Guided Waves Introduction 1

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Zhenhua Tian

Bachelor of Science
North China Electric Power University, 2008

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in

Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering and Computing

University of South Carolina


Accepted by:

Lingyu Yu, Major Professor

Victor Giurgiutiu, Committee Member

Yuh J. Chao, Committee Member

Paul Ziehl, Committee Member

Cara A.C. Leckey, Committee Member

Lacy Ford, Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies

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I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Lingyu Yu, for her

dedicated guidance, thoughtful advice, tremendous support and willingness to allow me

to explore research areas I am truly passionate about. It is an honor to be her first Ph.D.

student and follow her as a role model of successful professor and independent thinker.

Her enthusiasm in research has motivated me throughout my Ph.D. journey and will

continuously encourage me in my future career.

I would like to give special thanks to my committee members. I am lucky to have

Dr. Victor Giurgiutiu as an excellent example to follow, to learn from his outstanding

work and insightful suggestions in Friday meetings. I also gained valuable guidance from

Dr. Cara A.C. Leckey, Dr. Yuh J. Chao and Dr. Paul Ziehl, who have enriched my

knowledge and broadened my horizon.

My gratitude is also extended to my dear colleagues in VSHM and LAMSS, who

have contributed immensely to my professional and personal life in the past four years.

The collaboration and friendship among us enlightened me to explore and achieve more.

The great conversations with Dr. Jingjing Bao, Dr. Bin Lin, Dr. Yanfeng Shen and

Banibrata Poddar, always inspired spark in me.

Lastly, I want to thank my parents for their unconditional love and support, and

Dr. Hong Xu from NCEPU for his unending encouragement. My friends in Columbia are

also appreciated for giving me the unforgettable memories. I would like to thank my

girlfriend Xue Bai, for her understanding, quiet patience and belief in me.

Damage detection and health monitoring are critical for ensuring the structural safety in

various fields, such as aerospace, civil and nuclear engineering. Structural health

monitoring (SHM) performs online nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and can predict the

structural remaining life through appropriate diagnosis and prognosis technologies.

Among various SHM/NDE technologies, guided ultrasonic waves have shown great

potential for fast and large area SHM/NDE, due to their sensitivity to small defects and

capability to propagate long distances. Recent advances in guided wave based SHM/NDE

technologies have demonstrated the feasibility of detecting damage in simple structures

such as metallic plates and pipes. However, there remain many challenging tasks for

quantifying damage, especially for damage quantification in complex structures such as

laminated composites and honeycomb sandwich structures. Moreover, guided wave

propagations in complex structures, and wave interactions with various types of defects

such as crack, delamination and debonding damage, need to be investigated.

The objective of this dissertation research is to develop guided wave based

integrated SHM and NDE methodologies for damage detection and quantification in

complex structures. This objective is achieved through guided wave modeling, optimized

sensor and sensing system development, and quantitative and visualized damage

diagnoses. Moreover, the developed SHM/NDE methodologies are used for various

damage detection and health monitoring applications.

This dissertation is organized in two major parts. Part I focuses on the

development of integrated SHM/NDE damage diagnosis methodologies. A non-contact

laser vibrometry sensing system is optimized to acquire high spatial resolution wavefields

of guided waves. The guided wavefields in terms of time and space dimensions contain a

wealth of information regarding guided wave propagations in structures and wave

interactions with structural discontinuities. To extract informative wave signatures from

the time-space wavefields and characterize the complex wave propagation and interaction

phenomenon, guided wavefield analysis methods, including frequency-wavenumber

analysis, wavefield decomposition and space-frequency-wavenumber analysis, are

investigated. Using these analysis methods, the multi-modal and dispersive guided waves

can be resolved, and the complex wave propagation and interaction can be interpreted

and analyzed in time, space, frequency, and wavenumber multi-domains.

In Part I, a hierarchical damage diagnosis methodology is also developed for

quantitative and visualized damage detection. The hierarchical methodology

systematically combines phased array imaging and wavefield based imaging to achieve

efficient and precise damage detection and quantification. The generic phased array

imaging is developed based on classic delay-and-sum principle and works for both

isotropic and anisotropic materials. Using the phased array imaging, an intensity scanning

image of the structure is generated to efficiently visualize and locate the damage zone.

Then the wavefield based imaging methods such as filter reconstruction imaging and

spatial wavenumber imaging are performed to precisely quantify the damage size, shape

and depth.

In Part II, the developed methodologies are applied to five different SHM/NDE

applications: (1) gas accumulation detection and quantification in water loaded structures,

(2) crack damage detection and quantification in isotropic plates, (3) thickness loss

evaluation in isotropic plates, (4) delamination damage detection and quantification in

composite laminates, (5) debonding detection and quantification in honeycomb sandwich


This dissertation research will initiate sensing and diagnosis methodologies that

provide rapid noncontact inspection of damage and diagnosis of structural health. In the

long run, it contributes to the development of advanced sensor and sensing technologies

based on guided waves, and to providing on-demand health information at component or

subsystem level for the safety and reliability of the structure.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................x

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. xi

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................1

1.1. BACKGROUND .....................................................................................................1

1.2. MOTIVATION.......................................................................................................3

1.3. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................8

CHAPTER 2 STATE OF THE ART ........................................................................................10

2.1. GUIDED WAVE PROPAGATION STUDY ................................................................10

2.2. GUIDED WAVE EXCITATION AND SENSING .........................................................18


METHODOLOGIES ..............................................................................................26

PART I: INTEGRATED SHM/NDE DIAGNOSIS METHODOLOGIES .......................................38


3.1. DISPERSION AND MODE SHAPE DERIVATIONS ....................................................38

3.2. WAVE PROPAGATION AND INTERACTION SIMULATIONS ....................................44



4.2. FREQUENCY-WAVENUMBER ANALYSIS .............................................................57

4.3. GUIDED WAVEFIELD DECOMPOSITION ...............................................................59

4.4. SPACE-FREQUENCY-WAVENUMBER ANALYSIS ..................................................61


5.1. GUIDED WAVE PHASED ARRAYS IMAGING .........................................................64

5.2. FILTER RECONSTRUCTION IMAGING ..................................................................85

5.3. SPATIAL WAVENUMBER IMAGING .....................................................................87

PART II: SHM/NDE APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................89



6.1. GUIDED WAVE WATER LEVEL DETECTION .........................................................89



7.1. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION ..................................................................103

7.2. WAVE INTERACTION WITH CRACK DAMAGE ....................................................104

7.3. CRACK DETECTION AND QUANTIFICATION ......................................................106


8.1. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION ..................................................................112

8.2. WAVE INTERACTION WITH MATERIAL LOSS DAMAGE ......................................112




LAMINATES .............................................................................................................121

9.1. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION ..................................................................121

9.2. WAVE INTERACTION WITH DELAMINATION DAMAGE ......................................123


DAMAGE ..........................................................................................................133


STRUCTURES ...........................................................................................................144

10.1. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION ..................................................................144

10.2. GUIDED WAVES IN HONEYCOMB SANDWICH STRUCTURES...............................145

10.3. WAVE INTERACTION WITH DEBONDING DAMAGE ............................................150

10.4. DEBONDING DETECTION AND QUANTIFICATION ..............................................157

CHAPTER 11 CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE WORK ...........................................158

11.1. RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................160

11.2. MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS ..................................................................................168

11.3. RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE WORK ..........................................................172

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................175


Table 3.1 Wave modes in EFIT results when incident waves are A0 mode ................. 48

Table 3.2 Wave modes in EFIT results when incident waves are S0 mode .................. 49

Table 3.3 Geometry parameters of the finite element model. (Units: mm) .................. 50

Table 5.1 Material properties of a single ply. ............................................................... 71

Table 5.2 Configurations of three rectangular arrays for beamforming study.............. 71

Table 5.3 BF(k) characteristics of the three rectangular arrays .................................... 74

Table 5.4 Full width of the mainlobe at one-half peak value........................................ 77

Table 9.1 Material properties of the IM7/8552 lamina. .............................................. 125

Table 10.1 Geometry parameters of the honeycomb sandwich structure (units: mm). 147


Figure 1.1 The comparison between human nervous system and SHM system. ..........2

Figure 1.2 Guided waves in different waveguides ........................................................3

Figure 1.3 Dispersion curves of a 1 mm thickness aluminum plate (2024-T3). ...........4

Figure 1.4 Complex structure examples ........................................................................5

Figure 1.5 Examples of various defects ........................................................................5

Figure 1.6 An illustration of an 8×8 piezoelectric transducers phased array ................6

Figure 1.7 Guided wave waveforms..............................................................................6

Figure 2.1 Sketches of multilayered structures ...........................................................11

Figure 2.2 Illustration of structures with complex cross sections. ..............................13

Figure 2.3 Examples of the SAFE method for solving the dispersion problems of
periodical structures ...................................................................................13

Figure 2.4 An example of the analytical simulation of guided waves generated by

a piezo-disc ................................................................................................14

Figure 2.5 An example of FEM simulation of guided waves in a honeycomb

sandwich ....................................................................................................17

Figure 2.6 Examples of EFIT simulations...................................................................18

Figure 2.7 Examples of various transducers ...............................................................19

Figure 2.8 PWAS interaction with a structure ............................................................21

Figure 2.9 PWAS tuning curves of a round PWAS (7mm diameter, 0.2mm
thickness) bonded on an aluminum 2024-T3 plate (1mm thick) ...............22

Figure 2.10 Schematics of PWAS applications.............................................................22

Figure 2.11 A schematic of SLDV principle (BS: beam splitter). ................................23

Figure 2.12 Visualization of wave interaction with a fatigue crack by using laser
vibrometry ..................................................................................................25

Figure 2.13 The experimental wavefields in a structure (fabricated from two 0.8
mm thick aluminum plates that were epoxy-bonded together) ..................26

Figure 2.14 Amplitude profile of a guided wavefield for delamination detection ........28

Figure 2.15 Source removal for delamination detection ...............................................28

Figure 2.16 Standing wave filtering for delamination detection ...................................28

Figure 2.17 Sparse array imaging results for the detection of a through hole with a
diameter of 3.2 mm ....................................................................................31

Figure 2.18 Sparse array imaging results for the detection of a 6 mm diameter
through hole ...............................................................................................32

Figure 2.19 Baseline-free imaging ................................................................................32

Figure 2.20 Sparse array imaging for crack detection...................................................32

Figure 2.21 Comparisons between omnidirectional guided waves and focused

guided waves ..............................................................................................33

Figure 2.22 EUSR detection results ..............................................................................34

Figure 2.23 2-D planar arrays........................................................................................35

Figure 3.1 Sketches for: (a) free plate and (b) plate with one side in water................39

Figure 3.2 Wavenumber dispersion curves of a free steel plate with 1.2 mm
thickness .....................................................................................................39

Figure 3.3 Wavenumber dispersion curves of a 1.2 mm thick steel plate with one
side in water ...............................................................................................41

Figure 3.4 Theoretical wave mode shapes of the quasi-Scholte mode .......................41

Figure 3.5 SAFE model of a CFRP composite plate with [02/902]s layup ..................42

Figure 3.6 Dispersion curves of guided waves propagating in 90° direction in the
[02/902]s CFRP composite plate .................................................................43

Figure 3.7 Wavenumber and group velocity curves at 300 kHz for guided waves
in the [02/902]s CFRP composite plate .......................................................43

Figure 3.8 Mode shapes of guided waves at 300 kHz propagating in 90° direction
in the [02/902]s CFRP composite plate .......................................................43

Figure 3.9 Configuration of EFIT simulation for the study of guided waves in a
water loaded plate ......................................................................................45

Figure 3.10 vz velocity results of EFIT simulation at 100 kHz excitation ....................45

Figure 3.11 vz velocity results of EFIT simulation at 600 kHz excitation ....................46

Figure 3.12 The EFIT simulation configuration for the study of wave interaction
with delamination damage in a CFRP plate with [02/902]s layup. .............46

Figure 3.13 EFIT results at 300 kHz for A0 mode interaction with delamination
damage .......................................................................................................48

Figure 3.14 EFIT results at 300 kHz for S0 mode interaction with delamination
damage .......................................................................................................49

Figure 3.15 The finite element model of the honeycomb sandwich structure with a
surface-bonded PZT. ..................................................................................50

Figure 3.16 Simulation results of displacements in the z direction uz ..........................50

Figure 4.1 A schematic of the PZT-SLDV sensing.....................................................55

Figure 4.2 Crack detection by using the PZT-SLDV sensing .....................................55

Figure 4.3 Delamination detection by using the PZT-SLDV sensing .........................57

Figure 4.4 Frequency-wavenumber analysis on guided waves in a 6.35 mm thick

T304 steel plate ..........................................................................................58

Figure 4.5 Guided wave decomposition by using frequency-wavenumber filtering ..60

Figure 4.6 An example of the window function. .........................................................63

Figure 4.7 An example of the space-frequency-wavenumber analysis .......................63

Figure 5.1 Schematics of geometric relations of guided waves in composite plates ..66

Figure 5.2 Schematic of a P×Q rectangular array .......................................................70

Figure 5.3 Wavenumber curve k(γ) of the 90 kHz A0 mode in the [0/45/90/-45]s
CFRP composite laminate..........................................................................71

Figure 5.4 BF(k) images for the array (1) ...................................................................74

Figure 5.5 BF(k) images when the phase delays (-0.02, 0.68)∙pp,q is applied.............74

Figure 5.6 BF(θ) plots for array (1) .............................................................................77

Figure 5.7 BF(θ) plots when the beamsteering directions are θS =0°, 45°, 90° and
135° ............................................................................................................77

Figure 5.8 Experimental setup for multi-defects detection on a CFRP composite

laminate ......................................................................................................80

Figure 5.9 SLDV measurements. ................................................................................82

Figure 5.10 Beamforming and imaging of array (2) .....................................................84

Figure 5.11 Array imaging results .................................................................................84

Figure 5.12 Filter reconstruction imaging for delamination detection in a CFRP

composite plate. .........................................................................................86

Figure 5.13 Spatial wavenumber imaging for delamination detection in a CFPR

plate ............................................................................................................88

Figure 6.1 The PZT-SLDV experiment on a water tank .............................................91

Figure 6.2 Experimental results...................................................................................92

Figure 6.3 Frequency-wavenumber analysis results ...................................................92

Figure 6.4 An illustration of the pitch-catch configuration. ........................................95

Figure 6.5 Water influence on wave propagation at 100 kHz .....................................95

Figure 6.6 The experimental setup ..............................................................................97

Figure 6.7 Experimental results...................................................................................97

Figure 6.8 Frequency-wavenumber analysis ...............................................................98

Figure 6.9 An illustration of the pitch-catch sensing on a small scale pipe. .............100

Figure 6.10 Experimental results for the small scale pipe ..........................................100

Figure 6.11 Test on a tilted large scale pipe ................................................................102

Figure 6.12 Experimental results for the tilted large scale pipe ..................................102

Figure 7.1 Experimental setup for crack detection in a 1 mm thick aluminum
plate ..........................................................................................................104

Figure 7.2 Wavefield images measured by the SLDV at 360 kHz excitation on a 1
mm thick aluminum plate with a TT crack ..............................................105

Figure 7.3 Filter reconstruction imaging with experimental data in an aluminum

plate with a TT crack ...............................................................................107

Figure 7.4 Spatial Wavenumber imaging with experimental data in an aluminum

plate with a TT crack. ..............................................................................107

Figure 7.5 The filter reconstruction imaging results at 360 kHz...............................110

Figure 7.6 Amplitudes along the cracks extracted from the filter reconstruction
imaging results. Broken, solid and dotted lines are for TT, 3X and hTT
cracks, respectively ..................................................................................110

Figure 7.7 Spatial wavenumber imaging results at 360kHz ......................................111

Figure 7.8 Wavenumber distributions along the crack. Broken, solid and dotted
lines are for TT, 3X and hTT cracks, respectively. .................................111

Figure 8.1. Experimental setup...................................................................................113

Figure 8.2. Chirp excitation........................................................................................114

Figure 8.3 Spectral fields (real parts) for the plate with 0.75 mm depth material
loss damage ..............................................................................................115

Figure 8.4 Spatial wavenumber images for the plate with 0.75 mm depth material
loss damage ..............................................................................................115

Figure 8.5 A0 mode wavenumber versus plate thickness and wave frequency. ........116

Figure 8.6 Dispersion curve regression result at the location (0, 60) mm, when the
damage depth is 0.75 mm. .......................................................................118

Figure 8.7 The thickness loss quantification results..................................................118

Figure 8.8. Experimental setup...................................................................................119

Figure 8.9 Spectral fields (real parts) for the plate with simulated pitting corrosion
damage .....................................................................................................119

Figure 8.10. Imaging result of the plate with simulated pitting corrosion damage. .....120

Figure 9.1 The scanning laser vibrometry test ..........................................................126

Figure 9.2 Time-space wavefields of waves propagating along the y axis ...............126

Figure 9.3 SLDV wavefield snapshots at 15 µs ........................................................127

Figure 9.4 Wavenumber spectra at 300 kHz excitation frequency ...........................128

Figure 9.5 The filtering process in wavenumber domain ..........................................130

Figure 9.6 The filter reconstruction imaging results .................................................130

Figure 9.7 Spatial wavenumber image of the Teflon delaminated plate ...................132

Figure 9.8 Dispersion curves of A0 modes propagating towards the 90° direction ..133

Figure 9.9 Quasi-static indentation for delamination damage growth ......................135

Figure 9.10 The 26 ply laminate after the quasi-static indentation test ......................135

Figure 9.11 The SLDV phased array sensing layout for detecting and imaging the
impact-induced delamination damage. ....................................................136

Figure 9.12. SLDV measurements ...............................................................................137

Figure 9.13 Phased array imaging results for detecting and imaging the impact-
induced delamination damage..................................................................138

Figure 9.14 Experimental setup for quantifying the impact-induced delamination. ...139

Figure 9.15 SLDV wavefield images at 45 µs for 100 kHz excitation. ......................140

Figure 9.16 SLDV wavefield images at 40 µs for 500 kHz excitation .......................140

Figure 9.17 Filter reconstruction imaging at the low frequency 100 kHz ..................141

Figure 9.18 Filter reconstruction imaging at the high frequency 500 kHz .................142

Figure 9.19 Spatial wavenumber imaging result in the frequency band 480~520
kHz. ..........................................................................................................143

Figure 10.1 A schematic of the PZT-SLDV sensing setup. ........................................146

Figure 10.2 Wavefields measured from the experiment .............................................147

Figure 10.3 Wavenumber spectra ................................................................................149

Figure 10.4 The sensing layout of the PZT-SLDV experiment on a honeycomb
sandwich with debonding damage in the center of the sandwich. ...........150

Figure 10.5 Experimental results at the high frequency 100 kHz for the pristine
(left column) and damaged (right column) sandwich structures .............151

Figure 10.6 Wavenumber spectra at 100 kHz: (a) for the pristine sandwich and (b)
for the sandwich with debonding damage. ..............................................151

Figure 10.7 Wave decomposition for the pristine sandwich .......................................153

Figure 10.8 Wave decomposition of the waves in the sandwich with debonding
damage .....................................................................................................154

Figure 10.9 Experimental results at the low frequency 40 kHz for the pristine (left
column) and damaged (right column) sandwich structures .....................155

Figure 10.10 Wavenumber analysis results at 40 kHz ..................................................156

Figure 10.11 Debonding detection and quantification ..................................................157


Structural health monitoring (SHM) assesses the state of structural health, and through

appropriate data processing and interpretation, may predict the remaining life the

structure [1]. Over the past two decades, SHM has been experiencing spectacular

progress in various areas such as aerospace, marine, civil, and nuclear engineering [1-3].

An SHM system behaves like the nervous system (as shown in Figure 1.1) with the

particular purpose of monitoring structural behavior in quasi-real time, indicating the

health state of structure, and “triggering” safety and remedial actions [4]. In the SHM

system, there are four important elements: data collection, data processing, information

processing to define the current state, and the decision making and dissemination [4]. The

SHM system can perform in two main ways: passive and active [1, 4]. The passive SHM

is concerned with measuring various operational parameters (such as acoustic emissions,

vibration levels, stresses in critical locations, etc.) by using receivers and then inferring

the health state of structure [1]. In contrast, the active SHM is concerned with directly

assessing the health state of structure by using both actuators and receivers [1].

The health state of the structure is indicated by the presence and extent of

structural damage. The damage can be changes to material properties, geometric

parameters, and boundary conditions, which adversely affect the present and future safety

of structures [2]. Generally, the identification of the damage state involves the following

five aspects: (1) the existence of damage, (2) the locations of damage, (3) the types of

damage, (4) the severity of the damage, and (5) the remaining service life of the structure


Human nervous system SHM system

Sensor network (nerves)


Figure 1.1 The comparison between a human nervous system and an SHM system [4].

Various means, such as ultrasonic waves, structure vibration, electromechanical

impedance, eddy current, micro waves, etc., can be used for NDE and SHM [1, 4, 6].

Particularly, this dissertation study focuses on the guided ultrasonic waves, which are

elastic waves propagating along waveguides [7]. Different structural components, such as

plate-like structures and pipes can serve as waveguides [7-11]. In these waveguides, the

guided waves travel in different forms. For example, Rayleigh waves travel along a free

surface (Figure 1.2a), symmetric Lamb waves travel along a plate (Figure 1.2b), torsional

guided waves travel in a cylinder (Figure 1.2c), etc. Other cases, like a solid-water

interface, a solid-solid interface, etc., can also serve as the waveguides [7-11].

Compared to bulk waves, guided waves have the advantage of long propagation

distance with less energy loss. Moreover, guided waves have high sensitivity to small

defects, such as crack, corrosion, delamination, etc. [6, 8]. These merits enable the guided

wave SHM of large areas from small sensing areas. In the past two decades, various

guided wave SHM technologies have been developed for the purpose of heath monitoring,

such as phased arrays [12-21], sparse arrays [22, 23], time-reversal method [24-26],

guided wave tomography [27, 28] and full-wavefield imaging [29-32]. These advances in

guided SHM technologies have demonstrated the feasibility of health monitoring by

using guided waves.

Semi-infinite space
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.2 Guided waves in different waveguides: (a) Rayleigh waves along a free
surface of a semi-infinite space solid medium; (b) symmetric Lamb waves in a plate; (c)
torsional guided wave in a cylinder.


Although the advances in guided wave technologies have demonstrated the feasibility of

guided wave SHM, there remain many challenges for applications of guided wave SHM,

especially for structures with complex geometries and subjected to multiple damage

when serving in harsh environment conditions.

The followings summarize the challenges:

(1) Guided wave propagation and interaction mechanisms

 Guided waves have multimodal and dispersive features [8]. For example, in the

dispersion curves of a 1 mm thickness aluminum plate (Figure 1.3), there are at

least two wave modes, A0 and S0, existing simultaneously even at low frequencies.

When the product of frequency and plate half-thickness goes higher, more wave

modes (such as A1 and S1) appear. Moreover, the dispersive nature shows the

guided wave speed changes with respect to frequency.

Wave number k (rad/mm)

Group velocity (m/s)



S0 S1 S2 A2 A1 A2

(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 1.3 Dispersion curves of a 1 mm thickness aluminum plate (2024-T3): (a)

frequency-wavenumber dispersion curves, and (b) group velocity dispersion curves.

 The dispersion curves are important features of guided waves and play an

important role for guided wave SHM. The dispersion curves can be used to

determine the wave propagation speed, identify the guided wave mode, and

develop appropriate data analysis algorithms for damage detection [1]. For simple

structures, such as isotropic plates and pipes, the dispersion curves can be easily

obtained by solving the guide wave characteristic equations which have been fully

developed in many textbooks and articles [1, 8-11, 33]. However, for complex

structures, such as multilayer structures, arbitrary cross section structures,

periodical structures, etc., it is more challenge to derive their dispersion curves

and understand how the guided waves propagate in these complex structures.

 Structures can have various types of defects, such as cracks, delaminations and

corrosions (Figure 1.5). In order to develop effective methods to detect defects, it

is necessary to understand the mechanism of how defects affect the guided wave


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.4 Complex structure examples: (a) multilayer structure; (b) arbitrary cross
section structure; (c) periodical structure.

Fatigue Crack Delamination Corrosion

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.5 Examples of various defects: (a) fatigue crack; (b) X-Ray CT image of
delamination damage [34]; (c) corrosion damage near the rivets [35].

(2) Guided wave excitation and sensing.

 The traditional guided wave sensing system may require a large amount of

sensors, such as the 8×8 phased array in Figure 1.6, resulting in great sensor

installation, wiring and weight penalties.

 Traditional guided wave transducers, such as piezoelectric transducers in Figure

1.6, may have large sensor profiles, which limit the spatial sampling resolution of

the sensing.

 Guided wave sensors may work in harsh environment, such as high temperature

and radiation, which may affect the sensor properties. For example, in nuclear

applications, the sensors may work in the high temperature and radiation


 The accessible area for inspection may be limited, and the surface bounded sensor

may not be allowed in real applications.

Figure 1.6 An illustration of an 8×8 piezoelectric transducers phased array [17].
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
(a) Time (μs) (b) Time (μs)

Figure 1.7 Guided wave waveforms: (a) a waveform which contains 7 wave modes (A0,
A1, A2, A3, S0, S1 and S2); (b) a waveform which contains both incident and reflection
waves (incident A0 and S0 modes, and reflection A0 and S0 modes)

(3) Data interpretation and damage diagnosis methodologies

 Due to the dispersive and multimodal natures of guided waves, the data

interpretation of guided wave signal becomes very challenging. For example, in

Figure 1.7a, a guided waveform, there are seven different wave modes (A0, A1, A2,

A3, S0, S1 and S2). When multiple dispersive wave modes coexist and interact

with each other, the wave interpretation and analysis become very difficult. It is

desired that different modes can be separated for individual analysis and the

dispersion effect can be mitigated.

 Structures can have various types of defects, such as cracks, delaminations and

corrosions. When guided waves interact with these defects, refection, scattering

and mode conversion waves may present. These damage induced waves make the

interpretation of guided wave signal very difficult. For example, the guided

waveform in Figure 1.7b, contains incident A0 and S0 modes generated from the

actuator, and reflection A0 and S0 modes induced by the damage. Since these

different components coexist and interact with each other, the interoperation of

wave signal becomes very difficult. To analyze the damage affections, such as the

damage reflection and scattering coefficients, the damage induced waves are

needed. Moreover, for damage detection, the damage induced waves which

contain the damage information are needed. Therefore, it is desired that the

damage induced waves can be extracted for wave analysis and damage detection.

 Various damage detection algorithms have been developed, such as phased arrays

[12-21], sparse arrays [22, 23], time-reversal method [24-26], guided wave

tomography [27, 28] and full-wavefield imaging [29-32]. Although recent

advances in SHM technology have demonstrated the feasibility of detecting

damage, quantifying the damage based on sensory data still remains a challenging

task. It is challenging to quantify the location, size and shape of the damage.

Moreover, the challenges will be accentuated when the damage diagnosis

methods are applied on complex structures.

These challenges involve researches and studies in multidisciplinary areas. Hence,

this dissertation research aims to address the above challenges and move guided wave

based SHM and NDE toward field applications. This dissertation focuses on the

excitation and sensing technologies, data interpretation and damage diagnosis

methodologies. Wave propagation and interaction are also studied for the purpose of

optimization of damage detection and quantification.


Considering the challenges summarized in section 1.2, the following detailed research

objectives are targeted:

(1) Both the analytical modeling and numerical modeling of guided waves will be

investigated, in order to acquire preliminary understanding of the guided waves in

the complex structures, to obtain theoretical data for comparison to experimental

results, as well as to provide abundant data for parametric study;

(2) Guided wave excitation and sensing systems will be investigated and optimized in

order to reduce the sensor installation, generate high energy guided waves, and

acquire the high resolution guided wavefield;

(3) Advanced data analysis approaches will be developed to characterize the

multimodal and dispersive guided waves in complex structures, analyze the wave

interaction with damage, and extract wave characteristic parameters (such as

dispersion, frequency, and wavenumber contents);

(4) Quantitative structural integrity assessment methodologies will be developed for

SHM\NDE in complex structures, in order to quantify the damage location, size,

and detailed geometry features;

(5) The methodology for wave propagation and interaction analysis in complex

structures will be developed. The framework of how to use the fundamental

knowledge of guided wave modeling, excitation and sensing, and data analysis

methods for the analysis wave propagation and interaction problems will be

established. Case studies on various representative complex structures will be

performed: (i) guided waves in water loaded structures and water level detection; (ii)

crack detection and quantification in isotropic plates; (iii) damage thickness

mapping in isotropic plates; (iv) delamination detection and quantification in

composite laminates; (v) debonding detection and quantification in honeycomb

sandwich structures.

Guided waves have been widely used for NDE/SHM in the past couple of decades [1, 8,

36, 37]. Significant works have been done in guided wave modeling, guided wave

generation and sensing, and damage detection. This section presents the state of the art in

these research areas with particular emphasis on guided waves in complex structures.


Modeling can serve as an efficient and cost effective way to assist the guided wave study

and the development of diagnostic algorithms before conducting labor and/or time

consuming experiments [1, 8, 36, 37]. Modeling is also helpful in investigating scenarios

that are difficult to set up experimentally. With modeling, important guided wave features

such as dispersions and wave mode shapes can be acquired. Moreover, wave

propagations in complex structures and wave interactions with structural discontinuities

can be easily simulated [1, 8, 36, 37].

2.1.1. Dispersion curve and mode shape derivations

Dispersion curves and mode shapes are important features of guided waves. They can be

used to determine the wave propagation speed, identify the guided wave mode, and assist

the development of appropriate data analysis algorithms for damage detection [1]. In

order to obtain the dispersion relations and mode shapes, analytical and numerical

methods have been developed [1, 8-10, 38-42].

10 Analytical methods

The analytical methods are based on closed-form solutions of guided wave characteristic

equations [1, 8-10, 33]. They are very convenient to solve the dispersion relations for

simple geometry structures, such as single layer plates and pipes. The characteristic

equations and solutions for these simple structures have been fully developed as given in

many textbooks and articles [1, 8-11, 33].


(a) (c)

Figure 2.1 Sketches of multilayered structures: (a) a laminated composite [1]; (b) an
adhesive joint[43]; (c) a multilayered pipe [44].

For multilayered structures such as laminated composites (Figure 2.1a), adhesive

joints (Figure 2.1b), and pipes with coating layers (Figure 2.1c), their dispersion curves

are usually obtained analytically using matrix methods [33]. The matrix methods are

developed in matrix formulations by combining the dynamic behaviors of the continuum

within each layer [33]. Two matrix methods are widely used, the transfer matrix method

(TMM) and the global matrix method (GMM) [33]. The TMM works by condensing the

multilayered system into a single layer system relating the boundary conditions at the

first interface to the boundary conditions at the last interface [33]. In this process, the

equations for the intermediate interfaces are eliminated so that all the layers of the plate

are described solely in terms of the external boundary conditions. The advantage of the

TMM is that the condensed matrix is small and therefore it needs less computation time

[33]. A drawback of the transfer matrix method is the dispersion solution becomes

unstable for large frequency-thickness product [33].

The idea of GMM is to directly assemble a single matrix which represents the

complete system [33]. The GMM is based on satisfying the boundary conditions at each

interface [33]. The solution is carried out on the full matrix, addressing all of the

equations concurrently. The advantage of GMM is that it is robust and stable for any

frequency-thickness product. The disadvantage is that the global matrix might be large

and therefore the method needs more computational effort. Numerical methods

For arbitrary cross section structures, such as the structures in Figure 2.2, it is difficult to

use analytical methods to solve the guided wave dispersion problems [40]. For these

cases, numerical methods emerge and show their advantages [38-41]. One promising

numerical method is the semi-analytical finite element (SAFE) method that has also been

referred to as spectral or waveguide finite element method [38-41].

For the structure with a uniform arbitrary cross section (Figure 2.2a), the SAFE

method simply requires the finite element discretization of the cross-section, and assumes

harmonic motion along the wave propagation direction [38]. By this means, the guided

wave dispersion problem can be casted into an eigenvalue problem which can be easily

solved. For example, Fan and Lowe used SAFE to solve the guided wave dispersion

problem of a welded joint which was considered as an uniform arbitrary cross section

structure [45]. Bartoli et al. used SAFE method to solve the dispersion problem of a rail


Besides the structure with a uniform arbitrary cross section, the SAFE method has

also been used to solve the dispersion problem for the periodic structure that has

changing cross sections [39, 42]. Figure 2.3 gives two examples of using the SAFE

method to solve the dispersion problems for 1-D and 2-D periodical structures [39, 42].

The SAFE method simply requires the finite element discretization of a unit cell, and

assumes periodic boundary conditions on the unit cell [39, 42].


Changing cross
section along x3
Uniform cross Unit cell
section along x3
(a) (b)

Figure 2.2 Illustration of structures with complex cross sections : (a) with a uniform
arbitrary cross-section, and (b) with periodically changing cross-sections [40].

1D periodical Unit cell 2D periodical Unit cell

(a) (b)

Figure 2.3 Examples of the SAFE method for solving the dispersion problems of
periodical structures: (a) 1-D periodical structure [39]; (b) 2-D periodical structure[42].

2.1.2. Wave propagation simulations

Guided wave simulations can provide guided wave propagation and interaction details,

such as how guided waves propagate in the structure and how guided waves interact with

defects [1, 37, 46]. To simulate guided waves, there are various methods, such as

analytical method [47, 48], finite element method (FEM) [49-51], elastodynamic finite

integration technique (EFIT) [52-54], finite difference method (FDM) [55-58], spectral

element method (SEM) [59, 60], local interaction simulation approach (LISA) [61, 62],

distributed point source method (DPSM) [63], hybrid global-local method (HGL) [64-66],

boundary element method (BEM) [67-69], etc. The analytical method, FEM and EFIT

will be reviewed as followed.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.4 An example of the analytical simulation of guided waves generated by a

piezo-disc: (a) simulation configuration; (b) simulated guided waves [47]. Analytical method

The analytical method is based on closed-form solutions of guided wave transfer

functions. To get the closed-form solutions, guided wave equations are usually solved by

using Fourier transform [1, 47, 48]. Once the closed-form solutions of the guided wave

transfer functions are obtained, the guided wave propagation can be simulated efficiently.

Figure 2.4 shows a simulation example of guided waves actuated by a piezo-disc [47].

Although the analytical method is computational efficient, this method is restricted to

structures with simple geometries. When the structure geometry is complex, it is difficult

to get the closed-form solutions of structure transfer functions. Numerical methods

Numerical methods begin with the mathematical models represented by Partial

Differential Equations (PDEs) which govern the wave mechanics [49-51]. To solve the

PDEs, there are various numerical methods, such as FDM, EFIT, FEM, etc. [49-58].

These methods have the advantage of handling complicated guided wave propagation and

interaction problems, such as wave propagations in complex geometry structures, wave

interactions with various defects, nonlinear guided wave propagation, etc. [48, 70-72].

However, the numerical methods have inherent errors induced by the time and space

discretization (or approximation). The success of numerical methods strongly depends on

the minimization of approximation errors, which requires sufficient time and space

discretization. In addition, the numerical methods require large computational resources,

such as computation time and computer memory. Finite element method (FEM)

FEM, which is a powerful numerical technique to solve problems governed by PDEs over

complex domains, has severed as a primary numerical tool to simulate the elastic wave

propagation [49-51]. In the FEM, the governing PDEs are transformed to weak

formulations, which are integral representations of the governing PDEs. The analysis

domain is discretized into a collection of finite elements. The FEM then approximates the

solutions to PDEs over finite elements in the analysis domain. The details of FEM are

available in many text books for example [49-51].

Nowadays, with off the shelf commercial FEM software products such as

ABAQUS, ANSYS, and COMSOL, it is very convenient to use the FEM for the guided

wave simulation [70-72]. These commercial software products have many advantages,

such as user friendly model construction tools, various element types in the element

library, robust meshing tools, efficient FEM solvers, strong post processing and analysis

tools, etc. With these merits, many researchers used the commercial FEM products to

study various guided wave problems [70-73]. For example, Song et al. studied guided

wave propagations in honeycomb sandwiches by using ANSYS [72]. Figure 2.5a shows

their finite element model of the honeycomb sandwich. In their model, they took the

advantage of ANSYS element library to model the piezoelectric transducers using

SOLID5 element, hexagonal honeycomb core using SHELL63 element, and skin panels

using SOLID45 element. With efficient solvers and strong post processing tools, they

were able to solve the wave propagation problem, obtain detailed waveforms, and

visualize guided waves (Figure 2.5a) for further analyses and studies. Pistone et al.

simulated guided waves in an immersed plate by using ANSYS [71]. In their finite

element model, they used the PLANE42 and FLUID29 elements of the ANSYS element

library to model the isotropic plate and surrounding water, respectively. By using the

ANSYS post processing tools, they can easily visualize the wave interactions among the

leaky waves, bulk waves and quasi-Scholte waves.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.5 An example of FEM simulation of guided waves in a honeycomb sandwich:

(a) the FEM model and (b) the simulated guided waves [72]. Elastodynamic finite integration technique (EFIT)

EFIT is another prominent numerical method to simulate guided waves. The EFIT is

based on the finite integration technique (FIT) which integrates PDEs over a control

volume and then approximates the integrals [52]. For guided wave simulations, the EFIT

have following advantages: (1) the EFIT naturally requires staggered spatial and temporal

grids which lead to stability, (2) the boundary conditions are easily incorporated in the

EFIT model, and (3) the mathematical analysis is straight-forward and leads to equations

that can be easily implemented in any programming language [53].

In the past two decades, many researchers used EFIT to study various guided

waves related problems, such as guided waves in structures with complex geometries,

and guided wave interaction with damage [53, 54, 74-79]. Leckey et al. studied guided

wave interactions with defects, such as the material loss defect and microcracks using the

EFIT [53, 54]. With the EFIT simulation, they can directly visualize how the guided

waves interact with defects (Figure 2.6). Rudd et al. simulated the guided waves in pipe

bends [77]. With the EFIT simulation, they directly showed energy concentrations at pipe

bends. Schubert simulated wave propagation and scattering in a concrete structure by

using the EFIT [79]. The structure details such as sand aggregates and structural porosity

were successfully modeled with the EFIT.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.6 Examples of EFIT simulations: (a) guided wave interaction with a material
loss damage in an isotropic plate [53]; (b) guided wave interactions with microcracks in a
composite plate [54]


For guided wave excitation and sensing, various transducers have been used, such as

piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) (Figure 2.7a), comb transducer (Figure 2.7b),

macro fiber composites (MFC) (Figure 2.7c), wedge transducers (Figure 2.7d), fiber

optics (Figure 2.7e), electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMAT) (Figure 2.7f), air-

coupled transducers (Figure 2.7g) and laser devices (Figure 2.7h) [80-94]. Among these

transducers, the low profile PWAS are widely used for guided wave excitation and

sensing [1]. PWAS are small and light, and suitable for integration into host structures

(surface-mounting or embedding in composites) without significant intrusion, serving as

good candidates for built-in transducers. Moreover, PWAS can serve several purposes,

such as high-bandwidth strain sensors and exciters, resonators, and embedded modal

sensors [1]. Recently, the laser devices, such as the high power pulse laser and the laser

Doppler vibrometer, have emerged for non-contact guided wave applications [94]. The

pulse laser can excite high energy wide band guided waves based on either the thermal

elastic effect or structure surface oblation. The laser Doppler vibrometer can measure the

velocity or displacement at the sensing point on structural surface in the direction of the

laser beam based on the Doppler effect. Their non-contact and remote sensing natures

have attracted a lot of attention.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Magnetic field

(e) (f) coil

Doppler effect

(g) (h)

Figure 2.7 Examples of various transducers: (a) PWAS [1]; (b) comb transducer [84,
92]; (c) MFC [90]; (d) wedge transducers [93]; (e) FBG [95]; (f) EMAT transducer [80];
(g) air-coupled transducer [96]; (h) laser transducers [97].

2.2.1. PWAS guided wave transducers

PWAS work on the piezoelectric principle and couple the electrical and mechanical

effects (mechanical strain Sij , mechanical stress Tkl , electrical field Ek , and electrical

displacement D j ), as described in the piezoelectric constitutive equations [1]

Sij sijkl
= Tkl + d kij Ek
D j d jklTkl + ε Tjk Ek

where sijkl is the mechanical compliance of the material measured at zero electric field

(E=0), ε Tjk is the dielectric permittivity measured at zero mechanical stress (T=0), and

d kij represents the piezoelectric coupling effect. PWAS can excite and receive guided

waves through in-plane motion coupling through the d31 piezoelectric coupling effect [1].

Compared to conventional ultrasonic probes, PWAS transducers have the following

fundamental differences [1]: (1) PWAS achieve Lamb wave excitation and sensing

through surface “pinching” (in-plane strains), while conventional ultrasonic probes work

through surface “tapping” (normal stress); (2) PWAS are strongly coupled with the

structure and follow the structural dynamics, while conventional ultrasonic probes are

relatively free from the structure and follow their own dynamics; (3) PWAS are non-

resonant wideband devices, while conventional ultrasonic probes are narrow-band


Many researchers have contributed to the development, modeling, and

applications of PWAS to NDE/SHM [1, 88, 98-101]. Giurgiutiu studied the coupling

effect between PWAS and the host structure, and proposed a pin force model [101]. The

surface bonded PWAS (Figure 2.8 a) can couple their in-plane motion with the surface of

the host structure through the bonding layer. When the bonding layer is very thin (1μm),

the shear stress transmitted to the structure is only at the ends of PWAS (Figure 2.8 b).

With the ideal bonding assumption, the transmitted shear stress can be considered using a

pin force model which has all loads confined to an infinitesimal region at the PWAS edge


An important characteristic of PWAS, which distinguishes them from

conventional ultrasonic transducers, is their capability of tuning into various guided wave

modes. The tuning effect of PWAS will benefit the selective actuation and sensing of

guided wave modes. Giurgiutiu and Santoni et al. did comprehensive studies of the

PWAS tuning effect through theoretical analyses and experimental tests [100, 101].

Figure 2.9 shows theoretical and experimental tuning curves of a round PWAS (7 mm

diameter, 0.2 mm thickness) bonded on an aluminum 2024-T3 plate (1 mm thickness).

The theoretical tuning curves agree well with the experimental tuning curves, and show

mode amplitudes vary with excitation frequencies. At 300 kHz, the amplitude of the S0

mode is dominated, while the A0 mode hits zero. Therefore, the 300 kHz is a “sweet spot”

for single S0 mode excitation. With the embedded guided wave excitation and sensing

abilities, PWAS have be used for various SHM applications [1, 17, 88, 98-101], such as

(1) active sensing of far-field damage using pitch-catch (Figure 2.10 a), pulse-echo

(Figure 2.10 b) and phased array (Figure 2.10 e) methods, (2) active sensing of near field

damage using E/M impedance method (Figure 2.10 f) and thickness sensing mode

(Figure 2.10 c), and (3) passive sensing of acoustic emission (AE) events (Figure 2.10 d).

(a) (b)

Figure 2.8 PWAS interaction with a structure: (a) a model of layer interaction between
PWAS and structure; (b) variation of shear-lag transfer mechanism with bond thickness
for a APC-850 PWAS attached to a thin-wall aluminum through a bond layer[17].

(a) (b)

Figure 2.9 PWAS tuning curves of a round PWAS (7mm diameter, 0.2mm thickness)
bonded on an aluminum 2024-T3 plate (1mm thick): (a) theoretical results, and (b)
experimental results [17].

Pitch-catch PWAS phased array




Thickness mode E/M impedance


Impact/AE detection

(d) (f)

Figure 2.10 Schematics of PWAS applications: (a) pitch-catch sensing; (b) pulse-echo
sensing; (c) thickness sensing mode; (d) impact/AE detection; (e) PWAS phased array; (f)
E/M impedance method[1, 17, 88, 98-101].

2.2.2. SLDV high spatial resolution guided wave sensor

The scanning laser Doppler vibrometer (SLDV) can make accurate surface

velocity/displacement measurements of an object based on Doppler effect on light waves.

Figure 2.11 shows a schematic of the laser vibrometry principle [102]. The laser beam is

split by a beam splitter (BS1) into a reference beam and a measurement beam. After

focusing, the measurement beam is directed to the surface of the vibrating object through

vertical and horizontal scanning mirrors. The reflection light from the vibrating object

exhibits a frequency shift due to Doppler effect in response to the motion at the scanning

point on the vibrating object. The SLDV receives the reflection light and compares its

frequency against the reference beam and generates a voltage corresponding to the

frequency shift. This voltage signal is correlated to the surface velocity.

BS1 BS2 Lens Vertical

Laser source scanning mirror

Measurement beam

Reference beam

Bragg Cell
BS3 scanning mirror
Mirror Frequency shift by Doppler
effect upon reflection

Detector object

Figure 2.11 A schematic of SLDV principle (BS: beam splitter).

In recent years, the SLDV have been used as a non-contact means for guided

wave sensing and wavefield visualization. The visualization can provide deeper

understanding of guided waves in various structures and their interactions with structural

discontinuities. Many researchers have used laser vibrometry for wave propagation

visualization, damage detection, model validation, etc. [29, 30, 103-110]. Staszewski et al.

studied laser vibrometry for guided wave measurements and visualized wave interactions

with fatigue cracks by using a 3-D SLDV for the purpose of fatigue crack detection [104].

As shown in their laser vibrometry results in Figure 2.12, the 3-D laser vibrometry

sensing provides a series of images which visualize the wave propagation and interaction.

In addition, 3-D SLDV provides 3-D wave components (X, Y and Z components), which

contain a wealth of information to assist the analysis of such complicated wave

propagation and interaction. Ostachowicz et al. used a 3-D laser scanning vibrometer to

measure wavefields of Lamb waves and to understand the interactions between the waves

and structural discontinuities such as notch and holes [108]. Swenson et al. compared the

1-D and 3-D SLDV measurements of Lamb waves that were excited by a piezoelectric

transducer [106]. They showed the 3-D SLDV can provide both in- and out-of-plane

wave components, which are especially important for the study of both symmetric and

anti-symmetric wave modes. However, the 1-D SLDV can only measure the motion

along the laser beam. When the test specimens are placed normal to the laser beam, the 1-

D SLDV can measure the out-of-plane wave components which are well-suited for

studying anti-symmetric Lamb wave modes. Due to the large cost of the 3-D SLDV, most

researchers use the 1-D SLDV instead. Sohn et al. used a 1-D SLDV to visualize the

wave interaction with delamination damage in a CFRP composite plate, and observed the

“standing waves” trapped at the delamination damage [103]. Ruzzene [30] and Michaels

et al. [29, 105] measured full wavefield with a 1-D SLDV to detect delamination and

crack damage. They also compared the wavefield measured by the 1-D SLDV with the

wavefield measured by the traditional scanning air-coupled ultrasonic transducer (SAUT)

[29], as shown in Figure 2.13. The comparison shows the SAUT measurement has a

better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), while the SLDV result exhibits less ringing and is

more broadband. The laser vibrometry also provides a means to validate guided wave

simulation. Olson et al. verified the FEM simulations of guided waves in aluminum

plates by using laser vibrometry [107]. Yu et al. verified out-of-plane EFIT simulation

results of guided waves in aluminum plates by using 1-D SLDV measurements [111].

Various wave features of EFIT simulations such as wavefield, group velocity and wave

amplitude, were verified by the SLDV measurements.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.12 Visualization of wave interaction with a fatigue crack by using laser
vibrometry: (a) photos of the fatigue crack, (b) in-plane X-components, (c) in-plane Y-
components, and (d) out-of-plane Z-components [104].

(a) (b)

Figure 2.13 The experimental wavefields in a structure (fabricated from two 0.8 mm
thick aluminum plates that were epoxy-bonded together): (a) the wavefield at 45μs
measured by SAUT, and (b) the wavefield at 45μs measured by SLDV [29]. The
excitation was a wideband pulse with 40Hz repetition rate.


2.3.1. Guided wavefield analysis

Guided wavefields are multi-dimensional wave signals of guided waves in terms of time

(t) and space (x, y) dimensions. The SLDV can provide rapid and precise measurements

of guided wavefields with very high spatial resolutions to allow for multi-dimensional

analyses of guided waves. In contrast, guided wavefields acquired with densely

distributed sensors, such as wedge transducers and wafer type piezoelectric sensors, have

low spatial resolutions limited by sensor sizes.

Compared to the traditional 1-D waveform data with only the time argument, the

guided wavefields acquired from the SLDV extend to the time-space domain and include

additional spatial information to allow for obtaining more details of guided waves.

Depending on the number of spatial argument, the guided wavefields can be 2-D time-

space wavefields v(t, x) representing 1-D wave propagation or 3-D time-space wavefields

v(t, x, y) representing 2-D wave propagation. Hence, the guided wavefields include a

wealth of information regarding the wave propagation and interaction in both time and

space dimensions. Various methods have been used to analyze the guided wavefield, such

as wavefield amplitude profile, multi-dimensional Fourier transform, frequency-

wavenumber filtering, standing wave filtering, local wavenumber analysis, etc. [29-32,

103, 112-114]. Among them, the frequency-wavenumber analysis through multi-

dimensional Fourier transform provides information in terms of frequency-wavenumber

components, enabling wave mode identification, isolation, and damage detection, etc.

Staszewski et al. used amplitude profiles of guided wavefields to detect

delamination damage [112]. As illustrated in Figure 2.14, an amplitude profile directly

shows both the location and size of the delamination damage. Alleyne and Cawley used

2D FT to transform a guide wavefield into frequency-wavenumber domain where they

obtained detailed dispersion information of multi-modal Lamb waves [113]. Hayashi and

Kawashima used a filtering technique in frequency-wavenumber domain and successfully

separated A0 and S0 modes [114]. Ruzzene presented a damage visualization technique

by filtering the damage reflection waves in frequency-wavenumber domain and

demonstrated an application on crack damage visualization [30]. Michaels et al.

presented source removal and wave mode separation techniques by using frequency-

wavenumber filtering and demonstrated applications on delamination and crack detection

[29]. As illustrated in Figure 2.15, after source removal, delamination induced scattering

waves were highlighted. Sohn et al. proposed a “standing wave filter” which can isolate

standing wave components in a given wavefield for delamination detection in composites

[103]. As shown in Figure 2.16, after filtering, the standing waves at the delamination

were isolated indicating the location of the delamination. Rogge and Leckey presented a

local wavenumber analysis to process guided wavefields and demonstrated their method

can be used to quantify the depth and size of delamination damage [32]. Flynn et al.

presented a structural imaging method, which used frequency-wavenumber filtering and

local wavenumber estimation, and showed their method was able to detect wall-thinning

damage in an aluminum plate and a steel pipe, and delamination damage in a composite

structure [31].

Figure 2.14 Amplitude profile of a guided wavefield for delamination detection [112].


(a) (b)

Figure 2.15 Source removal for delamination detection: (a) for a composite plate without
damage, and (b) for a composite plate with delamination damage [29].

(a) (b)

Figure 2.16 Standing wave filtering for delamination detection: (a) the wavefield before
filtering; (b) the wavefield after filtering [103].

2.3.2. Guided wave array imaging

In NDE/SHM applications, various guided wave array imaging methods have been

developed. In general, they can be categorized into two groups, the sparse array imaging

where sensors are distributed over the structure being inspected [23-26, 115], and the

phased array imaging where sensors are physically placed close to each other [12-21].

Both methods can visually show the damage location [12-21, 23, 115]. Guided wave sparse arrays

Guided wave sparse arrays employ sparsely distributed sensors over the region of interest

to inspect and monitor the structure [115]. The idea of the sparse array approach is to

minimize the number of required sensors and optimize the array configuration for

practical applications. The sparse array sensors work in the round-robin pattern, in which

each sensor can act in turn as the wave actuator to send interrogation waves and the rest

as the receivers to record diagnostic wave signals [115]. By using sparse array imaging

methods, such as delay-and-sum imaging, minimum variance ultrasonic imaging, and

time-reversal imaging, scanning images of the structure being inspected can be

constructed from the diagnostic wave signals. The scanning images can visually show the

damage location and may indicate the size [115-117].

In recent years, guided wave sparse arrays have been studied by many researchers

from various perspectives, such as array optimization, array imaging algorithm, and

sparse array applications. The guided wave sparse arrays for SHM were initially

proposed by Wang et al. [117]. In their approach, a synthetic time-reversal imaging

algorithm was used to process sparse array data to obtain an intensity image for locating

and sizing damage. Later, Michaels and Michaels presented an image fusion method to

process sparse array data for damage localization [118]. Their method used time shift

averaging to process the differential signals filtered at multiple frequencies, resulting in

multiple images of the component being inspected. Then, images generated at different

frequencies were fused to improve the damage localization accuracy and reduce the

background noise (Figure 2.17). Later, Michaels presented an in-situ sparse array for

damage detection, localization and characterization in plates (Figure 2.18a) [115]. This

approach used differential signals between diagnostic signals and baselines, and the

delay-and-sum algorithm to construct intensity images. Hall and Michaels proposed a

minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) imaging whereby weighting

coefficients were adaptively computed at each pixel location, and showed the MVDR can

significantly improve the image quality compared to the delay-and-sum imaging (Figure

2.18b) [116]. The time-reversal, delay-and-sum, and MVDR methods all rely upon

baseline subtraction to separate scattered signals from direct arrivals and geometrical

reflections. However, in real applications, baseline data may not be available, or the

baseline data may have been recorded under mismatched environmental or operational

conditions. For such situations, Lee et al. developed a baseline-free imaging method

which was based upon estimating the source waveform and then adaptively removing the

direct arrival from each received signal [21]. As shown in Figure 2.19a, the imaging

result with raw received signals showed only the source. After adaptive source removal,

the imaging result (Figure 2.19b) with residual signals clearly showed the scatterer.

The sparse arrays have been used for various applications. Clarke et al. studied

the damage detection capability of a sparse array on a complex structure under varying

thermal conditions [23]. By using the signals after temperature compensation, they could

get good localization of holes with a 5-mm diameter or above in a complex structure. Yu

and Leckey explored the sparse array approach for crack detection in aluminum plates

[119]. With the sparse array, the crack tips could be clearly detected (Figure 2.20a). Su et

al. used sparse arrays to detect delamination damage in composite laminates [120]. Cho

and Lissenden used a sparse array on a multi-fastener joint for fatigue crack growth

monitoring [121]. Compared to phased arrays which use backscattering waves for

damage detection, the spare arrays can also take advantage of the so-called shadowing

effect or forward scattering waves, which are partially blocked by the damage [122].
y (mm)

y (mm)

(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

y (mm)
y (mm)

(c) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 2.17 Sparse array imaging results for the detection of a through hole with a
diameter of 3.2 mm: (a) result at 140 kHz, (b) result at 230 kHz, (c) result at 320 kHz,
and (d) the fused result. The “+” represents the location of the through hole[118].

y (mm)

y (mm)
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 2.18 Sparse array imaging results for the detection of a 6 mm diameter through
hole: (a) the result of delay-and-sum imaging (10 dB color scale) [115], and (b) the result
of MVDR imaging (20 dB color scale) [116]. The open circles represent the transducers,
and the “+” represents the through hole.

y (mm)
y (mm)

(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 2.19 Baseline-free imaging: (a) delay-and-sum imaging of the source constructed
from the raw data, and (b) delay-and-sum imaging of the scatter constructed from signals
with direct arrivals removed via adaptive source removal. The open circles represent the
receivers [21].

Crack tips

200 (309,255)
y (mm)


0 100 200 300 400

x (mm)

Figure 2.20 Sparse array imaging for crack detection [119].

32 Guided wave phased arrays

The guided wave phased array employs sensors physically placed in a compact format in

which the relative phases of sensor signals are controlled in such a way that guided waves

(Figure 2.16 a) are focused into a wave beam in a desired direction (Figure 2.16 b) [1, 17,

123]. By steering the wave beam to all directions, the phased arrays can inspect and

monitor a large area of a structure. In NDE/SHM applications, the guided wave phased

arrays show multiple advantages such as reinforced wave energy in the beam, efficient

and flexible control of the beam direction, improved signal-to-noise-ratio, large area

inspection through a small sensing area, and promising damage detection results [12, 17,


200 200

100 100
y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0

-100 -100

-200 -200
-200 -100 0 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 2.21 Comparisons between omnidirectional guided waves and focused guided
waves: (a) omnidirectional guided waves, (b) the focused guided waves in 45° direction.

Guided wave phased arrays have been studied intensively [12-19, 125-130].

Giurgiutiu and Bao developed an embedded-ultrasonic structural radar (EUSR) with 1-D

linear phased arrays for in-situ NDE/SHM of thin-wall metallic structures [12]. They

showed the capability of 1-D linear phased array in detecting both broadside and offside

cracks in metallic plates (Figure 2.22). The 1-D linear arrays have shown that they can

successfully detect damage by performing large area scanning and diagnosis. However,

the 1-D linear arrays encounter some major shortcomings, such as (a) the degradations of

beamforming properties at angles close to 0° and 180° directions, and (b) the half-plane

mirror effect, which does not allow discriminating between a target placed above the

array and a target placed below the array (Figure 2.22c) [1].
y (m)


y (m)
x (m)
y (m)

(c) x (m)

(b) x (m)

Figure 2.22 EUSR detection results: (a) detection of a broadside crack, (b) detection of
an offside crack, (c) detection result showing the half-plane mirror effect [12, 17].

To overcome the shortcomings of 1-D linear arrays, 2-D planar arrays have been

adopted, which not only provide more control and optimization parameters for improving

the array performance, but also are able to perform full-range 360° beam steering and

reduce the mirror effect [1, 16, 17]. Wilcox studied omni-directional guided wave phased

arrays with 2-D circular configurations (Figure 2.23 (d) and (e)) for the rapid inspection

of large areas of aluminum plates [16]. In his work, phased arrays were constructed by

electromagnetic acoustic transducers. The measured time domain wave signals were

converted to wavenumber domain where the dispersion effect was compensated. After

the dispersion compensation, the phased addition algorithm in wavenumber domain was

used to achieve beam steering in different steering directions and to construct an omni-

direction, B-scan image. Yu and Giurgiutiu studied the 2-D phased arrays design and

implementation for damage detection in aluminum plates [17]. Various 2-D phased array

configurations were studied and compared, such as cross-shaped array, rectangular grid

array, rectangular ring array, circular ring array, and concentric circular array in Figure

2.23 (a)-(e), respectively. Yoo et al. developed a 2-D spiral phased array (Figure 2.23 (f))

by using piezoelectric-paint for SHM of thin isotropic panels [19]. Ambrozinski et al.

developed an efficient tool for the designing of 2-D phased arrays for isotropic plates

[131]. Koduru et al. proposed a 2-D phased annular array transducer (Figure 2.23 (f))

that can generate mode controlled omnidirectional guided waves in isotropic plate-like

structures by independently controlling the amplitude and phase of each array element

[132]. Senesi et al. designed a 2-D periodic frequency-steerable array (Figure 2.23 (g))

for SHM of aluminum plates. The array was composed of PZT discs in a quadrilateral

periodic topology. The beamsteering direction of the array can be controlled by the

excitation frequency [20].

x2 x2 x2
d1 d1 x2



d1 1
x1 x1 x1 x1

(a) (b) (c) (d)

x2 x2
x2 x2
mth x2
0 x2 d2
x1 x1 x1 x1
n ring

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Figure 2.23 2-D planar arrays: (a) cross-shaped array [17], (b) rectangular grid array
[17], (c) rectangular ring array [17], (d) circular ring array [16], (e) concentric circular
array [16], (f) spiral array [19], (g) annular array [132], and (h) quadrilateral periodic
array [20].

Although most research works focus on phased arrays for isotropic materials,

some researchers have investigated the phased arrays for composite materials [14]. Yan

and Rose studied beamsteering of linear arrays in composite plates [133]. They found the

traditional beamsteering technique for isotropic materials might fail in composite

materials due to the anisotropic behavior of the composite plates. Hence, they chose a

quasi-isotropic wave mode for beamsteering, which can suppress the influence of the

anisotropic behavior. Rajagopalan et al. adopted an array of a single transmitter and

multiple receivers (STMR) to locate a defect (hole) in a composite plate [134]. In their

array imaging method, they used a weakly anisotropic wave mode and assumed that the

phase and group velocity directions coincide locally. Later, Vishnuvardhan et al. used the

STMR array to detect impact induced delamination damage in a quasi-isotropic

composite plate. Leleux et al. used ultrasonic phased array probes for long range

detection of defects in composite plates [129]. Their method was limited to wave modes

having phase and group velocities oriented in the same direction, where the skew angle

was zero. Purekar and Pines investigated the capability of 1-D linear phased arrays in

detecting delamination damage in a cross-ply composite plate [14]. They showed the

array can detect damage at 0° direction, where the phase and group velocities had the

same orientation. Osterc et al. investigated the beamsteering of 1-D linear arrays in

composite laminates [135]. In their study, the exact phase velocity curve was used to

develop a beamforming algorithm that accounted for non-omnidirectional guided waves

in anisotropic materials.

Compared to the array beamforming in isotropic plates, the array beamforming in

anisotropic composite plates are more challenge. In anisotropic composite plates, guided

wave parameters such as wavenumber, phase velocity and group velocity are

directionally dependent, due to the directionally dependent physical properties of

composite materials [11, 136, 137]. Moreover, the guided waves have energy skewness

that the group velocity direction is not always parallel to the phase velocity direction.

Last but not least, the wave fronts of guided waves are no longer circular shapes. These

properties of guided waves in composite plates have significant influences on the phased

array beamforming. The traditional beamforming technique for isotropic materials might

fail in composite materials.


Analytical and numerical studies can provide a preliminary understanding of wave

propagations in complex structures and wave interactions with structural discontinuities,

theoretical data for assisting experimental work, and abundant information for parametric

studies. This chapter presents both analytical and numerical studies of guided waves in

complex structures. The GMM and the SAFE methods are used to obtain wave dispersion

curves and mode shapes, while the EFIT and the FEM methods are adopted to simulate

wave propagation and interaction.


3.1.1. Water loaded plates

The classic problem of guided wave propagation in a traction-free homogeneous and

isotropic plate has been thoroughly studied and can be found in many references such as

[1, 8, 33, 138]. In a plate with traction-free boundary conditions (Figure 3.1 a), the

characteristic equation can be derived and expressed as [1, 8, 33]:

k S2 − ξ 2 k S2 − ξ 2 −2 k S ξ 2k S ξ
2k Lξ −2k Lξ k S2 − ξ 2 k S2 − ξ 2
k S2 − ξ 2 2k S ξ
( k S2 − ξ 2 ) g L −2 k S ξ g S =0 (3.2)
gL gS
−2k Lξ k S2 − ξ 2
2k Lξ g L ( k S2 − ξ 2 ) g S
gL gS


ω2 ω2 2π
L − ξ 2 , k=
S −ξ2, ξ = ,
c 2
L c 2
S λ

2 µ (1 − ν ) µ
cL = ,c = , g L = eik d , g S = eik d , d = 2h

ρ (1 − 2ν ) S ρ

h, ω, ξ and λ are half plate thickness, circular frequency, wavenumber and wavelength,

respectively. cL and cS are longitudinal and transverse bulk wave velocities, respectively.

ρ, μ and ν are density, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio, respectively. Solutions of

Eq.(3.2) can be found in many classic references such as [1, 8, 33, 138]. Figure 3.2 plots

frequency-wavenumber dispersion curves of a steel plate with 1.2 mm thickness. At

frequencies lower than 1000 kHz, there are fundamental anti-symmetric A0 and

symmetric S0 modes.

σ zzt = 0 σ zzt = 0
 t  t
x τ xz = 0 x τ xz = 0
Plate z Plate


σ zzb = 0 Semi-infinite half space water uzzb = uzzwater

 b  b
τ xz = 0 σ zz = σ zz
(a) (b)
 b
τ xz = 0

Figure 3.1 Sketches for: (a) free plate and (b) plate with one side in water.
wavenumber k (rad/mm)

Real part of


Frequency (kHz)

Figure 3.2 Wavenumber dispersion curves of a free steel plate with 1.2 mm thickness.
(Note only the real parts are given. The imaginary parts are zero.)

When one side of a plate is immersed in water (plate-half space water waveguide,

as shown in Figure 3.1 b), the top surface of the plate maintains traction-free boundary

conditions. On the bottom surface of the plate, wave energy can transmit into water since

the normal displacement uzz and stress σzz are continuous at the plate-water interface. The

shear stress τxz remains zero at the interface, since water does not support the shear stress.

The characteristic equation for the immersed plate can be assembled and expressed as,

k S2 − ξ 2 k S2 − ξ 2 −2 k S ξ 2k S ξ 0
2k Lξ −2k Lξ k S2 − ξ 2 k S2 − ξ 2 0
k S2 − ξ 2 2k S ξ ω2ρw
(k − ξ ) g L
−2 k S ξ g S
gL gS µ
=0 (3.3)
−2k Lξ k S2 − ξ 2
2k Lξ g L (k − ξ ) g S
gL gS
−k L −ξ
kL gL −ξ g S γ
gL gS

ω2 λw
where, =2
− ξ 2 and cLw = . ρw, λw and cLw are density, bulk stiffness, and bulk
c 2
Lw ρw

wave velocity of water, respectively. By solving Eq. (3.3), the dispersion curves for the

1.2 mm thick steel plate with one side in water can be obtained. Due to the energy

leakage, the wavenumber roots of Eq. (3.3) have complex values with the real parts

indicating wave components and the imaginary parts giving the extent of energy


Figure 3.3 a plots the real parts of wavenumber roots for the immersed plate. The

fundamental symmetric and antisymmetric guided wave modes are present and are

notated as A 0WP and S0WP to distinguish them from the A0 and S0 modes in the free plate.

Furthermore, there is an additional mode that exhibits the same dispersive behavior as the

quasi-Scholte mode discovered in a two-side immersed plate [139], which is dispersive at

low frequencies and asymptotes to the non-dispersive Scholte mode at high frequencies

[139]. The one-side immersed steel plate in this study shows its capability to support the

quasi-Scholte mode as well.

Figure 3.4 gives mode shapes of the quasi-Scholte mode at various frequencies.

At 150 kHz, the mode shape in Figure 3.4 a shows large in-plane and out-of-plane

displacements in the plate. When frequency increases, both in-plane and out-of-plane

displacements in the plate decrease, as shown in Figure 3.4 b and c at 300 kHz and 600

kHz. At the high frequency of 600 kHz, the displacement is dominated by the in-plane

displacement in the water, and the displacement in the plate is almost zero.
wavenumber k (rad/mm)
wavenumber k (rad/mm)

Quasi-Scholte A0WP
Imaginary part of
Real part of



(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 3.3 Wavenumber dispersion curves of a 1.2 mm thick steel plate with one side
in water: (a) real parts, (b) imaginary parts.


z (mm)

z (mm)

z (mm)

(a) Normalized displacement (b) Normalized displacement (c) Normalized displacement

Figure 3.4 Theoretical wave mode shapes of the quasi-Scholte mode: (a) at 150 kHz, (b)
at 300 kHz, and (c) at 600 kHz.

3.1.2. Composite laminates

Composite laminates are multilayer structures. Knowing their dispersion curves is

important for selecting the appropriate wave mode for NDE/SHM in composites. The

SAFE method has shown its effectiveness and efficiency for deriving dispersion curves

and mode shapes [38]. For the development of NDE/SHM in composites, the SAFE

method is used to obtain dispersion curves and mode shapes of guided waves in CFRP

composite laminates. Figure 3.5 a gives a schematic of an 8-ply CFRP composite plate

with [02/902]s layup. In the SAFE model, the cross section of the composite plate is

discretized using 3 node quadratic elements, as illustrated in Figure 3.5 b. In each ply,

two elements are used for finite element approximation. By solving the discretized model

with the SAFE method, dispersion curves and mode shapes can be derived.

Ply 1 E#1 N#1
Ply 1 uy1
E#2 uz1

[02/902]S uz2
E#N-1 ux3
Ply 8 #N
Ply 8 E uy3
(a) (b) uz3

Figure 3.5 SAFE model of a CFRP composite plate with [02/902]s layup: (a) an
illustration of the composite plate, (b) an illustration of the finite element discretization.

Figure 3.6 plots the dispersion curves of guided waves propagating in 90°

direction in the composite plate. Figure 3.7 plots wavenumbers and group velocities in all

directions at 300 kHz. It is seen that both wavenumber and group velocity depend on

wave propagation direction in the composite plate.

Figure 3.8 gives the mode shapes for A0, S0 and SH0 modes at 300 kHz

propagating in 90° direction in the composite plate. For the A0 mode, the out-of-plane

displacement uz is dominated. For the S0 mode, the in-plane displacement uy is dominated.

For the SH0 mode, the in-plane displacement ux is dominated.

S0 S2
Wave number k (rad/mm)

Group velocity (m/s)



SH0 A0
S0 A1 S1 S2 A2 SH1 A1 S1 SH2 A2 SH3

(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 3.6 Dispersion curves of guided waves propagating in 90° direction in the
[02/902]s CFRP composite plate: (a) frequency-wavenumber dispersion curves; (b) group
velocity dispersion curves.

(rad/mm) (m/s)

θ (°)
θ (°)

(a) (b)

Figure 3.7 Wavenumber and group velocity curves at 300 kHz for guided waves in the
[02/902]s CFRP composite plate: (a) wavenumber curves; (b) group velocity curves. The
solid, broken and dotted lines are for the A0, S0 and SH0 modes.
z (mm)
z (mm)

z (mm)


(a) Normalized displacement (b) Normalized displacement (c) Normalized displacement

Figure 3.8 Mode shapes of guided waves at 300 kHz propagating in 90° direction in the
[02/902]s CFRP composite plate: (a) A0 mode, (b) S0 mode and (c) SH0 mode.


To simulate guided wave propagation and interaction, both the EFIT and the FEM

methods are used. With straightforward equations, EFIT computational codes are

developed using Matlab programming language. The EFIT method is used to simulate

guided waves in a water loaded plate and guided wave interaction with delamination

damage in a laminated composite plate. In addition, the commercial FEM software

ANSYS is adopted to simulate guided waves in a honeycomb sandwich structure.

3.2.1. EFIT for water loaded plates

Figure 3.9 plots the configuration of EFIT simulation for the study of guided waves in a

water loaded plate. A T304 steel plate with 1.2 mm thickness has one surface in water. A

PZT is installed on the top surface of the plate for guided wave generation. In the EFIT

model, the PZT excitation is simulated as pin forces at the edges of the PZT. By using the

EFIT method, guided waves in the water loaded plate are simulated.

Figure 3.10 plots EFIT simulation results (out-of-plane velocity vz) at 100 kHz

excitation. The simulation results show three wave components: quasi-Scholte waves,

leaky S0 waves and pressure waves (P-waves). The quasi-Scholte waves are present at the

plate-water interface and propagate along the interface. The leaky S0 waves in water are

induced by the energy leakage of plate S0 waves. In addition, the leaky S0 waves have

plane wave fronts and propagate faster compared to the P-waves which have circular

wave fronts.


z Water


Unit: mm

Figure 3.9 Configuration of EFIT simulation for the study of guided waves in a water
loaded plate.

Quasi-Scholte waves
0 1

Normal. Amp.
Leaky S0 waves
z (mm)

50 0

100 -1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(a) x (mm)

Quasi-Scholte waves
0 1

Normal. Amp.
P-waves 0.5
z (mm)

Leaky S0 waves
50 0


100 -1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(b) x (mm)

Figure 3.10 vz velocity results of EFIT simulation at 100 kHz excitation: (a) at 40 μs and
(b) at 60 μs.

Figure 3.11 plots EFIT simulation results (out-of-plane velocity vz) at 600 kHz

excitation. The simulation results show three wave components: leaky A0 waves, leaky S0

waves, and P-waves. Compared to the results at the lower frequency 100 kHz, at the

higher frequency 600 kHz, quasi-Scholte waves at the plate-water interface disappear,

while leaky A0 waves present, which are induced by the energy leakage of plate A0 waves.

0 1

Normal. Amp.
Leaky S0

z (mm)
50 0
Leaky A0

100 -1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(a) x (mm)

Leaky A0
0 1

Normal. Amp.
z (mm)

50 0
Leaky S0
100 -1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
(b) x (mm)

Figure 3.11 vz velocity results of EFIT simulation at 600 kHz excitation: (a) at 40 μs and
(b) at 60 μs.

3.2.2. EFIT for composite laminates

EFIT simulations are implemented to investigate guided wave interaction with

delamination damage. Figure 3.12 gives the simulation configuration of a CFRP plate

with [02/902]s layup. Under the second ply there is a 40 mm length delamination defect

with its center at x=100 mm. In the EFIT simulation, the delamination is modeled by

using stress free boundary conditions. Two PZT elements on the top and bottom surfaces

of the plate are used for wave generation and mode control. When the two PZT elements

are excited in-phase, symmetric modes will be generated. When the two PZT elements

are excited out-of-phase, anti-symmetric modes will be generated.

PZT #1 Delamination
O 0.1068
Unit: mm
PZT #2 200

Figure 3.12 The EFIT simulation configuration for the study of wave interaction with
delamination damage in a CFRP plate with [02/902]s layup.

Figure 3.13 plots in-plane vx and out-of-plane vz velocity components of the EFIT

simulation results when two PZT elements are excited out-of-phase and only an incident

A0 mode is actuated. Tabe 3.1 lists all the wave modes, including the incident A0 mode

and other modes induced by delamination damage observed from the simulation results.

These wave modes have been verified by comparing their wavelengths and group

velocities with their theoretical values.

At 40 μs, both the vx and vz components show only an incident A0 mode (incident

#1 in Figure 3.13 a and c). Since delamination damage separates the full [02/902]s

laminate to two laminates with different layups, one above the delamination with [0]2

layup and the other below the delamination with [(90)4/02] layup, it is expected that

guided waves are different in these two laminates.

As expected, simulation results at 70 μs show that the incident A0 mode separates

to different waves above and below the delamination damage. The in-plane vx plot shows

weak A0 (#3 in Figure 3.13 b) and strong S0 (#4 in Figure 3.13 b) modes supported by the

[0]2 laminate above the delamination. Below the delamination, an A0 mode (#5 in Figure

3.13 b) supported by the [(90)4/02] laminate is observed.

The out-of-plane vz plot at 70 μs shows an A0 mode (#3 in Figure 3.13 d) in the

[0]2 laminate above the delamination. Compared to the in-plane vx plot, the S0 mode in

the [0]2 laminate is not observed in the out-of-plane vz plot. The reason is that the out-of-

plane motion of the S0 mode is too weak to be observed from the image in Figure 3.13 d.

Below the delamination, an A0 mode (#5 in Figure 3.13 d) supported by the [(90)4/02]

laminate is observed, which agrees well with the A0 mode (#5 in Figure 3.13 b) observed

in the in-plane vx plot.

0 1 0 1

Normal. Amp.

Normal. Amp.
#3 #4
0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5
z (mm)

z (mm)
0.4 0 0.4 0
0.6 Incident #1 -0.5 0.6 -0.5
0.8 -1 0.8 -1
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

0 1 0 1

Normal. Amp.

Normal. Amp.
0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5

z (mm)
z (mm)

0.4 0 0.4 0

0.6 Incident #1 0.6 -0.5

-0.5 #5
0.8 0.8 -1

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
(c) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 3.13 EFIT results at 300 kHz for A0 mode interaction with delamination damage:
(a) and (b) are in-plane vx velocity plots at 40 μs and 70 μs; (c) and (d) are out-of-plane vz
velocity plots at 40 μs and 70 μs.

Table 3.1 Wave modes in EFIT results when incident waves are A0 mode
Number Wave Components
#1 A0 in the [02/902]s laminate
#3 A0 mode in the [0]2 laminate above the delamination
#4 S0 mode in the [0]2 laminate above the delamination
#5 A0 mode in the [(90)4/02] laminate below the delamination

Figure 3.14 plots in-plane vx and out-of-plane vz velocity components of EFIT

simulation results, when two PZT elements are excited in-phase and only an incident S0

mode is actuated. Table 3.3.2 lists all the wave modes, including the incident S0 mode

and other modes induced by delamination damage observed from the simulation results.

At 10 μs, an incident S0 mode (incident #2) is observed from the in-plane vx simulation

result in Figure 3.14 a, while the out-of-plane vz motion of the S0 mode is too weak to be

observed from the out-of-plane vz simulation result in Figure 3.14 c.

At delamination damage, the incident S0 mode interacts with the damage and is

separated to different waves above and below the damage, as shown in Figure 3.14 b. The

in-plane vx plot at 20 μs shows three strong components: an S0 mode (#4 in Figure 3.14 b)

mode supported by the [0]2 laminate above the delamination, an S0 mode (#6 in Figure

3.14 b) supported by the [(90)4/02] laminate below the delamination, and a transmitted S0

mode (transmitted #2 in Figure 3.14 b) in the full [02/902]s laminate. Note that there is no

A0 mode induced by the delamination observed in the in-plane vx plot (Figure 3.14 b),

since its in-plane motion is too weak.

The out-of-plane vz plot at 20 μs shows an A0 mode (#3 in Figure 3.14 d) in the

[0]2 laminate above the delamination and an A0 mode (#5 in Figure 3.14 d) in the

[(90)4/02] laminate below the delamination. Note that there is no S0 mode induced by the

delamination observed in the out-of-plane vz plot (Figure 3.14 d), since its out-of-plane

motion is too weak.

#4 Transmitted #2
0 1 0 1
Normal. Amp.

Normal. Amp.
0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5
z (mm)

z (mm)

0.4 Incident #2 0 0.4 0

0.6 -0.5 0.6 -0.5
0.8 -1 0.8 -1
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)
0 1 0 1
Normal. Amp.

Normal. Amp.
0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5
z (mm)

z (mm)

0.4 0 0.4 #5 0

0.6 -0.5 0.6 -0.5

0.8 0.8

-1 -1
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
(c) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 3.14 EFIT results at 300 kHz for S0 mode interaction with delamination damage:
(a) and (b) are in-plane vx velocity plots at 10 μs and 20 μs ; (c) and (d) are out-of-plane
vz velocity plots at 10 μs and 20 μs.

Table 3.2 Wave modes in EFIT results when incident waves are S0 mode
Number Wave modes
#2 S0 in the [02/902]s laminate
#3 A0 mode in the [0]2 laminate above the delamination
#4 S0 mode in the [0]2 laminate above the delamination
#5 A0 mode in the [(90)4/02] laminate below the delamination
#6 S0 mode in the [(90)4/02] laminate below the delamination

3.2.3. FEM for honeycomb sandwich structures

To simulate guided waves in honeycomb sandwich structures, the commercial FEM

software, ANSYS/Multiphysics 11.0 is used. The honeycomb sandwich investigated in

this study is composed of two aluminum skin plates and one aluminum honeycomb core.

The skin plates and honeycomb core have the same material properties, Young’s modulus

70 GPa, Poisson’s ratio 0.33, and density 2700 kg/m3.


Plates Core

Figure 3.15 The finite element model of the honeycomb sandwich structure with a
surface-bonded PZT.

Table 3.3 Geometry parameters of the finite element model. (Units: mm)
Skin panels Honeycomb core PZT actuator
Length Width Thickness Cell size Wall thickness Height Diameter Thickness
135 135 1 6.35 0.055 12.7 7 0.2

15 kHz 50 kHz 100 kHz

(a) (c) (d)

Figure 3.16 Simulation results of displacements in the z direction uz: (a) top and front
views at 15 kHz excitation, (b) top and front views at 50 kHz excitation, (c) top and front
views at 100 kHz excitation.

Figure 3.15 plots the finite element model of the honeycomb sandwich with a

surface bonded PZT. The geometry parameters of the model are listed in Table 3.3.3. The

SOLID45 elements are used to build the two skin plates. The SHELL63 elements are

used to build the honeycomb core that has hexagonal cells. The coupled field SOLID5

elements are selected to construct the finite element model of the PZT. Due to symmetry

of the problem, only a quarter-volume of the honeycomb sandwich is modeled.

Symmetric boundary conditions are applied on all the nodes on the two symmetric planes

(O-X-Z plane and O-Y-Z plane). The PZT excitations are 3 count tone burst signals with

center frequencies selected at 15kHz, 50kHz and 100kHz.

Transient analysis is used to simulate guided waves in the honeycomb sandwich.

In order to accurately simulate the guided waves that propagate in the honeycomb

sandwich, sizes of elements need to be small enough such that at least ten elements per

wavelength along the wave propagation direction [72]. In this study, the sizes of elements

are in the range 0.5 mm ~ 1.0 mm. Moreover, the integration time step should be small

enough for the stability of the transient analysis [72]. In this study, the time step is 0.2 μs.

Figure 3.16 gives the simulation results of displacements in the z direction uz at

15 kHz, 50 kHz and 100 kHz excitation frequencies. At the low frequency 15 kHz, the

simulation result in Figure 3.16 a shows that global guided waves propagate in the entire

sandwich. These global guided waves have large wavelengths and elliptical wave fronts.

In this case, the entire sandwich can be considered as a solid plate-like waveguide which

supports the global guided waves. At 50 kHz, although the global guided waves can still

be observed, their wave fronts become closer to circular shapes other than elliptical

shapes. At the high frequency 100 kHz, the global guided waves disappear. There are

guided waves propagating in skin plates with circular wave fronts. Moreover, the 100

kHz simulation result shows complex wave interactions, which could be induced by the

wave interaction with the honeycomb core.

Wavefields of guided waves in terms of time and space dimensions contain a wealth of

information regarding guided wave propagations in structures and interactions with

structural discontinuities. In this chapter, a wavefield sensing system is developed and

optimized to acquire high spatial resolution guided wavefields. To extract informative

wave signatures from the wavefields for wave characterization, wavefield analysis

methods, including frequency-wavenumber analysis, wavefield decomposition and space-

frequency-wavenumber analysis are presented.


The hybrid PZT-SLDV sensing system takes the advantages of PZT guided wave

generation and the SLDV non-contact high spatial resolution wavefield sensing. On one

hand, the low profile PZT is a commonly used guided wave actuator, which works on

piezoelectric principles and converts electric energy into mechanical energy and vice

versa [1]. When a PZT is bonded on a structure surface, it can couple its in-plane motion

with the structure through the bonding layer and generate guided waves [1]. The PZT

guided wave actuation and tuning mechanisms have been well established and proved

already [1, 88, 98-101]. In this dissertation study, PZT actuators (low profile: 5~10 mm

dimension and 0.2~0.5mm thickness) made of the piezo material APC 850 or 851 1 are


On the other hand, the SLDV is a rapid, high spatial resolution and non-contact

means for guided wave sensing and visualization [29, 30, 140]. In this study, the Polytec
PSV-400-M2 scanning laser Doppler vibrometer is used. The particle

displacement/velocity in the direction of the laser beam is measured based on the Doppler

effect. The SLDV can direct the laser beam to various locations for measurements, by

employing two moving scanning mirrors driven by galvanometric actuators. For the

Polytec PSV-400-M2 used in this study, angular resolutions of the two scanning mirrors

are less than 0.002°.

Figure 4.1 gives a schematic of the PZT-SLDV sensing system. The PZT actuator

is surface bonded on the structure to generate guided waves. The excitation signal, such

as a signal of Hanning window modulated 3-cycle sine waves, is generated by an

arbitrary waveform generator and then amplified through a voltage amplifier. The SLDV

is used to measure velocities or displacements of guided waves at user-defined scanning

points. The SLDV acquires a waveform of guided waves (velocity or displacement as a

function of time) at a scanning point and then moves to the next point to acquire the next

waveform. The scan can be performed over user-defined scanning points in various

configurations, such as linear distribution for 1-D scanning and rectangular grid

distribution for 2-D scanning.

Polytec PSV-400-M2

Test specimen
Scanning grid Response DAQ & signal Full
processing wavefield

Crack SLDV head


Voltage Excitation Function

PZT signal
amplifier generator

Figure 4.1 A schematic of the PZT-SLDV sensing.

Scanning line 3
250 Transmitted

Velocity (mm/s)
Distance (mm)
150 0
Incident Reflected -1
x 50
PZT -3
0 50 100 150
(a) (b) Time (μs)

Scanning area

Velocity (mm/s)
Time t (μs)

y (mm)
(c) (d) x (mm)

Figure 4.2 Crack detection by using the PZT-SLDV sensing: (a) and (b) are the
scanning configuration and the measured time-space wavefield for the 1-D scanning; (c)
and (d) are the scanning configuration and the measured time-space wavefield for the 2-D

The hybrid PZT-SLDV sensing system can be used to visualize guided wave

interactions with structural discontinuities. Moreover, the sensing system provides an

immediate means of damage detection. Figure 4.2 gives an example of using the hybrid

PZT-SLDV sensing system for crack detection in a 1 mm thick aluminum plate. Figure

4.2 a and c gives the configurations of 1-D scanning with points along a line and 2-D

scanning with points in a scanning area. The guided waves are generated from a PZT

(APC 850: 0.2 mm thickness and 7 mm diameter) bonded on the plate surface. The

excitation signal is a 3-cycle tone burst with the frequency of 120 kHz and amplitude of

40 V. Figure 4.2 b and Figure 4.2 d plot the time-space wavefields measured from the 1-

D scanning and the 2-D scanning. Both wavefields show three wave components:

incident, reflected and transmitted waves. When incident waves arrive at the crack

damage, reflected and transmitted waves occur. From the guided wavefields, the complex

wave propagation and interaction are visualized. Moreover, the crack location can be

qualitatively indicated from the observed wave behaviors.

Figure 4.3 gives another example of applying the hybrid PZT-SLDV sensing

system for delamination detection. The test specimen is an 8-ply IM7/8552 composite

plate with [02/902]s layup. Under the second ply, there is a 20 mm × 20 mm Teflon film

embedded during the manufacturing process to create delamination damage. Figure 4.3 a

and c give 1-D and 2-D scanning configurations. Guided waves are generated from a PZT

patch (APC 850: 0.2 mm thickness and 7 mm diameter) bonded on the plate surface. The

excitation signal is a 3-cycle tone burst with the frequency of 300 kHz and amplitude of

40 V. Figure 4.3 b plots the time-space wavefield measured from the 1-D scanning,

showing that guided waves interact with the delamination. Guided waves propagating

back and forth between the top (y=20 mm) and bottom (y=40 mm) boundaries of the

delamination, can be distinctively seen, exhibiting the “trapped wave” phenomenon [103,

141-143]. Meanwhile, the wavefield image at 15 μs (in Figure 4.3 d) acquired by the 2-D

scanning, shows wave interaction at the delamination region, as waves are propagating

between delamination boundaries (denoted by the dotted box). Therefore, with the PZT-

SLDV sensing, the complex wave interaction with delamination damage is visualized.

60 6
Scanning line
50 4

Velocity (mm/s)
Delamination 40 2

y (mm)
y 20
x Wave interaction with -4
PZT delamination damage
0 10 20 30
(a) (b) Time (μs)

60 6
Wave interaction with
50 4
delamination damage
Scanning area

y (mm)
y 20
x -4
PZT 10
-20 -10 0 10 20
(c) (d) x (mm)

Figure 4.3 Delamination detection by using the PZT-SLDV sensing: (a) and (b) are the
scanning configuration and the measured time-space wavefield for the 1-D scanning; (c)
and (d) are the scanning configuration and the measured time-space wavefield for the 2-D


Although guided wavefields in time-space domain can visually show guided wave

propagation and interaction, the detailed wave signatures such as wave modes,

frequencies and wavenumbers are not available. To achieve these detailed wave

signatures for further analysis, the guided wavefields in time-space domain can be

converted to the representation in frequency-wavenumber domain by using the three

dimensional (3-D) Fourier Transform (FT), given as [29, 30, 113, 140, 142, 144]

∞ ∞
V ( f , k ) =  [ v (t , x ) ] = ∫ v (t , x )e − (
i 2π ft − k ⋅x )
−∞ −∞ ∫ dtdx (4.4)

where the space vector x and the wavenumber vector k are defined as (x, y) and (kx, ky).

v(t, x) is the time-space wavefield in terms of time t and space vector x. V(f, k) is the

resulting frequency-wavenumber representation or “spectrum” in terms of frequency f

and wavenumber vector k. As the frequency is the counter part of time, the wavenumber

is the counter part of space.

With the spectrum in frequency-wavenumber domain, the frequency,

wavenumber, wave mode and wave dispersion can be readily achieved and analyzed.

Figure 4.4 gives an example of frequency-wavenumber analysis on guided waves

generated by a PZT actuator on a 6.35 mm thick T304 steel plate. The excitation signal is

a broadband pulse with 0.8 μs duration and 10 V amplitude. The measured time-space

wavefield is plotted in Figure 4.4 a, which shows complex wave propagation and

interaction. From the wavefield in time-space domain, it is hard to identify the wave

mode, frequency, and wavenumber. However, these components can be easily achieved

in frequency wavenumber domain. As plotted in Figure 4.4 b, the frequency-wavenumber

spectrum reveals the frequency, wavenumber and wave mode. Within 0 to 800 kHz, in

the frequency-wavenumber spectrum, six wave modes including A0, A1, A2, S0, S1 and S2

are discernible and identifiable. This information is otherwise unavailable in the time-

space wavefield.

140 1
Wave number kx (rad/mm)

Normalized amplitude

x position (mm)

Velocity (mm/s)


0 A1
60 S1
40 -0.5
S0 S2 A2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(a) Time (μs) (b) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 4.4 Frequency-wavenumber analysis on guided waves in a 6.35 mm thick T304

steel plate: (a) time-space wavefield, and (b) frequency-wavenumber spectrum.


By using FT, time-space wavefields are transformed to frequency-wavenumber spectra,

where different wave modes and wave components can be easily identified. Therefore,

any wave component of interest can be extracted for further analysis, through a filtering

process in the frequency-wavenumber domain. Similar to the digital filtering [145], the

filtering process in frequency-wavenumber domain is mathematically expressed as the

product between the original frequency-wavenumber spectrum V(f, k) and the filter

function F(f, k) as:

VF ( f , k ) = V ( f , k ) F ( f , k ) (4.5)

where VF(f, k) is the filtered spectrum, which keeps the desired frequency-wavenumber

component. By transforming the filtered spectrum VF(f, k) back into time-space domain

through inverse 3-D FT, the filtered wavefield vF(t, x) can be obtained as

1 ∞ ∞
vF (t , x ) =
= [VF ( f , k )] ∫ ∫ VF ( f , k )e
j ( 2π ft − k ⋅x )
dfdk (4.6)
(2π ) 2 −∞ −∞

With the frequency-wavenumber filtering, guided waves which have multiple wave

modes that propagate in various directions can be decomposed into individual modes. To

obtain a desired wave mode, the band pass filter is designed to keep the frequency-

wavenumber component of the wave mode,

F ( f , k ) = w f ( f ) wk ( f , k ) (4.7)

where w f ( f ) is a raised-cosine filter in frequency domain to extract the frequency

component of the desired wave mode. wk ( f , k ) is a 3-D filter centered at the theoretical

wavenumber value k(f) of the desired wave mode to be extracted, as:

Wave number kx (rad/mm)

Wave number kx (rad/mm)

Normalized amplitude

Normalized amplitude
for S2 mode


(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

140 0.15

120 0.1

Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
x position (mm)

S2 0.05
(d) Time (μs)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(c) Time (μs)

Figure 4.5 Guided wave decomposition by using frequency-wavenumber filtering: (a)

frequency-wavenumber filter for the S2 mode; (b) filtered frequency-wavenumber
spectrum; (c) reconstructed time-space wavefield of the S2 mode; (d) reconstructed
waveform of the S2 mode at x=40 mm.

   D ( f , k ) 
0.5 1 + cos  2π k   if Dk ( f , k ) ≤ DWk / 2
wk ( f , k ) =    DWk   (4.8)

 0 otherwise


Dk ( f , k=
) k − k( f ) (4.9)

where DWk is the wavenumber bandwidth.

Figure 4.5 shows an example of guided wave decomposition. The original time-

space wavefield in Figure 4.4 a, contains six wave modes including A0, A1, A2, S0, S1 and

S2. To extract the S2 mode, a band pass filter (Figure 4.5a) is designed, which only keeps

the frequency-wavenumber component of S2 mode and rejects everything else. Through

the filtering process in frequency-wavenumber domain, the S2 mode within the frequency

range 500~750 kHz and the wavenumber range 0~1 rad/mm is extracted (Figure 4.5b).

Then the extracted frequency-wavenumber spectrum of the S2 mode is reconstructed back

into time-space domain. Figure 4.5 c and d plot the reconstructed wavefield and the

waveform at x =40 mm, which only contain the S2 mode.


The wavefield analysis in frequency-wavenumber domain can reveal wave propagation

characteristics that cannot be explicitly seen in time-space domain. However, after the FT,

spatial information of guided wavefields is lost. It will be beneficial if the spatial

information can be retained. To retain the spatial information, the space-frequency-

wavenumber analysis is used.

The space-frequency-wavenumber analysis is a straightforward extension of the

short time FT [146] to multi-dimensional problems. It breaks down a time-space

wavefield into small segments over the spatial dimension before the Fourier

transformation. Hence, it is also called short space FT. The small segment is acquired by

multiplying the wavefield with a window function which is non-zero for only a short

period in space while constant over the entire time dimension. When the window slides

along the space dimension, a set of windowed wavefield segments is generated. The FT is

applied to these segments, resulting in a set of frequency-wavenumber spectra that are

indexed by window locations such that the spatial information is retained.

Mathematically, the short space FT is given as

∞ ∞
S ( x, f , k )
= ∫ ∫
−∞ −∞
u(t , x )W * (t , x − x )e − j (2π ft −k⋅x ) dtdx (4.10)

where x is the retained spatial vector ( x , y ) of the windowed segments. W(t, x) is the

window function that keeps constant in time and varies in space. For example, a Hanning

function can be used to construct the window W(t, x), given as:

   x 
0.5 1+ cos  2π   if x ≤ Dx 2
W (t , x ) =    Dx   (4.11)

 0 otherwise

where Dx is the window length in space domain. Figure 4.6 gives an example of the

window function W(t, x). Note that in this example, only the dimensions of time t and

space x are included for plotting. As shown in Figure 4.6, the window function keeps

constant in the time dimension and varies in the space dimension.

Since the short space FT retains the spatial information, the relation between

space and wavenumber can be investigated. Figure 4.7 gives an example of using the

short space FT to analyze a guided wavefield and show how wavenumber components

vary in space. The time-space wavefield in Figure 4.7 a shows a forward propagating A0

mode. By applying a window function located at x = 25 mm, a small segment of the

wavefield is isolated, as plotted in Figure 4.7 b with its frequency-wavenumber spectrum

in Figure 4.7 c. In the short space FT process, the window slides through the wavefield

from 0 to 270 mm with a step size of 0.5 mm resulting in a set of windowed wavefield

segments. All the segments are then transformed to frequency-wavenumber domain and

stacked up, generating a space-frequency-wavenumber representation. Figure 4.7 d

presents the space-wavenumber spectrum at a selected frequency 120 kHz. The spectrum

is centered about the wavenumber 0.73 rad/mm and long the entire spatial extant. When

the wave propagates away from the source (increasing of x) the amplitude in the space-

wavenumber spectrum drops gradually.

x (mm)
t (μs)

Figure 4.6 An example of the window function.

Incident A0
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
x (mm)
x (mm)

Incident A0

(a) Time (μs) (b) Time (μs)

Wave number k (rad/mm)

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

Incident A0
Incident A0
x (mm)

(c) Frequency (kHz) (d) Wave number (rad/mm)

Figure 4.7 An example of the space-frequency-wavenumber analysis: (a) the original

time-space wavefield; (b) windowed wavefield; (c) frequency-wavenumber spectrum of
the windowed wavefield; (d) space-wavenumber spectrum at a selected frequency 120

This chapter presents quantitative and visualized damage diagnosis methods for

NDE/SHM. The generic formation of phased array imaging for anisotropic composite

laminates is developed, based on classic delay-and-sum principle. The phased array

imaging can generate an intensity image of the composite been inspected to visualize and

locate the damage in the composite. To further quantify the damage size, wavefield based

imaging methods such as filter reconstruction imaging and spatial wavenumber imaging

are used. The systemic combination of the phased array imaging and wavefield based

imaging provides a hierarchical damage diagnosis, which can efficiently and effectively

locate the damage and quantify the damage size.


Guided wave phased arrays employs sensors physically placed in a compact format in

which the relative phases of sensor signals are controlled such that guided waves are

focused into a beam in a desired direction [1]. By steering the focused beam to all

directions, the phased array can inspect a large area of a structure to detect damage. In

NDE/SHM applications, the guided wave phased array has advantages, such as

reinforced wave energy in the beam, efficient and flexible control of the beam direction,

improved signal-to-noise-ratio, large area inspection through a small sensing area, and

promising damage detection results [12, 17, 124].

Compared to the array beamforming in isotropic plates, the array beamforming in

anisotropic composite plates are more challenging. In anisotropic composite plates,

guided wave parameters such as wavenumber, phase velocity and group velocity are

directionally dependent due to the directionally dependent physical properties of

composite materials [11, 136, 137]. Moreover, the guided waves have energy skewness

and the group velocity direction is not always parallel to the phase velocity direction.

Last but not least, the wave fronts of guided waves are no longer circular shapes. These

properties of guided waves in composite plates have significant influences on the phased

array beamforming. The traditional beamforming technique for isotropic materials might

fail in composite materials.

In this section, the guided wave beamforming in anisotropic composite plates is

investigated. Based on the classic delay-and-sum principle, the formation of

beamforming in anisotropic composite plates is developed, in which the directional

dependent guided wave parameters are considered. This formulation is valid not only for

the case that phase and group velocities have the same orientation, but also for the

general case that the two velocities are in different directions. Moreover, the array

characterization and optimization for beamforming in composite plates are investigated

with demonstrations of 2-D rectangular grid arrays. For the proof of concept,

experimental tests are performed by using rectangular grid arrays made of scanning

points of a non-contact SLDV. The experimental results show that multiple defects in

various directions can be successfully detected.

5.1.1. Beamforming in composite laminates Guided waves in composite laminates

In anisotropic composite laminates, guided wave parameters such as wavenumber, phase

velocity and group velocity are directionally dependent, due to the directionally

dependent physical properties of composite materials [11, 136, 137]. Figure 5.1 a plots

the wavenumber curve k(γ), and shows the geometry relation between the wavenumber

vector k which is perpendicular to the wave front and the group velocity vector cg which

is orthogonal to the wavenumber curve [11, 136, 137]. The angle of wavenumber vector

k is γ, referred to as wavenumber angle. The angle of group velocity vector cg is θ,

referred to as group velocity angle (or energy propagation angle). The angle β between k

and cg is referred to as skew angle with β = γ − θ. When the skew angle β is not zero, cg is

not parallel to k, and hence the wave energy propagation direction is not perpendicular to

the wave front.

cg nt Propagation direction
β of wave energy



𝛾𝛾 nt

o β
kx y
β θ
𝛾𝛾 Source at pm
(a) (b) θ
Source at O x

Figure 5.1 Schematics of geometric relations of guided waves in composite plates: (a)
the geometric relation between the wavenumber vector k and the group velocity vector cg,
and (b) the geometric relation of guided waves (in the far field) generated by sources at
different locations.

When a source located at the coordinate origin O generates a guided wave with

frequency ω and wavenumber k , the wave arriving at a location x that is far away from

the source (Figure 5.1 b) can be expressed as [1, 8, 11]

u(t , x ) = Ae j(ωt −k⋅x ) (5.12)

where A is the amplitude. With the geometric relation illustrated in Figure 5.1 b, we


k ⋅ x = k x cos β =
k (γ ) x cos β (5.13)

And hence,

j ωt − k ( γ ) x cos β 
u(t , x ) = Ae (5.14)

For a source located at pm, the generated wave at the location x is

j[ωt − k ⋅( x − pm )] j ωt − k ( γ ) x − pm cos β 

um (t , x ) Ae
= = Ae (5.15) Delay-and-sum beamforming

Consider an array with M identical elements located at {p m } (m=0, 2, 3, …M-1) which

are physically close to each other. The phase center is set as the origin O of the Cartesian

M −1
coordinate system, i.e., 1
M m =0
p m = 0 . Each element serves as a guided wave source.

When all elements generate a guided wave with frequency ω and wavenumber vector k at

the same time, the total output of the array at the location x can be derived as

z (t , x ) = ∑ Ae j[ωt −k⋅( x −pm )] =u(t , x )∑

M −1 M −1
=m 0=m 0
e jk⋅pm (5.16)

It is seen from Eq. (5.16) the synthetic wave is an amplification of the wave emitting

from a source at the Origin and the amplification is controlled by the exponential

components in Eq. (5.16), which can be maximized when the exponent become zero. The

exponent becomes zero when a delay Δm is applied to result in:

j ( k ⋅pm −∆ m )
e = e j0 (5.17)

The delay Δm relates to the mth element position and the wavenumber vector k. By

judicially selecting Δm, the total output Z(t, x) of the array can be maximized at a desired

direction, i.e., generating a directional “beam”. In principle, the delay Δm can be

implemented through time delay in the time domain or phase shift in the frequency

domain [1, 16, 17, 144]. In our study, the latter is adopted. In addition to delay, weighting

factors wm can also be applied to the output of individual delayed wave to improve the

output. In a summary, the beamforming can be represented as

z (t , x) = u (t , x)∑ m =0 wm e
M −1 j ( k ⋅p m −∆ m )

Assume the array output is directed toward a desired direction θS and the corresponding

delay is denoted as Δm(θS). We introduce the beamforming factor [1, 17], BF, which is

given as

1 j  k ⋅pm −∆ m (θ S ) 

M −1
BF = wm e  
M m =0

And Eq. (5.18) can be re-written as

z (t , x ) =⋅
M u(t , x ) ⋅ BF (5.20)

To maximize the BF in the desired direction θS, the delay Δm(θS) should be selected to

result in zero exponent i.e.,

∆ m (θ S ) =
k ⋅ pm (5.21)

The wavenumber vector k here depends on the wave frequency ω and wavenumber angle

γ S that corresponds to the wave energy steering angle θS, i.e., k can be expressed as

k (ω , γ S ) . Based on the geometry relation that γ S = θ S + β S , Eq. (5.21) can be written as

∆ m (θ =
S) k (ω,θ S + β S ) ⋅ p m (5.22)

where βS is referred to as the skew angle between the wavenumber angle γ S and the wave

energy steering angle θS. With the phase delay, it can be seen that the total output z(t, x)

M −1
is m =0
wm times reinforcement of the individual wavefield u(t, x) in the θS direction.

The weighting factor wm can be used to further enhance the synthetic beam shape and

reduce sidelobe levels [1, 144].

By substituting Eq. (5.22) into Eq.(5.19), the beamforming factor becomes,

∑ wm e j[k −k (ω ,θS + β S )]⋅pm
M −1
BF ( k | wm , p m , M ,θ S ) = (5.23)
M m =0

The beamforming factor as given in Eq. (5.23) can be interpreted as a function of

wavenumber vector k, denoted as, BF ( k ) in the wavenumber domain. wm , p m , M and

θ S are the parameters of the wavenumber function BF ( k ) . For 2D wave propagation,

BF ( k ) evaluates the beamforming result at any wavenumber vector k in the kx-ky

wavenumber plane.

The beamforming can also be represented as a function of the wave energy

propagation angle θ as,

∑ wm e j[k (ω ,θ + β )−k (ω ,θS + β S )]⋅pm
M −1
BF (θ | wm , p m , M ,θ S ) = (5.24)
M m =0

where k(ω, θ+β) is the wavenumber dispersion relation of guided waves in composite

laminates. The BF(θ) evaluates the beamforming output w.r.t. the wave energy

propagation angle θ for the guided waves with the wavenumber dispersion relation k(ω,

θ+β). Hence it can directly indicate the phased array’s directional beamforming pattern.

5.1.2. Implementation and characterization of rectangular arrays

Phased arrays can be configured with various arrangements, such as linear arrays[12],

rectangular arrays[17], and spiral arrays[19]. In this work, rectangular arrays with array

elements being uniformly arranged on rectangular grids are investigated. Figure 5.2

illustrates a P×Q rectangular array (total of M= P×Q elements) with its phase center

coinciding with the coordinate origin O. The coordinates of the (p, q)th (p = 0, 1, 2, …P-1

and q = 0, 1, 2, …Q-1) element of the array are

 P −1 Q −1 
p p ,q =
( p − )d x ,( q − )d y  (5.25)
 2 2 

where dx and dy are array spacings in x and y directions. The array spans in x and y

directions are

x ( P − 1)d x and D=
y (Q − 1)d y (5.26)


O x

0 P-1

Figure 5.2 Schematic of a P×Q rectangular array

For the beamforming study in composite material, an 8-ply [0/45/90/-45]s layup

CFRP composite plate with 2.54 mm thickness (material properties in Table 5.5.1) is

used. The A0 Lamb mode at 120 kHz (wavenumber curve k(γ) is plotted in Figure 5.3) is

used for the beamforming, with the maximum wavenumber components in kx and ky

directions being kx,max = 0.55 rad/mm and ky,max= 0.68 rad/mm, resulting in the minimum

wavelengths 𝜆𝜆x,min= 2π/kx,max = 11.4 mm and 𝜆𝜆y,min = 2π/ky,max = 9.2 mm. To study the

beamforming, three array configurations listed in Table 5.5.2 are considered. Note (a)

arrays (1) and (2) have the same spacings, while the spans in array (2) are twice of those

in array (1); (b) Arrays (2) and (3) have the same spans, while the spacings in array (3)

are twice of those in array (2). In the following subsections, both beamforming factor

BF(k) in Eq. (5.23) and beam pattern BF(θ) in Eq. (5.24) will be used to evaluate the

beamforming of each array.

Ta cg
1 ng β
k Wa
ky (rad/mm)

𝛾𝛾 nt


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
kx (rad/mm)

Figure 5.3 Wavenumber curve k(γ) of the 90 kHz A0 mode in the [0/45/90/-45]s CFRP
composite laminate.

Table 5.1 Material properties of a single ply.

ρ E1 E2 E3 G12 G13 G23 Thickness
𝜈𝜈 12 𝜈𝜈 13 𝜈𝜈 23
(kg/m3) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (mm)
1577.8 129.6 8.7 8.7 4.8 4.8 2.9 0.30 0.30 0.34 0.3175

Table 5.2 Configurations of three rectangular arrays for beamforming study

Number of elements Spacing Span
P×Q d (mm) D (mm)
Array (1) 11×11 dx,1= dy,1=𝜆𝜆y,min/4=2.3 Dx,1= Dy,1=23
Array (2) 21×21 dx,2= dy,2=𝜆𝜆y,min/4=2.3 Dx,2= Dy,2=46
Array (3) 11×11 dx,3= dy,3=𝜆𝜆y,min/2=4.6 Dx,3= Dy,3=46a

71 BF(k) characterization

The array performance is studied by the beamforming factor BF(k) in Eq.(5.23). By

substituting the array coordinates in Eq. (5.25) into Eq. (5.23), we can derive the BF(k)

equation for rectangular arrays,

 P −1 Q −1 
1 j[ k − k ( ω ,θ S + β S )]⋅ ( p − ) d x ,( q − )d y 
∑ ∑ p ,q
P −1 Q −1
BF ( k | w p ,q , d x , d y , P, Q,θ S ) = w e  2 2 
PQ =p 0=q 0

By substituting the array spans in Eq.(5.26) into Eq.(5.27), the BF(k) becomes

D Dy  Dx Dy 
j[ k − k ( ω ,θ S + β S )]⋅ pd x − ,qd y −
1 x

2  (5.28)
∑ ∑
dy 2
BF ( k | w p ,q , d x , d y , Dx , D y ,θ S ) = dx
w p , q e 

 Dx   Dy  =p 0=q 0
d + 1 
 d + 1 
 x  y 

This equation shows the beamforming factor BF(k) is a function of k defined up to the

parameters w p ,q , d x , d y , Dx , D y and θ S .

Figure 5.4 a graphically plots the BF(k) of array (1) as an intensity image in the

kx-ky wavenumber plane, when phase delays are not applied. Four intensified spots at (0,

0), (0, 4ky,max), (4ky,max, 0) and (4ky,max, 4ky,max) are present in the given region. The sizes

of intensified spots are evaluated by using the full widths of the intensified spots at one-

half peak value (denoted as FWHMx and FWHMy for kx and ky directions) [144], which

are listed in Table 5.5.3. The intensified spots represent local maxima of BF(k). When the

array generates guided waves of wavenumbers at these local maxima, the array’s output

will be optimized. Note that Figure 5.4a only plots the BF(k) in the wavenumber range -

1.0 rad/mm ≤ kx ≤ 3.7 rad/mm and -1.0 rad/mm ≤ ky ≤ 3.7 rad/mm. Indeed the intensified

spots present in a periodical pattern within the entire wavenumber domain. The periodical

pattern can be perceived from the expression of the beamforming factor BF(k) in

Eq.(5.28). The periods Kx and Ky of the periodical pattern in kx and ky directions are listed

in Table 5.5.3.

The wavenumber curve k(𝛾𝛾) of the 120 kHz A0 mode in the subject composite

plate is also plotted in Figure 5.4a. It can be seen that no maximum of BF(k) falls on the

wavenumber curve. This signifies that if the array generates the 120 kHz A0 mode

without delaying, the array will not have maximized output. Hence, array’s output can be

maximized by applying phase delays given in Eq. (5.22), i.e., applying phase delays that

relocate a maximum of BF(k) on the wavenumber curve. Figure 5.4b plots the BF(k) of

the array (1) with the phase delays (-0.02, 0.68)∙pp,q. The delay is selected such that the

local maxima located at (0, 0) before the delay is now moved to (-0.02, 0.68) rad/mm on

the wavenumber curve.

Figure 5.5 a and b plot the BF(k) images of arrays (2) and (3), when the phase

delays (-0.02, 0.68)∙pp,q are applied. Their FWHM values are listed in Table 5.5.3, in

addition to those of array (1). FWHM values of arrays (2) and (3) (with the same spans

Dx,2= Dy,2= Dx,3= Dy,3=46 mm) are the same and smaller than those of array (1) (with

smaller spans Dx,1= Dy,1=23 mm). This means larger array spans give smaller size

intensified spots and better wavenumber resolutions.

Kx,1= 4ky,max Kx,1= 4ky,max
3 3

Ky,1= 4ky,max
2 2



ky (rad/mm)
ky (rad/mm)

Intensified Intensified spot at
spot at (0, 0) (-0.02, 0.68)rad/mm on k(γ)
1 1

0 0
k(γ) k(γ)

-1 -1
-1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 5.4 BF(k) images for the array (1): (a) without phase delay, and (b) with the
phase delay (0, ky,max)∙pp,q . The solid white curve is the wavenumber curve k(𝛾𝛾) of the
120 kHz A0 mode in the [0/45/90/-45]s CFRP composite plate.

Kx,2= 4ky,max 3
3 Kx,3=2ky,max
Ky,2= 4ky,max

2 2

ky (rad/mm)


ky (rad/mm)

Intensified spot at Intensified spot at

(-0.02, 0.68)rad/mm on k(γ) (-0.02, 0.68)rad/mm on k(γ)
1 1

0 k(γ) 0
Intensified spot at
(-0.02, -0.68)rad/mm on k(γ)
-1 -1
-1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 5.5 BF(k) images when the phase delays (-0.02, 0.68)∙pp,q is applied: (a) for
array (2), and (b) for array (3). The solid white curve is the wavenumber curve k(𝛾𝛾) of the
120 kHz A0 mode in the [0/45/90/-45]s CFRP composite plate.

Table 5.3 BF(k) characteristics of the three rectangular arrays

Wavenumber periods, Full widths of intensified spots at the
K (rad/mm) one-half peak value, FWHM (rad/mm)
Array (1) Kx,1= Ky,1=2π/dx,1=2π/dy,1=4ky,min=2.72 FWHMx,1= FWHMy,1=0.30
Array (2) Kx,2= Ky,2=2π/dx,2=2π/dy,2=4ky,min=2.72 FWHMx,2= FWHMy,2=0.15
Array (3) Kx,3= Ky,3=2π/dx,3=2π/dy,3=2ky,min=1.36 FWHMx,3= FWHMy,3=0.15

The wavenumber periods of arrays (1), (2) and (3) are also compared in Table

5.5.3. Wavenumber periods of arrays (1) and (2) (with the same array spacings dx,1= dy,1=

dx,2= dy,2= 2.3 mm) are the same and larger than those of array (3) (with larger array

spacings dx,3= dy,3= 4.6 mm). This means smaller array spacings generate larger

wavenumber periods. The wavenumber periods can affect the beamforming performance.

For illustration, for the array (3) which has the array spacings dx,3= dy,3= 4.6 mm, the

BF(k) image in Figure 5.5b shows there are two intensified spots at (-0.02, 0.68)rad/mm

and (-0.02, -0.68)rad/mm on the wavenumber curve k(𝛾𝛾) of the 120 kHz A0 mode. This

means if the array (3) generates the 120 kHz A0 mode with the phase delays (-0.02,

0.68)∙pp,q, the synthetic waves generated from the array will have two intensified

components: (i) waves with the wavenumber (-0.02, 0.68)rad/mm, and (ii) waves with the

wavenumber (-0.02, -0.68)rad/mm. The component (ii) is not desired and should be

avoided, since it gives misleading beamforming result. In order to avoid the undesired

component, the wavenumber periods should satisfy Kx> 2kx,max and Ky> 2ky,max, i.e., the

array spacings should satisfy dx< 𝜆𝜆x,min/2 and dy< 𝜆𝜆y,min/2. BF(θ) characterization

The beamforming can also be studied by the directional beam pattern BF(θ) given in

Eq.(5.24). By substituting the array coordinates in Eq.(5.25) into Eq. (5.24), we can

derive the BF(θ) equation for rectangular arrays,

 P −1 Q −1 
1 j[ k ( ω ,θ + β ) − k ( ω ,θ S + β S )]⋅ ( p − ) d x ,( q − )d y 
∑ ∑
P −1 Q −1
BF (θ | w p ,q , d x , d y , P, Q,θ S ) = w p ,q e  2 2 
PQ =p 0=q 0

By substituting the array spans in Eq.(5.26) into Eq.(5.29), the BF(θ) becomes,

D Dy  Dx Dy 
1 j[ k ( ω ,θ + β ) − k ( ω ,θ S + β S )]⋅ pd x − ,qd y −

∑ ∑
dy 2 2
BF (θ | w p ,q , d x , d y , Dx , D y ,θ S ) = dx
w p , q e  

 Dx   Dy  = p 0= q 0

 d + 1  d + 1
 x  y 

This equation shows the beam pattern BF(θ) is a function of θ defined up to the

parameters w p ,q , d x , d y , Dx , D y and θ S .

Figure 5.6a plots the directional beam pattern BF(θ) of array (1) using the 120

kHz A0 mode without phase delays. The amplitude is seen low at all directions. In order

to steer and maximize BF(θ) to a desired direction θS, phase delays determined from Eq.

(5.22) are applied. Figure 5.6 b plots beamsteering results toward 0°, 45°, 90° and 135°

directions, by applying delays at (0.55, -0.02)∙pp,q, (0.37, 0.51)∙pp,q, (-0.02, 0.68)∙pp,q and

(-0.37,0.54)∙pp,q, respectively.

To evaluate the beamforming quality, the full width of the mainlobe at one-half

peak value (FWHM) (as illustrated in Figure 5.6 b) is used [144]. The smaller FWHM

will give better directional resolution of beamforming. The FWHM results of array (1) are

listed in Table 5.5.4. By comparing the FWHM results of the four steering angles, it is

found that the FWHM of 0° has the smallest value. Hence, the beamforming toward 0°

has the best resolution.

90 Mainlobe
120 60 120 60

150 30 150 30


θ (°)
θ (°)
180 0 180 0
0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4
θS = 0°
0.6 0.6
210 0.8 330 210 0.8 330 θS = 45°
1 1 θS = 90°
240 300 240 300 θS = 135°
(a) 270 (b) 270

Figure 5.6 BF(θ) plots for array (1): (a) without beamsteering, and (b) with
beamsteering in θS =0°, 45°, 90° and 135°.

Mainlobe 90
120 60 120 60

150 30 150 30

θ (°)
θ (°)

180 0 180 0
0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4
0.6 θS = 0° 0.6 θS = 0°
210 0.8 330 210 0.8 330
θS = 45° Grating θS = 45°
1 1
θS = 90° lobe θS = 90°
240 300 240 300
270 θS = 135° 270 θS = 135°
(a) (b)

Figure 5.7 BF(θ) plots when the beamsteering directions are θS =0°, 45°, 90° and 135°:
(a) for array (2), and (b) for array (3).

Table 5.4 Full width of the mainlobe at one-half peak value

θS =0° θS =45° θS =90° θS =135°

Array (1) 14° 31° 35° 35°
Array (2) 7° 16° 18° 18°
Array (3) 7° 16° 18° 18°

Figure 5.7 a and Figure 5.7 b plot the directional beam patterns of arrays (2) and

(3), when the beamsteering directions are 0°, 45°, 90° and 135°. For 0°, 45° and 135°

beamsteering directions, the beam patterns of array (2) are nearly the same as those of

array (3). However, for the 90° beamsteering direction, the beam pattern of array (3) in

Figure 5.7 b (dotted line) shows an additional lobe at 265° with nearly the same

amplitude as the mainlobe. This additional lobe in 265° is called grating lobe caused by

spatial aliasing [1, 144]. The grating lobe is not desired and should be avoided, since it

gives misleading beamforming result. In addition, the presence of grating lobe can also

be seen from the BF(k) image in Figure 5.5 b, which shows two intensified spots on the

wavenumber curve k(𝛾𝛾), one at (-0.02, 0.68) rad/mm and the other at (-0.02, -0.68)


The FWHM results of arrays (1), (2) and (3) are compared in Table 5.5.4. FWHM

values of arrays (2) and (3) are the same and both smaller than those of array (1). This

means array (2) and (3) gives better angular resolution than array (1). The better angular

resolution found here is inconsistent with the better wavenumber resolution, which is

found in the comparison among BF(k) images of arrays (1), (2) and (3).

5.1.3. SLDV guided wave phased array

In this subsection, beamforming algorithms are implemented using rectangular grid

arrays made of scanning points of a non-contact SLDV. For the proof of concept,

experimental tests are performed on a CFRP composite laminate with four surface

bonded quartz rods as defects. By using the SLDV phased array, the four defects are

successfully detected.

78 SLDV phased array setup

Figure 5.8 a and c show a photo and a schematic of the experimental setup for the SLDV

phased array sensing. The test specimen is an 8-ply [0/45/90/-45]s layup CFRP composite

plate with 2.54 mm thickness (material properties in Table 5.5.1). Four defects are

simulated by four quartz rods (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) bonded on the front side of the plate,

which are the same distance 100 mm away from the plate center and in different angles

0°, 45°, 90° and 135°, as shown in Figure 5.8 b. A PZT wafer (APC 851: 7 mm diameter,

0.2 mm thickness) is bonded on the plate to generate guided waves. The center of the

PZT is set as the coordinate origin. A 3-cycle toneburst with the frequency 90 kHz is

generated from the function generator (model: Agilent 33522B), amplified to 30V by a

voltage amplifier (model: Krohn-Hite 1506), and applied to the PZT wafer for excitation.

A SLDV (model: Polytec PSV-400-M2) is used to acquire the velocity wavefield of

guided waves over the scanning area on the back side of the plate, a 45 mm ×45 mm

square with the center at the coordinate origin. The horizontal and vertical spatial

resolutions of the scanning are 0.1 mm. Based on Doppler Effect, the SLDV can measure

the velocity wavefield v(t, x) (as a function of both time t and space x) of guided waves

over the scanning area. The laser beam is set perpendicular to the plate such that the out-

of-plane motion of guided waves is measured. The phased array is then constructed using

selected SLDV scanning points at {p m } (m=0, 1, 2, …M-1), whose phase center satisfies

M −1
M m =0
pm = 0 .

Test plate


Amplifier PZT Q1
Laser head (b)




Incident Reflected

mth scanning point at pm

Scanning θ
area O Q1

Figure 5.8 Experimental setup for multi-defects detection on a CFRP composite

laminate: (a) photo of test setup, (b) front side of the test specimen, and (c) schematic of
the sensing layout. Array beamsteering and imaging

From the time-space wavefield v(t, x) acquired by the SLDV, the time signal of the mth

array point at location pm can be found as vm(t)=v(t,pm). Its frequency spectrum can be

derived through the Fourier transform, as

= [ vm ( t ) ]
Vm (ω ) = ∫ −∞
vm (t )e − jωt dt (5.31)

By using the frequency spectrum Vm(ω), we can derive a synthetic frequency-space

representation Z(ω, x),

j  −ϕ ( ω ,x ) −∆ m ( ω ,x ) 
Z (ω, x ) = ∑ m =0 wmVm (ω )e
M −1
 


∆ m (ω, x ) = k (ω, γ ) ⋅ p m , and ϕ (ω, x ) =

−2k (ω, γ ) ⋅ x (5.33)

∆m(ω, x) is the phase delay applied to the mth array point for beamsteering. φ(ω, x)

represents the spatial phase shift. Since the guided waves received from the array

undergone spatial phase shift φ(ω, x) as the guided waves travelled from the PZT to the

damage and then back to the array, −φ(ω, x) is apply to Eq. (5.32) in order to compensate

the spatial phase shift φ(ω, x). In Eq. (5.33), k(ω,γ) is the wavenumber vector at the

frequency ω and wavenumber angle γ, which is obtained from wavenumber dispersion

curve. The wavenumber angle γ is determined from the geometry relation γ= θ + β ,

where θ is the energy propagation angle and equals to the angle of vector x, i.e., θ = ∠x ,

and β is the skew angle corresponding to the energy propagation angle θ.

Using inverse Fourier transform, the synthetic frequency-space representation

Z(ω, x) can be transformed to the time-space domain, as

1 ∞
z (t , x ) =  −1 [ Z (ω , x )] = ∫ Z (ω , x )e jωt d ω (5.34)
2π −∞

where z(t, x) represents the synthetic time-space wavefield with beamsteering. In order to

generate an image of the plate being inspected by the phased array, using the synthetic

time-space wavefield z(t, x), the pixel value at location x is defined as:

I ( x ) = z (t = 0, x ) (5.35)

81 Experimental results SLDV measurements

Figure 5.9 gives the SLDV measurements, when the four quartz rods have the same

diameter 8 mm and height 10 mm, i.e., four defects with the same size 8 mm. At 30 μs,

the wavefield in Figure 5.9 a shows incident waves with non-circular wavefronts

generated from the PZT wafer. At 145 μs, the wavefield in Figure 5.9 b shows guided

waves reflected by the four defects. Figure 5.9 c and d plot wavenumber spectra achieved

by frequency-wavenumber analysis on wavefields of incident and reflected waves[29,

140, 142]. Both spectra show components on the wavenumber curve of A0 mode,

indicating that the incident and reflected waves are A0 mode.

t = 30 μs t = 145 μs
40 40

20 20 0.1
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0

-20 -2 -20 -0.1

-40 -40
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)
1 0.07
1 1
Normalized amplitude

Normalized amplitude

0.5 0.5 0.05
ky (rad/mm)

ky (rad/mm)

0 0 0.04

0.4 0.03
-0.5 -0.5
-1 0.2 -1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) kx (rad/mm) (d) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 5.9 SLDV measurements: (a) and (b) are wavefields at 30μs and 145 μs,
showing the incident and reflected waves; (c) and (d) are wavenumber spectra of incident
and reflected waves at 120 kHz. The solid white line is the wavenumber curve of the A0
mode at 120 kHz.

82 Array imaging results

21×21 SLDV scanning points are chosen to construct the array (2) whose configuration is

listed in Table 5.5.2. By using the beamsteering method, a synthetic time-space wavefield

z(t, x) is constructed. The wavefield images at t =80 μs, 40 μs and 0 μs (Figure 5.10 a, b

and c) show four beamformed waves in 0°, 45°, 90° and 135° directions. With the

decrease of time, the beamformed waves are gradually getting closer to the four defects.

At 0 μs, the waves are at the four defects. An intensity image of the plate is constructed

using the synthetic wavefield z(t=0, x) and Eq. (5.35). Figure 5.10 d plots the array

imaging result, clearly showing four intensified areas which indicate the four defects.

Figure 5.11 a and b give the imaging results of arrays (1) and (3) whose array

configurations are listed in Table 5.5.2. By comparing the imaging results of arrays (1),

(2) and (3) in Figure 5.11 a, 10 d and 11 b, it can be found that arrays (2) and (3) give

four intensified areas (indicating the four defects) with smaller sizes than array (1). It

means the imaging results of arrays (2) and (3) have better resolution than array (1). This

is in consistent with the BF(θ) comparison in Figure 5.7, which shows that BF(θ) plots of

arrays (2) and (3) have smaller FWHM and better angular resolution than the array (1).

Although arrays (2) and (3) nearly give the same imaging results at the four

defects, the imaging result of array (3) shows an additional intensified area around the

location (-10, -100) mm. This additional area is induced by the spatial aliasing, and in

consistent with the BF(θ) plot of the array (3) (in Figure 5.7 b) which shows a grating

lobe at 265° direction.

t = 80 μs t = 40 μs
1 1

100 100

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude
0.5 0.5
50 50

y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0

-50 -50
-0.5 -0.5
-100 -100

-1 -1
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

t = 0 μs Imaging result of array (2)

1 1

100 100 0.8

Normalized Amplitude
Normalized amplitude

50 50
y (mm)

y (mm)
0 0 0
-50 -50
-100 0.2

-1 0
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
(c) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 5.10 Beamforming and imaging of array (2): (a), (b) and (c) are synthetic
wavefields z(t, x) at 80 μs, 40 μs and 0 μs, (d) is the imaging result.

Imaging result of array (1) Imaging result of array (3)

1 1

100 100 0.8

Normalized Amplitude

Normalized Amplitude

50 50
0.6 0.6
y (mm)

y (mm)

0 0
0.4 0.4
-50 -50

-100 0.2 0.2


0 0
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 5.11 Array imaging results: (a) for array (1), and (b) for array (3).


The filter reconstruction imaging is based on the frequency-wavenumber filtering process

(presented in Chapter 4) by extracting damage induced frequency-wavenumber

components and reconstructing them to the time-space wavefield vF(t, x) which only

contains damage induced waves. Then, the cumulative wave energy of the damage

induced waves can be derived [103, 147] for the purpose of damage detection and

imaging, as:

t 1 2
E F ( x, t ) = ∫ vF (τ , x )dτ (5.36)
0 2

where EF(x, t) represents the cumulative wave energy of the damage induced waves.

Figure 5.12 gives an example of filter reconstruction imaging for the detection of

delamination damage in a CFRP composite. The details of this example can be found in

[148]. As shown in the wavefield (Figure 5.12a) measured by a SLDV, there are damage

induced waves in the delamination area. Accordingly, the wavenumber spectrum (Figure

5.12b) shows additional wavenumber components. A “band-pass” wavenumber filter

(Figure 5.12c) is designed to retain only the additional wavenumber components and

remove the rest. The filtering is then implemented by multiplying the band-pass filter

with the spectrum. The filtered spectrum in Figure 5.12d only contains the delamination

induced additional wavenumber values. Meanwhile, the reconstructed wavefield in

Figure 5.12e only has the delamination induced waves which are confined in the

delamination area. The resulting cumulative energy map in Figure 5.12f shows a high

energy concentration area which indicates the delamination location and size.

60 6 Delamination induced
Delamination wavenumber components0
area 4 4

Normalized amplitude (dB)


Velocity (mm/s)
2 2
40 -10

ky (rad/mm)
y (mm)
30 0 S0 -15
20 -2 -20
10 -4
-6 -30
-20 -10 0 10 20 -4 -2 0 2 4
(a) x (mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

1 0
4 4

Normalized amplitude (dB)

2 2 -10

ky (rad/mm)
ky (rad/mm)

0 0 -15
-2 -2 -20
0.2 -25
-4 -4
0 -30
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
(c) kx (rad/mm) (d) kx (rad/mm)

60 6 60 1

50 4
Normalized Amplitude
50 0.8
Velocity (mm/s)

40 2
y (mm)

y (mm)

30 30
20 20

-4 0.2
10 10
-6 0
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
(e) x (mm) (f) x (mm)

Figure 5.12 Filter reconstruction imaging for delamination detection in a CFRP

composite plate: (a) the wavefield at 15 μs on a CFRP plate with delamination damage,
(b) the wavenumber spectrum of the wavefield showing delamination induced
wavenumber components, (c) a band pass filter in wavenumber domain, (d) the filtered
wavenumber spectrum, (e) the reconstructed wavefield at 15 μs, (f) the accumulated
energy map in the time range 0 to 50 μs. The red dotted box indicates the actual
delamination region.


The space-frequency-wavenumber analysis (presented in Chapter 4) can generate the

space-frequency-wavenumber representation S ( x , f , k ) . From this representation, spatial

wavenumber functions can be derived for damage detection and imaging. In the

following, two different methods to derive spatial wavenumber functions are provided.

In the first method (weighted sum method), the spatial wavenumber function at

the frequency f0 is defined through a weighted sum of k [32], i.e.,

∑  S ( x, f , k ) k 
k sw ( x, f ) = k
∑ S ( x, f , k )

This method considers the contribution of each wavenumber k weighted by its

amplitude, and generates a spatial function of effective wavenumber k sw ( x , f 0 ) . In

practice, when two or more wave modes exist, the function k sw ( x , f 0 ) is influenced by the

contribution of all the present wave modes.

In the second method (local maximum method), the spatial wavenumber function

is defined by finding the wavenumber where the representation S ( x , f 0 , k ) has the

largest amplitude [149], i.e.,

k sw ( x , f 0 ) = k sw ( x , f 0 ) (5.38)

k sw ( x , f 0 ) = arg max S ( x , f 0 , k ) (5.39)


This method only considers the wavenumber where the largest S ( x , f 0 , k ) appears. In

practice, when two or more wave modes exist, the function k sw ( x , f 0 ) is only influenced

by the wave mode with the largest amplitude.

The two methods above generate wavenumber functions at a selected frequency f0.

Considering that no real signal has a singular frequency component but will have some

finite bandwidth ∆f, the spatial wavenumber function is defined as:

1 N
k sw ( x ) =
i =1
sw ( x, fi ) (5.40)

where fi (i=1,2,3…N) is a series of frequency samples over the frequency bandwidth ∆f.

The spatial wavenumber function contains the local wavenumber information, and

can be used damage detection. Figure 5.13 gives an example of the spatial wavenumber

method for delamination detection in a CFRP plate. The wavefield in Figure 5.13 a shows

complex wave interactions in the delamination area. By using the spatial wavenumber

method, the wavenumber information of the wavefield is unveiled. As shown in in Figure

5.13 b, the spatial wavenumber image indicates an area of approximately 20 mm × 20

mm which has larger wavenumber values than the rest of the plate. This area matches

well with the delamination damage (indicated by the red dotted box in Figure 5.13 b).

Obviously, the delamination affects wavenumbers of waves that propagate in the

delamination region. The spatial wavenumber method shows its potential for detecting

and quantifying delamination damage. The details of this example can be found in [148].
60 3.5 60 3.5
Wavenumber (rad/mm)

50 50
Velocity (mm/s)

3 3
40 40
y (mm)

y (mm)

30 30
2.5 2.5
20 20

10 2 10 2

-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20

(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 5.13 Spatial wavenumber imaging for delamination detection in a CFPR plate: (a)
a wavefield at 45 μs showing wave interactions with delamination damage, and (b) the
spatial wavenumber image indicating the delamination damage.




6.1.1. Motivation and introduction

Guided waves have been used for damage detection in water loaded structures, such as

ship hulls and submarines [150-155]. Nevertheless, using guided waves for evaluating

structural surface condition change due to the presence of water is much less discussed.

When a free plate is immersed in water, guided waves in the plate will be affected. The

out-of-plane motions of the guided waves in the plate will transmit into water through the

plate-water interface [8]. The surrounding water provides a way for guided wave energy

to leak outwards from the plate known as leaky guided waves [8]. Compared to guided

waves in a free plate, the guided waves in a water loaded plate have different behaviors,

such as mode shapes, wave speeds and attenuations [11, 63, 139, 156-159]. Moreover,

there is another wave mode reported by Cegla et al. known as quasi-Scholte mode present

in the water loaded plate [139, 159]. They studied the quasi-Scholte mode in a plate with

both sides immersed in infinite water, where the plate is considered as a symmetrically

loaded waveguide [139]. It was found that the quasi-Scholte mode is dispersive at low

frequencies and asymptotes to the non-dispersive Scholte mode behavior at high

frequencies [139]. Also at low frequencies energy of the quasi-Scholte mode

predominantly flows in the plate, while at high frequencies most of the energy is in the

water [139].

In this study, both simulations and experiments are performed to further

investigate guided waves in one-side water loaded plates. The numerical simulations are

performed with the EFIT method. The experimental investigations are enabled by the

PZT-SLDV sensing. Both results confirm the existence of quasi-Scholte waves in one-

side water loaded plates. In addition, the influence of water amount on guided waves is

investigated. It is seen that the water amount affects the wave propagation time, which

can be potentially used for the estimation of water level in a container.

6.1.2. Modeling of guided waves in one-side water loaded plates

To investigate the characteristics of guided waves in one-side water loaded plates, the

modeling techniques presented in Chapter 3 are used. Using the GMM method, guided

wave dispersion curves and mode shapes in a one-side water loaded plate are derived,

and using the EFIT numerical method, the wave propagation is simulated. The related

model setups and results are presented in Chapter 3.

6.1.3. Experimental characterizations

A test tank (Figure 6.1 a) has been designed with the front wall as the test plate (a 1.2 mm

thick T304 steel plate). When the tank is empty, the front wall is considered as a free

plate; with water in the tank, it is then considered as a water loaded plate. A PZT wafer

(APC 850: 7 mm×7 mm dimensions, 0.2 mm thickness) is bonded close to the bottom of

the front wall as the wave actuator. A coordinate x is defined with the origin O being set

at the center of the PZT and aligned vertically upward. Figure 6.1b gives the overall

experimental setup using the hybrid PZT-SLDV sensing. In the test, the laser beam is

normal to the plate such that only the out-of-plane wave motion is measured.

Water tank Test plate

Water tank

Laser head

Scan Oscilloscope

PZT actuator
(a) (b)

Figure 6.1 The PZT-SLDV experiment on a water tank: (a) an illustration of the water
tank, and (b) the overall test setup.

A pulse signal with 0.5 μs duration and 10V amplitude is sent to the PZT from an

arbitrary function generator (model: Agilent 33500B) to excite guided waves. Waves at

multiple scanning points along a vertical line started from the PZT actuator, as indicated

in Figure 6.1a, are measured by the SLDV. The spatial resolution of the scanning is 0.3

mm. Two situations, a free plate (from an empty tank) and a fully loaded plate (from a

full tank), are investigated. Figure 6.2 a and b plot waveforms measured at 40 mm away

from the PZT, and Figure 6.2 c and d plot time-space wavefields in the free and fully

loaded plates, respectively. Discernible differences can be observed from both the

waveforms and the wavefields of the two cases. However, it is difficult to identify the

guided wave modes. It is also hard to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the

differences between the two cases.

Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
(a) Time (μs) (b) Time (μs)

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)
x (mm)

x (mm)
(c) Time (μs) (d) Time (μs)

Figure 6.2 Experimental results: (a) and (b) are received waveforms at 40 mm away
from the PZT in free and water loaded plates; (c) and (d) are time-space wavefields
measured in free and water loaded plates.

2.5 1 2.5 1
Wave number (rad/mm)

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

Wave number (rad/mm)

2 0.8 2 0.8
1.5 0.6 1.5 0.6

1 0.4 1 0.4
0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2

0 0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)

2.5 1 Quasi-Scholte 1
Quasi-Scholte 1.5
Normalized amplitude
Wave number (rad/mm)
Normalized amplitude
Wave number (rad/mm)

2 A0
0.5 0.5
1.5 1
0 0
S0 0.5
-0.5 -0.5

0 -1 0 -1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 100 200 300 400
(c) Frequency (kHz) (d) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 6.3 Frequency-wavenumber analysis results: (a) for the free plate, (b) for the
water loaded plate, (c) spectrum difference obtained by subtracting the spectrum of the
free plate from the spectrum of the water loaded plate, and (d) zoom-in plot of figure (c).

Using frequency-wavenumber analysis, time-space wavefields for free and fully

loaded plates are transformed into frequency-wavenumber spectra, as presented in Figure

6.3 a and b. The wavenumber dispersion curves solved from the GMM are also plotted in

Figure 6.3, in order to identify the wave modes in the spectra. By comparing the spectra

with the wavenumber curves, each wave mode can be identified. In the free plate

spectrum in Figure 6.3 a, A0 and S0 modes are discernibly identified. Note that since the

out-of-plane motion of A0 mode is much stronger than that of S0 mode and the SLDV

only measures the out-of-plane motion, the amplitude of A0 mode in the spectrum is

larger than that of S0 mode since [140]. Particularly, at frequencies below 500 kHz, the S0

mode is barely seen due to the small out-of-plane motion in the low frequency range.

In the spectrum of the water loaded plate (Figure 6.3b), three wave modes

including A 0WP , S0WP and quasi-Scholte modes are identified. Compared to the spectrum

of the free plate, the spectrum of the water loaded plate shows that the amplitude of S0WP

mode remains nearly the same as S0 mode, while the amplitude of A 0WP mode

significantly decreases due to the energy leakage. Particularly, at frequencies below 500

kHz, the A 0WP mode nearly disappears. Meanwhile, the quasi-Scholte mode shows up in

the frequency range up to 300 kHz, which is consistent with what has been reported in

[139]. Moreover, it is seen that the quasi-Scholte mode has different wavenumbers

compared to the A0 mode.

To clearly show the difference, the free plate spectrum (Figure 6.3 a) is subtracted

from the immersed plate spectrum (Figure 6.3 b). The subtraction result and a zoomed-in

plot are given in Figure 6.3c and d. It is noticed in Figure 6.3c that S0 and S0WP modes

have almost been canceled out after the subtraction since S0 and S0WP modes are nearly

the same in both the free and immersed plates. At low frequencies, both quasi-Scholte

and A0 modes are remained. The difference plot confirms that the quasi-Scholte mode in

the immersed plate has different wavenumbers compared to the A0 mode in the free plate.

6.1.4. Wave signature and water level correlation

Figure 6.4 plots the pitch-catch sensing setup on the same water tank given in Figure 6.1,

to investigate the influence of water level on guided waves. The guided waves are

generated from a PZT with a 3 count tone burst signal at 100 kHz. The waves at 140 mm

away from the PZT are measured by an SLDV receiver. Wave signals are acquired at

different water levels dW from 5 to 135 mm with a 10 mm step.

As shown in the setup, the wave propagation path dT-R consists of the water path

dW in the immersed plate portion, and the dry path dT-R‒dW in the free plate portion. The

guided waves leave the actuator as the quasi-Scholte mode in the immersed portion dW,

then convert to the A0 mode in the free portion dT-R‒dW. Therefore, the total wave

traveling time tT-R can be expressed as,

dW d T − R − dW
−R + (6.41)
cQS c A0

where cQS and cA0 are group velocities of quasi-Scholte and A0 modes (at 100 kHz,

cQS=1811 m/s and cA0=1895 m/s). Using the case dW=0 as the baseline, the change of

traveling time at any water level dW w.r.t. the baseline can be derived as,

1 1
∆tT =
−R dW ( − ) (6.42)
cQS c A0

Eq.(6.42) shows a linear relation between the change of traveling time ∆tT-R and the water

level dW. This linear relation is plotted in Figure 6.5 a (the solid line). Thus, once the time

difference ∆tT-R is known, the water level can be determined based on the linear relation.

Figure 6.5 b presents the baseline signal at dW=0 (solid line) and the signal at dW =

95 mm (broken line) measured by the SLDV. The change of traveling time ∆tT-R can be

estimated by calculating the time difference between the signal at dW=95mm and the

baseline. For all the water levels from 5 to 135 mm, their ∆tT-R are plotted in Figure 6.5 a

(triangle markers), in comparison to the theoretical prediction (the solid line). It is seen

that the experimental data agrees very well with theoretical prediction, which validates

the linear relationship between the change of traveling time and the water level. Hence,

this sensing methodology can be potentially used for water level detection in a container.

Receiver: SLDV

Water dW

Actuator: PZT

Figure 6.4 An illustration of the pitch-catch configuration.

Theoretical dW =0
Time change ∆tT-R (μs)

Velocity (mm/s)

dW =95 mm

0 (b) Time (μs)

0 50 100 150
(a) Water level dW (mm)

Figure 6.5 Water influence on wave propagation at 100 kHz: (a) the relation between
the water level and the change of traveling time ∆tT-R, and (b) received waveforms when
water level dW = 0 (solid line) and dW = 95 mm (broken line).


6.2.1. Motivation and introduction

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Generic Letter 2008-01 due to

the safety concern associated with gas accumulation events in emergency core cooling

pipes of nuclear power plants [160]. Since the gas accumulation may critically damage

pipes, pumps, and valves and affect the safety operation of nuclear power plants, the gas

accumulation needs to be detected as well as quantified. In a pipe with water inside, when

a large amount of gas presents and accumulates, there will be a gas-water boundary

between the gas and the water. Therefore, the location of the gas-water boundary can be

used as an indication of gas accumulation.

Based on the study of guided wave water level detection in the last section, the

gas accumulation detection using guided waves for nuclear coolant pipes are investigated

in this section. Guided waves in an empty pipe and a water loaded pipe are acquired

through experiments, and analyzed using the frequency wavenumber analysis. Analysis

results show that guided wave characteristics such as wavenumbers and wave speeds are

different between empty and water loaded pipes. A gas accumulation detection method is

developed and verified through laboratory proof-of-concept tests.

6.2.2. Guided waves in water loaded pipes

When water presents in a pipe, guided waves in the pipe will be affected. In order to

understand how the water affects the guided waves, experiments using PZT-SLDV

sensing are performed. Figure 6.6 a plots a schematic of the experimental setup. A small

scale test pipe with 1.56 mm wall thickness and 114.4 mm outer diameter made of

stainless steel (T304) is used. A PZT actuator (APC 850: 5 mm × 5 mm dimensions and

0.2 mm thickness) is surface mounted on the pipe to generate guided waves. The

excitation signal is a pulse with 2.5 μs duration and 60 V amplitude. An SLDV is used to

measure the guided waves at various scanning points along a vertical line with a spatial

resolution of 0.3 mm.

Empty pipe Full pipe

Water pipe
Measurement DAQ & signal

SLDV Scanning Scaning
points points

Voltage T
Excitation Function
PZT amplifier signal generator
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.6 The experimental setup: (a) a schematic of the setup, (b) illustration of an
empty pipe, (c) illustration of a full pipe.

1 1
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)

0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
(a) Time (μs) (b) Time (μs)
1.5 1.5
80 80
1 1
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)

0.5 0.5
60 60
x (mm)

x (mm)

0 0
40 40
-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
20 20
-1.5 -1.5
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
(c) Time (μs) (d) Time (μs)

Figure 6.7 Experimental results: (a) and (b) are received waveforms at 90 mm away
from the PZT in the empty and full pipes; (c) and (d) are time-space wavefields measured
in the empty and full pipes.

1.5 1.5
Wave number (rad/mm) 1 1

Wave number (rad/mm)


Normalized amplitude

Normalized amplitude
1 1
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) Frequency (kHz) (b) Frequency (kHz)
1.5 1
Wave number (rad/mm)

Normalized amplitude
1 Full pipe

Empty pipe -0.5

0 100 200 300 400 500
(c) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 6.8 Frequency-wavenumber analysis: (a) and (b) are frequency-wavenumber

spectra for empty and full pipes; (c) the spectrum difference obtained by subtracting the
spectrum of the empty pipe from the spectrum of the full pipe.

Figure 6.7 a and b plot waveforms at 90 mm away from the actuator for empty

and full pipes. Figure 6.7 c and d plot time-space wavefields for both cases. Compared to

guided waves in the empty pipe, guided waves in the full pipe travel slower with smaller

amplitudes. The time-space wavefields are further processed using frequency-

wavenumber analysis. The frequency-wavenumber spectra for both cases are given in

Figure 6.8 a and b. The two spectra show components with large amplitudes at

frequencies lower than 250 kHz. To show the difference between the two spectra, the

empty pipe spectrum in Figure 6.8 a is subtracted from the full pipe spectrum in Figure

6.8 b. The subtraction result is plotted in Figure 6.8 c, in which the red and the blue

component are for guided waves in full and empty pipes, respectively. Figure 6.8 c shows

guided waves in the full pipe have larger wavenumbers than those in the empty pipe.

6.2.3. Gas accumulation detection Test on a small scale pipe

Figure 6.9 plots the pitch-catch sensing setup on the small scale pipe, to investigate the

influence of water level on guided waves. Guided waves are generated from a PZT. The

excitation is a three-cycle toneburst with 30 V amplitude and 100 kHz frequency. The

guided waves at 90 mm away from the PZT are measured by an SLDV receiver. In order

to investigate how water levels affect guided waves, the guided waves are measured at

different water levels dW from 0 to 90 mm with a step of 10 mm.

As shown in the pitch-catch sensing configuration in Figure 6.9, the wave

propagation path (dT-R) from the actuator to the receiver consists of water path dW and dry

path dT-R‒dW. That’s to say, the total wave traveling time tT-R can be expressed as

dW d T − R − dW
tT − R
= + (6.43)
cwaterpipe cemptypipe

where cwaterpipe and cemptypipe are group velocities of guided waves in the full pipe and the

empty pipe, respectively. Thus, using the empty pipe when dW = 0 as the baseline, the

change of traveling time at any water level of dW w.r.t. the baseline can be derived as

1 1
∆tT − R dW (
= − ) (6.44)
cwaterpipe cemptypipe

Eq. (6.44) shows a linear relation between the change of traveling time ∆tT-R and the

water level dW. This linear relation is plotted in Figure 6.10 a (solid line).

Figure 6.10 b plots guided wave signals measured at water levels dW=0, 50 and 90

mm. From these waveforms, it is found that the wave traveling time increases and the

wave amplitude decreases with the increase of water level. The time differences ∆tT-R for

different water levels are plotted in Figure 6.10 a (triangle markers). The experimental

results show a linear relation between the change of traveling time and the water level,

and agree well with the theoretical prediction. Thus, by measuring the traveling time of

guided waves, the water amount (or gas amount) in the pipe can be estimated.

Receiver: SLDV

R path
T path

Figure 6.9 An illustration of the pitch-catch sensing on a small scale pipe.

Experimental 50 mm
Time change ∆tT-R (μs)

1 90 mm
0 mm
Velocity (mm/s)

2 0.5
1 -0.5
0 0 20 40 60 80 100
(b) Time (μs)
0 20 40 60 80
(a) Water level dW (mm)

Figure 6.10 Experimental results for the small scale pipe: (a) the relation between the
water level and change of traveling time ∆tT-R, (b) received waveforms when water levels
are 0 mm, 50 mm and 90 mm.

100 Test on a tilted full scale pipe

Beside the test on the small scale pipe, an experimental test is performed on a tilted full

scale pipe. Figure 6.11 a gives the overall test setup. The test pipe (material: T304 steel,

wall thickness: 7.1 mm, outer diameter: 168.3 mm) is tilted and supported by a wood

frame. Figure 6.11 b plots the pitch-catch sensing configuration. Two PZT sensors (APC

850: 7 mm×7 mm dimension and 0.2 mm thickness) are mounted on the pipe outer

surface with 300 mm apart along the axial direction of the pipe. The lower PZT is used

the actuator and the upper PZT is used as the receiver. The excitation signal is a 3 count

toneburst with 30 kHz frequency and amplitude 25 V amplitude. The guided waves are

measured at different water levels dW from 0 to 300 mm with a step of 30 mm.

Figure 6.12 b plots guided wave signals measured at water levels dW=0,

150 and 300 mm. These signals show that the wave traveling time increases and the wave

amplitude decreases with the increase of water level. This trend is the same as what is

observed in the small scale pipe. The time differences ∆tT-R for different water levels are

plotted in Figure 6.12 b (triangle markers), in comparison with the theoretical

prediction (solid line). The experimental results show a linear relation between the

change of traveling time and the water level, and agree well with the theoretical

prediction. Thus, by measuring the traveling time of guided waves, the location of the

gas-water boundary can be detected. Hence, the water amount (or gas amount) in the pipe

can be estimated. This confirms the presented guided wave sensing method is able to

detect and quantify the gas accumulation.


Water pipe path
Water Receiver:
Function path dW

Amplifier Actuator:
(a) (a)

Figure 6.11 Test on a tilted large scale pipe: (a) photo of the test setup, (b) schematic of
the pitch-catch sensing configuration with PZT transducers.

Experimental 150 mm
2.5 Theoretical
Time change ∆tT-R (μs)

300 mm
2 0 mm
Velocity (mm/s)

1.5 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 (b) Time (μs)
0 100 200 300
(a) Water level dW (mm)

Figure 6.12 Experimental results for the tilted large scale pipe: (a) the relation between
the water level and change of traveling time ∆tT-R, (b) received waveforms when water
levels are 0 mm, 150 mm and 300 mm.


Among various crack detection methods, Lamb wave based NDE/SHM has shown great

potential for crack detection in plate-like structures, due to the sensitivity of Lamb waves

to a variety of defects and their capability of traveling long distances in the plate-like

structures [29, 161]. Intensive studies of Lamb wave based NDE/SHM have been

presented in literature about using Lamb waves to detect crack damage in isotropic plates,

as well as to quantify the crack size [12, 19-24, 80, 117, 121, 122, 124, 131, 162-178].

Ihn and Chang used a built-in piezoelectric sensor/actuator network to detect and monitor

crack growth [179]. Tua et al. used PZT transducers on a square grid to detect through,

half-through, and concealed cracks in aluminum plates [167]. Lu et al. used Lamb wave

scattering to quantitatively assess the through-thickness crack size [180]. Yu and Leckey

used Lamb wave based sparse arrays to detect crack damage [165]. Chen et al. developed

a load-differential imaging method to process Lamb wave signals received from a sparse

array, for the purpose of crack detection and localization [122].

In literature, many Lamb wave based damage detection approaches use

measurements from distributive sensors, and damage estimation is performed by

processing data acquired from the point-wise locations of the sensors. Methods based on

such point-wise measurements have several limitations due to the sparsity of data, such as

the limitation in accurate determination of damage size, and the variation in detectability

of damage which relates to relative locations of sensors w.r.t. the damage [165]. These

limitations have led to recent advancements in the acquisition and analysis of full

wavefields [104, 109, 110, 161, 181, 182].

The work presented in this chapter focuses on crack detection and quantitative

evaluation using PZT-SLDV sensing and wavefield analysis. The intention of this work

is to demonstrate contactless wavefield measurement and wavefield processing methods

for detection and quantification of crack damage. In particular, this work presents two

robust damage imaging methods, filter reconstruction and spatial wavenumber imaging,

in order to detect crack damage and quantify the crack length, depth and width.

610 mm
Oscilloscope Test plate



510 mm
Amplifier Laser head
(a) (b)

Figure 7.1 Experimental setup for crack detection in a 1 mm thick aluminum plate: (a)
overall test setup, and (b) schematic of the test plate.


Figure 7.1 gives the overall experimental setup. The test specimen is a 2024-T3

aluminum plate (dimensions: 610 mm × 510 mm × 1 mm) with a through-thickness (TT)

crack. The crack is made by electric discharge machining (EDM) and has a length of 31

mm. A round shaped PZT (APC 850: 7 mm diameter and 0.2 mm thickness) is used to

generate Lamb waves and the center of the PZT is set as the origin of the x-y coordinate

system. The excitation signal is a 3 count toneburst with 360 kHz frequency and 40 V

amplitude. An SLDV (Polytec PSV-400-M2) is used to measure Lamb waves. Note that

the laser beam is set normal to the plate, in order to acquire the out-of-plane velocity (vz)

component. Lamb waves in a 190 mm × 110 mm scanning area are measured, with a

spatial sampling interval Δd of 0.5 mm. Note the sampling interval Δd is selected by

meeting the sampling theorem requirement, i.e., Δd≤λ/2, where λ is the wavelength of

the interrogating wave mode [145]. Additionally, experience has shown that a smaller Δd

will result in a better spatial resolution. In our test, the wavelength of the interrogating A0

mode is 4.6 mm. Hence, the 0.5 mm sampling interval satisfies the sampling theorem

while providing a good spatial resolution.

Figure 7.2 a and b plot wavefield images acquired by the SLDV at 36 μs and 65

μs, respectively. The wavefield images clearly capture incident A0 and incident S0 modes

as well as their interactions with the crack. At 36 μs, the incident S0 mode has passed the

crack, and the incident A0 has not yet arrived. The wavefield shows a reflection S0 mode

and a scattering A0 mode generated from S0 to A0 mode conversion. At 65 μs, the A0

mode has passed the crack and a reflection A0 mode is generated.

36 µs 65 µs
1 1
Incident S0 Incident A0
Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

100 100
Incident A0 0.5 0.5
80 80 Reflection A
y (mm)

y (mm)

60 0 60 0

40 40
Scattering A0 -0.5 -0.5
20 20
Reflection S0
-1 -1
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 7.2 Wavefield images measured by the SLDV at 360 kHz excitation on a 1 mm
thick aluminum plate with a TT crack: (a) at 36 μs, and (b) at 65 μs.


7.3.1. Crack detection and quantification with experimental data

For the purpose of crack detection and quantification, the filter reconstruction imaging is

applied to the time-space wavefield measured by the SLDV. Figure 7.3 c plots the

wavenumber spectrum at 360 kHz with theoretical wavenumber curves of A0 and S0

modes. The wavenumber spectrum shows strong components on the curves of A0 and S0

modes, representing the wavenumber components A0 and S0 modes. Besides the A0 and

S0 modes, there are other wavenumber components (diagonally distributed components)

in the spectrum. The wavenumber filtering is then applied to keep only the diagonal

wavenumbers by using a wavenumber filter as plotted in Figure 7.3 a and b. Figure 7.3 d

plots the reconstructed image after wavenumber filtering, showing a high amplitude area

representing the detected crack damage. This area agrees well with the actual crack.

The reconstructed image confirms that the diagonal wavenumbers represent

waves that gather closely around the structural discontinuity, i.e. the crack. In another

words, the diagonal wavenumbers are caused by abrupt changes of waves around the

crack. The filter reconstruction imaging therefore provides a useful means of mapping the

structural discontinuity, and yields the location and size of the discontinuity. From the

imaging result in Figure 7.3 d, we can estimate the location (crack center at (132.6 mm,

56.1 mm) with relative errors (1.22%, 1.58%)) and length of the crack (28.1 mm with a

relative error 9.35%).

1 1
ky (rad/mm)

0 0.5
-1 0
0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
-2 (b) |k| (rad/mm)
-2 -1 0 1 2
(a) kx (rad/mm)

Normalized amplitude (dB)

-10 1

Normalized amplitude
1 100
-20 0.5
ky (rad/mm)

y (mm)

0 -30
60 0

-1 -40 40
-50 20
-60 50 100 150 200
-2 -1 0 1 2 x (mm)
(c) kx (rad/mm) (d)

Figure 7.3 Filter reconstruction imaging with experimental data in an aluminum plate
with a TT crack: (a) high-pass wavenumber filter, (b) illustration of the filter along the kx
axis, (c) the frequency-wavenumber spectrum at 360 kHz, and (d) the reconstructed
imaging of the plate indicating the presence of the crack damage. Solid and broken lines
in figures a and c are theoretical wavenumber curves of S0 and A0 modes.
Wavenumber (rad/mm)

100 2.4

y (mm)


20 1.8

50 100 150 200

x (mm)

Figure 7.4 Spatial Wavenumber imaging with experimental data in an aluminum plate
with a TT crack.

The spatial wavenumber imaging is also applied to the wavefield measured by the

SLDV. Figure 7.4 gives the imaging result over the scan area at the excitation frequency

360 kHz. The crack damage is clearly indicated by a region with large wavenumbers.

This means the wavenumber increases due to the influence of the structural discontinuity.

From the imaging result in Figure 7.4, we can estimate the location (crack center at

(131.9 mm, 56.8 mm) with relative errors (0.69%, 0.35%)) and length of the crack (29.2

mm with a relative error 5.81%). Thus, the spatial wavenumber imaging provides another

method to detect crack damage and quantify the crack location and size.

7.3.2. Crack detection and quantification with simulation data

Modeling can serve as an efficient and cost effective way to assist the development of

diagnostic algorithms [1, 8, 36, 37]. In this study, the EFIT modeling technique is used to

simulate the cases of (i) a plate with a through-thickness (TT) crack, (ii) a plate with the

same crack as in case (i), except with three times the crack width (3X), and (iii) a plate

with the same crack as in case (i) except with the crack extending only half-way through

the plate thickness (hTT). Then the simulation data generated from EFIT is used to

demonstrate the quantifications of crack length, depth and width using the filter

reconstruction imaging and spatial wavenumber imaging. The layout of the simulation is

given in Figure 7.1 b, which is the same as the layout of the experiment. The plate in

simulation is the same as the plate in experiment. A round shaped PZT (7 mm in diameter

and 0.2 mm thick) is used for generating Lamb waves and its location is set as the origin

of the x-y coordinate system. In order to closely approximate the PZT actuation, the EFIT

source excitation is implemented as in-plane displacements occurring at edges of the PZT

actuator (assuming a ring-type excitation source) [47]. The excitation signal is a 3 count

toneburst with a frequency of 360 kHz. Three cases (TT, 3X and hTT cracks) are

simulated using EFIT method. The centers of cracks are at the coordinates (131mm,

57mm), with the same distance from the crack center to the actuator in all three cases

(143 mm). More details of simulations can be found in reference [183].The time-space

wavefields generated from simulations are then processed by using the two imaging

methods for crack quantification.

The results of filter reconstruction imaging at 360 kHz are given in Figure 7.5.

The reconstructed images show locations and lengths of cracks. It is also noted that

amplitudes in the reconstructed images are different among the three cracks. For direct

comparison, the amplitudes along these cracks are plotted in Figure 7.6. It shows that the

3X crack has the largest amplitude, the TT crack has the medium amplitude, and the hTT

crack has the smallest amplitude. The comparison in Figure 7.6 indicates that the more

significant discontinuity leads to the higher amplitude in the imaging results. Hence, the

filter reconstruction imaging method can detect crack damage, quantify the crack size,

and show the crack severity.

The results of spatial wavenumber imaging at 360 kHz are given in Figure 7.7.

Cracks are represented as larger wavenumbers in contrast to wavenumbers at all other

locations. It is observed that the spatial wavenumber images are different for the three

cracks. For comparison, the wavenumber values along the three cracks are plotted in

Figure 7.8. The 3X crack has the largest wavenumber value, the TT crack has the

medium value, and the hTT crack has the smallest value. As the filter reconstruction

imaging, the spatial wavenumber imaging can also detect crack damage, quantify the

crack size, and show the crack severity.


Normalized amplitude

y (mm)
60 0
50 100 150 200
(a) x (mm)

Normalized amplitude
y (mm)

60 0
50 100 150 200
(b) x (mm)

Normalized amplitude
y (mm)

60 0
50 100 150 200
(c) x (mm)

Figure 7.5 The filter reconstruction imaging results at 360 kHz: (a) for the TT crack
plate, (b) for the 3X crack plate, and (c) for the hTT crack plate.

Normalized Amplitude


0.3 3X
-10 -5 0 5 10
Distance to the crack center (mm)

Figure 7.6 Amplitudes along the cracks extracted from the filter reconstruction imaging
results. Broken, solid and dotted lines are for TT, 3X and hTT cracks, respectively.

Wavenumber (rad/mm)
100 2.4


y (mm)

20 1.8

50 100 150 200

(a) x (mm)

Wavenumber (rad/mm)
100 2.4

y (mm)


20 1.8

50 100 150 200

(b) x (mm)

Wavenumber (rad/mm)
100 2.4

y (mm)

20 1.8

50 100 150 200

(c) x (mm)

Figure 7.7 Spatial wavenumber imaging results at 360kHz: (a) for the TT crack plate;
(b) for the 3X crack plate; (c) for the hTT crack plate.

Wavenumber (rad/mm)


1.5 3X
-10 -5 0 5 10
Distance to the crack center (mm)

Figure 7.8 Wavenumber distributions along the crack. Broken, solid and dotted lines
are for TT, 3X and hTT cracks, respectively.


Intensive studies have been presented in the literature about using Lamb waves to

determine the presence of damage in plates as well as quantify the damage location and

size [29-32, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 140, 142, 143, 148, 149, 161, 184-

193]. However, applications of Lamb waves for quantifications of material thickness and

damage depth are much less discussed. The work presented in this chapter focuses on

material thickness and damage depth quantifications by using Lamb waves.

Recently, wavefield analysis methods have been used for the quantification of

delamination depth by using correlations with dispersion curves [32, 149, 194, 195]. In

this study, in order to quantify the material thickness as well as the damage depth in

isotropic plates, a dispersion curve regression method is developed and verified through

experiments. It is shown that the dispersion curve regression method can quantify the

material thickness and damage depth in isotropic plates. Moreover, this technique can be

potentially used for detection and quantification of corrosion damage.


The test specimen is a 610×610×3.2 (unit: mm) aluminum 6061-T6 plate with material

loss damage. The damage is created by removing a portion of the plate material using a

milling machine. By removing different portions of the material in the same area, damage

with different depths can be created. Figure 8.1 a gives a photo of damage with a

diameter of 25.4 mm and a depth of 0.5 mm. Four different cases are studied, when the

damage depths are 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.75 mm and 1.00 mm. Figure 8.1 a gives the

overall experimental setup. Figure 8.1 c is a schematic of the PZT-SLDV sensing layout.

A PZT (APC 851 type with diameter 7 mm diameter and 0.2 mm thickness) is installed

on the plate surface to excite Lamb waves. The center of the PZT is set as the coordinate

origin. The center of damage is at (0, 60) mm. A SLDV is used to acquire the time-space

wavefields v(t, x) in the scanning area. Once the wavefield is acquired, it is transformed

to the spectral field V(f, x) through FT.

Test plate


(b) Laser head

Scanning area



PZT actuator
(c) Unit: mm

Figure 8.1. Experimental setup: (a) material loss damage with a diameter of 25.4 mm
and a depth of 0.5 mm on the front side of the test specimen, (b) photo of the setup, and
(c) schematic of the sensing layout.


Amplitude (V)

0 10 20 30 40 50
(a) Time (μs)


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
(b) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 8.2. Chirp excitation: (a) the waveform, and (b) the frequency spectrum

The PZT excitation is a chirp signal with wide band frequency components.

Figure 8.2 a and b plot the waveform and the frequency spectrum of the chirp excitation.

In the frequency range 300~800 kHz, the chirp signal has stable dominant magnitudes.

According to Lamb wave dispersion curves, for the chirp excitation over 300 to 800 kHz,

both the fundamental A0 and S0 Lamb modes can be generated. Since the A0 mode has

smaller wavelengths and is more sensitive to thickness variations than the S0 mode, the

study focuses will be on the application of A0 mode for the quantification of material

thickness and damage depth.

The A0 mode is extracted from the spectra field V(f, x) through the frequency-

wavenumber filtering technique. Figure 8.3 a and b plot real parts of the A0 mode spectral

fields at 300 kHz and 500 kHz when the damage depth is 0.75 mm. The spectral fields

show complex wave propagation and interaction. At the location of the damage,

discontinues of wave fronts can be observed. For further characterization, the spatial

wavenumber analysis is applied, with the results given in Figure 8.4 a and b. The spatial

wavenumber images show an area with larger wavenumber values. The larger

wavenumber values are induced by the thickness reduction at the material loss damage,

for the reason that the wavenumber increases with the decrease of material thickness (as

indicated in Figure 8.5). In addition, the location and size of the area with larger

wavenumbers agree well with those of the actual material loss damage. Although the

damage location and size can be determined from the spatial wavenumber images in

Figure 8.4 a and b, the damage depth is still unknown.

100 1 100 1

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

80 0.5 80 0.5
y (mm)

y (mm)
60 0 60 0

40 -0.5 40 -0.5

20 -1 20 -1
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(b) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 8.3 Spectral fields (real parts) for the plate with 0.75 mm depth material loss
damage: (a) at 300 kHz, and (b) at 500 kHz.

100 100
0.92 1.34
Wavenumber (rad/mm)
Wavenumber (rad/mm)

80 80 1.32
y (mm)

y (mm)

60 0.88 60
0.86 1.26
40 40
0.84 1.24
20 20 1.22
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(b) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 8.4 Spatial wavenumber images for the plate with 0.75 mm depth material loss
damage: (a) at 300 kHz, and (b) at 500 kHz.


Wavenumber (rad/mm)

Wavenumber (rad/mm)
Thickness (mm)
Frequency (kHz)

Figure 8.5 A0 mode wavenumber versus plate thickness and wave frequency.


The spatial wavenumber result k sw ( x , f ) can be used for damage imaging and

quantification. In addition, the wavenumber information can be used for evaluating the

material thickness, since the wavenumber is correlated to the plate thickness. Thus, the

plate thickness can be quantified by comparing the spatial wavenumber k sw ( x , f ) to the

theoretical dispersion curve k ( d , f ) , as

d ( x ) arg min ∑ [ k sw ( x , f i ) − k ( d , f i )]
= (6.45)
i =1

where fi (i=1,2,3…N) represents a series of frequency samples over a frequency

bandwidth ∆f, and d ( x ) is the material thickness determined through a least square

regression process. To evaluated the performance of the regression in Eq. (6.45), the

standard wavenumber deviation is calculated, as

1 N

∑[k ( x , f i ) − k ( d ( x ), f i ) ]
=σ k (x) sw (6.46)
N i =1

Moreover, the standard deviation for thickness evaluation can be expressed as

σ k (x) N
2δ d
σ d (x) =
∑ k (d ( x ) + δ d , f ) − k (d ( x ) + δ d , f )
i =1
i i

where δd is a small thickness perturbation.

Figure 8.6 gives a dispersion curve regression result at the location (0, 60) mm,

when the damage depth is 0.75 mm. In Figure 8.6, the experimental data is from the

spatial wavenumber k sw ( x , f ) . Through the regression, the dispersion curve of A0 mode

that fits the experimental data can be found, and the material thickness can be determined.

The solid line in Figure 8.6 is the dispersion curve obtained from the regression. The

dotted and broken lines represent the upper and lower boundaries of the 95% confident


With the dispersion curve regression method, the material thickness can be

quantified. In addition, the thickness loss at the damage can also be found. Figure 8.7 a, b,

c and d plot the thickness loss images for the four cases when the depths of defects are

0.25 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.75 mm and 1.00 mm, respectively. These four images clearly show

the locations, sizes and depths of the four defects.



Wavenumber (rad/mm)


1.2 Experimental data

Regression curve k(f)
1 k(f)+2k𝜎𝜎
300 400 500 600 700 800
Frequency (kHz)

Figure 8.6 Dispersion curve regression result at the location (0, 60) mm, when the
damage depth is 0.75 mm. The experimental data is from the spatial wavenumber
k sw ( x , f ) . The solid line is the dispersion curve obtained from the least square regression.
The dotted and broken lines represent the upper and lower boundaries of the 95%
confident region.

100 1.2 100 1.2

1 1
Thickness loss (mm)

Thickness loss (mm)

80 80
0.8 0.8
y (mm)

y (mm)

60 0.6 60 0.6

0.4 0.4
40 40
0.2 0.2

20 0 20 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

100 1.2 100 1.2

1 1
Thickness loss (mm)

Thickness loss (mm)

80 80
0.8 0.8
y (mm)

y (mm)

60 0.6 60 0.6

0.4 0.4
40 40
0.2 0.2

20 0 20 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(c) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 8.7 The thickness loss quantification results: (a), (b), (c) and (d) are for the
plates with 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.75 mm and 1.00 mm depth damage, respectively.


In this subsection, the developed material loss evaluation method is used to detect and

quantity pitting corrosion damage. Figure 8.8 a plots the sensing layout. The pitting

corrosion damage is simulated by a nine-hole cluster on a 3 × 3 grid with the center at (0,

60) mm. Figure 8.8 b gives a photo of the simulated pitting corrosion. The holes are half

ball shaped with the diameter of 2 mm, which are created by a ball-end end mill. The

spatial intervals in x and y directions are both 4 mm.

Scanning area



Unit: mm
x (b)
PZT actuator
(a) Unit: mm

Figure 8.8. Experimental setup: (a) schematic of the sensing layout, and (b) photo of
pitting corrosion damage simulated by a nine-hole cluster.

100 1 100 1
Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

80 0.5 80 0.5
y (mm)

y (mm)

60 0 60 0

40 -0.5 40 -0.5

20 -1 20 -1
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(b) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 8.9 Spectral fields (real parts) for the plate with simulated pitting corrosion
damage: (a) at 300 kHz, and (b) at 500 kHz.

Figure 8.9 a and b plot real parts of spectral fields measured at 300 kHz and 500

kHz. It is hard to see any spectral field discontinuity induced by the damage, since the

influence of the damage is so weak. The dispersion curve regression method is applied to

the spectral field V(f, x) with the result plotted in Figure 8.10. The imaging result clearly

shows an area with larger thickness loss than the rest. The location and size of this area

agree well with those of the simulated pitting corrosion damage (the nine-hole cluster).

Therefore, the presented method has the capability of detecting pitting corrosion damage

and quantifying its size. Note that although the imaging result in Figure 8.10 shows the

nine-hole cluster, the 2 mm diameter small holes are not distinguished in space. One

possible reason of this effect is that the wavelengths of incident waves are too large to

distinguish the holes with such small intervals in the nine-hole cluster.

100 1.2

Thickness loss (mm)

y (mm)

60 0.6


20 0
-40 -20 0 20 40
(b) x (mm)

Figure 8.10. Imaging result of the plate with simulated pitting corrosion damage.


Unexpected damage can occur in aerospace composites due to impact events or material

stress during off-nominal loading events. In particular, laminated composites are

susceptible to delamination damage due to weak transverse tensile and interlaminar shear

strengths [191]. Developments of reliable and quantitative techniques to detect

delamination damage in laminated composites are imperative for safe and functional

optimally-designed next-generation composite structures. Delamination damage can

occur largely internally in composites, while damage indications are barely visible on

composite surfaces to the naked eye [196]. Such hidden delamination damage must be

detected and evaluated before it becomes critical. The problem of how best to detect such

damage in laminated composites is still being solved, and a solution to this problem will

be imperative for safety-critical composites. Current composite “safety margin” design

comes with a weight penalty and could be mitigated by efficient and reliable NDE/SHM

methods to rapidly and accurately locate and quantify the damage in composite materials.

Among various NDE/SHM methods, ultrasonic guided waves have proven

effective for damage detection in plate-like metallic and composite structures due to their

ability to inspect large areas while maintaining sensitivities to small defects in the

structures [1, 8, 36, 197-199]. Advances in guided wave based NDE/SHM technologies

over the last decade have demonstrated feasibilities of detecting and locating damage in

composite structures [29, 32, 74, 136, 184, 193, 200-208]. Despite these advances, the

state-of-the-art is still insufficient in regards to a quantitative understanding of the

mechanism of wave interaction with delamination damage in composites. In addition, the

state-of-the-art is insufficient for evaluating delamination damage details that are

necessary to feed into damage progression models. Last but not least, most delamination

detection methods focus on locating the delamination in plane, without quantifying the

delamination depth.

This chapter presents studies of guided wave interaction with delamination

damage in laminated composites, and delamination detection and quantification. EFIT

simulations and PZT-SLDV experiments are performed to investigate guided wave

interaction with delamination damage. In order to understand complex wave interactions

that occur when incident waves encounter delamination damage, guided wavefields and

wavenumber spectra are analyzed. These analyses are applied to a composite laminate

plate containing a simulated (Teflon insert) single delamination and to a plate with

impact-induced delamination damage (multiple ply layer delamination damage).

To detect and quantify impact-induced delamination damage, this chapter presents

a combined phased array and wavefield based imaging methodology. First, the phased

array imaging is used to generate an intensity image of the composite being inspected to

visualize and locate delamination damage in the composite. Once the delamination

damage is detected, wavefield based imaging methods such as filter reconstruction

imaging and spatial wavenumber imaging are performed to further quantify the damage.

The systemic combination of phased array imaging and wavefield based imaging

provides a hierarchical damage diagnosis, which can efficiently and effectively locate the

damage, and quantify the damage size and depth.


Compared to guided waves in isotropic materials, guided waves in composite materials

present additional complexities, especially when guided waves interact with delamination

damage [192]. When guided waves propagate in delaminated composites, multiple

reflections induced by delamination damage can occur, as shown in references [103, 141,

143, 209, 210]. Hence, a considerable amount of wave energy can be “trapped” above,

below, and between delaminated regions until eventually the energy dissipates. Ramadas

et al. studied the interaction of the anti-symmetric A0 mode with symmetric delamination

damage [210]. They identified multiple reflections in the delamination region. The

trapped energy phenomenon of guided waves in delaminated composites has also been

studied experimentally through the use of wavefield images obtained from laser

vibrometry tests [103, 141]. It has been found that upon entering the delaminated region,

the incident waves will be split above and below the delamination, propagating

independently through upper and lower laminates (for a single delamination scenario). As

waves propagate towards the edge of delamination damage (exit region), a portion of

wave energy is reflected backwards from the far edge of the delamination. The reflected

waves in the damage region then pass back above (or below) the delaminated area and

experience reflections at the original entrance to the delamination region. The process is

repeated until the energy is dissipated, as found in the simulation work reported by

Hayashi and Kawashima [209]. Some portion of the wave energy exits the delaminated

region into the pristine region, re-forming the guided wave modes that exist in the

pristine plate [74]. Glushkov et al. also observed similar wave energy trapping and

localization in a strip delamination from wavefields measured by laser vibrometry [143].

Guided wave energy trapping in delamination damage has recently been quantitatively

studied [149]. As expected from the guided wave theory, the trapped waves have

different wavenumbers compared to those traveling in the undamaged area. Therefore, it

is expected that by analyzing the trapped waves, the delamination dimensions can be

quantified. Rogge and Leckey demonstrated that wavenumber analysis can be used to

determine the approximate depth and size of near-surface delamination damage through a

localized wavenumber field imaging method [32]. In this work, both EFIT simulations

and PZT-SLDV experiments are performed to investigate the wave interaction with

delamination damage.

9.2.1. Simulations of guided waves in composites

The EFIT simulations are implemented to investigate the guided wave interaction with

delamination damage. The guided wave interaction with delamination damage in a

[02/902]s layup CFRP composite plate is simulated. Moreover, interactions of A0 and S0

modes with delamination damage are simulated and analyzed. The simulation results

show that when incident waves interact with the delamination damage, mode conversion,

reflection and transmission waves appear. Moreover, waves in the delamination area

show different wave lengths and wave speeds compared to those in the rest area. The

details of the EFIT model setup and simulation results can be found in Chapter 3.

9.2.2. Experimental characterizations using the PZT-SLDV sensing

Experiments are performed using the PZT-SLDV sensing. Two 380 mm×380 mm 8-ply

IM7/8552 composite laminate plates (material properties in Table 9.9.1) with the same

layup [02/902]S are provided by NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). One plate is the

pristine, while the other contains delamination damage created by inserting a 20 mm × 20

mm Teflon film under the second ply during manufacturing, as shown in Figure 9.1.

The overall experimental setup is shown in Figure 9.1 c. Guided waves are

actuated with a surface bonded 0.2 mm thick and 7 mm round PZT patch. The PZT

excitation signal is a 3-cycle toneburst with 300 kHz frequency and 40 V amplitude. The

out-of-plane wavefield data are acquired using the SLDV. The spatial resolution of the

SLDV scan grid is set at 0.2 mm.

Figure 9.2 plots time-space wavefields of guided waves propagating along the y-

axis (1-D wave propagation). For the pristine case in Figure 9.2 a, a faster S0 mode and a

slower A0 mode can clearly be observed. For the delaminated case in Figure 9.2 b, guided

waves propagating back and forth between the top (y=20 mm) and bottom (y=40 mm)

boundaries of the delamination can be distinctively seen, exhibiting the “trapped wave”

phenomenon [141-143].

Figure 9.3 a and b plot snapshots of wavefields at the time 15 μs in the scan area

(2-D wave propagation) in the pristine and delaminated plates. In the snapshot of the

pristine plate, two wave modes, a faster S0 mode and a slower A0 mode, are observed. In

the snapshot of the delaminated plate, interactions at the delamination region are

observed as waves propagating between delamination boundaries (denoted by the dotted

box), after the incident S0 mode has passed the delamination region.

Table 9.1 Material properties of the IM7/8552 lamina.

ρ E1 E2 E3 G12 G13 G23 Thickness
ν12 ν13 v23
(kg/m3) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (mm)
1570 171.4 9.08 9.08 5.29 5.29 2.80 0.32 0.32 0.34 0.1068


Scan area

20 Ply 1
The upper 2 plies:
[0]2 layup
Teflon Teflon insert

[02/902]S layer
layup The lower 6 plies:
y [904/02] layup

Ply 8
Unit: mm PZT actuator

Oscilloscope Test plate

Laser head

(c) generator Amplifier

Figure 9.1 The scanning laser vibrometry test: (a) the sensing layout, (b) the side view
of the [02/902]S composite plate with a Teflon insert, and (c) the experimental setup.

60 6 60 6
50 4 50 boundary 4
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)

40 2 40 2
y (mm)

y (mm)

0 0
30 30
Wave interaction with
S0 -2 delamination damage -2
20 20
S0 Bottom-4
10 A0 A0
-6 boundary
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
(a) Time (μs) (b) Time (μs)

Figure 9.2 Time-space wavefields of waves propagating along the y axis: (a) for the
pristine plate, and (b) for the plate with a Teflon insert. The two solid black lines at 20
mm and 40 mm are bottom and top boundaries of the delamination area.

60 6 60 6
50 4 50 boundary 4

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)
2 2
40 S0 40

y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0
30 30
-2 -2
20 20
-4 -4
A0 Bottom
10 10
-6 -6
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 9.3 SLDV wavefield snapshots at 15 µs: (a) for the pristine plate, and (b) for the
plate with a Teflon insert. The red dotted box indicates the actual Teflon insert.

9.2.3. Frequency-wavenumber analysis

Complicated localized wave interactions at the Teflon delamination region are observed

in the raw wavefield snapshot. To better understand the wave interactions occurring at the

delamination region, time-space wavefields are converted to frequency-wavenumber

representations by the 3-D FT. Figure 9.4 a and b plot the wavenumber spectra at 300

kHz achieved by the 3-D FT for the pristine and delaminated cases, respectively. To

identify wave mode information, wavenumber spectra are compared to theoretical

wavenumber curves which are plotted as dotted (A0) and solid (S0) lines. The pristine

plate wavenumber spectrum (Figure 9.4 a) shows components, which match well with the

theoretical wavenumber curves of A0 and S0 modes in the [02/902]S composite.

In the Teflon delaminated plate, the delamination damage splits the originally

well bonded full laminate into two parts (above and below the delamination). Since the

two separated material portions have different layups and thicknesses, compared to the

original pristine laminate, the guided waves in the delaminated region will have modified

propagation characteristics (such as modified dispersion and wavenumbers).

A0 in [0]2
0 laminate 0

Normalized amplitude (dB)


Normalized amplitude (dB)

-5 -5
A0 A0
2 -10 2 -10
ky (rad/mm)

ky (rad/mm)
S0 in [0]2
0 S0 -15 0 S0 laminate -15

-2 -20 -2 -20

-25 -25
-4 -4
-30 -30
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 9.4 Wavenumber spectra at 300 kHz excitation frequency: (a) for the pristine
plate, and (b) for the plate with a Teflon insert. The dotted and solid lines are theoretical
wavenumber curves for A0 and S0 modes.

As expected, the spectrum of the delaminated case (Figure 9.4 b) shows

wavenumber components in addition to the original A0 and S0 modes. The additional

wavenumber components include both positive and negative counterparts, which

correspond to forward and backward propagating waves, respectively. The additional

wavenumber components are compared to wavenumber curves of the material above the

delamination, equivalent to a two ply [0]2 laminate, since only the waves in the top plate

surface were measured in the experiment. The comparison in Figure 9.4b shows the

additional wavenumber values match well with the theoretical curves of A0 and S0 modes

in the two ply [0]2 laminate.


9.3.1. Filter reconstruction imaging

From the frequency-wavenumber representation, additional wavenumber components are

identified and believed to be related to the trapped waves in the delamination region. To

confirm the correlation between the additional wavenumbers and the trapped waves, a

filtering technique is applied to acquire and study only the additional wavenumbers in the

spectrum given in Figure 9.4 b, and then to reconstruct them back to the time-space


To retain the additional wavenumbers that are believed to be correlated with the

delamination (as indicated in Figure 9.4 b), a “band-pass” wavenumber filter is designed,

as shown in Figure 9.5 a. The filter is then implemented by multiplying the band-pass

filter with the spectrum V(f, k). The resulted filtered spectrum in Figure 9.5 b only

contains the delamination induced additional wavenumbers.

To understand what waves the filtered spectrum VF(f, k) represents, the

corresponding time-space representation vF(t, x) is reconstructed by transforming the

filtered spectrum VF(f, k) back to the time-space domain. Figure 9.6 a, b and c are filtered

wavefields at 5 μs, 15 μs and 25 μs, respectively. It is seen that the additional

wavenumbers correspond to waves that are well confined in the delaminated area.

With the filtered wavefield vF(t, x), we can therefore generate an intensity map or

image of the cumulative wave energy that is trapped in the delamination area. The

resulting energy map of the delaminated plate is given in Figure 9.6 d showing high

energy concentrations at the delaminated region due to the wave trapping phenomenon.

The energy map achieved from the filter reconstruction imaging can locate and roughly

image the size and shape of the delamination damage in the laminated composite.



0 1 2 3 4 5
kx (rad/mm)
1 0
4 4

Normalized amplitude (dB)

0.8 -5
2 2 -10


ky (rad/mm)
ky (rad/mm)

0 0 -15
-2 -2 -20
-4 -4
0 -30
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 9.5 The filtering process in wavenumber domain: (a) band-pass wavenumber
filter; (b) filtered spectrum for the plate with a Teflon insert. The dotted line is the
theoretical wavenumber curve of the A0 mode in the [0]2 laminate above the delamination.

60 6 60 6

50 4 50 4

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)

2 40 2
y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0
30 30
-2 -2
20 20
-4 -4
10 10
-6 -6
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)
60 6 60 1

Normalized Amplitude

50 50 0.8
Velocity (mm/s)

40 40
y (mm)

y (mm)

30 30
20 20
-4 0.2
10 10
-6 0
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
(c) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 9.6 The filter reconstruction imaging results: (a) at 5 μs, (b) at 15 μs, (c) at 25 μs,
and (d) energy map. The red dotted box indicates the actual Teflon insert.

9.3.2. Spatial wavenumber imaging

The spatial wavenumber analysis is also applied for delamination detection and

quantification. Figure 9.7 gives the spatial wavenumber image calculated from the

wavefield data of the delaminated plate at the excitation frequency 300 kHz. The spatial

wavenumber image indicates an area approximately 20 mm × 20 mm in size which has

significantly larger wavenumber values than the rest of the plate. This region matches

well with the Teflon insert delamination location, shape, and size (indicated by the red

dotted box in Figure 9.7). Clearly, the delamination affects wavenumbers of waves that

interacts in the delamination region. The spatial wavenumber imaging shows its potential

for detecting and quantifying the delamination damage.

Compared to the filter reconstruction imaging, the spatial wavenumber imaging is

more robust. For the filter reconstruction imaging, wavenumber components need to be

identified and selected from the wavenumber spectrum for the filtering process. However,

if the excitation frequency and/or plate thickness increases, more wave modes are present

and propagate in the plate. It can become difficult to identify and isolate specific

wavenumber values in the spectrum of the damaged plate for the filter reconstruction

imaging. In contrast, the spatial wavenumber imaging can directly generate a spatial map

of wavenumber variations, and the delamination damage is directly observable as a

region with altered wavenumbers.

60 3.5

Wavenumber (rad/mm)

y (mm)



-20 -10 0 10 20
x (mm)

Figure 9.7 Spatial wavenumber image of the Teflon delaminated plate. The red dotted
box indicates the actual Teflon insert.

9.3.3. Delamination depth quantification

It has been shown that the simple delamination (such as the Teflon insert in the

experimental specimen) that splits the originally bonded laminate into two parts will

result in waves propagating above and below the delamination. Since the materials above

and below the delamination have different layups and thicknesses compared to the

original pristine laminate, waves measured at an outer plate surface region above (or

below) the delamination will have modified propagation characteristics and

wavenumbers (which will depend on the number of plies in the split parts). Hence, the

delamination depth can be estimated by relating the wavenumbers to the number of plies

above (or below) the delamination.

In this study, the plies from the surface where waves are measured are numbered

as ply 1, 2… etc., as shown in Figure 9.1 b. A set of theoretical dispersion curves is

generated for laminates with different plies. Figure 9.8 a plots dispersion curves of A0

modes in laminates of 1 to 8 plies. For example, a 5 ply laminate would consist of the

uppermost 5 plies, [0/0/90/90/0]. Figure 9.8 b plots a theoretical wavenumber curve at

300 kHz for laminates of 1 to 8 plies. The theoretical wavenumber curve shows a relation

of wavenumber versus the number of plies. Therefore, if we know the wavenumber at the

delamination damage, by fitting the delamination induced wavenumber to the theoretical

wavenumber curve, the number of plies above the delamination (delamination depth) can

be determined. For the spatial wavenumber image in Figure 9.7, the wavenumber is

around 3.5 rad/mm in the delamination area. By comparing the wavenumber 3.5 rad/mm

to the theoretical wavenumber curve in Figure 9.8 b, we can find the delamination

damage is under the second ply.

Wave number k (rad/mm)

Wave number k (rad/mm)

(a) Frequency (kHz) (c) Number of plies

Figure 9.8 Dispersion curves of A0 modes propagating towards the 90° direction: (a)
dispersion curves for laminates of 1 to 8 plies; (b) wavenumbers at 300 kHz vs. the
number of plies. (Note: the number of plies is counted from the top lamina).


Although wavefield based imaging methods can give promising delamination detection

and quantification results, these methods are based on full wavefields that usually take a

long time to acquire since the SLDV needs to measure guided waves at a large number of

points in the scanning area. Moreover, the wavefield based imaging methods only detect

and quantify damage in the scanning area.

In contrast, the SLDV phased array imaging is a more efficient way to quickly

inspect the specimen. The phased array imaging only needs to acquire guided waves in a

small scanning area. Moreover, the phased array imaging can detect damage outside the

scanning area. Therefore, the SLDV phased array imaging is first used as a quick means

to inspect the composite plate and to locate the delamination damage. Once the

delamination damage is detected, wavefield based imaging methods are performed to

further quantify the damage. The systemic combination of phased array imaging and

wavefield based imaging provides a hierarchical damage diagnosis, which can efficiently

and effectively locate the damage, and further quantify the damage. In this section, the

combined phased array and wavefield based imaging methodology is used to detect and

quantify impact-induced delamination damage in a composite plate.

9.4.1. Impact-induced delamination damage

The test specimen is a 26 ply IM7/8552 composite laminate (material properties listed in

Table 9.9.1) with a quasi-isotropic layup of [(02/452/-452)2/90]S and dimensions 381 mm

× 381 mm provided by LaRC. The delamination damage is created by a quasi-static

indentation, which has been shown by other researchers to be an ideal method for

controlled growth of impact-induced damage in composite laminates [32, 211]. Figure

9.9 a gives the quasi-static indentation setup. The composite plate is loaded in a

mechanical testing system using a 50.8 mm diameter indenter at a constant displacement

rate of 1.27 mm/min. The displacement and load are monitored during the indentation

test and the composite is unloaded when the data shows a sudden drop in the load (due to

damage growth), as shown in Figure 9.9 b. A photo of the composite plate after the

indentation test is shown in Figure 9.10 a. In the zoomed in view, Figure 9.10 b, a very

slight indentation can be observed on the surface with no other damage.

Following the quasi-static indentation test, an ultrasound C-scan is conducted at

LaRC to quantify the delamination damage in the composite plate. The ultrasound data

are collected in an immersion tank using a 10 MHz transducer and a scan step size of

0.25 mm. The resulting C-scan image in Figure 9.10 c shows multiple delaminations

within a 32.3 mm × 22.6 mm damage zone, occurring at various depths (ply layers)

through the plate thickness. The figure notes the ply depths at which the delaminations

occur, determined through time of flight measurements from the ultrasound data.

50.8 mm diameter Displacement rate Unloading

indenter 1.27 mm/min

Force (kN)

26 plies growth
composite plate
(a) (b) Displacement (mm)

Figure 9.9 Quasi-static indentation for delamination damage growth: (a) the indentation
setup, and (b) the curve of indentation force versus displacement.
5 14
16 0.8
Cscan intensity
22.6 mm


7 0.2
26.1 mm 16 14-15
(a) (b) (c)
32.3 mm

Figure 9.10 The 26 ply laminate after the quasi-static indentation test: (a) a photo of the
specimen, (b) a zoomed in view of the indentation, and (c) an ultrasonic C-scan image
showing internal delamination damage generated by the indentation test. The red solid
lines in figure (c) represent boundaries of delaminations. The numbers in figure (c)
represent delamination depths. For example, the number 5 represents the delamination is
under the fifth ply.

9.4.2. Delamination detection using SLDV phased arrays Experimental setup

Figure 9.11 plots a schematic of the SLDV phased array sensing layout for the impact

induced delamination detection. A PZT wafer (7 mm diameter, 0.2 mm thickness) is

bonded on the plate to generate guided waves. The center of the PZT is set as the

coordinate origin. The center of the delamination is at the location (0 mm, 100 mm). A 3-

cycle toneburst with the frequency 150 kHz and amplitude 30V is applied to the PZT

wafer for excitation. The time-space wavefield in the scanning area, a 45 mm ×45 mm

square with the center at the coordinate origin, is measured by the SLDV. The horizontal

and vertical spatial resolutions of the scanning are 0.1 mm. At 30μs, the measured

wavefield in Figure 9.12 a shows incident waves generated from the PZT wafer. At 140

μs, the wavefield in Figure 9.12 b shows guided waves reflected by the delamination

damage. The wavenumber spectra in Figure 9.12 c and d reveal wavenumber components

on the wavenumber curve of A0 mode, indicating that the incident and reflected waves

are A0 mode.

Measurement DAQ & signal
area O
x SLDV Trigger
Voltage Excitation Function
amplifier signal generator
[(02/452/-452)2/90]S laminate

Figure 9.11 The SLDV phased array sensing layout for detecting and imaging the
impact-induced delamination damage.

136 Array imaging results

31×31 points with the intervals dx =dy =2 mm, and the center at the origin are chosen

from the SLDV scanning area to generate a grid array. Applying array imaging

algorithms presented in Chapter 5, a beamformed wavefield z(t, x) is obtained. The

wavefield images at t =80 μs, 40 μs and 0 μs (Figure 9.13 a, b and c) show beamformed

waves propagate in the 90° direction. At the time t = 80 μs, waves propagate from the

phase array to the delamination damage. At the time t = 0 μs, waves arrive at the

delamination damage. The imaging result in Figure 9.13 d reveals a damage area round

the location (-1.1, 103.5) mm with the error (-1.1, 3.5) mm.

t = 30 μs t = 140 μs
40 4 40 0.06

20 2 20

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)

y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0

-20 -2 -20

-40 -4 -40 -0.06

-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

1 0.05

1 1
Normalized amplitude

Normalized amplitude

0.8 0.04
0.5 0.5
ky (rad/mm)

ky (rad/mm)

0 0
-0.5 0.4 -0.5
-1 0.2 -1

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) kx (rad/mm) (d) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 9.12. SLDV measurements: (a) and (b) are wavefields at 30μs and 140 μs,
showing the incident and reflected waves; (c) and (d) are wavenumber spectra of incident
and reflected waves. The solid white lines in (c) and (d) are dispersion curves of the A0
mode in the full layup laminate.

t = 80 μs t = 50 μs
15 15

100 10 100 10

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)
50 5 50 5

y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0

-50 -5 -50 -5

-100 -10 -100 -10

-15 -15
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

t = 0 μs Detection result
15 1

100 10 100 0.9

Normalized Amplitude
Velocity (mm/s)
50 5 50
y (mm)

y (mm)
0 0 0
-50 -5 -50
-100 -10 -100 0.4

-15 0.3
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
(c) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 9.13 Phased array imaging results for detecting and imaging the impact-induced
delamination damage: (a), (b), (c) are beamformed wavefields at 80, 40 and 0 μs, and (d)
is the delamination detection result.

9.4.3. Delamination quantification using wavefield based imaging

Once the delamination damage is detected by the efficient SLDV phased array imaging, a

refined scan will be performed in the damage region in order to perform the wavefield

based imaging for damage quantification. Experimental setup

Figure 9.14 plot a schematic of the experimental setup for the quantification of the

impact-induced delamination damage. A 0.2 mm thick 7 mm round PZT is installed on

the plate surface to actuate the guided waves. The center of the PZT is set as the origin.

The wavefields at two different excitation frequencies (low frequency 100 kHz and high

frequency 500 kHz) are measured using the SLDV. Figure 9.15 a and b plot wavefields

measured at the 100 kHz excitation frequency for the pristine and damaged plates. The

pristine wavefield shows a single incident wave mode with a wavelength of 11.5 mm.

The damaged wavefield shows strong wave interactions at the damage, compared to the

pristine case. Figure 9.16 a and b plot wavefields at the 500 kHz excitation frequency for

the pristine and damaged plates. Compared to the low frequency wavefield at 100 kHz in

Figure 9.15 a, the pristine wavefield at 500 kHz in Figure 9.16 a is much more complex.

For example, Figure 9.16 a shows various wave modes with different wavelengths, while

the wavefield at 100 kHz only has one incident wave mode. Figure 9.16 b plots the 500

kHz wavefield for the damaged case. The wavefield shows strong wave interactions at

the damage region. Moreover, the interaction pattern at 500 kHz in Figure 9.16 b is more

complex than that at 100 kHz in Figure 9.15 b.

40 mm
Scanning area

55 mm


PZT actuator x

Figure 9.14 Experimental setup for quantifying the impact-induced delamination.

90 90
0.6 0.6
80 80
0.4 0.4

Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
0.2 0.2
60 60

y (mm)

y (mm)
0 0
50 50
-0.2 -0.2
40 40
-0.4 Wave -0.4
30 30 interaction
-0.6 -0.6
20 20
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 9.15 SLDV wavefield images at 45 µs for 100 kHz excitation: (a) for the pristine
plate, and (b) for the plate with damage.
90 90
0.4 0.4
80 80

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)

70 0.2 0.2

60 60
y (mm)

y (mm)
0 0
50 50

40 -0.2 40 -0.2
30 30 interaction
-0.4 -0.4
20 20
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 9.16 SLDV wavefield images at 40 µs for 500 kHz excitation: (a) for the pristine
plate, and (b) for the plate with damage. Filter reconstruction imaging

To quantify the impact-induced delamination damage, the filter reconstruction imaging

method is applied to wavefields measured from experiments. Figure 9.17 shows the filter

reconstruction imaging process and result at the low frequency 100 kHz. In the pristine

wavenumber spectrum Figure 9.17 a, there is only the incident A0 wave mode, while

additional wavenumber components present in the damaged plate spectrum Figure 9.17 b.

The wavenumbers corresponding to the A0 mode is removed using a band-stop filter. The

resulted filtered spectrum is plotted in Figure 9.17 c. The energy map of the filtered

components is given in Figure 9.17 d. The delamination damage shows up as an area with

high energy which matches well with the C-scan result (contour plot).

4 0 4 0

Normalized amplitude (dB)

Normalized amplitude (dB)

2 -10 2 -10
A0 A0
ky (rad/mm)

ky (rad/mm)
0 -20 0 -20

-2 -30 -2 -30

-4 -40 -4 -40
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)
90 1
4 0

Normalized amplitude (dB)

Normalized amplitude
2 -10 70
ky (rad/mm)


y (mm)
0 -20 50 0.4
-2 -30 0.2

-4 -40 20 0
-4 -2 0 2 4 -20 -10 0 10 20
(c) kx (rad/mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 9.17 Filter reconstruction imaging at the low frequency 100 kHz: (a)
wavenumber spectrum for the pristine plate, (b) wavenumber spectrum for the damaged
plate, (c) filtered wavenumber spectrum, and (d) energy map. The red solid lines in figure
(d) represent boundaries extracted from the C-scan image.

Figure 9.18 shows the filter reconstruction imaging process and result at the high

frequency 500 kHz. Compared to the pristine spectrum at the low frequency 100 kHz, the

pristine spectrum at 500 kHz in Figure 9.18 a contains more wave modes, including the

A0, A1, S0 S1 and S2 modes. Moreover, the identification and isolation of additional

wavenumbers in the spectrum of the damaged plate become more difficult than the low

frequency case. A high-pass filter is applied to extract the additional wavenumbers that

are larger than the A0 mode. The filtering result in wavenumber domain is shown in

Figure 9.18 c. The energy map of the filtered components is constructed and plotted in

Figure 9.18 d. Compared to the low frequency 100 kHz, the energy map at 500 kHz

matches with a smaller portion of the C-scan result. It is expected that the portion of

damage that does not show up in Figure 9.18 d may coincide with the delamination

induced additional wavenumbers appearing in Figure 9.18 b that are cut out by the

chosen filter.

4 0 4 0

Normalized amplitude (dB)

Normalized amplitude (dB)
2 -10 2 -10
ky (rad/mm)

ky (rad/mm)
A0 A0
0 -20 0 -20
S0 S0
A1 A1
-2 -30 -2 -30
S1 S1
S2 S2
-4 -40 -4 -40
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

90 1
4 0
Normalized amplitude (dB)
Wavenumber ky (rad/mm)

Normalized amplitude
2 -10 70

60 0.6
y (mm)

0 -20
50 0.4
-2 -30 0.2

-4 -40 20 0
-4 -2 0 2 4 -20 -10 0 10 20
(c) Wavenumber kx (rad/mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 9.18 Filter reconstruction imaging at the high frequency 500 kHz: (a)
wavenumber spectrum for the pristine plate, (b) wavenumber spectrum for the damaged
plate, (c) filtered wavenumber spectrum, and (d) energy map. The red solid lines in figure
(d) represent the boundaries extracted from the C-scan image. Spatial wavenumber imaging

At the high frequency 500 kHz, the spatial wavenumber imaging method is applied to

quantify the impact-induced delamination damage. Figure 9.19 plots the spatial

wavenumber imaging result in the frequency band 480~520 kHz. The imaging result

shows a region with increased wavenumbers, indicating the delamination damage. The

increased wavenumber region is observed to fall within the boundaries of the ultrasonic

C-scan result (plotted as red solid lines in Figure 9.19).

In Figure 9.19, the detected delamination size in the wavenumber field is

approximately 30 mm × 20 mm, which agrees well with the C-scan result (32.3 mm ×

22.6 mm). The delamination shape in the spatial wavenumber image matches closely

with the uppermost portion of the delamination damage in the C-scan image. It is

expected, as reported by other researchers, that the deeper delamination damage is more

difficult to detect using wavefield based imaging methods [32]. The spatial wavenumber

result shows that the delaminations closer to the SLDV scanned composite surface are

easier to detect and result in relatively higher wavenumber modes in the damage region.

For example, in the close surface delamination region under the fifth ply, the spatial

wavenumber image gives large wavenumbers of nearly 3.4 rad/mm.

90 3.4
Wavenumber (rad/mm)

80 3.2

70 3
y (mm)

-20 -10 0 10 20
x (mm)

Figure 9.19 Spatial wavenumber imaging result in the frequency band 480~520 kHz.



Honeycomb sandwich structures have been increasingly used for aerospace, marine and

automotive applications, since they have attractive features such as high

strength/stiffness-to-weight ratio, effective acoustic insulation, noise control and

vibration damping [212-215]. However, due to the weak shear strength of the bonding

layer, honeycomb sandwich structures are susceptible to debonding damage along the

skin-core interface, especially under an intensive or repeating loading on the honeycomb

core [72, 203, 216-218]. Since the debonding damage occurs internally between the skin

panel and the honeycomb core, it is not visible to the naked eye [196]. The hidden

debonding damage must be detected and evaluated, since it affects the integrity and

safety of the whole structure.

In recent years, researchers investigated debonding detection in honeycomb

sandwich structures by using guided waves [72, 188, 203, 216-221]. However, there are

still many difficulties and challenges. Honeycomb sandwich structures have more

complicated guided waves, compared to those in the traditional simple structures like

metallic plates. In addition, honeycomb sandwich structures can have debonding damage

between the skin panel and the complex geometry honeycomb core. Effects of debonding

damage on guided waves are less studied in the literature.

This chapter presents the fundamental studies of guided waves in honeycomb

sandwich structures, and the debonding detection and quantification using wavefield

based imaging methods. Both finite element simulations as well as laser vibrometry

experiments are performed to investigate guided waves in honeycomb sandwich

structures. Guided wavefields at different frequencies are acquired and compared. To

further understand the guided wave propagation fundamentals, the guided wavefields are

transformed to wavenumber spectra. In the wavenumber domain, the wavenumber

components of guided waves in honeycomb sandwich structures are investigated.

Moreover, the guided wave interaction with debonding damage is investigated by using

guided wavefields and wavenumber spectra. Last, wavefield based imaging methods are

adopted to detect and quantify the debonding damage.


10.2.1. Simulations of guided waves by using FEM

To understand how guided waves propagate in honeycomb sandwich structures, the

commercial FEM software, ANSYS/Multiphysics 11.0, is used to simulate the guided

waves. A finite element model of a honeycomb sandwich panel is built. The model setup

is presented in Chapter 3. Guided waves in the sandwich at different frequencies, 15 kHz,

50 kHz, and 100 kHz, are simulated and compared. The simulation results show that at

the low frequency 15 kHz, there are global guided waves in the entire sandwich plate,

which have large wavelengths and elliptical wave fronts. At the higher 50 kHz, although

global guided waves can still be observed, their wave fronts become closer to circular

shapes other than elliptical shapes. At the highest frequency 100 kHz, global guided

waves disappear, while guided waves in the skin plates with circular wave fronts are

observed. Moreover, the 100 kHz simulation result shows complex wave interactions

with the honeycomb core. The details of simulation results can be found in Chapter 3.

10.2.2. Experimental characterizations by using the PZT-SLDV sensing

Laser vibrometry tests are performed to investigate guided waves in honeycomb

sandwich structures. Figure 10.1 gives a schematic of the experimental setup. The

honeycomb sandwich (dimensions: 305 mm ×305 mm × 15 mm) is composed of top and

bottom aluminum alloy skins (T3003 aluminum alloy plates) and one hexagonal-celled ¼

inch aluminum core. The geometry parameters are listed in Table 10.10.1. Guided waves

are excited by a surface bonded PZT actuator (APC 851: 7 mm diameter, 0.2 mm

thickness) located at the coordinate origin. The SLDV is used to acquire the time-space

wavefield over the scanning area. The scanning is performed in a 135 mm × 135 mm

scanning area with a spatial resolution of 0.2 mm. At each point, the measurement is

averaged 30 times to improve the signal to noise ratio. Besides the guided waves in

honeycomb sandwich, the guided waves in a single free top skin plate are measured for

comparison purpose. Hence, the influence of the aluminum core on the wave propagation

can be studied.

Measurement DAQ & signal

Scanning area

SLDV Trigger
Voltage Excitation Function
PZT amplifier signal generator

Figure 10.1 A schematic of the PZT-SLDV sensing setup.

Table 10.1 Geometry parameters of the honeycomb sandwich structure (units: mm).
Skin panels Honeycomb core
Length Width Thickness Cell size Wall thickness Height
135 135 1 6.35 0.055 12.7

0.3 1
120 15 kHz 120 15 kHz

Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)

y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0

40 40

0 -0.3 0 -1
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
(a) x (mm) (d) x (mm)
1 1
120 50 kHz 120 50 kHz
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
0.5 0.5

80 80
y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0

40 40
-0.5 -0.5

0 -1 0 -1
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
(b) x (mm) (e) x (mm)
1 1
120 100 kHz 120 100 kHz
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)

0.5 0.5

80 80
y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0

40 40
-0.5 -0.5

0 -1 0 -1
0 40 80 Speckle
120 0 40 80 120
(c) x (mm) patterns (f) x (mm)

Figure 10.2 Wavefields measured from the experiment: (a), (b) and (c) are wavefields in
the honeycomb sandwich at 15 kHz, 50 kHz and 100 kHz; (d), (e) and (f) are wavefields
in the single skin plate at 15 kHz, 50 kHz and 100 kHz.

Figure 10.2 a, b and c are experimental results of the honeycomb sandwich at

three different excitation frequencies 15 kHz, 50 kHz and 100 kHz, respectively; and

Figure 10.2 d, e and f are the results of the single skin plate. At the low frequency 15 kHz,

guided waves in the honeycomb sandwich have elliptical wave fronts and larger

wavelengths, compared to those in the single skin plate. When the frequency goes higher

from 15 kHz to 100 kHz, the wave fronts in the honeycomb sandwich are gradually

changing from elliptical fronts to circular fronts, as the wavelengths in the honeycomb

sandwich are getting closer to the wavelengths in the single skin plate. At the highest

frequency 100 kHz, the wave fronts in the honeycomb sandwich become circular, and the

wavelength in the honeycomb sandwich is nearly the same as the wavelength in a single

plate. Moreover, at 100 kHz, the wavefield in Figure 10.2 c shows speckle patterns which

might be induced by the wave interaction with the inside honeycomb core.

10.2.3. Frequency-wavenumber analysis

The frequency-wavenumber analysis is applied to the experimental guided wavefields in

order to investigate the wavenumber information. For the single skin plate, wavenumber

spectra in Figure 10.3 d, e and f show circular ring-shaped wavenumber bands which

agree well with theoretical wavenumber curves of the plate A0 mode. Compared to the

single skin plate, the honeycomb sandwich gives different wavenumber spectra, as shown

in Figure 10.3 a, b and c. The spectrum at 15 kHz shows an elliptical ring-shaped

wavenumber band, which has smaller wavenumbers than the plate A0 mode (represented

by the solid line). With the increase of frequency from 15 kHz to 100 kHz, the

wavenumber band expands and the wavenumber values increase. Moreover, the

elliptical-shaped wavenumber band is gradually getting closer to the wavenumber curve

of the plate A0 mode. The comparisons show that guided waves in the honeycomb

sandwich have different wavenumbers compared to the single skin plate, and with the

increase of wave frequency, the wavenumber in the honeycomb sandwich is gradually

asymptotic to that in the single skin plate.

1 1 1 1
15 kHz 15 kHz

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude
0.8 0.8
0.5 0.5

ky (rad/mm)
ky (rad/mm)

0.6 0.6
0 0
0.4 0.4

-0.5 -0.5
0.2 0.2

-1 0 -1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) kx (rad/mm) (d) kx (rad/mm)

1 1 1 1
50 kHz 50 kHz

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

0.8 0.8
0.5 0.5

ky (rad/mm)
ky (rad/mm)

0.6 0.6
0 0
0.4 0.4
-0.5 -0.5
0.2 0.2

-1 0 -1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(b) kx (rad/mm) (e) kx (rad/mm)
1 1 1 1
100 kHz 100 kHz

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

0.8 0.8
0.5 0.5
ky (rad/mm)
ky (rad/mm)

0.6 0.6
0 0
0.4 0.4

-0.5 -0.5
0.2 0.2

-1 0 -1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) kx (rad/mm) (f) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 10.3 Wavenumber spectra: (a), (b) and (c) are spectra at 15 kHz, 50 kHz and 100
kHz for the honeycomb sandwich; (d), (e), and (f) are spectra at 15 kHz, 50 kHz and 100
kHz for the single skin plate. The solid line represents the theoretical wavenumber curves
of the A0 mode in the single skin plate.


10.3.1. Experimental setup

The influences of debonding damage on guided waves in honeycomb sandwich structures

are investigated. Two sandwiches with the same dimensions 305 mm × 305 mm × 15 mm

are used. One is the pristine, while the other contains debonding damage with the size of

58 mm × 58 mm, which is created by removing the adhesive during the manufacturing

process. Figure 10.4 gives the experimental sensing layout. The scanning is performed in

a 150 mm × 150 mm scanning area with a spatial resolution of 0.2 mm. Two frequencies,

the high frequency 100 kHz and the low frequency 40 kHz, are tested.

10.3.2. Wave interaction with debonding damage at 100 kHz

Figure 10.5 plots the SLDV measurements at the high frequency 100 kHz for the pristine

and damaged sandwiches. The results of both the pristine and damaged sandwiches show

waves generated from the PZT propagating forward. Moreover, there are speckle patterns

left behind the wave fronts, which are induced by wave interactions with the honeycomb

core. Compared to the pristine sandwich, the damaged sandwich has less wave

interactions with the honeycomb core: (i) the wave fronts are smoother and (ii) the

speckle patterns have lower amplitudes in the damage sandwich.

Scanning area


Debonding damage

Figure 10.4 The sensing layout of the PZT-SLDV experiment on a honeycomb sandwich
with debonding damage in the center of the sandwich.

60 30 μs 3 60 30 μs 3

Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
30 30
1 1

y (mm)
y (mm)
0 0 0 0

-1 -1
-30 -30
-2 -2
-60 -60 -3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(a) x (mm) (d) x (mm)

Wave fronts wave fronts
60 55 μs 3 60 55 μs 3
2 2

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)
30 30
1 1

y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0
-1 -1
-30 -30
-2 -2
-60 -3 -60 -3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(b) x (mm) (e) x (mm)

Speckle Speckle patterns with

patterns lower amplitudes
60 80 μs 3 60 80 μs 3
2 2
Velocity (mm/s)

Velocity (mm/s)
30 30
1 1
y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0
-1 -1
-30 -30
-2 -2
-60 -3 -60 -3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(c) x (mm) (f) x (mm)

Figure 10.5 Experimental results at the high frequency 100 kHz for the pristine (left
column) and damaged (right column) sandwich structures: (a) and (d) at 30 μs; (b) and (e)
at 55 μs; (c) and (f) at 80μs.

1 1 1 1
Normalized amplitude

Normalized amplitude

0.8 0.8
0.5 0.5
ky (rad/mm)

ky (rad/mm)

0.6 0.6
0 0
0.4 0.4
-0.5 -0.5
0.2 0.2

-1 0 -1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

Figure 10.6 Wavenumber spectra at 100 kHz: (a) for the pristine sandwich and (b) for
the sandwich with debonding damage.

For further analysis, the wavefields are transformed to the frequency-wavenumber

spectra. For the pristine sandwich, the spectrum is plotted in Figure 10.6 a, which shows

four distinct wavenumber components, the right, left, top and bottom components. In

order to know why these components appear and what waves do they represent, the

wavenumber spectrum in Figure 10.6 a is decomposed into individual components, as

plotted in Figure 10.7 a, b, c and d. By using the inverse Fourier transform, the

wavefields that correspond to the decomposed spectra in Figure 10.7 a, b, c and d are

constructed, as plotted in Figure 10.7 e, f, g and h, respectively. The constructed

wavefields show waves propagate forward, backward, upward and downward. The

forward waves in Figure 10.7 e are generated from the PZT actuator and gradually

propagate away from the actuator. The backward waves in Figure 10.7 f are the reflection

waves induced by the honeycomb core. Moreover, the upward and downward waves in

Figure 10.7 g and h are the scattering waves induced by the honeycomb core.

Figure 10.6 b plots the wavenumber spectrum for the honeycomb sandwich with

debonding damage. Figure 10.8 a, b, c and d are the decomposed wavenumber spectra.

Figure 10.8 e, f, g and h are the decomposed wavefields. These decomposed wavefields

are compared to the wavefields for the pristine sandwich in Figure 10.7 e, f, g and h. It

can be found that the amplitudes of backward waves (in Figure 10.8 f) are lower in the

sandwich with debonding damage. The possible reason is that in the ideal debonding

region the honeycomb core is fully detached from the skin plate and cannot induce any

reflection wave.

1 1
60 80 μs 3

Normalized amplitude
0.8 2

Velocity (mm/s)
ky (rad/mm) 0.6

y (mm)
0 0 0
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(a) kx (rad/mm) (e) x (mm)

1 1
60 80 μs 3

Normalized amplitude
0.8 2

Velocity (mm/s)
ky (rad/mm)


y (mm)
0 0 0
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(b) kx (rad/mm) (f) x (mm)

1 1
60 80 μs 3
Normalized amplitude

0.8 2

Velocity (mm/s)
0.5 30
ky (rad/mm)

y (mm)

0 0 0
0.4 -1
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(c) kx (rad/mm) (g) x (mm)

1 1
60 80 μs 3
Normalized amplitude

0.8 2
Velocity (mm/s)

ky (rad/mm)

0.6 1
y (mm)

0 0 0
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(d) kx (rad/mm) (h) x (mm)

Figure 10.7 Wave decomposition for the pristine sandwich: (a), (b), (c) and (d) are
decomposed right, left, top and bottom parts of the wavenumber spectrum at 100 kHz,
respectively; (e), (f), (g) and (h) are decomposed wavefields at 80 μs, which correspond
to the spectra in (a), (b), (c) and (d), respectively.

1 1
60 80 μs 3

Normalized amplitude
0.8 2

Velocity (mm/s)
ky (rad/mm) 30

y (mm)
0 0 0
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(a) kx (rad/mm) (e) x (mm)

1 1
60 80 μs 3

Normalized amplitude
0.8 2

Velocity (mm/s)
ky (rad/mm)


y (mm)
0 0 0
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(b) kx (rad/mm) (f) x (mm)

1 1
60 80 μs 3
Normalized amplitude

0.8 2

Velocity (mm/s)
ky (rad/mm)

y (mm)

0 0 0
0.4 -1
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(c) kx (rad/mm) (g) x (mm)

1 1
60 80 μs 3
Normalized amplitude

0.8 2
Velocity (mm/s)

ky (rad/mm)

0.6 1
y (mm)

0 0 0
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(d) kx (rad/mm) (h) x (mm)

Figure 10.8 Wave decomposition of the waves in the sandwich with debonding damage:
(a), (b), (c) and (d) are decomposed right, left, top and bottom parts of the wavenumber
spectrum at 100 kHz, respectively; (e), (f), (g) and (h) are decomposed wavefields at 80
μs which corresponds to the spectra in (a), (b), (c) and (d), respectively.

10.3.3. Wave interaction with debonding damage at 40 kHz

Figure 10.9 plots the experimental measurements at the low frequency 40 kHz for the

pristine and damaged sandwich structures. Compared to the waves in the pristine

sandwich, the waves in the damaged sandwich show strong interactions with the

debonding damage. Moreover, at 160 μs after passed the damage area, the waves in the

damaged sandwich (Figure 10.9 f) show higher amplitudes than the waves in the pristine

sandwich (Figure 10.9 c).

60 60 μs 3 60 60 μs 3
2 2

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)

30 30
1 1

y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0
-1 -1
-30 -30
-2 -2
-60 -3 -60 -3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(a) x (mm) (d) x (mm)
Wave interaction with
the debonding damage
60 110 μs 3 60 110 μs 3
2 2

Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)

30 30
1 1
y (mm)
y (mm)

0 0 0 0
-1 -1
-30 -30
-2 -2
-60 -3 -60 -3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(b) x (mm) (e) x (mm)
Higher amplitudes
than those of the
60 160 μs 3 60 160 μs 3
pristine sandwich
2 2
Velocity (mm/s)
Velocity (mm/s)

30 30
1 1
y (mm)

y (mm)

0 0 0 0
-1 -1
-30 -30
-2 -2
-60 -3 -60 -3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(c) x (mm) (f) x (mm)

Figure 10.9 Experimental results at the low frequency 40 kHz for the pristine (left
column) and damaged (right column) sandwich structures: (a) and (d) at 60 μs; (b) and (e)
at 110 μs; (c) and (f) at 160 μs.

Figure 10.10 a and b are wavenumber spectra for the pristine and damaged

honeycomb sandwiches. The wavenumber spectrum of the damaged sandwich in Figure

10.10 b shows an additional wavenumber component, compared to the spectrum of the

pristine sandwich. To identify the waves of the additional wavenumber component, this

additional component is extracted by using the frequency-wavenumber filtering (in

Figure 10.10 c), and then reconstructed to the wavefield (in Figure 10.10 d). The

reconstructed wavefield shows waves inside the debonding area. This means the

additional wavenumber component is related to the waves inside the debonding area.

Therefore, the additional wavenumber component can be used for debonding detection.

1 1 1 Additional wavenumber

Normalized amplitude
Normalized amplitude

0.8 0.8
0.5 0.5
ky (rad/mm)

ky (rad/mm)

0.6 0.6
0 0
0.4 0.4
-0.5 -0.5
0.2 0.2

-1 0 -1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) kx (rad/mm) (b) kx (rad/mm)

1 1
60 110 μs 3
Normalized amplitude

0.8 2
Velocity (mm/s)

ky (rad/mm)

y (mm)

0 0 0
0.4 -1
-0.5 -2
-60 -3
-1 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 50 100 150
(c) kx (rad/mm) (d) x (mm)

Figure 10.10 Wavenumber analysis results at 40 kHz: (a) wavenumber spectrum for the
pristine sandwich, (b) wavenumber spectrum for the sandwich with debonding damage,
(c) filtered wavenumber spectrum, and (d) reconstructed wavefield at 110 μs that
corresponds to the spectrum in (c). The dotted box represents the area of actual
debonding damage.


The analysis of wave interaction with debonding damage at 40 kHz show that additional

wavenumber component which relates to the waves in the debonding area appears in the

wavenumber spectrum. To detect and quantify the debonding damage, the filter

reconstruction imaging method is applied. The energy map of the filtered waves is shown

in Figure 10.11 a. The energy map shows a high energy area which matches well with the

debonding damage (the dotted box in Figure 10.11 a).

Besides the filter reconstruction imaging, the spatial wavenumber imaging is

applied. Figure 10.11 b plots the result of spatial wavenumber imaging in the frequency

band 35~45 kHz. The imaging result shows an area with increased wavenumber values,

indicating the debonding damage. The increased wavenumber area agrees well with the

debonding damage (the dotted box in Figure 10.11 b).

1 0.42

Wavenumber (rad/mm)
60 60
Normalized amplitude

0.8 0.4
30 30 0.38
y (mm)

y (mm)

0 0 0.36
-30 -30 0.34
0.2 0.32
-60 -60
0 0.3
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(a) x (mm) (b) x (mm)

Figure 10.11 Debonding detection and quantification: (a) the result of filtering
reconstruction imaging, and (b) the result of spatial wavenumber imaging. The dotted box
represents the area of actual debonding damage.

This dissertation research develops guided wave based integrated SHM/NDE

methodologies for damage detection and quantification in complex structures. The

integrated SHM/NDE methodologies provide non-contact guided wave sensing for wave

visualization and high spatial resolution wavefield acquisition, intrinsic wavefield

analysis and characterization methods for the interpretation of complex wave propagation

and interaction phenomenon, and hierarchical damage diagnosis for quantitative and

visualized damage detection.

Part I focuses on the development of integrated SHM/NDE methodologies. First,

a non-contact laser vibrometry sensing system is optimized to visualize the guided wave

propagation and interaction and to acquire high spatial resolution wavefields of guided

waves. Second, to extract informative wave signatures from the wavefields and

characterize complex wave propagation and interaction phenomenon, guided wavefield

analysis methods, including frequency-wavenumber analysis, wavefield decomposition

and space-frequency-wavenumber analysis are investigated. Using these analysis

methods, multi-modal and dispersive guided waves can be resolved and complex wave

propagation and interaction can be interpreted and analyzed in time, space, frequency and

wavenumber multi-domains. Third, a hierarchical damage diagnosis methodology is

developed for quantitative and visualized damage detection. The hierarchical

methodology systematically combines phased array imaging and wavefield based

imaging to achieve efficient and precise damage detection and quantification.

In Part II, the developed methodologies are applied to five different SHM/NDE

applications: (1) gas accumulation detection and quantification in water loaded structures,

(2) crack damage detection and quantification in isotropic plates, (3) thickness loss

evaluation in isotropic plates, (4) delamination damage detection and quantification in

composite laminates, (5) debonding detection and quantification in honeycomb sandwich


This dissertation research will initiate sensing and diagnosis methodologies that

provide rapid non-contact inspection of damage and diagnosis of structural health.

Moreover, this research provides intrinsic guided wave analysis methods which can be

used to analyze multi-modal wave propagation and interaction in complex structures.

These analysis methods will benefit researchers in understanding complex wave

propagation and interaction phenomenon and acquiring intrinsic wave signatures. Last

but not least, this dissertation research provides efficient and precise integrated

SHM/NDE methodologies for quantitative and visualized damage detection in complex

structures. In the long run, this research will contribute to the development of advanced

sensor and sensing technologies based on guided waves, and to providing on-demand

health information at component or subsystem level for the safety and reliability of



11.1.1. Analytical and numerical studies of guided waves

In Chapter 3, both analytical and numerical studies of guided waves are performed to

provide preliminary understanding of guided waves in complex structures, theoretical

data for assisting experimental work, and abundant information for parametric studies.

Both analytical and numerical methods are used to investigate guided waves in different

complex structures and wave interactions with defects or changes of boundary conditions.

Guided waves in a plate with one side in water are investigated. By using the

GMM, dispersion curves and mode shapes of guided waves in the plate with one side in

water are derived. Compared to dispersion curves of a free plate, those of the plate in

water have an additional wave mode, the quasi-Scholte mode, which is dispersive at low

frequencies and asymptotes to the non-dispersive Scholte mode at high frequencies.

Moreover, EFIT simulations are performed to simulate guided waves in the plate with

one side in water. The simulation results confirm the appearance of the quasi-Scholte

mode. The simulation results also show leak guided waves in water induced by the

energy leakage of guided waves in the plate.

Guided waves in composite laminates are investigated. By using the SAFE

method, dispersion curves and mode shapes of guided waves in a composite laminate are

derived. From dispersion plots, it is found that both wavenumber and group velocity

depend on wave propagation direction. Moreover, EFIT simulations are performed to

investigate guided wave interaction with delamination damage. Simulation results show

that once arrived to the delamination damage, incident guided waves separate to different

waves propagating in the materials above and below the delamination damage. These

waves above and below the delamination have different wavenumbers and wave speeds

compared to the incident waves in the full laminate.

Guided waves in honeycomb sandwich structures are simulated by using FEM.

The finite element model is constructed of a hexagonal aluminum core and two

aluminum skins. FEM results show that at low frequency 15 kHz, the entire sandwich

serves as a waveguide, in which global guided waves propagate with large wavelengths

and elliptical wave fronts. With the increase of wave frequency from 15 kHz to 100 kHz,

wavelengths gradually decrease and wave fronts gradually change from elliptical wave

fronts to circular wave fronts. Moreover, global guided waves gradually disappear which

means it becomes difficult for the global guided waves to propagate in the entire

sandwich. At high frequency 100 kHz, the global guided waves completely disappear,

and most of wave energy propagates in the skin plate in the form of Lamb waves. These

Lamb waves strongly interact with the honeycomb core, generating complex wave


11.1.2. Wavefield acquisition and intrinsic characterization

In Chapter 4, a laser vibrometry sensing system is optimized to achieve rapid, high spatial

resolution and non-contact sensing for guided wave visualization and wavefield

measurements. The optimized laser vibrometry sensing system can be used to visualize

guided wave propagation and interaction. Moreover, the sensing system provides an

immediate means of damage evaluation. Experiments have been performed to

demonstrate the sensing system for crack detection in an aluminum plate and

delamination detection a composite plate. For the crack detection, the experimental

measurement visualizes incident waves, crack reflection waves and transmission waves.

The crack location can be qualitatively identified from the measurement. For

delamination detection, the experimental measurement visualizes complex wave

interactions at the delamination damage. Guided waves propagating back and forth

between the delamination boundaries are observed, exhibiting the “trapped wave”

phenomenon. The location of delamination damage can also be qualitatively seen from

the experimental measurement.

Guided wavefields in terms of time and space dimensions contain a wealth of

information regarding guided wave propagations in structures and wave interactions with

structural discontinuities. To extract informative wave signatures from the time-space

wavefields and characterize the complex wave propagation and interaction phenomenon,

guided wavefield analysis methods, including frequency-wavenumber analysis, wavefield

decomposition and space-frequency-wavenumber analysis, are investigated. Using these

analysis methods, multi-modal and dispersive guided waves can be resolved, and

complex wave propagation and interaction can be interpreted and analyzed in time, space,

frequency and wavenumber multi-domains.

11.1.3. Quantitative and visualized damage diagnosis

In Chapter 5, a hierarchical damage diagnosis methodology is developed for quantitative

and visualized damage detection. The hierarchical methodology systematically combines

phased array imaging and wavefield based imaging to achieve efficient and precise

damage detection and quantification. Using the phased array imaging, an intensity

scanning image of the structure is generated to efficiently visualize and locate the damage

zone. Then the wavefield based imaging is applied to precisely quantify the damage size,

shape and depth.

The generic phased array imaging is developed based on the classic delay-and-

sum principal, in which directional dependent guided wave parameters are considered.

This formulation is valid not only for the case that phase and group velocities have the

same orientation, but also for the general case that the two velocities are in different

directions. Therefore, this generic phased array imaging works for both isotropic and

anisotropic materials. For the proof of concept, an experimental test is performed using

the generic phased array imaging to detect multiple defects in an anisotropic composite

laminate. In the test, the phased array is constructed with scanning points of a non-contact

SLDV. Experimental results show that multiple defects in different directions w.r.t. the

array center can be successfully detected.

Two wavefield based imaging methods, the filter reconstruction imaging and the

spatial wavenumber imaging, are investigated to precisely quantify the damage size,

shape and depth. The filter reconstruction imaging is based on the frequency-

wavenumber filtering process by extracting damage induced frequency-wavenumber

components and reconstructing them to a time-space wavefield which only contains

damage induced waves. The filter reconstruction imaging provides a rapid technique to

locate the damage by showing the damage induced waves.

The spatial wavenumber imaging calculates the wavenumber value at each spatial

location and generates a spatial wavenumber image of the structure, in which the damage

is indicated by different wavenumbers compared to the area without damage. Moreover,

the wavenumber information can be used to quantify the damage depth, since the damage

depth or material thickness affects the wavenumber value. Last but not least, compared

to the filter reconstruction imaging, the spatial wavenumber imaging is more robust, since

it works for the cases when multiple wave modes exist and when damage induced waves

are difficult to be extracted using the filter reconstruction imaging.

11.1.4. Guided waves in water loaded structures and water level detection

In Chapter 6, guided waves in water loaded structures are investigated through

simulations, laser vibrometry experiments, and wavefield analyses. Moreover, water level

detection and gas accumulation quantification methodologies are developed.

Water effects on guided wave propagation are investigated. Results of both

simulations and experiments confirm energy leakage through the solid water interface

and the existence of quasi-Scholte waves, when a plate is loaded by water. Due to energy

leakage, wave energy in the plate decreases when the plate is immersed in water.

Moreover, at low frequencies guided waves travel in the water loaded plate as quasi-

Scholte waves, while guided waves travel in the free plate as Lamb waves.

The influence of water level on wave propagation is investigated through a pitch-

catch sensing test on a plate with a portion in water. The test result shows that wave

traveling time in the pitch-catch path is determined by lengths of water path (the portion

of plate in water) and dry path (the portion of plate out of water). Moreover, the wave

traveling time increases with the increase of water path. A linear relationship between the

change of traveling time and the length of water path is confirmed. Thus, by measuring

the traveling time of guided waves, the water level (length of water path) can be

estimated. This sensing methodology can potentially be applied for water level detection

and gas accumulation detection.

11.1.5. Crack detection and quantification in isotropic plates

In Chapter 7, guided wave interaction with crack damage is investigated through laser

vibrometry experiments and wavefield analyses. Moreover, the work presented in this

chapter demonstrates contactless wavefield measurements using laser vibrometry sensing

and crack quantification using both filter reconstruction imaging and spatial wavenumber

imaging. These two methods are able to detect crack location, quantify crack length, and

provide information about crack severity.

The cases investigated in this chapter involve scenarios where two Lamb wave

modes are generated. It is expected that the presented methods are also applicable to

scenarios with more than two Lamb wave modes, particularly the filter reconstructed

imaging method. It is also expected that the presented methods could be applied to the

scenario of multiple cracks in various orientations with respect to incident waves.

11.1.6. Thickness loss evaluation in isotropic plates

In Chapter 8, guided wave interaction with thickness loss damage is investigated through

laser vibrometry experiments. Moreover, a dispersion curve regression method is

developed to quantify material thickness and damage depth in isotropic plates.

In this work, a wide band chirp signal is used to generate guided waves with

various wavelengths in a wide frequency band. Interactions of these guided waves with

damage include information at various wavelengths which can benefit the precision of

damage quantification. The guided wavefield is measured by using the non-contact laser

vibrometry sensing. Once the wavefield is acquired, it is transformed to the spectral field,

which is a function of frequency and space.

For wave characterization, damage detection and quantification, the spatial

wavenumber imaging is applied first. The imaging result shows that the wavenumber

becomes larger at the material loss damage. In order to quantify material thickness as

well as damage depth, the dispersion curve regression is applied. These methods have

been applied to detect and quantify material loss damage in an aluminum plate. The

location, size and depth of the damage are successfully detected and quantified. Overall

the method outlined in this chapter provides an effective means for detection and

quantification of material loss damage. This method can potentially be used for detection

and quantification of corrosion damage.

11.1.7. Delamination detection and quantification in composite laminates

Chapter 9 presents studies on guided wave interaction with delamination damage and

delamination detection and quantification techniques for laminated composite plates. The

wavefield data analysis confirms the wave trapping phenomenon. Quantitative

interpretation of wave behaviors in the delamination region is demonstrated. Among the

wavenumber analysis methods studied, the frequency-wavenumber analysis shows that

the frequency-wavenumber spectrum can indicate the presence of additional

wavenumbers created by the damage. The reconstructed wavefield images created by

inverting only these additional wavenumber components demonstrate that the additional

wavenumbers correlate to trapped waves in the delamination region.

The phased array imaging and wavefield based imaging methods are applied to

detect and quantify impact-induced delamination damage in a CFRP composite plate. The

delamination damage is created by a quasi-static indentation test, and is barely visible

even with careful visual inspection. By using the phased array imaging, the delamination

damage is detected. To further quantify the delamination damage, the wavefield based

imaging methods are applied. The quantification result provides the location, size and

shape of the delamination damage.

11.1.8. Debonding detection and quantification in honeycomb sandwich structures

In Chapter 10, guided wave propagation in a honeycomb sandwich structure and wave

interaction with skin-core debonding damage are investigated. Moreover, the non-contact

laser vibrometry sensing and wavefield based imaging are performed for detection and

quantification of debonding damage.

The honeycomb sandwich used in this study is composed of two aluminum skin

plates and a hexagonal aluminum core. To investigate the guided wave propagation in the

honeycomb sandwich, FEM is used to simulate the wave propagation. Moreover, laser

vibrometry experiments are performed. The simulation results agree well with the

experimental results.

From results of simulations and experiments, it is found that global guided waves

with elliptical wave fronts propagate in the entire sandwich at low frequency 15 kHz. It

means that, the entire sandwich can be considered as a waveguide which supports global

guided waves at this low frequency. With the increase of wave frequency from 15 kHz to

100 kHz, wave fronts gradually change from elliptical wave fronts to circular wave fronts.

Moreover, global guided waves gradually disappear which means it becomes difficult for

the global guided waves to propagate in the entire sandwich. At the high frequency 100

kHz, global guided waves completely disappear, and most of the wave energy propagates

in the skin plate in the form of Lamb waves. These Lamb waves strongly interact with the

honeycomb core generating complex wave interactions.

For further interpretation, guided wavefields acquired from experiments are

transferred to wavenumber spectra. At 15 kHz, the wavenumber spectrum of the

honeycomb sandwich shows an elliptical ring-shaped wavenumber band which has

smaller wavenumbers than the plate A0 mode. With the increase of frequency from 15

kHz to 100 kHz, the wavenumber value in the honeycomb sandwich becomes larger, and

the elliptical-shaped wavenumber band gradually gets closer to the plate A0 mode. The

wavenumber comparison shows that guided waves in the honeycomb sandwich have

different wavenumbers compared to those in the single plate, and the wavenumber is

gradually asymptotic to that of the plate wave mode with the increase of wave frequency.

Interactions of global guided waves with debonding damage are investigated by

using non-contact laser vibrometry test and wavefield analysis. Wavefield measurements

show strong interactions with debonding damage. In wavenumber domain, additional

wavenumbers induced by the debonding damage are observed. The reconstructed

wavefield images created by inverting only these additional wavenumber components

demonstrate that the additional wavenumbers correlate to the waves in the debonding

area. Moreover, the result of spatial wavenumber imaging shows an area with increased

wavenumber values, indicating the debonding damage.


This dissertation research provides the following contributions to the state of the art:

(1) A non-contact laser vibrometry sensing system is optimized to acquire a high

spatial resolution guided wavefield. It also enables non-contact inspection of

damage and diagnosis of structural health.

(2) Multi-modal and dispersive guided waves are able to be decomposed into

separated wave components through guided wave decomposition. Moreover, all

separated wave components can provide abundant information of wave

interaction with damage and the contributions of these components will lead to

robust damage detection and quantification.

(3) Complex wave propagation and interaction can be characterized and their

signatures can be achieved through wavefield analysis methods. Moreover, these

analysis methods unveil information of guided waves in time, space, frequency

and wavenumber multi-domains.

(4) The guided wave decomposition and wavefield analysis methods enable the use

of wideband guided wave signals for damage diagnosis. Compared to the guided

waves generated from the traditional narrowband tone burst excitation, those

generated from the wideband short-duration pulse or wideband chirp excitation

can contain waves of various modes and wavelengths. The use these multi-modal

and multi-wavelength guided waves will lead to robust and multi-scale damage

detection and quantification.

(5) A hierarchical damage diagnosis methodology is developed for quantitative and

visualized damage detection. This hierarchical methodology systematically

combines phased array imaging and wavefield based imaging, which achieves

efficient and precise damage detection and quantification.

(6) The generic phased array beamforming is developed, in which directional

dependent guided wave parameters are considered. This generic beamforming

method is valid not only for the case that phase and group velocities have the

same orientation, but also for the general case that the two velocities are in

different directions. Moreover, this generic method works for both isotropic and

anisotropic materials. Last but not least, it has been shown that this method can

detect multiple defects in different directions w.r.t. the array center in an

anisotropic composite plate.

(7) The wavefield based imaging method that integrates both the filter reconstruction

imaging and spatial wavenumber imaging are developed. It takes advantages of

both methods and lead to a more efficient and robust imaging method for damage

visualization and quantification.

(8) Water effects on guided wave propagation are investigated. This study confirms

the energy leakage through solid water interface and the existence of quasi-

Scholte waves when a plate has one side in water. Moreover, a linear relationship

between the change of traveling time and the length of water path is confirmed.

By measuring the traveling time of guided waves, the length of water path can be

determined. This sensing methodology can potentially be applied for water level

detection and gas accumulation detection in closed containers.

(9) Guided wave interaction with crack damage is studied. This study identifies

additional wavenumber components in wavenumber domain, which correlate to

the crack induced wavefield discontinuities. Moreover, this study shows that

wavefield based imaging methods are able to detect the crack location, quantify

the crack length, and provide information about the crack severity.

(10) A dispersion curve regression method is developed to quantify material thickness

and damage depth in isotropic plates. The location, size and depth of material loss

damage can be detected and quantified. This method can potentially be used for

detection and quantification of corrosion damage.

(11) Guided wave interaction with delamination damage is investigated. This study not

only confirms the wave trapping at delamination damage, but also quantitatively

interprets the trapped waves via various wavenumber analysis methods. In

wavenumber domain, additional wavenumbers are observed, which correlate to

trapped waves in the delamination region. Moreover, the developed phased array

imaging successfully detects impact-induced delamination damage. Last but not

least, the wavefield based imaging detects and quantifies the location, size and

shape of the delamination damage.

(12) The guided wave propagation in a complex geometry honeycomb sandwich is

investigated. The study confirms global guided waves in the full sandwich at low

frequencies and strong wave interaction with the inside core at high frequencies.

Moreover, the wavenumber distribution of guided waves is determined through

experiments, which is an elliptical wavenumber band.

The guided wave interaction with debonding damage is investigated. The

study shows mode conversion at debonding damage. Moreover, in wavenumber

domain, additional wavenumbers are observed which correlate to waves in the

debonding area. Last but not least, the study shows that wavefield based imaging

methods successfully detect and quantify the location and size of hidden

debonding damage.


This dissertation research focuses on guided wave based integrated SHM/NDE. Non-

contact sensing, intrinsic wave analysis and advanced damage diagnosis methods are

used to analyze complex wave propagation and interaction, and to detect and quantify

structural damage. The following tasks are recommended to be undertaken for further


(1) In Chapter 3, guided waves are generated by surface bonded PZT transducers.

The non-contact guided wave excitation by using non-contact transducers, such as

air-coupled transducers and pulse-laser transducers, should be investigated.

Moreover, an integration of these wave excitation methods and laser vibrometry

sensing will lead to a fully non-contact guided wave excitation and sensing


(2) In Chapter 4, wavefield analysis methods are presented to analyze waves

propagating along a 1-D straight line and waves propagating in a 2-D surface.

Wavefield analysis methods that can be used to analyze waves propagating along

curves such as spiral curves and elliptical curves should be investigated.

Moreover, analysis methods for analyzing waves in a 3-D space should be

investigated. It is expected that by using these analysis methods, the wave

propagation and interaction at various structural depths can be characterized and


(3) In Chapter 5, the generic beamforming considers directional dependent guided

wave parameters and works for both isotropic and anisotropic materials. However,

the roles of weighting factors are not investigated. In the future, selections of

weighting factors should be investigated to further improve the beamforming

results. Moreover, the wavefield based imaging methods in Chapter 5 are based

on the interpretation of wavenumber information. Other methods such as machine

learning and statistical based methods can also be investigated to achieve robust

damage detection and quantification.

(4) In Chapter 6, the water level detection and gas accumulation detection methods

only use one pitch-catch sensing path to determine the location of water surface in

the path. It is recommended that sensor arrays should be designed to fully

quantify the shape of water surface. Moreover, it is also interesting to investigate

sensing methods that can be used to detect both water surface and structural


(5) In Chapter 7, the wavefield based imaging methods are used to detect and

quantify cracks of different widths and depths. It is also interesting to investigate

cases of multiple cracks, cracks with different lengths, and cracks in different


(6) In Chapter 8, the material loss defects created by using a milling machine only

have simple geometries. The detection and quantification of material loss defects

such as realistic corrosion damage and erosion damage should be studied.

(7) In Chapter 9, a single impact induced defect is detected and quantified. Future

research can be performed to detect and quantified multiple defects of different


(8) In Chapter 10, wave propagation and interaction in honeycomb sandwich

structures are investigated by using FEM simulations and laser vibrometry

experiments. Theoretical work should be performed to achieve wave dispersion

curves and modes shapes, and to improve the understanding of waves in

honeycomb sandwich structures. Moreover, the effects of core size, core

geometry and core material on guided wave propagation can also be investigated.


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