The Architectural Adaptation Narvaez

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of
the commercial-residential building in Cardiff

Article · January 2015


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3 authors:

Laura Narvaez Alan Penn

Foster + Partners Ltd University College London


Sam Griffiths
University College London


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SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life:

Location, use and form of the commercial-residential building
in Cardiff

Laura Narvaez
Space Syntax Laboratory, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
[email protected]

Alan Penn
Faculty of the Built Environment, The Bartlett, UCL
[email protected]

Sam Griffiths
Space Syntax Laboratory, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
[email protected]

Revisiting   Jane   Jacob’s   notion   of   locality   knowledge,   this   paper   argues   that   combining   commercial  
space and dwelling fosters social, economic and architectural processes that come about by factors
of local urban economies.  The  mixing  of  uses  merges  the  relation  of  ‘what  one  does’  and  ‘where  one  
lives’   in   a   particular   building   whereby   urban   and   architectural   scale   effects   come   into   place.  
Comparisons of commercial-residential buildings in two local districts of contrasting morphologies in
the city of Cardiff are studied in the context of their urban-architectural design scales. From an urban
scale analysis, attention is given to the distribution of commercial-residential buildings in relation to
spatial centrality; from an architectural perspective, it examines the way residential building adapts
commercial additions, defining how different functions associate distinctive adaptable typologies
depending  on  the  building’s  urban  location.  

By using syntactical and morphological approaches, the paper combines Depth Distance analysis with
patterns of use and building form, drawing two reportable findings: The identification of corner shops
located within one turn of direction from main high streets within gridiron urban forms, while
activities combining retail or local office businesses with residential functions are located in corner
blocks along streets within radial urban morphologies. These spatial attributes of location combine
the adaptability of local property markets to mixed use with advantages in accessibility to produce an
urban building that can flexibly accommodate innovation that is both a reflection of new skills and
knowledge contributing to a local diversity.

Jacobs, adaptation, location, urban form, local knowledge.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:1

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

1. Introduction
Cities have often been recognised as ‘spontaneous’  spatial orders, referring to complex social orders
that are not deliberately created and that they   can’t   be.   They arise largely unplanned by the
interaction of many people and many minds. Since the early writings of urban theorists (Jacobs,
1961, 1969; Alexander, 1964; 1966) and in the field of urban economy (Webster and Lai, 2003), a
spontaneous order includes markets, culture, money, and language. Amongst these things, there is
the genius of many ordinary people using their own knowledge to solve problems and to create
favourable conditions for handling future change.

The works of Jacobs (1961; 1969)  and  Hillier  and  Hanson’s  theory  of  The Social Logic of Space (1984)
shared the view that cities are a site of exchange between different kinds of people that pose
‘problems  of  organised  complexities’  and  that  these  should  be  understood  in  the  sense  of  ‘how  cities  
work’.  Building  on  these  two  works,  this  paper  brings  the  subject of economy in architectural theory
with an empirical analysis of spatial adaptation in buildings.

From a spatial point of view, Jacobs (1961) prompted the recognition that spatial arrangements can
emerge from a myriad of individuals pursuing their needs within a framework of rules encouraging
cooperation over aggressive formal policing. On the other hand, the perspective from the field of
economics proposes the idea that bottom-up flow of information facilitates social cooperation and
coordination in markets underpinning an emergent order that have recognised cities as places where
entrepreneurial discoveries can be realised. From these perspectives, the productive use of
knowledge is focused on the idea of how the information necessary to coordinate markets held by
individuals, whose tacit knowledge is bound in locality, is materialised in the urban-architectural
form. This idea was referred as ‘local   knowledge’, originally proposed by the economist Friedrich
Hayek (1945, p.40)  emphasising  the  “particular  knowledge  of  time  and  place”  held  by  individuals  in  
the market planning. Local knowledge parallels   to   Jacobs’   notion of ‘locality knowledge’   (1961,  
p.544) in city planning. She argued that entrepreneurs and consumers are the key players to have
the information necessary to determine what the best outcomes for their communities would be
rather than bureaucrats.

For Jacobs, locality knowledge meant knowing how to get things done, but also knowing who to trust
and under what circumstances. One of her main contributions about understanding the spontaneous
order of cities is her insight that safety and trust depends largely on the structure and location of
public spaces. Although some of the shortcomings of this proposition are the absence of relating the
consequences of business regulations and rent control (Ikeda, 2011), the specific conditions she
prescribed in order to account for an urban diversity also implied the creation of local knowledge
(Jacobs, 1961, p.198-289). Firstly, public spaces should have mixed uses, in particular primary uses
(i.e. retail or commercial) that can attract people to certain areas.

Secondly, short blocks with frequent opportunities for people to turn corners and varying their
routes make streets more interesting. They multiply the number of potential encounters –meeting
points that increase also the chances of discovering or making unexpected connections to other
uses.  Thirdly,  “old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas  must  use  old  buildings”  (ibid,  
p.188). Newer buildings can be combined with older buildings that have lower property values and
older buildings would provide an environment in which ideas are less costly to become established.

Lastly, there must be a sufficient amount of concentration of people in order to promote diversity
and demand for multiple activities, may it be living, working or of entertainment nature. The
concentration of people would contribute to the mixing of uses, multiplying its effect to create
liveable districts.

Under these four conditions, streets become the focus of interest for living, working and leisure
activities. City dwellers, however, acquire the knowledge through the support of other sources of
information in which they can rely on. In this sense, the creation of a local diversity in a location
underlies the acquirement of new knowledge and the know-how in creating new businesses (1969)
Local knowledge, therefore, implies a social process that creates economic situations.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:2

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

This paper investigates the interplay between the designed qualities of urban form and the economy
in creating local knowledge through the mixing of uses. Its focuses on the local design city scale
through key aspects of location, use and form. The motivation of this paper is largely based on two
principles: The first one comes from questioning how combining techniques of space syntax with
urban economic analysis (Narvaez et al., 2015; 2014; 2012) can explain the morphological conditions
in the architectural scale. The second comes from what in particular Jacobs’  theories  has  taught  us  
about the importance for entrepreneurial development on the way streets and the use of public
spaces –places where social encounters take place- are designed.

The analysis proposed in this work is built on quantitative data of Cardiff, UK. Cardiff as a case study
is studied as an example of local knowledge mainly for two reasons. First, the spatial transformation
of the city resulted in a decentralised growth , causing local districts to form different spatial
structures in various sectors of the city. From forming radial distributions of street patterns to more
regular grid structures, the different urban settings within Cardiff have allowed developing mixed-
uses in strategic locations. Second, the location of mixed-uses, specifically concerning to the
reconversion of the house into a shop or an office, is influenced by how spatial centrality plays a role
in adapting diverse mix of uses. Certain activities are accommodated in corner locations closer to
busier roads or at middle block of streets depending on the morphological structure of the local
urban area. In this respect, Cardiff is explored to investigate the concept of local knowledge within
an historical context of mixing uses -where they are generated and how their urban location can
offer different possibilities for architectural adaptability.

The methodology of this work uses the syntactical analysis   of   ‘step   depth’   –the distance from a
street to the all other streets. The analysis allows measuring three definitions of distance in the
urban street network: topologically, referring to every change of direction or turn between a street
segment and its neighbouring street segments; metrically, referring to the distance in metres
between the centre of a street segment and the centre of a neighbouring segment; and angular,
assigning a value of the degree of angular change of direction between a street segment and its

With the use of these syntactical analyses we are able to investigate the location of different types of
activities. In particular, where the mixing of uses is concentrated and how morphologically and
architecturally they were established over time. The methodological choices are informed by
theories on configurational and morphological studies as well as those on the socio-economic
aspects of cities (Hillier, 2009; Marcus, 2010; Samuels et al, 2004; March, 1976; Jacobs, 1969;
Webster, 2010), which underwrite our methodological plan.

The outline of this paper is as follows. We begin by briefly discussing the commercial-residential
building as an example of a mixed-use building that materialises local knowledge in the wider socio-
economic   context   of   the   building’s   function. Next, we discuss the three common aspects in which
local knowledge comes to effect in spatial terms: Firstly, the factor of location and its characteristic
regarding commercial-residential buildings. Secondly, the aspect of form, which relates to the urban
morphological setting and historical context in which spatial adaptation of mixed-use occurs. Thirdly,
how use influences location and form in both the urban and the architectural scale. Finally, the paper
concludes offering some closing thoughts.

1 A  ‘decentralised’  pattern  refers  that  the  strength  of  developing  spatially  can  be  in  the  network,  not  in  the  hub  
(concentration of activities).

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:3

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

2. Urban economic life shaped by architecture: The case of the commercial-residential building
A mixed-use building, like the case of a commercial-residential building (hereafter CRB) commonly
found on local neighbourhoods, brings into consideration several aspects of scale, form and use:
From an architectural perspective, the building contributes in reversing the effects of the separation
of uses and social class through planning regulations.. From an urban point of view, design
regulations influence the spatial dimensions in which urban order takes shape over time, managing
the distribution of uses, patterns and built form.

The existence of the CRB, also related  to  the  concept  of  the  ‘shop/house’ (Davis, 2012; Davis et al.,
2011), has been historically present in various cultures that emerged in different cities partly as an
economic condition of living and working in the same place. According to Davis (2009), the CRB is a
spatial unit that results from an architectural transformation influenced by economic necessity as
well as cultural adaptation.

Working and living presents a relation between accessibility and location through changes in building
use and form. When non-residential use is adopted in a dwelling, location becomes crucial and so
too the price of accessibility in an urban neighbourhood. While residential and commercial uses are
opposing uses there are also complementary, since they both require a degree of pedestrian
catchment area.

Often, a commercial-residential building is located in streets that allow more public use (busier
streets) than private ones (quieter streets). The accessibility to a CRB and its connectivity to the
wider urban centre can significantly impact on how different activities are reached or how frequently
a specific location is likely to be used as a route to pass through (Hillier and Iida, 2005). The interest
here is how two functions, residence and commerce (the public and the private), are optimized in
the same location providing that a single property can have a financial return that then leads to a
potential mixed-use district. This, in turn, would also impact in the flows of pedestrian movement in
the urban configuration.

For example, Siksna (1997) argues that changes in the morphology of the urban block relates to the
degree of pedestrian movement. If higher number of smaller blocks exists, meaning higher grid
intensification, then a higher density will tend to take place –an often characteristic of city centres
(Hillier, 1999; 1996). However, land-use patterns and the arrangement of blocks must be taken into
account in order to optimize the circulation of the street network. Siksna (1997, p.29) argues that lot
location and its subdivision create differentiated land-use   patterns   which   define   the   ‘circulation  
mesh’  within  a  block,  such  as  “through-lots [that] assist subdivision into two back-to-back lots using
both  street  frontages.”  The CRB provides support to spatial properties of block patterns and frontage
use, providing the socio-economic conditions for families to use minimum resources.

It is suggested that the CRB acquires a vital importance in revitalising streets and centres as a new
kind   of   economy   that   can   increase   a   city’s   urban   diversity   by   maintaining   liveable   centres. The
building can also impact in the land value of residential space due to the proximity to services.
According to Davis (2009; 2012), the combination of functions of the CRB emerges as a socio-
economic process that is economically driven by its urban location and by being a changeable spatial
unit, grounded locally in social and cultural forms and contributing globally to an urban process.
Essentially, the CRB has the flexibility to accommodate different functions: Shops are located on the
street level and dwellings on the upper floors. This means changes of access either to a shop or to a
residence, depending also in the  building’s relation to the street and its connectivity to other streets.

The differentiation of shops and dwellings is also an issue of topological factors. For instance, this
can be in relation to the street (i.e. the clustering of shops for mutual competition along the same
road), the position and organisation of the urban block (i.e. the location of storage facilities of a shop
within two blocks from a main high street), and the unit of the building (i.e. structural adaptations or
the design flexibility to accommodate different uses).

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:4

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

From an economic perspective, the CRB implies maximising cost and minimising distances; people
benefit from cost and time in accessibility by setting up their own businesses, enjoying the benefits
of working from home and the financial gains of maximising rent. If commercial uses are located in
close proximity to residential use then housing rents tend to increase, making a particular location to
be a highly valued asset of the property that favours the CRB due to its commercial and residential
profitability. An important requirement of the CRB is having the residential densities to support retail
shops, but the problem lies in balancing how living can be kept away from the public realm of the
street for reasons of privacy or even safety, while still being close to commercial activities.

3. Research Method
The CRB is studied in two types of building forms: mixed-use buildings that are located at corners in
an urban block and those that are located along streets. In particular, these two building forms are
given special attention in local districts rather than the city centre area. The reason for not including
the city centre area is because mixed-use properties are found as high-rise developments. The most
characteristic mixed-use developments in the city centre of Cardiff consist of retail shops,
commercial services, offices and civic uses on the ground floor and apartment-style housing on the
upper floors.

CRBs in local neighbourhoods are typologies in which the function of work/living relationship is
brought together relating to either a building in which the family owns the shop and lives in the
same property, or the building takes independent functions of shops and dwellings. In both cases,
the CRB is part of an architectural adaptation influenced by a given economic situation, such as
renting a house or a retail space.

The CRBs in Cardiff were mapped using two extensive sources of data: Council tax band values
contained in mixed-use properties and land uses. Council tax bands mean a tax indicator that is
assigned to only residential properties, which are divided in categories (bands) according to the
residential value of a property. This tax indicator is defined by a government agency, the Valuation
Office Agency (VOA, 2013). Each tax band is defined by the VOA and is estimated according to spatial
factors that contribute to the value of a residence: its location in the city, size of the building and its

According to the VOA, tax bands are included in either purely domestic or in mixed-use properties.
These were obtained from the Council Tax valuation list which contains a list of properties that can
be as only domestic and properties that are used as part domestic and part business properties, and
therefore considered as mixed-use. Tax bands referring to mixed-use properties include those in
which residential spaces are banded within a mixed-use building.
For the purpose of this paper, tax bands are not used as part of the analysis . Rather they form part
of the research method to identify where dwellings banded within mixed-use properties are located.
Land uses were then compared with the location of council tax bands of mixed-use properties in
order to identify which kinds of uses are associated to those properties, allowing us to map the
location of CRBs in different parts of the city. It should be noted that an observation survey of CRBs
conducted by the author was added to the data of mixed-use properties. The observation was done
in three local centres of Cardiff: Canton, Plasnewydd and Grangetown. The source of information
was gathered through informal interviews to the owners of the shops. This informed whether some
properties had the shopkeeper living and working in the building or if the CRB had separated
functions renting the space for the shop or the dwelling.

With 679 mixed-use properties from the tax band data plus 245 properties that were mapped, a
total of 924 mixed-use buildings were assessed. As expected, CRBs located along street were found
more common than corner types. With 147 corner shops, the data showed to be a good indicative to

2 Council tax bands are used to correlate spatial accessibility metrics in Cardiff as a separate analysis. Please
refer to: Narvaez, L. (2015) Architecture, Economy and Space: A study on the socio-economics of urban form in
Cardiff, UK, Chapter 5, PhD Thesis, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:5

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

explore the analysis of mixed-use patterns across the city and possible differences between a
location in a corner of a street compared to a mixed-use building along a street, whether it may be a
high street or not. The types of non-domestic land uses found in CRBs showed that the dominant use
is of general commercial , followed by shopping, office and take away activities.. Furthermore, the
types of land uses are distinguished between the two types of CRBs, as corner shops and along street
types, as shown in Figure 1.

An approach of a morphological analysis is emphasised here because it helps progressing from an

urban analysis of the street network to an analysis of architectural generation. Morphological
analysis regards the street system, plot and building patterns that construct the landscape whereas
syntax analysis takes the elements and the structure of elements as the components of the urban
structure. While configurational metrics can inform about advantages of accessibility and location, a
morphological approach can inform how the geometric configuration of a location distributes and
adapts different forms of activity.

The reason to select corner shops and along street type CRBs is based on the spatial characteristics
of adaptation and location –configurationally, morphologically and economically– which brings an
innovative perspective to the traditional syntactic approach in syntax analysis. For example, if we
think about a  layperson’s  decision to set up  a  shop,  where’s  the  best  place?  A  corner  location or a
middle  of  the  block?  Within  one’s  home  or  at  a  different  location? In all of these examples, there are
also the characteristics of social and economic factors that thrive the mixing of uses. Therefore, it is
proposed that both morphological and configurational aspects of location indicate particular
typologies of building form and their use, and which are dependant to their urban location.

3 Land   uses   were   obtained   by   Ordinance   Survey   as   an   information   layer   called   ‘Address   Layer   2’   (AL2).  
According to the Ordinance Survey agency, the classification of ‘General  Commercial’  is  assigned  as  a  general  
remark that can denote either office or retail use.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:6

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

Figure 1. Non-domestic land use distinguished by types of CRBs across the city.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:7

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

4. Location: Middle or Corner?

CRBs located at corners are predominantly of general commercial use, businesses that can either be
professional services or retail use, such as shopping or take away businesses. The type of land use in
corners reflects the kinds of activity that is allowed in locations that have residential streets and
commercial activity at close proximity. Even more interesting is the spatial qualities that the corner
as a location itself involves. For instance, in terms of accessibility, a corner is a location that has more
than one alternative route to reach or pass through it; it is part of an urban path among multiple
competing alternatives. Similarly, a corner has the advantage of the visibility of its location. A corner
that is located on an urban block that forms part of a large main high street has the advantage of
being visibly accessible from the high street as well as from local streets of more residential use that
connects to the high street.

The location of CRBs is investigated by correlating them with their topological distances (step depth)
from the high street of a local urban district. Four main districts were examined: Plasnewydd,
Canton, Grangetown and Butetown (Figure 2, from a-c). This way the study is able to establish how
these types of CRBs tend to distribute across the city and how they develop in terms of their
location. Topologically, corner shops tend to locate at one step depth from a main high street. In
particular, Plasnewydd represents the area with the highest amount of CRBs at corners, followed by
Grangetown and Canton.

The corner shops at distance zero in the graphs represent the corner shops that are within urban
blocks placed in the main street. Yet, the largest amount of corner shops are not located in the main
street, but rather at the most proximate location from the high street. Relating location and type of
use, corner shops are found containing a variety of activities at one turn of direction from a high
street; the most consistent type of activity is general commercial, followed by shopping, public
houses and takeaway shops. Other businesses such as a hairdresser, a chemist or a restaurant are
less frequently found to be proximate to the high street. In physical distances, at less than 500m
from the main street, we find the same kinds of activities as in one topological turn. This suggests
that at one single turn of direction from a block that is possibly in less than 500m away from the high
street we are able to find a CRB at a corner that is likely to combine residential use with a general
commercial or retail use.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:9

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

Figure 2 (a-c). (top) topological locations of corner shops across the city; (middle) graph showing middle block
CRBs; (below) corner shop locations based on their type of activity across the city.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:10

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

5. Form: Shaping spatial morphologies

The previous analyses on corner shops showed how these are distributed in local centres. Each local
centre has contrasting forms, mainly radial and non-radial structures. In what follows, the analysis
focuses on how corner shops have developed in gridiron/linear urban forms, such as the case of
Plasnewydd and Canton, and in a radial morphology, such as the case of Grangetown. A common
trend that the topological distance graphs showed in the previous section is the high number of CRBs
located between 10 and 13 topological steps across the city. This result means that at those
distances the local centres begin to overlap, and so eventually the number of CRBs from one location
gets into the spatial territory of another local centre. In order to isolate the cause of this finding, the
analysis takes only the first 5 topological step depths from each local centre and their corresponding
high street in order to account only corner shops within the boundaries of the centre.

CRBs in non-radial urban forms

The morphology of Plasnewydd has transformed over time into a commercial district composed by
its two main streets, Albany Road and City Road. Historically, Plasnewydd’s  form  evolved  as  a  regular  
pattern of blocks that was due to an extensive housing construction during the 20 Century.
However, part of the urban transformation of Plasnewydd is due to the lack of space in the area
where properties are not particularly large or spacious and the demand for a higher concentration of
commercial activity became to increase over time (Morgan 2003). Albany Road, the main shopping
street in Plasnewydd, is composed by large frontages on the north side of the street with fewest
number of plots; whereas on its south side the length of the block is parallel to the street, having
more plots with smaller frontages.

The blocks from the north side of Albany Road are those that have had the least changes over time
of conversions from residential to commercial use. Mixed-use buildings combining dwelling and
takeaway shops are found to be at corners that connect the main high streets and local streets,
shown in step depth 0 (see Figure 6). These corner shops take the advantage in accessibility of the
commercial roads of Albany Road and City Road while also connecting to residential streets. A larger
amount of corner shops in the immediate proximity to the high streets include mixed-use buildings
combining residence with activities of general commercial and shopping. These two types of uses are
the most persistent ones within the boundaries of Plasnnewydd, followed by corner shops
containing office use, hairdressers and a supermarket.

Figure 3 (a-b). (top) Plasnewydd in 1920s (Digimap 2014); (below) section of Albany Road as the main high

A second example of a non-radial form is Canton. The morphology of Canton is largely organised
through its single long shopping thoroughfare. The proximity of the area to the city centre has been
an attraction for young professionals to establish in Canton, which has partly resulted in developing
more commercial uses around the area influenced by the local population and creative industry
(Morgan 2003).

The development of the main street, Cowbridge Road, has kept dwellings along the street, most of
them delimiting their entrances using front gardens and car parking contrasting with other

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:11

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

commercial units that have a direct entrance to the street with commercial extensions in their
frontages. The CRBs at corners in blocks along the thoroughfare, indicated in step 0 in the graph
(Figure 6), include uses such as a bank, office, takeaway, restaurant and public houses in its majority.
At one step depth from the high street we find takeaway shops and specialised services, such as a
veterinarian surgery. General commercial and shopping remain as the predominant use in corner
shops within the vicinity of the high street.

Drawing from the observation survey in Canton, it was found that most of the dwellings are at one
or two steps away form the main street yet adjacent to retail activities that involved restaurants,
cafes and food markets. In some cases, the restaurants were found to be fast-food places like
pizzerias, sandwich bars and a Chinese restaurant where the owners of the shop also lived in the

Figure 4(a-b). (top) Canton highlighting Cowbridge Road in 1920s (Digimap 2014): (below) section of Cowbridge
Road highlighting housing blocks.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:12

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

CRBs in Radial Morphology

Grangetown represents an example of a radial urban form. Historically, the area has attracted large
businesses of ironworks and large industry companies. The radial form of the district has allowed to
transform large-scale facilities into shopping retail stores, sporting facilities and retail parks that links
to Butetown and the Docklands in the south east of Cardiff (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Grangetown in 1920s (Digimap 2014).

The radial organisation of Grangetown has also acquired a relevant connection to other towns at the
south west of Cardiff. One of its main thoroughfares, Penarth Road, connects from the city centre of
Cardiff, crossing Grangetown and leading to the upmarket town of Penarth at the south of Wales.
The road has gradually been filled primarily with car dealers, fast food outlets and warehouses.

The urban geometry of Grangetown is argued to have a major morphological influence in the
location of mixed-use buildings. For example, the configuration of the street layout allows only
access to residential streets from other secondary roads and not directly from the main high streets.
So it is expected that the major flow of vehicular movement occur in these main radial routes of the
district. Along these routes, the vehicular access is restricted by elements like trees, bus stops and
urban furniture, allowing only pedestrian traffic. The restriction of vehicular access suggests a matter
of control, keeping more private residential streets from the more commercial and busier high
streets. The control of access then depends on the configuration of the street network.

The analysis of corner shops in Grangetown demonstrated that these types of CRBs are not found
along the radial routes, but rather in local streets. Some of the activities found at one change of
direction from the high streets are specialised uses, such as a surgery facility with specific working
hours; office use, restaurants, shopping and general commercial uses were often the most common
types of use in the surrounding area. Grangetown presents the corner shops with the most diverse
activities in comparison to Plasnewydd and Canton.

These findings suggest that a corner shop distributed in a radial urban form is likely to be found
more frequently in back streets rather than connecting directly to the main streets. It is argued that
this is partly due to the control of accessibility to direct the movement, at least vehicular, through
secondary roads. Corner shops, then, are in locations where they can retain customer demand from
their neighbourhoods with more diverse or even specialised activities than those found in non-radial
forms, where corner shops have primarily retail and general commercial use (Figure 6).

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

Figure 6. Topological locations of corner shops in radial and non-radial urban forms.

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

6. Use: Spatial adaptation

We now turn to describe the two types of CRBs according to their location and form. The first types
of adaptation are those that are at mid-block of a street. Positioned at a location on a plot that is in
the middle of a row of properties, the changes of the building occurs in mainly two ways: In the front
façade and the back side of the building. The house on the upper floor is removed from the traffic
and noise at street-level, and having the access with a separate staircase from the shop or a double
access from the exterior of the building.

Figure 7. Spatial adaptation of middle-block shop located along the main high street.

Corner locations bring more possibilities of spatial adaptation. Corner shops can be either in urban
blocks that link to main roads (at the beginning of the block) or at the end of the block. Figure 8
shows four types of spatial adaptability of a CRB at a corner. A corner shop can take full advantage of
the plot by either including commercial additions in the front or in the rear sides of the building, and
subsequently these can be combined and extended upwards.

Type 1 shows a typology that has only one commercial addition at the front of the building. This type
can subsequently be adapted by expanding the space in the upper floor. Type 2 refers to the same
addition but at the rear side of the building without altering the front façade. The choice of using the
rear side of the property can also allow using the backside of the plot for the shop. The combination
of having these two additions at the same time is indicated in Type 3 in which the additions are
included at the ground floor, but the house is kept in its original state. Type 4 shows that two or
more combined additions are also possible. The adaptation of the building can combine the
additions of commercial use in the ground floor and the extension of the upper floor either at the
rear or at the front, or both. The use of the back-side of the property is also an alterative for
adapting the building with commercial or residential use.

L Narvaez, A Penn & S Griffiths 95:17

The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

Figure 8. Possibilities of architectural adaptation of a CRB in corner locations.

Every type of spatial adaptability has the option of including two entrances to the building. The
entrance to the property also depends if the corner shop is placed at the beginning of the block,
assuming that the block connects to a high street; or, depending if the corner chop is at the end of
the block, in which case it is assumed that the corner is in-between two residential streets. Figure 9
shows the most common case of a corner shop that is directly linked to a main street having the
entrance of the shop linking to the high street and a secondary entrance for the house. If the
dwelling is extended in the upper floors, then there can be several possibilities. First, the extension
of the property is used for residential space. Second, the property is able to contain 2 or more non-
domestic uses combined with a dwelling, in which case we can find two secondary entrances at the
rear side of the building. The second case is corner shops that are between two local streets usually
consisting of mainly residential use. The adaptability of the building and its use can be similar to the
first case –two different entrances, one for the shop and one for the dwelling. The difference is that
the entrances to the property can be altered depending on where the owner wants to capture more
visibility to the location of the shop.

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

Corner between a high street and a local street: Access to the shop from the high street and entrance to the
house on the rear side.

Corner between local streets: Commercial addition can be either at the front, the rear side, or both; entrances
are separated.

Figure 9. Spatial adaptability of corner shops according to their entrances.

7. Contextualising ‘local  knowledge’

This paper has presented the urban and architectural context of adaptability to mixed-uses.
Stemming from the notion of ‘locality knowledge’ by Jacobs, this study has aimed to explore further
morphological and configurational features of urban space and economy. Examining the
commercial-residential building within the context of the city of Cardiff, this study offered an
exploration of how accommodating different uses within a building means how local knowledge is
produced and the forms in which these can take place. It can be either by the most common act of
putting a shop or a business that requires working from home. The mixing of uses also reflects the
knowledge work embedded and changed in architectural form. In addition to the analyses
presented, a three-floor terraced house that was mapped from the previous analysis shows the two
most common cases of living and working, either by having a shop or working from home. In both
cases, it can be a family-owned business or the building having independent functions.

A tradition of working at home goes back many years from repairing cars or selling insurance. In
more recent years, with the development of Internet and e-commerce, many people are working at
or  from  home,  using  the  employer’s  office  as  a  base  only  for  meetings  or  picking  up  work.  This  new  
trend of office work migrating to the home has re-defined knowledge into what we call now the
creative economy. The observations survey from the analyses offered two cases in this respect.
Establishing a shop on a corner implied more structural changes in the exterior of the building and
taking full advantage of the corner in having two entrances. Service businesses that implied working

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

at home had more changes in its internal layout than externally. In some cases, a CRB would contain
two businesses combining to a residential use in corner locations (Figure 10).

Overall, a commercial-residential building represents the knowledge of combining activities in a

household that are functional aspects of everyday life. It is suggested that, in the context of Cardiff,
CRBs developing in different morphological settings showed that urban resilience for change over
time plays a critical role in connecting socio-economic activity from the building, to the
neighbourhood and to the city. The resilience to change is the result from individual decisions that
respond to locational contexts. Design can complement to this but it is human design that begins to
contribute to urban diversity and often substituting the planned for the spontaneous order in cities.

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

Figure 10. Examples of shopping and working from home in a CRB.

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
building in Cardiff
SSS10 Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium

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The architectural adaptation of urban economic life: Location, use and form of the commercial-residential
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