Import Questions Rdbms

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Important Questions as per Unit

Unit - I:

1. What Is RDBMS ? Explain Functions & Roles, approaches, Advantages of DBMS and
Architectures of DBMS?

2. Explain different Data Models different types of keys ( primary, secondary, candidate key and super

3. What are Different types of operators? Explain Relational Operators (Relational Algebra) with

4. What is E-R Model in detail ?. Explain the process to convert an E-R diagram into Relational

Unit - II:

5. Explain about Database Integrity & Integrity Constraints (Entity integrity, Referential integrity,
Domain integrity &y Keys integrity) with Examples?

6. What is Normalisation? Explain different Normal Forms (1-Nrmmal, 2-Normal, 3-Normal, BCNF
) with suitable example?

7. Write about different types of File Organizations( Sequential File, Heap File , Hash File , B+ Tree
File Organization & Clustered File?

8. what is index and their types ( Ordered, Primary, Cluster, Secondary Index explain with

Unit - III:

1. What is SQL? Explain about DDL , DML, DCL,, TCLL Statements in SQL.?

2. Write about DDL Table commands(Create Table, Alter Table and Drop Table) with Example?

3. Write about DML Table commands(Select, Insert, Update and Delete) with Example?

4. Explain different clauses where , Order by, group by , Aggregate functions in SQL with suitable

5. Write about Nested Queries with suitable example.

6. What are Joins? Explain about different joins in SQL with suitable examples.

7. What is a View? Explain how to create views in SQL with examples.

Unit - IV:

8. What is a Transaction? Explain ACID Properties of Transaction.

9. What is a Lock? Explain different Locking Techniques.

10. Explain Two-phase Locking protocol with example.

11. What is Deadlock? Explain deadlock prevention techniques.

12. Explain Database Recovery Techniques.

13. Explain about Concurrency control.

Unit - V:

14. What is the need for Distributed Database Systems? Explain the Architecture of Distributed
Database Management System (DDBMS).

15. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of DDBMS.

16. Write about Data Replication and fragmentation in DDBMS in detail.

17. Explain about Client-Server Architecture.

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