Brandenz1229 - Physics Final Cheat Sheet

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Physics Final Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet

by Jaco (brandenz1229) via

Chapter 2: Motion along A Straight Line Chapter 14: Periodic Motion (cont) Chapter 6: Work and Kinetic Energy (cont)

s = speed t = time Displa​cement as function x = Acos(wt + Wtotal = KEf - KEi

Total Distance xf+xi of time Θ) Wx = F (cosΘ)⋅s || Wy = F (sinΘ)⋅s
One Dimens​ional Motion Velocity as function of v = -wAsin(wt
Constant Speed
time + Θ)
Distance d = s⋅t Friction (opposite) = cos(180o)
Accele​ration as function a = -w2Acos(wt
Displa​cement xf-xi P = F⋅v P = (W/t)
of time + Θ)
Speed (xf+xi) / (tf+ti`) Pav= ΔW / Δt [Average if F→ & s← = -
x max = A [Ampli​tude] -x max = A
Not Constant Velocity Power] W
Average Velocity (xf-xi) / (tf-ti`) if F↓ & s→ = 0 if F→ & s→ =
v max = wA -v max = wA
x↑: v+ a+: v↑ amax = w2A -amax = w2A
x↓: v- a-: v↓ Force Required to
Equation for Simple a`x = - (k/m) x Stretch a spring
x→: v=0 a=0: v→
Harmonic Motion
Instan​taneous Accele​ration Fx = k ⋅ x
k = restoring force
(vf-vi) / (tf-ti`)
Angular Frequency for w = √k/m Chapter 13: Newton's Law of Gravit​ation
Constant Accele​ration in 1D SHM
GE= 6.67⋅10-11 Earth Gravity
Vf = Vi + (a⋅t) Frequency for SHM f = w/2π Constant
Constant Accele​ration Final Distance f = 1/2π√k/m RE= 6.38⋅106 m Earth Radius
Xf= 1/2(Vf-Vi) ⋅ t Period for SHM T = 1/f 24
ME= 5.972⋅10 kg Mass of Earth
Xf= Xi + (Vi⋅ t) + 1/2(a ⋅ t) T = 2π/w g = 9.8 m/s; ag = 9.8 r - RE = h
a = (Vf-Vi) / t t = (Vf-Vi) / a T = 2π√m/k m/s
2 2
Vf = Vi⋅ a Total Mechanical Energy E = 1/2mvx + Fg = (GE⋅m1⋅m2) / (r2) Fg = m ⋅ a
(Constant) 2
2 2
Vf = Vi + 2⋅a (xf-xi) 1/2kx
w = m⋅g s = r - RE cosΘ
Gy = -9.8 m/s E = 1/2kA2
Gravit​ation and Spheri​‐ Fg = (GE⋅mE⋅m) /
cally (r2)
Chapter 6: Work and Kinetic Energy
Chapter 14: Periodic Motion Symmetric Bodies
1km = 1000m 1 kg = 1000g Weight of the body at w = Fg =
Angular Frequency w = 2πf
2π/T Dot Product P = Power Earth's Surface (GE⋅mE⋅m) /

Frequency f=1/T A⋅B = (Ai⋅Bi)+(Aj⋅Bj) t=s (RE 2)

Period T=1/f Work = Force ⋅ distance Accele​ration due to g = (GE⋅mE) / (R

Restoring Force Fx = -kx W = Fx⋅ distance Gravity E 2)

Simple Harmonic Motion W = F⋅cosΘ​⋅di​stance Velocity of Earth VE= 4/3πRE 2 =

1.08⋅1021 m3
k = Spring Constant x = displa​cement KE: 1/2⋅m⋅v2 U = m⋅g⋅h
Gravit​ational Potential Energy
m = mass
U = -(GE⋅mE⋅m) / (r)

By Jaco (brandenz1229) Published 15th December, 2021. Sponsored by

Last updated 15th December, 2021. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Physics Final Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet
by Jaco (brandenz1229) via

Chapter 13: Newton's Law of Gravit​ation Chapter 7: Potential Energy, Energy Chapter 14: Periodic Motion (cont.)
(cont) Conser​vation
The Simple L = pendulum
WorkDone by Wgrav = m⋅g(r1-r2) Y-axis Pendelum (TSP) length
Gravity E = Mechanical Energy Angular Frequency w = √k/m
Wgrav = GmE⋅m ⋅ (r1-r2) / (r1⋅r2) Wgrav = F ⋅ s = w(y1-y2) TSP

Wgrav= GmE⋅m ⋅ [if the body stays Wgrav=(m⋅g⋅y1)-(m⋅g⋅y1) w = √mg / L /m

2 close to Earth]
(r1-r2) / (RE ) Wgrav=Ugrav,1 - Ugrav,2 w = √g/L
Speed of the v = √(G⋅mE / r) Wgrav = -Δ Ugrav Frequency TSP f = w/2π
Satellite f = 1/2π √g/L
Period of Circular T = (2πr / v) of Mechanical Energy Period TSP T = 2π/w
Kf-Ki = Ugrav,1 - Ugrav,2 T = 1/f
T = 2πr3/2 /√G⋅mE T = 2πr √(r / G⋅mE)
Ki+Ugrav,1=Kf+Ugrav,2 T = 2π√L/g
Point Mass Outside Ui= - Gm⋅mi / s
E = K + Ugrav = constant The Physical Pendulum (TPP)
a Spherical Shell
(if gravity does work) L = angular L = mvr
Apparent weight
When other forces momentum
; Earth's Rotation
than Gravity do work w = Angular Velocity w = ΔΘ / Δt
w0 = true weight of F = force exerted by
Wother + Wgrav = Kf - Ki (I)nertia = L / w
object spring scale
Elastic Potential Energy Angular Frequency w = √mgd / I
F + w0 = net force w = apparent weight
Uel = 1/2kx 2 TPP
on object = opposite of F
Work Done a Spring Period TPP T = 2π √ I / mgd
centri​petal accele​‐ w0- F = (mv2 / RE)
ration` W = 1/2kx2 2 - 1/2kx1 2 Damped Oscill​ation

w = w0 - (mv2 / RE) b = Damping Constant

If Elastic does work,
freefall accele​ration g = g0 - (v2/ RE) total mechanical energy Displace of Damped x = Ae-b(2m)t cost
is stored (wt + Θ)
Black Holes
Ki+Uel,1=Kf+Uel,2 Angular Frequency of w' = √ (k/m) - (b2 /
P = Density P=M/v
Damped 4m2)
Situations with Both Gravit​ational
v = 4/3πR 3 c = speed of light in
and Elastic Potential Energy Force Oscill​ations and Resonance
the vaccum
K1+U1+Wother=K2+U2 Fmax = Maximum k = constant
Schwar​dzs​child Rs = 2GM / c2
Driving Force restoring force
Radius The work done by all forces other than
the gravit​ational force or wd = Driving Angular Frequency
c = √2GM / RS
elastic force equals the change in A = Fmax / √(k-mwd 2) 2 + b2wd 2
total mechanical energy
E = K + U of the system
The Law of Conser​vation
of Energy
ΔUint = -Wother
ΔUint = internal energy

Force and Potential Energy

Fx(x) = - dU(x) / dx

By Jaco (brandenz1229) Published 15th December, 2021. Sponsored by

Last updated 15th December, 2021. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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