Policy Guidelines Nonacademic Awards 2022 2023

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Grades 1 to 12
Effective SY2022 - 2023


Being cognizant of the positive consequences of acknowledging student efforts, the non-
academic awards policies were revisited thereby giving due credits to outstanding student
services worthy of recognition. Hence, the Awards Committee does not rule out the possibility of
inclusive year-end activity to celebrate remarkable student performances and contributions to
the School and/or the community especially at a time when their actions were not impeded by
the circumstances.

The reviewed set of non-academic awards contained herein screens qualified

candidates/awardees consistent with the School’s standard of excellence as it is imperatively
important to uphold its inherent value and attribute at all costs.


These year-end awards shall be bestowed to qualified learners who have met the requirements
as stipulated in the guidelines.

All learners including transferees who have met the standards, criteria, and guidelines set by this
policy shall be recognized. Transferees should have been enrolled not later than the second week
from the start of classes.

There can be two or more recipients of any award. However, should there be no qualified
learner, the awards shall not be given.

Learners under the IPAN/CARE Program (Special Education) shall also receive recognition in class
based on the set requirements and guidelines.

The current school year shall be considered for the qualifications and criteria unless indicated

A learner who incurs a major or grave offense within the current school year shall be disqualified
from receiving any award during the year-end ceremony.


This recognition is awarded to learners who have manifested skills and have rendered
valuable service through their active participation and outstanding cultural performances.
❖ Lion Dance
❖ Music
❖ Dragon Dance
❖ Chinese Classical Dance
To qualify for this award, a learner must:
a. embrace Chinese Culture manifested in attitude and response to opportunities,
b. have performed both inside and/or outside the school in the current school year,
c. manifest commendable performing skills as assessed by the trainer,
d. uphold the Josephian Core Values / have not committed any major offense in the
previous and current school year; and
e. show dedication and commitment during rehearsals and performances.


This award is given to qualified learners from Grade 6, 10, and 12 who have demonstrated
exemplary skills in organizing projects that have significantly contributed to the
betterment of the School and /or community.

To qualify for this award, a learner must:

a. have no failing grades in any of the learning areas (current and previous year),
b. have a quarterly grade and final rating of at least 85% in Deportment (current
and previous year),
c. have not committed any major offense or no disciplinary record (current and
previous year),
d. be a class officer or an active member/officer of any recognized school club,
team or organization (current and previous year); and
e. be nominated by his/her Club Moderator or Class Adviser.

The table shows the set of criteria and weights that will be used in the evaluation
and deliberation process.
Criteria Weight

Advisers/ Peers

1. Motivational Skills (30%)

a. Communicates effectively
b. Shows initiative and responsibility 18% 12%
c. Engages groups and/or club members to participate actively
d. Establishes collaborative relationship
e. Resolves conflicts

2. Planning and Organizational Skills (30%)

a. Plans and designs relevant activities for the class, club and/or school
b. Implements planned activities effectively and efficiently 18% 12%
c. Monitors implementation of plans and tasks
d. Manages and/or uses resources wisely

3. Contribution to the School and /or Community (20%) 12% 8%

Renders service and/or implements activities relevant to the school population
and/ or community

Model of Values (20%)

Upholds the values expected of a Josephian 12% 8%

Total 60% 40%

Below is the Leadership Award Rubric. It shall be used to rate each criterion. Only those
learners who have met at least 90% of the criteria shall be awarded.


Criteria 4 3 2–1 Score

Motivational Skills (30%) - Displays excellent oral - Displays very good - Able to
a. Communicates & written oral & written communicate
effectively communication skills communication skills clearly and
b. Shows initiative and with a very high level with a satisfying level comfortably but
responsibility of persuasion, passion of persuasion, passion needs more
c. Engages group & dedication. & dedication. persuasion skills in
and/or clubmates to - Is skilled in delegating - Has the ability to order to establish a
participate actively tasks and blend and work well more meaningful
d. Establishes communicating with the group but connection with the
collaborative his/her expectations has little lapses in people around
relationships well with a group or communicating him/her.
e. Resolves conflicts team his/her expectations.
- Is a peacemaker and
displays calmness
amidst stressful
Planning & Organizational Skills - Plans and designs - Plans and designs - Plans and designs
(30%) relevant worthwhile relevant activities & relevant activities
a. Plans and designs activities & implements them but needs
relevant activities for implements them effectively and improvement in the
the class, club, effectively and efficiently. implementation of
and/or school. efficiently. plans and tasks.
b. Implements planned - Actively monitors the - Monitors the
activities effectively implementation of implementation of
and efficiently plans & tasks. plans & tasks.
c. Monitors
implementation of
plans and tasks

Contribution to the School - Has made very - Has made significant - He/she is actively
and/or Community (20%) significant contributions by joining a
Renders service and/or contributions through his/her active community or
implements activities relevant his/her continued involvement & school-based
to the school population efforts to spearhead engagement in activities.
and/or community meaningful activities meaningful activities
aimed at advancing in his/her immediate
the welfare of his/her community and
immediate School.
community and
fellow students.
- Always exhibits the - Regularly exhibits - His/her Good Moral
Model of Values (20%) values of Service, qualities of Respect, Character and
Wisdom, Integrity, Responsibility & Values are present
Upholds the values expected Trust, Compassion & Integrity in his/her but not highly
of a Josephian Harmony and has a dealings with most evident in his/her
strong sense of people in his/her manner of dealings
Respect & immediate school with some members
Responsibility in all and/or community. of his/her
his/her dealings with immediate school
his/her immediate and/or community.
school and/or
C. SERVICE AWARD. This award is given to qualified learners from Grade 6, 10, and 12 who have
rendered significant or major contributions to the welfare of their class, student body, school,
and/or the community through their active involvement in various projects and programs.

To qualify for this award, a learner must:

a. have no failing grades in any of the learning areas in the current year,
b. have a quarterly grade and final rating of at least 83% in Deportment (current and
previous year),
c. have not committed any major offense or no disciplinary record (current and
previous year); and
d. be a class officer or an active member/ officer of any recognized school club, team,
or organization (current and/or previous year).

Unlike the Leadership Award, this award allows candidates to apply for this award or be nominated by
their teachers, advisers, moderators, or peers. This award shall not be given anymore to a recipient of
the Leadership Award and vice versa. However, nominees for the Leadership Award who did not meet
the cut-off may be evaluated for Service Award provided that the criteria below are met.

The following are the criteria with weight percentages for the evaluation of awardees:

Criteria Weight

Advisers/ Peers

Performance (30%)
1) Implements projects and activities, and
delivers services based on the 18% 12%
club/organization’s objectives and plans
2) Contributes to developing worthwhile
projects and activities
3) Shows initiative and responsibility
4) Shows teamwork and collaboration
among its members
5) Manages and/or uses resources wisely

Contribution to the School and/or Community

Renders service and/or implements activities 18% 12%
relevant to the school population and/or

Exemplary Output (20%)

Delivers a concrete output related to the 12% 8%
objectives and purpose of the
club/organization and the School

Model of Values (20%)

Upholds the values expected of a Josephian 12% 8%

TOTAL 60% 40%

Below is the Service Award Rubric. It shall be used to rate each criterion. Only those
learners who have met at least 90% of the criteria shall be awarded.


Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Performance (30%) The student The student The student The student
1) Implements projects has has has has
and activities, and achieved/ achieved/ achieved/ achieved/
delivers services manifested all manifested manifested manifested
based on the five of the four of the three of the one or two of
club/organization’s requirements requirements requirements requirements
objectives and plans given. given. given. given.
2) Contributes in
worthwhile projects
and activities
3) Shows initiative and
4) Shows teamwork and
collaboration among
its members
5) Manages and/or uses
resources wisely
Contribution to the School The student The student The student The student
and/or Community (30%) has has has partially has little
Renders service and/or consistently significantly contributed contribution
implements activities and contributed to the to the
relevant to the school significantly to the activities activities
population and/or contributed activities and/or goals and/or goals
community to the and/or goals of the School of the School
activities of the School and/or and/or
and/or goals and/or community. community.
of the School community.
Exemplary Output (20%) The student The student The student The student
Delivers a concrete output has delivered has delivered has delivered has delivered
related to the objectives a very a a good an output that
and purpose of the commendabl commendabl output that somewhat
club/organization and the e output that e output that partially helped
School targeted the targeted the targeted the toward the
goals of the goals of the goals of the goals of the
club and/or club and/or club and/or club and/or
School. School. School. School.
Model of Values (20%) The student The student The student The student
Upholds the values has very has has has
expected of a Josephian commendabl commendabl acceptable inconsistently
e behavior e behavior behavior and shown good
and attitude and attitude attitude as behavior and
as expected as expected expected of attitude.
of a of a a Josephian.
Josephian. Josephian.


The same Service Award may be conferred to the candidate(s) without having to undergo
similar rigorous selection processes as reflected above, provided that upon the
endorsement of the Campus Ministry Coordinator, the following minimum
qualifications/requirements are met:

a. have no failing grades in any of the learning areas in the current year,
b. have a quarterly grade and final rating of at least 83% in Deportment (current and
previous year),
c. have not committed any major offense or no disciplinary record (current and
previous year); and
d. an active member of the SJS Knights of the Altar (current and previous year).


This award is conferred to student-athletes who have shown outstanding skills in games
and sports through participation and victories in competitions, as well as discipline in
training and sportsmanlike conduct and character.

This award shall be granted to student-athletes who participated in sports events and
brought honor to the School in the current year.

Students who were recognized during the previous year-end ceremony will not be
entitled of the same award this school year.

To qualify for this award, a learner must:

a. have received an award/s in the current school year,
b. manifest commendable skills; and
c. uphold the Josephian Core Values / have not committed any major offense or no
disciplinary record (current and previous year).


The Awards Committee deems it necessary to waive the awarding of Perfect Attendance
to discourage learners from being anxious and regretful when they are absent in class due
to sickness or observation of quarantine/isolation.


These awards are given to learners from Grades 1 to 6 who have been observed to
consistently demonstrate the School’s Core Values and other inherent non-quantifiable
traits of a Josephian.

This non-cognitive recognition affirms commendable qualities and significant behavioral

improvement manifested by a learner.
The Class Adviser and the Subject Teachers shall utilize the school-designed guidelines
and rubrics to evaluate nominated learners who have consistently and dutifully exhibited
exemplary observable behavior under certain character traits.

1. Discipline Champ
• Manifested commendable consistency in practicing good behavior toward
studies and school policies
2. Happy Soul
• Manifested genuine joy, optimism, and cheerfulness that influence fellow
3. Nurturing Buddy
• Manifested sincere care for the needs and difficulties of fellow classmates
which prompted to commendable efforts/actions
4. Respectful and Obedient
• Manifested high regard to teachers and classmates, showed respect thru
language and actions, dutifully observed the classroom routines and
school reminders
5. Most Dependable
• Manifested independence, reliability and trustworthiness in doing tasks
and responsibilities
6. Prudent Worker
• Manifested careful judgment or insight toward others and set to live up to
given duties and responsibilities
7. Extra Miler (Intermediate) / Busy Bee (Primary)
• Manifested exemplary disposition in the completion of tasks and study
8. Sparkler
• Manifested exemplary skills in modelling diligence and in motivating fellow
classmates toward the completion of their tasks and practice of good

A rubric designed by the Awards Committee and approved by the Principal shall be used.
Only those nominees that have received 90% of the rubric shall be awarded.

H. Deportment Award

This award is given to Junior and Senior High School learners whose Deportment Grade
qualifies accordingly. A quarterly grade and a final rating of at least 92% (for JHS) and
93% (for SHS) shall be the basis to merit the award every quarter (JHS) / semester (SHS)
and end of the school year.

I. Club Achievement Award

This award is given to duly recognized club or organization that has created positive
impact on the School and/or community it serves through the implementation of all its
planned activities and projects, provided strong support to the implementation of the
school activities and attainment of the school’s objectives, and taken great strides to help
its members develop their potentials.
The following are criteria and weights for the evaluation of awardees:

Criteria Weight
Club/Organization Performance 40%
Exemplary Output 20%
Contribution to the School / Community 20%
Model of Values 20%

A rubric designed by the Awards Committee and approved by the Principal shall be used
to rate each criteria. Only those clubs or organizations that have received 90% of the
criteria shall be awarded.

The policy guidelines contained herein shall remain effective unless repealed, amended or



Sr. Stephanie Chang, SSH


Main References:

DepEd Order no. 36, s. 2016

SJS Policies on Awards and Recognitions S/Y 2017-2018

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