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Question Paper Breadth in Physics

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

Tuesday 14 May 2019 – Morning

AS Level Physics A
H156/01 Breadth in physics
Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes

You must have:

* 7 6 5 8 2 8 6 4 4 1 *

• the Data, Formulae and Relationships Booklet

(sent with general stationery)
You may use:
• a scientific or graphical calculator
• a ruler (cm/mm)

* H 1 5 6 0 1 *

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• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams.
• Answer all the questions.
• Where appropriate, your answers should be supported with working. Marks may be
given for a correct method even if the answer is incorrect.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided. If additional space is
required, use the lined page(s) at the end of this booklet. The question number(s) must
be clearly shown.

• The total mark for this paper is 70.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].
• This document consists of 20 pages.

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You should spend a maximum of 25 minutes on this section.

Answer all the questions.

Write your answer to each question in the box provided.

1 The table below shows four physical quantities and their units.

Which row is correct?

Physical quantity Unit

A strain pascal
B charge coulomb
C power joule
D force constant newton

Your answer [1]

2 Four students each carry out an experiment to determine the acceleration of free fall g.

Which is the least accurate value?

A (9.0 ± 1.0) m s–2

B (9.5 ± 0.1) m s–2

C (9.6 ± 0.4) m s–2

D (9.7 ± 0.2) m s–2

Your answer [1]

3 A uniform concrete slab is placed on two supports. The slab sags due to its own weight.

concrete slab

support support

Which point, A, B, C or D, of the slab is under maximum compression?

Your answer [1]

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4 The variation with time t of the force F acting on a ball is shown below.

F/N 300



0 5.0 10.0 t / 10 –3 s

Which statement is not correct?

A The area under the graph is equal to the work done by the force F.

B The ball has maximum acceleration at t = 5.0 × 10–3 s.

C The area under the graph is equal to impulse.

D The area under the graph has units kg m s–1.

Your answer [1]

5 The diagram below shows a rotating steam generator.

0.12 N

8.2 × 10 –2 m

0.12 N

The steam ejected from the nozzles provides a couple. The force at each nozzle is 0.12 N. The
perpendicular distance between the nozzles is 8.2 × 10–2 m.

What is the work done by the forces as the steam generator completes one revolution?

A 0J

B 9.8 × 10–3 J

C 3.1 × 10–2 J

D 6.2 × 10–2 J

Your answer [1]

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6 Which circuit below can be used to monitor the variation of light intensity in a room?



Your answer [1]

7 A household is planning to change all their 60 W filament bulbs to 12 W LED bulbs.

The household has a total of 10 bulbs.
Each bulb will be used for about 2000 hours in one year.
The cost of 1 kWh is 15.4 p.

What would the annual saving be?

A £7.39

B £36.96

C £147.84

D £184.80

Your answer [1]

8 A force of 12 N moves an object at an angle θ to the force. The object travels 9.6 m and the work
done by the force is 52 J.

What is the angle θ ?

A 1.1°

B 27°

C 63°

D 90°

Your answer [1]

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9 The resistance of a wire of length L is 3.00 Ω.
The wire is extended so that its length becomes 1.50L. Its volume remains the same.

What is the resistance of the extended wire?

A 2.00 Ω

B 3.00 Ω

C 4.50 Ω

D 6.75 Ω

Your answer [1]

10 The diagram below shows a potential divider circuit.

4.0 V

The minimum resistance of the variable resistor is zero and its maximum resistance is 3R, where
R is the resistance of the fixed resistor.
The power supply has electromotive force (e.m.f.) 4.0 V and negligible internal resistance. The
voltmeter has infinite resistance.

The resistance of the variable resistor is changed from its minimum to its maximum value.

How does the voltmeter reading change?

A from 0 V to 1.0 V

B from 0 V to 3.0 V

C from 1.0 V to 4.0 V

D from 3.0 V to 4.0 V

Your answer [1]

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11 The waves from the sources X and Y are coherent and have wavelength 10.0 cm.
The waves are in phase at X and Y.

Which row gives the correct conditions for constructive interference at point Z?

Distance XZ / cm Distance YZ / cm
A 60.0 75.0
B 75.0 95.0
C 90.0 65.0
D 100.0 135.0

Your answer [1]

12 The table shows the refractive index n of four transparent materials A, B, C and D.

Which material has the smallest critical angle?

Material A B C D
n 2.01 1.87 1.60 1.33

Your answer [1]

13 The frictional force acting on an object falling vertically through water is directly proportional to its
speed squared.

What is the correct relationship between P, the rate of work done against the frictional force, and
the speed v of the object?

A P ∝ v –1

B P∝v

C P ∝ v2

D P ∝ v3

Your answer [1]

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14 In a particle-accelerator electrons are accelerated through a potential difference of 120 kV. The
electron beam current is 8.0 µA.

What is the total energy transferred to the electrons in a time of 2.0 hours?

A 0.96 J

B 120 J

C 1900 J

D 6900 J

Your answer [1]

15 The electric charge on particles is quantised and a multiple of the elementary charge.

Which charge on a particle is possible?

A 1.0 × 10–19 C

B 4.0 × 10–19 C

C 8.0 × 10–19 C

D 8.8 × 10–19 C

Your answer [1]

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16 Two forces act in the plane of this paper.
The magnitude and direction of the two forces are shown below.

The two forces are added together.

Which diagram shows the correct resultant?

Your answer [1]

17 Power has base units kg m2 s–3.

What are the base units for intensity?

A kg s–3

B kg m s–3

C kg m2 s–3

D kg m4 s–3

Your answer [1]

© OCR 2019
18 A ball of diameter 2.50 cm is held above the ground. The bottom of the ball is 10.2 cm above the
ground. The ball is released from rest.
Air resistance has negligible effect on the motion of the ball.

What is the time taken for the ball to reach the ground?

A 0.021 s

B 0.144 s

C 0.152 s

D 0.161 s

Your answer [1]

19 Which of the following waves can be polarised and has a typical wavelength of about a few

A microwaves

B ultraviolet

C sound

D visible light

Your answer [1]

20 Stationary sound waves are produced in the air inside a tube. The tube is closed at one end.

Which pattern of nodes (N) and antinodes (A) is likely to be correct?

tube tube tube tube



Your answer [1]

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Answer all the questions.

21 (a) For a system to be in equilibrium, the resultant force must be zero.

State another condition that must be satisfied for the system to be in equilibrium.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Fig. 21.1 shows a ball at rest on a horizontal table.



Fig. 21.1

The weight of the ball is W and the normal contact force on the ball is N.

(i) According to Newton’s third law of motion, W is one of the forces in a pair of equal and
opposite forces.

Name the object that experiences a force of magnitude W but in the opposite direction
to W.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) According to a student, W = N is a consequence of Newton’s third law of motion.

State why this is incorrect.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Fig. 21.2 shows a model dolphin in a museum. The dolphin is held in equilibrium by two
cables A and B.

87.4 N
cable A cable B
68.0 N

Fig. 21.2
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The tension in cable A is 68.0 N and it makes an angle of 10° to the horizontal. The tension in
cable B is 87.4 N and it makes an angle of 50° to the vertical.

(i) Calculate the total vertical force F supplied by cables A and B by resolving the tensions
in cables A and B.

F = ..................................................... N [2]

(ii) Use your answer from (i) to calculate the mass m of the dolphin.

m = .................................................... kg [2]

(iii) The cables A and B have the same length and cross-sectional area.
The material of cable B has Young modulus 1.29E, where E is the Young modulus of the
material of cable A.
Both cables obey Hooke’s law.

extension of cable B
Calculate the ratio .
extension of cable A

ratio = ......................................................... [2]

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22 A metal ball is released from rest. It falls vertically towards the ground.
Fig. 22 shows the variation with time t of the displacement s of the ball.







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Fig. 22

Air resistance has negligible effect on the motion of the ball.

The ball hits the ground at t = 0.50 s.

During the collision, the ball is in contact with the ground for a time of 1.8 ms.
The mass of the ball is 56 g.

(a) Describe and explain the variation of the velocity of the ball from t = 0.20 s to t = 0.70 s.

No calculations are required.








............................................................................................................................................. [4]

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(b) Use an equation of motion to show that the speed of the ball is 4.9 m s–1 just before it hits the


(c) Draw a suitable tangent to the curve in Fig. 22 and show that the rebound speed of the ball is
about 3.5 m s–1.


(d) Calculate the average resultant force acting on the ball during the collision.

force = ..................................................... N [2]

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23 (a) A cell of electromotive force (e.m.f.) 1.4 V and internal resistance 0.62 Ω is connected to
resistor A and wire B as shown in Fig. 23.1.

1.4 V
0.62 Ω


Fig. 23.1

The resistance of resistor A is 1.8 Ω and resistance per unit length of wire B is 9.5 Ω m–1.
The length of wire B is 40 cm.

(i) Calculate the current I in the circuit. Write your value to an appropriate number of
significant figures.

I = ...................................................... A [4]
power dissipated in the internal resistance
(ii) Calculate the ratio .
total power supplied by cell

ratio = ......................................................... [2]

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(b) This question is about two identical filament lamps. Fig. 23.2 shows the I-V characteristic of
each lamp.
I /A




0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Fig. 23.2

The lamps are connected to a 6.0 V supply of negligible internal resistance in series, as
shown in Fig. 23.3, and then in parallel, as shown in Fig. 23.4.

6.0 V 6.0 V
IS + – IP + –


Fig. 23.3 Fig. 23.4

The current from the supply in the series circuit is IS and the current from the supply in the
parallel circuit is IP.
IP is found to be almost 3 times greater than IS.

Use Fig. 23.2 to explain why IP is almost 3 times greater than IS.
Show any calculations and your reasoning below.
Fig. 23.3 Fig. 23.4

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24 (a) You are provided with a rectangular block of plastic.

Describe how you can use a ray-box (or a laser beam), together with other equipment
available in the laboratory, to accurately determine the refractive index of the plastic block.







............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) The speed of sound in air can be determined by forming stationary waves in the laboratory.
Fig. 24.1 shows an arrangement used by a student to determine the speed of sound v.



Fig. 24.1

A loudspeaker is placed in front of a smooth vertical wall in the laboratory. The loudspeaker is
connected to a signal generator.
Stationary waves of frequency f are formed in the space between the wall and the

A microphone is used to determine the mean separation L between adjacent nodes.

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Fig. 24.2 shows the data plotted by the student.



f / kHz


0 10 20
1 –1
Fig. 24.2

(i) Draw a straight line of best fit and determine the gradient of this line.

gradient = ................................................ Hz m [2]

(ii) Explain why the gradient of the line is , where v is the speed of sound.


..................................................................................................................................... [2]

Question 24 continues on the next page.

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(iii) Use your answer in (i) and the information given in (ii) to determine v.

v = ................................................ m s–1 [1]

(iv) The smaller values of L are much more difficult to determine with the microphone in this
experiment and this produces large percentage uncertainty in the values of .
Suggest how this percentage uncertainty may be reduced in this experiment.



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

25 (a) State one piece of evidence for the wave-like behaviour of electrons.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) In an electron-gun, each electron is accelerated to a maximum kinetic energy of 210 eV.

(i) Show that the final speed of each electron is about 9 × 106 m s–1.


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(ii) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength λ of each electron.

λ = ..................................................... m [2]

(c) Electromagnetic waves interact with matter as photons.

Explain the photoelectric effect using ideas of photons, conservation of energy and work













............................................................................................................................................. [4]


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must be clearly shown in the margin(s).





















Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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