A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

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College of Education, Arts and Sciences


Kalalake National High School Grade 10, Section 3 and 6
Clarissa V. Montefalcon 3rd Quarter
January 8, 2018 Biology- Living Things and
their Environment
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate the understanding of how evolution through natural selection
can result to biodiversity.
B. Performance Standard:
The learners write an essay or make a multimedia presentation on the importance of
adaptation as a mechanism for survival of a species.
C. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. Understand how evolution is being studied from the fossil record and molecular data.
2. Appreciate the importance of understanding the origin of life.
3. Discuss how natural selection promotes expression and propagation of traits and species that
adapt with the changing environment.
II. Content
Subject Matter: Biodiversity and Evolution
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, activity sheets, paper and pen
III. Learning Resources
References: Learner’s Material Grade 10 (pp. 299-327), Teacher’s Guide (pp.221-239), internet
IV. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Greetings- Good morning class. Good morning ma’am
b. Classroom Management- Kindly arrange The students will arrange the chairs and pick up
your chairs and pick up those pieces of those pieces of papers.
c. Checking of Attendance- Leaders per line The assigned leaders per line will mention the
kindly report the names of your names of their classmates that are absent for the
classmates who are absent for today. day
College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Class here is a short video clip about our topic for
today. This is all about the different species in our
ecosystem. And later on we will discover the The class will watch the video clip
origin, characteristics and importance of these
Now let us tackle about Biodiversity and
(Students will raise their hands and answer)
Whenever you hear the word Biodiversity, what Ma’am whenever I hear the word biodiversity I
comes into your mind? think about life.

Very good! Who else has another answer?

Ma’am I think about plants, animals and human

Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms: the

different plants, animals and micro-organisms,
their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a

I think it’s the way how things evolve.

Now, how about the evolution?


Evolution is a theory in biology postulating that Students will listen attentively to the discussion
the various types of plants, animals, and other
living things on Earth have their origin in other
preexisting types and that the distinguishable
differences are due to modifications in successive

We will discover about the are different sources

of possible evidence for evolution such as fossil
records, and developmental and molecular
biology which gave way to the different concepts
about the origin of life.

First, the fossil record provides snapshots of the

past that, when assembled, illustrate a panorama
of evolutionary change over the past four billion
years. The picture may be smudged in places and
may have bits missing, but fossil evidence clearly
shows that life is old and has changed over time.
Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks.

Today we will discuss two types of fossils, these

College of Education, Arts and Sciences

are imprint and compression fossils.

I will show you some pictures of fossils.

No/Yes ma’am.
Have you seen any of these before?

Next, we also have hints of evolution from

Comparative anatomy

ANALOGOUS STRUCTURES are structures of

unrelated species may evolve to look alike.
Analogous Structure have similar function but
different origin.


different animals have bones that appear very
similar in form or function and seem to be related.

And lastly, we have some theories of evolution.

Jean Baptist de Lamarck was a French scientist
who developed an alternative theory at the
beginning of the 19th century. His theory centred
on two ideas: the law of use and disuse. the law
of inheritance of acquired characteristics.
College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Charles Darwin is often cited as the greatest

biologist in history. His most famous work, On
the Origin of Species, explains the theory of
evolution by natural selection, providing
numerous supporting examples.

Darwin’s theory of evolution declared that species

survived through a process called "natural
selection," where those that successfully adapted,
or evolved, to meet the changing requirements of
their natural habitat thrived, while those that
failed to evolve and reproduce died off. Through
his observations and studies of birds, plants and
fossils, Darwin noticed similarities among
species all over the globe, along with variations
based on specific locations, leading him to
believe that the species we know today had
evolved from common ancestors. Darwin’s theory
of evolution and the process of natural selection
later became known simply as “Darwinism.”

V. Evaluation
Pen and Paper Assessment
Answer the following questions comprehensively. Note: The jumbled letters will serve as a
clue to every question.
________________1. This theory states that living things on Earth have their origin. (TONIVOELU)
________________2. He proposes the natural selection. (DRAINW)
________________3. It is the variety of life forms. (DISITBYOVERI)
________________4. Most ________ are found in sedimentary rocks. (OFILSSS)
________________5. Type of structure in which very different animals have bones that appear very
similar in form or function and seem to be related. (LGOUSOHOOM)

VI.0 Assignment
1. In a clean piece of paper, write an essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for
survival of a species.
2. Read Unit 3, Module 4 “Ecosystem: Biodiversity”

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