Beef Heart Dissection

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Escuela Bilingüe Mesoamericana

Educar para servir transformar y producir

Ruth Lainez

Beef Heart Dissection
Human Biology

Idi Mariana Aguilar Gomez


May 10th , 2023
Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras

l. SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................3
ll. KEYWORDS...............................................................................................................................................4
lll. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................5
lV. OBJECTIVES DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................6
V. PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................................7
VI. DISCUSION............................................................................................................................................10
VII. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................11
VIII. ANEXES...............................................................................................................................................12
IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................................13


In this laboratory session I practiced the dissection of a beef heart, I had the opportunity
to experiment with my hands and the help of my teacher, it should be noted that I used surgical
protection (disposable gown, gloves and mask) continuing, the heart is a vital organ in our
system because is responsible for the blood oxygenation and circulation through all the body, this
one has a location in the chest in cavity occupying some space between the lungs, I proceed to do
a cut; Longitudinal cut which is: “a cut lengthwise along the line of the long axis of a body or
one of its constituent parts, such as an organ or tissue.” (McMorran, 2018). I identified the four
chambers: right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle, also proceed to identify the
valves: Mitral Valve, Aortic Valve, Tricuspid Valve and Pulmonary Valve, then I took a tiny
sample of heart tissue to observe in the microscope and make a description, adding that the heart
texture was pretty similar to a muscle tissue, compact but easy to cut. I hope that this report of
my laboratory practice is useful and that it explains it in a good way since the heart is a very
important piece of our body.


 Heart
 Scalpel
 Dissection
 Ventricles
 Atriums
 Veins
 Arteries
 Aorta
 Longitudinal cut
 Tissue
 Pumping
 Chambers


“Heart is roughly the size of a fist and sits in the middle of your chest, slightly to the left.
It's the muscle at the center of your circulation system. It pumps blood around your body as your
heart beats.” (Scotland, 2023), the heart is one of the most important pieces of our organ system,
by having a complicated anatomy that contributes to the correct function of oxygenation all
around our body, highlighting that our heart works automatically, we cant have a voluntary
control, this one has the task of pumping blood and oxygenate the same, through this laboratory I
analyze aspects like, color, shape, texture of the beef heart, that is very similar to ours, adding
that in this practical laboratory I knew how interesting our anatomy is, specialize the heart the
chamber of our life.


Through the laboratory we saw the beef heart anatomy helping to identified parts of the
same, also with the utilization of the longitudinal cut, we apply the previews studies of the Heart
anatomy in order to locate some structures (chambers) as the right atrium, right ventricle, left
atrium, and left ventricle also to place the valves which are: Mitral Valve, Aortic Valve, Tricuspid
Valve and Pulmonary Valve adding the function of those:

 Mitral Valve: Blood flows through this atrioventricular valve to the left ventricle and cannot
go back up into the left atrium.
 Aortic Valve: Blood leaves the left ventricle through this valve and cannot return to the left
 Tricuspid Valve: It controls the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
 Pulmonary Valve: This valves prevents blood that has been ejected into the pulmonary
artery from returning to the right ventricle as it relaxes.

Through the dissection I identified the anatomy and functions of the heart parts that were ordered
through this laboratory.


The first step I did was to get prepared correctly, with face mask, disposable gown, and

2nd step place in front of my dissection tray was to prepare my tools and the Beef heart on the

3rd step It was no necessary to wash it, so I continue directly to touch it and explore it without
cutting it and describe what I felt.

4th step I identified the parts in a superficial way.

5th step I proceed to make the cut (Longitudinal Cut).

6th step was to identified the four chambers and the heart valves.

7th step took a small sample of heart tissue to watch it in the microscope and describe it.

8th step I proceed to cut and explored the heart.

9th step I started to clean my table, packed the heart to discard it, wash my tools (scalpel and my
dissection tray) and removed my gown, gloves, and mask. At last, I washed my hands.

Make a dissection of a system we need certain knowledge and equipment. Here I show you a
summary of the “Beef Heart dissection” process in general steps:

1. I Get a fresh Heart from the butcher shop.

2. I Place the organ on a clean/prepared surface according to the dissection guidelines.

3. I touched, and it has a texture of a muscle tissue, soft but compact and tension at touch.

4. Identifying the superficial structures of the heart such as shown in figure 1.

Superior vena cava

Pulmonary trunk


Apex of the heart

5. Right away I continue doing the longitudinal cut (figure 2)

6. I identified the four chambers and the heart valves (figure 3).

Pulmonary Valve
Right Atrium
Aortic Valve
Right Ventricle

Tricuspid Valve Left Atrium

Left Ventricle
Mitral Valve
3 8
7. I took a tiny piece to use as a sample to look in the microscope for its description or what it is
in the tissue of this beef heart, it is tissue with oxygen and a bright red color. (figure 4 and 5)

4 5

8. When I finished the early steps, I proceed to cut and explore the heart.

9. Clean my area and put everything on their place Once I had completed the dissection, clean
and dispose of debris safely.

Its need it to have a simple anatomy knowledge, its recommended to look for help of expert or a
practician with preview experience in order to prevent disorders or a bad experience.


At the beginning, I saw the pork lungs from different angles without interacting with it, I
had interaction with and its texture was smooth, soft, compact and tissue like, through the
longitudinal cut I made, during the dissection I identified the chambers, valves and its location,
there is composed by 4 chambers (right and left Ventricle and right and left Atrium), and 4 valves
(Tricuspid, Pulmonary, Aortic and Mitral Valve) which functions are:

 Mitral Valve: Blood flows through this atrioventricular valve to the left ventricle and cannot
go back up into the left atrium.
 Aortic Valve: Blood leaves the left ventricle through this valve and cannot return to the left
 Tricuspid Valve: It controls the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
 Pulmonary Valve: This valves prevents blood that has been ejected into the pulmonary
artery from returning to the right ventricle as it relaxes.

I found that the major arteries and veins participating in our heart are Superior Vena Cava and
Aorta, having clear that the heart walls are “mainly composed of cardiomyocytes and connective
tissue” (Arackal & Alsayouri., 2023), because of the function of pumping it occurs the
oxygenation and blood circulation in our bodies, but to know everything I just mention we have
to follow a safety measures like quirurgical equipment or basic ones as disposable gown, gloves,
and mask to prevent getting contaminated or just splatter. Also I realize that all our kingdom
(Animalia) has a heart in order to subsist, it is one of the most know common organs but at the
same time one of the most vital and important piece in our body, I feel that this laboratory
session help me to get in a practice way and a face to face recognition of anatomy of the main
organs existing in our bodies, but I would like to explore deeper the heart make it pump it, and
fathom the reactions of pathologies or the normal function of this one.


In this laboratory session I found it accomplishment, since I complete the tasks and the
objectives place on the practice, the general function of the heart is pump in order to oxygenate
and regulates the blood pressure, through the longitudinal cut give the opportunity to identify
important parts of the heart, as valves (Tricuspid, Pulmonary, Aortic and Mitral Valve) and
chambers (right and left Ventricle and right and left Atrium) adding a definition to this parts:

 Right and left Atriums: Receive incoming blood

 Right and left Ventricles: Pump blood out of the heart. 
 Mitral Valve: Blood flows through this atrioventricular valve to the left ventricle and cannot
go back up into the left atrium.
 Aortic Valve: Blood leaves the left ventricle through this valve and cannot return to the left
 Tricuspid Valve: It controls the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
 Pulmonary Valve: This valves prevents blood that has been ejected into the pulmonary
artery from returning to the right ventricle as it relaxes.

Having this clear I can say that this practice was one the most interesting and complete session,
know I’m sure this information and application can be able to use them.



Arackal, A., & Alsayouri., K. (2 de January de 2023). NIH National Library of Medicine.
Obtenido de

McMorran, D. J. (January de 2018). GPnotebook. Obtenido de

Scotland, C. H. (27 de March de 2023). NHS inform . Obtenido de


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