NCM 109 Lab Finals Transes

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By Elaii <3


Blood Pressure 1. SI
• Standard International (SI) unit of
thermodynamic temperature
• Degree Kelvin
2. Kelvin
• °K
• Represented by “K” symbol
• Widely accepted in field of science
and engineering
3. Celsius (°C)
• Scale for measuring temperature
• Also called centigrade
• 0° freezing point of water
1. Primary/ Essential High Blood Pressure
• 100° boiling point of water
• Develops over time as you get older
4. Fahrenheit (°F)
• Most common type of BP
• Scale for measuring temperature
2. Secondary High Blood Pressure
• Used in the US, Liberia and Cayman
• Caused by a medical condition/
• 32° freezing point of water
• 212° boiling point of water
• Gets better after treatment/ stop
using medicines causing it
3. Systolic Pressure
1. Orally
• Pressure of blood ejected to
2. Rectally
3. Axillary
• First sound
4. Diastolic Pressure
 Hyperthermia
• Pressure of blood within arteries
• Abnormally high temperature
• Second to the last sound
• Greater than 40°C
5. Korotkoff Sound
• Greater than 104°F
• “tapping” sounds heard as cuff
 Hypothermia
Temperature • Abnormally low body temperature
• Less than 35-32°C
By Elaii <3

Pulse Respiratory
 Respiratory Rate: rate at which
 Wave of expansion and recoil occurring in
breathing occurs
an artery in response to pumping action of
 PULSE RATE: measurement of heart rate
1. Apnea
• The cessation of breathing
• No movement of muscles of
1. Pulse Characteristics
inhalation and lung volume remains
• Pulse Rate: pulse beats per min
• Rhythm or regularity: time interval
• Voluntary doing is “holding one`s
between pulse beats
• Tension: degree of compressibility
2. Dyspnea
and depends on resistance of the
• Sensation of running out of air and
wall of artery
not being able to breathe enough
• Strength/ Volume: fullness of
• Difficult, painful, or shortness of
artery. Force of blood felt at each
3. Hyperpnea
2. Pulse Sites
• Increased volume of air during
• Deep breathing
4. Hyperventilation
• Over-ventilation
• Breathing deep and fast (letting out
more air than you take in)
5. Tachypnea
• Abnormally rapid breathing
6. Hypopnea
• Overly shallow breathing or low RR
• Less severe than apnea
7. Orthopnea
• Breathlessness in recumbent
position or lying in bed
• To relieve patient must stand or sit
3. Tachycardia 8. Platypnea
• A rapid heart beat • Breathlessness when standing up
• More than 100 bpm • To relieve patient must lie down
4. Bradycardia
• A slow heart beat O2 Saturation
• Less than 60 bpm
 a measure of how much hemoglobin is
currently bound to oxygen compared to
how much hemoglobin remains unbound.
By Elaii <3

NORMAL VITAL SIGNS - What the nurse

directly observes
BP PR RR T O2 using personal
120-90 60-100 12-20 36.5- 95- senses
80-60 37.5 100% • DIAGNOSIS
°C  Made based of the analysis of the
Neonate 60/30 120- 40-60 “ “ assessment data
Infant 100/70 80-160 25-40 “ “  Goals are patient-centered,
describe a specific activity, and
Toddler 110/80 70-120 20-30 “ “ include time frame
 Includes development of nursing
SA Child 90/60 65-110 15-20 “ “ interventions to assist patient
 SMART technique:
Adolescent 120/80 55-95 12-20 “ “
School Nursing • REALISTIC
University of Cebu METC (Maritime Education • TIMELY, TIME BOUNDED
and Training Center) • IMPLEMENTATION
Nursing Process (based on Pharma sub )  Patient teaching
 Used by nurses for appropriate delivery of  Readiness to learn
patient care - Investment in
• ASSESSMENT his/her learning
 When nurse gathers information - Nurse and px must
from patient about patient`s health be fully engaged in
and lifestyle the learning
 There are two types of data process
obtained:  Timing
• SUBJECTIVE DATA - Best if time for
- Information from learning and
client`s point of implementation is
view or anything short
the patient utters  Environment
- “symptoms” - Should be
- From px, fam conductive to
members, friends, learning
or others • EVALUATION
• OBJECTIVE DATA  Evaluate the successful
- Observable and attainment of the patient`s
measurable data objectives and goals
- Physical exams, labs  Nurse will document if
and diagnostics objectives, goals, and
- “signs” interventions are met
By Elaii <3

Physical Assessment  FORMULA:

Eye Tests: Weight (kg)
• Snellen`s Test Height² (m²)
• Use of Snellen`s chart
• Test for distance vision BMI Weight Status
• 20/20 vision Below 18.5 Underweight
• Rosenbaum 18.5-24.9 Normal
• Use of Rosenbaum Chart and 25.0- 29.9 Overweight
30.0 and above Obese
• Test for near vision
UC Core Values:
• 14/14 vision
• Ishihara Test
• A color vision test for detection of
- Be the visionary and the
red-green color deficiencies
industry leader
• Demonstration plates: designed to
be visible by all persons, whether
- Living in the spirit of
normal or color vision deficient. For
harmony and
demonstration purposes only, and
usually not considered in making a
score for screening purposes.
- All activities are geared
• Transformation plates: individuals
towards core values and
with color vision defect should see
a different figure from individuals
with normal color vision.
- Always a professional,
• Vanishing plates: only individuals
mindful of God, university,
with normal color vision could
the community and self
recognize the figure.
• Hidden digit plates: only individuals
- To be great at whatever it is
with color vision defect could
we do and go for the best
recognize the figure.
• Diagnostic plates: intended to
determine the type of color vision Outpatient Department
defect (protanopia or AMOSUP Seamen` Hospital
deuteranopia) and the severity of it. (Associated Marine Officer`s and Seamen`s
Union of the Philippines)
• Tracing plates: instead of reading a
 Vital Signs Taking
number, subjects are asked to trace
 Emergency Room
a visible line across the plate.
Body Mass Index
 Number calculated from a person`s
weight and height
 Fairly reliable indicator of body fatness
for most people
By Elaii <3

Pediatrics FBC Foley Bag Catheter

SVGH (Saint Vincent General Hospital) NPO Nothing per orem
DOB Difficulty of Breathing, Dyspnea
6B Directory Color Codes of Doctors UACS Urinalysis, Culture and Sensitivity
• Yellow: Pediatric PNSS Plain Normal Saline Solution
• Blue: Internal Medicine KCl Potassium Chloride
• Red: Surgery PLR Plain Lactated Ringers
• Green: Anesthesia HBsAg Hepatitis B Vaccine
• Violet: Neurologist PTB Pulmonary Tuberculosis
• Orange: Rehabilitation InO Intake and Output
• White: Family Medicine ANST After negative skin test
• Pink: OBGYN


meaning  IV Fluids treat/ prevent dehydration

OD Once a day and electrolyte imbalances
BID Twice a day/ two times a day  To provide salts needed to maintain
TID Thrice a day/ three times a day electrolyte imbalance
QID Four times a day  Provide glucose (dextrose)
ac Before meals  Establish a lifeline for rapidly needed
hs Hours of sleep medication
UA urinalysis  Provide water-soluble vitamins and
DI Discharge instructions medications
mgh May go home  Definition of Terms IV:
MRM Modified Radical Mastectomy • Drip Chamber
ISA Injection Site Adaptor -comes in two types: Macrodrip 15
BKA Below the Knee Amputation drops/ ml (needleless), and
HD Hemodialysis Microdrip 60 drops/ml
“stump” Amputated patient • Regulator
CBS Capillary Blood Sugar -a roller clamp which compresses
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar the plastic tubing to control the
DAT Diet as tolerated flow rate
CBR Complete Bed Rest • Injection Port
CAP Community acquired pneumonia
-specific site in IV adm where
ORIF Open Reduction Internal Fixation
parenteral medications are
ca Cancer
AND Allow natural death
• IV Solutions
DNAR Do not attempt resuscitation
-Hypotonic Solution (Hypo means
DNR Do not resuscitate
SAP Strict Aspiration Precaution under or beneath): lowers osmotic
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale pressure and makes fluid move into
STAT Now, immediately cells; treat cellular dehydration and
prn As needed establish renal function
JP Drain Jackson Pratt Drain -Isotonic Solution (Iso means same
KVO Keep vein open or equal): increases only
extracellular fluid volume
By Elaii <3

-Hypertonic Solution (Hyper means • Extravasation- unintentional leakage of

excessive): increases osmotic vesicant fluids (irritates tissue) to
pressure and draws fluid from the surrounding tissue
cells  IV Calculations:
• Volume Control Set • IV Flow Rate/ Drip Rate
-“piggyback” as it needs main line -Rate/ speed at which the amount
-usually used in pediatrics of IV solution flows and infuses to
-controls how much to be given to vein of the patient
patient - expressed in Volume over Time
• IV Push (Bolus) - measured in terms of:
-IV adm of an undiluted drug ~gtts/min- drops per minute
directly to circulation ~cc/hr- ml per hr
-used in an emergency • Drop Factor
• Volume Control Chamber -No. of drop it takes to make up one
-regulates fluid amount ml of fluid
administered -Macrodrip (10-20)
• Intracatheter ~15 gtts/ml is the most common
-a plastic tube inserted into vein -Microdrip (uggts)
-sized by diameter called gauge ~60 ugtts/ml

 Sites for IV Cannulation: FORMULAS:

• Veins of Hand
- Digital Dorsal Veins
- Dorsal Metacarpal veins IVDF = FRT DF= FRT
- Dorsal Venous Network IV
- Cephalic Vein
- Basilic Vein
• Veins of the Forearm DF FR
- Cephalic Vein
- Median Cubital Vein
- Accessory Cephalic Vein FR = IVDF Volume per hour
- Basilic Vein T = IV (ml)
- Cephalic Vein T (hr)
- Median Antebrachial
IV - Total Volume of IV
• Lower Extremities
DF - Drop Factor
 Problems with IV Therapy:
FR - Flow Rate
• Cellulitis- bacterial infection causing
T – Time
redness and inflammation of skin
• Phlebitis- inflammation of vein from
Shortcut :>
blood clot or damaged veins which then
leads to bacterial infection
• Infiltration- unintentional leakage of
non- vesicant fluids (does no irritate
tissue) to surrounding tissue
By Elaii <3

Other Infos: OB Ward

• Normal Urine Output: 30 cc/hr Cebu Maternity Hospital CPCMHI (Cebu
• KCL Drip: for px with low potassium Puericulture Center and Maternity House, Inc.)
• D5IMB: Balance Multiple
Urinary Catheterization
• Other term for PNSS: 0.9% NaCL
Normal Urine Output: 30 cc/hr
• Best time for taking stool, sputum,
Definition of Terms:
blood tests: Early morning
 Incontinence- inability to control
• Diabetic Px: Foot Care due to poor
wound healing
 Void- to urinate
• Jehovah`s Witness: Bawal BT
 Micturate- to urinate
• 7th Day Adventist: No
 Dysuria- painful urination
 Hematuria- blood in urine
• Informed Consent- before doing
 Nocturia- frequent urination at night
procedures to patient
 Polyuria- excessive urination; more than 3
• Focus
 Urinary Catheter- tube used to drain or
- the issue that the nurse
inject fluid through urethra then into
addresses when visiting the
patient. This can be a
 Drainage Bag- urine collection bag
diagnosis, pain monitoring
*Urinary Drainage Bag
or health lesson.
-for bed-ridden patients
• Data
*Leg Bag
- the information about the
-active users who suffer urinary
patient's current status.
This can include the
patient's vital signs or a
Types of Catheter:
noticeable change in the
• Indwelling Catheter
patient's condition or
-“Foley” Catheter
-14 Days
• Action
-Short-term use
- action the nurse takes in
• Transurethral Indwelling
response to the data.
• Response
-passage of catheter into urinary
- response that the patient
bladder via urethra
shows after receiving any
• Condom Catheter
-external urinary catheter
-sends to collection bag
• Straight Catheter
-“temporary catheter”
-“in-and-out” catheter
By Elaii <3

Perilite Exposure and Hot Sitz Bath

• Hot Sitz Bath
- Patient`s perineal area is
submerged to water
- 98-110°F to 110-120°F (43.5-
• Perilite Exposure
- Application of dry heat to
perineal area to increase
blood circulation and hasten
wound healing
- 20-50 cm or 18-24 inches
- 15 minutes of exposure only

Pain Scale

• Other name for Hemorrhage

• Other term for Postpartum Delivery Room

AMOSUP Seamen`s Hospital
(Associated Marine Officers` and Seamen`s Union of the
• Reproductive Specialist
Computing EDD, AOG, GTPAL
• What is Obstetric Nursing?
• EDD- Estimated Date of Delivery
helps provide prenatal care and testing,
• AOG- Age of Gestation
care of patients experiencing pregnancy
complications, care during labor and
delivery, and care of patients following
1. Gravida- pregnant woman
-refers to any pregnancy
regardless of duration
• Other name for Linea Nigra: pregnancy line

• What is Lochia?
Vaginal discharge after giving birth
By Elaii <3

2. Para- woman who has delivered a

viable young (not necessary living at
3. Nulligravida- woman who has never
been pregnant
4. Nullipara- woman who has not yet
delivered a child
 Viable- 24 weeks
 Abortos- 19 weeks below
 Preterm- 20-366/7 weeks
 Preterm Infant- 20-24 weeks
5. Primigravida- a woman pregnant for
the first time 2. McDonald`s Rule (fundal height)
6. Primipara- woman who delivered one  If LMP is unknown
child at the age of viability  Applicable to 20th and 31st weeks of
7. Multigravida- woman pregnant more pregnancy
than once  After 24 weeks, fundal height will
8. Multipara- woman delivered two or match number of weeks
9. Grandmultipara- six or more births
10. Viability- refers to capability of fetus to 3. Bartholomew`s Rule of 4ths
survive outside uterus  Does not use a numerical height value but
11. In-utero- within uterus rather landmarks
12. LMP- first day of last menstrual period


1. Naegel`s Method
 LMP minus 3 months + 7days + 1year

Month Date Year
5 15 2022
- 3 + 7 + 1
EDD: 2 22 2023
3 months- above pubis symphysis
 Other method is adding 9 months and 4 months- ¾ from umbilicus
7days (LMP for Jan-March ONLY!)
5 months- level of umbilicus

Example: 6 months- ¼ from umbilicus to xyphoid process

Month Date Year
7 months- ½ from umbilicus to xyphoid process
3 13 2022
+ 9 + 7 8 months- ¾ umb to xyph

9 months- just the xyph

EDD: 12 20 2022
10 months- level of 8th month
By Elaii <3


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