Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

Why a Weather Station?

Imagine you are residing at a place that is far away from the meteorological department. In
such a case, the weather predictions you get may not be the most precise. This is where home
weather stations become more advantageous. This small weather station can provide accurate
data regarding the weather parameters of where you live.

Today, data on localized weather, known as microclimates, is the new frontier for more
precise and accurate weather forecasting. As a result, the collection of weather data is
becoming increasingly smaller and gridded.


• Weather is a one of the kind thing which cannot be predicted …

• Human cannot change the weather but can forecast it…

• By forecasting a weather we may plan our work according to it..

• And because of this we may protect our selves from natural disasters like
Tsunamis,Cyclones,Hurricanes e.t.c

• In order to predict all these we need a weather station that is what you are going to
1.2 objective

"Weather" is short for meteorology, which means the measurement of the state of the
atmosphere. And it's pretty broad: indoor air quality, outdoor atmosphere, outdoor pollution
weather forecasting, pollution… all these variables fall within the scope of meteorology. The
weather station is a device that can measure these elements with sensors and provide you with
all the data on a screen. A weather station is also called a weather station, weather park, or
weather shelter. It is a measuring device, consisting of different sensors and fulfilling
different functions.

While there are massive, highly sophisticated ones used by national meteorological services,
some are dedicated to the general public. A weather station can act as a thermometer, clock,
sound level meter, hygrometer, anemometer, barometer, etc. in the home barometer, it can
also provide information on air quality, moon phase, or indoor pollution levels. Everything
you need to get your own weather forecast!

The use of weather stations in private homes has become more widespread in recent years. It
has become a fashionable object (especially the connected weather station, the flagship of
IoT, and connected objects). Gardeners, farmers, sailors, navigators, hikers, mountain bikers,
carpenters, labourers… anyone who needs accurate weather information can benefit greatly
from a weather station. Or even for a person who just wants to know if the weather will be
bad or if they do not want o miss out on the sunshine!

But that's not all: many weather stations also provide data related to the atmosphere inside the
house, such as air quality, indoor air pollution humidity, and temperature.

So, why use a weather station at home? It's simple, to better predict the weather and to
analyse the quality of the atmosphere at home. This makes it possible to control the interior
environment of the house, but also to better anticipate the exterior environment and climatic
Now let's get into the details of the functions of a weather station.
Wind, pressure, temperature, humidity levels, weather forecasts, atmospheric quality… what
does a weather station measure?
The variables that a weather station measures depend on the individual station. More
importantly, they can be divided into two broad categories: variables in the external
environment (such as weather) and those in the internal environment (such as air quality).

Let's start with the external variables:

 The outside temperature

 Atmospheric pressure
 Wind speed and direction
 Rain gauge
 Hygrometer (humidity level)
 Precipitation forecasts
 The height and type of clouds
 The dew point
 Visibility
Now let's move on to the variables inside the house:

 Time
 Indoor temperature
 The indoor humidity level
 Air quality
 The level of pollution (especially NO2, CO2, fine particles)
 The noise level

Combining these data gives you the power to act on them by regulating them. Using a
weather station to make these measurements is the first step, but the real question is
As mentioned, there is not just one type of weather station. There are many of them!
What are the different types of weather stations and how do I choose?

Wired or wireless, connected or not, with or without a display, with one function or
another… there is no single model of weather station.

Note that we are talking about home (or business but commercially available) weather
stations here and not professional models.

So first of all, to choose your ideal weather station, you need to define the use you will have
of it. Why do you need a weather station? To improve your air quality at home? For sailing?
For gardeners? To farm? For reliable weather information? All of the above?

The more you depend on the weather, the more important it is that you can predict it
accurately. The more sensitive the people in your home are to air pollution, the more
important it is to maintain good indoor air quality. So which weather station is right for you?
There are 2 main types of weather stations: the classic weather station with sensors and the
connected weather station or smart weather station.

The classic weather station (with sensors)

This is the entry-level weather station model. Efficient but limited, it uses sensors to provide
the collected data on a screen. The display remains in real-time despite a very affordable

The connected weather station

The connected weather station is the most advanced and is a truly connected object. It also
uses sensors to collect real-time data from the screen, but in addition, it transmits this
information to your smartphone or tablet. Using wifi, the connected weather station also
provides data directly from your national meteorological services.
It is a more complete, more precise, and more practical device… but more expensive.
However, for effective data measurement both inside and outside the home, and to get an
accurate weather forecast this is still the best solution.
You now know everything about the weather station: what it is, its functions and its different
variations. All you have to do is assess your needs, compare the offers and choose the product
that meets all your requirements!

1.3 Literature Survey

The key gathering of the information is done through the internet from the different websites
like wikipidea, Quora, The instructables e.t.c gained knowledge on the equipement used in
the weather station prepared the notes on the different parameters of the devices used like
input and output voltages, operating current, power rating e.t.c

Each component’s datasheet is thoroughly checked so that there will be

no hiccups during the testing of the components . Even the temperature coefficients of the
devices are checked before soldering. After that each component is connected to a multi
meter and checked the ratings of the devices and the sensors .

The solar panel is chosen according to the output power ratings which
implies for the battery too This paper describes the design and development of a solar-
powered weather station that is capable of measuring temperature, humidity, pressure, and
wind speed. The weather station is designed to be low-cost and portable, making it suitable
for use in remote locations.

The weather station consists of a solar panel, battery, microcontroller, sensors, and a data
acquisition system. The microcontroller is used to read the sensor data and transmit it to a
remote server via GPRS. The authors discuss the details of each component and provide a
circuit diagram.

The project also describe the calibration process for the sensors used in the weather station, as
well as the data processing and analysis techniques used to generate weather forecasts. The
paper includes some sample data collected by the weather station, demonstrating its ability to
accurately measure weather conditions.

Overall, this paper provides valuable insights into the design and development of a solar-
powered weather station, as well as the calibration and data processing techniques used to

generate weather forecasts.

1.4 solar weather station
A solar weather station is a device used to measure and record weather conditions in a
specific area, powered by solar energy. It typically includes sensors to measure various
meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, and wind
direction. The data collected by the weather station can be used for a variety of applications,
including weather forecasting, agriculture, disaster management, and environmental

The solar panel is a crucial component of a solar weather station, providing the energy
needed to power the sensors and data acquisition system. The battery is also an important
component, storing excess energy generated by the solar panel and providing power when
sunlight is not available.

Solar weather stations can be designed to be portable and low-cost, making them suitable for
use in remote or inaccessible areas. The data collected by the weather station can be
transmitted wirelessly to a remote server for further analysis and processing. The calibration
of the sensors used in the weather station is essential to ensure accurate measurement of the
weather conditions.
Overall, solar weather stations are an important tool for meteorologists, environmentalists,
and other professionals who require accurate and timely information about weather
conditions in a specific location.
Solar weather stations can be placed in a variety of locations depending on their intended use.
Here are some common examples:

1. Agricultural fields: Solar weather stations can be used in agricultural fields to monitor
weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall. This information can
be used to make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and other crop
management practices.
2. Remote areas: Solar weather stations can be used in remote areas that are not
accessible by power lines or where power outages are common. This makes them
suitable for use in wilderness areas, mountainous regions, and other remote locations.
3. Residential areas: Solar weather stations can also be installed in residential areas, such
as on rooftops or in backyards, to provide homeowners with real-time weather
information. This information can be useful for planning outdoor activities,
monitoring weather-related hazards, and more.
4. Industrial sites: Solar weather stations can be used in industrial sites to monitor
weather conditions that may affect operations, such as wind speed and direction. This
information can be used to make informed decisions about safety, equipment
maintenance, and more.

Overall, the placement of a solar weather station will depend on its intended use and the
specific weather conditions that need to be monitored
1.5 Basic blocks of solar weather station.
1.5.1 Devices

ESP 8266

The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any
microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an
application or offloading all WiFi networking functions from another application processor.
Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware, meaning,
you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and get about as much WiFi-ability as a
WiFi Shield offers (and that's just out of the box)! The ESP8266 module is an extremely cost
effective board with a huge, and ever growing, community.

This module has a powerful enough on-board processing and storage capability that allows it
to be integrated with the sensors and other application specific devices through its GPIOs
with minimal development up-front and minimal loading during runtime. Its high degree of
on-chip integration allows for minimal external circuitry, including the front-end module, is
designed to occupy minimal PCB area. The ESP8266 supports APSD for VoIP applications
and Bluetooth co-existance interfaces, it contains a self-calibrated RF allowing it to work
under all operating conditions, and requires no external RF parts.

There is an almost limitless fountain of information available for the ESP8266, all of which
has been provided by amazing community support. In the Documents section below you will
find many resources to aid you in using the ESP8266, even instructions on how to transform
this module into an IoT (Internet of Things) solution

DHT 11

DHT11 is a low-cost digital sensor for sensing temperature and humidity.  This sensor can be
easily interfaced with any micro-controller such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc… to measure
humidity and temperature instantaneously.

DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor is available as a sensor and as a module. The
difference between this sensor and module is the pull-up resistor and a power-on LED.
DHT11 is a relative humidity sensor.  To measure the surrounding air this sensor uses
a thermistor and a capacitive humidity sensor. DHT11 sensor consists of a capacitive
humidity sensing element and a thermistor for sensing temperature.  The humidity
sensing capacitor has two electrodes with a moisture holding substrate as a dielectric between
them. Change in the capacitance value occurs with the change in humidity levels. The IC
measure, process this changed resistance values and change them into digital form.
For measuring temperature this sensor uses a Negative Temperature coefficient thermistor,
which causes a decrease in its resistance value with increase in temperature. To get larger
resistance value even for the smallest change in temperature, this sensor is usually made up of
semiconductor ceramics or polymers.

The temperature range of DHT11 is from 0 to 50 degree Celsius with a 2-degree accuracy.
Humidity range of this sensor is from 20 to 80% with 5% accuracy. The sampling rate of this
sensor is 1Hz .i.e. it gives one reading for every second.  DHT11 is small in size with
operating voltage from 3 to 5 volts. The maximum current used while measuring is 2.5mA.

GY 8511

The ML8511 breakout is an ultraviolet light sensor which is easy to use. The MP8511 UV
(ultraviolet) Sensor works by outputing an analog signal in relation to the amount of UV light
that’s tested. This breakout can be very handy in creating devices that warn the user of
sunburn or test the UV index as it relates to weather conditions.

The effective light wavelength can be measured by this sensor is 280-390nm. This is
categorized as part of the UVB (burning rays) spectrum and most of the UVA (tanning rays)
spectrum. It outputs an analog voltage that is linearly related to the measured UV intensity
(mW / cm2). If your microcontroller can do an analog to digital signal conversion then you
can test the level of UV! This sensor detects 280-390nm light most effectively. This is
categorized as part of the UVB (burning rays) spectrum and most of the UVA
(tanning rays) spectrum.

Rain drop sensor

Raindrop Sensor is a tool used for sensing rain. It consists of two modules, a rain board that
detects the rain and a control module, which compares the analog value, and converts it to a
digital value. The raindrop sensors can be used in the automobile sector to control the
windshield wipers automatically, in the agriculture sector to sense rain and it is also used in
home automation systems. The control module of the raindrop sensor has 4 outputs. VCC is
connected to a 5V supply. The GND pin of the module is connected to the ground. The D0
pin is connected to the digital pin of the microcontroller for digital output or the analog pin
can be used. To use the analog output, the A0 pin can be connected to the ADC pin of a
microcontroller. In the case of Arduino, it has 6 ADC pins, so we can use any of the 6 pins
directly without using an ADC converter. The sensor module consists of a potentiometer,
LN393 comparator, LEDs, capacitors and resistors. The pinout image above shows the
components of the control module. The rainboard module consists of copper tracks, which act
as a variable resistor. Its resistance varies with respect to the wetness on the rainboard.  The
below fig shows the rain board module.

Solar panel

When the sun shines onto a solar panel, energy from the sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells
in the panel. This energy creates electrical charges that move in response to an internal
electrical field in the cell, causing electricity to flow. Solar Photovoltaic Technology
BasicsThe amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in an hour and a half is enough
to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year. Solar technologies convert
sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that
concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in
batteries or thermal storage.

Below, you can find resources and information on the basics of solar radiation,
and  technologies, electrical grid , and the non-hardware aspects of solar energy. You can also
learn more about how to   and the . In addition, you can dive deeper into solar energy and
learn about how   the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office is
driving innovative   in these areas. Solar radiation is light – also known as electromagnetic
radiation – that is emitted by the sun. While every location on Earth receives some sunlight
over a year, the amount of solar radiation that reaches any one spot on the Earth’s surface
varies. Solar technologies capture this radiation and turn it into useful forms of energy.
18650 Battery

The 18650 battery has a voltage of 3.6v and has between 2600mAh and 3500mAh (mili-amp-
hours). (Osborne, 2019) These batteries are used in flashlights, laptops, electronics and even
some electric cars because of their reliability, long run-times, and ability to be recharged
hundreds of times over. The lithium-ion battery was first invented in the 1970’s by an
Exxon researcher named Michael Stanley Whittingham. His pioneering work to create the
first version of the lithium ion battery then set in motion decades more research to finetune
the battery to be as efficient and safe as possible. Then in 1991, a team of researchers and
scientists named John Goodenough, Rachid Yazami, and Akira Yoshino worked together to
develop and bring to market the lithium ion cell. The very first lithium ion battery cells were
mass produced and sold by Sony. (Neverman et al., 2020) Since then, tweaks and
enhancements have been made to extend the output and lifespan of the battery. Each of these
changes resulted in a more efficient battery and in turn, a higher demand for their use and
applications in the market. Today, lithium-ion batteries dominate the battery industry and
have become ubiquitous in many household products we use everyday. There’s a very good
chance you own many products powered by 18650 batteries, whether you realize it or not. As
of 2011, lithium-ion batteries account for 66% of all portable rechargeable battery sales.
There are two types of 18650 batteries: protected and unprotected. As a rule of thumb, we
always recommend using protected 18650 batteries. 18650 protected batteries have an
electric circuit embedded within its packaging. This circuit protects the battery from “over
charges” and “over discharges.” Both are situations you want to avoid. When a battery over
charges, it can overheat, burst or catch fire.

It doesn’t take much imagination to understand how this malfunction can cause some serious
problems for both the user and the manufacturer of the batteries. In fact, In 2016, Samsung
released its newest smartphone, the Galaxy Note 7. It didn’t take long for reports to begin
coming that the phones were exploding while charging. There had been a flaw in the design
of the phone’s lithium ion battery that caused it to short circuit and catch fire.

Two separate recalls were put in place by the The U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, covering 1.9 million phones in the United States. Globally, to date, 96 percent
of the 3 million phones that were sold have been returned. The debacle cost Samsung a pretty
penny and a damaged reputation because of the number of fires and injuries the phones
caused. It should be noted that the batteries within these phones were not specifically 18650,
they were a larger, different type of 3500mAh lithium ion battery.

But for how widely used these batteries are, it seems like it is one of those easily overlooked
technologies that we take for granted. From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to
bed, there’s a very good chance we used some kind of 18650 battery. We don’t really realize
how much they really do for us throughout our daily lives. Perhaps it’s because lithium-ion
batteries are rarely seen on their own, instead they’re always encased inside the object they
are charging. Not a lot of people take the time to consider how their electric toothbrush
works, let alone how the batteries powering the toothbrush work.

There is actually a lot going on inside the battery’s tiny, colorful packaging. While the battery
is being charged, the positive electrode lithium-cobalt oxide gives up some of it’s lithium
ions which travel through the electrolyte to the negatively charged graphite electrode on the
opposite side of the battery. The ions remain there until the battery is in use, during which the
lithium ions travel back to the positive electrode, producing energy and powering the battery
as it does so. In both the charging and discharging instances, electrons are flowing in the
opposite direction of the ions around the outer circuit of the battery. (Osborne, 2019) The
flow of ions through the electrolyte and electrons through the outer circuit are an
interconnected process. One does not and can not happen without the other. Thus, should the
battery completely discharge and the ions stop moving through the electrolyte, the electrons
can’t make their way through the outer circuit and power is lost.

In the same way, should you turn off the object your battery is powering, the electrons will
stop flowing through the circuit and so too will the ions. In essence, the battery stops
discharging at a high rate. It should be noted that the battery will still continue to discharge at
a very slow rate, regardless of whether the appliance is connected. Hence why you should
always check the power level of your batteries every month or two in appliances that get
more infrequent use.

What makes lithium-ions different from more simplistic batteries is their electronic
controllers. These can be found only in the aforementioned “protected” batteries. Electronic
controllers are built-in systems that regulate how the battery charges and discharges. It’s
meant to prevent any overcharging or overheating that can, in some cases like the Galaxy
Note 7 incident, cause lithium-ion batteries to explode. Using an unprotected lithium-ion
battery can be tricky business to the uninitiated battery user. They are designed much more
simply, meaning there is less of a chance for something to malfunction and are a bit smaller
than protected batteries so they can fit into tighter spaces. However, the lack of protection
opens the door to higher risks of overheating and explosion. Using unprotected batteries will,
in general, yield the same performance but require more vigilance when it comes to charging
and discharging.

Solar panel

Definition: Solar panels are those devices which are used to absorb the sun's rays and convert
them into electricity or heat.

Description: A solar panel is actually a collection of solar (or photovoltaic) cells, which can
be used to generate electricity through photovoltaic effect. These cells are arranged in a grid-
like pattern on the surface of solar panels.

Thus, it may also be described as a set of photovoltaic modules, mounted on a structure

supporting it. A photovoltaic (PV) module is a packaged and connected assembly of 6×10
solar cells.

When it comes to wear-and-tear, these panels are very hardy. Solar panels wear out extremely
slow. In a year, their effectiveness decreases only about one to two per cent (at times, even

Most solar panels are made up using crystalline silicon solar cells.

Installation of solar panels in homes helps in combating the harmful emissions of greenhouse
gases and thus helps reduce global warming. Solar panels do not lead to any form of pollution
and are clean. They also decrease our reliance on fossil fuels (which are limited) and
traditional power sources. These days, solar panels are used in wide-ranging electronic
equipments like calculators, which work as long as sunlight is available. However, the only
major drawback of solar panels is that they are quite costly. Also, solar panels are installed
outdoors as they need sunlight to get charged.

All of the components you added in the schematic should be there, stacked on top of each
other, ready to be placed and routed. Drag the components by grabbing on its pads. Then
place it inside the rectangular borderline.

Arrange all the components in such a way that the board occupies minimum space. The
smaller the board size, the cheaper will be the PCB manufacturing cost. It will be useful if
this board has some mounting holes on it so that it can be mounted in an enclosure.

Now you have to route. Routing is the most fun part of this entire process. It’s like solving a
puzzle! Using the tracking tool we need to connect all the components. You can use both the
top and the bottom layer for avoiding overlap between two different tracks and making the
tracks shorter.

You can use the Silk layer to add text to the board. Also, we are able to insert an image file,
so I add an image of my website logo to be printed on the board. In the end, using the copper
area tool, we need to create the ground area of the PCB. Now the PCB is ready for

Resistors – (2 x 1K, 1 x 10K, 3 x 4.7K, 1 x 27K, 1 x 100K)

A Resistor is a passive element that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In

electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, divide
to voltage, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses. High-
power resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat may be used as part
of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for generators. Fixed
resistors have resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating
voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or
a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.

Resistors are common elements of electrical network and electronic circuits and are
ubiquitous in electrical equipement. Practical resistors as discrete components can be
composed of various compounds and forms. Resistors are also implemented within integrated
The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common commercial
resistors are manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude . The nominal
value of the resistance falls within the manufacturing tolerance, indicated on the component.

 Electrolytic Capacitor - 1 x 100uF

Capacitor technology serves a variety of functions in circuitry projects, from basic to

complex applications. Two main parameters define a capacitor's type―form factor and
dielectric material. Let's explore the difference between  and capacitors, one of which is
form-factor driven while the other is dielectric-distinguished.
Electrolytic capacitors use an oxide layer formed on the capacitor's anode as their
dielectric. In concept, this method is similar to how rust forms on an iron plate. The
thin dielectric layer allows for high capacitance values in a relatively small package.
However, the capacitor must be polarized to perform correctly, which is why
electrolytic capacitor polarity is often distinctively marked on the body. Electrolytic
capacitors are well known for their high capacitance values and can be identified by
their cylindrical shape. Other dielectric materials include mica, paper, film, and
ceramic, all of which present varying characteristics and advantages in different
applications. Given their higher capacitance values and voltage compatibilities,
electrolytic capacitors are generally considered through-hole capacitors. However, even
if you have limited board space that seemingly requires a small SMD capacitor, you
may be able to find an electrolytic capacitor that can do the job.
1.5.2 Ease of Programming

To use the ESP32 board with the Arduino library, you'll have to use the Arduino IDE with
ESP32 board support. If you haven't already done that yet, you can easily install ESP32
Board support to your Arduino IDE by following this tutorial by Sparkfun.

Install Libraries:

Before uploading the code install the following libraries :

1. ESP 8266

2. Blynk

3. DHT11

4. Adafruit_GY11145 _Library

5. BH1750

6. One Wire

7. Dallas Temperature

How to Install the Libraries?

You can read this tutorial by Sparkfun to install the Arduino libraries.

In my earlier version, there are two separate codes for Blynk and Thinspeak but in this
version, we have written a single piece of code. The user has to only comment out a single
line of code for Blynk or Thingspeak. For example, if you are using it for Blynk App, the
code should be as below:

Steps to Install the New Software:

1. Download the code from the above GitHub link. Ensure you download from the MASTER
branch. James is actively working on DEVELOP.

2. First, you have to unzip the downloaded code and then save it somewhere on your PC or
Laptop. Remove the word master from the folder name, the final name shall be " weather "

3.  Rename sec.h to secrets.h (this file contains WiFi details, API keys for internet data
destinations, and configuration options ).

These devices have an array of uses that have made them quite popular. Professionally,
weather stations are utilized to garner data and provide weather information of a certain area.
However, home weather stations take a more practical approach and provide information that
you would need.

For instance, a home weather station can give you information on the temperature so that
you can dress accordingly. If you’re planning a BBQ party on the weekend, you can use the
device to know whether the weather will be conducive that day. There are numerous
applications of these gadgets and all can help you be better prepared for any kind of weather

A weather station can act as a thermometer, clock, sound level meter, hygrometer,
anemometer, barometer, etc. in the home barometer, it can also provide information on air
quality, moon phase, or indoor pollution levels. Everything you need to get your own weather
1.6 Advantages

As of today’s date, home weather station has become a trend and a worthy purchase for
intelligent homes. You might be a weather enthusiast, a hobbyist, or keen on knowing the
timely weather updates to schedule your work, etc., it matters not as home weather stations
are on a roll. 

The market is filled with various models and designs. Read on to know the benefits and
drawbacks of the weather station, which will help you understand what kind of weather

station to buy.

Accuracy & Dependability

The home weather stations are very accurate and reliable. While watching   on the television,
the meteorologist will tell you about the weather conditions of the whole area, like a city,
state, or region. But in the case of a home weather station, you will get the specific area
information in which you reside. The weather report of your weather station will focus
entirely on the conditions around your home. 

Great Investment

Home weather stations are highly durable and highly reliable. This makes it worth the money
as it lasts for a long and never misses to give you the right weather report. The report
generated by the weather station can be digital or analog.

Contributing To A Weather Network

Today, there are more than 250,000 weather stations all around the world. Amongst these
weather stations, one of the famous weather networks is. Many weather enthusiasts share
their weather information sitting in different corners of the world. You can contribute too.
You get to experience a global community platform that will enhance the forecasting future.
Access Data Anywhere In Real-time

The most significant advantage of owning a weather station can access its data from
anywhere in real-time. The sensors will collect the data for you and transmit it through the
central unit. This can further be viewed on your smartphone, tablet, computer, etc. This gives
you real-time access to the weather conditions whenever you want and wherever you want.

Real-time Alerts

Another significant feature and a great advantage of having a home weather monitoring
system are getting real-time alerts. This helps you in planning your day better. All kinds of
extremities like heat waves, strong winds, or any other emergency will be readily alerted.
You can then easily avoid any mishaps that might happen due to extreme weather.

Wireless Interaction

Wireless interaction of a weather station is one of the undermined advantages. Other home
automation gadgets can be integrated with the weather station, making it extra functional.
1.7 Disadvantages

Compact Instrument

Today, people have not felt, seen, or experienced anything in a weather station that can be
termed a disadvantage or a drawback. The only thing is since the home weather stations are
small and compact, they may not be able to fetch complete weather details like a full-
blown, professional weather station. Yet again, this is not an issue to bother about. You will
get more than the required information and reading through a personal weather station.

The invention of home weather stations goes down in history, with multiple advanced models
available today. Each model has the essential benefits mentioned above and, along with that,
various additions to technology. The list of benefits is very exhaustive. You can visit our
website for a thorough knowledge about the weather station.
Chapter 2

Hardware Components

2.1 Solar weather station components

Components Used:

1. ESP8266

2. UV Index Sensor - GY1145

3. Resistors

4. Electrolytic Capacitor

5. Ceramic Capacitors

6. RJ11 Connector

7. Male / Female Headers

8. Jumper Cap

9. Screw Terminal-2P - 5.08mm pitch

10. Screw Terminal -3P -3.5mm pitch

11. Solar Panel - 5V / 1.2Watt ( 110 x 69 mm

12. 18650 Battery

13. 18650 Battery Holder

14. 22 AWG Wires

15. Jumper Wires M-F

16. Slide Switch

17. PCB
2.2 Circuit Diagram and Description
2.3 Esp8266

The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of
either hosting an application or offloading all WiFi networking functions from another
application processor. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command
set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and get about as
much WiFi-ability as a WiFi Shield offers (and that's just out of the box)! The ESP8266
module is an extremely cost effective board with a huge, and ever growing, community.

This module has a powerful enough on-board processing and storage capability that allows it
to be integrated with the sensors and other application specific devices through its GPIOs
with minimal development up-front and minimal loading during runtime. Its high degree of
on-chip integration allows for minimal external circuitry, including the front-end module, is
designed to occupy minimal PCB area. The ESP8266 supports APSD for VoIP applications
and Bluetooth co-existance interfaces, it contains a self-calibrated RF allowing it to work
under all operating conditions, and requires no external RF parts.
There is an almost limitless fountain of information available for the ESP8266, all of which
has been provided by amazing community support. In the Documents section below you will
find many resources to aid you in using the ESP8266, even instructions on how to transform
this module into an IoT (Internet of Things) solution!


 802.11 b/g/n
 Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP
 Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
 Integrated TR switch, balun, LNA, power amplifier and matching network
 Integrated PLLs, regulators, DCXO and power management units
 +19.5dBm output power in 802.11b mode
 Power down leakage current of <10uA
 4MB Flash Memory
 Integrated low power 32-bit CPU could be used as application processor
 SDIO 1.1 / 2.0, SPI, UART
 STBC, 1×1 MIMO, 2×1 MIMO
 A-MPDU & A-MSDU aggregation & 0.4ms guard interval
 Wake up and transmit packets in < 2ms
 Standby power consumption of < 1.0mW (DTIM3)

2.3.2Pinout of ESP 8266

ESP 8266 module pinout

The pin out is as follows for the common ESP-01 module:

1. GND, Ground (0 V)
2. GPIO 2, General-purpose input/output No. 2
3. GPIO 0, General-purpose input/output No. 0
4. RX, Receive data in, also GPIO3
5. VCC, Voltage (+3.3 V; can handle up to 3.6 V)
6. RST, Reset
7. CH_PD, Chip power-down

In October 2014, Espressif Systems released a software development kit (SDK) for
programming the chip directly, which removed the need for a separate microcontroller.
 Since then, there have been many official SDK releases from Espressif; Espressif maintains
two versions of the SDK — one that is based on FreeRTOS and the other based on callbacks.

An alternative to Espressif's official SDK is the open-source ESP-Open-SDK [11] that is based

on the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) toolchain, maintained by Max Filippov.[12] Another
alternative is the "Unofficial Development Kit" by Mikhail Grigorev.[13][14]
Other SDKs, mostly open-source, include:

 Arduino — A C++-based firmware. With this core, the ESP8266 CPU and its Wi-
Fi components can be programmed like any other Arduino device. The ESP8266
Arduino Core is available through GitHub.
 ESP8266 BASIC — An open-source BASIC-like interpreter specifically tailored
for the Internet of Things (IoT). Self-hosting browser-based development
 ESP Easy — Developed by home automation enthusiasts.
 ESPHome — ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple
yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through home
automation systems.
 Tasmota - open-source firmware, for home automation.
 ESP-Open-RTOS — Open-source FreeRTOS-based ESP8266 software
 ESP-Open-SDK — Free and open (as much as possible) integrated SDK for
ESP8266/ESP8285 chips.
 Espruino — An actively maintained JavaScript SDK and firmware, closely
emulating Node.js. Supports a few MCUs, including the ESP8266.
 ESPurna — Open-source ESP8285/ESP8266 firmware.
 Forthright — Port of Jones Forth to the ESP8266 microcontroller.
 MicroPython — A port of MicroPython (an implementation of Python for
embedded devices) to the ESP8266 platform.
 Moddable SDK — includes JavaScript language and library support for the
 Mongoose OS — An open-source operating system for connected products.
Supports ESP8266 and ESP32. Develop in C or JavaScript.[15]
 NodeMCU — A Lua-based firmware.
 PlatformIO — A cross-platform IDE and unified debugger, which sits on top of
Arduino code and libraries.
 Punyforth — Forth-inspired programming language for the ESP8266.
 Sming — An actively developed asynchronous C/C++ framework with superb
performance and multiple network features.
 uLisp — A version of the Lisp programming language specifically designed to
run on processors with a limited amount of RAM.
 ZBasic for ESP8266 — A subset of Microsoft's widely-used Visual Basic 6,
which has been adapted as a control language for the ZX microcontroller family
and the ESP8266.
 Zerynth — IoT framework for programming ESP8266[16] and other
microcontrollers in Python.
 IOTBAH - is An operating system (OS) for Espressif ESP8266

Espressif modules


This is the series of ESP8266-based modules made by Espressif:

Form LE Anten Shield Dimensio
Name ve Pitch Notes
factor Ds na ed ns (mm)

ESP- 18 2×9 No Yes 18 × 20 FCC ID

1.5 m PCB
WROO castellat 2AC7Z-
M-02[17] m ed trace

2D. Revision
2×9 of ESP-
WROO 1.5 m PCB
18 castellat No Yes 18 × 20 WROOM-02
M- m trace
ed compatible
with both 150-
mil and 208-
mil flash
memory chips.

Differs from
WROO 1.5 m U.FL in that includes
18 castellat No Yes 18 × 20
M- m socket an U.FL
02U[18] compatible
antenna socket

ESP- 2×10
1.5 m PCB 2AC7Z-
WROO 20 castellat No Yes 16 × 23
M-S2[19] ed

In the table above (and the two tables which follow), "Active pins" include the GPIO and
ADC pins with which external devices can be attached to the ESP8266 MCU. The "Pitch" is
the space between pins on the ESP8266 module, which is important to know if the device
will be used on a breadboard. The "Form factor" also describes the module packaging as "2 ×
9 DIL", meaning two rows of 9 pins arranged "Dual In Line", like the pins of DIP ICs. Many
ESP-xx modules include a small onboard LED which can be programmed to blink and
thereby indicate activity. There are several antenna options for ESP-xx boards including a
trace antenna, an onboard ceramic antenna, and an external connector that allows an external
Wi-Fi antenna to be attached. Since Wi-Fi communications generate a lot of RFI (Radio
Frequency Interference), governmental bodies like the FCC like shielded electronics to
minimize interference with other devices. Some of the ESP-xx modules come housed within
a metal box with an FCC seal of approval stamped on it. First and second world markets will
likely demand FCC approval and shielded Wi-Fi devices.

2.3.4 Advantages of Esp8266

Advantage of ESP8266 over other competitors like Arduino

The main advantage is the embedded wireless technology that is web friendly with no use
of shields or any peripherals, as is required for Arduinos. The price and size are the USP of
the module with the added advantage of good speed and processing power.

2.3.5Disadvantages of ESp8266

The ESP8266 is a 3.3V microcontroller, so its I/O operates at 3.3V as well. The pins are not
5V tolerant, applying more than 3.6V on any pin will kill the chip. The maximum current
that can be drawn from a single GPIO pin is 12mA.
2.4 DHT11

This DFRobot DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor features a temperature &
humidity sensor complex with a calibrated digital signal output. By using the
exclusive digital-signal-acquisition technique and temperature & humidity sensing
technology, it ensures high reliability and excellent long-term stability. This sensor
includes a resistive-type humidity measurement component and an NTC temperature
measurement component, and connects to a high- performance 8-bit microcontroller,
offering excellent quality, fast response, anti-interference ability and cost-

2.4.1 Specifications
 Sensor: DHT11

 Working Voltage: 3.3V-5.5V

 Temperature

o Resolution : 1°C

o Accuracy : ±2℃

o Measuring range : 0°C ~ 50°C

 Humidity

o Resolution : 1%RH

o Accuracy : ±5%RH (0~50°C)

o Measuring range : 20%RH ~ 90%RH (25°C)

 Operating voltage : 3.3V ~ 5.5 V

o Recommended storage condition

o Temperature : 10°C ~40°C

o Humidity : 60%RH or below

 Fixed Hole Size: 2.0mm

2.4.2Technical Specifications:
2.4.3Typical Application

Note: 3Pin – Null; MCU = Micro-computer Unite or single chip Computer When the
connecting cable is shorter than 20 metres, a 5K pull-up resistor is recommended; when the
connecting cable is longer than 20 metres, choose a appropriate pull-up resistor as needed.

2.4.5Power and Pin

DHT11’s power supply is 3-5.5V DC. When power is supplied to the sensor, do not send any
instruction to the sensor in within one second in order to pass the unstable status. One
capacitor valued 100nF can be added between VDD and GND for power filtering.

2.4.6Communication Process: Serial Interface

Single-bus data format is used for communication and synchronization between MCU and
DHT11 sensor. One communication process is about 4ms. Data consists of decimal and
integral parts. A complete data transmission is 40bit, and the sensor sends higher data bit
first. Data format: 8bit integral RH data + 8bit decimal RH data + 8bit integral T data + 8bit
decimal T data + 8bit check sum. If the data transmission is right, the check-sum should be
the last 8bit of "8bit integral RH data + 8bit decimal RH data + 8bit integral T data + 8bit
decimal T data".
When MCU sends a start signal, DHT11 changes from the low-power-consumption mode to
the running-mode, waiting for MCU completing the start signal. Once it is completed,
DHT11 sends a response signal of 40-bit data that include the relative humidity and
temperature information to MCU. Users can choose to collect (read) some data. Without the
start signal from MCU, DHT11 will not give the response signal to MCU. Once data is
collected, DHT11 will change to the lowpower-consumption mode until it receives a start
signal from MCU again.

Chapter 3

Design and Implementation

3.1 Design of solar weather station

  If there is one topic that consistently comes up in small talk, it is the weather. In many of
those conversations a huge topic is the unreliability of weather forecasts. In reality, there can
be a marked difference in weather even the short distance between me and the nearest
government weather station. The standard reporting time tends to be hourly, but weather
conditions often can change far more rapidly.
The previous day’s weather also consistently raises questions. How hot or cold did it get? Did
it rain at your house? That wind was crazy last night, wasn’t it? At times, weather systems
can be localized, and while my house may have had no rain, a friend’s house a few
kilometers away might have gotten a small flood.

I have always had an interest in the weather, maybe because I live in an area where the
temperature can range from -40°C to +40°C, where we get among the most hours of sunlight
in India, but we can get crazy summer thunderstorms rolling across the prairies and raging
blizzards in the winter. After paying attention to the weather, it is apparent that many official
sources are slow to update and not always accurate to my exact location.

At a technology conference five years ago, when the idea of Internet-connected devices
aiding everyday life was becoming more popular, I attended a workshop on the Internet of
Things (IoT). At the end of the workshop, there was a giveaway for the Intel Edison
developer boards that had been used in the workshop, and I was lucky enough to get one. I
was amazed that, with this small system, I could do so much.

When I arrived home, I started to look into what I could do with this new technology, and
found a SparkFun Dht11 breakout board that could measure temperature, pressure and
humidity. After hooking up the sensor, it did what it advertised, telling me the local
temperature. This spurred me to order more parts to build a complete weather station. The
parts arrived and promptly got sidelined in a box, due to competing time priorities and
frustrations with my lack of knowledge about microcontrollers (MCUs) and electronics, and
how to get this project outdoors and, ironically, to survive the weather it was measuring.

Three things recently happened to renew my interest in completing this project. First, for
Christmas I received some Adafruit components, allowing me to learn more about MCUs and
discovering Adafruit IO. Second.

While designing the weather station I had three main objectives. The first was to enable the
project to run remotely, with no wires connecting it to power or network. Second was to have
the project send the measured data to the Internet so that it could be visualized and consumed
by other projects. And third was to reuse mostly components that I already owned.

To achieve these objectives, I made three key decisions about the weather station. The project
would be built using an Adafruit Feather M0 Wi-Fi. The project would run off a battery,
recharged by solar power utilizing a SparkFun Sunny Buddy. The project would use Wi-Fi to
connect to the Internet using Adafruit IO cloud service as the receiving server.

The free Adafruit IO service offers pre-built Arduino libraries to store data to their services,
dashboards and charts to display the data, and has sufficient capacity to store the amount of
data required. A subscription service called Adafruit IO+ is also available, with increased
data, storage and feeds.

The sensors for the project include a SparkFun BME280 for temperature, pressure and
humidity readings, and the SparkFun Weather Meters to measure wind speed, direction and
rain amounts. The Adafruit Feather M0 has a built-in circuit to read the current battery

The weather station’s flow purposely was kept as simple as possible. The Feather M0 wakes
up every minute to read the attached sensors and transmit the data to Adafruit IO. Not all
measurements are sent every minute, since some need more data to be useful. After the
measurements are sent, the processor goes into a deep sleep mode to wait for the next minute.
To recover from any unexpected errors that may lock up the weather station, a watchdog
timer is enabled that is reset every 10 seconds.

The electronics in the weather station are relatively straightforward. There are two main
systems: the processing system, consisting of:

1) a Feather M0 hooked to the DHT11, weather gauges and a reset button; and 2) the power
system, comprising a Sunny Buddy solar charger hooked up to the solar cell, battery and
power switch. The power system load output is connected to the battery port on the Feather


The Sunny Buddy solar charger requires setup before it is connected to any of the other
components. It requires soldering the connector to attach the solar panel, and configuring the
potentiometer for optimal solar charging. For full details see the SparkFun guide at [2] to set
yours up.

The power switch is connected to either one of the load terminals on the Sunny Buddy. Use a
wire long enough to allow the switch to be mounted on the side of the electronics enclosure.
The other side of the power switch and a wire from the other load terminal are connected to a
two-wire JST connector. This JST connector plugs into the Feather battery connector. The
battery plugs into the battery connector on the Sunny Buddy.

Note: Do not plug the Feather M0 into USB power while the load wires are also connected.
The Feather has a built-in Li-Po charger that attempts to charge the attached battery when it
has USB power. But in this setup, there is no battery. Instead, there are the load wires going
to the Sunny Buddy. If you need to hook up the M0 via USB for any reason, first disconnect
the power connector going to the Feather from the Sunny Buddy.

While the 3D-printed enclosures should prevent most water from getting on the electronics,
there is still a possibility water could get into the case. As an extra layer of water protection, I
applied the anti-corrosion spray CorrosionX (Corrosion Technologies) to the electronics. Be
careful when spraying the BME280 module to prevent a small hole in its center (visible in
Figure 3) from clogging. I covered the hole with a small piece of tape while I sprayed the rest
of the circuit board, then removed the tape after I wiped away the excess spray.

3.2 Software

Here the software used for performance of the solar weather station is Aurdino software IDE
which is in C++ language . which is taken from different sources this code also consists of
variables which ha sto be compiled to different sensors so necessary changes made in the

To use Wemos D1 with the Arduino library, you'll have to use the Arduino IDE with
ESP8266 board support. If you haven't already done that yet, you can easily install ESP8266
Board support to your Arduino IDE by following 

Following settings are preferable :


80MHz 160MHz

Flash Size: 4M (3M SPIFFS) – 3M File system size 4M (1M SPIFFS) – 1M File system size

Upload Speed: 921600 bps

Arduino Code for Blynk App

Sleep Mode

The ESP8266 is a pretty power hungry device. If you want your project to run off a battery
for more than a few hours, you have two options:

1. Get a huge battery

2. Cleverly put the Thing to sleep.

The best choice is the second option. Before using the deep sleep feature, Wemos D0 pin
must be connected to the Reset pin.


#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(10,11,4,5,6,7);

const char* ssid = "iotserver";

const char* password = "iotserver123";

char res[130];


#define dht_dpin A5

dht DHT;

int temperature, humidity,Temp,fire1,uvIntensity;

int UV_OUT = A0; //Sensor Output

int REF_3V3 = A1; //3.3V power on the Arduino board

const int RAIN=2;

const int buzzer=13;

const int light=8;

const int fan=9;

int val;

int TEMP;

int gas;

int TEMP1;

float time=0;

int distance=0;

void serialFlush(){

while(Serial.available() > 0) {

char t =;

int hbeat=0,tempe=0,hum=0,ecg=0,raj=0;

char check(char* ex,int timeout)

int i=0;
int j = 0,k=0;

while (1)


if(Serial.available() > 0)

res[i] =;

if(res[i] == 0x0a || res[i]=='>' || i == 100)


res[i] = 0;break;



if(j == 30000)



j = 0;

if(k > timeout)

// Serial.println("timeout");

return 1;

}//while 1



return 0;



goto sl;

char buff[200];

void upload1();

void setup() {

int i=0;

char ret;






lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("WELCOME");





ret = check((char*)"OK",50);


ret = check((char*)"OK",50);

if(ret != 0)



goto st;

Serial.println("AT+CWMODE = 1");

ret = check((char*)"OK",50);

lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("CONNECTING");










lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("CONNECTING");

goto cagain;


lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0, 0);lcd.print("CONNECTED");




unsigned long int duration = 0;

int upload=0,count=0;

void loop() {













int uv_Level = analogRead_average(UV_OUT);

int ref_Level = analogRead_average(REF_3V3);

//Use the 3.3V power pin as a reference to get a very accurate output value from sensor

float output_Voltage = 3.3 / ref_Level * uv_Level;

float uvIntensity = mapfloat(output_Voltage, 0.99, 2.8, 0.0, 15.0); //Convert the voltage to a
UV intensity level -numbers from datasheet-




lcd.print(" ");



upload = 1;


if(temperature >34)




upload = 1;

if(digitalRead(RAIN) == 0)

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);lcd.print("RAIN DETECTED");




ecg = 100;

upload = 1;


ecg = 0;


upload = 1;


if(upload == 1||count == 2)

count =0;

upload = 0;


int analogRead_average(int pinToRead)

int NumberOfSamples = 8;

int runningValue = 0;

for(int x = 0; x < NumberOfSamples; x++)

runningValue += analogRead(pinToRead);

runningValue /= NumberOfSamples;


float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)

return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;

void upload1()







Serial.print("GET /update?api_key=NXDPOYOI4MLJ43YZ&");















3.2.1 Aurdino IDE

Arduino UNO is a low-cost, flexible, and easy-to-use programmable open-source

microcontroller board that can be integrated into a variety of electronic projects. This
board can be interfaced with other Arduino boards, Arduino shields, Raspberry Pi boards and
can control relays, LEDs, servos, and motors as an output

The Arduino programming language is used to program microcontroller boards such as the
Arduino Uno to interact with sensors, actuators, and other devices connected to the board. In
fact, the language is based on C++, and it is designed to be easy to use for beginners and
Port registers allow for lower-level and faster manipulation of the i/o pins of the
microcontroller on an Arduino board. The chips used on the Arduino board (the ATmega8
and ATmega168) have three ports: B (digital pin 8 to 13) C (analog input pins) D (digital
pins 0 to 7)
3.2.2 steps to install Aurdino Uno software
1. Step 1 − First you must have your Arduino board (you can choose your favorite
board) and a USB cable. ...
2. Step 2 − Download Arduino IDE Software.
3. Step 3 − Power up your board.
4. Step 4 − Launch Arduino IDE.
5. Step 5 − Open your first project.
6. Step 6 − Select your Arduino board.
7. Step 7 − Select your serial port.
8. Step 8 − Upload the program to your board.

3.3 Thingspeak website

What is the use of ThingSpeak?

ThingSpeak allows you to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the
cloud. ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data posted by your devices or
equipment. Execute MATLAB code in ThingSpeak, and perform online analysis and
processing of the data as it comes in.
ThingSpeak is available as a free service for non-commercial small projects (<3 million
messages/year or ~8,200 messages/day). For larger projects or commercial applications, four
different annual license types are offered: Standard, Academic, Student and Home.
ThingSpeak™ is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize,
and analyze live data streams. Once you send data to ThingSpeak from your devices, you can
create instant visualizations of live data without having to write any code. With MATLAB®
analytics inside ThingSpeak, you can write and execute MATLAB code to perform more
advanced preprocessing, visualizations, and analyses. Get started with building your IoT
systems without setting up servers or developing web software. Visit Thing for
more information.

The Integration with The Things Network allows you to seamlessly forward data from The
Things Network to ThingSpeak for analysis and visualization. ThingSpeak is an open
source software written in ruby  which allows users to communicate internet enabled
devices It facilitates data access, retrieval and logging of data by providing an API to both the
devices and Social Networks websites. ThingSpeak was originally launched by iot bridge  in
2010 as a service in support of IoT applications.

ThingSpeak has integrated support from the numerical computing software MATLAB from

Math works allowing ThingSpeak users to analyze and visualize uploaded data using
MATLAB without requiring the purchase of a MATLAB license from MathWorks.

ThingSpeak includes a Web Service (REST API) that lets you collect and store sensor data in
the cloud and develop Internet of Things applications. It works with Arduino, Raspberry Pi
and MATLAB (premade libraries and APIs exists) But it should work with all kind of
Programming Languages, since it uses a REST API and HTTP.

3.3.1ThingSpeak Key Features
ThingSpeak allows you to aggregate, visualize and analyze live data streams in the cloud.
Some of the key capabilities of ThingSpeak include the ability to:

 Easily configure devices to send data to ThingSpeak using popular IoT protocols.
 Visualize your sensor data in real-time.
 Aggregate data on-demand from third-party sources.
 Use the power of MATLAB to make sense of your IoT data.
 Run your IoT analytics automatically based on schedules or events.
 Prototype and build IoT systems without setting up servers or developing web
 Automatically act on your data and communicate using third-party services like
Twilio or Twitter

3.3.2 Advantages of Thingspeak

ThingSpeak allows you to aggregate, visualize and analyze live data streams in the cloud.
Some of the key capabilities of ThingSpeak include the ability to: Easily configure devices to
send data to ThingSpeak using popular IoT protocols. Visualize your sensor data in real-time.
What are the advantages of ThingSpeak from other IoT platformThingSpeak allows you to
aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the cloud. ThingSpeak provides
instant visualizations of data posted by your devices or equipment. Execute MATLAB code
in ThingSpeak, and perform online analysis and processing of the data as it comes in.

3.3.3What are the applications of ThingSpeak software?

ThingSpeak enables engineers and scientists to prototype and build IoT systems without
setting up servers or developing web software.

 Get Started. ...

 Configure Accounts and Channels. ...
 Write Data to Channel. ...
 Read Data from Channel. ...
 Prepare and Analyze Data. ...
 Visualize Data. ...
 Act on Data. ...
 Specialized Analysis with MATLAB.
3.4 INSTALLING THE Thing speak

1. git clone [email protected]:mchwalisz/thingspeak.git.

2. curl -OL # optionally,
zipball is also available (for Windows users).
3. python install.

3.4.1 Creating an Account in Thing speak

1. Visit www. thing

2. Click "Sign Up".

3. Fill the following mandatory fields: User ID, E-mail, Time Zone, Password and
Password Confirmation.
4. Click "Create Account".
5. Click "Create New Channel".
6. Click the "Channel Settings" tab.

7. Fill Fields 1 to 6 with the following values: Left Wheel, Right Wheel, Vacuum,
Bumper, Cliff and Battery.
8. Click "Update Channel".
9. Click the "API Key" tab to get the API key required by the installer.
3.4 General Steps For connection

Step 1: open the thing speak website

Step 2: click on Channels and open my channel

Step 3: After opening My channel with your login credentials open your channel

Step 4: with the proper internet connection make the weather station to get connected to

Step 5: After it is connected make sure it is displayed on the Led screen

Step 6: Once it displayed just test the all sensors

Step 7: After testing of all sensors look into your Thing speak account to observe the different
parameters graphs

Step 8: Now we can observe the changes in the parameter graphs..


4.1 Working Procedure

Solar weather station are different from typical weather stations in that many of their
instruments require little human involvement. They are usually digital and send data online
and can be part of a bigger network of weather stations. Because of its accessibility, it is one
of the most common types of weather stations. Many meteorology and weather bureaus
around the world use an online weather station for quick and easy forecasts and

Working of an solar Weather Station

1.Temperature Sensor

Temperature sensors work by providing readings via electrical signals. Sensors are composed
of two metals that generate an electrical voltage or resistance when a temperature change
occurs by measuring the voltage across the diode terminals. When the voltage increases, the
temperature also increases.

2. Humidity sensor

Humidity sensors work by detecting changes that alter electrical currents or temperature in
the air. There are three basic types of humidity sensors: capacitive, resistive and thermal. All
three types will monitor minute changes in the atmosphere in order to calculate the humidity
in the air.

3.UV sensor

A photodiode-type UV sensor measures illuminance. When light strikes the photodiode, it

energizes the electrons, which causes an electric current. The electric current will be stronger
in response to brighter light. The electrical current can then be measured and transformed into
a digital or analog output

4.Rain drop sensor

It works on the principle of resistance. The raindrop sensor measures the moisture via analog
output pins and it provides a digital output when a threshold of moisture exceeds. The module
is based on the LM393 op amp. It consists of an electronics module and a printed circuit
board that “collects” the rain drops.

5.ESP 8266

The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of
either hosting an application or offloading all WiFi networking functions from another

application processor.

6.LCD display

A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this
LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. The 16 x 2 intelligent alphanumeric dot
matrix display is capable of displaying 224 different characters and symbols. This LCD has
two registers, namely, Command and Data.

7.Solar panel

When sunlight strikes a solar cell, electrons in the silicon are ejected, which results in the
formation of “holes”—the vacancies left behind by the escaping electrons. If this happens in
the electric field, the field will move electrons to the n-type layer and holes to the p-type


The movement of the lithium ions creates free electrons in the anode which creates a charge
at the positive current collector. The electrical current then flows from the current collector
through a device being powered (cell phone, computer, etc.) to the negative current collector.

4.2 Result

Weather stations record climatic conditions including air temperature, wind speed, wind
direction and barometric pressure. They record water temperatures at various depths and
the amount of above-water photosynthetically active radiation. A small number of stations
also include above and below-water cameras.
Being able to forecast and plan for the future when it comes to the local climate is a
major advantage when it comes to planning tourism facilities. The transport sector can also
benefit, as infrastructure can be set up to measure road surface conditions to improve traffic
What are important facts about weather?

The strongest ever recorded wind was on Mt Washington, New Hampshire, USA at an
amazing 231mph. Stormy Weather facts: Nearly 2,000 thunderstorm cells are estimated over
the planet at any given time. The U.S. has over 100,000 thunderstorms every year, with over
16 million taking place across the world in a year.
Chapter 5

Conclusion and Future Scope

This White Paper on the Future of Weather and Climate Forecasting is a collective endeavour
of more than 30 lead scientists and experts to analyse trends, challenges and opportunities in
a very dynamic environment. The main purpose of the paper is to set directions and
recommendations for scheduled progress, avoiding potential disruptions and leveraging
opportunities through public-private engagement over the coming decade. This is done
through a description of three overarching components of the innovation cycle: infrastructure,
research and development, and operation. The paper presents the converging views of the
contributors but also accounts for some variations of those views in areas where different
options exist for advancing our capacity to predict weather and climate. Thus, it informs and
provides for intelligent choices based on local circumstances and resources.

The advancement of our ability to predict the weather and climate has been the core
aspiration of a global community of scientists and practitioners, in the almost 150 years of
international cooperation in meteorology and related Earth system sciences. The demand for
weather and climate forecast information in support of critical decision-making has grown
rapidly during the last decade and will grow even faster in the coming years. Great advances
have been made in the utilization of predictions in many areas of human activities.
Nevertheless, further improvements in accuracy and precision, higher spatial and temporal
resolution, and a better description of uncertainty are needed for realizing the full potential of
forecasts as enablers of a new level of weather and climate-informed decision-making.




Rain drop sensor

Other References

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