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Refining your careers

Past Paper of PIEAS 01

Math’s Portion:

1) Two dice are thrown. What is the probability that the sum of dots shown is 4 or 6?

d) 5/18

a) 1/4

b) 1/6

c) 2/9

2) A poll is 20 m apart from a man. The man is making an angle of elevation of 45

degree with the pole head. What is the height of poll?

a) 15m

b) 25m

c) 20m

d) 17.707m

3) If -2, 4, 10 are in A.P then which term of the A.P is 148?

a) 25

b) 26

c) 32

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d) 33

4) If f(x+1/x) = x- 1/x then f(x) =?

5) If a cylindrical bar has a radius 2 m and height 9 cm and if it is melted and become a

sphere. What is the radius of sphere?

a. 3

b. 6

c. 9

d. None

6) Find dy/dt if x=sqrot7/8 and x^2+ y^3=1 and dx/dt=2.

a) -4/3 √14

b) -3/4 √14

c) -4/3 √15

d) -3/4 √14

7) [(1-underoot 3 i) /(1+underoot 3 i)]^5 is equivalent to

a) (1-undroot 3 i)/2

b) (1+undroot 3i)/2

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c) (1+3i)/2

d) none

8) 7x^2=9y is

a) parabola

b) cycloid

c) hyperbola

d) ellipse

9) integral from -1 to 2 of x + modulus (x)

a) 0

b) 3

c) -1

d) 2

10) A cuboid has length y, width 3y and depth y then what is its surface area??

a) 14y^2

b) 15y^2

c) 3y^3

d) 5y^2

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11) A sphere has radius 6cm. if it is changing at rate 2cm/sec then what will be the rate

of change of volume?

a) 288 pi

b) 300 pi

c) 36 pi

d) 8 pi

12) A car starts at 10.00 am at speed of 60km/h and 2nd starts one hour later at 80km/h.

at what time will the 2ndcar overtake the 1st?

a) 1 pm

b) 2 pm

c) 3 pm

d) will never cross

13) 3x-4y+11=0


find the minimum distance between the lines.

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14) Equation of circle is x^2 + y^2 +2gx + 6fy = 0.

What is the equation of tangent passing through the point (-1, 1)

15) The length of chord of circle represented by x^2+4x+4+y^2+6y+9=9 passing

through centre is??

16) Length of diameter of circle represented by equation 2x^2+2y^2-8=0 ??

Physics Portion:

1) What is the total current if 6 bulbs of 100 watt are connected to 120 volts?

2) If 50 N force is used to lift 240 N weight with pulley system. And if weight is lifted 1 m

by pulling rope 5 m towards us. What’s the efficiency??

3) A force of 300N lifts a mass of 120kg with help of lever whose length is 2.4 m. The

distance between fulcrum and mass is

a) 40cm

b) 48cm

c) 80cm

d) 171cm

4) A satellite at 8000 km and where gravity is 6.2 what is it velocity?

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5) What happens to entropy when a solid melts into liquid

a) increase

b) decreases

c) remains constant

6) If the equation of a wave exhibiting SHM is : 5sin(.1t-.3x)

What is phase and what’s frequency here

7) a spring is cut into 3 equal parts. What’s the new spring constant if original was k.

a) k/3

b) 3k.

c) k

d) none

8) The gravitational force of earth is F and its mass is 81 times more than of moon.

Then the gravitati0nal force of m00n on earth is

a. F

B. F/81

c. 81F

d. N0ne

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9) if an object is placed b/w two mirrors then hoe many images will u see?

10) If green light fall on red rose which colour will u see??

11) If electron is brought inward towards other electron. ELECTRIC P.E of system?? Increases or


12) on changing direction of velocity and magnetic field, the force experienced by charge changes its

direction through??

Chemistry Portion:

1) If pH is 12.1 what is the concentration of OH- ions

2) Bohr’s model cannot explain which of the following structure?

a) be2+

b) H

c) Li2+

3) what is reaction of oil with KOH CALLED


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4) which of them have zero dipole moment?

a) CO2

b) CO

c) H20

d) SO2

5) The bond angle in NH3 is

a. 109.5

b. 107.5

c. 120

d. 180

6) Which one of the following statements about Absolute Zero is wrong.

a) Absolute Zero is unattainable

b) K.E of molecules is zero at absolute zero

c) P.E of molecules is zero at absolute zero

d) Volume becomes zero at absolute zero a/c to Charles law.

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7) Question was one of these:

how much time a 250 watt heater take to heat up 1 kg of water from 20 degree c to 50

degree c?

a beaker contain 50 gm water at 20 degree c.how much water having temperature 60

degree should b added to have an equilbrium temperature of 40 degree c?

English Portion:

1) Some people feel that his. ...... to the president was unnecessary

a) Allusion

b) Illusion

c) Elision

2) our services. .... your expectations.

a) Excess

b) Exceed

c) Accede

d) Decrease

3) every human has feet of

a) Mud

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b) Clay

c) Wood

d) Glass

4) He is happy after getting job he is like a cat who has . . . in his mouth.

a) Bug

b) Rat

c) Canary

d) Cat

5) if s0me0ne seems that he has chip on his shoulder and looking for trouble. What that

means he is inclined to

a) Fight

b) Run

c) Cry

6) The hall ........ appauled after the music performance

a) Audience

b) Spectators

c) Bystanders

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d) out lookers

7) would the guests like dinner. The cooks........hard to made it delicious

a) Worked

b) Will working

c) Had worked

d) Have worked

8) Megalopolis means?

a) Big Police department

b) Hospital

c) Market

d) Big city

9) Are we to leave on vacati0n

a) All ready

b) Altogether

c) All together

d) except

10) There is. ... too much violence on tv today

a. Already

b. All ready

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c. Altogether

d. All together

11) Go to Ahmed autos.you'll get a deal.





12) work :earn/plant




13) John to be a good student

a)turned up

b) turned out

c) turned into

d) turned in

14) The 'awan-e-saddar' is the parliament house.


b-infront ov

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c-next to


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