon wide.
Jamie Oliver - Chiron oriental trine Moon.
Wolfgang Puck - Uranus oriental opposition Moon (wide).
Gordon Ramsey - Venus oriental sextile Moon.
Rachel Ray- Mars oriental semi-square Moon (wide).
Martha Stewart - Pluto oriental trine Moon.
Note: we need a good birth time for Moon’s position.
Writers and authors
Mercury is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
Stephen King- Saturn oriental sextile Mercury.
Tom Clancy - Mars oriental conjoined Mercury.
William Shakespeare - Mercury oriental.
Ernest Hemingway - Chiron oriental conjoined Mercury.
John Steinbeck - Mercury oriental.
Dr. Seuss - Mercury oriental.
Charlotte Bronte - Moon oriental semi square Mercury.
J.K. Rowling - Jupiter oriental sextile Mercury (wide).
Ian Fleming - Moon oriental semi square Mercury.
Mercury or Pluto are oriental or aspect the oriental planet.
Carl Gustav Jung - Venus oriental conjunct Mercury.
Sigmund Freud - Pluto oriental no aspect to Mercury.
Abraham Maslow - Saturn oriental no aspect to Mercury.
R.D. Laing - Venus oriental sextile Mercury.
Dr. Phil McGraw - Venus oriental semi square Mercury, Venus conjunct Pluto .
Dr. Frasier Crane (Kelsey Grammar) - Moon oriental conjunct Mercury, Moon
opposition Pluto.
Ivan Pavlov - Jupiter oriental semi-square Mercury (wide).

Venus and Neptune are oriental or aspect the oriental planet.
Caravaggio - Venus oriental square Neptune.
Paul Cezanne - Mercury oriental semi sextile Venus and Mercury semisextile
Edgar Degas - Jupiter oriental square Neptune.
Francisco de Goya - Venus oriental square Neptune.
Wassily Kandinsky - Venus oriental trine Neptune..
David Hockney - Chiron oriental square Neptune.
Michelangelo - Mars oriental trine Neptune.
Claude Monet - Mars oriental sesquiquadrate Neptune, Mars square Venus.
Henry Moore - Neptune oriental square Venus.
Pablo Picasso - Venus oriental - no aspect to Neptune.
Raphael - Venus oriental square Neptune.
Rembrandt - Mercury oriental - no aspect to Neptune or Venus.
Vincent Van Gogh - Venus oriental - no aspect to Neptune.

Explorers and adventurers

Jupiter is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
Roald Amundsen - Mars oriental semi-sextile Jupiter.
Neil Armstrong - Pluto oriental conjoined Jupiter.
Richard Attenborough - Venus oriental - no aspect to Jupiter.
Richard Branson - Uranus oriental square Jupiter.
William Clark - Saturn oriental trine Jupiter.
Christopher Columbus - Mars oriental sextile Jupiter (wide).
Cook Captain - Jupiter oriental.
Charles Darwin - Moon oriental sextile Jupiter.
Edmund Hillary - Mars oriental - no aspect to Jupiter.
Meriwether Lewis - Venus oriental sextile Jupiter (wide).
David Livingston - Pluto oriental trine Jupiter (wide).
Ferdinand Magellan - Mercury oriental - no aspect to Jupiter.
Geradus Mercator - Jupiter oriental.
Sir Walter Raleigh - Mercury oriental - no aspect to Jupiter.
Robert Falcon Scott - Pluto oriental - no aspect to Jupiter.
Henry Morton Stanley - Mercury oriental no aspect to Jupiter .

Saturn is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
Richard Nixon - Jupiter oriental quincunx Saturn.
Tony Blaire - Mercury oriental opposition Saturn.
Bill Clinton - Pluto oriental conjoined Saturn.
Hillary Clinton - Neptune oriental quintile Saturn.
Jimmy Carter - Mercury oriental - no aspect to Saturn.
George W. Bush - Uranus oriental - no aspect to Saturn.
H.W. Bush - Mercury oriental trine Saturn..
Fidel Castro - Mercury oriental square Saturn.
David Cameron - Venus oriental - no aspect to Saturn.
Winston Churchill - Mercury square Saturn.
Hugo Chavez - Uranus oriental square Saturn (wide).
Gerald Ford - Pluto oriental - no aspect to Saturn.
Stephen Harper - Mercury oriental square Saturn.
Adolf Hitler - Mercury oriental trine Saturn (wide).
John F. Kennedy - Jupiter oriental sextile Saturn.
Abraham Lincoln - Moon oriental - no aspect to Saturn.
Barack Obama - Mercury oriental opposite Saturn.
Nicolas Sarkozy - Venus oriental semi sextile Saturn.
Margaret Thatcher - Mars oriental - no aspect to Saturn.
George Washington - Mercury oriental sextile Saturn.
Uranus is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
Evangeline Adams - Mars oriental quincunx Uranus.
Robert Blaschke - Mercury oriental trine Uranus.
Margaret E. Hone - Mercury oriental semi-sextile Uranus.
Marc Edmund Jones - Saturn oriental sextile Uranus.
Richard Idemon - Jupiter oriental square Uranus.

Uranus is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
Marie Curie - Uranus oriental trine Sun.
Albert Einstein - Jupiter oriental opposition Uranus.
Michael Faraday - Uranus oriental.
Galileo - Uranus oriental.
Edwin Hubble - Mercury oriental - no aspects to Uranus.
Johannes Kepler - Uranus oriental.
Isaac Newton - Mercury oriental - no aspect to Uranus.
Blaise Pascal - Pluto oriental square Uranus.
Louis Pasteur - Mercury oriental conjunct Uranus conjunct Sun.
Nikola Tesla - Venus oriental - no aspect to Uranus.
James Watt - Jupiter oriental semi sextile Uranus.

Uranus is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
John Logie Baird - Saturn oriental sextile Uranus.
Alexander Graham Bell - Saturn oriental no aspect to Uranus.
Cockerall Christopher - Mercury oriental trine Uranus.
Thomas Edison - Mercury oriental no aspect to Uranus.
Henry Ford - Mercury oriental no aspect to Uranus.
Goodyear - Chiron oriental square Uranus.
Samuel Morse - Mars oriental no aspect to Uranus.
Jonas Salk - Neptune oriental opposition Uranus.
Orville Wright - Uranus oriental.
Wilbur Wright - Neptune oriental square Uranus (wide).
Composers music
Neptune is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart - Saturn oriental opposition Neptune.
Beethoven - Mercury oriental square Neptune.
Brahms - Mercury oriental square Neptune.
Chopin - Venus oriental square Neptune.
John Lennon - Mars oriental conjunct Neptune.
Paul McCartney - Mercury oriental trine Neptune.
Andrew Lloyd Webber - Mercury oriental no aspect to Neptune.
Sir Elton John - Mars oriental no aspect to Neptune.
Henry Mancini - Uranus oriental quincunx Neptune.
Igor Stravinsky - Jupiter oriental no aspect to Neptune.

Pluto is oriental or aspects the oriental planet.
Guy Burgess - Mars oriental trine Pluto.
Donald Maclean - Mercury oriental semi sextile Pluto (wide).
Kim Philby - Mercury oriental opposite Pluto.
Even pretend spies:
Pierce Brosnan - Mercury oriental square Pluto.
Daniel Craig - Mercury oriental quincunx Pluto (wide).
Sean Connery - Pluto oriental.
Timothy Dalton - Moon oriental square Pluto.
George Lazenby - Venus oriental no aspect to Pluto.
Roger Moore - Venus oriental sextile Pluto (wide)..

Appendix I: Bibliography
Acker, Frances Sakioan and Louis S. Predictive Astrology - Understanding
Transits as the Key to the Future. 1977.
Hone, Margaret E. Applied Astrology. London, England: C. W. Daniel Co. Ltd,
1968 June.
Koparkar, Mohan. Website, April 2009.
Nikula, Raimo A. The Rising Order of the Sun and Inner Planets - The
Astrological Journal - The International Journal of the Astrological Association
of Great Britain, Volume 52 - Number 4 - July/August 2010: p.39 - 43.
Ptolemy, Claudius. Tetrabiblos - translated from the Greek by Proclus. London,
England: Davis and Dickson, 1822.
Townley, John. website, Aug 2010.
Tyl, Noel. Vocations. Woodbury, MN, USA: Llewellyn publications, 2006.

Appendix II: List of Charts

Evangeline Adams, 8:36am, 8th February, 1868, Jersey City, NJ, USA..
Isambard Brunel, 0:55am, 9th April, 1806, Portsmouth, England.
Nicholas Culpepper, 12:10pm, 18th October 1616, Dorking, England
Sigmund Freud 6:30pm, 6th May 1856, Pribor, Czech Republic.
Gerardus Mercator, 6:00am, 5th March 1512, Saint Nikaas, Belgium.
Michael Schumacher, 1:43pm, 3 January 1969, Hurth, Germany.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, 4:10am, 30th July 1947, Graz, Austria.

Appendix III: An Astrologer’s Technical Notes

These technical notes are given for transparency and the basis of the calculations
for the averages and numbers in this book.

Research aspect set used

Conjunction 0° - orb 8°
Semi-sextile 30° - orb 2°
Semi-square 45° - orb 2°
Sextile 60° - orb 4°
Quintile 72° - orb 2°
Square 90° - orb 8°
Trine 120° - orb 8°
Sesquiquadrate 135° - orb 2°
Bi-Quintile 144° - orb 2°
Quincunx 150° - orb 2°
Opposition 180° - orb 8°

Applying and separating aspects

Applying or separating aspects are noted in some instances.
A special case is the conjunction aspect with the Sun where the Moon is always
applying, the inners are either applying or separating and the outers are almost
always separating from the conjunction to the Sun when they are oriental.
The term wide means the normal orb plus two degrees unless otherwise stated.
Considering eleven planets and using the above research aspect set returns an
average of four aspects to the oriental planet in each chart.
At this point the tightness of the orb and the applying or separating condition
will become a factor in determining the strength for the oriental planet.

Appendix IV: Glossary of Astrological Terms

The Starzology glossary of astrological terms covers most generally used
astrological terms.
Air sign: Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Ascendant: The ascendant is the point on the zodiac that was rising at the
eastern hemisphere at the time of your birth.
Aspect: An angular connection between planets and points in a chart and is
expressed in degrees and minutes.
Besieged: A planet found between the traditional malefic planets Mars and
Saturn is besieged. It is under pressure and may not function well.
Cardinal sign: The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Celestial equator: The celestial equator is the projected line of the Earth’s
equator drawn on the backdrop of the universe. Measurements are made from
Constellation: A constellation is a group of stars.
Diurnal: Things that pertain to the day.
Earth sign: The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Election chart: An election chart is cast to find a future time to do something
e.g. a wedding election.
Element: The four elements are fire, earth, air and water.
Ephemeris: A book that shows all the planets positions on any given day and
other interesting facts.
Equinox: The two equinoxes occur when the Sun is at zero latitude north or
south. The dates are around on March 21st and September 21st each year.
Essential dignity: Planets have essential dignity when they are placed in signs
of rulership, exaltation, fall or detriment. Also term and face are essential
Exaltation: A planet in its sign of exaltation is considered well placed in the
Fall: Planets in fall are in the signs opposite their signs of exaltation.
Fire sign: The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Fixed signs: The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Fixed star: A star that appears not to move usually found in the constellations.
Fixed stars do move but very slowly.
Gauquelin sectors: The area of a chart ten degrees before and after the
ascendant and the Midheaven.
Hemisphere: The division of a chart in half by either the ascendant/descendant
axis or the Midheaven/IC axis.
Horary: Horary astrology answers questions by calculating a chart for the time
the questions are asked.
House: A division of the chart into twelve houses.
House system: A method of dividing the chart into houses, e.g. Placidus, equal
house, Regiomontanus etc. House systems are either time based or quadrant
IC: Immum coeli is at the interception of the northern meridian and the ecliptic.
It is at the bottom of a chart opposite the MC.
Ingress: When a planet enters a sign or a house.
Midheaven : The Midheaven or medium coeli (MC) is at the interception of the
southern meridian and the ecliptic.
Mode: There are three modes, cardinal, fixed and mutable.
Matutane: Means eastern.
Most elevated: The planet that is closest to the Midheaven by longitude and it
can be on either side of the Midheaven .
Mundane: Astrology of world events and countries.
Mutable signs: The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Natal Chart: The birth chart.
Nativity: The natal chart.
Nocturnal: Means of the night.
Node: The Moon’s node (or lunar node) is where the Moon’s path crosses the
ecliptic either north or south.
Occidental: Western or of the west.
Orb: The distance allowed that aspects may be apart but still be in aspect.
Orbit: The path of a planet, moon or star.
Oriental: Eastern or of the east.
Partile: Two planets within the same degree. For example one planet at 15° 00’
and the other at 15° 59’ of the same sign are partile.
Placidus: A house system. Probably the most popular house system in use
Plane of the ecliptic: The Sun’s path.
Planet: A main body that orbits a star.
Precession of the equinoxes: The slight backwards movement (precession) of
the point every year where the Sun on the plane of the ecliptic, crosses the
celestial equator moving north, at the vernal equinox.
Ptolemaic: From Claudius Ptolemy.
Quadrant: One of four divisions of a chart created by the two main axes. The
quadrants are numbered one to four starting below the ascendant going anti
Retrograde Rx: The apparent backwards motion of a planet through the zodiac.
Rising sign: The sign that is on the ascendant.
Rising planet: A planet that is conjunct the ascendant.
Ruler: The planet that rules a sign or house.
Satellite: Something that orbits a planet. The Moon is the Earth’s satellite.
Sidereal: Means of the stars.
Sidereal time: Star time.
Sidereal zodiac: Sidereal Zodiac is the method used by Vedic and Hindu
astrologers. It is measured from fixed stars which are on the plane of the ecliptic.
The sidereal zodiac divides the circle into twelve signs, thirty degrees in celestial
longitude, starting at Aries. The sidereal zodiac begins on, or near, April 15th
each year.
Sign: One of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
Solstice: Two days in the year when the Sun reaches its farthest distance north
or south of the celestial equator. The solstice is usually on or about June 21st and
December 21st every year.
Synastry: The comparison of two charts for compatibility and usually for
Table of houses: A book listing the positions of houses depending on the
Tropical zodiac: The tropical zodiac is the method that western astrologers use.
It is measured from the vernal equinox (when the Sun crosses the celestial
equator moving north). The tropical zodiac divides the circle into twelve signs,
thirty degrees in celestial longitude, starting at Aries. The tropical zodiac begins
on, or near, March 21st each year. The tropical zodiac is the one used in this
Vespertane: Western or setting after the Sun.
Visible planets: The planets that can be seen with a naked eye. The Sun,
Mercury Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Water Sign: The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Zodiac: These are several methods of dividing the 360 degree circle into twelve
signs. The two most common are the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac.
Both the tropical and the sidereal zodiacs seem to have been aligned about 2800
years ago around the year 786BC. The signs of the constellations and the signs
of the zodiac originally referred to the same section of the sky.
Zodiac sign: The twelve signs of the zodiac were originally the twelve
constellations that the Sun transited (passed through) each year. For a
constellation to be a zodiac name it has to be on the plane of the ecliptic.
About the Author
Alison Price is a writer, astrologer and creative.
Alison has a diploma from the South African College for Astrological Studies,
Johannesburg and a Certificate from the Faculty of Astrological Studies,
London, England.
Alison has a vibrant astrology business based in downtown Vancouver, Canada.
Where she offers personal consultations, teaches astrology classes to a select
group of engaged students, lectures (locally and internationally) and writes.
She has contributed feature articles to community astrology newsletters and has
her work published in Wellbeing Astrology, Dell Horoscope and the
Astrological Journal.
Alison is the editor of Ideas the quarterly newsletter for the Canadian
Association of Astrological Education.
Alison syndicates her daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes. She ghostwrites
popular new age horoscope columns. She ghostwrites for other astrologers on
the new age topics of astrology, horoscopes, crystals, colour therapy,
symbology, Reiki, dream analysis and numerology for sites that you probably
know and love.
Contact details
Email: [email protected]

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