Assignment 2

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Prepared By: Student ID:

S1. Adibah Hanim binti Azhar 2021101787

S2. Nor Aqilah Binti Aminuddin 2021189791

S3. Aisyah Nadiah binti Mohamed Nasir 2021114945


Discuss the operation of Switched Reluctance Motor. Provide diagram and give detail
explanation on its operating principle, application, etc.

Reluctance is the opposition to flow to the magnetic field. In electrical field, it is

equivalent to the resistance which opposes the flow of current. Current is the flow of
charges in electrical field whereas flux is the flow of magnetic field. Due to the magnetic field,
magnetic poles are formed on the stator and rotor of the reluctance motor and the interaction
between these poles causes motor to rotate. The term switched in switched reluctance
motor comes from switching circuits from power electronic devices. This device is used for
varying the magnetic poles.

Electromagnetic torque produced in a reluctance motor is due to the principle of

variable reluctance. In order to get the variable reluctance, the poles must be excited with
opposite charges. This means that if one pole of stator is north, next one should be south.
This variable field will create a variable torque for rotor to rotate. Switching circuit is used to
vary the field which will make the magnetic field rotates on stator poles.

To produce variable reluctance torque, the reluctance principle must be considered.

Based on the principle, magnetic flux will always try to flow through the minimum reluctance
path. Thus reluctance between the stator poles and rotor poles is varied. The rotor will align
itself in the minimum reluctance torque axis. This process will produce variable reluctance
torque which will rotate the rotor.

Three-phase supply is obtained from an inverter switching circuit where each switch
conducts 120° and triggered at a delay of 60°. Rotating magnetic field is created when the
three-phase supply is given to the stator. The rotating magnetic field rotates at synchronous
speed and when the supply is fed to the stator, the rotor aligns itself to the rotating three-
phase magnetic field and starts rotating.
The characteristics of the switched reluctance motor includes different speeds can be
obtained by varying the firing angle of the switching devices, the unutilized energy fed to the
motor can be retrieved by using feedback diodes which improves efficiency and control of
one phase is independent of the other two phases. The advantages also include less
maintenance due to robust nature of stator poles and it is more affordable since the voltage
rating of the switches is less. However, there is also disadvantage to this motor which is the
ripple torque presence in the machine. It is due to unwanted interferences between the rotor
and the stator magnetic fields which called as harmonics.

Figure 1: Cross section of Switched Reluctance Motor

Figure 2: Drive circuit

Figure 1 shows a cross sectional view of switched reluctance motor. There

are three phase which is A, B and C with six stator teeth and four rotor teeth. Each
phase winding is placed on two diametrically opposite teeth. If phase A is excited by
current 𝑖𝑎 , a torque is developed and it causes a pair of rotor poles to be
magnetically aligned with the poles of phase A. if the subsequent phase B and phase
C are excited in sequence, a further rotation can take place. The motor speed can be
varied by exciting in sequence phases A,B and C. Meanwhile, figure 2 presents the
drive circuit of three phase.

Figure 3 : Textile machinery

Figure 3 shows the textile machinery that used switched reluctance
motor(SRM). The switched reluctance motor features a low starting current and high
torque, with a fast-dynamic response. It can deliver variable speed weaving and
other enhanced weaving processes. The starting torque of the switched reluctance
motor could be up to 5 times than the rated torque. It has a very fast starting time
where under load the SRM can accelerate from standstill to the rated speed within
200ms. It makes SRM particularly suitable for textile machines. The spindle motor is
designed with a direct drive and the motor can reach the set speed within a single
rotation of its spindle. Furthermore, it is not ideal to use fan cooling in the textile
industrial because the air duct can be blocked by fluff in the atmosphere. To avoid
this situation, the SRM has an external heat exchanger or radiator for cooling. There
are more applications that used SRM such as oilfield machinery, presses, mining
machinery and electric vehicles.

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