Progress and Peril Net Zero

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JANUARY 4, 2022

Progress and peril on

the road to net zero
The path to decarbonization is uneven and daunting, but
we have the capacity to spur change.

Robert E. Moritz Colm Kelly
is Global Chairman of the PwC is Global Leader, Corporate
network. Sustainability.

This was always going to be hard.

Reaching net zero, a state in which our global systems emit only as much car-
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bon as they can absorb, will be the biggest collective action humanity has ever
undertaken. After all, 84% of the world’s energy still comes from fossil fuels.
Achieving net zero will require a full rewiring of the global economy.
When our PwC team was at the COP26 climate summit recently, a Glasgow
taxi driver said to us, “No one can imagine how differently we’ll all be living in
10 or 15 years.” He’s right. So much has to change. In 15 years, the taxi he’ll be
driving will likely be an electric vehicle, as per the UK’s policy. More broadly,
there will be vast changes in the ways we work, play, eat, move around, pow-
er our lives, and make and use things—because all of these activities generate
2 greenhouse gas emissions. And if we are to meet the aggressive targets the world
has set to reduce emissions, all of these activities have to be transformed.
How can we start to unpack the vast transformation that is needed across our
society and economy? It’s not about a single magic bullet, a single technology, or
even a single stream of work. Rather, we think action is needed in at least four
interconnected areas to spark the chain reactions of change that can build upon
one another, create momentum, and propel us more rapidly on the path to net
• We need innovation and product development to make green options feasi-
ble, affordable, and appealing. In fact, the International Energy Agency predicts
that roughly half of our improved carbon efficiency in energy by 2050 will use
technology that exists now only as prototypes.
The flywheel of progress
Four interconnected areas combine to create a flywheel that can energize the world’s
transition to a net-zero future.

Public and Innovation and

political will product development

The flywheel
of progress

and regulation Market making

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Source: PwC

• We need to make functioning markets where business can exercise its cre-
ative power to deliver a green transition at speed. This means making sure myr-
iad elements such as financing, infrastructure, demand, and aligned incentives
are in place.
• We need government policies and regulations to incentivize actions aligned
with net zero and to provide the clear market signals business requires in order
to act and invest with confidence. 3
• We need to build and maintain political and public will for deep change.
To maintain the world’s will, we must deliver a just transition, managing the
social and human impact with compassion for all people and nations. We must
recognize countries’ differing abilities to make this transition, and the need for
feasible green options if countries are to reach net zero while maintaining their
people’s livelihoods.
The good news is that positive change in any one of these areas amplifies pos-
itive change in others, speeding the “flywheel” of progress and moving us faster to-
ward net zero. To turn impassioned calls for action into real change at scale, we
need both the public and the private sectors to exercise their full power to create
systemic change in these areas.
The flywheel is a useful framework for taking stock of some of the ways we are
gaining momentum, and some of the ways we need to work harder. Below, we
look at each part of the flywheel in turn. We note major areas of progress—i.e.,
where we are gaining momentum. We also note major areas of peril—i.e., where
there are obstacles to progress, sources of friction, or causes for concern. Finally,
we offer ideas for what we need to do to accelerate the process.
We focus on outcomes of COP26 as the recent defining event on our path
to net zero. But many of the issues discussed here transcend COP26 and will
define the future leadership agenda for achieving net zero. Our purpose is not to
document every climate initiative, but rather to pull out major themes that rep-
resent progress or peril. For brevity, we cite each theme of progress or peril only
once. (Many could easily be cited in multiple parts of the flywheel; after all, the
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parts of the flywheel are deeply interconnected.)

innovation and product development

Action to make green tech and clean energy feasible and affordable. Momen-
tum is building to get the breakthroughs we need. For example, the Glasgow
Breakthroughs coalitions aim to make clean technologies the cheapest and most
accessible option globally in some of the most hard-to-abate sectors (energy, agri-
4 culture, road transport, steel) and to make clean hydrogen “affordable” and “glob-
ally available” by 2030.
Market signals to fuel innovation and investment. From COP26’s many spe-
cific declarations to its overall effect as a demonstration of the world’s serious-
ness, the summit sent strong market signals that clean initiatives can be good
investments and demand for them is rising.
Growing recognition of the need for combined public–private efforts. Some
have called COP26 the “business COP,” because of the increased attendance of
business leaders and the flurry of business-led declarations to take action toward
net zero. The need for initiative from both government and business—and the mu-
tually reinforcing effects of their actions—are increasingly recognized. Business
commitments to decarbonize—in carbon-intensive sectors like agriculture and
infrastructure, and others—will have powerful amplifying effects as these com-
mitments radiate through supply chains.

The lack of many feasible green alternatives, which inhibits our ability to tran-
sition. Plans to deliver green options are great, but we need results. Without
feasible, scalable green options from aviation fuel to steel, the political reality is
that companies and countries will struggle to scale up their decarbonization ef-
forts. For example, it was challenging for some countries to join COP26’s range
of carbon-reduction pacts (such as the pact to wind down usage of coal) because
workable alternatives weren’t available that would maintain their people’s live-
lihoods or keep their systems running. As one COP26 delegate commented,

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“These countries can’t just turn the lights out.”

So we need to
Fuel an Apollo program of innovation. Governments can assist by funding ear-
ly-stage R&D, and the private sector can apply its skills in innovation, product
development, and distributing products to end users at scale. As Bill Gates wrote
in How to Avert a Climate Disaster, there is a pressing need to overcome the
“green premium”—the extra expense of no-emissions solutions compared with
less environmentally friendly ones. When green options match or exceed dirty
ones on cost, performance, and consumer appeal, they gain a potent economic 5
logic. A trickle of adoption can quickly become a flood. Many economists argue
that carbon pricing is a key lever to incentivize rapid development and adoption of
low-carbon technologies.

market making
Increase in company commitment to and financing for net zero. The signatories
of the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) have agreed that the US$130
trillion of private capital that they collectively support will be managed in align-
ment with net zero, amplifying the recent flood of money into net-zero-aligned
investments. Our conversations with business leaders reveal a growing shift in
mindset from net-zero alignment as a defensive strategy to avoid regulation or
reputational damage to an offensive strategy for value creation. This will further
fuel the growth of net-zero-aligned markets.

Many obstacles inhibit functioning markets where companies can operate. Bu-
reaucratic barriers, conflicting interests, lack of infrastructure, low demand, high
risk, broken supply chains, absent incentives, and other market inhibitors can
prevent companies from entering markets or operating in ways that ultimately
reduce emissions. Chicken-versus-egg traps can snare businesses; for example,
scaling up the supply of sustainable aviation fuel may not make business sense
until demand rises, but demand may remain low until supply is available.
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Companies must balance action on carbon reduction with other goals and de-
mands. Business leaders must juggle sustainability imperatives with other stra-
tegic imperatives and objectives. PwC’s new Annual Global CEO Survey
(launching January 2022) explores the structural factors that encourage—or in-
hibit—the prioritization of emissions reductions by business leaders. And as a
recent PwC study shows, investors are demanding action on ESG, but not at the
expense of returns. While 79% of asset managers see ESG as an important fac-
tor in choosing investments, only 19% are willing to take a hit of more than 1% on
their returns in service of achieving ESG benefit
6 Decarbonizing portfolios is not the same as decarbonizing economies. Investor
action is a powerful lever to encourage decarbonization, but it is a lever with
some limitations. We have a long way to go to achieve the consistent, trusted
non-financial reporting standards we need to make investor action a more dis-
cerning, powerful instrument (see “Policies and regulation,” next page). And as
PwC’s State of Climate Tech 2021 report shows, there is a clear mismatch between
where investment is needed to reduce emissions and where investment is actually
funneled (mostly into areas like mobility, where tech is already more advanced).
Public company assets sold off for climate impact reasons can be purchased by
other investors, blunting the intended effect of the sale. This underlines the need
to consider whole-of-market macro solutions like carbon pricing that affect all
companies regardless of ownership, and leave emissions nowhere to hide.
Building a broader conception of value
that includes both financial and societal
benefit will foster the understanding of
net-zero alignment as an opportunity for
value creation.

So we need to

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Develop thriving green markets. Identifying and breaking obstacles to functioning
markets unleashes the creative power of businesses. We can rapidly scale up the
financing models, market mechanisms, infrastructure, supply chains, R&D, and
the myriad other supports that business needs to enter and grow green markets.
Building a broader conception of value that includes both financial and societal ben-
efit will encourage greater investment, while simultaneously fostering the under-
standing of net-zero alignment as an opportunity for value creation.
Trusted non-financial reporting metrics and disclosures are necessary so that busi-
nesses can plan and measure their progress, and so that investors can reward
performers accordingly. Carbon pricing should be considered, as it is a powerful 7
market-based lever to incentivize action to reduce emissions in production and
consumption, reward technological innovation, and fire up markets for low-
carbon alternatives.

policies and regulation

Movement toward consistent policies, frameworks, and reporting standards.
By delivering a framework for carbon markets and timeframes for countries
to report their plans and progress, COP26 completed the rulebook for the
Paris Agreement. And earlier in 2021, the International Sustainability Standards Board
(ISSB) was launched, tasked with creating consistent, trusted ESG reporting

Numerous gaps in net-zero-aligned reporting, policy, and regulation. ISSB fired
the starting gun for clearer ESG reporting standards. But the work to agree to
global standards and achieve adoption by governments and regulators will be a
marathon, not a sprint. Lots of work remains to settle on consistent standards
for country-level emissions reporting, carbon-offset accounting, emissions trad-
ing accounting, and for the accounting of emissions throughout the value chain
(Scope 3 emissions).
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So we need to
Rapidly solidify and implement net-zero-aligned policies, regulations, and re-
porting standards. “You’ve got business actually calling for regulation because
they can see the risk and opportunity, and they need the framework to keep
up with their ability to drive change,” says Emma Cox, PwC’s Global Climate
Leader. We need to implement policies at the state and local level to set clear ex-
pectations and incentives for business. Agreed reporting standards will accelerate
us toward net zero by creating transparency and accountability.

8 public and political will

Global alignment that we need urgent action. Critics who argue that COP26
did not go far enough in its declarations miss the important symbolic role the
summit played in signaling that the world is united and determined to reach
net zero. The Overton window—the set of ideas that are commonly considered
the norm—now clearly includes net zero as an urgent necessity. And our expec-
tations keep rising. Though some would have liked stronger language than a
pledge to “phase down” coal, this pledge marks the first time a COP agreement
has explicitly targeted movement away from fossil fuels. It’s more and more pos-
sible to envision a new normal in which the use of fossil fuels is rapidly winding
down. Reaching net zero is now a question of when and how rather than if.
Ongoing pressure for gains. At COP26, frameworks were agreed for when
and how countries will review, monitor, and report on their progress. These ac-
tions help to build trust and enable comparability and aggregation of national
targets and actions. Countries that do not have Paris-aligned targets are invited
to submit stronger near-term targets by next year.

Support for net zero could erode if the transition is too painful. Not all people,
organizations, and states are wholeheartedly supportive of net zero and the range
of actions proposed or in process to achieve it. Public support for it is a fragile
peace that could be disrupted if the transition is too painful, the necessary lifestyle
changes too jarring, or the economic dislocation too great. As mentioned above,

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the political reality is that it is hard for countries to transition away from fossil fuels
without feasible green options to adopt.

So we need to
Bring feasible green options online as fast as possible. From zero-carbon fer-
tilizer to renewable energy at scale, we need to make net zero practical and af-
fordable. The net-zero transition will be welcomed if net-zero options are appeal-
ing—or even make life better.
Deliver a just transition. It’s not sufficient simply to declare that systems must
change without regard for how those changes will affect people or countries. We 9
must manage this vast, disruptive transformation with empathy for its effects on
people. Leaders must take into consideration the differing abilities of nations to
transition to a net-zero economy. We can deliver clean-tech alternatives at a pace
and scale that enables countries at all stages of development to transition to net
zero in a just way that protects the lives and livelihoods of their people. And we
must find the right mix of mitigation and adaptation that ensures no one is left

Heroic efforts required

It’s easy to be pessimistic about the pace of progress. PwC research shows we are
decarbonizing at less than a fifth of the rate needed to achieve net-zero emissions
by mid-century. And the commitments made in Glasgow alone won’t close the
gap. We are still headed for a disastrous 2.4°C temperature rise by 2100.
There is a broad global consensus that rapid emissions reduction is neces-
sary. But heroic efforts will be needed to achieve it. And one of the inspiring
aspects of this task is the way it summons our collective will, resources, and
We need all hands on deck in both the public and the private sectors. We all
need to pull every lever in our grasp to accelerate progress. The powerful force
of the flywheel can sustain the exponential gains needed to keep the goal of
limiting the temperature rise to 1.5°C. Let’s make it happen. +

Also contributing to this article were:

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• Emma Cox, Global Climate Leader, PwC UK

• Nadja Picard, Global Reporting Leader, PwC Germany
• Jeroen van Hoof, Global Energy, Utilities, and Resources Leader, PwC Netherlands
• Peter Gassmann, Global ESG Leader and Global Strategy& Leader, PwC Germany
• Bridget Jackson, Chief Sustainability Officer, PwC UK
• Kiran Sura, Assistant Director Sustainability & Climate Change, PwC UK

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