Quiz Unit 12

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_______ / 50 points

A [Track 13] Listen to the interview between Hank and a community

council member. Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. Hank’s daughter usually goes to the recreation center / public library /
recycling center.
2. Hank has never used the employment center / recycling center / public library.
3. Hank doesn’t think they need a beautification project / community garden /
neighborhood watch.
4. Hank says something needs to be done about the garbage / dangerous drivers /
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

avoid combine commute maintain purchase recycle

To prevent air pollution, it’s a good idea to ___ commute __ to work by bus or
train whenever you can. If you have to use your car, try to __ combine _ tasks

like shopping and driving your children to school so that you reduce the number

of trips you make. And remember to __ maintain __ your car so that it doesn’t
waste energy.

To prevent water pollution, you should ___ avoid ___ using harmful cleaning

products and use natural products instead.

To prevent land pollution, ___ purchase _ products that don’t have much

packaging and __ recycle __ all glass, plastic, and paper.

B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Match the people and the places they are going.

1. Jay: I need to see the doctor. I’ll call you later. _c___ a. community garden
2. Ava: I’m going out to water my tomatoes. __a__ b. employment center
3. Bill: We’re playing tennis later. Do you want to come? __d__ c. health clinic
4. Ida: I’m going out to get rid of these old newspapers. _f___ d. recreation center
5. Hal: I’m going to a class on résumé writing. _b___ e. public library
6. Kim: I need to borrow a book about pollution. __e__ f. recycling center

C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 4 Unit 12 Quiz 1

D Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. New electric cars are to develop / being developed / developing.
2. Water has be conserved / being conserved / to be conserved more carefully.
3. People need to be used / to use / being used their cars less often.
4. Harmful chemicals need stored / to be stored / being stored safely.
5. To limit land pollution, we have to being discarded / be discarded / discard
batteries properly.
6. We are being identified / to be identified / identifying where the recycling
bins are in our community.
D _______ / 6 points (1 point each)
E Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. Our homes will be safer if / so that we have a neighborhood watch.
2. Although / So we have a volunteer program, not many people participate in it.
3. Let’s find a library so that / because of we can use the Internet there.
4. The public swimming pool had to close because of / so that financial problems.
5. The council members began a beautification project if / so that they
could give people jobs.
6. The city needs a new parking garage although / because of the
increase in the number of cars downtown.
E _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ A: I think that public transportation should be free. That way more people would
use the city’s buses and trains, and there would be fewer cars on the road.
_4_ B: Well, think about it. Buses and trains need to be maintained, and that costs
money. The people who use them should help pay the costs.
__7__ A: Well, anyway, something needs to be done. We all need to try harder
to stop pollution.
__5__ A: I see what you mean, but what about all the people who drive their cars into
the city? They’re polluting the air. Maybe the city should make them pay, too.
__3__ A: Why not?
_6___ B: That’s a good point. Some cities are already doing that.
__2__ B: Well, I see it a little differently. I think people could pay a little less for using
public transportation, but I don’t think they should ride for free.
F _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

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G Read the letters to the editor of a newspaper. Write T (true) or F (false).

1. Both letters suggest ways to improve recycling. __T__

2. Todd is surprised that so much trash is recycled in his town. __F__
3. Meg and Todd agree about people’s recycling habits in their town. __T__
4. Todd believes that having more recycling centers will help solve the problem. __T__
5. Meg thinks people should pay for the city to pick up their recyclables. __F__
6. Meg agrees with Todd’s suggestion to limit pollution. __F__
G _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

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