MSC304 Cyber Space

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Iffiiltfiililililitffiililtililtilt PG - 235

lll Semester M.Sc. (Computer Science) Degree Exarnination, April/May 2022
,.,t B0 (CBCS)
MSC304 : Cyber Space (Open Elective)
Time : 3 Hours Max. tVlarks : 70

lnstructions : 1) Part - A : Answer all the questions.

2) Part - B : Answer any four questions.
3) Part - C : Answer any three questions.
Answer all the questions. Each question carries 2 marks : ' (10x2=20)

1. Define the term ERP.

2. Expand LAN and MAN.

3. Routing.

4. What is the difference between hyperlink and hypertext ?

5. What is encryption ?,:
6. Malware.

7. Define the term e-Commerce.

8. What is social media ? {


9. What is phishing ?
10. Cyber terrorism . i


Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks : (4x5=20)

11. Explain text alignment tags in html with suitable example.

12. What are the functions of the controller of certifying Authorities as per the
lnformation Technology Act 2000 ?
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13. Explain the architecture of a web browser.

14. Explain the stages of e-Governance in detail.

15. What is IP Address ? Explain the classes of lP address.

16. Explain the basic features of HTTP.

AnswEr.gny three questions. Each question carries 10 marks : (3x10=$$)

17. a\ ESplain the components of search engine. s

b) Explain the various driving forces being e-commerce. 5

18. What are the working strategies of e-Governance in order io provide an efficient
service to the society ? Explain.

19. a) Explain the working of e-mail with an example. 5

b) What are the provisions of lT Act 2000 for Cyber related offences ?
Explain. 5

20. Discuss the various e-Commerce models.

. 21. Write a short note on':the following : (4+4+21
a) DNS.
b) Cryptography"
c) Spamming. ,


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