Monetary Economics: Problem Set #3 Due Thursday September 11th in Class

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Monetary Economics

Problem Set #3

Monetary Economics: Problem Set #3

Due Thursday September 11th in class

This problem set is marked out of 100 points. The weight given to each part is indicated below.
Please contact me asap if you have any questions.

1. Policy tradeoffs in the new Keynesian model. Consider a new Keynesian model with
output gap and inflation given by
ỹt = − (it − Et [πt+1 ] − ρ) + Et [ỹt+1 ] (1)
πt = βEt [πt+1 ] + κỹt + xt (2)
where {xt } is an exogenous shock. Monetary policy is given by the interest rate rule

it = ρ + φπ πt + vt

where {vt } is an exogenous monetary policy shock and is independent of {xt }.

(a) Explain in words the economic interpretation of equations (1) and (2). How could you
interpret the xt shock? (10 points)

To simplify the algebra, assume for the rest of this question that σ = 1 and that {xt } and {vt }
are both IID white noise.

(b) Solve for equilibrium inflation πt and the output gap ỹt in terms of the shocks vt and xt .
(20 points)
(c) Explain how inflation, interest rates and the output gap respond to the vt and xt shocks.
Give economic intuition for all your answers. (10 points)
(d) Suppose the central bank chooses the feedback coefficient φπ to minimise the loss function

L = Var[πt ] + Var[ỹt ] (3)

Solve for the value of φπ that minimises this loss function. Is there a policy “trade-off”
here? Explain how your answer depends on the parameter κ and on the variances of the
shocks, Var[vt ] and Var[xt ]. Give economic intuition for your answers. (15 points)
(e) Does the value of φπ that minimises the loss function (3) satisfy the Taylor principle? Why
or why not? (5 points)
Monetary Economics: Problem Set #3 2

2. Interest rate versus money supply rules. Consider an economy again described by the
equilibrium conditions
ỹt = − (it − Et [πt+1 ] − rtn ) + Et [ỹt+1 ]
πt = βEt [πt+1 ] + κỹ

and now also a money demand equation of the form

mt − pt = yt − ηit , η>0

where all variables are defined as usual. Both ytn and rtn evolve exogenously, independent of
monetary policy. The central bank seeks to minimize a loss function of the form

L = Var[πt ] + Var[ỹt ]

(a) Explain how the optimal monetary policy outcomes can be implemented by an interest
rate feedback rule. (10 points)
(b) Show that a constant money supply will generally not be optimal. (15 points)
(c) Derive a money supply rule that would implement the optimal monetary policy. (15 points)

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