Hiab 70-92 Ст. Інструкція

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How to program DA2 modules in two MENUS.

6 DA2 units in MENU 1

Power Display Box

Decoder /

Radio Decoder
Part no. 1305

Radio This device contains

FCC ID: PVH090502L1
IC: 5325A-090502L1


Designed and manufactured by


Controller Digital Amplifier Digital Amplifier


Radio transmitter Dump 1 Dump 2

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8

Lever 1 Lever 2 Lever 3 Lever 4 Lever 5 Lever 6 Example:

Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1 Lever 1
Menu 1

Menu DA2 MultiDrive Lever

1 Part no 1205 / 985 3383


2 no
0 0 0 0 0 A

3 1
1 1
4 2
5 3
4 3
6 4 4
(test) x 6
(80% limitation) A 7
(80% limitation) B 8

70 Instructions - Hand controllers and system

How to program DA2 modules in two MENUS.
4 DA2 units in MENU 2

Power Display Box

Decoder /

Radio Decoder
Part no. 1305

Radio This device contains

FCC ID: PVH090502L1
IC: 5325A-090502L1


Designed and manufactured by


Controller Digital Amplifier Digital Amplifier


Radio transmitter Dump 1 Dump 2

2 3 4 5

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8

Lever 2 Lever 3 Lever 4 Lever 5 Example:

Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 2 Lever 3
Menu 2

Menu DA2 MultiDrive Lever

1 Part no 1205 / 985 3383


2 no
0 0 0 0 0 A

3 1
1 1
4 2
5 3
4 3
6 4 4
(test) x 6
(80% limitation) A 7
(80% limitation) B 8

Instructions - Hand controllers and system 71

How to configure the Power Display Box to automatically activate Dump 2
In the MultiDrive system it is possible to Power Display Box
automatically activate the power supply
to Dump 2 in one or more menus. Decoder /

The jumper settings in the PDB decide

Radio Decoder
Part no. 1305

Radio This device contains

FCC ID: PVH090502L1
IC: 5325A-090502L1


in which menu/menus Dump 2 is active.

Designed and manufactured by

Maximum three of four menus can be

used to automatically activate Dump 2.
In menu 1, Dump 2 shall never

Controller Digital Amplifier Digital Amplifier
be active.

Radio transmitter Dump 2

Dump 2

Top unit

Dump 2

Jumper setting
Not active in MENU 1

Not active in MENU 2 1

Active in MENU 3

Active in MENU 4

72 Instructions - Hand controllers and system

Olsbergs Configuration Software, OCS

Simple, quick and easy configuration

With Olsbergs Configuration Software, OCS, it is An icon library with standard functions are avail-
quick and easy to configure Olsbergs Multidrive 2 able for quick configuration of both controllers ,
Control systems according to own preferences. levers and valves. Just click on the icon and drag
OCS system can be used for configure both for- to the desired location on the device to be config-
estry crane systems (50 kbps) and loader crane ured. As easy as it could be!
systems (125 kbps). The system is very easy to
use and it is designed to be installed on a standard Create driver menus unique
PC equipped with a USB port .
Up to eight menus can be configured in the loader
Easy menus with” Drag and Drop ” feature crane system, four menus of type Crane and Extra
as well as four menus of type On/Off.
OCS menu system is run either by using shortcuts Configurations are saved and can be reused for
in the form of icons or via the tabs File, Tools and other systems.
Help and sub menus. Configurable controllers ,
joysticks and valves are pre-programmed in scroll
lists selectable by clicking on their names.

Configuration software 73
Olsbergs Configuration Software, OCS

In the forest crane system, there are a Crane and User manual
an Extras menu to be configured.
In OCS user manuals in Swedish and English,
Create customised texts on controller displays are integrated both in printable format as well as
in a web format that can be easily read on the
The system offers the ability to individualize the screen.
controllers by writing own texts that appear in the The user manual contains all necessary
displays instead of , or in addition to, the existing information about the system and how to use it,
symbols in the system. easily accessible and well described.

System status and diagnostics Olsbergs OCS system kit

OCS provides the ability to log the CAN traffic and OCS software is delivered on a USB-stick along
store it in an encrypted file. with a CAN/USB drive, a power supply adapter
The information in the encrypted file can then be and a CAN cable.
analysed by a Olsbergs certified technician. The software can be installed with multiple users.
When ordering, please state where login details
should be sent.

GO6-GO6 cable

Power supply adapter

CAN/USB drive USB-stick with OCS software

Part no. Description Note

1485 Olsbergs OCS, System kit Incl. USB-stick, CAN/USB drive, Power supply and CAN cable

74 Configuration software
Getting started with the display and D3 joysticks


DA on (green)

DA modules are available in two models – DA13 and

DA14 – and they constitute the interface between
D3 joysticks are a driver’s tools for controlling system electronics and hydraulics. Data is transmit-
the crane. ted to the DA modules located on the positioner
solenoids via the CAN bus. The DA modules convert
The joysticks have ball bearing joints that provide the data to pulse-width modulated control current.
a special control feel, and they use
contact less technology for long service life. Control current acts on the positioner solenoids
Each joystick has a microprocessor that constantly which in turn control valve spool position in direct
senses its position and converts this information to proportion to the degree of three way joystick actua-
a data protocol for transmission via the CAN bus. tion. Each DA13/DA14-module controls three or four
valve functions respectively in one direction.
There are buttons on the joysticks for selecting
MENU and MICRO. These buttons act on the Function settings
entire system regardless of the joystick in use. All DA modules are delivered factory aligned. A con-
The driver profile buttons FUNCTION, figuration program – OCS – determines the functions
CHANGE and SET only apply to the joystick the the respective modules will control and the menu in
keypad belongs to. which they are active.

Precision operating mode. For switching operating
All crane functions run at menu from e.g. crane mode
50% or 20% of normal speed to outriggers or other extra
at full joystick actuation. functions.
Pressing the button once
gives 50%; twice gives 20%
Only active in the configu-
ration menu. Press SET to
confirm a selected driver or
CHANGE value and to scroll out of a
Only active in the configura- FUNCTION submenu or main menu.
tion menu. Press CHANGE Only active in standby mode.
to select a submenu and to Press FUNCTION to reach the
select a value or driver. configuration menu, tuning and to
scroll between the different main menus.

Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system 75

Getting started with the display and D3 joysticks

In normal operations the display provides infor-

mation on the selected operating mode, whether
MICRO is active or if there is a fault.
The display provides a visual presentation of
selections made when configuring driver profiles
and selecting drivers.

Various operating modes and diagnostic alerts

If MICRO is selected, the chosen micro mode is

shown at the bottom left corner of the display in
the driver menu.

Start-up safety check

The system senses if a joystick is not in the neutral

position at start-up. This is shown in the display by
a warning triangle and flashing symbols for the
functions actuated. After 10 seconds, only the
warning triangle is shown.

Functions actuated at start-up are automatically

disconnected. If the joystick is not actuated at the
next start it will function normally again.

If a button is depressed or short circuit at start-up it

is indicated in the same way.
The button remains inactive until it is no longer short

Status information

If the system loses contact with a joystick this is also

shown in the display.

76 Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system

Power box PB.F2
Power Box, PB.F2, which acts as the system
control centre, is powered by a 24V supply from
the vehicle battery.

The PB.F2 has three LEDs that indicate different

operational modes, statuses, errors, etc. There
are means for connecting remote control (radio,
controllers or joysticks) and outputs to the DA
modules or RMS box.

PB.F2 houses many safety-related functions in

respect of both hardware and software.
The box has robust input protection on the 24V
supply that protects the rest of the system from
dirty power.

The system has full functionality between 16V and

32V. Olsbergs control system circuit breakers are
located in the PB.F2.
The PB.F2. is designed for systems that have no
Joysticks DA modules
requirement for emergency stop integrated in the
/Decoder /Relay Box
/Controller power supply.
/Selection Box
An optional RMS box can be connected that
includes an emergency stop and a push button for
selecting remote or manual system control. The
LED in the button lights up when the dump valve
is activated in manual mode and there is power
from the DA output.

Top unit


Dump 1 Connection
Dump 2 RMS

Power from
battery +24V

+24V to
misc. units

Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system 77

System start-up
System activation

When power to the PB.F2 is activated, e.g. when the

power take-off on the truck is engaged, the PB.F2
starts up in standby and the system is ready for remote
control. (Figures 1 and 3)

When the control system is activated by the switch

button installed in the crane cab, the PB.F2 and the
system switch to crane mode In this mode the machine
or crane is operated by the D3 joysticks in the cab.

When the system is energized it is possible to

directly select manual crane operation by activating the
button on the RMS box. (Figure 2)
The next time the button is pressed the system reverts
to standby. The LED in the button lights up when the Figure 1
dump valve is activated in manual mode and there is
power from the DA output.

When an extra function e.g. outriggers must be run

from the crane cab, press the menu button on the joy-
stick chassis once; EXTRA will be shown in the
display. (Figures 4a and 4b)

If drivers forget to switch off at the switch button when

they leave the cab, RESTART will be shown in the
display. The system must be switched off and on again
using the switch button in the crane cab in order to
restart. (Figure 5)

Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4a

Figure 4b Figure 5

78 Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system


DRIVER - selection
1. Put the system in STANDBY
2. Press the FUNCTION button on one of the joysticks; DRIVER is the first main
menu. (Figure 1)
3. Press CHANGE to select the highlighted menu.
4. Using the CHANGE button, scroll until the correct driver is shown in the display.
Top speed and whether or not any function has a changed direction appears
under each driver. (Figures 2 and 3)
5. Exit the driver settings submenu by pressing the SET button or by selecting drive
mode by means of the rocker switch/stop button on the panel in the cab.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

SPEED – limiting top speed

1. Put the system in STANDBY
2. Press the FUNCTION button on the joystick whose function must be limited.
3. Using the FUNCTION button, scroll until SPEED is highlighted in the display.
(Figure 1)
4. Press CHANGE to select the highlighted menu. (Figure 2)
5. Highlight the function that must be limited by actuating (pulling) the joystick for the
function concerned. (Figure 3)
6. Using the CHANGE button, scroll until the correct value appears.
100% = no limitation, 50% = maximum limitation. (Figure 4)
7. Confirm the set value by pressing the SET button. (Figure 5)
Repeat items 5-7 until the functions that must be limited are completed.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5

Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system 79


DELAY – delaying acceleration

1. Put the system in STANDBY
2. Press the FUNCTION button on the joystick whose function must be limited.
3. Using the FUNCTION button, scroll until DELAY is highlighted in the display. (Figure 1)
4. Press CHANGE to select the highlighted menu. (Figure 2)
5. Highlight the function that must be limited by actuating (pulling) the joystick for the function
concerned. (Figure 3)
6. Using the CHANGE button, scroll until the correct value appears.
0 = no delay, 4 = maximum delay. (Figure 4)
7. Confirm the set value by pressing the SET button. (Figure 5)
Repeat items 5-7 until the functions that must have delays are completed.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5

SERVICE – Service mode

Service mode allows service workshops to make the following settings:

1. The ability to change directions on one or more functions. For one or more drivers.

2. The ability to allocate left or right side to a chassis/joystick as when replacing parts.

3. Safety check – if e.g. the chassis from a right side joystick is installed on the left, the symbol
below will be shown in the display. The chassis can then be reconfigured as described in item
2 (above) to assume the left position.

80 Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system

MultiDrive 2 with D3 Joysticks and Display
Example of circuit diagram - D3 system with DA13

D3 Left joystick
D3 Right joystick On/Off switch button
(Config. mode)

Display box


Type 101 Type 101 Type 128

Power Box PB.F2 RMS Box The CAN bus must be terminat-
ed with 120Ω at each end.
One termination must be in-
stalled in the joystick or display
box (E0792); the other one
(E0792B) is installed in the last
DA module on the crane valve.
4-conductor cable
Type 124
Type 109 Power supply
Fuse 1A
Power supply

Motor signal

Type 123

Type 102 Type 102

DA13 Modules, 4 pcs DA13 Modules, 4 pcs

E1278BB E0792B S2539 E1278BB
0,75 m 0,75 m

When the system has DA13 sets on both the crane valve and outrigger valve, the 120Ω termination
(part no. E0792B) on one DA13 set must be replaced with part no. S2539. See spare parts DA13

Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system 81

Joystick functions connected to the Crane valve Q300

Left joystick Right joystick

Joystick functions connected to the Outrigger valve Q200

- Menu EXTRA -

Left joystick Right joystick

82 Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system

How to program DA2 modules in two menus.
6 DA2 units in menu 1 “CRANE”

Power Display Box

D3L D3R On/Off Switch Button
(Config. mode)


Digital Amplifier Power Digital Amplifier



1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8

Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4 Function 5 Function 6

Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1 Menu 1

3 1 2 5
Function 1
Menu 1

1 3 5 2
4 A
4 6 Menu DA2 MultiDrive
Part no 1205 / 985 3383
0 0 0 0 0 A

1 1
4 3
(test) x 6
(80% limitation) A
(80% limitation) B

Left joystick Right joystick

Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system 83

How to program DA2 modules in two menus.
6 DA2 units in menu 2 “EXTRA”

Power Display Box

D3L D3R On/Off Switch Button
(Config. mode)


Digital Amplifier Power Digital Amplifier



1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8

Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4 Function 5 Function 6

Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 2 Menu 2

3 1 2 5
Function 1
Menu 2

1 3 5 2
4 A
4 6 Menu DA2 MultiDrive
Part no 1205 / 985 3383
0 0 0 0 0 A

1 1
4 3
(test) x 6
(80% limitation) A
(80% limitation) B

Left joystick Right joystick

84 Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system

MultiDrive 2 - D3 system (This error code indication system is available in Display boxes with serial number 853 and higher.)

Error codes
Olsbergs MultiDrive D3 system uses error codes in order to indicate if something is wrong or if there are
deviation from set values in the system. The error code is indicated in the Display box and the letter in the
error code indicates in which module of the system the error is located.

Error code ending with U relates to joysticks and chassis

Error code ending with R relates to PBF
Error code ending with O,P relates to DA13 resp. DA14 modules
Error code ending with I relates to DA2

D3 Joystick
Error code Error type Error code Error type
100U Right joystick out of position at start 200U Left joystick out of position at start
101U Right joystick out of position at start 201U Left joystick out of position at start
102U Right joystick out of position at start 202U Left joystick out of position at start
103U Right joystick out of position at start 203U Left joystick out of position at start
104U Right joystick not valid lever value 204U Left joystick not valid lever value
105U Right joystick not valid lever value 205U Left joystick not valid lever value
110U Right joystick out of position at start 210U Left joystick out of position at start
111U Right joystick out of position at start 211U Left joystick out of position at start
112U Right joystick out of position at start 212U Left joystick out of position at start
113U Right joystick out of position at start 213U Left joystick out of position at start
114U Right joystick not valid lever value 214U Left joystick not valid lever value
115U Right joystick not valid lever value 215U Left joystick not valid lever value
120U Right joystick trigger out of position at start 220U Left joystick trigger out of position at start
121U Right joystick trigger out of position at start 221U Left joystick trigger out of position at start
122U Right joystick trigger out of position at start 222U Left joystick trigger out of position at start
123U Right joystick trigger out of position at start 223U Left joystick trigger out of position at start
124U Right joystick trigger not valid lever value 224U Left joystick trigger not valid lever value
125U Right joystick trigger not valid lever value 225U Left joystick trigger not valid lever value
130U Right joystick Micro button short circuit/pushed in 230U Left joystick Micro button short circuit/push
131U Right joystick Menu button short circuit/pushed in 231U Left joystick Menu button short circuit/pushed in
132U Right joystick Function button short circuit/pushed in 232U Left joystick Function button short circuit/pushed in
133U Right joystick Change button short circuit/pushed in 233U Left joystick Change button short circuit/pushed in
134U Right joystick Set button short circuit/pushed in 234U Left joystick Set button short circuit/pushed in

Correct errors in D3 joysticks/buttons

Joystick out of position - Secure that joystick including trigger is in neutral position at start
(Transition Standby to Crane).

Not valid lever value - Probable sources to problem:

1) Short circuit to ground or supply voltage,
2) No contact - connector or cable loose alternatively cable breakage in the lever.

Button short circuit or pushed in– Secure that the button is not pushed in.
If the button is not pressed in the button is malfunctioning and must be changed.

Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system 85

MultiDrive 2 - D3 system (This error code indication system is available in Display boxes with serial number 853 and higher.)

Error codes
PBF Power supply box
Error code Error type Error code Error type
001R CAN Transmitter passive 008R High voltage
002R CAN Transmitter active 009R Low voltage
003R CAN Transmitter passive 012R Internal error
004R CAN Transmitter active 100R Dump 1 fuse broken
006R System overloaded

Correct errors in PBF

001R-004R Error detected in the system CAN bus. - Check cables and connection points (Connectors).

006R The system uses higher current than expected. - Systematically check for short circuits.

008R Battery voltage higher than allowed. - Check if the charging regulator in the truck is working.

009R Battery voltage lower than allowed. - Check if the truck’s battery/generator is OK.

012R Internal error in the PBF. - Visit service centre for check and eventual replacement.

100R - Check the fuse and replace it if out of order.

DA14 modules DA13 modules DA2 modules

Error code Error type Error code Error type Error code Error type
100P Disruption exit 1 100O Disruption exit 1 012I Internal error
101P Short circuit exit 1 101O Short circuit exit 1
110P Disruption exit 2 110O Disruption exit 2
111P Short circuit exit 2 111O Short circuit exit 2
120P Disruption exit 3 120O Disruption exit 3
121P Short circuit exit 3 121O Short circuit exit 3
130P Disruption exit 4
131P Short circuit exit 4

Correct errors in DA modules

Disruption – No contact with the positioners

Step 1. Secure that the DA modules are attached properly to the positioners.
Step 2. Check that the positioners are OK by measuring the resistance over the contact plates.
Set value 28-33 Ohm. If the resistance is within the set values the DA module must be replaced. If not, the
positioner must be replaced.

Short circuit – Check the positioner is OK by measuring the resistance over the contact plates.
Set value 28-33 Ohm. If the resistance is within the set values the DA module must be replaced. If not, the
positioner must be replaced.

Internal error – Internal error in the DA module - replace the broken DA to a new DA.
Note! Important at replacement of DA module to configure the new DA exactly as the DA replaced.
DA2 is configured via jumpers on the backside of the DA module. DA13 and DA14 are configured via OCS
system alternatively at the service centre.

86 Instructions - D3 Joysticks, display and system

MultiDrive MD2 M - Machine Directive 2006/42/EG
The following changes were implemented in MultiDrive 2 from January 2010 in order to adapt the products
to the new Machinery Directive.

The speed in the CAN bus in which the protocols are sent were increased from 50 kbit/s to 125 kbit/s due to
increased volume of information to be handled.

The DA2, DA13, DA14 and the PDB were adapted to 125 kbit/s and were given new part numbers.

Important: Do not use a ”new” unit in an ”old” system and vice versa.
All units in a system must be able to send information in the same speed.

The Controllers 6F and 8F adapt to the speed automatically and can be used in “old” or “new” systems.

Radio Decoder, top module MD2 M, part no. 1296 and Relay Box, bottom module MD2 M, part no. 1293
set the chosen speed automatically. The old Radio Decoder, part no. 1219 and the old Relay Box can
handle only 50 kbit/s.

The systems for OS-cranes are still working with the lower speed and the PDB-OS is therefore not com-
prised of the higher speed.

New changes as of 2012

The Termination CAN E0792 has been replaced with Termination CAN 120 Ohm E0792B for easier and
better application together with improved environmental resistance.

The Cable CAN E1278 /988 2251 has been replaced with Cable CAN GO6-GO6 1278BB for easier and
better application together with improved environmental resistance.

Others 87




Olsbergs Hydraulics AB, Eksjö

Olsbergs Electronics AB, Vallentuna

Olsbergs Hydraulics AB, Eksjö
Olsbergs Electronics AB, Vallentuna

140507897 Edition 1 - 2014-10-20

Olsbergs Hydraulics AB Olsbergs Electronics AB

Box 17 Box 267
SE-575 21 Eksjö SE-186 24 Vallentuna
Sweden Sweden

Phone: +46 (0)381 15075

Fax: +46 (0)381 14071 Phone: +46 (0)8 511 858 50
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


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