Bahasa Inggris

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Look at this picture below to answer question number 1-6

1. Mr. Anggoro and Mrs Nadin are Nicky’s ....

a. Parents b. Grandparents c. Father d. Grand mother
2. Mr. Sudibyo is Nadin’s ....
a. Father b. Grandfather c. Mother d. Grandmother
3. Nicky : ........ do you call my father?
Rama : I call him Uncle Anggoro.
The suitable word to fill in the blank is ....
a. Why b. Who c. How c. What
4. Mr. Sudibyo and Mrs. Hasanah are Fazia, Nicky, Rama and Alya’s ....

a. Parents b. Grandparents c. Uncle d. Aunt

5. Fazia and Rama are ....

a. Friend b. bestfriend c. cousins d. Nephew
6. Mrs. Nadin is Alya’s ....
a. Mother b. Aunt c. Grandmother d. Parents
7. Indonesia is a big country, It has many famous food. Pelembang is famous for its empek-empek.
Banjarmasin is famous for its soto banjar.
What about papua,?What is papua famous for ?
a. Gudeg b. Empek-empek c. Soto Banjar d. Papeda
8. “kentang goreng” in english is ....
a. Fried rice b. Fried Chicken c. Fries d. Pizza
9. From the word below, the sweet food is ....
a. Ice cream b. cheese c. soup d. noodle
10. Raka : Hi, Nadya. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Nadya : “I usually have .......”
The Suitable answer is ....
a. Friedrice, egg and Milk
b. noodle and mineral water
c. Cake and tea
d. Sandwich and milk
11. Kayla : “Where did you go for dinner last night”
Kheira : “I went to a Chinese restaurant with my father”
Kayla : “What did you eat there?”
Kheira : “ I ordered .............”
The Suitable answer is ....
a. Fried rice with seafood
b. fried noodle with seafood
c. Soup
d. pizza
12. Taste of the cheese is ....
a. Sweet
b. Sour
c. Bitter
d. Salty

13. “Aku punya sebuah sepeda”

Translate to English is ....
a. I love my bike b. I like my bike c. I have a bike d. I don’t have
14. “Ayo main Bersama-sama”
Tranlate to English is ....
a. “ Let’s go together” b. “Let’s Play together c. “ I want to play” d. “Let’s play”
15. “My sister like to play ......”
a. Doll b. Skateboard c. Yoyo d. Kite
16. ......... the skateboard
a. fly b. arrange c. ride d. play
17. Umbrella, boots and raincoat are things that we need on ......... days
a. sunny b. windy c. rainy d. cloudy
18. The weather is ....
a. sunny
d. cloudy

19. Todays is a sunny day, weneed a ........... to cover our head.

a. raincoat b. hat c. boots d. towel
20. If it is windy, the air is cold and the sky is covered with dark clouds, what going to happened
is ....
a. Rainbow b. Snowfalls c. Rain d. sunny

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